I'm not much for the Duck Dynasty. However, he was on this cruise ship that I was on. He baptized people in a pool. One person was a little boy. Phil asked him why he wanted to be baptized. The child didn't know why he wanted to be baptized. He told the boy to discuss it with his parents. People booed him. Yet he said "people I have to be accountable for what I do with my life. I can't baptize a child that doesn't understand the significance of it." I"ll never forget that!
Amen. You should know what you are getting baptized into. Something the Church of Christ stands behind, but hard to get some religions to understand. You get baptized because you choose Christ. Not because your mama or grandma told you to. Young children, are innocent in my opinion. But others say they carry on the sins of the mother and father, which may be true. But if you don't understand Jesus, then you need to first know Him. You get baptized when you believe that God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins, and he arose 3 days later, and has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven. But He will return to collect His sheep. And the day is coming soon.
man God bless you then. the most exciting news a christian can get is that someone else is now worshiping the God that changed my life and being able to know that now He’ll change yours❤️🙌
sometimes it take us a while to wake up to what we need to do and sometimes we men don't know how to ask for help or to change. I struggle with it every day but he will come around just keep praying for him!
I was a drunk and a pill pooper. Then I met Jesus after I wrecked my car. I have now been a pastor for 20 years. God bless you Phil and keep up the good fight.
You did it all yourself. There are no gods. It’s all In your head. Do you really think that a god helped you but let around 9 million people starve to death around the world this year 2020? Think about about all the suffering that goes on in the world. Why would a god choose you? You are delusional. Religious beliefs are ignorant primitive superstition grow up and think.
@@Randy58-zn4ez I know that there are a lot of people suffering in this world. That is why I try to give as much as I can to charity. I'm sorry you feel that way towards my beliefs. Answer me one question. How is atheism going to make a change for these people? Will not believing that there is a god change them for the better? If it's a delusion I'm sure enjoying it.
@@jamesmckinley8756 it is not a delusion. I have had enough experiences to know. Heaven is real I had a friend who died. He through God gave me an audible message allowed me to know that he was in Heaven.
10 years ago I fell to my knees and prayed to god to get me out of the mess i had made of my life.... I got arrested that very night... I got sentencd to 3yrs in a state prison for women..... i started going to church mostly to get out of my cell.... about a year into my sentence, i was sitting there listening to the the man preach and it was as if i was picked up out of my chair... I learned what an alter call was that day..... That waqs the day i gave my life to god in JESUS name..... I realized that very day, my prison sentence was not a punishment..... It was gods way of saying "you are safe now, I have you, you never have to go back to your old life.." For the remainder of my sentence I prayed for the straingth to not fall back.... JESUS gave me freedom...I got released in 2013... My life is just wonderful today... I have god to thank....
So you give yourself NO credit for what you accomplished??!! That's one thing I abhor about the religious, they have this imaginary being that doesn't do shit for starving children or people in terminal pain or people that lose all of their possessions in a storm etc. but he'll "talk" to people who have time to reflect on their transgressions and want to change themselves. YOU did the grunt work, YOU made the changes, YOU deserve the credit! You owe no one anything, that includes fictional beings!
@Viper I did that for 25 years and it got me many trips with the psychiatrist. Now I believe in myself and I'm doing fine enjoying life and not feeling guilty for living. I've found heaven and hell and the whole religion concepts are ALL man made nonsense and am pissed I was lied to all of those years. Now I see people like you that are still believing this nonsense and my heart feels for you. You were probably taught this shit as a child and are in too deep to change. If only you knew the REAL TRUTH.
@Viper Who is "he" healing? 25,000 children starve to death or die of horrific diseases, thousands more pray to some fictitious being and nothing happens, yet your buybull says ask anything and it shall be given to you. Yes, a few people recover but the medical community made that happen. Your god is useless.
Tena, what a blessing it is to read your beautiful testimony! We serve a loving & faithful God. Continue sharing your testimony and let your little light shine for all the world! He will use you to bless others and lead them to follow Jesus! I bet He already has whether you know it or not. God bless you and your family Tena!!!
Jack, God doesn't cause guilt, shame & condemnation, that is what satan uses to turn your eyes away from God. The Holy Spirit convicts us and leads us to repent. Once we do that, (I am human and still feel the need to repent often for behavior or choices that don't align with God's best for my life) He casts are sins as far as the East is from the West and remembers them no more. He gave us the laws to guide us, because He knows that sin keeps us in an awful cycle and guilt can lead to depression, also from satan. The Holy Spirit guides us to avoid sin so we can avoid the consequences of sinful choices. God loves you/us soooo much He doesn't want us to suffer. But, He promises to make good come from all circumstances, even our sins and consequences can be used for ours and/or others' benefit (See Roman's 8:28) through sharing our testimony. This world is broken and all people can be selfish. I can't say I fully understand why there are starving people all over the world and sickness, either than for whatever reason God has allowed for satan to have dominion here on earth for a time. But, I know God doesn't want any of us live only to suffer. He came down as Jesus to save us from our sinful nature and heal us. He uses people to help other people who are hurting and in need. His word tells us to bless the orphans and the widows. He gives each of us promptings and a calling through the Holy Spirit to bless and help others with our spiritual gifts. Some are led to feed the hungry in Mexico, Africa or even in my home in the US. Others are led to share the gospel in Thailand, China, Zimbabwe or in their own communities and cities. It feels better to give than receive because it is part of our spiritual DNA. And, He gave us this beautiful planet to enjoy and be in awe of how He brought it together so balanced that we who have a completely different DNA than trees or animals (and even our parents have different DNA than ours, but we share certain traits depending on our chromosomes) could survive and thrive on earth, right here in the Milky Way of our galaxy. And if we were any closer to or further from the sun, we wouldn't survive. I won't pretend to have all the answers, but I know the bible has many of them and is the God breathed words He inspired and gave to men to share with us. Religion is flawed because it is made and defined by men. I'm not religious, but a born again Christian saved by God's great love and mercy for me through the grace of salvation by putting my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. I need His mercy and grace every day. I believe it's in Lamentations 3:22, that His mercies are new every morning. Jack, I'm praying that you will ask God to make Himself known to you in a very real way. That you too will want to know and draw closer to Him. That He puts a desire and fire in your heart to have and grow a relationship with Him and that you'll begin to see all the beautiful blessings He gives you in each new day. And, that you'll come to understand and be excited to see how He uses you to make a difference in people's lives.
I was a raging alcoholic for 10 years. God knew that in my heart I wanted to stop. I was afraid to say “ Lord do what it takes to deliver me”. Well, over night, it was gone. I was stunned and so grateful for His mercy. BTW 4 years sober! God is so good!
I have heard people say they have hit rock bottom because they didn't have cigarettes, it takes what it takes no judgement here, as for me It was like I couldn't take another minute living like I was it had caught up with me the only clear thought was my kids, Went home sun going down got on my knees and cried out to God to Save me and at that moment he did I felt this warm feeling come over me like when your hit by the sun, at that moment I knew he had me 37 years now, and I'm still learning how Father God My Savior Jesus Christ My Holy Spirit that guides me More of him less of me❤
From 2013-2018 I was a severe alcoholic, from 2013-2019 I was a devout pothead, for half of 2017 I was a coke head. Through true love and through God's grace, I'm a sober man. Through God's grace I will be going to school again some time this year. I will finally be going for what I've been dreaming of. I will be a clinical psychologist. I'm done talking about it, it's time to do something about it. I love you all and I hope y'all stay blessed!
Dont worry i will be. I especially like the way phil makes it so simple, that first birth gets you here, that second birth can get you out of here. Praise the lord almighty and god bless
@@isekifarm9388 OOh yeah, you going to heaven huh? Will you laugh at all the people that are suffering in hell? You'll probably know some of them, maybe one of them will be you. You better put extra money in the collection plate, maybe you can buy your way in! You better hope you have the right religion too, if not you might be pissing the real gawd off. If you do make it to heaven, I'm sure that will be fun, you get to spend eternity in church, yippee!! He likes slavery so maybe you can be one of his special slaves!
Romans 2:6 god will repay every person according to his works. Yes i am going to heaven because jesus died for me to pay the price for my sin. Let me ask you this how did you and i get here? Simple we came out of our mothers womb, thats called physical birth When we follow jesus we are born of the spirit and the second birth can get you out of here BUT just remember one thing, one day you WILL be judged, its no good trying to make friends with god on judgement day because thats the day you will be judged on every day before that day. Now you still have a chance, at the moment you could be a child of the most high god But just remember how you feel about me doesn't matter because i still love you, jesus said love one another, so how can someone who teaches love be that bad
I have a Godly woman. I was saved in 1976. I've been a fence walker for years. God is tugging at my heart. He said he would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you GOD.
How about now, you've had time to regain your senses? It's funny, it's ALWAYS MAN that does the talking for the mystery man in the sky! The best "he" could do is leave some mystery messages in an ancient book of which was copied from the pagans.
@@ameliayenerall2559 I was just wondering if you're still a 'believer' or it was just a moment of reflection. Many people have times of vulnerability where they're susceptible to feeling the need for "help from above". Once people fall into the trap of religion they lose their critical thinking skills, I was wondering if you're one of them. I have no problems, I was curious if you do.
@@ameliayenerall2559 OK thanks. I left my religion 45 years ago and have never regretted it. I lost some friends and family behind it, but the liberation that comes with thinking for myself and giving myself credit for all I accomplish was worth the loss. I also left the fear of hell behind long ago finding out that it and the heaven concept are man made inventions, without them religion would have died long ago. Good luck in all your endeavors, thanks for responding.
Coming from a Cuban family we were always thought to be afraid of god and to be grateful for what we have. This country needs god more than ever. May he put his hand on America as we sure need it now.
I love Phil’s story cause i relate to it so well, i was saved and baptized when i was 12 yrs old BUT i let the world get in my way and i realize all that time Jesus carried me!! And now im back with Jesus, he never left me, i left him!! Praise Jesus for his mercy and grace he is the only way i can make it in this world and I love him dearly 🙏❤
Thank you for sharing. I completely relate to this. Didn't know what it really meant to give it all to God and change my lifestyle and my priorities. Trusting God will take care of me and I do need to live life without him again.
God doesn't promise that you'll be rich or famous. He never promises us a rose garden on Earth. But he promises to see us, to be with us, to give us strength to get through all that Satan can dish out and eternal life from the day we get saved. Hallelujah and Praise God!
My Dad taught me to fear God growing up. I was a virgin when I was married at 28. Never have used drugs. But still desperately needed a Savior from my sin. Married 10 years with 4 kids and still need Jesus today. Parents are still married. Amazing grace. Thank you Jesus.
God loves you brother. I was good growing up as far as not doing drugs and sex and all that, but I was still an imense sinner and needed Jesus. He's always there for us. God bless you my friend.
@@doubleaaaron So, you don't give yourselves credit for anything? That's one of the problems I have with the religious, many don't have critical thinking skills because they think supernatural beings control everything and determine all outcomes. You're essentially puppets on strings, you have been molded by your parents and the preacher man into their way of thinking and the real YOU has yet to surface. Then you do the same to your children and this nonsense continues, it's how religions have survived this long. If you think you need a god to be "good", your character is in question!
@@jackmyers2359 SO Sorry you have had to travel through your life without ever knowing the most perfect relationship that always was waiting for you... And He's still standing there with open arms!
@@ChritterB-pm5ww What makes you think I wasn't a xian once?! Most Atheists are former xians who have found out ALL religions are man made nonsense including heaven and hell. "He" was put in your mind by a good salesman and fortified by the preacher man, you've been molded into someone else's thinking and aren't even your own person. It's 2020 and we still have millions living lives of illusion and thinking someone is coming to rescue them. They have to be saved from their own god who's still pissed off about some naked chick eating an apple, that's funny and sickening at the same time. Now, make sure and say you'll pray for me, quote some buybull verses and tell me your imaginary friend loves me too!
@@weloveyoulord7792 You met god? Did you mention that to your doctor? Sorry, but I know what Science says about hallucinations that happen when we die, we have a picture already set in our mind that we think it will be like and that is exactly what we see. I don't know what you saw but it surely wasn't a god and I think you know that. I don't why you would lie but I know many xians have in an effort to convince someone of their sick belief system. You poor xians struggle to make sense of your warped childhood teachings, I know I lived it for 25 years myself. I thought "someone" was watching me all the time and my brain was always wondering if I was worthy of paradise and thinking everything was sinful. It robbed me of my independence and my free thought and cost me some trips to the psychiatrist. I'm free of all that now and enjoy the liberation and no fear of anything. I feel for you being trapped in a religion that demands you be subservient and will never be man's equal because of the patriarchal narrative that comes with it. It's funny that there is no history written of the jesus character even though there were hundreds of historians, scholars and scribes active in that era. Why didn't jesus write something, the disciples or the 'witnesses' or anyone?!! Your "evidence" is an ancient book that has been manipulated countless times by the churches and was written by unknown authors who plagiarized their stories from earlier religions. Research what you have been taught and become your own person, you're just a copy of the person who taught you this nonsense. Get real!
Please seek God in truth and prayer. I will pray you can trust Jesus to have what is best for you from this moment on. He desires your life to move past the mourning which is fine and appropriate. In the circle of your life you would be the one with the unique experience, no matter how devastating, to witness to someone who has unique and specific needs to hear what God has for them in your words. Go forth and evangelize.
Being a recovering addict and alcoholic, I totally appreciated Phil's testimony. NOTHING can compare to living a life with Jesus Christ in the driver seat. Thank you for sharing this. God bless. 🙏💗
I’m in recovery for the same. God’s generous mercy saw fit to deliver me from the affliction of addiction. Also, my two eldest daughters . We love our Father and His Son, Jesus, savior of our soul into eternity. 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️
@@zacharymenendez844 You mean you're converting one addiction for another. you're now becoming addicted to this concept called god. I guess a cult is better than drinking all the time. Just don't be that guy who was a drunk and now wants to tell everyone about jesus and how they're going to hell if they don't buy into it.
@@zacharymenendez844 It's always forced, you must force yourself to believe it as their is no other way. Now evidences, etc. If asked how one becomes christian, the only answer I ever get is "just believe"... It all resides in your head. the dishonesty with ones self it must take to believe is amazing to me. I'd reconsider, you don't need this crutch. They took advantage of you while you were in a weak position. Now you're convinced the world came from talking snakes and people living in fish. Like I said above, you're just trading addictions. I've seen many times now. The mind games you must play, wow. to feel like a man in the sky is watching everything you do and think. wow must be hell..
This never gets old!! I’ve listened to it countless times and hear something different every time!! Thank you Lord for saving me and forgiving a piece of trash like me!!!
I love the Robertsons been watching thm for years. They are so genuine & truly love God & it’s refreshing & reassuring regardless of their fame & fortune they I’ve never heard thm correlate the word to material or monetary value. I pray God continues to bless them to spread the word simple & plain. God bless thm & all who reads this /see the video🙌🏾🙌🏾
Mark OnTheBlueRidge I appreciate your comment but there will always be discrepancies among believers. Perfect example is what you just mentioned plus rapture prophesy. In the end, you can tell he’s a Godly man and he is a fisher of men my friend 🙂
Mark OnTheBlueRidge Baptism is important in the sense that it’s an outside show to the world of what has taken place on your heart. The sins are washed away and you are now a new person in Christ. Baptism alone doesn’t save you and he never said it did. He saying that it’s important because it’s one of the things that Jesus did to show us that we should too. Same as communion and feet washing. It’s a part of God’s plan of salvation not the whole plan. Phil isn’t saying anything wrong you’re being decisive because that’s what satan would want you to do. Be smarter than that! Don’t try to turn other people away from Jesus because you don’t want to follow God.
@Stephen RunsHisMouth oh my goodness! You just made me laugh out loud. What you said is obvious to me too, but non believers simply do not understand this. I have never been fortunate enough to think of bringing up the obvious when I'm attacked for my beliefs... just not a great debater... but saying that about if he saw the real satan, well sir, that was priceless!
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
@@vincesnetterton5868 You believe these people? Hard to believe in the year 2020, there are still so many talking like fools. A guy in the sky AND a ground troll!! I come here for laughs, this is better than Comedy Central. They love Phil Robertson, what a joke!
I am a Christian, and love the Lord with all my heart and have heard a lot of sermons but I know this is one of the most powerful sermons I have heard since my conversion, its 2:37 on Saturday morning I am in my bed crying like a baby saying thank you JESUS for the simplicity of the Gospel the pull on mans heart to come to Christ..God Bless you Brother Phil this was an eye opening experience that just turned my heart in a newer chapter in my life..
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
@@vincesnetterton5868 Wtf has anyone done to suffer for eternity? Someone can kill a couple hundred people then ask for forgiveness on their death bed and get a free ride to paradise, what f***ed up thinking. To believe any of it you have to be mentally challenged!!
That is the toughest thing to sink in when we believe we are good. When it sinks in we know just what you have said. Every single one of us fall short of GlORY. ❤️✨❤️
Amen Phil. I loved this message. I'm 62 years old and i probably will never get to meet you & your family here on this earth and sit down and eat Miss, Kay's cooking but I will sit at the table with our heavenly father with y'all ( don't know if we will have duck or frog legs lol ) but I will see you in Heaven.
Came across this video. Going through a lot of late. My past is brought up again and again. But gave my life to God 5 years ago. My old self died once my head hit that water. I'm not perfect but hearing this testimony... Inspires me to be more Christian.
I recently came on to Phil's video's, I really like this man, he's simple, honest & a God loving person. God bless him, he's got a great message. Thanks Phil
Wow . Amazing !! As I was about to do drugs I was listening to this and asked myself what am I doing .. ?! I put the stuff down immediately. Now I been fighting this battle for a little now . But when I try to turn to my Bible "people" around me say that's hypocritical.. but at least I know where my help comes from right ?
They are the hypocrites, sadly. We can all be so guilty of that. Thank God that you Jesus came to call the sinners, not the righteous, to repentance!! "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes the Lord, who made heaven and earth." "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." "For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
I will not go into my past, but keep on, u will fall many times, keep going. One day everything in your life, u will see ur strength. Keep reading, praying, talking to god.
Literally as I type this I battle the urges to indulge amongst other sins but am crying out to God to open my eyes and ears in the Spirit. I do not want to go to Hell nor not know Him.
I just started watching Duck Dynasty over this 4th of July weekend and as Phil was preaching I felt the power of the Holy Spirit. He's the real deal, a true man of God who loves as the Father commands us to do.
God saved my life 2 times in 1 month. I was living in Florida when I was 19 years old. Not gonna go into detail but I got stabbed in my neck the doctor's, no one knew how i was still alive and conscious with the severity of my wound. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks or so.. a couple days later I'm still stitched up and have a staple in my head. I'm driving in a car and I get hit head one by a drunk driver in a truck. The car I was in was crushed literally. But some how I didn't have a black and blue on me I wasn't hurt at all. The good lord above saved me not once but twice within the same month and I've always said that I have angels watching over me.
I loved listening to Phil's testimony and I thank you. Thank you Lord for forgiving me of all my sins. Thank you for Phil's testimony. Lead me Lord to the path of righteousness. I give you all that I have and that I am and from this day forward I will live for you -- in Christ name Amen
Thank You God for Phil Robertson's testimony, it is food for my soul. Amen, and Amen. God I repent, I'll trust and have faith in You. When I stumble, I will stand up with the Strenght, Grace and Mercy of God. I will take Your right hand and walk in Faith. I surrender my heart, soul, life to You, and I surrender our son, daughter and grandson to You. In the name of my God the Father, Jesus Christ - the Son and the Holy Spirit🙌🙌🙌🙌
Thank you Phill i need to hear this i got saved years ago ive stumbled fallin God has picked me back up even when my church stabbed me in the back ran me off I was ready to give up on salvation all togather then i went home and watch duck dynasty one night i prayed with Phill thank you god bless you and yours
I heard Mr. Phil and his family three times. If I had not been baptized and a Christian , I would have run to him. Excellent man, family man,all around man of God. I think it would not hurt anyone to listen to this man.
Phil is right no doubt. I also went 28 years without Jesus testimony is almost the same. Jesus delivered me also and now I have walked 31 years with Jesus! I never looked back! Jesus your only hope! Receive Jesus
Wow, what a sermon, I loved hearing him because it's all true, so true, beautiful and an amazing word. I could see Jesus upon that cross while listening to his words. Thank you Jesus for saving me ❤❤❤❤
I love the whole Roberts family I am a recovering addict ,actually I'm sitting on my day off in work release I spend my free time watching duck dynasty and watching Cristian videos I'm happy to be blessed with his testimony praise God for Phil Roberts and family I love them!!! Thank u lord
Phil Robertson is a perfect living example of "be true to thine own self" the most important point I got from this testimony is "It's free" peace of mind, salvation and eternal life is free.
I wish I had someone like Phil to learn from. I'm in the middle of unbelievers. I need guidance big time. I pray for Him to send me a Phil..he is like a uncle I never had
Go to church, tell someone who is greeting there you need to get plugged in. Praying for you now. God loves you, also praying for your family to see and know Jesus.
Oh Lord! God almighty! I magnify your name! Yaweh I give you all the glory for my life! Forgive my sins and my un confessed sins Lord! Lord I want more of you and less of me! I thank you for your protection! I am truly blessed and highly favored I sit in heavenly places and I am the son of a mighty King!!! I love you Jesus! Lord I pray for those who don't know you in a intimate way that they will humble themselves and come to know you on bending knee asking for their forgiveness! Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it off at the head and send it back to the pit of he'll in which it has come from! I release love, kindness, patience, humility in the name of Jesus! I followed my heart and I am glad I did. I lost my wife 2 years ago due to the pandemic and I was about giving up, knowing God has brought me this far was for a purpose and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent to me the year my wife died. The moment I was about giving up, I was introduced to a business by a man I met in a seminar I went to in Florida. This was not my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1OOO USD and it was worth it. contact@markhanfarmer, C0M 4 weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for Gods work. I am very popular in Maryland. Doing Gods work always give me joy. There is peace and joy in my mind . I am here to motivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems so though. God has promised his children and he will surely do what he has promised his children
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
vince snetterton - why are you even here? Ok, so you don’t believe. Do you feel it’s your duty to educate all of us ignorant believers with your superior intellect? Why are you watching this video, reading the comments, and then posting a comment? Just move on!!
I had lived my 20's following the voice of the devil. Speaking doubt and disbelief in my life. I was a drunk and a womanizer, a pot smoker. My Mother had introduced us to the Church when we were young. I thank her for it because I hit a breaking point in my life and I knew where to turn. Since then I have gotten baptized again (the first time I was to young to understand) I have surrendered my life to God and he has expanded my life, my joy and life has changed. God took away my worry, my regrets, my sin and all my burdens. I have been shown grace and mercy and life is great as a follower! Thank you Jesus!
@Kevin Belgrove hey kev, you're doing exactly what you're preaching against. You are the bringer of deception. JESUS IS KING AND LORD OF LORDS. GOD IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. Satan wants you to spread the lies so no one calls on Jesus but for in him our salvation is granted.
The Lord Jesus Appeared to my friend whilst she was receiving end of life care at a hospice. Her spirit left her body, she went to the light. She was given a choice to go to Jesus or back to earth. She chose to come back to earth for the sake of her loved ones. She left the hospice and lived for 7 more years. Her testimony inspired me to seek Him. Long story shortened, the Lord Jesus Christ ,He showed up. I have never seen or heard Him but He is with me every day. The love, joy and peace of Him has transformed me. I am a new person , born again with a new nature , in love with God. Glory be to God. Jesus Christ is Lord.
My mom passed away a year ago, I miss her every day but since that hard ship and that since of lost so many things have turned around. I’ll never have her back but the idea that I can one day see her again makes me stronger and gives me the strength to move forward. The Lord has been there every step of the way and has never let me or my family never once. Thank you for this video this is beautiful and should be shared with all people.
God bless you my brother,you have hit the nail on the head, I know were your coming from,the peace of mind God gives you he clears your thoughts to fight the good fight.As a brother in Christ I thank you for sharing.I have prayed for your family from the first days I seen you on Tv.This is the first time I listened to your testimony I love you my brother and thank you again for sharing.
Phil thank u for this I cried the whole time I was just like u I love u phil thank u for being in my life I will never meet u but I will always remember your testimony
I excepted Christ at an early age, but because i didnt know how to truly live in his word and depend on his word, i have fallen away, years have passed now, and i cant remember the last time ive truly been in his presence, but i feel him, he is always there, at the back of my mind, most days i ignore him, some times the weight of it all is so much i can do not but cry, and hes still there What ive learned over this short existance of mine is that you cant do it alone, ive tried so many times, and i failed each and every one them, because im always trying to do it myself, be myself, dont depend on others, stand tall and proud, only to find i will always be a little sappling, broken and withered Its him that makes me strong, its him that gets me going every day, ive only forgotten hes there, and just like me, you need only reach out and take his hand, the one hes been offering the whole time you had your back to him It aint easy, revealing your soul is painful, like a vampire willing throwing ourselves out in daylight, the agony of my sin is heartbreaking, but i and you have to do it, and the best way is to find the one to jump with you I am a sinful man, ive lusted, stolen, cheated, and lied, and so much more, and yet he keeps excepting me back, after all ive done, why, why am i always welcome, no matter how much ive screwed up Because im already his, my soul is sold, paid and purchaced, nothing i do can tear me from his grasp, just like you, we need only remember Pray for me, my sin runs deep, and claws even deeper, i cant do it alone, and if i can, i will pray for you as well
And the Lord said if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, i will here from heaven and heal their land. AMEN
The God sent messenger. One Sunday morning in June, 1933, God gave seven major continuous visions to His prophet William Marrion Branham THE SEVENTH VISION. “The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.” Russia now has a missile which can destroy a nation the size of France or a state the size of Texas, destruction is one button push away. th-cam.com/video/DNfn17y7iNo/w-d-xo.html The Lord prophesied that He would send a prophet at this time. Malachi 4:5. Matthew 17:11 Revelation 10:7. God has raised the dead on FIVE occasions through His chosen vessel. God was photographed SIX times, (Veiled in the form of the Pillar of Fire) with His prophet. The, “Elijah anointing,” (Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) is used “TWICE.” The first time 2,000 years ago, when God sent John the Baptist, then again in this day. At each, “Coming of the Lord,” there is an Elijah prophet who precedes that, “Coming.” Jesus said concerning John the Baptist. Matthew 3:3. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Elijah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. John, “Prepared the way for the Lord,” John did NOT “Restore anything,” as that which would need to be restored, (The full understanding of the whole Bible,) had not yet been given. This scripture concerns the Elijah prophet for, “THIS DAY.” Matthew 17:11. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elijah truly shall FIRST COME, and RESTORE all things. God has fulfilled the above scripture in THIS DAY. This scripture also predicts the Elijah prophet for “This day”..... Malachi 4:5. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. This Elijah prophet comes just before, “The coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord,” which happens in this day. We are now living in the last days, God has kept His word and sent that prophet, thereby “Restoring” His word to His Bride. These and other “Prophetical scriptures” fulfilled: Malachi 4:5. Matthew 17:11. Revelation 10:7. Revelation 3:14. Revelation 1:16 - 20. Revelation 2:1. Revelation 3:1. Watch this amazing testimony on TH-cam: Ed Byskal - I am a witness (Testimony on William Branham) th-cam.com/video/0Ax-wN1lpn4/w-d-xo.html
I needed to hear this from you tonight but it's not the first time I've seen this one from you before but tonight I needed to hear it again sometimes it takes more than one time to get it , anyhow I'm grateful to have listen to it again and today it was a different listening episode because it traveled from my my ears to my brain and then to my heart that was the journey I needed to hear and it's in the heart that counts because it touched me and my heart
Praise God! He's blunt and purpose driven, but likeable. I wanted to hear his testimony. It's amazing how he talks about it but doesn't pull any punches about he was in sin and living a sinful life. I enjoyed his ministering.
Im still on the path to destruction, i need Jesus im doing all the same things. I want God lord Jesus to take it all away and me me new i need him and not the world
Baked Tater I don’t know where you’re located at but I encourage you to pray to the Lord for help. I pray you find it in your heart to repent of you sin and walk in Jesus Christ. Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-9 that it is by grace thru faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved. I implore you to turn from those sins and turn to the grace of God in faith. Romans 10:9 says that if we confess Jesus with our mouth, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED!! If you need someone to talk to please see a local pastor or preacher and cut that grip satan has on your life. I pray you find Jesus...I assure you He is waiting for you. God bless
Praying for you Baked Tater! Get down on your knees and ask God for help. Ask Jesus for forgiveness of your sins and ask him for help. Your journey isn’t easy but salvation and help are there for the asking. Do you have a friend or family member that is a Christian that can help? If you’re social distancing can talk or video chat with that person. Many preachers and priests are doing that now. Get a bible. For a starter bible there are easy read versions with more contemporary wording. Tackle that then you can go to traditional. Idk if you’re aware the Old Testament part is Noah, Moses etc. the New Testament is Jesus part. Idk if you’re here in USA and in the south but after all covid deal dies down, please go to a tent revival. They’re all over the south. Nothing better to jumpstart or reaffirm your faith even with the hokey factor. Luck to you!
You're the controller of your own destiny dude. You need no imaginary characters for you to 'see the light', you can accomplish anything in life that you set your mind to do. Xians have no "answers" yet they think they do. It's always man doing the talking for god, there's a reason for that!
Oh that's beautiful. The simple plan of salvation. Thank you father, Lord Jesus for your gifts, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for eternal life in heaven.
Your a wise man. Grateful for listening to you and everything you have to say..... thank you 🙏 shine on Robertson’s. SHINE ON WITH THE WORDS. YES peace of mind. To Jesus. The only way.
That was a beautiful message Mr. Robinson i have always loved to hear your testimony,s I get such a blessing. Praise God for godly men like you that witness for the lord .Amen
I'm not much for the Duck Dynasty. However, he was on this cruise ship that I was on. He baptized people in a pool. One person was a little boy. Phil asked him why he wanted to be baptized. The child didn't know why he wanted to be baptized. He told the boy to discuss it with his parents. People booed him. Yet he said "people I have to be accountable for what I do with my life. I can't baptize a child that doesn't understand the significance of it." I"ll never forget that!
Amen. You should know what you are getting baptized into. Something the Church of Christ stands behind, but hard to get some religions to understand. You get baptized because you choose Christ. Not because your mama or grandma told you to. Young children, are innocent in my opinion. But others say they carry on the sins of the mother and father, which may be true. But if you don't understand Jesus, then you need to first know Him. You get baptized when you believe that God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins, and he arose 3 days later, and has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven. But He will return to collect His sheep. And the day is coming soon.
AMEN Mr. Robertson...
You went on the Duck Commander Cruise ,we went on same cruise
This guy brought me to Jesus. I now have a personal relationship with God and am learning more and more every day
Amen 🙏💯
A Soldiers Life...My friend thanks for serving. Remember
2 Timothy 📙 2 vs 15
Romans 📙 10 vs 17
Romans 📙 1 vs 16
Proverbs 📙 21 vs 30 😀🌿🌎🕯️....
A Soldiers Life...
May God bless You BOUNTIFULLY...
with ;
Isaiah 📙 41 vs 10
Isaiah 📙 48 vs 17
man God bless you then. the most exciting news a christian can get is that someone else is now worshiping the God that changed my life and being able to know that now He’ll change yours❤️🙌
Awesome!!!........and thank you for your service....
Sent this to my husband with a hopeful heart. I pray for him every day.
Praying with you.... im praying for mine too
sometimes it take us a while to wake up to what we need to do and sometimes we men don't know how to ask for help or to change. I struggle with it every day but he will come around just keep praying for him!
Keep praying for him god will answer.
Praying for your husband, I also am going to send it to mine today 🙏🏼😞 Please Lord , help them
God loves you. Pray for redemption first sweetie. Then let go and let God ❤️
I was a drunk and a pill pooper. Then I met Jesus after I wrecked my car. I have now been a pastor for 20 years. God bless you Phil and keep up the good fight.
James Mckinley hallelujah, He always uses our weak moments to reach us, if we don’t listen we repeat the lesson and he tries again
You did it all yourself. There are no gods. It’s all In your head. Do you really think that a god helped you but let around 9 million people starve to death around the world this year 2020? Think about about all the suffering that goes on in the world. Why would a god choose you? You are delusional. Religious beliefs are ignorant primitive superstition grow up and think.
Geez, too bad he didn’t get to you beforehand
@@Randy58-zn4ez I know that there are a lot of people suffering in this world. That is why I try to give as much as I can to charity. I'm sorry you feel that way towards my beliefs. Answer me one question. How is atheism going to make a change for these people? Will not believing that there is a god change them for the better? If it's a delusion I'm sure enjoying it.
@@jamesmckinley8756 it is not a delusion. I have had enough experiences to know. Heaven is real I had a friend who died. He through God gave me an audible message allowed me to know that he was in Heaven.
10 years ago I fell to my knees and prayed to god to get me out of the mess i had made of my life.... I got arrested that very night... I got sentencd to 3yrs in a state prison for women..... i started going to church mostly to get out of my cell.... about a year into my sentence, i was sitting there listening to the the man preach and it was as if i was picked up out of my chair... I learned what an alter call was that day..... That waqs the day i gave my life to god in JESUS name..... I realized that very day, my prison sentence was not a punishment..... It was gods way of saying "you are safe now, I have you, you never have to go back to your old life.." For the remainder of my sentence I prayed for the straingth to not fall back.... JESUS gave me freedom...I got released in 2013... My life is just wonderful today... I have god to thank....
So you give yourself NO credit for what you accomplished??!! That's one thing I abhor about the religious, they have this imaginary being that doesn't do shit for starving children or people in terminal pain or people that lose all of their possessions in a storm etc. but he'll "talk" to people who have time to reflect on their transgressions and want to change themselves. YOU did the grunt work, YOU made the changes, YOU deserve the credit! You owe no one anything, that includes fictional beings!
@Viper I did that for 25 years and it got me many trips with the psychiatrist. Now I believe in myself and I'm doing fine enjoying life and not feeling guilty for living. I've found heaven and hell and the whole religion concepts are ALL man made nonsense and am pissed I was lied to all of those years. Now I see people like you that are still believing this nonsense and my heart feels for you. You were probably taught this shit as a child and are in too deep to change. If only you knew the REAL TRUTH.
@Viper Who is "he" healing? 25,000 children starve to death or die of horrific diseases, thousands more pray to some fictitious being and nothing happens, yet your buybull says ask anything and it shall be given to you. Yes, a few people recover but the medical community made that happen. Your god is useless.
Tena, what a blessing it is to read your beautiful testimony! We serve a loving & faithful God. Continue sharing your testimony and let your little light shine for all the world! He will use you to bless others and lead them to follow Jesus! I bet He already has whether you know it or not. God bless you and your family Tena!!!
Jack, God doesn't cause guilt, shame & condemnation, that is what satan uses to turn your eyes away from God. The Holy Spirit convicts us and leads us to repent. Once we do that, (I am human and still feel the need to repent often for behavior or choices that don't align with God's best for my life) He casts are sins as far as the East is from the West and remembers them no more. He gave us the laws to guide us, because He knows that sin keeps us in an awful cycle and guilt can lead to depression, also from satan. The Holy Spirit guides us to avoid sin so we can avoid the consequences of sinful choices. God loves you/us soooo much He doesn't want us to suffer. But, He promises to make good come from all circumstances, even our sins and consequences can be used for ours and/or others' benefit (See Roman's 8:28) through sharing our testimony.
This world is broken and all people can be selfish. I can't say I fully understand why there are starving people all over the world and sickness, either than for whatever reason God has allowed for satan to have dominion here on earth for a time. But, I know God doesn't want any of us live only to suffer. He came down as Jesus to save us from our sinful nature and heal us. He uses people to help other people who are hurting and in need. His word tells us to bless the orphans and the widows. He gives each of us promptings and a calling through the Holy Spirit to bless and help others with our spiritual gifts. Some are led to feed the hungry in Mexico, Africa or even in my home in the US. Others are led to share the gospel in Thailand, China, Zimbabwe or in their own communities and cities. It feels better to give than receive because it is part of our spiritual DNA. And, He gave us this beautiful planet to enjoy and be in awe of how He brought it together so balanced that we who have a completely different DNA than trees or animals (and even our parents have different DNA than ours, but we share certain traits depending on our chromosomes) could survive and thrive on earth, right here in the Milky Way of our galaxy. And if we were any closer to or further from the sun, we wouldn't survive.
I won't pretend to have all the answers, but I know the bible has many of them and is the God breathed words He inspired and gave to men to share with us. Religion is flawed because it is made and defined by men. I'm not religious, but a born again Christian saved by God's great love and mercy for me through the grace of salvation by putting my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus. I need His mercy and grace every day. I believe it's in Lamentations 3:22, that His mercies are new every morning.
Jack, I'm praying that you will ask God to make Himself known to you in a very real way. That you too will want to know and draw closer to Him. That He puts a desire and fire in your heart to have and grow a relationship with Him and that you'll begin to see all the beautiful blessings He gives you in each new day. And, that you'll come to understand and be excited to see how He uses you to make a difference in people's lives.
I was a raging alcoholic for 10 years. God knew that in my heart I wanted to stop. I was afraid to say “ Lord do what it takes to deliver me”. Well, over night, it was gone. I was stunned and so grateful for His mercy. BTW 4 years sober! God is so good!
Such with God all this are possible you know that
Hi Ling how are you doing
How are you doing today? God bless
Yes he is. God bless you on your sobriety 🎉❤
I have heard people say they have hit rock bottom because they didn't have cigarettes, it takes what it takes no judgement here, as for me It was like I couldn't take another minute living like I was it had caught up with me the only clear thought was my kids, Went home sun going down got on my knees and cried out to God to Save me and at that moment he did I felt this warm feeling come over me like when your hit by the sun, at that moment I knew he had me 37 years now, and I'm still learning how Father God My Savior Jesus Christ My Holy Spirit that guides me More of him less of me❤
From 2013-2018 I was a severe alcoholic, from 2013-2019 I was a devout pothead, for half of 2017 I was a coke head. Through true love and through God's grace, I'm a sober man. Through God's grace I will be going to school again some time this year. I will finally be going for what I've been dreaming of. I will be a clinical psychologist. I'm done talking about it, it's time to do something about it. I love you all and I hope y'all stay blessed!
God bless you
@@callumnoblett4905 Q
Clinical psychologist antithetical to the Book. G luck.
Beautiful testimony my brother✌️🙏🙏👍✝️..A new man..that what Jesus does..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊thank you Lord.
This video converted me about twelve months ago and since then i habe watched this about 10 times and learn something new every time
Wow awesome
I know i can't get enough of it , love the good work the robertsons do keep up the good work and praise the lord
Dont worry i will be. I especially like the way phil makes it so simple, that first birth gets you here, that second birth can get you out of here. Praise the lord almighty and god bless
@@isekifarm9388 OOh yeah, you going to heaven huh? Will you laugh at all the people that are suffering in hell? You'll probably know some of them, maybe one of them will be you. You better put extra money in the collection plate, maybe you can buy your way in! You better hope you have the right religion too, if not you might be pissing the real gawd off. If you do make it to heaven, I'm sure that will be fun, you get to spend eternity in church, yippee!! He likes slavery so maybe you can be one of his special slaves!
Romans 2:6 god will repay every person according to his works. Yes i am going to heaven because jesus died for me to pay the price for my sin.
Let me ask you this how did you and i get here?
Simple we came out of our mothers womb, thats called physical birth
When we follow jesus we are born of the spirit and the second birth can get you out of here
BUT just remember one thing, one day you WILL be judged, its no good trying to make friends with god on judgement day because thats the day you will be judged on every day before that day. Now you still have a chance, at the moment you could be a child of the most high god
But just remember how you feel about me doesn't matter because i still love you, jesus said love one another, so how can someone who teaches love be that bad
I have a Godly woman. I was saved in 1976. I've been a fence walker for years. God is tugging at my heart. He said he would never leave me or forsake me. Thank you GOD.
God bless you. Jesus saves sinners
I came back to God today thank you Phil that was a powerful message.
How about now, you've had time to regain your senses? It's funny, it's ALWAYS MAN that does the talking for the mystery man in the sky! The best "he" could do is leave some mystery messages in an ancient book of which was copied from the pagans.
@@jackmyers2359 what do you mean how about now that I've come back to my senses? What are you talking about and what's your problem?
@@ameliayenerall2559 I was just wondering if you're still a 'believer' or it was just a moment of reflection. Many people have times of vulnerability where they're susceptible to feeling the need for "help from above". Once people fall into the trap of religion they lose their critical thinking skills, I was wondering if you're one of them. I have no problems, I was curious if you do.
@@jackmyers2359 I am still a believer
@@ameliayenerall2559 OK thanks. I left my religion 45 years ago and have never regretted it. I lost some friends and family behind it, but the liberation that comes with thinking for myself and giving myself credit for all I accomplish was worth the loss. I also left the fear of hell behind long ago finding out that it and the heaven concept are man made inventions, without them religion would have died long ago. Good luck in all your endeavors, thanks for responding.
Coming from a Cuban family we were always thought to be afraid of god and to be grateful for what we have. This country needs god more than ever. May he put his hand on America as we sure need it now.
Amen brother !!!
I love Phil’s story cause i relate to it so well, i was saved and baptized when i was 12 yrs old BUT i let the world get in my way and i realize all that time Jesus carried me!! And now im back with Jesus, he never left me, i left him!! Praise Jesus for his mercy and grace he is the only way i can make it in this world and I love him dearly 🙏❤
Thank you for sharing. I completely relate to this. Didn't know what it really meant to give it all to God and change my lifestyle and my priorities. Trusting God will take care of me and I do need to live life without him again.
God doesn't promise that you'll be rich or famous. He never promises us a rose garden on Earth. But he promises to see us, to be with us, to give us strength to get through all that Satan can dish out and eternal life from the day we get saved. Hallelujah and Praise God!
Amen sister.
Tracie Becker Oh yes, Amen!!
Thats true
So True! We are supposed to Fellowship in his Suffering. 🙌🛐
My Dad taught me to fear God growing up. I was a virgin when I was married at 28. Never have used drugs. But still desperately needed a Savior from my sin. Married 10 years with 4 kids and still need Jesus today. Parents are still married. Amazing grace. Thank you Jesus.
God loves you brother. I was good growing up as far as not doing drugs and sex and all that, but I was still an imense sinner and needed Jesus. He's always there for us. God bless you my friend.
@@doubleaaaron So, you don't give yourselves credit for anything? That's one of the problems I have with the religious, many don't have critical thinking skills because they think supernatural beings control everything and determine all outcomes. You're essentially puppets on strings, you have been molded by your parents and the preacher man into their way of thinking and the real YOU has yet to surface. Then you do the same to your children and this nonsense continues, it's how religions have survived this long. If you think you need a god to be "good", your character is in question!
@@jackmyers2359 SO Sorry you have had to travel through your life without ever knowing the most perfect relationship that always was waiting for you...
And He's still standing there with open arms!
@@ChritterB-pm5ww What makes you think I wasn't a xian once?! Most Atheists are former xians who have found out ALL religions are man made nonsense including heaven and hell. "He" was put in your mind by a good salesman and fortified by the preacher man, you've been molded into someone else's thinking and aren't even your own person. It's 2020 and we still have millions living lives of illusion and thinking someone is coming to rescue them. They have to be saved from their own god who's still pissed off about some naked chick eating an apple, that's funny and sickening at the same time. Now, make sure and say you'll pray for me, quote some buybull verses and tell me your imaginary friend loves me too!
@@weloveyoulord7792 You met god? Did you mention that to your doctor? Sorry, but I know what Science says about hallucinations that happen when we die, we have a picture already set in our mind that we think it will be like and that is exactly what we see. I don't know what you saw but it surely wasn't a god and I think you know that. I don't why you would lie but I know many xians have in an effort to convince someone of their sick belief system. You poor xians struggle to make sense of your warped childhood teachings, I know I lived it for 25 years myself. I thought "someone" was watching me all the time and my brain was always wondering if I was worthy of paradise and thinking everything was sinful. It robbed me of my independence and my free thought and cost me some trips to the psychiatrist. I'm free of all that now and enjoy the liberation and no fear of anything. I feel for you being trapped in a religion that demands you be subservient and will never be man's equal because of the patriarchal narrative that comes with it. It's funny that there is no history written of the jesus character even though there were hundreds of historians, scholars and scribes active in that era. Why didn't jesus write something, the disciples or the 'witnesses' or anyone?!! Your "evidence" is an ancient book that has been manipulated countless times by the churches and was written by unknown authors who plagiarized their stories from earlier religions. Research what you have been taught and become your own person, you're just a copy of the person who taught you this nonsense. Get real!
I love Jesus and I love the way Phil tells others about Him in such a simple way. God Bless You All!
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….??
Lost my 14 year old son last March . he is with God now! I have tunnel vision locked on the narrow path so I can be with my son in the Lord's house.
Keeping your eyes and heart on the Kingdom of heaven, I’m sending you care for hurting heart.
Please seek God in truth and prayer. I will pray you can trust Jesus to have what is best for you from this moment on. He desires your life to move past the mourning which is fine and appropriate. In the circle of your life you would be the one with the unique experience, no matter how devastating, to witness to someone who has unique and specific needs to hear what God has for them in your words.
Go forth and evangelize.
Being a recovering addict and alcoholic, I totally appreciated Phil's testimony. NOTHING can compare to living a life with Jesus Christ in the driver seat. Thank you for sharing this. God bless. 🙏💗
I’m in recovery for the same. God’s generous mercy saw fit to deliver me from the affliction of addiction. Also, my two eldest daughters . We love our Father and His Son, Jesus, savior of our soul into eternity. 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️
Amen I'm recovering aswell 🙏
@@zacharymenendez844 You mean you're converting one addiction for another. you're now becoming addicted to this concept called god. I guess a cult is better than drinking all the time. Just don't be that guy who was a drunk and now wants to tell everyone about jesus and how they're going to hell if they don't buy into it.
@@pokerman9108 I don’t my relationship with him is personal you have to find it yourself can’t be forced
@@zacharymenendez844 It's always forced, you must force yourself to believe it as their is no other way. Now evidences, etc. If asked how one becomes christian, the only answer I ever get is "just believe"...
It all resides in your head. the dishonesty with ones self it must take to believe is amazing to me. I'd reconsider, you don't need this crutch. They took advantage of you while you were in a weak position. Now you're convinced the world came from talking snakes and people living in fish. Like I said above, you're just trading addictions. I've seen many times now. The mind games you must play, wow. to feel like a man in the sky is watching everything you do and think. wow must be hell..
Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord 🙏
Thank almighty God for savior king Jesus of Nazareth
This never gets old!! I’ve listened to it countless times and hear something different every time!! Thank you Lord for saving me and forgiving a piece of trash like me!!!
I love the Robertsons been watching thm for years. They are so genuine & truly love God & it’s refreshing & reassuring regardless of their fame & fortune they I’ve never heard thm correlate the word to material or monetary value. I pray God continues to bless them to spread the word simple & plain. God bless thm & all who reads this /see the video🙌🏾🙌🏾
Phil, you are amazing! Please keep speaking to our nation!! God Bless You!!!
I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Brother Phil is an amazing soldier for Christ!! Wow just wow!! He radiates Jesus when he speaks.
Lew Sifer We can only possess what we experience, Truth, to be understood, must be lived,
We can only possess what we experience.
Mark OnTheBlueRidge I appreciate your comment but there will always be discrepancies among believers. Perfect example is what you just mentioned plus rapture prophesy. In the end, you can tell he’s a Godly man and he is a fisher of men my friend 🙂
Mark OnTheBlueRidge Baptism is important in the sense that it’s an outside show to the world of what has taken place on your heart. The sins are washed away and you are now a new person in Christ. Baptism alone doesn’t save you and he never said it did. He saying that it’s important because it’s one of the things that Jesus did to show us that we should too. Same as communion and feet washing. It’s a part of God’s plan of salvation not the whole plan. Phil isn’t saying anything wrong you’re being decisive because that’s what satan would want you to do. Be smarter than that! Don’t try to turn other people away from Jesus because you don’t want to follow God.
@Stephen RunsHisMouth oh my goodness! You just made me laugh out loud. What you said is obvious to me too, but non believers simply do not understand this. I have never been fortunate enough to think of bringing up the obvious when I'm attacked for my beliefs... just not a great debater... but saying that about if he saw the real satan, well sir, that was priceless!
I’m glad my real good friend showed me this it’s true ! Every time I listen to this it helps me !
Phil and his entire family have been keeping me going. Beyond grateful for their influence!
Our world is so corrupt we need Phil and good people like him.❤️
Im a man.and i cried.i am not ashamed either.God bless you Phil.
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
@@vincesnetterton5868 You believe these people? Hard to believe in the year 2020, there are still so many talking like fools. A guy in the sky AND a ground troll!! I come here for laughs, this is better than Comedy Central. They love Phil Robertson, what a joke!
@@jackmyers2359 huh?
@@vincesnetterton5868 I'm with you brother, I get my daily laughter here. Have at it!
@@jackmyers2359 Shame on you Jack. Take your trolling somewhere else.
I love the way he speaks from his heart in all humility! I wish that I had neighbors like the
Phil Robertson family.
I need to be the neighbor that Phil & Miss Kay are.
Hello friend have you seen John Ramirez story,Evangelist 💌
Why wait? When you can start!
I wish I had a neighbour like Fred Rogers.
Best sermon I ever heard! Praise Jesus Christ!
I agree.🙏
I am a Christian, and love the Lord with all my heart and have heard a lot of sermons but I know this is one of the most powerful sermons I have heard since my conversion, its 2:37 on Saturday morning I am in my bed crying like a baby saying thank you JESUS for the simplicity of the Gospel the pull on mans heart to come to Christ..God Bless you Brother Phil this was an eye opening experience that just turned my heart in a newer chapter in my life..
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
@@vincesnetterton5868 He doesn't send anyone. People choose.
@@m1m767 bullshit. we are born in sin, so unbaptised babies that die, dont go to heaven. sooooooooooooooo
@@vincesnetterton5868 Wtf has anyone done to suffer for eternity? Someone can kill a couple hundred people then ask for forgiveness on their death bed and get a free ride to paradise, what f***ed up thinking. To believe any of it you have to be mentally challenged!!
You are right ON, sister! 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽
Peace that surpasses all understanding... We've all sinned and have fallen short of the Glory Of GOD !!! TY for JESUS !!!
I'm a Texan and I know this man ain't a Christian. He's a charlatan peddling for dollars and that should be obvious to all.
@@zanemarcell6689 how are you so certain of that?
@@zanemarcell6689 Then you’re blinded him and his entire family are walking with the Lord
That is the toughest thing to sink in when we believe we are good. When it sinks in we know just what you have said. Every single one of us fall short of GlORY. ❤️✨❤️
Thank you for Phil not just taking the gift of salvation that you were offered, but doing the hard work that followed it!
Amen Phil. I loved this message. I'm 62 years old and i probably will never get to meet you & your family here on this earth and sit down and eat Miss, Kay's cooking but I will sit at the table with our heavenly father with y'all ( don't know if we will have duck or frog legs lol ) but I will see you in Heaven.
A true blessing of Christ Jesus!!! Thank you for Phil Robertson. ❤❤❤😊
I love Phil's testimony of redemption!!!! Jesus Saves!!!!!!!!!!
Came across this video. Going through a lot of late. My past is brought up again and again. But gave my life to God 5 years ago. My old self died once my head hit that water. I'm not perfect but hearing this testimony... Inspires me to be more Christian.
Amen for this i am a child of the most high God.thank u Jesus. For what u did for me.
I recently came on to Phil's video's, I really like this man, he's simple, honest & a God loving person. God bless him, he's got a great message. Thanks Phil
He sure does and I really enjoy watching him
This is in the very top of the most inspirational messages I have ever listened to. Billy Graham inspired me and basically saved me in the 90s
Might be the best “sermon” I’ve ever heard.
I love God. I keep sinning yet he finds me and i hear him. I needed to hear this.
Hello friend have you seen John Ramirez story,Evangelist 💌
Wow . Amazing !! As I was about to do drugs I was listening to this and asked myself what am I doing .. ?! I put the stuff down immediately. Now I been fighting this battle for a little now . But when I try to turn to my Bible "people" around me say that's hypocritical.. but at least I know where my help comes from right ?
They are the hypocrites, sadly. We can all be so guilty of that. Thank God that you Jesus came to call the sinners, not the righteous, to repentance!!
"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come from? My help comes the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness."
"For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Don’t ever give up! The best is yet to come!
I will not go into my past, but keep on, u will fall many times, keep going. One day everything in your life, u will see ur strength. Keep reading, praying, talking to god.
You are not alone Sis. I just came across this and was drinking and smoking, fighting urges but I'm still watching this testimony
Literally as I type this I battle the urges to indulge amongst other sins but am crying out to God to open my eyes and ears in the Spirit. I do not want to go to Hell nor not know Him.
I just started watching Duck Dynasty over this 4th of July weekend and as Phil was preaching I felt the power of the Holy Spirit. He's the real deal, a true man of God who loves as the Father commands us to do.
God saved my life 2 times in 1 month. I was living in Florida when I was 19 years old. Not gonna go into detail but I got stabbed in my neck the doctor's, no one knew how i was still alive and conscious with the severity of my wound. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks or so.. a couple days later I'm still stitched up and have a staple in my head. I'm driving in a car and I get hit head one by a drunk driver in a truck. The car I was in was crushed literally. But some how I didn't have a black and blue on me I wasn't hurt at all. The good lord above saved me not once but twice within the same month and I've always said that I have angels watching over me.
Powerful 😊
You woke me up and brought me back to my roots.I am back in the arms of jesus Thank you so much
Praise The Lord!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Praise the Lord!
and it took me almost five years to hear this. Wow😭😭😭❤❤what a testimony! I'm truly blessed!!!
What an amazing testimony, i love that man
Phil has a phenomenal voice! He may not mean to be but he is a great preacher!
He sure knows and connects with his audience.
This is the best sermon that I ever heard, God bless you all Amen ❤
I loved listening to Phil's testimony and I thank you. Thank you Lord for forgiving me of all my sins. Thank you for Phil's testimony. Lead me Lord to the path of righteousness. I give you all that I have and that I am and from this day forward I will live for you -- in Christ name Amen
Standing in the gap for my husband’s salvation. I believe that he too can reach thousands once saved😊
Has your husband been saved yet?
@@harvdog5669 His name is Frank, & he goes by Frankie. Thank you so much for your prayers.
@@harvdog5669 I will join you in prayer for Frankie 👏🏽
@@harvdog5669 Yes, they do. Paul talks about the effectiveness of the prayer of a righteous man. Intercessory prayer is a blessed thing 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽
How about your own salvation?
Thank You God for Phil Robertson's testimony, it is food for my soul. Amen, and Amen.
God I repent, I'll trust and have faith in You. When I stumble, I will stand up with the Strenght, Grace and Mercy of God. I will take Your right hand and walk in Faith.
I surrender my heart, soul, life to You, and I surrender our son, daughter and grandson to You.
In the name of my God the Father, Jesus Christ - the Son and the Holy Spirit🙌🙌🙌🙌
I love watching this man he inspires me so much I love his story and where he has come from!!! I relate to it so much!!!!
Thank you Phill i need to hear this i got saved years ago ive stumbled fallin God has picked me back up even when my church stabbed me in the back ran me off I was ready to give up on salvation all togather then i went home and watch duck dynasty one night i prayed with Phill thank you god bless you and yours
How are you doing today?
That’s sad a church would kick out someone who is trying. God will send you on a better path.
I heard Mr. Phil and his family three times. If I had not been baptized and a Christian , I would have run to him. Excellent man, family man,all around man of God. I think it would not hurt anyone to listen to this man.
Pastor Phil, I love this message you tell it like it is. You bring me to my knees. Love you so much.
This is so powerful I can't place any words on it. Thank you Lord
This is pure!! So easy a child could understand. Jesus made it so easy. Love all my brothers and sisters and all ive never met.
This testimony may have been done 5 years ago but it blessed me tonight as if he told it tonight. I love his straight forward attitude.
thank you for your testimony! Thank you Dear Jesus for peace beyond understanding that can only come from you! Praise God! God Bless You All!!
Amen I'm praying for you Phil Robertson. And I love listening to your testimony and your preaching
praise god phil, what a testimony, with god anything is possible.
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….???
God bless you, Phil Robertson. Keep sharing your amazing faith and love in the precious name of Jesus!
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….??
He’s such a good preacher
Hi Lynn how are you doing
@@petlovers1836 I’m fine thanks for asking and your polite response back. Nice to meet you here Lynn! Where are you from?
@@petlovers1836 Hello 👋
@@petlovers1836 Good morning and I hope you slept well last night? I hope everything is going well with you?
Phil is right no doubt. I also went 28 years without Jesus testimony is almost the same. Jesus delivered me also and now I have walked 31 years with Jesus! I never looked back! Jesus your only hope! Receive Jesus
Wow, what a sermon, I loved hearing him because it's all true, so true, beautiful and an amazing word. I could see Jesus upon that cross while listening to his words. Thank you Jesus for saving me ❤❤❤❤
I love the simplicity of this man's teaching.
After all...salvation is so simple even a child will be able to understand it.
He doesn't believe in the Rapture he didn't mention it. Or that we must be reborn maybe in his next sermon!
I love the whole Roberts family I am a recovering addict ,actually I'm sitting on my day off in work release I spend my free time watching duck dynasty and watching Cristian videos I'm happy to be blessed with his testimony praise God for Phil Roberts and family I love them!!! Thank u lord
He’s really amazing 😉 I made my day and indeed God is great for the change
Hi Mary how are you doing
It's a good thing that you stopped acting like a hooligan.
Phil Robertson is a perfect living example of "be true to thine own self"
the most important point I got from this testimony is "It's free" peace of mind, salvation and eternal life is free.
Jesus died so that we might live, thank you Lord , I'm a sinner but I've been saved. Praise the name of Jesus!
I have to respectfully disagree with you. It cost Jesus His life but He gave it freely and gives it to us as a gift freely.
@@marksmart4347 did your read the last 11 words of my post?
Nothing is free, it was just paid by someone else.
My debt was paid by Jesus.
I wish I had someone like Phil to learn from. I'm in the middle of unbelievers. I need guidance big time. I pray for Him to send me a Phil..he is like a uncle I never had
Go to church, tell someone who is greeting there you need to get plugged in. Praying for you now. God loves you, also praying for your family to see and know Jesus.
Best Sermon I've ever heard thank you Phil Robertson and thank you God
ThankYou Phil! Plain talk... that’s what people need!
Hello friend have you seen John Ramirez story,Evangelist 💌
I agree people need it straight out
Awesome testimony! Thank you Jesus, for dying for me and all of my sins, and rising on the 3rd day for my total salvation.
Amazing testimony he’s so cool 😎
Hi Joyce how are you doing
Oh Lord! God almighty! I magnify your name! Yaweh I give you all the glory for my life! Forgive my sins and my un confessed sins Lord! Lord I want more of you and less of me! I thank you for your protection! I am truly blessed and highly favored I sit in heavenly places and I am the son of a mighty King!!! I love you Jesus! Lord I pray for those who don't know you in a intimate way that they will humble themselves and come to know you on bending knee asking for their forgiveness! Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it off at the head and send it back to the pit of he'll in which it has come from! I release love, kindness, patience, humility in the name of Jesus! I followed my heart and I am glad I did. I lost my wife 2 years ago due to the pandemic and I was about giving up, knowing God has brought me this far was for a purpose and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent to me the year my wife died. The moment I was about giving up, I was introduced to a business by a man I met in a seminar I went to in Florida. This was not my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1OOO USD and it was worth it. contact@markhanfarmer, C0M 4 weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for Gods work. I am very popular in Maryland. Doing Gods work always give me joy. There is peace and joy in my mind . I am here to motivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems so though. God has promised his children and he will surely do what he has promised his children
Prayers for Phil... A man who brought me to Jesus....
Phil you spoke a great sermon , better than most Ministers. You Preached from your heart .
Anyone watching this on Easter morning 2020? Our Saviour has RISEN!!
Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 yes
Yes, me and my family watched, (and now Im sharing on FB)
lets all worship the god who sends good people to hell, to be tortured for millions of years, just for not believing in him. we have morons worshipping a moron.
vince snetterton - why are you even here? Ok, so you don’t believe. Do you feel it’s your duty to educate all of us ignorant believers with your superior intellect? Why are you watching this video, reading the comments, and then posting a comment? Just move on!!
I had lived my 20's following the voice of the devil. Speaking doubt and disbelief in my life. I was a drunk and a womanizer, a pot smoker. My Mother had introduced us to the Church when we were young. I thank her for it because I hit a breaking point in my life and I knew where to turn. Since then I have gotten baptized again (the first time I was to young to understand) I have surrendered my life to God and he has expanded my life, my joy and life has changed. God took away my worry, my regrets, my sin and all my burdens. I have been shown grace and mercy and life is great as a follower! Thank you Jesus!
@Kevin Belgrove hey kev, you're doing exactly what you're preaching against. You are the bringer of deception. JESUS IS KING AND LORD OF LORDS. GOD IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. Satan wants you to spread the lies so no one calls on Jesus but for in him our salvation is granted.
Why just America?
Mr Robertson you are one special person. Thank you for this sermon. I really needed this. Please pray for me and my family. God Bess and stay safe
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….???
The Lord Jesus Appeared to my friend whilst she was receiving end of life care at a hospice. Her spirit left her body, she went to the light. She was given a choice to go to Jesus or back to earth. She chose to come back to earth for the sake of her loved ones. She left the hospice and lived for 7 more years.
Her testimony inspired me to seek Him. Long story shortened, the Lord Jesus Christ ,He showed up. I have never seen or heard Him but He is with me every day. The love, joy and peace of Him has transformed me. I am a new person , born again with a new nature , in love with God. Glory be to God.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
All I can say is thank you for your honesty and being a soldier of God!!
My mom passed away a year ago, I miss her every day but since that hard ship and that since of lost so many things have turned around. I’ll never have her back but the idea that I can one day see her again makes me stronger and gives me the strength to move forward. The Lord has been there every step of the way and has never let me or my family never once. Thank you for this video this is beautiful and should be shared with all people.
God bless you my brother,you have hit the nail on the head, I know were your coming from,the peace of mind God gives you he clears your thoughts to fight the good fight.As a brother in Christ I thank you for sharing.I have prayed for your family from the first days I seen you on Tv.This is the first time I listened to your testimony I love you my brother and thank you again for sharing.
One day the world will here my testimony it’s just not time
From Dundalk Ontario Canada big fan joint a church when i get home
Phil thank u for this I cried the whole time I was just like u I love u phil thank u for being in my life I will never meet u but I will always remember your testimony
I cried when I watched the Exorcist. It was just so dang scarry.
I excepted Christ at an early age, but because i didnt know how to truly live in his word and depend on his word, i have fallen away, years have passed now, and i cant remember the last time ive truly been in his presence, but i feel him, he is always there, at the back of my mind, most days i ignore him, some times the weight of it all is so much i can do not but cry, and hes still there
What ive learned over this short existance of mine is that you cant do it alone, ive tried so many times, and i failed each and every one them, because im always trying to do it myself, be myself, dont depend on others, stand tall and proud, only to find i will always be a little sappling, broken and withered
Its him that makes me strong, its him that gets me going every day, ive only forgotten hes there, and just like me, you need only reach out and take his hand, the one hes been offering the whole time you had your back to him
It aint easy, revealing your soul is painful, like a vampire willing throwing ourselves out in daylight, the agony of my sin is heartbreaking, but i and you have to do it, and the best way is to find the one to jump with you
I am a sinful man, ive lusted, stolen, cheated, and lied, and so much more, and yet he keeps excepting me back, after all ive done, why, why am i always welcome, no matter how much ive screwed up
Because im already his, my soul is sold, paid and purchaced, nothing i do can tear me from his grasp, just like you, we need only remember
Pray for me, my sin runs deep, and claws even deeper, i cant do it alone, and if i can, i will pray for you as well
Hes still there
WOW!!!! What a message. GOD is beyond words. FATGER may you continue to bless the Robertson’s.
I really respect this man Phil Roberson. He is very wise and is a true man of God.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but He who does the will of My Father in heaven.”
Matthew 7:21
thank you that has been stuck in my head since I heard it last week. confirmation
One of The Scariest Verses in the Bible
Verse context is how to know wolf in sheep’s clothing false teacher.
The will of the Father is to believe in Jesus for eternal life.
Believing in the son of God is salvation. You can’t even believe unless The lord gives you belief.
There are no coincidences, i was meant to hear this today❤ Phil, i love you and you're in my thoughts and prayers👑💜🙏
And the Lord said if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, i will here from heaven and heal their land. AMEN
The God sent messenger.
One Sunday morning in June, 1933, God gave seven major continuous visions to His prophet William Marrion Branham
“The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.”
Russia now has a missile which can destroy a nation the size of France or a state the size of Texas, destruction is one button push away.
The Lord prophesied that He would send a prophet at this time.
Malachi 4:5.
Matthew 17:11
Revelation 10:7.
God has raised the dead on FIVE occasions through His chosen vessel.
God was photographed SIX times, (Veiled in the form of the Pillar of Fire) with His prophet.
The, “Elijah anointing,” (Concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) is used “TWICE.”
The first time 2,000 years ago, when God sent John the Baptist, then again in this day.
At each, “Coming of the Lord,” there is an Elijah prophet who precedes that, “Coming.”
Jesus said concerning John the Baptist.
Matthew 3:3.
For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Elijah, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
John, “Prepared the way for the Lord,” John did NOT “Restore anything,” as that which would need to be restored, (The full understanding of the whole Bible,) had not yet been given.
This scripture concerns the Elijah prophet for, “THIS DAY.”
Matthew 17:11.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elijah truly shall FIRST COME, and RESTORE all things.
God has fulfilled the above scripture in THIS DAY.
This scripture also predicts the Elijah prophet for “This day”.....
Malachi 4:5.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
This Elijah prophet comes just before, “The coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord,” which happens in this day.
We are now living in the last days, God has kept His word and sent that prophet, thereby “Restoring” His word to His Bride.
These and other “Prophetical scriptures” fulfilled:
Malachi 4:5.
Matthew 17:11.
Revelation 10:7.
Revelation 3:14.
Revelation 1:16 - 20.
Revelation 2:1.
Revelation 3:1.
Watch this amazing testimony on TH-cam:
Ed Byskal - I am a witness (Testimony on William Branham)
We need this now!
Hey man that's sure it's a good testimony here from brother PHILL.AMEN
I needed to hear this from you tonight but it's not the first time I've seen this one from you before but tonight I needed to hear it again sometimes it takes more than one time to get it , anyhow I'm grateful to have listen to it again and today it was a different listening episode because it traveled from my my ears to my brain and then to my heart that was the journey I needed to hear and it's in the heart that counts because it touched me and my heart
Praise God! He's blunt and purpose driven, but likeable. I wanted to hear his testimony. It's amazing how he talks about it but doesn't pull any punches about he was in sin and living a sinful life. I enjoyed his ministering.
Made me cry because he reminded me of what I was taught my entire life. Bless you.
Hello friend have you seen John Ramirez story,Evangelist 💌
Wonderful .... Thank you God....thank you Phil. To doing what you are doing. Amen
So nice to run across one of those rare preachers that is humble, honest, and totally unashamed about loving Jesus.
Im still on the path to destruction, i need Jesus im doing all the same things. I want God lord Jesus to take it all away and me me new i need him and not the world
Baked Tater I don’t know where you’re located at but I encourage you to pray to the Lord for help. I pray you find it in your heart to repent of you sin and walk in Jesus Christ. Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-9 that it is by grace thru faith in Jesus Christ that we are saved. I implore you to turn from those sins and turn to the grace of God in faith. Romans 10:9 says that if we confess Jesus with our mouth, and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED!! If you need someone to talk to please see a local pastor or preacher and cut that grip satan has on your life. I pray you find Jesus...I assure you He is waiting for you. God bless
Praying for you Baked Tater! Get down on your knees and ask God for help. Ask Jesus for forgiveness of your sins and ask him for help. Your journey isn’t easy but salvation and help are there for the asking. Do you have a friend or family member that is a Christian that can help? If you’re social distancing can talk or video chat with that person. Many preachers and priests are doing that now. Get a bible. For a starter bible there are easy read versions with more contemporary wording. Tackle that then you can go to traditional. Idk if you’re aware the Old Testament part is Noah, Moses etc. the New Testament is Jesus part. Idk if you’re here in USA and in the south but after all covid deal dies down, please go to a tent revival. They’re all over the south. Nothing better to jumpstart or reaffirm your faith even with the hokey factor. Luck to you!
You're the controller of your own destiny dude. You need no imaginary characters for you to 'see the light', you can accomplish anything in life that you set your mind to do. Xians have no "answers" yet they think they do. It's always man doing the talking for god, there's a reason for that!
I'll pray for you!!
@@jackmyers2359 Troll much, I rebuke bind gag your evil meaningless words in Jesus name. Find the LORD before its too late for you!
Oh that's beautiful. The simple plan of salvation.
Thank you father, Lord Jesus for your gifts, thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for eternal life in heaven.
I just found these videos and they’re wonderful thank you Jesus ❤🙏🏻
Amazing Grace.... how sweet the sound. God bless our brother Phil & his testimony. @--->----
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….??
@@prestonsmith4836 Hi Preston. I am safe & you?
@@hannahloveanna6944 I’m fine thanks for asking and I’m glad you are safe too. What is the time over there now?
@@hannahloveanna6944 Good morning and hope you are having a blessed weekend?
@@prestonsmith4836 Busy week, but looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Hope yours is blessed as well. Where are you located?
Your a wise man. Grateful for listening to you and everything you have to say..... thank you 🙏 shine on Robertson’s. SHINE ON WITH THE WORDS. YES peace of mind. To Jesus. The only way.
Hi there.. how are you doing? Hope you’re fine and staying safe….??
That was a beautiful message Mr. Robinson i have always loved to hear your testimony,s I get such a blessing. Praise God for godly men like you that witness for the lord .Amen
So cool! I like the story with his sister. He sure made a 180. The message is nice and clear.
Hello friend have you seen John Ramirez story,Evangelist 💌