This song is truly a signature in my life. I was born in my local University, where my father is a Full Professor and where I work myself as a Research accountant and communication administrative supporter. I am the 2nd founding member, former Vicepresident and political advisor of our local Student Fraternity (Goliardi). During Law School I was a student representative and after getting my JD I started studying for my 2nd Master Degree, in Political Sciences. With this background I can surely tell that University is my life. May it flourish again. Gaudeamus, fratres! Vesp. Bat. "KGB", Pr. SOGSS, XII boll., Bari.
Just an observation: The words Holy and sh*t should never be used together. Also, as an aside... everywhere in all nations the name Jesus Christ is used in any number of variations as an utterance of disapprobation, disgust, anger, disapproval; not Mohammed, or Allah, or Buddha or the Thunderbird or Satan, etc. Now why would that be?
This song is truly a signature in my life. I was born in my local University, where my father is a Full Professor and where I work myself as a Research accountant and communication administrative supporter.
I am the 2nd founding member, former Vicepresident and political advisor of our local Student Fraternity (Goliardi). During Law School I was a student representative and after getting my JD I started studying for my 2nd Master Degree, in Political Sciences. With this background I can surely tell that University is my life. May it flourish again.
Gaudeamus, fratres!
Vesp. Bat. "KGB", Pr. SOGSS, XII boll., Bari.
We missed you. Please, continue to expand our knowledge of the Czech culture.
I am not composer friend
Nejhezčí verze co jsem kdy slyšel, nokappa
Beautiful music as always, and thank you for preserving this amazing piece of Czech history .
Konečně jsi zpět. Těším se na další příspěvky.
Jsem rád že Jan Opletal byl rodák z Lhoty nad Moravou 😎
Nejsem sice věřící, ale škoda že se dnes vypouští ta část, kde jsou ti co byli na světě před námi
já jsem věřící a je mi to jedno.
@@slarkey4516 Já mysle hlavně to, že studenti vzdají hold i těm co již na světě nejsou, a byli tu před nimi
My best wishes to our Check brothers-students including ex. Vivat Academia, vivant professores!
Dlouho tento kanál nebyl aktivní
holy sh*t you are back thx XD
@@hansthemapper2473 no,im fake
@@hansthemapper2473 AMOGUS
Just an observation: The words Holy and sh*t should never be used together. Also, as an aside... everywhere in all nations the name Jesus Christ is used in any number of variations as an utterance of disapprobation, disgust, anger, disapproval; not Mohammed, or Allah, or Buddha or the Thunderbird or Satan, etc. Now why would that be?
I love this song
Vítej zpět!
Karlovka boys represent 💪💪
no já si myslím že Karlovka je dnes spíš dneska plná Čurdů než Opletalů
@@cisterna95 Myslíte Karla, nebo Ing. Miroslava?
@@miroslan007 samožřejmě Karla
mimo matfyz jsou tam všichni mimo..
Spíš Gymnázium Jana Opletala.
Da gibt es aber noch ein paar Strophen mehr.
Jsme zpívali na zakladce v hudebce 🤣
Teď se to učím do latiny a asi mi jebne
Tvl my to zítra budeme zpívat v hudebce ☠️
Ja sa učím po latinsky, tiež mi to ktovieako neklape…