the biggest shopping mall in New Zealand is located in Hamilton named ' The Base' not the Sylvia Park. the Base was opened around 2 years ago in Hamilton which is one hour drive from Auckland.
@@shyshyvivianVery well. Also, if you still keeping the receipt of the slow cooker, you can bring back for a full refund or exchange with other products. This is the consumer's right in NZ. It applies to most businesses here.
the biggest shopping mall in New Zealand is located in Hamilton named ' The Base' not the Sylvia Park. the Base was opened around 2 years ago in Hamilton which is one hour drive from Auckland.
我都係睇Sylvia Park網站講~有機會要去The Base見識一下!
一個月前 落去Hamilton,發現有啲社區建設 的確係靚咗 🥰
可惜完全唔知 冇參觀到呢間 新開大型商場 🥲
The Base 係位於 hamilton 市中心北面的大型商場。在 奥克蘭有火車可以到的。下次可以去睇吓
紐西蘭生活,大人們除咗星期五有夜生活外,勸你其他日子十點前瞓,六點前起身去下coffee shop,時間會見洗的。
Nice vlog! 💯👍🏼
AT都係 近幾年先有雙層巴士,香港獨有的話,可能會係雙層電車。🧡
如果妳早嚟幾年 火車仲係燒煤😂 哈哈
30年前住過NZ兩年,每日都要經過Queen street返學, 而家變咗好多,英國都有電飯煲賣,款式唔多,如果純煮飯功能,買咗一個for 3人飯煲,特價90港幣左右
@@shyshyvivian 我食過最好食嘅咖哩竟然在紐西蘭,在Queen street 側面啲橫街,餐廳名叫一條龍,是馬來西亞華人開,好多人排隊,咖哩好味,啲雞好滑,湯好飲,當年94年一碟咖哩雞飯連湯大概25蚊港幣左右,我諗呢間餐廳已經close 咗
Next time you don't have to go so far to Sylvia Park. You can find The Warehouse outlets at very corner of New Zealand.
未去過順便去潮聖!Sylvia Park好多嘢買好方便呀~😂
@@shyshyvivianVery well. Also, if you still keeping the receipt of the slow cooker, you can bring back for a full refund or exchange with other products. This is the consumer's right in NZ. It applies to most businesses here.
Good from 🇯🇵
奧克蘭呢D都可以叫“地鐵”?雖然Auckland Transport 都想話自己係 哈哈
我就會 叫佢做鐵路 haha
對阿 又水浸又lum樹 咩都有