Students from miles apart, distant lands and remote countries still dream to be a Cottonian ❤️ still has a hope to see Cotton one day.. who says cotton has lost it's glory.. It is immortal and everlasting .. proud to be a Cottonian
I am from Shillong, graduated from St ,Edmunds, now settled in U.K. I have heard so much about Cotton College since my childhood days. Here in U.K., when ex Cottonians meet and talk about their glorious Cotton College, it feels me with envy because I felt Cotton College fulfils the dreams of every school boy of North East to enter through the arched gateway, study in the glorious lecture halls under the guidance of renowned professors, live in the many blocks of student hostel. The other greatest attraction for young male Cottonians were the bright and beautiful lady students who seem to be a row of scented flowers as they walk along the famous streets of Guwahati.
While watching this precious documentary, actually it will be my fault if I call it a documentary,it is the journey to build a Golden Assam ,my tears of joy rolled down.Proud to be a Cottonian and thanks to the almighty for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this prestigious Institution ❤️
Never got a chance to study in Cotton college. But I have an immense respect and admiration for this college for the quality of students it produces every year. My time has gone but I will definitely try to send my children if I ever had to this Institution. Long live cotton. Long live cottonians. Long live Assam.
Students from miles apart, distant lands and remote countries still dream to be a Cottonian ❤️ still has a hope to see Cotton one day.. who says cotton has lost it's glory.. It is immortal and everlasting .. proud to be a Cottonian
I am from Shillong, graduated from St ,Edmunds, now settled in U.K. I have heard so much about Cotton College since my childhood days. Here in U.K., when ex Cottonians meet and talk about their glorious Cotton College, it feels me with envy because I felt Cotton College fulfils the dreams of every school boy of North East to enter through the arched gateway, study in the glorious lecture halls under the guidance of renowned professors, live in the many blocks of student hostel. The other greatest attraction for young male Cottonians were the bright and beautiful lady students who seem to be a row of scented flowers as they walk along the famous streets of Guwahati.
Nice to hear from you about Cotton College.I hope You have seen my documentary film on the glorious history of Cotton College.It is in youtube.
Those were the days technology, not much vehicles, no online games, simplicity is at its best.
Bhupen Hazarika's voice, and the scenes ... Ohh what a combination ❤❤
অসমৰ প্ৰথমখন স্ব-মহিমা মণ্ডিত উচ্চ শিক্ষাৰ অনুষ্ঠানৰ বিষয়ে সুধাকণ্ঠৰ গাম্ভীৰ্য্য-পূৰ্ণ বিৱৰণীৰে সজোৱা সুন্দৰ তথ্য-চিত্ৰখন চাই অভিভূত হ'লোঁ। বহুতো নজনা কথা জানি উপকৃত হ'লোঁ। এজন কটনিয়ান হিচাপে গৌৰৱ অনুভৱ কৰিছোঁ। ধন্যবাদ।
কটন মোৰ আবেগ
কটন মোৰ ভালপোৱা
কটন মোৰ শ্ৰদ্ধা
কটন মোৰ সপোন
কটন মোৰ আজীৱন বুকুত লৈ ফুৰা
এটি অসমাপ্ত কবিতা।
কটন ❤️
It's truly an asset..should be treasured well...Proud moment for every Cottonian ❤..Viva la Cotton! 😍
While watching this precious documentary, actually it will be my fault if I call it a documentary,it is the journey to build a Golden Assam ,my tears of joy rolled down.Proud to be a Cottonian and thanks to the almighty for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this prestigious Institution ❤️
ই বহুমূলীয়া প্ৰত্যেকজন কটনিয়ানৰ বাবে, প্ৰত্যেকজন অসমীয়াৰ বাবে। কটন আবেগ, চিৰসেউজ কটন💚💚💚
A most valuable vedio thanks to great bhupen hajarika
Very beautiful.i was there in pre University science 1971_72. Long live cotton College ah University. May noble thoughts flow-.................
আমাৰ কটন আৰু কটনিয়ান বৰ চেনেহৰ ; বৰ মৰমৰ !💗
Never got a chance to study in Cotton college. But I have an immense respect and admiration for this college for the quality of students it produces every year. My time has gone but I will definitely try to send my children if I ever had to this Institution. Long live cotton. Long live cottonians. Long live Assam.
do keep uploading such videos. once such videos are on youtube they will live for longer.
I am proud to be 3rd generation of Virginia. Grand Pa,Dad,Myself then my two nieces. Long live Cotton.
কোনে বাৰু দুটা Thumbs down দিছে ? আচৰিত!! বেয়া পাইছে যদি একো কমেণ্ট নকৰিলেই হ’লহেতেন। ই কটন কলেজ, ভূপেন দা আৰু মোৰ মতে সমগ্ৰ অসমবাসীৰ প্ৰতি অসন্মান।
কটন মোৰ প্ৰাণৰো প্রাণৰ!
কটন মোৰ আশাৰ সীমনাত জীয়া আলোক,
কটন মোৰ বৰ্তমান ভৱিষ্যৎৰ সপোন,
কটন মোৰ লাজত লুকাই থকা হাঁহিৰ আৱৰণ।
I am proud to be a Cottonian❤ ❤
সঁচাকৈ অনুভৱবোৰ ফুটাই তুলিবলৈ শব্দৰ অভাৱ হৈছে....কটন এক আবেগ হৈ আছিল, আছে আৰু থাকিব ♥️....আজীৱন ভোটাতৰাটি হৈ জিলিকি থাকা তুমি......♥️💖♥️
Cotton is an emotion ❤️
বহুত ভাল লাগিল। ধন্যবাদ চাবলৈ সুযোগকণ দিয়া বাবে।
ধন্যবাদ ।
সকলোলৈ মোৰ প্ৰনাম।মই কটনক কি দিলো , অনুভৱটোৰে সৃষ্টি"কটন কলেজ"তথ্য চিত্ৰখন ।
Once a Cottonian always a Cottonian ❣️ proud feeling for all of us
As an Assamese , I'm feeling so proud and nostalgic at the same time 🥺❤️
ভাৱ বৰ্ণনা কৰিবলৈ শব্দৰ অভাৱ হৈছে এই মুহূৰ্তত......
Proud to be a Cottonian ❤
"সমন্বয় বিৰোধী শক্তিৰ বাবে হওক বাঘজৰী....."
কটন আমাৰ অহংকাৰ
কটন আমাৰ আৱেগ
#আজীৱনকটনিয়ান ✊
Our Great leader Upendra nath brahma was also the student of Cotton College
Commendable work❤️
Its an asset...i would say
আমাৰ কটন ❤️
We proud of it
Cottonian ♥️
Viva la cotton!!
Wow bodo bardwi sikla dance 😊
7:24 & 10:42
bor hunkale khotom hol