Title: ILOCOS SUR KANNAWIDAN FESTIVAL SONG Author (s): Loraine Andrea P. Ordoño and Jeremy Paulo T. Osorio Class: Class F (Musical compositions with or without lyrics) Creation Date: January 3, 2023 Period of Protection: Lifetime of the last surviving author and for fifty (50) years after the said author’s death Ilocos Sur Kannawidan Street Dance Song (Certificate No. 2023-00306-F) and the Miss Ilocos Sur (Certificate No. 2023-00310-F) were as well copyrighted. Experience an LSS with the Official Music Video of the Ilocos Sur Kannawidan Festival 2023.
Happy Fiesta ilocos sur
Author (s): Loraine Andrea P. Ordoño and Jeremy Paulo T. Osorio
Class: Class F (Musical compositions with or without lyrics)
Creation Date: January 3, 2023
Period of Protection: Lifetime of the last surviving author and for fifty (50) years after the said author’s death
Ilocos Sur Kannawidan Street Dance Song (Certificate No. 2023-00306-F) and the Miss Ilocos Sur (Certificate No. 2023-00310-F) were as well copyrighted.
Experience an LSS with the Official Music Video of the Ilocos Sur Kannawidan Festival 2023.
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