2024 6 22 龍門沙灘 福隆Fulong Beach

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 福隆海水浴場開闢於日治時期,原名「福隆海濱浴場」。二戰後由臺灣省臺北縣貢寮鄉公所(今新北市貢寮區公所)與當地漁會合資經營,後為擴展其旅遊事業,1959年6月經臺灣省政府核准轉交台灣鐵路管理局經營,1959年7月3日鐵路局建設完成更衣及儲物間淡水沐浴室等基礎設施並剪綵開始營運,同年9月建設完成以串連50加侖油桶工法的浮橋暢通內外沙灘,方便遊客往來。東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區成立後,改由風景區管理處管理迄今。
    Fulong Beach was established during the Japanese colonial period and was originally called ‘Fulong Seaside Bathing Area.’ After World War II, it was jointly operated by the Gongliao Township Office (now the Gongliao District Office in New Taipei City) and the local fishermen’s association. In order to expand its tourism business, it was transferred to the Taiwan Railway Administration for management in June 1959, following approval by the Taiwan Provincial Government. On July 3, 1959, the railway bureau completed the construction of changing rooms, storage facilities, and freshwater bathing rooms, and the beach officially opened. In September of the same year, a floating bridge using 50-gallon oil drums was built to connect the inner and outer beaches, making it convenient for visitors. Since the establishment of the Northeast Coast and Yilan National Scenic Area, it has been managed by the scenic area administration.
    Since 2000, the Gongliao International Ocean Music Festival has been held annually from July to August, lasting 3 to 5 days. However, it is often rescheduled due to typhoon disruptions or damage to facilities. The location of the stage on the beach is also affected by the Shuangxi River.
    Starting in 2008, the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Season has been organized, inviting sand sculpture artists from different countries to create art here."

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