Woosung has one of the best voices in music, in my opinion. His pitch and tone are perfect and his delivery is so unique and hauntingly beautiful. I’m a huge fan and so glad he’s getting this exposure and gaining new fans.
Hello there thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
I completely agree with you! I only discovered this song today and didn't know anything about Woosung or The Rose, but now I'm in love with his voice and singing. I'm going to find more about this band and am so excited!
When hearing this for the first time, I didn't even know the lyrics or what he was saying, but I knew it was coming so deep from the heart, and I got emotional. Now I know the words (and in light of the such sad news of Moonbin) it has even greater meaning, weight and heart.
Sometimes people succeed and then kick over the ladder behind them. Instead, we have Min Yoongi holding out his hand to help people up. This is such a beautiful song and I'm so glad he brought Woosung and Sakamoto-san in on it.
Sakamoto Ryuichi Sama (RIP) fue la cereza que adorna esta joya exquisita de Suga. Que bendición que un genio de la clase de RSS haya decidido bendecir con su talento casi sobrehumano esta gran, gran canción, también debe estar en un museo junto a la flor salvaje de RM.
As an Army and a Black Rose, this song is PERFECTION! A dream come true. Yoongi uses words and themes from from his previous Agust D songs, and rounds out his trilogy with the ultimate comfort message. Not only for his junior idols, but all of us. Adding Woosung's dream-like vocals...just perfection.
.......and the beautifully haunting Ryuichi Sakamoto (Suga's mentor) piano composition which sets the tone of this song is also part of this wonderful collaboration!
I really do love this song so much, it’s truly become my comfort song. I’m so glad you decided to check out the lyrics after watching the documentary as the story behind it makes the song have an even bigger impact. I’d also really recommend checking out Suchwita episode 8 as the relationship and conversation between Yoongi and the TXT members really highlights what Snooze is all about. At times Snooze feels like a response to TXT’s song Maze In The Mirror which talks about their hardships as trainees.
Bro, when I heard this song in his documentary, I fully started sobbing. While I may not be a music artist or pursuing it, I am a painter and pursuing that dream. I found BTS in 2018 when I decided to make that career once I got out of school. It was college finals week and when I watched the documentary, I was having a lot of doubts. In myself, in my art, and in my choices of choosing this path. When I heard the song, it was like someone was giving me a hug and telling me that I was gonna be okay, and that while it’s a hard path I’m gonna make it. Out of all the songs I’ve heard so far from the album, this is on the top for me.
Oh I'm so happy that you decided to check the full lyrics! Snooze is my favorite track and I cried like a baby watching the documentary when Yoongi met Mr Ryuichi Sakamoto RIP 🕊️ I literally broke down into a puddle watching the performance. Yoongi is lyrics genius and I knew I would love this song even before I heard it. As the lyrics are adressed to young idols, I can feel a connection to just young adults like me. It's such a comfort song that touches your heart in the best places and it makes you think 💜 All the love for you 💜 you guys are amazing 💜#EARLYGANG
It's a beautiful song and the voice...wow. Suga trying to give cautionary tale but the other groups will see his fame and fortune and override his words. They want that success also.
It's so beautiful, thinking that Suga cared enough to write a whole song to give comfort to others. Plus, the lyrics are absolutely mind-blowing, and so touching. You gotta love Suga!
My fave song is Amygdala, can't stop listening to it, it's so beautiful! Snooze is my second favourite due to the nature of the lyrics. They just hit so deep and if you're struggling it's nice to feel like someone cares. It helps that Yoongis voice is so soothing ❤❤ Love you guys ❤
#EARLYGANG Ahhh where do I start... When I first listened to the album, Snooze was the second song that really tugged at my heartstrings, after Amygdala. I, too, instantly recognized the lyrics from "So Far Away" that I cherish so much, and instrumental-wise it reminded me of First Love and Nevermind. I knew I was listening to something really special. Once I checked out the full translation of the lyrics, I easily confirmed it as my favorite. I can't put into words how much I needed to hear everything he said, I'm extremely thankful. Besides how this song relates to my own journey, I'm so happy he got the opportunity to meet and collaborate with his first hero (may his soul rest in peace) on crafting such a beautiful song. The fact Yoongi won't be able to listen to Mr Sakamoto's music for a long time as he wished saddens me, but I'm so glad he was able to create something eternal with him, almost as if Yoongi was meant to carry on his legacy. Last but not least, Woosung. I already knew The Rose and love their music and his voice so it was such a nice surprise to see his name on the tracklist, I was really looking forward to see how they joined forces. I was not disappointed at all, he was truly the perfect choice to help deliver everything Yoongi wanted to. Listening to Woosung in Snooze always reminds me of Youjeen in Namjoon's Wild Flower. They both truly conveyed the right emotions that the songs needed. As a cherry on top, I absolutely love the fact that the choruses of both songs have the same verb used in different ways: in Wild Flower, Youjeen sings "I'm gonna scatter across that sky", and in Snooze, Woosung sings "when the fog clears and scatters away, I will leave". Truly amazing, the minds of our Namjoon and Yoongi. Wow that was long (and I'd still have more to say 😂) but I'll end my thoughts here and call it a day! Much love always FAM 💜
Phenominal song. Suga is such a powerful song writer with such beautiful and deep meanings & advice with these lyrics! Wow, I am blown away by this one!
You're right Nico..this is a hauntingly beautiful song...so heartfelt and genuine. This will mean so much to all of the up and coming artists, especially in light of all the idol suicides that have and are still occurring. Yoongi telling them that it's ok to rest and not constantly dream..is beautiful and uplifting! Such a class act our Suga 💜
Guys, The Rose's latest album "Heal" is beautiful and medicinal for your soul! Woosung also did some dope solo EPs while his bandmates were in the military (Woosung was born in Korea but is a US citizen; grew up in LA). His solo song/MV "Lazy" is really fun! The Rose is an emo-rock band; the members are all awesome instrumentalists and songwriters. One other member, Dojoon, is fluent in English because he lived in New Zealand (where RM studied English). Both Woosung and Dojoon have absolutely gorgeous voices! Check them out, and I'm sure you'll become a fan!!!💜🖤 [p.s.-my faves on D-Day are Haegeum, Amygdala, Snooze, SDL, and Yoongi's gorgeous version of Life Goes On!!!💜]
I literally watched his Interviewed with Eric Nam and definitely check his solos songs and The Rose. First time hearing his amazinggg vocals. This collabs PERFECT. Genius Suga another masterpiece. ❤❤❤
One of my most favourite songs from D-Day I just know all these young musicians that already look up to BTS so much felt so touched by Yoongi making a whole song just to comfort them and give them advice
I love this song too but for Woosung's vocals on the chorus. The way that Yoongi put the lyrics together with the drum beat and Sakamoto's piano works beautifully.
SUGA is in his Jedi Master bag right now. Teaching the youth to use the Force with genius and skill. This song is absolutely beautiful, and it sets up the end of the album story arc perfectly. It is a testament to Min Yoongi's growth, maturity, and emotional healing. We're so freaking blessed to have these seven GOATs in our lives. I cannot wait for y'all to see him perform this live; I'm still not over it. #earlygang 💜💜
Snooze is such a beautiful song! The album starts out so strong and fierce and ends on a hopefully high note, it’s perfect, honestly just wonderfully crafted. Thank you for your great reactions!
From first listen, Snooze was the standout track for me. After knowing the lyrics, it's even more beautiful. I love this positive, encouraging Agust D.
The "Dream" chord sequence comes from a song on the Agust D first mixtape, So Far Away featuring Suran. Suga re-recorded it featuring Jin and JK. Enjoy!!!!! th-cam.com/video/iAea2MN-qyo/w-d-xo.htmlsi=GrzsGviCpiXvx1bb
Even though we know our life's trials and tribulations mold who we are in the present, I often find myself often saying 'I wish I had BTS when I was growing up' Maybe things wouldn't have been so tough. Maybe my dreams would have been accepted - maybe *I* would have been accepted... In this song, AgustD delivered a solid message - that we are whole and complete exactly the way we are - to the next generation, and to us who are not his juniors. It took far too long in my adulthood for that seemingly simple concept to solidify: that it's ok to dream, it's ok to rest and that I'm really truly ok. Yoongi has been consistent in carrying this message and the fact these words and ideas are getting instilled in younger generations - we are perfect just the way we are - may in fact create a world with much more acceptance and an over abundance of love. That is the reason why this is my favorite song. #EarlyGang L💜
You said all my thoughts. I was in a dark place as a young person and fed it with dark music. I often wonder the same thing about having this amazing man and BTS in those days.
I totally agree with you. I wish Suga had been around when I was young. I struggled so much. But on the good side, he is supporting me with my dreams now and that is really comforting. I'm thankful that I found BTS and through them Yoongi's music and words. Borahae. 💜
Your words make me tear up! I'm full grown & grateful for every day I have BTS in my life (only a little over 2 years now) because they make the world a better place no matter how old you are. I have a new perspective on so many things in life thanks to them
My top 3 from the album 1. Amygdala 2. Snooze 3. D-day But everything is oh so 😊 i mean iit's genius Yoongi's work so Iexpect everything is a masterpiece. ❤ Plus love the fact that he's keeping it real and raw all the time.
I'm J-ARMY for 9 years and I'm listening professor Ryuichi Sakamoto music for more than 40 years. My country lost great composer. We as Japanese and Yoongi knew he had terminal cancer because he announced his life and conditions in July 2022. I'm glad Yoongi met him in person last September 2022. Thank you Min Yoongi.
This song is my absolute favorite of the album. I've got to witness it on his show. I cried because it's so beautiful and comforting. Can't describe how grateful i am for this song and Yoongi, all the tannies :(
when you put into context how harsh the idol industry is and how lacking in mental health care there is too especially recent events this song means even more than it already does and I hope all the younger idols heard the song and really listened to the lyrics who knows how many yoongi just saved from many different negative outcomes. also I heard woosung and his band the rose also had a very rough path so him being on the song besides how beautiful his voice is also says a lot.
Aaaaargh I am obsessed with this song, Yoongi is a genius!! Woosung’s vocals are just haunting, I can’t with this song it’s insane. And I’m so happy he got to record it and credit Ryuichi before he passed. I love how selfless Yoongi is, creating a whole song devoted to how much he is willing to help his fellow artists blossom & evolve as they work their way through the industry. Just love love love love
Hello there thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
That section that sound so different and yet so fitting (the one that Nico pointed out) is a direct quote from So Far Away - the last song on his very first mixtape "Agust D". It is one of my favourite songs, be them Suga's or any other artist's and I cannot help thinking Snooze sounds like the perfect So Far Away pt.2 💜 I do like that he choose to name it very differently because this way the reminder is even more subtle, and that's the way I like it. Snooze is *easily* my favourite song on the album 💜
epik high writing lost one for bts, and now yoongi writing snooze for his juniors. yoongi telling txt, "you don't have to give anything back to me, just do the same (like i did) to your juniors". the importance of good role models :) also, if you want to check out the rose... 1. the song that got me into them: baby 2. my absolute favorite: strangers (it's an ost for a k-drama called strangers from hell) 3. their representative song: she's in the rain 4. my favorite woosung's solo: phase me
Are you me? Baby introduced me to The Rose and my favorite by them is also Strangers. I watched the whole kdrama because they sang its OST despite being super squeamish. And despite the trauma that show gave me, it was worth it. Strangers From Hell was fantastic.
@@nerasomnia woosung's "clouds are shrouding us into the dark" was life-changing for me! too bad that the official mv was taken down... and strangers from hell... what a great show. i don't remember anything from that show but i remember how creeped out i was. f everyone in that show 😭 i'm scarred
My favorite is Snooze ❤❤ everytime I hear it I get a calmness, and its just such an inspiring encouraging song and I love songs that want to help someone else that's going through the struggle. It's beautiful 😍 also Mr Sakamoto music genuis blessed this songAnd Woosung Woosung my bias from the rock band The Rose I love His voice perfect for this song cause His spirit is very free. So a perfect match on all three 😊
snooze is absolutely my favorite song off D-Day🖤 words cannot describe how much comfort it gives me and with the call back to another one of my favorite agust d songs so far away in the later verse it always makes me cry🥹. i love yoongi’s lyricism so much because it is so honest but so beautiful. it’s easy to feel alone in this world but with his music he makes me feel seen and understood and I’ll never be able to thank him enough🖤 loved your reaction to this and love this channel🫶🏾
Such a powerful song. Whenever the so far away section comes up I just shut my eyes and just feel all the emotions in that. It's just so heartfelt. I've never had a song that manged to evoke emotions on the 20th listen the way the first listen did.
Thank you for recognizing the contribution and influence of Ryuichi Sakamoto here. If you haven't seen the film Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, with his award winning soundtrack, you really should try to check it out. In addition to his composing, he co-starred with (The) David Bowie as his forbidden love interest.
I love you guys. After seeing you with John Reeves, Chris and the other group of guys on the panel answering questions, I love you guys even more. I am so impressed with your willingness to be as vulnerable as you are. Especially you, Nico. What a great role model. The deep love your brothers feel for you is tangible. So happy for your success.
Watching the documentary, it was emotional seeing him interact with Mr. Sakamoto 😢 this album is so personal. Amygdala is my favorite . You should definitely check out The Rose!
This is my favorite track in the album tbh. Woosung voice as always, so soothing, and ofc yoongis lyricism. And not to mention, when I first listened to this it reminded me so much of "so far away" and when that sample from his track "so far away" in his first mixtape came at last section, I felt too much nostalgia..with that sample, the whole song was complete. Absolutely phenomenal, and ofc I don't want to discredit Mr. Sakomoto, that piano was so calming. Yoongi once again proved himself to be a genius. This track really captures him as a raw artist, a lyricist. Aside from how good the song is, the message is powerful. Very raw to the feeling, I felt like he was talking to me. As someone who is struggling to figure out what dreams I want even in this age, I felt heard, I felt validated, I felt consoled. This track shows the reason why yoongi is love not only as an idol but as an artist who will always go the genuine path of sharing his thought, life, and emotions. Right at this moment, you will realized that agust D, despite born in the crevices of yoongi's trauma. Agust D is a persona that drives yoongi to dream and keep going. Agust D is yoongi. Snooze is such a masterpiece, and it fits well to D-Day considering it's the end of agust D and this song just correlates all his persona into one being. A broken soul who decided to live on and keep going to the days.
This song is definitely a comfort for anyone who has a dream that they are still working towards and is a reminder to himself about his own obstacles as well. This is in addition to the intent of being something for the next generation of groups who are looking for support. My favorite song is Interlude: Dawn. 💜 it is just incredibly beautiful and I can imagine how Yoongi put the song together.
i get emotional on the part of the lyrics him saying "its gonna be alright" so many times like its soooo comforting bc it's from him. his existence itself is a comfort what more he's saying those things. this song is a life changing
this is speaking life not only into the young up and comings, and the youth, but its a reminder to any of who have fallen off the path, who are chasing or aspring to be something, keep things in perspective, understand the pitfalls of success and remain grounded-I would resonate with this when I was 20 years old trying to figure my sh*t out and I resonate with it now at 37, if you need the motivation to stay on your hussle and grind, this is the guy, so empowering, Agust D/SUGA/Min Yoongi for life I am your humble fan xxx xxx x
Can I tell you guys how much I love Woosung came across his video on a reel and I fell in love with that voice and now following him. When I see you guys reacting to this video with him my pores raised. Two of my favs right here Suga and BTS along with Woosung priceless. Thanks guys.
"Snooze" is also my absolute favorite of the album, too. The combination of Suga's soft rap, Woosung's beautiful voice and Mr. Sakamoto's piano made this a hauntingly beautiful masterpiece! I go back to it often to hear the soothing musical ear candy.
By far this is my favorite song. Even before knowing the meaning of the song. And this guy Woosung sounds amazing. Thanks to Suga I’ve looked up Woosung and I’m really enjoying his music. Loving and enjoy listening to the entire album
The whole album just hit differently than his other two. Snooze is such a layered song. So many reason to be amazed and moved. Amygdala too. And HUH?! And… #EarlyGang
have been listening to the whole album since the release, but this is one of the songs that hit me hard. he intended for this to be for his juniors but it could also be for everyone.
This song hits hard this morning. My last few years have been so tough. Today I’m going for a cancer screening as they found something. I’m trying super hard to get back to normalcy and my dreams regardless of being pounded to the ground by one thing after another. I want to rest and breathe… but need to survive at the same time. 😅😔 #fighting
When i learned the lyrics, I feel like bawling. I hope someone was there saying those for me. And in the interview about this song, he said it's for his juniors but can be also for those people who are trying to reach their dreams. So... thank you, Yoongi....
This is one of my favorites from the album! And the fact that Yoongi and Woosung are on it together makes it even better, my two worlds colliding. Woosung’s vocals with yoongi’s rap it’s a masterpiece
I’m crying. I didn’t have time to finish the documentary in time cause I actually flew to Chicago last week and was swamp with work this week - so I wondered to whom he sings that song. But when Nico said he did it for his juniors I bursted in tears cause now it all makes sense. He is a good man. I knew why I didn’t want to watch your video… have to go to my family right now and you can see I cried 🙈😅 Are you able to go to his tour guys ? I hope you do!!! 💜💜🌌
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
It is always those who have traveled a hard road who reach back to help others. Yoongi wants to be there for others because he had no one to talk to. This song is playing in my head all the time since I've heard it. Woosung voice is just hauntingly good and filled with emotion. It's hard to pick a favorite on this album but this one is following me around a lot
Album favs are Amygdala and Snooze. The lyrics are so beautiful, painful & uniquely SUGA! In this song Mr. Sakamoto's playing and Woosung's voice are perfection.💜
Snooze was my fav song since the first timei hear the whole album, because besides the lyrics, Woosung´s voice hit me right at the core of my soul, and that beat through all the song it´s so captivating. I have Snooze in loop all day long lol
This is my favorite song in the whole album. The message is so intense and important it can apply to anyone that want to go for their dreams and goals. It is hard but it will be ok. It is gonna be ok. So happy that he as a senior and telling all the artist now and coming that he will be supporting them and will be there for them. What a great gift he is giving. 💜
I don't know why but this song makes me cry every time. It feels like Suga is comforting me with my dream. The part he says " 다 괜찮아질거야 (da gwen chana jil guh ya) = it will be okay " that part always gets me. Crying like a baby
This song is amazing, it's my fave overall... the lyrics, the style, everything is just calming and reassuring. Also pls listen to The Rose, their music is really good.
I think this is one of my favorites in D-Day Album, i don't know, for me this song is so comforting. I discovered Woosung and The Rose because of this song they're really good, as we all know yoongi is a genius and he sees real and great talent. Now i already have faves in The Rose's songs, 😅 If you guys will check em out pls tell me, i will be there with you guyss.. hahaha
My absolute favorite song on the album! "Snooze" just comforts me when everything gets to be too much, because you know he's been there. Yoongi is brilliant!💜 Love your podcast, guys!
My favorite song off the album! The lyrics are so creative and raw and Woosung's voice??? It blew me away upon first listen! Thanks for the reaction!! PS: Are u guys going to check out suchwita ep 10?? I think it'll be really cool to watch two beast producers meet hahaha
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
My favorite... lifting up those who come behind... even starting this show so the other members would have a place to go to talk about their projects. My favorite moment in this song is the 16x everything's gonna be alright... I can hear Army chanting this, then DREAM..., DREAM, ... which in the previous concerts they did. I cried. Even having Woosung a part of it. He is a Korean American who was in a Korean contest and got dropped but went on to do his own stuff, possibly struggling too but here he is with Suga. All who come behind BTS can be encouraged by their code of ethics and inspiration. I love it.
I love all of them , every song has a different vibe and describe the journey he went through while making this album , it’s a every specific day or momentum in your life that you can relate to while listening to them.
SUGA is talking to his Dongsaengs like TXT, Woozi and Hoshi of Seventeen and others letting them know he walked that thorny path and can help lessen their pain with his experience. He talked about this with his Sunbae, Taeyang doing that for him and to Hoshi, Woozi and Terry and Yeonjun of TXT during Suchwita 💜
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
I just jumped back into Snooze and realized I'd missed your reaction. I'm deep diving now through a lot of tears... there are pieces of so many songs in this. There's even a piece of First Love - he's speaking the words of the piano, in the same cadence used then. This song is everything I love about Min Yoongi. His collaborative partnerships, his poetry, his vulnerability, his concern for others. Especially that last one. Some people struggle and think the struggle is what made them successful, so everyone should struggle. Some look at it and think "there are times I barely survived, and some people don't, this needs to change." I relate to that personally. I don't want the people who follow after me to have to survive what I have. And like Yoongi, I feel it whenever we lose one of them, and wonder if I could have done more. I'm proud to be standing beside him, you know? Knowing he understands. We're very different, but I could sit with him and talk about my fears for young people I've never even met and how much I wish I could save them all. He'd understand. I got a little personal there, but it's honestly because I trust y'all. You feel like safe people to be vulnerable with. Thank you for listening to Snooze with me 💜
I love watching you guys and how passionate you are when talking about BTS and my bias Suga. I also watched you at BTS's concert as well as D-Day. Just watching you is infectious - I felt your excitement. As for D-Day, i think it's Min Yoongi's best yet. It's hard to name a favourite ... I love the whole album!!
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
cried so much listening to this for the first time, also thinking about the terrible news of moonbin's passing.. may he rest in peace and his memory be kept alive ♡
This is my favourite track lyrics are so meaningful & having Mr Sakamoto playing piano is a bonus I loved the sound track from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence which Sakamoto composed and played the title track. Reminds me of that emotional piece.
In the Disney+ documentary, Riyuchi plays 7 notes at once for Suga and it's discordant. Then he removed one and plays only 6 and it's beautiful and you can see Suga grasping and excitedly absorbing all this knowledge.
Yoongi is always giving us a life lessons through his lyrics. Sheesh. Indeed a genius. A bias wrecker. The chorus also gives me a nostalgic, relaxing mood. Idk why ✨💜
Thanks, guys, for covering the lyrics! This is my favorite song off of D-Day. I am intrigued how Koreans incorporate the life cycle of flowers into their poetry, prose and life in general; it makes descriptives that are visual, tactile and emotive. As an ARMY, I have never felt so comforted by a plant! 🙂 (from Doolset) "When the last flower petal falls, I will catch it, hold tight." And the ending, though flowerless, "You, surviving on snoozes to get closer to your dream, it's okay to rest. Today at least, don't even dream. When you silently show me a faint smile, only then I feel a little relieved. Dream." There's Min Yoongi, giving support and encouragement to his juniors, but I feel like it reaches to all of us, too.
this is my fave song from the dday. the first time i heard it i cried. it speaks to me so much, personally!! i later found out that he wrote is for younger artists and it broke my heart that it came out on the heels of Moonbin's passing. i do hope all idols listen to it and gain strength from it!
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
the song already sounds so nice with just music and its vibe but when I found out about the lyrics and how it came about omg it took me to another level. so much respect for Youngi.
You are right, that last part are lyrics from So far away .. it could really be called pt. 2 .. I love this song .. Suga really cares about his juniors .. Its my favourite as well .. thank god he got to work with Mr. Sakamoto before he passed, such a legend🫰🫰💜💜👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜
finally!!! i've been waiting for this reaction so much. thank u guys!! 💜💜 its hard for me to pick whats myvfav song in the album bc eveything on d-day is just my favs. but if i had to choose, snooze and amygdala. 💗
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️ where are you from…? 💞🎼🪕🫂🌺💐
Snooze is totally my favourite on D-Day. I've been down a rabbit hole with Woosung and The Rose for weeks because of it (thanks Yoongi!) and he/they are fantastic.
Woosung has one of the best voices in music, in my opinion. His pitch and tone are perfect and his delivery is so unique and hauntingly beautiful. I’m a huge fan and so glad he’s getting this exposure and gaining new fans.
Hello there thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
I completely agree with you! I only discovered this song today and didn't know anything about Woosung or The Rose, but now I'm in love with his voice and singing. I'm going to find more about this band and am so excited!
When hearing this for the first time, I didn't even know the lyrics or what he was saying, but I knew it was coming so deep from the heart, and I got emotional. Now I know the words (and in light of the such sad news of Moonbin) it has even greater meaning, weight and heart.
Agree Claire, and now with Riyuchi also passing away this meeting was priceless.
Same here.... I just heard the song without sub.... And I cried
Sometimes people succeed and then kick over the ladder behind them. Instead, we have Min Yoongi holding out his hand to help people up. This is such a beautiful song and I'm so glad he brought Woosung and Sakamoto-san in on it.
Sakamoto Ryuichi Sama (RIP) fue la cereza que adorna esta joya exquisita de Suga.
Que bendición que un genio de la clase de RSS haya decidido bendecir con su talento casi sobrehumano esta gran, gran canción, también debe estar en un museo junto a la flor salvaje de RM.
As an Army and a Black Rose, this song is PERFECTION! A dream come true. Yoongi uses words and themes from from his previous Agust D songs, and rounds out his trilogy with the ultimate comfort message. Not only for his junior idols, but all of us. Adding Woosung's dream-like vocals...just perfection.
I love that....his ultimate comfort message. The amazing song is unbelievably beautiful.
Woosung's voice is hauntingly beautiful.
Yoongi and Woosung together is a dream in itself❤
.......and the beautifully haunting Ryuichi Sakamoto (Suga's mentor) piano composition which sets the tone of this song is also part of this wonderful collaboration!
I really do love this song so much, it’s truly become my comfort song. I’m so glad you decided to check out the lyrics after watching the documentary as the story behind it makes the song have an even bigger impact. I’d also really recommend checking out Suchwita episode 8 as the relationship and conversation between Yoongi and the TXT members really highlights what Snooze is all about. At times Snooze feels like a response to TXT’s song Maze In The Mirror which talks about their hardships as trainees.
Bro, when I heard this song in his documentary, I fully started sobbing. While I may not be a music artist or pursuing it, I am a painter and pursuing that dream. I found BTS in 2018 when I decided to make that career once I got out of school. It was college finals week and when I watched the documentary, I was having a lot of doubts. In myself, in my art, and in my choices of choosing this path. When I heard the song, it was like someone was giving me a hug and telling me that I was gonna be okay, and that while it’s a hard path I’m gonna make it. Out of all the songs I’ve heard so far from the album, this is on the top for me.
I love this song so much 🥹💜💜🫂
Me too:)))
This album is beyond Grammy worthy 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Oh I'm so happy that you decided to check the full lyrics! Snooze is my favorite track and I cried like a baby watching the documentary when Yoongi met Mr Ryuichi Sakamoto RIP 🕊️ I literally broke down into a puddle watching the performance. Yoongi is lyrics genius and I knew I would love this song even before I heard it. As the lyrics are adressed to young idols, I can feel a connection to just young adults like me. It's such a comfort song that touches your heart in the best places and it makes you think
💜 All the love for you 💜 you guys are amazing 💜#EARLYGANG
It's a beautiful song and the voice...wow. Suga trying to give cautionary tale but the other groups will see his fame and fortune and override his words. They want that success also.
suga is incredibly being a mentor in this song.. I can't help but to cry.. the piano played by mr Sakamoto added the emotional feeling to it
Woosung że swoim głosem dopełnił całości.
It's so beautiful, thinking that Suga cared enough to write a whole song to give comfort to others. Plus, the lyrics are absolutely mind-blowing, and so touching. You gotta love Suga!
My fave song is Amygdala, can't stop listening to it, it's so beautiful!
Snooze is my second favourite due to the nature of the lyrics. They just hit so deep and if you're struggling it's nice to feel like someone cares. It helps that Yoongis voice is so soothing ❤❤
Love you guys ❤
Same here
The song is always on repeat
Same! Amygdala is on top and followed by Snooze. Both the songs have deep lyrics that strikes my heart.
#EARLYGANG Ahhh where do I start... When I first listened to the album, Snooze was the second song that really tugged at my heartstrings, after Amygdala. I, too, instantly recognized the lyrics from "So Far Away" that I cherish so much, and instrumental-wise it reminded me of First Love and Nevermind. I knew I was listening to something really special. Once I checked out the full translation of the lyrics, I easily confirmed it as my favorite. I can't put into words how much I needed to hear everything he said, I'm extremely thankful.
Besides how this song relates to my own journey, I'm so happy he got the opportunity to meet and collaborate with his first hero (may his soul rest in peace) on crafting such a beautiful song. The fact Yoongi won't be able to listen to Mr Sakamoto's music for a long time as he wished saddens me, but I'm so glad he was able to create something eternal with him, almost as if Yoongi was meant to carry on his legacy.
Last but not least, Woosung. I already knew The Rose and love their music and his voice so it was such a nice surprise to see his name on the tracklist, I was really looking forward to see how they joined forces. I was not disappointed at all, he was truly the perfect choice to help deliver everything Yoongi wanted to. Listening to Woosung in Snooze always reminds me of Youjeen in Namjoon's Wild Flower. They both truly conveyed the right emotions that the songs needed. As a cherry on top, I absolutely love the fact that the choruses of both songs have the same verb used in different ways: in Wild Flower, Youjeen sings "I'm gonna scatter across that sky", and in Snooze, Woosung sings "when the fog clears and scatters away, I will leave". Truly amazing, the minds of our Namjoon and Yoongi.
Wow that was long (and I'd still have more to say 😂) but I'll end my thoughts here and call it a day! Much love always FAM 💜
That live with Woosung was ingredible...💜
Phenominal song. Suga is such a powerful song writer with such beautiful and deep meanings & advice with these lyrics! Wow, I am blown away by this one!
You're right Nico..this is a hauntingly beautiful song...so heartfelt and genuine. This will mean so much to all of the up and coming artists, especially in light of all the idol suicides that have and are still occurring. Yoongi telling them that it's ok to rest and not constantly dream..is beautiful and uplifting! Such a class act our Suga 💜
Guys, The Rose's latest album "Heal" is beautiful and medicinal for your soul! Woosung also did some dope solo EPs while his bandmates were in the military (Woosung was born in Korea but is a US citizen; grew up in LA). His solo song/MV "Lazy" is really fun! The Rose is an emo-rock band; the members are all awesome instrumentalists and songwriters. One other member, Dojoon, is fluent in English because he lived in New Zealand (where RM studied English). Both Woosung and Dojoon have absolutely gorgeous voices! Check them out, and I'm sure you'll become a fan!!!💜🖤 [p.s.-my faves on D-Day are Haegeum, Amygdala, Snooze, SDL, and Yoongi's gorgeous version of Life Goes On!!!💜]
you're right.. his version of Life Goes On is gorgeous💜💜
I literally watched his Interviewed with Eric Nam and definitely check his solos songs and The Rose. First time hearing his amazinggg vocals. This collabs PERFECT. Genius Suga another masterpiece. ❤❤❤
@@azrilsyazrin ik Suga beyond amazing and his brothers. 💜💜💜
Yes! The Rose's Newest album and Woosung's EP Moth are so good. The single LAAZZY is whole vibe .
Agree! Add Jeff Saturday and Jackson Wang to the list
One of my most favourite songs from D-Day
I just know all these young musicians that already look up to BTS so much felt so touched by Yoongi making a whole song just to comfort them and give them advice
Just repeating the "It's gonna be alright" really calms me so much. One of my favorite songs he's done ever. 💜
I love this song too but for Woosung's vocals on the chorus. The way that Yoongi put the lyrics together with the drum beat and Sakamoto's piano works beautifully.
SUGA is in his Jedi Master bag right now. Teaching the youth to use the Force with genius and skill. This song is absolutely beautiful, and it sets up the end of the album story arc perfectly. It is a testament to Min Yoongi's growth, maturity, and emotional healing. We're so freaking blessed to have these seven GOATs in our lives. I cannot wait for y'all to see him perform this live; I'm still not over it. #earlygang 💜💜
The Star Wars fan in me is smiling ear to ear reading this comment 😬COME ON!!
@WhatchaGot2Say My nerdery knows no bounds! 🤓😎
Shout out to the Star Wars nerd, come on!!
I believe that all artists who take this lesson into account will be safe & sound.
I saw him perform it last night in LA~I’ll never be over it!😻💜🫰🏼
I'm a fan of WooSung, his dreamy vocals 🎶 on fire 🔥 (I ordered your chicken soup t-shirt!j
Snooze is such a beautiful song! The album starts out so strong and fierce and ends on a hopefully high note, it’s perfect, honestly just wonderfully crafted. Thank you for your great reactions!
From first listen, Snooze was the standout track for me. After knowing the lyrics, it's even more beautiful. I love this positive, encouraging Agust D.
I just realized how our Yoongi turned, "it's going to be alright" and "Dream" into a mantra. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
The "Dream" chord sequence comes from a song on the Agust D first mixtape, So Far Away featuring Suran. Suga re-recorded it featuring Jin and JK. Enjoy!!!!!
Even though we know our life's trials and tribulations mold who we are in the present, I often find myself often saying 'I wish I had BTS when I was growing up' Maybe things wouldn't have been so tough. Maybe my dreams would have been accepted - maybe *I* would have been accepted...
In this song, AgustD delivered a solid message - that we are whole and complete exactly the way we are - to the next generation, and to us who are not his juniors. It took far too long in my adulthood for that seemingly simple concept to solidify: that it's ok to dream, it's ok to rest and that I'm really truly ok. Yoongi has been consistent in carrying this message and the fact these words and ideas are getting instilled in younger generations - we are perfect just the way we are - may in fact create a world with much more acceptance and an over abundance of love.
That is the reason why this is my favorite song. #EarlyGang L💜
You said all my thoughts. I was in a dark place as a young person and fed it with dark music. I often wonder the same thing about having this amazing man and BTS in those days.
I'm old
and BTS said things I needed to hear my whole life
Forever grateful to them they found me just in time
I totally agree with you. I wish Suga had been around when I was young. I struggled so much. But on the good side, he is supporting me with my dreams now and that is really comforting. I'm thankful that I found BTS and through them Yoongi's music and words. Borahae. 💜
Your words make me tear up! I'm full grown & grateful for every day I have BTS in my life (only a little over 2 years now) because they make the world a better place no matter how old you are. I have a new perspective on so many things in life thanks to them
@@tylerpurrden awww - thats amazing. and thank you for saying such nice things too 💜
My top 3 from the album
1. Amygdala
2. Snooze
3. D-day
But everything is oh so 😊 i mean iit's genius Yoongi's work so Iexpect everything is a masterpiece. ❤ Plus love the fact that he's keeping it real and raw all the time.
I'm J-ARMY for 9 years and I'm listening professor Ryuichi Sakamoto music for more than 40 years. My country lost great composer. We as Japanese and Yoongi knew he had terminal cancer because he announced his life and conditions in July 2022.
I'm glad Yoongi met him in person last September 2022.
Thank you Min Yoongi.
This song is my absolute favorite of the album. I've got to witness it on his show. I cried because it's so beautiful and comforting. Can't describe how grateful i am for this song and Yoongi, all the tannies :(
when you put into context how harsh the idol industry is and how lacking in mental health care there is too especially recent events this song means even more than it already does and I hope all the younger idols heard the song and really listened to the lyrics who knows how many yoongi just saved from many different negative outcomes.
also I heard woosung and his band the rose also had a very rough path so him being on the song besides how beautiful his voice is also says a lot.
Aaaaargh I am obsessed with this song, Yoongi is a genius!! Woosung’s vocals are just haunting, I can’t with this song it’s insane. And I’m so happy he got to record it and credit Ryuichi before he passed. I love how selfless Yoongi is, creating a whole song devoted to how much he is willing to help his fellow artists blossom & evolve as they work their way through the industry. Just love love love love
Hello there thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
That section that sound so different and yet so fitting (the one that Nico pointed out) is a direct quote from So Far Away - the last song on his very first mixtape "Agust D". It is one of my favourite songs, be them Suga's or any other artist's and I cannot help thinking Snooze sounds like the perfect So Far Away pt.2 💜 I do like that he choose to name it very differently because this way the reminder is even more subtle, and that's the way I like it. Snooze is *easily* my favourite song on the album 💜
epik high writing lost one for bts, and now yoongi writing snooze for his juniors. yoongi telling txt, "you don't have to give anything back to me, just do the same (like i did) to your juniors".
the importance of good role models :)
also, if you want to check out the rose...
1. the song that got me into them: baby
2. my absolute favorite: strangers (it's an ost for a k-drama called strangers from hell)
3. their representative song: she's in the rain
4. my favorite woosung's solo: phase me
Are you me? Baby introduced me to The Rose and my favorite by them is also Strangers. I watched the whole kdrama because they sang its OST despite being super squeamish. And despite the trauma that show gave me, it was worth it. Strangers From Hell was fantastic.
@@nerasomnia woosung's "clouds are shrouding us into the dark" was life-changing for me! too bad that the official mv was taken down...
and strangers from hell... what a great show. i don't remember anything from that show but i remember how creeped out i was. f everyone in that show 😭 i'm scarred
This is my favorite song on the album! R.I.P Mr. Sakamoto.
My favorite is Snooze ❤❤ everytime I hear it I get a calmness, and its just such an inspiring encouraging song and I love songs that want to help someone else that's going through the struggle. It's beautiful 😍 also Mr Sakamoto music genuis blessed this songAnd Woosung Woosung my bias from the rock band The Rose I love His voice perfect for this song cause His spirit is very free. So a perfect match on all three 😊
Yes Woosung voice is beautiful! But everyone who contributed in this song did their Thang!!
snooze is absolutely my favorite song off D-Day🖤 words cannot describe how much comfort it gives me and with the call back to another one of my favorite agust d songs so far away in the later verse it always makes me cry🥹. i love yoongi’s lyricism so much because it is so honest but so beautiful. it’s easy to feel alone in this world but with his music he makes me feel seen and understood and I’ll never be able to thank him enough🖤 loved your reaction to this and love this channel🫶🏾
Snooze is my fav song in the d day i can't stop myself from crying I relate so much to this song such a comfort track thank you yoongi 💜
Seveal songs of Yongi's make me cry
Such a powerful song.
Whenever the so far away section comes up I just shut my eyes and just feel all the emotions in that.
It's just so heartfelt. I've never had a song that manged to evoke emotions on the 20th listen the way the first listen did.
This song is up there as one of my favs. This collab with all 3 of them is amazing. And seeing the live performance was even better.
My favorite song too... i love Woosung voice ❤
está canción es una obra para la Historia El maestro Ryuchi Sakamoto que admiro Suga a quien Amo y Woosung a quien adoro , un trio perfecto
Thank you for recognizing the contribution and influence of Ryuichi Sakamoto here. If you haven't seen the film Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, with his award winning soundtrack, you really should try to check it out. In addition to his composing, he co-starred with (The) David Bowie as his forbidden love interest.
I love you guys. After seeing you with John Reeves, Chris and the other group of guys on the panel answering questions, I love you guys even more. I am so impressed with your willingness to be as vulnerable as you are. Especially you, Nico. What a great role model. The deep love your brothers feel for you is tangible. So happy for your success.
Watching the documentary, it was emotional seeing him interact with Mr. Sakamoto 😢 this album is so personal. Amygdala is my favorite .
You should definitely check out The Rose!
This is my favorite track in the album tbh. Woosung voice as always, so soothing, and ofc yoongis lyricism. And not to mention, when I first listened to this it reminded me so much of "so far away" and when that sample from his track "so far away" in his first mixtape came at last section, I felt too much nostalgia..with that sample, the whole song was complete. Absolutely phenomenal, and ofc I don't want to discredit Mr. Sakomoto, that piano was so calming. Yoongi once again proved himself to be a genius. This track really captures him as a raw artist, a lyricist. Aside from how good the song is, the message is powerful. Very raw to the feeling, I felt like he was talking to me. As someone who is struggling to figure out what dreams I want even in this age, I felt heard, I felt validated, I felt consoled. This track shows the reason why yoongi is love not only as an idol but as an artist who will always go the genuine path of sharing his thought, life, and emotions. Right at this moment, you will realized that agust D, despite born in the crevices of yoongi's trauma. Agust D is a persona that drives yoongi to dream and keep going. Agust D is yoongi. Snooze is such a masterpiece, and it fits well to D-Day considering it's the end of agust D and this song just correlates all his persona into one being. A broken soul who decided to live on and keep going to the days.
This song is definitely a comfort for anyone who has a dream that they are still working towards and is a reminder to himself about his own obstacles as well. This is in addition to the intent of being something for the next generation of groups who are looking for support.
My favorite song is Interlude: Dawn. 💜 it is just incredibly beautiful and I can imagine how Yoongi put the song together.
i get emotional on the part of the lyrics him saying "its gonna be alright" so many times like its soooo comforting bc it's from him. his existence itself is a comfort what more he's saying those things. this song is a life changing
this is speaking life not only into the young up and comings, and the youth, but its a reminder to any of who have fallen off the path, who are chasing or aspring to be something, keep things in perspective, understand the pitfalls of success and remain grounded-I would resonate with this when I was 20 years old trying to figure my sh*t out and I resonate with it now at 37, if you need the motivation to stay on your hussle and grind, this is the guy, so empowering, Agust D/SUGA/Min Yoongi for life I am your humble fan xxx xxx x
Can I tell you guys how much I love Woosung came across his video on a reel and I fell in love with that voice and now following him. When I see you guys reacting to this video with him my pores raised. Two of my favs right here Suga and BTS along with Woosung priceless. Thanks guys.
진짜. 가사가... 예술입니다
진심이 담겨있죠...
Thank you for reacting to Snooze guys. Its my favourite song in the album. 💜
"Snooze" is also my absolute favorite of the album, too. The combination of Suga's soft rap, Woosung's beautiful voice and Mr. Sakamoto's piano made this a hauntingly beautiful masterpiece! I go back to it often to hear the soothing musical ear candy.
By far this is my favorite song. Even before knowing the meaning of the song. And this guy Woosung sounds amazing. Thanks to Suga I’ve looked up Woosung and I’m really enjoying his music. Loving and enjoy listening to the entire album
This is by far my fav song from him. Hits all the emotions and Woo-sung fits perfectly!
The whole album just hit differently than his other two. Snooze is such a layered song. So many reason to be amazed and moved. Amygdala too. And HUH?! And… #EarlyGang
have been listening to the whole album since the release, but this is one of the songs that hit me hard. he intended for this to be for his juniors but it could also be for everyone.
This song hits hard this morning. My last few years have been so tough. Today I’m going for a cancer screening as they found something. I’m trying super hard to get back to normalcy and my dreams regardless of being pounded to the ground by one thing after another. I want to rest and breathe… but need to survive at the same time. 😅😔 #fighting
Please keep righting...............
@@sandrahatherley2184 thanks. It is cancer. So I have been fighting hard for the last few months. 🩷
One of my favourite songs from The Rose is She is the rain, that song hits you hard
When i learned the lyrics, I feel like bawling. I hope someone was there saying those for me. And in the interview about this song, he said it's for his juniors but can be also for those people who are trying to reach their dreams. So... thank you, Yoongi....
This is one of my favorites from the album! And the fact that Yoongi and Woosung are on it together makes it even better, my two worlds colliding. Woosung’s vocals with yoongi’s rap it’s a masterpiece
I’m crying. I didn’t have time to finish the documentary in time cause I actually flew to Chicago last week and was swamp with work this week - so I wondered to whom he sings that song. But when Nico said he did it for his juniors I bursted in tears cause now it all makes sense. He is a good man.
I knew why I didn’t want to watch your video… have to go to my family right now and you can see I cried 🙈😅
Are you able to go to his tour guys ? I hope you do!!! 💜💜🌌
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
You'll love The Rose. That entire group is really talented and put on a great live show. They'll be at Lollapalooza this year too.
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
i got goose bumps when he sang that verse from So Far Away, The whole song is so comforting.
It is always those who have traveled a hard road who reach back to help others. Yoongi wants to be there for others because he had no one to talk to.
This song is playing in my head all the time since I've heard it. Woosung voice is just hauntingly good and filled with emotion.
It's hard to pick a favorite on this album but this one is following me around a lot
I love this song ❤❤❤💜💜 I love Woosung his voice....leader of The Rose...they sing most healing songs❤💜🌹
Album favs are Amygdala and Snooze. The lyrics are so beautiful, painful & uniquely SUGA! In this song Mr. Sakamoto's playing and Woosung's voice are perfection.💜
Snooze was my fav song since the first timei hear the whole album, because besides the lyrics, Woosung´s voice hit me right at the core of my soul, and that beat through all the song it´s so captivating. I have Snooze in loop all day long lol
Thank you so much for doing this. I couldn’t find the album reaction on Patreon at all. I love this song!! It is my favorite behind Amygdala 💜
This is my favorite song in the whole album. The message is so intense and important it can apply to anyone that want to go for their dreams and goals. It is hard but it will be ok. It is gonna be ok. So happy that he as a senior and telling all the artist now and coming that he will be supporting them and will be there for them. What a great gift he is giving. 💜
I don't know why but this song makes me cry every time. It feels like Suga is comforting me with my dream. The part he says " 다 괜찮아질거야 (da gwen chana jil guh ya) = it will be okay " that part always gets me. Crying like a baby
This song is amazing, it's my fave overall... the lyrics, the style, everything is just calming and reassuring.
Also pls listen to The Rose, their music is really good.
I think this is one of my favorites in D-Day Album, i don't know, for me this song is so comforting. I discovered Woosung and The Rose because of this song they're really good, as we all know yoongi is a genius and he sees real and great talent. Now i already have faves in The Rose's songs, 😅 If you guys will check em out pls tell me, i will be there with you guyss.. hahaha
My absolute favorite song on the album! "Snooze" just comforts me when everything gets to be too much, because you know he's been there. Yoongi is brilliant!💜 Love your podcast, guys!
My favorite song off the album! The lyrics are so creative and raw and Woosung's voice??? It blew me away upon first listen! Thanks for the reaction!! PS: Are u guys going to check out suchwita ep 10?? I think it'll be really cool to watch two beast producers meet hahaha
This is my favorite song from the album! I am a big Woosung fan so I was super excited for this collab! ❤
Suga knew what he was doing when he collabed with Woosung . I love Woosungs signature voice amazing this is my favorite song and I love this album.
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
Woosung's voice is one of my favorite voices ever. It gets me in my feels ! The rose is such a talented band. You should check them out :)
My favorite... lifting up those who come behind... even starting this show so the other members would have a place to go to talk about their projects. My favorite moment in this song is the 16x everything's gonna be alright... I can hear Army chanting this, then DREAM..., DREAM, ... which in the previous concerts they did. I cried. Even having Woosung a part of it. He is a Korean American who was in a Korean contest and got dropped but went on to do his own stuff, possibly struggling too but here he is with Suga. All who come behind BTS can be encouraged by their code of ethics and inspiration. I love it.
Mr. Min and his brothers are leaving a great legacy! This song is inspiring to every type of artist. ❤
I love all of them , every song has a different vibe and describe the journey he went through while making this album , it’s a every specific day or momentum in your life that you can relate to while listening to them.
SUGA is talking to his Dongsaengs like TXT, Woozi and Hoshi of Seventeen and others letting them know he walked that thorny path and can help lessen their pain with his experience. He talked about this with his Sunbae, Taeyang doing that for him and to Hoshi, Woozi and Terry and Yeonjun of TXT during Suchwita 💜
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
I just jumped back into Snooze and realized I'd missed your reaction. I'm deep diving now through a lot of tears... there are pieces of so many songs in this. There's even a piece of First Love - he's speaking the words of the piano, in the same cadence used then.
This song is everything I love about Min Yoongi. His collaborative partnerships, his poetry, his vulnerability, his concern for others. Especially that last one.
Some people struggle and think the struggle is what made them successful, so everyone should struggle. Some look at it and think "there are times I barely survived, and some people don't, this needs to change." I relate to that personally. I don't want the people who follow after me to have to survive what I have.
And like Yoongi, I feel it whenever we lose one of them, and wonder if I could have done more. I'm proud to be standing beside him, you know? Knowing he understands. We're very different, but I could sit with him and talk about my fears for young people I've never even met and how much I wish I could save them all. He'd understand.
I got a little personal there, but it's honestly because I trust y'all. You feel like safe people to be vulnerable with. Thank you for listening to Snooze with me 💜
I love watching you guys and how passionate you are when talking about BTS and my bias Suga. I also watched you at BTS's concert as well as D-Day. Just watching you is infectious - I felt your excitement. As for D-Day, i think it's Min Yoongi's best yet. It's hard to name a favourite ... I love the whole album!!
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
cried so much listening to this for the first time, also thinking about the terrible news of moonbin's passing.. may he rest in peace and his memory be kept alive ♡
This is my favourite track lyrics are so meaningful & having Mr Sakamoto playing piano is a bonus I loved the sound track from Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence which Sakamoto composed and played the title track. Reminds me of that emotional piece.
Also loving the instrumental and the vibes here. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
In the Disney+ documentary, Riyuchi plays 7 notes at once for Suga and it's discordant.
Then he removed one and plays only 6 and it's beautiful and you can see Suga grasping and excitedly absorbing all this knowledge.
Yoongi is always giving us a life lessons through his lyrics. Sheesh. Indeed a genius. A bias wrecker. The chorus also gives me a nostalgic, relaxing mood. Idk why ✨💜
This is one of my favorite songs on the album is such a beautiful song. I love the lyrics of the song so much💜💜
I love the whole album but my favourite track is SNOOZE !!! His live performance with Woonsung sooooooo good 💜💜💜
Thanks, guys, for covering the lyrics! This is my favorite song off of D-Day. I am intrigued how Koreans incorporate the life cycle of flowers into their poetry, prose and life in general; it makes descriptives that are visual, tactile and emotive. As an ARMY, I have never felt so comforted by a plant! 🙂 (from Doolset) "When the last flower petal falls, I will catch it, hold tight." And the ending, though flowerless, "You, surviving on snoozes to get closer to your dream, it's okay to rest. Today at least, don't even dream. When you silently show me a faint smile, only then I feel a little relieved. Dream." There's Min Yoongi, giving support and encouragement to his juniors, but I feel like it reaches to all of us, too.
this is my fave song from the dday. the first time i heard it i cried. it speaks to me so much, personally!! i later found out that he wrote is for younger artists and it broke my heart that it came out on the heels of Moonbin's passing. i do hope all idols listen to it and gain strength from it!
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
the song already sounds so nice with just music and its vibe but when I found out about the lyrics and how it came about omg it took me to another level. so much respect for Youngi.
You are right, that last part are lyrics from So far away .. it could really be called pt. 2 .. I love this song .. Suga really cares about his juniors .. Its my favourite as well .. thank god he got to work with Mr. Sakamoto before he passed, such a legend🫰🫰💜💜👍👍👍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜💜💜
finally!!! i've been waiting for this reaction so much. thank u guys!! 💜💜 its hard for me to pick whats myvfav song in the album bc eveything on d-day is just my favs. but if i had to choose, snooze and amygdala. 💗
I just love this song...can't stop to hear it 💜 💜 💜 Suga 💜💜💜💜
Thank you for your love and support for me and my career🎼, I hope that you will not stop supporting me😊💕💕 I am really very pleased that all of you have been around all these years of my career.I appreciate your support and warm comments, I want to say thank you very much I humbly appreciate you, and also have a blessed week God bless you✌️✌️
where are you from…?
Suga magnífico!💜💜💜✨
Snooze is totally my favourite on D-Day. I've been down a rabbit hole with Woosung and The Rose for weeks because of it (thanks Yoongi!) and he/they are fantastic.