That’s quite a colourist take, women of different ethnicities are bound to have varying skin colours. If you prefer whiter skin just say that, women come in all colours and sizes and they are all beautiful.
what the hell does that even mean? so what, people who don't have white skin are less important then people who do? i know its your opinion and you have a right to have your own opinion but it doesn't make it right.
개성이 서로 다르고 좋아하는취향이 다른사람들끼리 모이면 재밌을것같은데
여자는 피부 하얀게 중요한거같네
That’s quite a colourist take, women of different ethnicities are bound to have varying skin colours. If you prefer whiter skin just say that, women come in all colours and sizes and they are all beautiful.
what the hell does that even mean? so what, people who don't have white skin are less important then people who do? i know its your opinion and you have a right to have your own opinion but it doesn't make it right.
님들이 까만 피부가 핫하다고 생각하고 좋아하듯이 한국인들은 하얗고 깨끗한 피부 좋아하니깐 각자의 의견을 존중하자 외국인들아
취향이 다를뿐. 피부색은 중요하지않아
Only ppl who aren't thinking right, could ve this opinion, I am actually a bit shocked cuz it's 2024. May u grow (mentally)