Heya Harry,another top video analysis,thank you.As another writer mentioned the cost of Scalextric these days is high,and your video indicates the poor value in many cases,from my point of view its not a huge issue because im more than capable of rectifying factory failures,but the majority of purchasers buy these cars with an expectation of not finding so many poor production results.Its been said before by many commentators spending a little more on more professional brands is good economics.
Scalextric needs to step up their game,especially at that price! Their 90s F1 and Indycar cars are much more fun and they look like toys,now they look realistic and are better at sitting on a shelf.
Do kids want these? No they look old fashioned. Do racers want these? No they are like toys. Do collectors want these? No because they look like toys. The axle is clipped to the body!?!? The tyre spinning on the wheel 😂 what a joke. Not worth anyone's time to work on these. I hope Scalextric watch this video. Absolute shambles. Congrats on doing such a kind review! Not worth buying if they were cheap.
Wow, that was a master class in how to do a positive review 😎
Heya Harry,another top video analysis,thank you.As another writer mentioned the cost of Scalextric these days is high,and your video indicates the poor value in many cases,from my point of view its not a huge issue because im more than capable of rectifying factory failures,but the majority of purchasers buy these cars with an expectation of not finding so many poor production results.Its been said before by many commentators spending a little more on more professional brands is good economics.
Harry Wise - always fair with his opinions.
Nice biopsies..Harry, these are some very interesting adjustments even for scalexxtric. Most would not know what you have figured out. Thank you
LOL and then this happened!
Scalextric needs to step up their game,especially at that price! Their 90s F1 and Indycar cars are much more fun and they look like toys,now they look realistic and are better at sitting on a shelf.
I really like the Lotus as a slot car but that guide location is off putting .really nice in depth review... Greetings 🤗...Harry
Nail polish, 🏎️🛞🛞. 😊
Do kids want these? No they look old fashioned. Do racers want these? No they are like toys. Do collectors want these? No because they look like toys.
The axle is clipped to the body!?!?
The tyre spinning on the wheel 😂 what a joke.
Not worth anyone's time to work on these. I hope Scalextric watch this video. Absolute shambles.
Congrats on doing such a kind review!
Not worth buying if they were cheap.
Sad effort compared to Policar.