@@MistaRando it's a 20 minute video though. There's probably an hour of content if you want to cover everything- that's what the comment section is for.
another thing about exploders: they dont explode on death if they die to a headshot. also, anything that slows you down is the very highest priority for me -- web spitters and slashers die first, always. having them around makes dying to literally anything more likely
Yeah I think that his priorities all kinda rlly sucked, imo top priority should always be your most immediate threats like slashers but for him it's praetorians and stuff which both do very little damage and only typically reach you once the horde is cleared out. Unless you stand in one place they're no issue and if you do, then the grunts get you first
@@rift7609 +1 to leaving praetorians until last, unless it's a cramped space or you're on point defence. Although if you're running a single target damage build and the rest of your team are good on crowd clear, that changes your individual priorities, if not the overall priorities of the team. What I love so much about this game is that there are situational exceptions to every piece of advice I can think of. Even after hundreds of hours, I'm still learning new things and there is so much variety between missions.
@lkyuvsad yeah that's a good point but I'd still say even so praetorian is near bottom, that's just how smol of a threat they are lol,those 4 extra grunts you'd kill rather than the praetorian are still a bigger threat to your team
I'd suggest doing this only after you go behind them unless you're driller or smth because the acid spray is perfect for going behind them for its weak spot as they're effectively stunned for longer than the pickaxe stun and the spray does very little dmg
This comes from power attacks having a chance to stun for a second, so any stun/shock/fear weapon like the GK-2, Leadstorm, Stubby, or Power Drills will stop their attack.
You missed a couple of important tips. 1) Brood Nexus: Freezing it make it makes the Nexus not explode into a bunch of spawners when it dies. And while not a damage weakness, it does get the frozen status extremely easily which makes the tactic very viable. 2) Exploders don't explode if you take them out with a headshot (including pickaxing the head).
Very solid and great tips and basic understanding of each glyphid. Some tips to add to this is -Stingtails can often be stunned by the power attack(your M2+M1) so if you get pulled by a stingtail, you can time the power attack and prevent the stingtail from doing its melee on you and avoid taking damage. Also comes with the added bonus of stripping the stingtail's armor too. -shooting exploders in their mouths prevents them from exploding. -Praetorians have both a ice and radioactive variants with ice variants being slightly faster and inflicting signifcantly less damage with its spit attack while radioactive variants being much faster and instead of spitting, radiates a big aoe damaging field around it which makes it a lot tougher to flank. -For guards, you can often bait them into putting their uhh, guard down by getting close and baiting a melee out of them and shoot them in the face.
I like the series I would however say 1 thing about the swarmer and all the tiny enemies in this game is that fully freezing them does kill them instantly so while they don't have a statistical weakness to freeze 1 well placed cryo-grenade or even a swift blast of a cryo-cannon will shut them down FAST
That + not sure why the spawn chance of a brood nexus would affect their priority, priority was meant to be how much we should focus on an enemy once it attacks us, right? Also worth mentioning, it's extremely easy to set them on fire.
Swarmer’s at higher hazards can survive being frozen with in the right conditions that only occurs if you are spraying instead of focusing on one of them
I was about to say I don't have that much time in the game, but checked and I've just passed 1000 hours. Good grief. I've been a gamer for nearly 40 years now and I don't think I have this much time in any other game, even when I was a time-rich kid. And yeah, still learning new strats, will still never turn down an opportunity to play. There's an Adam Millard video about how inevitable the tank, healer, damage dealer trinity is. They give DRG a shout out for breaking the trinity by creating terrain-based puzzles and unique mobility mechanisms. I think that nails the longevity of the game- there are so many combinations of terrain configuration, goal (both mission and situational), spawn pool, how far through the mission you are, the relative experience of the players in different roles... And then what class I'm playing, what build I'm running, what build other people are running. It's not a case of levelling up in skill by getting better at aiming, more precise at jumps or whatever. You get better mostly by getting smarter- I'm old and tired, my reactions are slow, I'm crap at aiming. But I'm still improving all the time just because I can read situations better. It's so, so satisfying.
I disagree with a lot in the video, most the things shouldn’t be anywhere near high priority, things like grunts, swarmers, prae and oppressors aren’t even things you think of in a large swarm like in h6x2, so I don’t think this is a great video to learn from
@@antidreamsYeah, as a ~800 hr player that frequents Haz 5 if not higher modded Hazards, this guy has no clue what he's talking about other than very basic knowledge. Not a good video even for newer players IMO
Also, enemies buffed by a warden are a lot harder to stun, and more importantly, apply the fear status effect to, so the hordes will be much more persistent and harder to control than normal.
Yeah but the few that don’t rank high still make it valuable information just in the opposite direction instead of these select few enemies are super dangerous it’s these select few are ok to be ignored in favor of other targets
Good video! I learned a lot even as a greybeard. I would rate the web spitter way more dangerous though. Getting a web in your face amidst a wave is almost a death sentence if you are not a gunner.
Heres how to keep things simple. Anything fast or shooty dies first. Swarmers are fast and hard to hit without splash damage, should be cut down when not under fire, anything that can attack from far away should die the moment you see it because you can just outrun the melee bugs.
Would love a two hour long video explaining in extreme detail the intricacies of the Q’ronar Shellback. Would greatly appreciate to hear the best way to take down this bastards that I love and hate so much.
i loved the video but 9:12 you say it doesn't do any damage but in the two clips of you getting webbed right before, it almost completely one shots your shield! does it just not do any damage to health? i always thought they did and the video at least shows it damaging shields greatly.
Notably, there are ice and radiation variants of the default bugs. Swarmers, slashers, guards, and grunts all have this, though it's less noticable than praetorians and the radiation exploders and frost bombers. Frost bugs stay frozen for longer but take more cooling to initially freeze, and take extra damage from fire, while radiation enemies are resistant to radiation, and radiation praetorians are almost twice as fast as other praetorians. Frost praetorians' spit attack cools you down rather than damaging you, as does their death-gas cloud, which cannot be ignited like normal praet or oppressor gas can, while radiation praetorians create a circular radiation zone in place of spitting (which doesn't reach you if you stand still while they walk at you to do it, hilariously) and a smaller, shorter-lasting one on death. The radioactive swarmers are bioluminescent, a trait not shared by other radiation bugs or the other four swarmer/spawn variants. Other bugs, even semi-common ones such as oppressors or mactera (excluding the frost bomber), do not share these traits, but while the frost and radiation praetorians and the alternate exploder and bomber have bestiary entries in the Miner's Manual, these alternate swarmers, grunts, guards and slashers do not. Something notable is the way the spawn director chooses enemies. The game has a mission limit of 'disruptive' enemy types, which I believe is 4. This is enemies such as stingtails, exploders, grabbers, detonators, etc. I'm unsure if swarmers count, as some missions simply don't spawn them, and I believe (but could be wrong) that swarmageddon, mactera plague and exploder infestation missions spawn things independently of this system, as swarms do not change based on these mutators. However, certain surprising enemies are not considered disruptive, and are thus _always_ in the spawnset, able to spawn in any mission at any time. One of these is the oppressor, ensuring your bunkers are never safe (that being their mechanical purpose), and another is the rival nemesis, which while rare enough to rarely ever do so, can be chosen for any unannounced spawnwave or announced swarm, or prespawned in any cave. Fortunately it has a very obvious and loud spawn sound and ambient sound.
great video allthough the web spitters do actually do damage, ive underestimated them before so id put it a bit higher on the priority list, and i would also move the oppressor to be lower. espesially in large rooms i often ignore opressors unless they get too close, i feel like their speed and predictiability makes them easy to kite around and ignore. thats my view tho, very fun vid! excited to see the next ones in the series
Something interesting about the Nexus is that you can also easily temp shock it. It lights on fire and freezes SUPER quick, and you can use that to your advantage if you happen to be running several elemental types in the group or if it's a little difficult to take care of the weak spots.
i have to disagree about web spitter's priority being low. (only on swarm, i guess) because unlike acid spitter one web shot can make the situation very bad by making you really slow and get swarmed. this is more important on scouts and gunner, these two lack the burst dps or speed to get out of the situation (well, they have shield bubble and grappling hook respectively, but you really need those and both of them are cool-time based)
generally, priority part is a bit centered on 'peaceful state' if there is a swarm, slow bugs can be ignored, and fast or bugs with slowing debuff should be high on the priority.
it should be noted that diferent enemies have diferent weakpoint multipliers, for exemple a grunt has a 2x multipier while a pretorian has a 1x multipier 4:43 - you also can 2 shot them with body shots if you use the armor break mod 20:04 - I dont think opressors are that high of a priority, they are so slow that you can just ignore them in most situations
To be honest. I'd put the guards in low priority I feel they are much slower than an average grunt, and even if they aren't Speding extra time and ammo trying to kill them is a waste. You'd be killing two or three grunts (reducing the threat) by the time you kill one guard
Nice guide! Definitely learnt some new weakspots that I did not know existed before. I cant help but notice that majority of the priority is listed as high, which defeats some of the purpose of trying to identify which to prioritize. May I suggest that the priority be listed in a rank system instead, so it would be easier to understand which enemy to focus when we meet a variety of them at once? I do understand though that it may vary depending on the situation you face in game though.
The situationaly very important attribute of bulks and oppressors you forgot is that they can both dig to you if they cant find a clear path to you they are also probably the worst enemies to fight in enclosed location so people please remember to prepare an emergency exit from your bunkers
When fighting the Crassus Detonator, kill it in the smallest area possible, like a small tunnel. This will maximize the amount of gold it leaves behind in the crater.
A Exploder will also not explode if you kill them with a head shot. Sting tail have a interesting counter. If your lucky enough that your power attack isn't on cool down at the time when grabbed use it on the sting tail when you get close. If done right it will stop it from doing its horn attack before you can back out of range
AH yes, the brood nexus being "Relatively uncommon". I ran into three of them in the same room on a deep dive once. Along with two spit ballers and a barrage infector. Took two tries.
Had a refining mission yesterday in salt pits with a pretty small cave on haz 3, iirc, 11 stingtails, and 18 septic spreaders while playing solo. Couldn't even leave the pod at first due to there being 2 stingtails and like, 3 spreaders trying to get my ass alongside 2 praetorians
I WANT MORE SUPPORT GLYPHID, Like for example a pulser glyphid, which will often explode an emf wave that boost nearby glyhpid speed and dmg while also making them immune to electric dmg for 3-5 sec
Every Glyphid has a very high targeting priority in any combat situation, simply because they're big, ugly, and don't want me taking their shiny stones.
Thank you for the video it was a great summary of the enemies. Especially i like, that you mentioned and showed the unique sounds they do. But i feel like the priority is kind of biased. After watching it feels like nearly every priority is high or above. So high becomes more like normal?
Really good information, but I feel like the priority was a bit vague and inaccurate. A lot of the enemies you put as high priority can be dealt with by just running away while shooting and some of the lower ranked enemies have nasty effects when put in a large swarm. So here’s my ranking, as a 412 player rank who has just pushed past Haz 5 into modded difficulties: KILL IT RIGHT NOW: Septic Spreader, Stingtail A Problem: Acid Spitter, Warden, Slasher, Web Spitter High: Menace, Crassus Detonator, Exploder Medium: Bulk Detonator, Guard, Swarmer Low: Praetorian, Grunt Go grab that Morkite first: Oppressor, Brood Nexus Oppressors and Bulk Detonators are lower than they appear to belong to since they are both slow and have well-telegraphed attacks that give you time to dodge. Oppressors go even lower since they can’t do much damage, only knock you around a bit, while detonators stay somewhat dangerous because of just how much area they can completely deny with very little counter play outside of good kiting. Anything ranged or anything that slows you down is very high. Kiting is such an integral part of the game that it makes ranged enemies more important by default, while slowing enemies give a chance for the horde to catch up and do some major damage. Stingtails also have the annoying habit of grabbing you pixels away from reviving your friend and making your Iron Will for nothing. Menaces, while threatening, can be postponed pretty easily by just moving (which you should be doing anyway) in any direction other than straight towards it. That being said, you can’t keep that up forever and should look to take it down as soon as you’re not in immediate danger. P.S. Crassus Detonators are slightly different than regular Detonators, as they have 6000 base health and are covered in unbreakable heavy armor all over.
For one, it would've been great to actually make a ranked list of enemies according to their priority. Also, different weakpoints of different enemies have different damage multipliers, which I also think should've been included. Also also, I think that on higher difficulties slashers have significantly higher priority than guards. And bulk detonators' priority I think varies between mission types, e. g. in escort duties or salvage operations their priority is absurdly high while in missions like mining missions or egg hunts it isn't that high. Oh, and also it's spelled "sporadic"
I gotta hard disagree with web spitters being low priority for two reasons 1: it has the same problem that stalkers have since they inflict a heavy slow on you plus they heavily obscure vision. 2: it shoots projectiles, and anything that shoots at you is higher priority in my book because if I'm focusing on dodging them, I'm taking the focus off other important matters.
A few things Swarmers, Grunts, Slashers, Guards, Pretorians and Exploders have a Radioactive Exclusion Zone and Glacial Strata variant (except the Exploder that only has a Rad variant) All the Rad variants gain resistence to Radiation dmg while the Strata vars gain resistance to Cold but a Fire weakness Aditionally: Rad Pretorian irradiates the area around itself instead of barfing (does it again on death instead of a death cloud) Frost Pretorian replaces its barf and death cloud with cryo versions that don't do dmg but instead affect your cold metter And Rad Exploder deals less dmg with its explosions but leaves the area irradiated Also should the Ebonite Glyphids be covered once season 5 releases (there will be a warning that adds them to the spawn pool, like how Rival Presence adds Rival Tech enemies to the spawn pool)?
Damn stingtails to a very special hell Why couldn't they just be like L4D2 smokers. They could only use their tail attack once, but it goes on cooldown While being mini version of an oppresor in terms of health and damage Because nothing sucks more than a constantly bring pulled over and over and over while trying to get away from a stingtail
I think that's because the shard diffractor does area damage, the same happens with the gunner's autocannon and the missile launcher. Maybe it's because the area component of the damage hits the weakspot on their backs, creating the illusion that the weapon does direct damage.
@@Spartan_1437 I'm not sure. It's gotta be right on the mouth, and little bit to the left or right does nothing. Same if you don't hit right on the green spot. I think it could be there is a small weak spot there and most projective weapons struggle to hit it. It could also be the heating from the shard defrac too.
@@dantedrake1112 I mean true, but that's a feature of seeker rounds in general, not anything to do with the oppressors build. Also, I personally think ECR is the best OC/build for Lok-1 it's just so strong, and works very well for swarm clear, plus it has a chance to fear, so you can just have the oppressor turn around and show you its weak spot.
I don’t really think thorns is that great against swarmers. Thorns itself has a cooldown until it can be triggered again (I’m not exactly sure on the timing but anywhere between 1-2s)
Javarak, there is no such thing as "very unique" or "most unique". Unique is an absolute and something is either unique or it is not, there is no gradation of unique. Unique - one of a kind, unlike anything else.
3:43 The fact that this guy doesn’t even know the strategy makes this whole video pointless to watch. The Strategy: Freeze it to stop it from spawning swarmers which also prevents a huge amount of swarmers from spawning on death.
yeah, he didn't said that and its a good, (or even best) strategy to deal with nexus. but because (like the video said,) its priority should be at the bottom. its too tanky to pop it when there is some immediate threat that will actively hurt you. also, because its 'Effects on Death' is really minor, and i think missing on this strategy isn't that big of a deal.
Web Spitter attack abcolutely deals damage, what are you talking about? You can even see it in the video and I'm confident in saying that I did get killed a few times while I was low on health and a random Web Spitter hit me from the back. Brood Nexuses don't create the big Spawn horde on death if you freeze them. Exploders don't explode on death if you pop their head off. Bulk Detonators when killed while frozen just don't explode, they don't make an explosion that deals no damage. Also unless they are right in your face or there's a Dreadnaught active, DON'T focus them immediately. They are very tanky and can take a while to kill, but they are very slow and you should focus on other bugs, like slashers or acid spitter. Also also, during an escort mission, DON'T kill them anywhere near Dotty, or you are going to lose a whole lifebar instantly. For the Crassus, if you want the gold, don't freeze them or they will not create the crater. Pretorians and Oppressors should not be that high in priority, they are slow and unless you are near them they don't pose much of a threat, unlike the normal grunts and slasher that can close the distance very quickly. This guide was anything but "ultimate".
You should have definitely mentioned that if you freeze Brood nexus it fill not release swarmers after destruction
Pretty vital information
How can you make a strategy video and not know about the strategy lmao.
@@MistaRandothere are so many different interactions in this game it's only natural you might miss some. Don't be a dick
@@MistaRando it's a 20 minute video though. There's probably an hour of content if you want to cover everything- that's what the comment section is for.
@@MistaRandoI wouldn't trust this video guy for strategies or tips for anything above Haz 3. Guards are High priority?
another thing about exploders: they dont explode on death if they die to a headshot.
also, anything that slows you down is the very highest priority for me -- web spitters and slashers die first, always. having them around makes dying to literally anything more likely
Yeah I think that his priorities all kinda rlly sucked, imo top priority should always be your most immediate threats like slashers but for him it's praetorians and stuff which both do very little damage and only typically reach you once the horde is cleared out. Unless you stand in one place they're no issue and if you do, then the grunts get you first
@@rift7609 +1 to leaving praetorians until last, unless it's a cramped space or you're on point defence. Although if you're running a single target damage build and the rest of your team are good on crowd clear, that changes your individual priorities, if not the overall priorities of the team.
What I love so much about this game is that there are situational exceptions to every piece of advice I can think of. Even after hundreds of hours, I'm still learning new things and there is so much variety between missions.
@lkyuvsad yeah that's a good point but I'd still say even so praetorian is near bottom, that's just how smol of a threat they are lol,those 4 extra grunts you'd kill rather than the praetorian are still a bigger threat to your team
You can make a praetorian "shut up" by power attacking their face when they burp, leading them to cancel the action and stare at you for a bit
I'd suggest doing this only after you go behind them unless you're driller or smth because the acid spray is perfect for going behind them for its weak spot as they're effectively stunned for longer than the pickaxe stun and the spray does very little dmg
This comes from power attacks having a chance to stun for a second, so any stun/shock/fear weapon like the GK-2, Leadstorm, Stubby, or Power Drills will stop their attack.
Webspitters do damage. They almost broke your shield in the first clip you had of them.
You missed a couple of important tips.
1) Brood Nexus: Freezing it make it makes the Nexus not explode into a bunch of spawners when it dies. And while not a damage weakness, it does get the frozen status extremely easily which makes the tactic very viable.
2) Exploders don't explode if you take them out with a headshot (including pickaxing the head).
Very solid and great tips and basic understanding of each glyphid. Some tips to add to this is
-Stingtails can often be stunned by the power attack(your M2+M1) so if you get pulled by a stingtail, you can time the power attack and prevent the stingtail from doing its melee on you and avoid taking damage. Also comes with the added bonus of stripping the stingtail's armor too.
-shooting exploders in their mouths prevents them from exploding.
-Praetorians have both a ice and radioactive variants with ice variants being slightly faster and inflicting signifcantly less damage with its spit attack while radioactive variants being much faster and instead of spitting, radiates a big aoe damaging field around it which makes it a lot tougher to flank.
-For guards, you can often bait them into putting their uhh, guard down by getting close and baiting a melee out of them and shoot them in the face.
I had somehow not noticed that praetorians move at different speeds! Guard tip is new to me too. Thanks.
Looks like someone is colorblind. The warden has pink-ish beams, it matches their pink-ish glowing bits.
I like the series I would however say 1 thing about the swarmer and all the tiny enemies in this game is that fully freezing them does kill them instantly so while they don't have a statistical weakness to freeze 1 well placed cryo-grenade or even a swift blast of a cryo-cannon will shut them down FAST
That + not sure why the spawn chance of a brood nexus would affect their priority, priority was meant to be how much we should focus on an enemy once it attacks us, right? Also worth mentioning, it's extremely easy to set them on fire.
Swarmer’s at higher hazards can survive being frozen with in the right conditions that only occurs if you are spraying instead of focusing on one of them
As a Greybeard with 1,000 + hours in DRG, I love watching these videos because I feel like there is always something new to learn! ROCK AND STONE!
I was about to say I don't have that much time in the game, but checked and I've just passed 1000 hours. Good grief.
I've been a gamer for nearly 40 years now and I don't think I have this much time in any other game, even when I was a time-rich kid.
And yeah, still learning new strats, will still never turn down an opportunity to play.
There's an Adam Millard video about how inevitable the tank, healer, damage dealer trinity is. They give DRG a shout out for breaking the trinity by creating terrain-based puzzles and unique mobility mechanisms. I think that nails the longevity of the game- there are so many combinations of terrain configuration, goal (both mission and situational), spawn pool, how far through the mission you are, the relative experience of the players in different roles... And then what class I'm playing, what build I'm running, what build other people are running. It's not a case of levelling up in skill by getting better at aiming, more precise at jumps or whatever. You get better mostly by getting smarter- I'm old and tired, my reactions are slow, I'm crap at aiming. But I'm still improving all the time just because I can read situations better. It's so, so satisfying.
I disagree with a lot in the video, most the things shouldn’t be anywhere near high priority, things like grunts, swarmers, prae and oppressors aren’t even things you think of in a large swarm like in h6x2, so I don’t think this is a great video to learn from
@@antidreamsYeah, as a ~800 hr player that frequents Haz 5 if not higher modded Hazards, this guy has no clue what he's talking about other than very basic knowledge. Not a good video even for newer players IMO
@@ascended8174 Javarak just isn't a good player but it feels strange because he makes "educative" content which is wrong
Also, enemies buffed by a warden are a lot harder to stun, and more importantly, apply the fear status effect to, so the hordes will be much more persistent and harder to control than normal.
Hey! That’s the video idea that I recommended! Thanks for making it!
Not to be a debbie downer, but if 9/10 enemies have priority: high, you might as well not rank them...
That annoyed me a lot during the vid
Yeah but the few that don’t rank high still make it valuable information just in the opposite direction instead of these select few enemies are super dangerous it’s these select few are ok to be ignored in favor of other targets
Moral of the story is to just shut up and shoot the giant bug in front of you
I love the way you described the Bulk Detonator because yeah they’re the only Glyphid you’ll see make the entire company vacate the area lol
Good video! I learned a lot even as a greybeard. I would rate the web spitter way more dangerous though. Getting a web in your face amidst a wave is almost a death sentence if you are not a gunner.
Heres how to keep things simple. Anything fast or shooty dies first. Swarmers are fast and hard to hit without splash damage, should be cut down when not under fire, anything that can attack from far away should die the moment you see it because you can just outrun the melee bugs.
Would be cool to see a video covering the different types of swarms that spawn. Rockpox, Pretorian, Mactera, etc.
Would love a two hour long video explaining in extreme detail the intricacies of the Q’ronar Shellback. Would greatly appreciate to hear the best way to take down this bastards that I love and hate so much.
i loved the video but 9:12 you say it doesn't do any damage but in the two clips of you getting webbed right before, it almost completely one shots your shield! does it just not do any damage to health? i always thought they did and the video at least shows it damaging shields greatly.
Notably, there are ice and radiation variants of the default bugs. Swarmers, slashers, guards, and grunts all have this, though it's less noticable than praetorians and the radiation exploders and frost bombers. Frost bugs stay frozen for longer but take more cooling to initially freeze, and take extra damage from fire, while radiation enemies are resistant to radiation, and radiation praetorians are almost twice as fast as other praetorians. Frost praetorians' spit attack cools you down rather than damaging you, as does their death-gas cloud, which cannot be ignited like normal praet or oppressor gas can, while radiation praetorians create a circular radiation zone in place of spitting (which doesn't reach you if you stand still while they walk at you to do it, hilariously) and a smaller, shorter-lasting one on death. The radioactive swarmers are bioluminescent, a trait not shared by other radiation bugs or the other four swarmer/spawn variants. Other bugs, even semi-common ones such as oppressors or mactera (excluding the frost bomber), do not share these traits, but while the frost and radiation praetorians and the alternate exploder and bomber have bestiary entries in the Miner's Manual, these alternate swarmers, grunts, guards and slashers do not.
Something notable is the way the spawn director chooses enemies. The game has a mission limit of 'disruptive' enemy types, which I believe is 4. This is enemies such as stingtails, exploders, grabbers, detonators, etc. I'm unsure if swarmers count, as some missions simply don't spawn them, and I believe (but could be wrong) that swarmageddon, mactera plague and exploder infestation missions spawn things independently of this system, as swarms do not change based on these mutators. However, certain surprising enemies are not considered disruptive, and are thus _always_ in the spawnset, able to spawn in any mission at any time. One of these is the oppressor, ensuring your bunkers are never safe (that being their mechanical purpose), and another is the rival nemesis, which while rare enough to rarely ever do so, can be chosen for any unannounced spawnwave or announced swarm, or prespawned in any cave. Fortunately it has a very obvious and loud spawn sound and ambient sound.
17:20 - Crassus also has armor that reduces direct damage by 60% and is unbreakable.
great video allthough the web spitters do actually do damage, ive underestimated them before so id put it a bit higher on the priority list, and i would also move the oppressor to be lower. espesially in large rooms i often ignore opressors unless they get too close, i feel like their speed and predictiability makes them easy to kite around and ignore. thats my view tho, very fun vid! excited to see the next ones in the series
Something interesting about the Nexus is that you can also easily temp shock it. It lights on fire and freezes SUPER quick, and you can use that to your advantage if you happen to be running several elemental types in the group or if it's a little difficult to take care of the weak spots.
Praetorian: has fear resistance
Gunner: hehe sticky grenade go stick on big boi
Praetorian: panicking and retreats
I like how the Bulk Det is 'rare', right after I had a game where 4 spawned back to back
i have to disagree about web spitter's priority being low. (only on swarm, i guess) because unlike acid spitter one web shot can make the situation very bad by making you really slow and get swarmed. this is more important on scouts and gunner, these two lack the burst dps or speed to get out of the situation (well, they have shield bubble and grappling hook respectively, but you really need those and both of them are cool-time based)
generally, priority part is a bit centered on 'peaceful state'
if there is a swarm, slow bugs can be ignored, and fast or bugs with slowing debuff should be high on the priority.
Bulk Detonators are definitely weak to melee and you should always kill them with your pickaxe
That's what Karl did.
it should be noted that diferent enemies have diferent weakpoint multipliers, for exemple a grunt has a 2x multipier while a pretorian has a 1x multipier
4:43 - you also can 2 shot them with body shots if you use the armor break mod
20:04 - I dont think opressors are that high of a priority, they are so slow that you can just ignore them in most situations
To be honest. I'd put the guards in low priority
I feel they are much slower than an average grunt, and even if they aren't
Speding extra time and ammo trying to kill them is a waste. You'd be killing two or three grunts (reducing the threat) by the time you kill one guard
Nice guide! Definitely learnt some new weakspots that I did not know existed before. I cant help but notice that majority of the priority is listed as high, which defeats some of the purpose of trying to identify which to prioritize. May I suggest that the priority be listed in a rank system instead, so it would be easier to understand which enemy to focus when we meet a variety of them at once? I do understand though that it may vary depending on the situation you face in game though.
The situationaly very important attribute of bulks and oppressors you forgot is that they can both dig to you if they cant find a clear path to you
they are also probably the worst enemies to fight in enclosed location so people please remember to prepare an emergency exit from your bunkers
When fighting the Crassus Detonator, kill it in the smallest area possible, like a small tunnel. This will maximize the amount of gold it leaves behind in the crater.
I needs to know their weakness. They just don't die to my builds.
A Exploder will also not explode if you kill them with a head shot.
Sting tail have a interesting counter. If your lucky enough that your power attack isn't on cool down at the time when grabbed use it on the sting tail when you get close. If done right it will stop it from doing its horn attack before you can back out of range
Good tip for menaces is to ping it while it's out, then it will stay pinged when it emerges in a new spot so you know where it is
Thanks for the information it’s cool to know how to deal with different enemies
Your intro is satisfying. Also helpful video, I ist started playing a week ago
AH yes, the brood nexus being "Relatively uncommon". I ran into three of them in the same room on a deep dive once. Along with two spit ballers and a barrage infector. Took two tries.
These types of videos are quite useful
Had a refining mission yesterday in salt pits with a pretty small cave on haz 3, iirc, 11 stingtails, and 18 septic spreaders while playing solo. Couldn't even leave the pod at first due to there being 2 stingtails and like, 3 spreaders trying to get my ass alongside 2 praetorians
A Good tip: You can use Exploders as an advantage, by killing it and let it explode when it's close to swarms.
both type of spitter are top priority
1:20 - Didn't Ghost Ship announce that Ebonite enemies would become spawnable in missions for season 5?
yes but it is still linked toa specific hazard so it still wont be super common.
Like for example a pulser glyphid, which will often explode an emf wave that boost nearby glyhpid speed and dmg while also making them immune to electric dmg for 3-5 sec
you can actually pop the menace's side sacs for extra damage
radioactive praetorians are faster and can emit a radioactive cloud while screeching
Every Glyphid has a very high targeting priority in any combat situation, simply because they're big, ugly, and don't want me taking their shiny stones.
GReat vid. Maybe if you mention that a certain type has a unique cream/sound you could play that sound
Great video learned some things I did not know
...sporadic. The word is 'sporadic.'
Thank you for the video it was a great summary of the enemies. Especially i like, that you mentioned and showed the unique sounds they do. But i feel like the priority is kind of biased. After watching it feels like nearly every priority is high or above. So high becomes more like normal?
Only 45 views in 8 minutes? What kind of driller drilled you down broo??
Awesome video!
Really good information, but I feel like the priority was a bit vague and inaccurate. A lot of the enemies you put as high priority can be dealt with by just running away while shooting and some of the lower ranked enemies have nasty effects when put in a large swarm.
So here’s my ranking, as a 412 player rank who has just pushed past Haz 5 into modded difficulties:
KILL IT RIGHT NOW: Septic Spreader, Stingtail
A Problem: Acid Spitter, Warden, Slasher, Web Spitter
High: Menace, Crassus Detonator, Exploder
Medium: Bulk Detonator, Guard, Swarmer
Low: Praetorian, Grunt
Go grab that Morkite first: Oppressor, Brood Nexus
Oppressors and Bulk Detonators are lower than they appear to belong to since they are both slow and have well-telegraphed attacks that give you time to dodge. Oppressors go even lower since they can’t do much damage, only knock you around a bit, while detonators stay somewhat dangerous because of just how much area they can completely deny with very little counter play outside of good kiting.
Anything ranged or anything that slows you down is very high. Kiting is such an integral part of the game that it makes ranged enemies more important by default, while slowing enemies give a chance for the horde to catch up and do some major damage. Stingtails also have the annoying habit of grabbing you pixels away from reviving your friend and making your Iron Will for nothing.
Menaces, while threatening, can be postponed pretty easily by just moving (which you should be doing anyway) in any direction other than straight towards it. That being said, you can’t keep that up forever and should look to take it down as soon as you’re not in immediate danger.
P.S. Crassus Detonators are slightly different than regular Detonators, as they have 6000 base health and are covered in unbreakable heavy armor all over.
For one, it would've been great to actually make a ranked list of enemies according to their priority. Also, different weakpoints of different enemies have different damage multipliers, which I also think should've been included. Also also, I think that on higher difficulties slashers have significantly higher priority than guards. And bulk detonators' priority I think varies between mission types, e. g. in escort duties or salvage operations their priority is absurdly high while in missions like mining missions or egg hunts it isn't that high. Oh, and also it's spelled "sporadic"
If the spawner is frozen in the time when the hp hits zero it won't spawn the little ones. Just piece of info from retired dwarf.
ghost enemies are the worst, cant wait to see that !
The driller’s microwave also doesn’t make exploders explode
That's why we need Scout against those high priority Target.
I need the Scout to light the god damn caves more.
I gotta hard disagree with web spitters being low priority for two reasons
1: it has the same problem that stalkers have since they inflict a heavy slow on you plus they heavily obscure vision.
2: it shoots projectiles, and anything that shoots at you is higher priority in my book because if I'm focusing on dodging them, I'm taking the focus off other important matters.
A few things
Swarmers, Grunts, Slashers, Guards, Pretorians and Exploders have a Radioactive Exclusion Zone and Glacial Strata variant (except the Exploder that only has a Rad variant)
All the Rad variants gain resistence to Radiation dmg while the Strata vars gain resistance to Cold but a Fire weakness
Rad Pretorian irradiates the area around itself instead of barfing (does it again on death instead of a death cloud)
Frost Pretorian replaces its barf and death cloud with cryo versions that don't do dmg but instead affect your cold metter
And Rad Exploder deals less dmg with its explosions but leaves the area irradiated
Also should the Ebonite Glyphids be covered once season 5 releases (there will be a warning that adds them to the spawn pool, like how Rival Presence adds Rival Tech enemies to the spawn pool)?
My headcannon for the warden is that the glyphids play tf2. This might explain a few more enemies in the game too.
I really want for more glyphig support unit like a pulser glyphig that explode occasionaly that boost speed and for nearby glyp
Why make this right before the new update?
Damn stingtails to a very special hell
Why couldn't they just be like L4D2 smokers.
They could only use their tail attack once, but it goes on cooldown
While being mini version of an oppresor in terms of health and damage
Because nothing sucks more than a constantly bring pulled over and over and over while trying to get away from a stingtail
15:32 ...blue...beams? thhehehe
the driller is the most dangerous enemy you could encounter...but I dont know what kind of glypid he is?
I personally think menaces are quite low prioity as they almost never hit me
Something about the oppressor. You can actually do damage to his face with certian weapons, like engis shard detractor..
I think that's because the shard diffractor does area damage, the same happens with the gunner's autocannon and the missile launcher. Maybe it's because the area component of the damage hits the weakspot on their backs, creating the illusion that the weapon does direct damage.
@@Spartan_1437 I'm not sure. It's gotta be right on the mouth, and little bit to the left or right does nothing. Same if you don't hit right on the green spot. I think it could be there is a small weak spot there and most projective weapons struggle to hit it.
It could also be the heating from the shard defrac too.
Maybe it's the area damage. On the other hand, with the engineer's smart rifle with the seeker rounds overclock you can damage them from the front
@@dantedrake1112 I mean true, but that's a feature of seeker rounds in general, not anything to do with the oppressors build.
Also, I personally think ECR is the best OC/build for Lok-1 it's just so strong, and works very well for swarm clear, plus it has a chance to fear, so you can just have the oppressor turn around and show you its weak spot.
Energy, fire, and general area damage ignores armour somewhat. This makes the flamethrower a great tool against the tankiest enemies.
I don’t really think thorns is that great against swarmers. Thorns itself has a cooldown until it can be triggered again (I’m not exactly sure on the timing but anywhere between 1-2s)
crassus detonator has higher defence compared to bulk detonator
Wait. Glyphids and mackteras are different species?
should have waited for season 5
Aren't the Warden's beams pink?
yes I misspoke
@@javarakgaming Ah okay. I was wondering if you were colourblind.
pickaxe an exploder in the face and it won't blow up
Javarak, there is no such thing as "very unique" or "most unique". Unique is an absolute and something is either unique or it is not, there is no gradation of unique. Unique - one of a kind, unlike anything else.
3:43 The fact that this guy doesn’t even know the strategy makes this whole video pointless to watch.
The Strategy: Freeze it to stop it from spawning swarmers which also prevents a huge amount of swarmers from spawning on death.
yeah, he didn't said that and its a good, (or even best) strategy to deal with nexus. but because (like the video said,) its priority should be at the bottom. its too tanky to pop it when there is some immediate threat that will actively hurt you. also, because its 'Effects on Death' is really minor, and i think missing on this strategy isn't that big of a deal.
@@lebby-x3r Didn’t ask for your input lmao.
@@MistaRando Bro and nobody asked for yours. Bro is just giving an opinion the same as you lol
@@MistaRandoand I doubt the creator of the video your commenting on asked you either lol. You can add information while not taking digs at people
@@Bear0601 Didn’t ask, Don’t Care. Touch Grass Loser.
It's spelled "Sporadic"
Web Spinners definetly deal damage.
Web Spitter attack abcolutely deals damage, what are you talking about? You can even see it in the video and I'm confident in saying that I did get killed a few times while I was low on health and a random Web Spitter hit me from the back.
Brood Nexuses don't create the big Spawn horde on death if you freeze them.
Exploders don't explode on death if you pop their head off.
Bulk Detonators when killed while frozen just don't explode, they don't make an explosion that deals no damage.
Also unless they are right in your face or there's a Dreadnaught active, DON'T focus them immediately. They are very tanky and can take a while to kill, but they are very slow and you should focus on other bugs, like slashers or acid spitter.
Also also, during an escort mission, DON'T kill them anywhere near Dotty, or you are going to lose a whole lifebar instantly.
For the Crassus, if you want the gold, don't freeze them or they will not create the crater.
Pretorians and Oppressors should not be that high in priority, they are slow and unless you are near them they don't pose much of a threat, unlike the normal grunts and slasher that can close the distance very quickly.
This guide was anything but "ultimate".