Slava im i hvala! Počivali u miru Božjem. Dragi susjedi, poštovani prijatelji Slovenije, budite nam svi lijepo pozdravljeni, u zdravlju, veselju i duhovnom miru. Vidimo se u zimi, kod Vas na skijanju. Srdačno Vaši, susjedi i prijatelji iz hrvatskog Zagreba!
Regiment po cesti gre, pa moj fantič zraven je, pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna, zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ‘ma. Dala mu je belega, iz srca veselega, pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je plavega, iz srca ta pravega, pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je rdečega, iz srca ljubečega, pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Mnogi Slovenci so šli v prvo svetovno vojno z mešanimi občutki. Upali so, da bo bila AO poražena in bo razpadla ter, da bo nastala narodna država Jugoslavija. Hkrati pa so vedeli, da "Lah" steguje prste čez slovensko ozemlje in da se hoče polastiti lepega dela slovenskih dežel in da bo v primeru poraza AO to tudi storil.
The entire Trieste region should have stayed Slovene after May 45. Since Italy took it over it is stuffed economically as Austria uses Capodistria for its shipping bypassing Trieste because of the Italians.
Nevem če je kdo opazil ampak besedilo ni v celoti pravilno. Pravo besedilo se glasi: Regiment po cesti gre, pa moj fantič zraven je, pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna, zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ima. Dala mu je belega, iz srca veselega, pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je plavega, iz srca ta pravega, pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je rdečega, iz srca gorečega, pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Svoboda narodu!
Mi smo peli tak: Regiment po cesti gre, pa moj fantič zraven je, pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna, zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ima. Dala mu je belega, iz srca veselega, pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je plavega, iz srca ta pravega, pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica. Dala mu je rdečega, iz srca ljubečega, pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima, saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
@fuzinho1Gre za napis, na(sedaj) prevrnjeni skali, katera leži na gori Monte Chiesa. V nemščini piše : "Hoch Habsburg"(Gor/višje z Habsburžani). Verjetno je to vzeto iz naslova Straussovega avstijskega marša. V slovenščini pa gre za vrstico iz Koseskijeve pesmi "Slovenija": Hrast se omaje in hrib, - zvestoba Slovencu ne gane! Na skali sicer verjetno piše: Hrast se omaja in hrib, zvestoba Slovencev ne gine.
Da, da, iz 1. svetovne. Predvsem iz 17. pešpolka "Kranjsih Janezov" in herojskega 87. "Celjsekga" pešpolka.Poleg tega pa še o slovenskih fantih v drugih polkih v A-O vojske. Npr. kasnejši Heroj za severno mejo Franjo Malgaj.
Te isti vojaki ki so se upirali in dezertirali so takoj po 1sv vojni množicno vstopali v majstrove vaške straže. Slovenso vojsko za slovensko državo, ki je pregnalanemce iz štajerske. Ti si neumen če misliš da so Slovenski fantje radi govoril nemško in umirali za tuje pravice, ko svojih niso imeli.
Moj pra deda je bil sniper in je ubil najvec na soski fronti od vseh sniperjev potem so ga pa ubili ker so meli nagrado da ga ubijejo moj deda tk da njegov sin je pa biv pohvaljen od Titona zdj sm pa js navrsti sam sem bol za blizne akcije
joj tebi je povojna oblast sprala možgane, cesar si je prizadeval dobro za vse državljane, zato so ga imeli zelo radi, tudi slovenci in so rade volje borili za njega in za domovino Avstro Ogrsko Monarhijo.
Saj so pregazili italijane z nemško pomočjo in se prebili vse do reke piave preden je prišlo do razpada tako nemške in avstrijske vojske in kmalu zatem konec vojne
@IWantToUnderstandIt Ne trdim, da je namen kapitalizma zasužnjiti ljudi, trdim pa, da je kapitalizem do sedaj najboljša možna nadgradnja najstarejšega ekonomskega sistema kar ga pozna človeštvo - sužnjelastništva.
Kakšna neumnost, da so se borili samo za interese drugih! Kot je prikazano v filmu, Slovenski vojaki so postavili spomenik, kjer je zapisano "Hoch Habsburg! Hrast se omaja in hrib, zvestoba Slovencev ne gine." Borili so se za svoj dom, Avstro-Ogrsko.
"Only for the interests of the others"... I wanted to see if Austria decided to defend himself after the Karavanke and left the Slovenija in the hands of the Italians. 450,000 soldiers of 13 nationalities died for defend your home from the Lahi's aggression, ingrateful.
Austrians and their armies weren't defending our homes but Vienna fool. if Soča fell, ljubljana would fallow. from there you have lowlands and a railroad straight to Vienna... why do you think italians attacked as they did to begin with.... not to mention that Slovenia had nothing to gain in the first war and so we literally had to fight for the interests of others. (self defense does not count as 'our interest' since even a dog defends himself when attacked)
Bomborito You sound ridiculous projecting your own personal biases on early 20. century Slovenes. There was no nation states at the time, Austro-Hungary was our home! As was written on the memorial placed by the 17. Infantry regiment "Hoch Habsburg! The oak is swaying and hill, the loyalty of Slovenes does not budge." They were fighting for what they loved. What do you mean self-defense was not in our interest? What an ignorant statement! The whole empire was fighting in self-defense in the Great War! The first military action taken by Austria-Hungary was a response to Serbian aggression and it had to be dealt with in some form or another, it was causing major difficulties on our southern border. And Franz Joseph I only issued his ultimatum to Serbia after he was personally convicted no other nations would intervene.
"Regarding recent Italian ambitions on Slovenia, I had heard that It-gov't has suggested "payment" (reparations in money) for Ital territory "lost" to Slov-Yugo at the end of WW2. Is this true or not?" Not for the territory, but because of the expelled Italian civilians and their confiscated belongings. As far as I know, the Slovenian government decided to pay. They're asking the same from Croatia too btw.
'Still no Italians ever lived in large numbers in Julijska krajina(Goriška)' the coast was settled by the Italians. And you also got a part of Istria too. and i think you alreadz paid, when you entered the EU, don't know for sure 'Our problem with Italians was solved...' not for their neofascist influenced government 'Istria, which became Croatian at the end' you got the part were Slovenians lived and the coast in front of it. check out the map, it was fairly divided
You are probably still "Sciavi", bt we are even "Ščavi" now, that means we've got our own traitors there, or civilized Italians had learned barbarian language. My may those few thousand Italians from Koper, Piran... for 250.000 Slovenes, that's some comparison.
To: 5aleks5viena; Perhaps I should have characterized AUHU (Austria-Hungary) as 'self-centered' as opposed to 'selfish'. While Italy's stated war aims of 'sacro egoismo' could readily be defined as 'selfish'=taking from others what belongs to others, AUHU's 'cause for war' (of punishing militant Serbian subversion)--despite the risk of war with Serb's ally Russia & last-minute Serb offers of compliance with AUHU demands--as cavalier & risky, to the point of recklessness, hence self-centered.
Well, that wasn't particularly Tito's choice after the war. Allies before the end of Hitler's Reich agreed that border of Austria wouldn't change, question was who represented Yugoslavia so that he could oppose that decision. If there was even someone present of course.
Regiment marches on the road, and my love (boy) walks along. And my love (boy) shines amongst all, with the green'o green boquet. She gave him the red one, from the loving heart. So if he has it let him have it, for it was offered with love (from her). The third stanza repeats itself with variations of colours (red, blue, white etc.) and it represents different values/traits of the loving heart between lovers.
@IWantToUnderstandIt Načelo kapitalizma je, da z resorsi, ki se pojavljajo, tako v materialni privatni lasti, kot v najeti človeški obliki, ustvariti še več kapitala. To je samo bistvo ekonomije od prazgodovine.Suženjstvo uporablja isti princip,samo odnos do delavne sile se je spremenil. Je mar navaden delojemalec,ki dela za kapitalista sam kapitalist,če ima relativno količino privatne lastnine,ter svobo(kar koli naj bi to pomenilo)?
Tale moderni internacionalni kapitalizem mi prav nič ne diši. Po navadi se je že streljalo, če je bilo katara korporacija poskušala vdreti na področje druge soverintete, danes pa le-te prosto raztezajo lovke po celem svetu, iskajoč naravnih virov, potrošnikov ali poceni delovne sile. Kapitalizem ne bo nikoli pošten.
@IWantToUnderstandIt Bolj kot ne, nemoralen je človeški produkt, ki se pojavlja v taki družbi. Razne Paris Hilton ipd. Zanimivo je, do ko se je kritiziralo opozicijo, najprej pozabijo na svoje luftarje, pa tudi to, da je opozicija zrasla iz človeškega faktorja z istimi nagoni. Je nemoralno, je pa zakonito. Niso samo socialisti in komunisti vsiljevali. Kdo je pravzaprav pacifist? Tisi ki se je uprl prisili? V Svobodni utopični komunistični družbi za sanjače najbrž tudi marsikaj ni mogoče.
No, I hadn't heard nothing about that. Still no Italians ever lived in large numbers in Julijska krajina(Goriška), like in Istria , so why should we pay anything to someone.Our problem with Italians was solved in early socialist Jugoslavia when we had to leave 250.000 Slovene folk in Slavia Veneta in exchange for Istria, which became Croatian at the end. The second problem was solved when Italian's blocked our way to EU, and now Italians can colonize our land freely.
1. it means "Glory to them!!" 2. "Smrt fašizmu, svoboda narodu" But it means more like" freedom to the people", as in Serbo-croatian word for "people" means the same as "nation".
@TheSlovenc123 Da ne živimo v kapitalizmu? Korporatizem je lahko, bolj kot ne, ena od oblik kapitalizma. Kaka je ta ogromna razlika? Meni se zdi 100% kapitalizem še hujši od korporatiza.
Joze Butinar Daj prosim te, Avstricji nam nisi nič pokradli. Koroško smo izgubili ker so Slovenci raje glasovali, da bi ostali v Avstriji, kot pa, da bi si državo delili s Srbi, Bosanci in Hrvati (kdo bi jih krivil?). Če nam je že kdo kaj pokradel, je bila to Istra s strani Tita in Hrvatov, da ne omenim, da smo izgubili osvojeni Trst zaradi njegove strahopetnosti in nezvestobe!
Well you must know Slovenes specialy the place I come from (Primorska) was the center of anti-facist (not Italian but facist) regime, becouse there were a lot of Italian people that were killed and punished becouse of the facist regime. Mostly Slovenes fought against facism, if you know TIGR. So acctualy I'm not awear of many songs from the 1.WW that people would acctualy sing but mostly it's only poetry...
@IWantToUnderstandIt Kaj pa je pravzaprav načelo kapitalizma?Takoimenovani "free market"nima direktne povzezave z utopičnim idealnim kapitalizmom.Lako imaš tudi "free market"sužnjelastništvo,s tem da si ti kot suženj v vlogi blaga.Teoretično bi imel tudi "free market"socializem,kar kommunizem tudi je. Današnji kapitalilem je najbolj izboljšana verzija kapitalizma, kar ji je bilo,uspeli so celo menjalno sredstvo zamenjati za ničvredni papirnati produkt, ki se ne prodaja, temveč posoja z obrestmi
You don't have a clue, i'm from Slovenia and i'm proud to be a Slovenian and i know that our great grandfathers was proud to be a Austro-Hungarian soldiers and Austro-Hungary was a totaly demokratic country.
V judenburgu so pospravli z izdajalci, domovine v tistem času so bili to običajni procesi(tudi francozi in angleži so uporabljali takšne metode), vojaku ki enkrat pobegne nemore več zaupat!
My my how many Italians lived in Slovenian Istria, but as far as I know they still live there, no one forced them to leave.They have all minority rights and everything, we take good care of them don't you worry. Even better than our own folk. " and i think you alreadz paid, when you entered the EU, don't know for sure" Yeah, that's what I said. By the way, we had the right to claim parts of Istria settled by Italians, because of Slavia Veneto, at least the whole of Zone B.
prešinilo me je, ko sem v trenutko zagledal ranjeno deklico brez katere ne bi doživel nikakeršne doze odmerka amfetaine brez kofeina ni nič prbije te kot mina ker ko mambe smo veselo plešemo.
'My my how many Italians lived in Slovenian Istria,' many, the fascist settled them in the interwar period and during the WWII 'but as far as I know they still live there' some, most went away. all those settled by the fascists for example 'They have all minority rights and everything,' same here in Croatia, but for Italy it's not enough, for them we are 'sclavi', barbarians 'we had the right to claim parts of Istria settled by Italians' you did, you got Koper, Piran, Portoroz
Slava im i hvala!
Počivali u miru Božjem.
Dragi susjedi, poštovani prijatelji Slovenije,
budite nam svi lijepo pozdravljeni,
u zdravlju, veselju i duhovnom miru.
Vidimo se u zimi, kod Vas na skijanju.
Srdačno Vaši,
susjedi i prijatelji iz hrvatskog Zagreba!
🇸🇮💗🇭🇷 we are strong togheter
Na Soški fronti je izginilo I mnogo Hrvata, bili smo tada skupna u boju.
Thanks a lot. Love to Croatia 🇭🇷 from Slovenia 🇸🇮.
Hvala vama srčna
Živela Slovenija, živel Rudolf Maister Vojanov! Večna ti slava General!
za boga narod in domovino🇸🇮❤️✝️
Hrast se omaja in hrib, zvestoba Slovencev ne gine.
"The oak trembles and the hill, the loyality of Slovenes does not perish".
Počivaj v miru Rudolf Maister
Slava jim vsem vojakom ki so se borili za domovino!
slava in lep pozdrav! Zivela Slovenija!! vedno!!!!
Regiment po cesti gre,
pa moj fantič zraven je,
pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna,
zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ‘ma.
Dala mu je belega,
iz srca veselega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je plavega,
iz srca ta pravega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je rdečega,
iz srca ljubečega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
najlepsa pesem med slovenskimi pesmi
to čist prav povedano,....
Лепа песма, поздрав из Србије. :)
Pozdrav nazaj, iz Slovenije
Zveni kot glasovi pogumnih, vdanih v usodo. Čast in slava.
Mnogi Slovenci so šli v prvo svetovno vojno z mešanimi občutki. Upali so, da bo bila AO poražena in bo razpadla ter, da bo nastala narodna država Jugoslavija. Hkrati pa so vedeli, da "Lah" steguje prste čez slovensko ozemlje in da se hoče polastiti lepega dela slovenskih dežel in da bo v primeru poraza AO to tudi storil.
Najmo pozabit da Soćanska fronta ni bila probita.
I apologize if my slovenian isn't good Im an austrian born in croatian with slovene ancestry.
Atque no it wasnt and yet we losse all our boys fight and died for nothing my grand grand grand dad fight on soska fronta
The entire Trieste region should have stayed Slovene after May 45. Since Italy took it over it is stuffed economically as Austria uses Capodistria for its shipping bypassing Trieste because of the Italians.
Nevem če je kdo opazil ampak besedilo ni v celoti pravilno.
Pravo besedilo se glasi:
Regiment po cesti gre,
pa moj fantič zraven je,
pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna,
zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ima.
Dala mu je belega,
iz srca veselega,
pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je plavega,
iz srca ta pravega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je rdečega,
iz srca gorečega,
pa če ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Svoboda narodu!
Mi smo peli tak:
Regiment po cesti gre,
pa moj fantič zraven je,
pa moj fantič se izmed vseh spozna,
zelen, zelen, zelen pušeljc ima.
Dala mu je belega,
iz srca veselega,
pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je plavega,
iz srca ta pravega,
pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
Dala mu je rdečega,
iz srca ljubečega,
pa le naj ga ima, pa le naj ga ima,
saj mu ga je dala ljubica.
@fuzinho1Gre za napis, na(sedaj) prevrnjeni skali, katera leži na gori Monte Chiesa.
V nemščini piše : "Hoch Habsburg"(Gor/višje z Habsburžani). Verjetno je to vzeto iz naslova Straussovega avstijskega marša.
V slovenščini pa gre za vrstico iz Koseskijeve pesmi "Slovenija": Hrast se omaje in hrib, - zvestoba Slovencu ne gane!
Na skali sicer verjetno piše: Hrast se omaja in hrib, zvestoba Slovencev ne gine.
Najlepša slovenska!
Joj kako žalostno
Da, da, iz 1. svetovne. Predvsem iz 17. pešpolka "Kranjsih Janezov" in herojskega 87. "Celjsekga" pešpolka.Poleg tega pa še o slovenskih fantih v drugih polkih v A-O vojske. Npr. kasnejši Heroj za severno mejo Franjo Malgaj.
Te isti vojaki ki so se upirali in dezertirali so takoj po 1sv vojni množicno vstopali v majstrove vaške straže. Slovenso vojsko za slovensko državo, ki je pregnalanemce iz štajerske. Ti si neumen če misliš da so Slovenski fantje radi govoril nemško in umirali za tuje pravice, ko svojih niso imeli.
kmalu gremo zivela moja domovina!! carlos Belgijo!
Mojega pradeda brat je padel na Šmihelu! , Makso Mal, slava ti!
Moj pra deda je bil sniper in je ubil najvec na soski fronti od vseh sniperjev potem so ga pa ubili ker so meli nagrado da ga ubijejo moj deda tk da njegov sin je pa biv pohvaljen od Titona zdj sm pa js navrsti sam sem bol za blizne akcije
Kdo pa poje tole izvedbo?
They should make a movie about Doberdob
There's a lot of material in our history that is worthy of a film. Hopefully one day.
Materiala je dovolj za celo žanro.
joj tebi je povojna oblast sprala možgane, cesar si je prizadeval dobro za vse državljane, zato so ga imeli zelo radi, tudi slovenci in so rade volje borili za njega in za domovino Avstro Ogrsko Monarhijo.
Deni si njegovo sliko v garažo zraven titekove!
Lep pozdrav to Umetnik for kindly providing an English translation of "Regiment's" Slovene lyrics.
Saj so pregazili italijane z nemško pomočjo in se prebili vse do reke piave preden je prišlo do razpada tako nemške in avstrijske vojske in kmalu zatem konec vojne
@IWantToUnderstandIt Ne trdim, da je namen kapitalizma zasužnjiti ljudi, trdim pa, da je kapitalizem do sedaj najboljša možna nadgradnja najstarejšega ekonomskega sistema kar ga pozna človeštvo - sužnjelastništva.
What would you what to know about songs from the 1. WW. There are many more songs from the 2. WW from Partizani and from Domobranci.
How about territory in the north TITO gave away, like Celovec (now Klagenfurt).
Austria was not selfish, all Slovenians was proud to be an Austro-Hungarian soldier!
@SloveintzWend Ka točno piše na skali 3:15, in iz kje ja ta slika?
Kakšna neumnost, da so se borili samo za interese drugih! Kot je prikazano v filmu, Slovenski vojaki so postavili spomenik, kjer je zapisano "Hoch Habsburg! Hrast se omaja in hrib, zvestoba Slovencev ne gine." Borili so se za svoj dom, Avstro-Ogrsko.
Ja tak da mi smo bli v 1.svetovni vojni centralna sila kar glih nisem najbolj ponosen na to
Neo Repotocnik zakaj ne? Nič ni črno belo, zagotovo ne vojna. Samo zato ker smo bili na strani Nemcev, še ne pomeni da smo bili na napačni strani.
Slovenci so bili ponosni se boriti za svoj dom
taprava slo. vojska
"Only for the interests of the others"... I wanted to see if Austria decided to defend himself after the Karavanke and left the Slovenija in the hands of the Italians. 450,000 soldiers of 13 nationalities died for defend your home from the Lahi's aggression, ingrateful.
+kuraz93 the war wouldn't even happen if it wasn't for the others
If Austria decided to defend itself exclusively, without all the other nationalities, you would have lost much quicker I wager.
Austrians and their armies weren't defending our homes but Vienna fool. if Soča fell, ljubljana would fallow. from there you have lowlands and a railroad straight to Vienna... why do you think italians attacked as they did to begin with.... not to mention that Slovenia had nothing to gain in the first war and so we literally had to fight for the interests of others. (self defense does not count as 'our interest' since even a dog defends himself when attacked)
Bomborito You sound ridiculous projecting your own personal biases on early 20. century Slovenes. There was no nation states at the time, Austro-Hungary was our home! As was written on the memorial placed by the 17. Infantry regiment "Hoch Habsburg! The oak is swaying and hill, the loyalty of Slovenes does not budge." They were fighting for what they loved. What do you mean self-defense was not in our interest? What an ignorant statement! The whole empire was fighting in self-defense in the Great War! The first military action taken by Austria-Hungary was a response to Serbian aggression and it had to be dealt with in some form or another, it was causing major difficulties on our southern border. And Franz Joseph I only issued his ultimatum to Serbia after he was personally convicted no other nations would intervene.
"Regarding recent Italian ambitions on Slovenia, I had heard that It-gov't has suggested "payment" (reparations in money) for Ital territory "lost" to Slov-Yugo at the end of WW2. Is this true or not?"
Not for the territory, but because of the expelled Italian civilians and their confiscated belongings. As far as I know, the Slovenian government decided to pay.
They're asking the same from Croatia too btw.
Ti možje so imeli čast se borit pod tako veličastno zastavo!
'Still no Italians ever lived in large numbers in Julijska krajina(Goriška)'
the coast was settled by the Italians. And you also got a part of Istria too.
and i think you alreadz paid, when you entered the EU, don't know for sure
'Our problem with Italians was solved...'
not for their neofascist influenced government
'Istria, which became Croatian at the end'
you got the part were Slovenians lived and the coast in front of it.
check out the map, it was fairly divided
Katere fotografije točno, sicer pa kako naj pošljem?
You are probably still "Sciavi", bt we are even "Ščavi" now, that means we've got our own traitors there, or civilized Italians had learned barbarian language.
My may those few thousand Italians from Koper, Piran... for 250.000 Slovenes, that's some comparison.
Ne bi škodilo pripisati virov fotografij in razglednic.
you know slovenes and slovaks are the same nation
One more question; if you're from Venice how come you're not in house of Savoy instead of house of Hapsburg?
Slava njim in slava Avstro-Ogrski!
To: 5aleks5viena;
Perhaps I should have characterized AUHU (Austria-Hungary) as 'self-centered' as opposed to 'selfish'. While Italy's stated war aims of 'sacro egoismo' could readily be defined as 'selfish'=taking from others what belongs to others, AUHU's 'cause for war' (of punishing militant Serbian subversion)--despite the risk of war with Serb's ally Russia & last-minute Serb offers of compliance with AUHU demands--as cavalier & risky, to the point of recklessness, hence self-centered.
1:48 - M.S. GABRIELE - kaj pomeni ta oznaka? Jaz mislim, da je ali ime regimenta ali pa ime puške?
Well, that wasn't particularly Tito's choice after the war. Allies before the end of Hitler's Reich agreed that border of Austria wouldn't change, question was who represented Yugoslavia so that he could oppose that decision. If there was even someone present of course.
would somebody translate it into english or german? Thanks a lot :)
Regiment marches on the road,
and my love (boy) walks along.
And my love (boy) shines amongst all,
with the green'o green boquet.
She gave him the red one,
from the loving heart.
So if he has it let him have it,
for it was offered with love (from her).
The third stanza repeats itself with variations of colours (red, blue, white etc.) and it represents different values/traits of the loving heart between lovers.
Kaj je tako čudnega?
You mean Slavs?
@IWantToUnderstandIt Načelo kapitalizma je, da z resorsi, ki se pojavljajo, tako v materialni privatni lasti, kot v najeti človeški obliki, ustvariti še več kapitala. To je samo bistvo ekonomije od prazgodovine.Suženjstvo uporablja isti princip,samo odnos do delavne sile se je spremenil.
Je mar navaden delojemalec,ki dela za kapitalista sam kapitalist,če ima relativno količino privatne lastnine,ter svobo(kar koli naj bi to pomenilo)?
živela Belgija in SLO.
Tale moderni internacionalni kapitalizem mi prav nič ne diši. Po navadi se je že streljalo, če je bilo katara korporacija poskušala vdreti na področje druge soverintete, danes pa le-te prosto raztezajo lovke po celem svetu, iskajoč naravnih virov, potrošnikov ali poceni delovne sile.
Kapitalizem ne bo nikoli pošten.
@IWantToUnderstandIt Bolj kot ne, nemoralen je človeški produkt, ki se pojavlja v taki družbi. Razne Paris Hilton ipd. Zanimivo je, do ko se je kritiziralo opozicijo, najprej pozabijo na svoje luftarje, pa tudi to, da je opozicija zrasla iz človeškega faktorja z istimi nagoni. Je nemoralno, je pa zakonito.
Niso samo socialisti in komunisti vsiljevali. Kdo je pravzaprav pacifist? Tisi ki se je uprl prisili?
V Svobodni utopični komunistični družbi za sanjače najbrž tudi marsikaj ni mogoče.
No, I hadn't heard nothing about that. Still no Italians ever lived in large numbers in Julijska krajina(Goriška), like in Istria , so why should we pay anything to someone.Our problem with Italians was solved in early socialist Jugoslavia when we had to leave 250.000 Slovene folk in Slavia Veneta in exchange for Istria, which became Croatian at the end. The second problem was solved when Italian's blocked our way to EU, and now Italians can colonize our land freely.
No not acctually, we are all Slovans like the French and Italians are Romans, we are Slovans. But we are not the same nation.
Bi mogli narediti film o slovenskih partizanih
1. it means "Glory to them!!"
2. "Smrt fašizmu, svoboda narodu"
But it means more like" freedom to the people", as in Serbo-croatian word for "people" means the same as "nation".
@TheSlovenc123 Da ne živimo v kapitalizmu? Korporatizem je lahko, bolj kot ne, ena od oblik kapitalizma. Kaka je ta ogromna razlika? Meni se zdi 100% kapitalizem še hujši od korporatiza.
Živela Avstrija!
5aleks5viena KDO PA JE TEBI GLAVO SPRAV !!!!!?????
izdajalec avstrija nam je pokradla polovico ozemlja
Joze Butinar Daj prosim te, Avstricji nam nisi nič pokradli. Koroško smo izgubili ker so Slovenci raje glasovali, da bi ostali v Avstriji, kot pa, da bi si državo delili s Srbi, Bosanci in Hrvati (kdo bi jih krivil?). Če nam je že kdo kaj pokradel, je bila to Istra s strani Tita in Hrvatov, da ne omenim, da smo izgubili osvojeni Trst zaradi njegove strahopetnosti in nezvestobe!
@@limstefanic7650 velik + bolj prvilno bi težko povedal.
Well you must know Slovenes specialy the place I come from (Primorska) was the center of anti-facist (not Italian but facist) regime, becouse there were a lot of Italian people that were killed and punished becouse of the facist regime. Mostly Slovenes fought against facism, if you know TIGR. So acctualy I'm not awear of many songs from the 1.WW that people would acctualy sing but mostly it's only poetry...
SLAVA JIM 🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🫡💪
lepa pesem pa stara tudi
Yeah, but still this doesn't tell me why are you being compensated by Slovenian government.
Slava Slovrniji❤
Yeah sorry I mean Slavs.
@IWantToUnderstandIt Kaj pa je pravzaprav načelo kapitalizma?Takoimenovani "free market"nima direktne povzezave z utopičnim idealnim kapitalizmom.Lako imaš tudi "free market"sužnjelastništvo,s tem da si ti kot suženj v vlogi blaga.Teoretično bi imel tudi "free market"socializem,kar kommunizem tudi je.
Današnji kapitalilem je najbolj izboljšana verzija kapitalizma, kar ji je bilo,uspeli so celo menjalno sredstvo zamenjati za ničvredni papirnati produkt, ki se ne prodaja, temveč posoja z obrestmi
(Finish austria)
mi ni všeč
Oh, now i get it, you also lost your property of course.
Super 🇦🇹🇸🇮🇩🇪♥️♥️♥️
Slovenian giga chads
My folks lost their homeland because of Communist incursion. Or is it the "liberation" as they say.
You don't have a clue, i'm from Slovenia and i'm proud to be a Slovenian and i know that our great grandfathers was proud to be a Austro-Hungarian soldiers and Austro-Hungary was a totaly demokratic country.
A dej hrvt ne bluzi, pa povej.
It's the same melody as "Deutschland über alles" isn't it?
Well my folks that had to flea Slovenia in 1945 and lived homeless for 3 years in Austria are being compensated by Slovenian government, 5,451 euros.
V judenburgu so pospravli z izdajalci, domovine v tistem času so bili to običajni procesi(tudi francozi in angleži so uporabljali takšne metode), vojaku ki enkrat pobegne nemore več zaupat!
i just love that song.... It's so inspiring omg i think it will comeeeee from my ass and carrđ
My my how many Italians lived in Slovenian Istria, but as far as I know they still live there, no one forced them to leave.They have all minority rights and everything, we take good care of them don't you worry. Even better than our own folk.
and i think you alreadz paid, when you entered the EU, don't know for sure"
Yeah, that's what I said.
By the way, we had the right to claim parts of Istria settled by Italians, because of Slavia Veneto, at least the whole of Zone B.
I don't understand, why to you have to pay anything to Slovenian government?
prešinilo me je, ko sem v trenutko zagledal ranjeno deklico brez katere ne bi doživel nikakeršne doze odmerka amfetaine brez kofeina ni nič prbije te kot mina ker ko mambe smo veselo plešemo.
'My my how many Italians lived in Slovenian Istria,'
many, the fascist settled them in the interwar period and during the WWII
'but as far as I know they still live there'
some, most went away. all those settled by the fascists for example
'They have all minority rights and everything,'
same here in Croatia, but for Italy it's not enough, for them we are 'sclavi', barbarians
'we had the right to claim parts of Istria settled by Italians'
you did, you got Koper, Piran, Portoroz
They are being compensated by Slovenian government.
ali si ti ranjen=
Regiment sein Strasse zieht,nobena slovenska narodna
pesem je posvecena slovenskim fantom ki so dali svoje zivljenje to je spomin nanje