This poor monkey has been forced to walk upright. This monkey does not want to have anything to do with this abuser. He is forced to sit like a human child. The shoes are for humans and a monkey's feet do not fit in them. His poor feet will be very sore later but you will nor see how he walks when those shoes come off. Look at the poor monkeys face. He is suffering from depression. His inner "monkey" has been erased by the humans. This is animal abuse right in your face.
♦I feel so sorry for him I could cry!!! This is evil!!! Such a violation against his very being. He’s a monkey yet he is forced to be what they want him to be. It’s too sad!!! Oh! How I wish he could be free!!!
I'm disgusted how many viewers think this animal abuse is good. Primates have fur, doll clothes are nonsense, shoes are deliberately used to restrict movement, and This animal is repeatedly forced to walk upright. This damages the spine.
They claim to love him. How about the six weeks of pure torture to make him stand up and walk like a damn human. They had to listen to him scream and cry every night and day because of the pain. Not to mention he’s going to have severe arthritis very soon because they wanted to watch him walk straight because they wanted it
Why don’t you read the comments ! STOP putting shoes on yoko !! He needs to be able to balance and grip ! He looks ridiculous ! He’s a monkey not a child !
Um disparate calcar o yoko ele tem um dedo muito garbde e a fastado dos outros so o vai amaguar eles nao podem bem deve ter calcados e muito diprimemente ver tanta ignorância Os filhos desta senhora andam descalcos porque motivo tem que calçar um macaco 😢😢😢😅😅😅
Токо очень милая! Не мучайте ее всякой ненужной одеждой! Обувь ей мешает, задние лапки не только для ходьбы, они ими пользуются как руками. Они не человеческие детеныши, они другие. А вы пытаетесь из них сделать людей. Не лезьте в природу. Оставьте тапочки для своих детей.
This monkey looks like it’s in shock. Certainly not acting like a happy animal. All these stupid hideous clothes are so unnecessary. The way the monkey stands it looks like there is some damage to his spine.
This should be outlawed. This behaviour is only for your satisfaction, but what about the primate, whose natural need to use its feet and gripping toes has been taken away. You are capitalising on these TH-cam videos, making you money, at the cost of the monkey's freedom. What you are doing is abusing this animal, taking away its true ability to be a monkey, not a human.
Изуродовали животное, нарядили в тряпки, заставили ходить на двух лапах, вместо того чтобы лазать по деревьям. Она так его целует, создаётся впечатление, что его она больше любит чем своих детей, но всё на камеру. Ужас шапку в жару, это уже садизм как жалко их. Их не любят их использова зуют
Само собой используют, и взяли для этого. А целует, она аферистка хорошая, на камеру целует, постоянно издевается над ними, мало того заставляет на двух лапках ходить, спотыкается, ещё тапки одевает. Изуродовали всех обезьян, и Коко тоже сделали круглым инвалидом. Мало того, лапки поотрубали,, некоторым голосовые связки удалили( молчат) клыки выдергали, яйца отрезали. .
Do you think for one second that you put shoes on the monkey that he us gonna forget that he has monkey feed! Because the minute he tries to use his feet and having those shoes on he is gonna fall. Hurt himself or dirty ,depending on the situation. You are not thinking Clear. Why don't ya just put skates on the poor monkey while your at it. And stop forcing him to wear that hat!
I truly believe, she doesn’t translate our comments so she can read them! As ugly as it is, to put shoes on a primate. She does it anyway because she doesn’t read the comments.
She knows what we comment! She answered once when we discussed the shoes on Yoko's feet and she maintained that she put the shoes only for a few minutes on Yoko. Nevertheless I find it a bad example and I don't know why she feels the need to dress Yoko like a doll. 🙄
I totally agree. if you haven't already checked it out, tune into JUDEE MONKEY and Kobi Monkey. Both are very smart especially Judee. The MOMS are just amazing with caring and teaching. The love that they share truly comes from the HEART
You must be really hard up money Keep up you scamming. Lady Freethinker and othe Animals Right.Primatology and Vet have been court suing YT lawsuit filed in a California court seeks to stop TH-cam from allowing and profiting from videos showing animal abuse, The suit argues that TH-cam has breached its contract with users by letting animal abuse videos be uploaded and failing to stop them with notified. TH-cam has chosen to put profits over principles of ethical and humane treatment of innocent animals.'Lady Freethinker petitions have collectively gained over 15 million signatures, directly saving animals’ lives and putting horrific cruelty cases right in front of the eyes of government officials, industry leaders and other decision makers Veterinary experts who viewed the videos said they amounted to psychological tortur Sick people
Encore ces chaussons et maintenant cet horrible bonnet ...😝😝c!'est du n'importe quoi. !! Il pert tout son charme . Vous êtes à court d'idées. ?? Laisser le tranquille. 🤫🤫
It’s shameful, horrible, ghastly. You pretend to love him then put those ridiculous things on him- shoes and a hat!! Really stupid. Poor monkey, you make such a fool out of him and he goes along with it just to humour you!!!!!! Why overdo it? The shirt & shorts are bad enough
Tadinho pra que esse sapato. Esse macaquinho não é gente. Bichinho é triste..De carinho sem exagero. Bichinho gosta de ser mais livre.Assista os vídeos de Nam com seu macaquinho Sun. Acho exemplo melhor amor mais tem liberdade. Conselho
Oh my goodness, not these shoes again! Even if you put them on Yoko only for filming, you give a bad example for other caregivers. Monkeys can't wear shoes because their feet have the form of a hand! When you press them together in a shoe, the monkey can't walk properly, has difficulties to hold his balance and he can't climb trees. In addition you put a hat on Yoko. What's that for? It's probably very warm at your place, so it's completely senseless. Yoko sits there like paralysed and he hates the hat! If you really care for the monkeys, you should stop treating them like dolls!
Andrea Fettweis Hier schließe ich mich voll und ganz an. Richtig, diese unmögliche Situation hatten wir bereits mehrfach. Darum: Keine Schuhe an die Füße von Yoko! Ebenso keine Bedeckung auf den Kopf, weil die ganz wichtigen Sinnesorgane, nämlich die Ohren verdeckt werden. Dadurch wird auch der Gleichgewichtssinn erheblich gestört! Hinzu kommt Wärme. Auch hier nochmals ein eindringlicher Appell, mit solchen Maskeraden aufzuhören!
@@peterpaul2556 Hallo Peter, es ist nur noch schrecklich...schau wie ängstlich Yoyo ist gegenüber seine MOM !!!! Ich gucke nur noch sehr reduziert, doch das heutige Video reicht mir !!! Jeglicher Hinweis unsererseits löst nur Trotz erst recht Prinzip !!! Du hast wieder sehr gut geschrieben mit fundierten Wissen !!! Ich wünsche dir alles Liebe, bleib gesund !!! Kerstin
@@kerstinstobbe608 Hallo Kerstin, vielen Dank für Ihre deutliche Antwort! Darüber habe ich mich sehr gefreut! Bis jetzt ging ja alles einigermaßen gut. Aber jetzt wieder mit dem gleichen Prozedere, wie in der Vergangenheit, anzufangen, da hört es auf. Ich glaube, die Familie hat sich noch nicht vor Augen geführt, was es bedeutet, wenn die Freunde und ganz besonders die Langjährigen dieses Kanals, die "Notbremse" ziehen und den Kanal verlassenen. Mir persönlich geht es um dies beiden Tierkinder, daß sie gemäß ihrer Natur aufwachsen und leben können. Die Voraussetzungen liege ja günstig vor. Ich hoffe und wünsche sehr, daß sie zur Einsicht diesbezüglich kommen. Ich bin mir sicher, daß wir alle keine "große Aktion" brauchen, sondern viel wichtiger ist es zu sehen, daß Koko und Yoko in ihrer Natürlichkeit leben können; natürlich gibt es immer Einschränkungen, weil beide in der Familie leben. Und das muss berücksichtigt werden. Ausdrücklich möchte ich einmal hervor heben, daß Koko und Yoko zu niemanden Belustigung da sind. Es handelt sich um zwei kleine Lebewesen/Tierkinder, was sich jeder vor Augen halten sollte! Alles Liebe und Gute für Sie, und geben Sie acht auf sich! Bis dann mal wieder!
@@peterpaul2556 Wahre Worte Peter Paul !! Yoko & KOKO haben es so schön mitten in der Natur, alles könnte wunderbar sein. Nur die MOM übertreibt es immer mal wieder mit ihrer Verkleidung der beiden ! Es sind & bleiben allerliebste Tierkinder ! In meinen Augen verletzt sie die Würde Yoko's !! Alles Liebe und bis bald !
Mom è brava a tenere Yoko e Koko nel modo più naturale possibile. Ma, questa volta sbaglia. Niente scarpine per Yoko: ricordiamoci che è una scimmia e i piedi sono prensili come le mani, quindi devono essere liberi 🐵🥰❤️🇮🇹
OK, now you put a winter hat on Yoko, this will over heat the poor boy. I have to ask, what is it with you and the shoes. With shoes on he cannot spread his toe which gives him balance. he walks on two legs MOM, you should be satisfied with that. Putting shoes on Yoko is just cruel and please get the winter hat off until WINTER
Stop it, stop it. You are abusing this poor little guy. He is going to have spinal damage😵😵. I literally hate people who do this. You will be punished by God for this, you evil woman😵😵
Oh… I can see why monkey is looking so wooden. He can’t wait to get the uncomfortable clothes off that they forced him to wear. Maybe he can see how stupid he looks!
This animal doesn’t look happy. When the owner kisses it, the monkey is staring into the distance looking like someone’s holding it at gunpoint. Looks half terrified.
Mamá, Yoko se siente humillado cuando le haces esas cosas. Basta con observar sus gestos para saberlo. Odia tener algo en la cabeza y, no sabe caminar con zapatos. Los animales no caminan con zapatos. Por favor, nama6!!!!!. Tú que los quieres de verdad, no lis humilles así.
Bonjour ♥️ 👋 ♥️ 👋 ♥️ 👋 yoko veut pas les chaussures c'est un singe 🐵 c'est pas logique de lui mettre ou est koko on voit plus yoko que koko pourquoi ???? J'adore koko merci la famille pour se partage 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍🏻👍🏻
What have you done to him!!! He can’t even blink his eyes. I have always liked your channel but I wonder if I still do. You have done something to that baby to get him to cooperate with you for this video. You need to explain yourself immediately or you will start loosing subscribers. I have never felt like you drugged them before but I know that you have this time. Poor Baby, those drugs hurt them, that’s abuse.
Poor Yoko being tortured with the damn shoes again because these people who used to be good monkey parents don't know what to do with themselves. He'll if you want another baby boy , make one and let this beautifUl monkey be a monkey. Not cute, just stupid. I'm close to not watching anymore of this. Poor Yoko and Koko.
O insan degil insanlara maymunlarin ayaklarina gore ayakabi giydirseler ne olurdu sizi severek izliyorum ama bu sefer yanildim ayaklarını kullanamazlar motorsiklette dusse kendini koruyamaz
Это надо хозяевам. Йоку нарядили, увеличились просмотры, посыпались комментарии и соответственно больше денег. Все эти блогеры содержат обезьян не из любви к животным, а ради наживы.
Спортсмен, ну прям нас общий спортсмен, а мама так любит этого кукленка наряжать и шапочку связала и туфельки сшилалишь бы ему было тепло и уютно и в дорогу отправились вместе
Shoes? Really think that shoes are going to go do anything but make monkey feel frustrated s mistreated. I don't think you realize the the clothes are not a good idea. But shoes are really going too far. Did you have them custom made for Monkey Feet??
Hola pero que se creen que esto no es ningun error lo hace a proposito Ella, la mujer, sabe muy bien lo que hace para ganar dinero q estos videos Gente, despierten, dejen de ver estos horribles videos
Sure hope he get to keep all his clothes and shoes when they trun him loose to the wild, all the other monkeys will be so envious and jealous of him for having all those nice clothes.
Μην το κάνεις αυτό....... Δεν βοηθάνε τα παπούτσια στα πόδια του υποφέρει δεν μπορεί να σκαρφαλώνει τον δισκολευεις αφού τον αγαπάς μην τον ταλαιπωρείς.Δεν είναι άνθρωπος είναι πυθηκος είναι αλλιώς τα πόδια του δεν μπορεί δεν πρέπει να είναι ελεύθερος να ανεβαίνει δεν είναι να φοράνε ανθρώπινα παπούτσια φρόντισε να τον κάνεις χαρούμενο και ικανό να ζήσει αύριο μόνος του στη ζούγκλα μη δενεστε γιατί θα υποφέρει μόνος του και θα τον βασανίζουν τα άλλα Πηθυκακια. Θα ψάχνει να βρεί τους ανθρώπους και δεν θα προσαρμόζεται με τα άλλα . Εκπαιδεύστε τον με αγάπη να γίνει αναριχητης....όχι με παντόφλες!!!!!!
Que ermosa koko
This poor monkey has been forced to walk upright. This monkey does not want to have anything to do with this abuser. He is forced to sit like a human child. The shoes are for humans and a monkey's feet do not fit in them. His poor feet will be very sore later but you will nor see how he walks when those shoes come off. Look at the poor monkeys face. He is suffering from depression. His inner "monkey" has been erased by the humans. This is animal abuse right in your face.
♦I feel so sorry for him I could cry!!! This is evil!!! Such a violation against his very being. He’s a monkey yet he is forced to be what they want him to be. It’s too sad!!! Oh! How I wish he could be free!!!
I'm disgusted how many viewers think this animal abuse is good.
Primates have fur, doll clothes are nonsense, shoes are deliberately used to restrict movement, and This animal is repeatedly forced to walk upright. This damages the spine.
Please please please not again with the shoes. How humiliating to be forced to wear all that garb! Yoko looks catatonic
They claim to love him. How about the six weeks of pure torture to make him stand up and walk like a damn human. They had to listen to him scream and cry every night and day because of the pain. Not to mention he’s going to have severe arthritis very soon because they wanted to watch him walk straight because they wanted it
@@willow1141 Yeah the oldest one (they had a different name then) was made to stand so long (or they beat it) it fell asleep standing up.
@@janewrighton9227 HORRIBLE ‼
Why don’t you read the comments ! STOP putting shoes on yoko !! He needs to be able to balance and grip ! He looks ridiculous ! He’s a monkey not a child !
When the most People like this...
Will they go on with these stupid thinks...
Poor lovely monkeys...
È chiaramente ammaestrato quindi maltrattato, abusato!!! Segnalato all'OIPA Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali 😱🆘
Because it's her monkey not the comments so basically it's just a 🖕to the comments
But atleast get some matching shoes
NO shoes please!!!
They need to grip and grab on!!!
What does she care????
Wild animals and pets are not human, they look stupid in clothes
And humiliated!!!
Yoko doesn't want to look at Mom. He's scared of her. Poor Yoko 😢
Um disparate calcar o yoko ele tem um dedo muito garbde e a fastado dos outros so o vai amaguar eles nao podem bem deve ter calcados e muito diprimemente ver tanta ignorância
Os filhos desta senhora andam descalcos porque motivo tem que calçar um macaco 😢😢😢😅😅😅
In case you guys have forgotten, these are monkeys and their feet are not conducive for shoes.
Poor animal suffering
The monkey is smarter than that woman kept turning it's back on her. Shoes are ridiculous on a monkey.
poor Koko he has to have shoes and a cap put on because of the owners money he is not human!!!!!!! it's animal cruelty!!!!!!!
He doesn’t want shoes!! AND they look too small, don’t shove his feet in them please! Love you Yoko
And he uses his feet to climb and eat!!!
It's all for the money...
He looks cute, but he also looks very uncomfortable.
@@kaijaaalto3980 l
Дайте возможность ходить на четырёх лапках,так дано природой ,не мучайте дитя.пусть ходит так как удобно ему
Людмила, природой дано, у обезьяны детёныш, а не дитя.
Они и в природе тоже бегают на задних лапах, но в основном на четырёх.
Токо очень милая! Не мучайте ее всякой ненужной одеждой! Обувь ей мешает, задние лапки не только для ходьбы, они ими пользуются как руками. Они не человеческие детеныши, они другие. А вы пытаетесь из них сделать людей. Не лезьте в природу. Оставьте тапочки для своих детей.
Они не пытаются из обезьян сделать человека. Они делают деньги.
@@natashamavlitova8711 да, видимо для денег все делается.
This monkey looks like it’s in shock. Certainly not acting like a happy animal. All these stupid hideous clothes are so unnecessary. The way the monkey stands it looks like there is some damage to his spine.
Mom must did something behind the camera. Mom must hurt 🐒 behind the camera.
Mom please treat the poor 🐒 as your child.
Thank you 🎉🎉
This is torture to watch. Sick people.
This should be outlawed. This behaviour is only for your satisfaction, but what about the primate, whose natural need to use its feet and gripping toes has been taken away. You are capitalising on these TH-cam videos, making you money, at the cost of the monkey's freedom. What you are doing is abusing this animal, taking away its true ability to be a monkey, not a human.
Изуродовали животное, нарядили в тряпки, заставили ходить на двух лапах, вместо того чтобы лазать по деревьям. Она так его целует, создаётся впечатление, что его она больше любит чем своих детей, но всё на камеру. Ужас шапку в жару, это уже садизм как жалко их. Их не любят их использова зуют
Pobre animal que tortura
Its brain washed ..its seems this little guy has been harmed over and over 🥲
Ma quanto siete ridicoli anche scarpe e berettino povero cucciolo ma vergognatevi lo state torturando 🤑🤑🤑
Само собой используют, и взяли для этого. А целует, она аферистка хорошая, на камеру целует, постоянно издевается над ними, мало того заставляет на двух лапках ходить, спотыкается, ещё тапки одевает. Изуродовали всех обезьян, и Коко тоже сделали круглым инвалидом. Мало того, лапки поотрубали,, некоторым голосовые связки удалили( молчат) клыки выдергали, яйца отрезали. .
Исполь-овают-... ИСПОЛЬЗУЮТ! а обезьянку действительно жалко, согласна.
Do you think for one second that you put shoes on the monkey that he us gonna forget that he has monkey feed!
Because the minute he tries to use his feet and having those shoes on he is gonna fall. Hurt himself or dirty ,depending on the situation. You are not thinking Clear.
Why don't ya just put skates on the poor monkey while your at it. And stop forcing him to wear that hat!
She has crushed his spirit💔💔💔😭😭😭
I truly believe, she doesn’t translate our comments so she can read them! As ugly as it is, to put shoes on a primate. She does it anyway because she doesn’t read the comments.
She knows what we comment! She answered once when we discussed the shoes on Yoko's feet and she maintained that she put the shoes only for a few minutes on Yoko. Nevertheless I find it a bad example and I don't know why she feels the need to dress Yoko like a doll. 🙄
I totally agree. if you haven't already checked it out, tune into JUDEE MONKEY and Kobi Monkey. Both are very smart especially Judee. The MOMS are just amazing with caring and teaching. The love that they share truly comes from the HEART
@@myturn9431 They are torture and abused...
@@AndreaFettweis 😆 🤣 😂
@@myturn9431 That's what you think
Monkeys should not wear shoes or clothes. It is not natural. Wild animal, not human.
"Mom", your torture of this monkey is not for smile and no is fanny. Really like in wild ..... Yoko is very sad.
No shoes please!!!
He looks miserable
You must be really hard up money Keep up you scamming. Lady Freethinker and othe Animals Right.Primatology and Vet have been court suing YT lawsuit filed in a California court seeks to stop TH-cam from allowing and profiting from videos showing animal abuse, The suit argues that TH-cam has breached its contract with users by letting animal abuse videos be uploaded and failing to stop them with notified. TH-cam has chosen to put profits over principles of ethical and humane treatment of innocent animals.'Lady Freethinker petitions have collectively gained over 15 million signatures, directly saving animals’ lives and putting horrific cruelty cases right in front of the eyes of government officials, industry leaders and other decision makers Veterinary experts who viewed the videos said they amounted to psychological tortur Sick people
Yes indeed!! The poor thing!!
♦Yes! He looks miserable because he is miserable!!!
This animal’s spirit has been broken.
You are so right, about his spirit being broken, his very being is destroyed!!! 💔💔💔😭😭😭
Encore ces chaussons et maintenant cet horrible bonnet ...😝😝c!'est du n'importe quoi. !! Il pert tout son charme . Vous êtes à court d'idées. ?? Laisser le tranquille. 🤫🤫
It’s shameful, horrible, ghastly. You pretend to love him then put those ridiculous things on him- shoes and a hat!! Really stupid. Poor monkey, you make such a fool out of him and he goes along with it just to humour you!!!!!! Why overdo it? The shirt & shorts are bad enough
Shouldn’t be forced to walk upright wear silly clothes and made to wear a nappy just for entertainment!
This mom is mean!
Furchtbar ein clown...lebendes Spielzeug
He doesn’t need shoes or hat he is not a doll.
Tadinho pra que esse sapato. Esse macaquinho não é gente. Bichinho é triste..De carinho sem exagero. Bichinho gosta de ser mais livre.Assista os vídeos de Nam com seu macaquinho Sun. Acho exemplo melhor amor mais tem liberdade. Conselho
Poor little guy does not look pleased. Don't do that mom!!
Oh my goodness, not these shoes again! Even if you put them on Yoko only for filming, you give a bad example for other caregivers. Monkeys can't wear shoes because their feet have the form of a hand! When you press them together in a shoe, the monkey can't walk properly, has difficulties to hold his balance and he can't climb trees.
In addition you put a hat on Yoko. What's that for? It's probably very warm at your place, so it's completely senseless. Yoko sits there like paralysed and he hates the hat! If you really care for the monkeys, you should stop treating them like dolls!
Andrea Fettweis
Hier schließe ich mich voll und ganz an. Richtig, diese unmögliche Situation hatten wir bereits mehrfach. Darum: Keine Schuhe an die Füße von Yoko! Ebenso keine Bedeckung auf den Kopf, weil die ganz wichtigen Sinnesorgane, nämlich die Ohren verdeckt werden. Dadurch wird auch der Gleichgewichtssinn erheblich gestört! Hinzu kommt Wärme. Auch hier nochmals ein eindringlicher Appell, mit solchen Maskeraden aufzuhören!
@@peterpaul2556 Hallo Peter, es ist nur noch schrecklich...schau wie ängstlich Yoyo ist gegenüber seine MOM !!!! Ich gucke nur noch sehr reduziert, doch das heutige Video reicht mir !!! Jeglicher Hinweis unsererseits löst nur Trotz erst recht Prinzip !!! Du hast wieder sehr gut geschrieben mit fundierten Wissen !!! Ich wünsche dir alles Liebe, bleib gesund !!!
Hallo Kerstin, vielen Dank für Ihre deutliche Antwort! Darüber habe ich mich sehr gefreut! Bis jetzt ging ja alles einigermaßen gut. Aber jetzt wieder mit dem gleichen Prozedere, wie in der Vergangenheit, anzufangen, da hört es auf. Ich glaube, die Familie hat sich noch nicht vor Augen geführt, was es bedeutet, wenn die Freunde und ganz besonders die Langjährigen dieses Kanals, die "Notbremse" ziehen und den Kanal verlassenen. Mir persönlich geht es um dies beiden Tierkinder, daß sie gemäß ihrer Natur aufwachsen und leben können. Die Voraussetzungen liege ja günstig vor. Ich hoffe und wünsche sehr, daß sie zur Einsicht diesbezüglich kommen. Ich bin mir sicher, daß wir alle keine "große Aktion" brauchen, sondern viel wichtiger ist es zu sehen, daß Koko und Yoko in ihrer Natürlichkeit leben können; natürlich gibt es immer Einschränkungen, weil beide in der Familie leben. Und das muss berücksichtigt werden.
Ausdrücklich möchte ich einmal hervor heben, daß Koko und Yoko zu niemanden Belustigung da sind. Es handelt sich um zwei kleine Lebewesen/Tierkinder, was sich jeder vor Augen halten sollte!
Alles Liebe und Gute für Sie, und geben Sie acht auf sich!
Bis dann mal wieder!
@@peterpaul2556 Wahre Worte Peter Paul !! Yoko & KOKO haben es so schön mitten in der Natur, alles könnte wunderbar sein. Nur die MOM übertreibt es immer mal wieder mit ihrer Verkleidung der beiden ! Es sind & bleiben allerliebste Tierkinder ! In meinen Augen verletzt sie die Würde Yoko's !!
Alles Liebe und bis bald !
Mom è brava a tenere Yoko e Koko nel modo più naturale possibile. Ma, questa volta sbaglia. Niente scarpine per Yoko: ricordiamoci che è una scimmia e i piedi sono prensili come le mani, quindi devono essere liberi 🐵🥰❤️🇮🇹
Ainda não foram jogados fora.
He's like "WTF"
Please don't make him wear shoes, he needs the feet as they are so he can grasp
Йоко классный! Костюмчик супер❤
♦He doesn’t deserve to be treated like this‼ It’s s a shame & a disgrace!!!!
OMG , you are not thinking!!
That is mean ,insane, selfish and Dumb! God help you Woman!
Your not putting him on that bike with shoes on are you??
He is gonna FALL. He needs his feet.
OK, now you put a winter hat on Yoko, this will over heat the poor boy. I have to ask, what is it with you and the shoes. With shoes on he cannot spread his toe which gives him balance. he walks on two legs MOM, you should be satisfied with that. Putting shoes on Yoko is just cruel and please get the winter hat off until WINTER
Stop it, stop it. You are abusing this poor little guy. He is going to have spinal damage😵😵. I literally hate people who do this. You will be punished by God for this, you evil woman😵😵
His facial expressions are golden!!! Love him.
Love Yoko and Koko 💕💕💕
Oh… I can see why monkey is looking so wooden. He can’t wait to get the uncomfortable clothes off that they forced him to wear. Maybe he can see how stupid he looks!
Maaa-shit-he is not a Clown-let it please
Sin zapatos por favor
This animal doesn’t look happy. When the owner kisses it, the monkey is staring into the distance looking like someone’s holding it at gunpoint. Looks half terrified.
I am pushing dislike every time they stage a new stupid thing like this, maybe then they'll wise up.
Poor baby looks embarrassed with the way he looks. He’s not liking those clothes and shoes.
Donna, non vedi che è terrorizzato????🤢😱👹👎👎👎
Mamá, Yoko se siente humillado cuando le haces esas cosas. Basta con observar sus gestos para saberlo. Odia tener algo en la cabeza y, no sabe caminar con zapatos. Los animales no caminan con zapatos. Por favor, nama6!!!!!. Tú que los quieres de verdad, no lis humilles así.
Claro q no los quiere de verdad los usan para estos videos q son comerciales
Bonjour ♥️ 👋 ♥️ 👋 ♥️ 👋 yoko veut pas les chaussures c'est un singe 🐵 c'est pas logique de lui mettre ou est koko on voit plus yoko que koko pourquoi ???? J'adore koko merci la famille pour se partage 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍🏻👍🏻
Porque Koko ya fue descsrtado y uds festejan con comentarios de esta naturaleza?
Hacen sufrir a los pobres monitos estos videos son repugnantes
Shoes no need not really.
No shoes Please,they are not human 😮
Very sad. It is a monkey not a human child. Have a baby then play dress up. I just hope u treat it wth love off camera.
Se amas os teus macacoa,dexa-os ser macacos!
Completamente de acierdo
Los hacen sufrir q anden erguidos q los visten y no se cuantas cosas mas todo por ganar dinero
Vocês assistem muito o canal. Eles ainda dormem na coberta ao lado galinheiro?
Pourquoi vous le déguiser comme sa ?????yoko n'est pas content et il a raison
Claro q no es feliz
What have you done to him!!! He can’t even blink his eyes. I have always liked your channel but I wonder if I still do. You have done something to that baby to get him to cooperate with you for this video. You need to explain yourself immediately or you will start loosing subscribers. I have never felt like you drugged them before but I know that you have this time. Poor Baby, those drugs hurt them, that’s abuse.
Enough is enough I hope TH-cam close this channel !!!!
Agree! But as soon as TH-cam closes the chanel, poor animal
will end to the forest
Издевательство над макашонком! Обувь- явно перебор!
А на двух лапках, не перебор??
Боже,какие они дебилы! И такие же кто поют этим придуркам восхваления!😱😱😡
He’s not happy.
No le pongas zapatos por favor....el se siente ridículo
No ridiculo sino todo esto es antinatural
Enlever les pantoufles si on vous Mettez des pattes de singe comment vous réagissez
I would think that the shoes hurt his feet remember he climbed with his feet can't grab
Yoko eres un amor estas hermoso mí pequeño yoko and koko 🤗🐒🤗🐒🤗
Poor Yoko being tortured with the damn shoes again because these people who used to be good monkey parents don't know what to do with themselves. He'll if you want another baby boy , make one and let this beautifUl monkey be a monkey. Not cute, just stupid. I'm close to not watching anymore of this. Poor Yoko and Koko.
That cap does not suit Yoko
Un modelo hermoso mama cariñosa se aman ❤❤❤❤❤❤
O insan degil insanlara maymunlarin ayaklarina gore ayakabi giydirseler ne olurdu sizi severek izliyorum ama bu sefer yanildim ayaklarını kullanamazlar motorsiklette dusse kendini koruyamaz
Yokito es muy tierno me encanta y kokito es tierno.
Biedny Yoko, opiekunka wstydu nie ma żeby tak upokarzać to biedne zwierzę
Недоросль мечется, не знает, что от требуется
Muito lindo tá um rapazinho 💗❤️❤️💖💖💖💞💞💞🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒
Какой ужас! К чему эти тапочки, шапочки, ему это не надо.
Это надо хозяевам. Йоку нарядили, увеличились просмотры, посыпались комментарии и соответственно больше денег. Все эти блогеры содержат обезьян не из любви к животным, а ради наживы.
Надо, надо, а ещё очки, часы, компас, рюкзак и бутылочка с пойлом.
@@ЕленаНикитченко-ы8м 😄😄😄
@@ЕленаНикитченко-ы8м И смарфон.
И в лес на пмж.
Adoro i Yoko tão bonitinho
È triste poverino! No cappello e via le scarpe!!!!
♦It seems like he feels humiliated!!!! He took that cap right off!!!
No shoes. Their feet are tough enough. Teach sign language to he and koko. Or are you afraid of what they would say?
Спортсмен, ну прям нас общий спортсмен, а мама так любит этого кукленка наряжать и шапочку связала и туфельки сшилалишь бы ему было тепло и уютно и в дорогу отправились вместе
Really think that shoes are going to go do anything but make monkey feel frustrated s mistreated.
I don't think you realize the the clothes are not a good idea. But shoes are really going too far.
Did you have them custom made for Monkey Feet??
Lindinho demais
Porque sacrificar o Yoko com sapatos e toca.
Pobrecito esta padeciendo un calvario
Por favor NO le pongan zapatos, eso le impide desenvolverse bien, las paticas son prensiles, suficiente con la ropa. Por favor no cometa ese error
Hola pero que se creen que esto no es ningun error lo hace a proposito
Ella, la mujer, sabe muy bien lo que hace para ganar dinero q estos videos
Gente, despierten, dejen de ver estos horribles videos
They suck for making him wear all that crap
Sure hope he get to keep all his clothes and shoes when they trun him loose to the wild, all the other monkeys will be so envious and jealous of him for having all those nice clothes.
Μην το κάνεις αυτό....... Δεν βοηθάνε τα παπούτσια στα πόδια του υποφέρει δεν μπορεί να σκαρφαλώνει τον δισκολευεις αφού τον αγαπάς μην τον ταλαιπωρείς.Δεν είναι άνθρωπος είναι πυθηκος είναι αλλιώς τα πόδια του δεν μπορεί δεν πρέπει να είναι ελεύθερος να ανεβαίνει δεν είναι να φοράνε ανθρώπινα παπούτσια φρόντισε να τον κάνεις χαρούμενο και ικανό να ζήσει αύριο μόνος του στη ζούγκλα μη δενεστε γιατί θα υποφέρει μόνος του και θα τον βασανίζουν τα άλλα Πηθυκακια. Θα ψάχνει να βρεί τους ανθρώπους και δεν θα προσαρμόζεται με τα άλλα . Εκπαιδεύστε τον με αγάπη να γίνει αναριχητης....όχι με παντόφλες!!!!!!
Прекратите очеловечивать животное.Это жестоко.Снимите эти тряпки,пусть ходит свободным на четырех лапах.
Super Familie
Biblo bu biblo 😍 ennnn güzel biblo Yoko'm benim 💜💜💜🐒💜💜💜🧿🧿