you know.. i think that it´s normal that we are sad cause Tose died and it´s really sad :( but i think Tose outlived his life very amazingly and and he lived his life to the full... so we must to be proud of him and don´t cry everyday....we must be happy cause he lived his dream and he knew it... today he´d be very glad cause Macedonia loves him but not only Macedonia.and he´d not want to hear our crying and to see our tears.he´d like to hear our smile and to see our zest of his music
so be vain of him, of his music, of his love! he was unique and i´m glad that i could to see him in tv (i could not to see his concerts online) and that i can to listen his songs... are you also?
Yes,yes,yes, - pjeva svaki atom ovog divnog tilela i glasa, duše. Ovo mogu samo najbolji.
extraaa no comment, stvarno za se go bivase bravoooo bajaderce miss u a lot
he was gorgeous !!
bravo tose moj ...te sakam
Kako se dobro kreće!!!!!
Nemoze da disi od zenske! Tolko e dobar, pusti zivot sto si otide tolko rano!
a joooooooooooooj....igra,peva-objasnjava
ubavoooooooo...svaka čast
IZ SRCA SEM SE NASMEJALA IN ZDELO SE MI JE, KOT DA JE ŠE VEDNO Z NAMI...žal mi je, da nisem bila na nobenem njegovem koncertu...
...ovo je stvarno krajnji udarac...
Istina je!!!Pozdrav....
:) sonce najmilo...
te sakam dusicke zasekogas...
prekrasno remylp87
i mi tebe obožavamo sonce :)
lepoto moja najlepsa,volim teeeeeeee
Nemoze da disi to zenski! Tolko e dobar. Pusti zivot sto si otide tolko rano!
Bravo Toska..shampion si
uh...majko moja...
naj,naj! Samo on je znao tako.
dusa mojaaaaaaa
slažem se
nisto veke ne e isto dusicke bez nedostigas beskrajno.neizmerno..neprebolno
Koja energija...Bože ,zašto???
vaaauuuu..lele,lele, ,vruće,vruće
looooool xD
that´s the best :DDDDD
LOLOLOLOL @ video commentary!!!
HooooooO_Ooooot [[[[[[[[: Te sakam, TOsenceeeee!
you know.. i think that it´s normal that we are sad cause Tose died and it´s really sad :( but i think Tose outlived his life very amazingly and and he lived his life to the full... so we must to be proud of him and don´t cry everyday....we must be happy cause he lived his dream and he knew it... today he´d be very glad cause Macedonia loves him but not only Macedonia.and he´d not want to hear our crying and to see our tears.he´d like to hear our smile and to see our zest of his music
Moj momak izgleda kao on.. ;)
lele majkoooooooooo D:D:D:D
so be vain of him, of his music, of his love! he was unique and i´m glad that i could to see him in tv (i could not to see his concerts online) and that i can to listen his songs... are you also?
hahahhahaha ;) best
hahaha :) je pa vroče ratal ;)))) je pa mal vroče ratal ;D
SKSIPIL sa pokrićem.
tole pa puloverje trga
tole puloverje trga
@c0prnjica samo u snu :D