ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
4:39 "I guess I'll do a back bigspin." That's why you're pro.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had no words. Unreal style
imma go skate a kinked rail now. see you guys on hall of meat
Trey Caldwell
Prob my favourite line ever at 3:02. Half cab flip past the people is the cherry on top
his commentary was so perfect haha
+Sasho Dotchev. Humble guy
He seems like a cool guy
i really enjoyed this with the commentary
Absolutely LOVE Ishod! I knew he was rad on the board, but after watching his PUSH episodes (and this clip) how can you not love the guy even more. He's so chill and no big pro ego or anything like that.
so sick. Hope you're making one for Shane!!
Favorite sk8r
he had by far the best part, id always watch it before i went to go skate 😃
just watching that again id have to say its one of my favourite collections of tricks I've seen in a part.
I love this guy!
me to
Sooooo siiiiiiiiccckkk. Ishod and Luan are the best skaters of the nike sb's team in my opinion!!!
alessandro piaz shane.....
shane ben
My mind has been officially blown. Damn that was sick.
Love the sound of the board popping
that was raw.. kinda reminded me of a younger arto.. really enjoyed that
What an absolute legend of a man
gives me the chills everytime
Still watching 😂. Too good.
i wish i was as stoked as this guy.
One of the best skateboarders who ever lived.
ishod is life
This is dope af.
This was such a perfect video thank you
that was so dope... sick shit..
I liked how he was just silent on the last clip. He blew his own fucking mind
Love Nike SB
Much insightful.
Extremely clean style.
Ishod is a badass skater
Dood, that was fricken awesome.
I really dig the angle on that last clip.
I would be so proud to watch my own part.
Unbelievably good
instant soty for style alone... insane...
his backside flip off the bank landing next to the driveway was too clean
You are so sick Ishod!
ishod is a good guy
wtf he didn't talk about his last trick
hes chill like that
Hes like the kickflip during the back lip was an accident so i just improvised lol
cause it speaks for itself
kickflip back lip, no words...literally XD
Awesome bro
Please do one of these for Corys new part.
Sjeeeeeezz this guy's GOOD....#superstyle
Stoked sums up this video lol
so good
the song in this part is singing in my head while watching this. lol
nice video!
Love it
Who made those yellow shorts that he was wearing again?
"Where did you get those shorts?" lol slick
this part is fuckin gnarly
Seems like a humble dude, plus he fucking rips
el rey de los rieles
So Ishod do you have anything to say about your RIDICULOUS ASS ENDER? hmm.... nah just end the vid there.
Haha, was thinking the same
this was amazing. Jesus...Steezus.Jesus Steezus Christ.
his voice fits his look
love this just wished they paused it so he could go in depth about a spot or trick
1:49 nyjah killed this line yesterday
Scariest moment in the world at about 3:25
Especially in shorts. I cringed in fear while watching. Lol
Dalton Duckett I know and that was switch!!
Dalton Duckett lol he got out of it tho, i never would of thought to do that
Now do the same with Shane!
When is Shane going to commentate about his part? Please let this happen.
I hope his part comes too.
Insane. Hollyshit
so sick I like it without music more raw
kf front nose slide extraodinaire
they should make a shane o neill commentary
this is fucking nuts
lets see shane's commentary
"I guess I'll do a back bigspin"
Hoooly shit hahaha 4:25 is in my neighborhood
Oh My God :o
1:09 :o
C'mon! Bring out nugget!
the last trick though....
I S H O D 3
Dude! Are u sure your name isn't Ray Barbee🤔
All i can do-is carving bowls,and riding mini-ramps..,...But the doc, is saying my knee is done for....
And i did not know that he skated so many joanskis
did anyone else realise hes talking to john rattray?
FUCK!!!I busted my front knee,so now i can't do Ollies anymore-there isn't that much yyou can do without being able to Ollie...(..FUCK!!!
Killer kill.
sounds like steve-o
Fuck... that´s delicious
this guy sounds and talks exactly like kader but if he had a deep voice
Yeah primer comentario
3:15 proves he's crusty
Wallie to crook, i dont get that...how?
Ya nike......Ishod who? (that is was a lie sounds like)
Ishod skate big stuff like nothing ..
they shouldve paused the clips when he started talking over them
I saw the thumbnail and thought he put out a third version
4:39 "I guess I'll do a back bigspin." That's why you're pro.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had no words. Unreal style
imma go skate a kinked rail now. see you guys on hall of meat
Trey Caldwell
Prob my favourite line ever at 3:02. Half cab flip past the people is the cherry on top
his commentary was so perfect haha
+Sasho Dotchev. Humble guy
He seems like a cool guy
i really enjoyed this with the commentary
Absolutely LOVE Ishod! I knew he was rad on the board, but after watching his PUSH episodes (and this clip) how can you not love the guy even more. He's so chill and no big pro ego or anything like that.
so sick. Hope you're making one for Shane!!
Favorite sk8r
he had by far the best part, id always watch it before i went to go skate 😃
just watching that again id have to say its one of my favourite collections of tricks I've seen in a part.
I love this guy!
me to
Sooooo siiiiiiiiccckkk. Ishod and Luan are the best skaters of the nike sb's team in my opinion!!!
alessandro piaz shane.....
My mind has been officially blown. Damn that was sick.
Love the sound of the board popping
that was raw.. kinda reminded me of a younger arto.. really enjoyed that
What an absolute legend of a man
gives me the chills everytime
Still watching 😂. Too good.
i wish i was as stoked as this guy.
One of the best skateboarders who ever lived.
ishod is life
This is dope af.
This was such a perfect video thank you
that was so dope... sick shit..
I liked how he was just silent on the last clip. He blew his own fucking mind
Love Nike SB
Much insightful.
Extremely clean style.
Ishod is a badass skater
Dood, that was fricken awesome.
I really dig the angle on that last clip.
I would be so proud to watch my own part.
Unbelievably good
instant soty for style alone... insane...
his backside flip off the bank landing next to the driveway was too clean
You are so sick Ishod!
ishod is a good guy
wtf he didn't talk about his last trick
hes chill like that
Hes like the kickflip during the back lip was an accident so i just improvised lol
cause it speaks for itself
kickflip back lip, no words...literally XD
Awesome bro
Please do one of these for Corys new part.
Sjeeeeeezz this guy's GOOD....#superstyle
Stoked sums up this video lol
so good
the song in this part is singing in my head while watching this. lol
nice video!
Love it
Who made those yellow shorts that he was wearing again?
"Where did you get those shorts?" lol slick
this part is fuckin gnarly
Seems like a humble dude, plus he fucking rips
el rey de los rieles
So Ishod do you have anything to say about your RIDICULOUS ASS ENDER? hmm.... nah just end the vid there.
Haha, was thinking the same
this was amazing. Jesus...Steezus.Jesus Steezus Christ.
his voice fits his look
love this just wished they paused it so he could go in depth about a spot or trick
1:49 nyjah killed this line yesterday
Scariest moment in the world at about 3:25
Especially in shorts. I cringed in fear while watching. Lol
Dalton Duckett I know and that was switch!!
Dalton Duckett lol he got out of it tho, i never would of thought to do that
Now do the same with Shane!
When is Shane going to commentate about his part? Please let this happen.
I hope his part comes too.
Insane. Hollyshit
so sick I like it without music more raw
kf front nose slide extraodinaire
they should make a shane o neill commentary
this is fucking nuts
lets see shane's commentary
"I guess I'll do a back bigspin"
Hoooly shit hahaha 4:25 is in my neighborhood
Oh My God :o
1:09 :o
C'mon! Bring out nugget!
the last trick though....
I S H O D 3
Dude! Are u sure your name isn't Ray Barbee🤔
All i can do-is carving bowls,and riding mini-ramps..,...But the doc, is saying my knee is done for....
And i did not know that he skated so many joanskis
did anyone else realise hes talking to john rattray?
FUCK!!!I busted my front knee,so now i can't do Ollies anymore-there isn't that much yyou can do without being able to Ollie...(..FUCK!!!
Killer kill.
sounds like steve-o
Fuck... that´s delicious
this guy sounds and talks exactly like kader but if he had a deep voice
Yeah primer comentario
3:15 proves he's crusty
Wallie to crook, i dont get that...how?
Ya nike......Ishod who? (that is was a lie sounds like)
Ishod skate big stuff like nothing ..
they shouldve paused the clips when he started talking over them
I saw the thumbnail and thought he put out a third version