Judy is not a good judge, she makes up her mind about who she thinks is guilty the moment people enter her courtroom, and no matter what they say, she usually keeps her pre-judgement, even when it is obviously wrong. The case of the older man allegedly pushed an old woman is the perfect example of that, she decided that he was guilty, then it was discoved (both parties agreed) that he was standing in front of the older lady that was pushed... How do you push someone standing behind you without turning around?
The womans cousin needs to divorce that narcissistic controlling abuser asap - poor woman. Good on judge Judy for trying to put him in his place
2024. 10-1 they've split. 😮😮
Tint the wheels! 😂
How is it that you borrow money from the birthday person to buy them a gift. 😂
Gah! I feel sorry for the little girl. Poor baby is surrounded by complete idiots.
Just imagine using someone for a 92 Honda civic. Bah ha ha. How old are these episodes. Then have the audacity to add on the cost of rims. Fools.
Judy is not a good judge, she makes up her mind about who she thinks is guilty the moment people enter her courtroom, and no matter what they say, she usually keeps her pre-judgement, even when it is obviously wrong. The case of the older man allegedly pushed an old woman is the perfect example of that, she decided that he was guilty, then it was discoved (both parties agreed) that he was standing in front of the older lady that was pushed... How do you push someone standing behind you without turning around?
She reads their written responses before coming into court.