800 Russian Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #40
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- This is the best video to start building your Russian vocabulary.
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In this series, we will teach you the core 800 Russian words that you must know if you're a an absolute beginner.
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Ya I am not a russian and neither are you.. I am just a VIP.. Have a nice life. th-cam.com/video/gM4xZy39kNE/w-d-xo.html
No joke.. I actually am a VIP.. Here is some Canadian news for yall..
So just who and what in Canada 🇨🇦 do my friends here support? 🤔
CIA trolls like you? Zero chance.. Zzz th-cam.com/video/jna8JEaPMZE/w-d-xo.html
Btw.. My brother Julian says hi.. The only reason you are here is because citizen lab is taking it for analysis.. I have been working with them for some time so.. Paka Paka
One last thing for y'all.. Before you try to extradite someone you should have a legitimate reason..
Extraordinary rendition isn't legal here and neither is your presence pigs. Peace ✌️th-cam.com/video/f3BGAEkdY94/w-d-xo.html
Paka Paka to turkey turds.. th-cam.com/video/vhyQRc1vzkg/w-d-xo.html
Vocabulary is not the only aspect of language learning, but it is one of the important aspects. You just have to have a strong vocabulary. No going around it. And this video helps by teaching the most used words in context.
Although my Russian is at an advanced level, I always need to brush something up, because you never know. Moreover, mastering a foreign languge requires a lot of practice and patience.
Yes, words do not always signify what it seems at first glance. Especially in Russian, the language of art and culture.
Yeah, pretty normal. Just have the mindset that this is a lifetime process. You get marry to your languages. I broke up with English a few times in the past but now we're happily married ❤
This really is the best vocabulary training anywhere
omg !.. i stop to watch at 300 !... will be great to have this intensive course now !... love you folks !
Love u teacher 👩🏫 💯💯💯💯💯
Absolute work!! Thanks for making this free!!
Hello, dear Randy, thank you for the good fun today
Thank you/Spasibo for the 800 core video
I'm a intermediate Russian speaker I've had more Russian speaking experience in the mid-2000s but over time I just really put it aside but now I'm trying to restart my old Russian again. The problem is I have a learning disability and it takes me three times longer to learn memorization when it comes to words. So when I start a new word I have to repeat it myself throughout the day and sometimes it could take me 3 to 4 days to finally remember the word. It takes me forever it's no fun but it does work. I take easy words and I just one word at a time. Usually I'll learn about 2 to 3 words a day it seems like a really slow process but unfortunately I only have so much time throughout the day. So any suggestions? I've used Babel which I found not useful all I really learned most my Russian through Pimsleur, which is just listening and repeating words. While I'm struggling to learn Russian again I'm going to try to make flashcards and try to look at them more often but right now I'm using my smartphone for just about all my Russian, listening and repeating words. Words have to be somewhat easy but if its three to five syllables per word it takes me a lot longer.
1:17 = 20
надеяться = be hopeful
глубокий = deep
мелкий (adj.), мелко (adv.) = shallow
богатый = rich
бедный, беден (short ver.) = poor
монитор = monitor
клавиатура = keyboard
наушники = headphones
икать = hiccup
черника = blueberry
чернослив = prune
манго = mango
лимон = lemon
ягодицы = buttocks
плечо = shoulder
мускул = muscle
кость = bone
борода = beard
сладкий картофель = sweet potato
гриб = mushroom
12:34 = 40
рюкзак = backpack
грифель = pencil lead
клей = glue
калькулятор = calculator
точилка = pencil sharpener
широкий = wide
узкий = narrow
твёрдый = hard
мягкий = soft
абрикос = apricot
ананас = pineapple
дыня = melon
инжир = fig
слива = plum
цветная капуста = cauliflower
капуста = cabbage
сельдерей = celery
баклажан = eggplant
ростки фасоли = bean sprouts
авария = accident
24:42 = 60
односпальная кровать = single bed
двуспальная кровать = double bed
гостиница = hotel
стойка регистрации = front desk
Тихий океан = Pacific Ocean
Атлантический океан = Atlantic Ocean
Индийский океан = Indian Ocean
Австралия = Australia
Антарктида = Antarctica
Азия = Asia
Африка = Africa
Европа = Europe
Северная Америка = North America
Южная Америка = South America
индиго = indigo
персиковый = peach
тёмный = dark
раздражающий = annoying
туловище = torso
грудь = breast
37:48 = 80
усы = mustache
стиральная машина = washing machine
DVD-проигрыватель = DVD player
вентилятор = fan
кондиционер = air conditioner
плита = stove
начальная школа = elementary school
средняя школа = middle school
старшие классы = high school
университет = university
директор школы = principal
светлый = bright
ноутбук = laptop computer
мышка = mouse
колонка = speaker
веб-камера = webcam
микрофон = microphone
настольный компьютер = desktop computer
острый перец = chili pepper
кукуруза = corn
49:06 = 100
разбить = break
порез = cut
потянуть = sprain
микроволновая печь = microwave oven
холодильник = refrigerator
пылесос = vacuum cleaner
потеть = sweat
регистрация = check in
номер комнаты = room number
ключ от номера = room key
звонок-будильник = wake-up call
освобождать номер = check out
светлый = light
золотой = gold
розовый = pink
серебряный = silver
бежевый = beige
малина (noun) малиновый (adjective) = raspberry
кашель = cough
чеснок = garlic
1:00:39 = 120
наводнение = flood
тайфун = typhoon
ураган = hurricane
торнадо = tornado
засуха = drought
ислам = Islam
протестантизм = Protestantism
католицизм = Catholicism
индуизм = Hinduism
буддизм = Buddhism
лодыжка = ankle
локоть = elbow
запястье = wrist
колено = knee
кожа = skin
бриться = shave
повар = chef
для некурящих = non-smoking
курение = smoking
кровь = blood
1:11:42 = 140
роза = rose
цветок = flower
лилия = lily
подсолнух = sunflower
одуванчик = dandelion
путешествие = traveling
упражнение = exercising
тренировка = workout
чтение = reading
играть в карты = play cards
серьга = earring
колье = necklace
кольцо = ring
семейные трусы = boxer shorts
юбка = skirt
гамбургер = hamburger
чизбургер = cheeseburger
пицца = pizza
хот-дог = hot dog
чаевые = tip
1:23:23 = 160
провинция = country
деревня = village
город = town
пригород = suburb
комната = room
ожог = burn
шахматы = chess
язык = language
сушить = blow-dry
боевые искусства = martial arts
довольный, доволен (short ver.) = satisfied
спокойный = calm
расчёсывать = comb
полоскать горло = gargle
недовольный, недоволен (short ver.) = dissatisfied
пять тысяч = five thousand
три тысячи = three thousand
шесть тысяч = six thousand
семь тысяч = seven thousand
девять тысяч = nine thousand
1:35:03 = 180
арендодатель = landlord
общежитие = dormitory
жилой дом = apartment building
город = city
ферма = farm
цунами = tsunami
лавина = avalanche
огонь = fire
землетрясение = earthquake
песчаная буря = sandstorm
перчатка = glove
зонтик = umbrella
шапка = hat
с длинным рукавом = long-sleeved
с коротким рукавом = short-sleeved
болезненный = painful
застенчивый = shy
нервничающий = nervous
взволнован = excited
смущённый = embarrassed
1:46:15 = 200
ресторан = restaurant
кафе = cafe
кофейня = coffee shop
бар = bar
мебель = furniture
трава = grass
земля = soil
грязь = dirt
камень = rock
дерево = tree
таоизм = Taoism
Библия = Bible
Коран = Quran
священник = priest
иудаизм = Judaism
тысяча = one thousand
две тысячи = two thousand
восемь тысяч = eight thousand
десять тысяч = ten thousand
четыре тысячи = four thousand
1:59:01 = 220
выносить = take out
официант = waiter
прогноз погоды = weather report
Цельсий = Celsius
тв-шоу = TV show
пробежка = jogging
фаст-фуд = fast food
парк = park
светофор = traffic light
знак = sign
метрополитен = subway
станция = train station
пятьсот = five hundred
девятьсот девяносто девять = nine hundred ninety nine
сто один = one hundred one
четыреста = four hundred
девятьсот = nine hundred
дюйм = inch
килограмм = kilogram
сантиметр = centimeter
2:09:13 = 240
головная боль = headache
понос = diarrhea
симптом = symptom
желудочная боль = stomachache
мыть = clean
сушить = dry
пыль = dust
пылесосить = vacuum
перекрёсток = intersection
шоссе = highway
дорого = road
улица = street
интересный = interesting
подлый = mean
скучающий = bored
семьсот = seven hundred
восемьсот = eight hundred
двести = two hundred
триста = three hundred
шестьсот = six hundred
2:20:16 = 260
болезнь = illness
простуда = cold
травма = injury
лекарство = medicine
боль = pain
жар = fever
окно = window
алкоголь = alcohol
еда = meal
туман = fog
град = hail
гроза = thunderstorm
аквариум = aquarium
футбол = soccer
зоопарк = zoo
плата за проезд = fare
автобусная остановка = bus stop
грамм = gram
метр = meter
километр = kilometer
2:30:35 = 280
рис = rice
хлеб = bread
яйцо = egg
лапша = noodle
будильник = alarm clock
дверь = door
пульт дистанционного управления = remote control
вытирать = wipe
меню = menu
журнал = magazine
аудиокнига = audiobook
компьютерная игра = video game
дешёвый = cheap
дорогой = expensive
добрый = kind
жуткий = scary
расслабляющий = relaxing
фунт = pound
миля = mile
фут = foot
2:42:04 = 300
какао = cocoa
безалкогольный напиток = soft drink
сок = juice
книжная полка = bookshelf
кровать = bed
зеркало = mirror
комод = dresser
подметать = sweep
убирать = put away
мыть шваброй = mop
официантка = waitress
Фаренгейт = Fahrenheit
температура = temperature
влажный = humid
ветреный = windy
игровая площадка = playground
бассейн = pool
теннис = tennis
баскетбол = basketball
литр = liter
2:53:12 = 320
сковорода = frying pan
разделочная доска = cutting board
раковина = sink
миска = bowl
выход = exit
карта = map
чемодан = suitcase
турист = tourist
политика = politics
биология = biology
химия = chemistry
физика = physics
экономика = economics
положить = put
вспомнить = remember
держать = hold
тележка = shopping cart
пластиковый пакет = plastic bag
комедия = comedy
роман = novel
3:03:54 = 340
девятый = ninth
десятый = tenth
восьмой = eighth
бритвенный станок = shaving razor
салфетка = washcloth
полотенце = towel
ложка = spoon
вилка = fork
нож = knife
тарелка = plate
пчела = bee
муравей = ant
змея = snake
молоко = milk
дизайнер = designer
художник = artist
солдат = soldier
предприниматель = entrepreneur
рассказ = short story
папка = folder
3:15:35 = 360
3:15:35 = 360
ополаскиватель = conditioner
дезодорант = deodorant
жидкое мыло = liquid soap
утка = duck
ворон = crow
таракан = cockroach
комар = mosquito
строительный рабочий = construction worker
домохозяйка = homemaker
лёд = ice
история = history
география = geography
магазин = store
рынок = market
цена = price
купон = coupon
проход = aisle
сумка = bag
фотография = photograph
газировка = soda
3:28:45 = 380
чайник = kettle
кастрюля = pot
лягушка = frog
голубь = pigeon
путеводитель = guidebook
вход = entrance
гид = tour guide
бронирование = reservation
паспорт = passport
информатика = computer science
математика = math
чувствовать = feel
рисовать = draw
планировать = plan
продажи = sale
покупка = shopping
четвёртый = fourth
пятый = fifth
шестой = sixth
седьмой = seventh
3:40:27 = 400
снаружи = outside
внутри = inside
налево = left
направо = right
первый = first
второй = second
третий = third
мыло = soap
зубная щётка = toothbrush
зубная паста = toothpaste
шампунь = shampoo
информация = information
фермер = farmer
секретарь = secretary
банкир = banker
писатель = writer
пробовать = try
измерить = measure
держать = keep
ждать = wait
3:52:20 = 420
чистить = brush
душ = shower
мыть = wash
уходить = leave
чек = check
шестьдесят шесть = sixty-six
семьдесят семь = seventy-seven
восемьдесят восемь = eighty-eight
девяносто девять = ninety-nine
сто = one hundred
гостиная = living room
столовая = dining room
коридор = hallway
квартира = apartment
дом = house
упражнение = exercise
открыть = open
послушать = listen
день рождения = birthday
выйти на пенсию = retire
4:02:32 = 440
пижама = pajamas
бюстгальтер = brassier
просыпаться = wake up
ездить = commute
есть = eat
искусство = art
литература = literature
кино = movie
музыка = music
ответить = answer
преподавать = teach
спросить = ask
закрыть = close
рождение = birth
работать = work
включать = turn on
выключать = turn off
есть вне дома = eat out
присутствовать = attend
запад = west
4:13:04 = 460
галстук = necktie
костюм = suit
кроссовок = sneaker
двадцать один = twenty-one
двадцать два = twenty-one
тридцать три = thirty-three
сорок четыре = forty-four
пятьдесят пять = fifty-five
студент = student
смотреть = watch
класс = classroom
школа = school
стул = school chair
парта = school desk
сидеть в Интернете = surf the Internet
север = north
вернуть = return
купать = bathe
спать = sleep
юг = south
4:23:30 = 480
президент = president
промышленность = industry
ремень = belt
монета = coin
деньги = money
дебетовая карта = debit card
счёт = bill
фотография = photography
снимать = take off
спальня = bedroom
кухня = kitchen
ванная = bathroom
окончание = graduation
повышение = promotion
годовщина = anniversary
похороны = funeral
свадьба = wedding
объяснить = explain
позади = back
восток = east
4:33:51 = 500
начальник = superior
компания = company
зарплата = salary
радио = radio
телевизор = television
Интернет = Internet
газета = newspaper
новостной канал = news channel
музыкальный инструмент = musical instrument
картина = painting
театр = theater
мюзикл = musical
опера = opera
расслабиться = relax
маркерная доска = whiteboard
доска = blackboard
тест = test
учебник = textbook
перед = front
работа = job
4:43:55 = 520
бумажник = wallet
сумочка = purse
заказ = order
поле = field
пустыня = desert
начальник = boss
офис = office
коллега = co-worker
встреча = meeting
отделение полиции = police station
аптека = pharmacy
выпечка = bakery
кинотеатр = movie theater
переговоры = negotiation
договор = contract
дело = business
сделка = deal
занят = busy
серьёзный = serious
устал = tired
4:53:48 = 540
скучно = boring
волнительный = exciting
важный = important
кредитная карта = credit card
ключ = key
водительские права = driver's license
лес = forest
река = river
океан = ocean
озеро = lake
документ = document
компьютер = computer
факс = fax machine
принтер = printer
механический карандаш = mechanical pencil
линейка = ruler
маркер = marker
банк = bank
магазин = convenience store
больница = hospital
5:05:24 = 560
помогать = help
учить = learn
двигать = move
семнадцать = seventeen
восемнадцать = eighteen
девятнадцать = nineteen
двадцать = twenty
шея = neck
лицо = face
ухо = ear
волосы = hair
гора = mountain
пляж = beach
тропический лес = rainforest
остров = island
словарь = dictionary
голубой = blue
жёлтый = yellow
оранжевый = orange
цвет = color
5:16:19 = 580
белый = white
красный = red
зелёный = green
заканчивать = finish
начать = start
стать = become
четырнадцать = fourteen
пятнадцать = fifteen
шестнадцать = sixteen
телефон = telephone
глаз = eye
зубы = teeth
губа = lip
копировальный аппарат = copy machine
стол = desk
книга = book
ручка = pen
почта = post office
библиотека = library
супермаркет = supermarket
5:26:15 = 600
вертолёт = helicopter
чёрный = black
коричневый = brown
серый = gray
отдых = rest
слышать = hear
хотеть = want
отвратительный = disgusting
одиннадцать = eleven
двенадцать = twelve
тринадцать = thirteen
электронная почта = e-mail
сотовый телефон = cellular phone
текстовое сообщение = text message
рот = mouth
щека = cheek
нос = nose
тетрадь = notebook
карандаш = pencil
ластик = eraser
5:36:57 = 620
собака = dog
кот = cat
хомяк = hamster
тепло = warm
дождь = rain
помидор = tomato
клубничный = strawberry
вишнёвый = cherry
ребёнок = child
друг = friend
взрослый = adult
велосипед = bicycle
автомобиль = car
мотоцикл = motorcycle
самокат = scooter
лодка = boat
медуза = jellyfish
омар = lobster
краб = crab
черепаха = turtle
5:48:28 = 640
банан = banana
яблоко = apple
виноград = grape
арбуз = watermelon
птица = bird
мышь = mouse
солнце = sun
погода = weather
градус = degree
женщина = woman
мужчина = man
девушка = girlfriend
парень = boyfriend
поезд = train
самолёт = airplane
автобус = bus
такси = taxi
шпинат = spinach
дельфин = dolphin
кальмар = squid
5:58:47 = 660
счастливый = happy
грустно = sad
сердитый = angry
одежда = clothing
туфля = shoe
носок = sock
нижнее бельё = underwear
поговорить = talk
давать = give
низкий = low
высокий = high
фрукт = fruit
осьминог = octopus
акула = shark
кит = whale
облачно = cloudy
прохладный = cool
огурец = cucumber
болгарский перец = bell pepper
брокколи = broccoli
6:09:47 = 680
рубашка = shirt
брюки = pants
платье = dress
сказать = say
звонить = call
найти = find
чистый = clean
грязный = dirty
морковь = carrot
лук = onion
салат-латук = lettuce
овца = sheep
кролик = rabbit
тюлень = seal
облако = cloud
солнечно = sunny
дождливо = rainy
малыш = baby
девочка = girl
мальчик = boy
6:19:59 = 700
часы = watch
очки = glasses
пиджак = jacket
получать = receive
искать = search
взять = take
слабый = weak
сильный = strong
холодно = cold
горячий = hot
потешный = funny
персик = peach
апельсин = orange
картофель = potato
соя = soybean
овощ = vegetable
корова = cow
свинья = pig
лошадь = horse
снег = snow
6:30:15 = 720
рука = hand
рука = arm
ступня = foot
нога = leg
палец = finger
спина = back
желудок = stomach
грудная клетка = chest
январь = January
февраль = February
март = March
апрель = April
май = May
июнь = June
июль = July
август = August
сентябрь = September
октябрь = October
ноябрь = November
декабрь = December
6:40:03 = 740
6:40:03 = 740
мочь = can
ноль = zero
один = one
два = two
три = three
четыре = four
пять = five
шесть = six
семь = seven
восемь = eight
девять = nine
десять = ten
продавец = salesman
менеджер = manager
повар = cook
инженер = engineer
программист = programmer
медсестра = nurse
тело = body
голова = head
6:49:29 = 760
смеяться = laugh
вкусно = delicious
вода = water
чай = tea
кофе = coffee
пиво = beer
вино = wine
говядина = beef
курица = chicken
свинина = pork
рыба = fish
ягнятина = lamb
врач = doctor
полицейский = police officer
учительница = teacher
сотрудник = employee
приходить = come
смотреть = see
делать = make
использовать = use
6:59:21 = 780
сегодня = today
вчера = yesterday
завтра = tomorrow
неделя = week
год = year
секунда = second
минута = minute
час = hour
часы = clock
часы = o'clock
календарь = calendar
понедельник = Monday
вторник = Tuesday
среда = Wednesday
четверг = Thursday
пятница = Friday
суббота = Saturday
воскресенье = Sunday
делать = do
идти = go
7:09:17 = 800
Здравствуйте. = Hello.
Извините. = Excuse me.
Прости меня. = I'm sorry.
Спокойной ночи. = Good night.
Приятно познакомиться. = Nice to meet you.
Как дела? = How are you?
Да. = Yes.
Нет. = No.
Спасибо. = Thank you.
Меня зовут... = I'm (name).
До свидания. = Goodbye.
плохой = bad
хороший = good
симпатичная = pretty
гадкий = ugly
лёгкий = easy
трудный = difficult
близкий = near
далёкий = far
маленький = small
Thank you for the effort you put in!
Thank you 😊
I've been using this video for days to learn vocabulary. I usually learn 10 words per day, but some of them I already knew; specially the numbers, I felt like you could've added more words instead of that. Learning the numbers requires a complete lesson.
Very good teacher
Spasibo for this ❤️
Thanks from Romania
Spasibo !!
شفت هادا قبل خمس سيعات (Saw this five hrs ago)
3:03 my favourite part
but, I also like 3:52:19
I changed my mind. I like this part: 4:23:29
It gets even better at: 4:53:47
I lied. 5:26:15 is my new fav.
I love this course. Thanks💙💛
Vert very helpful thanks u
❤️ thank you.
Previet! С Рождеством
Bol'sho Spasibo.. ❤️
8:00 Now that's the kind of smile someone gives when they're about to say a word like "butt" ha ha ha XD!
спасибо тебе,
Sometime it take time to realise what words are similar надеяться i how realise it’s like nădejdea and have same meaning
20 words is enough for today
Spasibo for the 800 core video
Привет, как ты? я в порядке
Hi! I'm Russian
or change the accent, like microphone, which is the same word in English?????
Y R eonderful teacher👌
Katya My personal Russian Love!!! 😍🎁🌹🍇🍷🍾🥂🥩☕🍸🎉😇🇲🇽😎
Can someone help me practice by talking
why do you change accent thinking it is a different language???
Привет, как ты? я в порядке
X is not H, it is G in Dutch or CH sound in German. Russian has no H sound they usually make it a G as you taught us in Gamburger )))
make it thousand
why not Registration instead of Check-in ? You want to make it more difficult by avoiding the similar words???
its american english, "Registration" is british, yes i know, i also hate american english, but we cant do anything since this is american channel
@@hetaeramancer no just the opposite, i hate British colonial English)))
@@bahrambahram3933 well i only hate american english and prefer british english strictly becaues of technicalities in the language, between the US and UK and everything about them is a different story
sportsmen is plural, singular is sportsman. Why chnage the vowel a to e ???
I’m Russian I’m not an American anymore lol ❤️
Why do you change the accent in Pizza which is Italian word, between Russian and English?
You want there to be no similar words to make it easy???
Province is Province why do you say country so not have anything similar and make it easy?
To know how to say, "Prunes are dried plums", does not seem to me vital to the communications skills of a new Russian speaker. How about, "Peace and security are preferable to war and chaos" ?
also die ersten beiden Begriffe sind mir trotz 8 Jahren Russisch-Unterricht in der Schule völlig unbekannt
why do you chnage English words that are obvious, like Notebook you translate unnecessarily to laptop computer ???
Notebook can also be a school notebook that you write into with a pen.
Watch this the real posession of Emily rose is going to stop all the hackers lol
Yup. Many students are poor.
Please start to translate more literally - don’t worry the water is very shallow is not correct - there is no water in the Russian sentence - even as a translation in a test or in a conversation this would be just wrong and it is confusing to me learning Russian :/
Hi. Where are you from?
Oah! you don't still use LEAD in pencils in Russia do you? Lead is extremely poisonous. I hope you mean when the graphite breaks you have to sharpen the pencil not "when the lead breaks".
Football is Football not soccer!!!
Football is football, not american -foot- handball
Thank you ❤️