So the update was successful, but what I discovered was that the WiFi wasn't working. I used the OpenCore legacy patcher and installed the Post-Install Root patch. After the installation, I rebooted the system and every error was fixed like magic.
The problem I am currently having is that I can't find the Mac trackpad settings. Whenever I open Google Chrome in full screen, the system hangs and I have to restart it.
I buy now thank you for the review 😊
You are very welcome!
The Macbook back then was a seriously classy product. Great video 👌
Thank you!
I have its currently on 10.13 but am about to update it to Sonoma
macOS 14.x using
opencore legacy patcher
Okay. Great! Do share your experience
@casting_vlog I was scared that my Mac would crash, but surprisingly the update didn't take up to 1 hour to finish. The system rebooted about 5 times.
So the update was successful, but what I discovered was that the WiFi wasn't working. I used the OpenCore legacy patcher and installed the Post-Install Root patch. After the installation, I rebooted the system and every error was fixed like magic.
The problem I am currently having is that I can't find the Mac trackpad settings. Whenever I open Google Chrome in full screen, the system hangs and I have to restart it.
Solid built quality and gorgeous!!!
My mistake. Thanks for correcting!
It's a true HEADTURNER and always will be. Today's macbooks look dull.