always so helpful! thanks for the video! my first language is not enlgish and I have a question. when i map the word 'dear', should i do it as "d / ear " " or "d / e / ar "? I've been doing 'd /e /ar', because there is no phonetic symbol for 'ear' sound. (is it correct?) yet i am afraid that i might teach wrong to my students. either way ok?
always so helpful! thanks for the video! my first language is not enlgish and I have a question. when i map the word 'dear', should i do it as "d / ear " " or "d / e / ar "? I've been doing 'd /e /ar', because there is no phonetic symbol for 'ear' sound. (is it correct?) yet i am afraid that i might teach wrong to my students. either way ok?
Please suggest a book to learn English.
Why is the pronunciation of the "i" vowel different?