"Look, I'm just a hole." God damn, Numi says the craziest shit sometimes. Imagine being watched on a stream in front of hundreds of people and just dropping that line.
Vex'll hold her down, Tricky will kiss her whilst Cotton will peg them all. That'd be how I'd imagine Numi's "first" will go if the girls truly went pred-prey on each other.
Numi Tricky stop your causing a 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊, crud time to get the industrial dry wall fans and flood brooms, man I just waxed and polished the floors here.
My favorite part is when Numi somehow turns "I think you have nice boobs" into a sentence with 200 words in it.
The way numi stutters when she gets flustered is the most adorable thing in the universe
she sounds in pain
@Avali664 it's just a verbal representation of her brain trying to work 😂
Tricky became a literal dog-whistle.
She always has been.
indeed @noahwalsh470
I thought she was a tea kettle.
..... Wait, no! That's Henya
The timing of the Hank Hill “I’m about to bust” slaughtered me
I feel like one of these days, these two gonna tear a hotel room apart if they keep on doing this.
Numi would do that which pretty much any of her friends if she got a chance
Vex has something planned with both girls along with several others, so things could get interesting…😏
@@TheKing_1986I wonder if they are all actually gonna screw each other
It's not just gonna be these two in there..Sinder, Cottontail, shylilly, Bao and yuzu will be joining them.
@@TheKing_1986 My guess is orgy.
"Numi, had you ever had a girl-"
Full stop. No. Next question.
"War against my petals of love" that is one HELL of a sentence
This is the most amount of power that Numi never had ... 😂 Its amazing
Uncultured individual: "Whats that noise?"
Me: "Two girls grinding scissors together"
Numi is paper she will tear apart from the scissors.
But who is The Rock I wonder?
@@ReiseLukas We all know that Vexoria is the rock.
1:00 Tricky really like "You started this, now I'm finishing it!"
2:27 "look at it one more time"
translation": "lemme save that for later" LUL
"The power of Christ compells you"
When numi starting stuttering I'm like yep that checks out
0:21 That growl was more feral than anything I've heard
I do believe if she could reach through the screen numi would be locked up in tricky's basement right about now.
"Numi I need you..." We know, Tricky
Hopefully some day Numi will realize that happiness is more important than normalcy lol
Numi: Why can't we keep things vanilla in the home stretch.
Tricky: Well, I could flick a bean... if you ask nicely...
Numi: (Flatline)
"Look, I'm just a hole."
God damn, Numi says the craziest shit sometimes. Imagine being watched on a stream in front of hundreds of people and just dropping that line.
The way my heart skipped a beat the FIRST SECOND 💀
Tricky going "look at it" reminds me of that scene in battlestar galactica where the cylon is screaming at baltar to "SIGN IT"
It kinda reminded me of Lucy from Dishenchated.
Numi gets so flustered when people flirt back.
I am proud to have voted you for best clipper Roach, Delivering the most heavenly clips 🙏
I mean... If Numi doesn't wanna look...
I volunteer as tribute!!
Tricky with the "I'm taking you down with me" vibes
Can one of these girls just take Numi's first time already? I got bets placed on who it'll be and I need closure
Cotton,tricky and vex all at once
@@ZyrusEclipsewhile Yuzu watches
Vex'll hold her down, Tricky will kiss her whilst Cotton will peg them all. That'd be how I'd imagine Numi's "first" will go if the girls truly went pred-prey on each other.
Inb4 Sinder enters the room and steals Numi
I shit you not, she turned herself into a teapot - funniest shit I've ever seen
I'm willing to bet that this is all a ploy by Numi to get sus pics of her friends.
Damn vtubers are so lucky to have hot smoochable homies at their beck and call, and I'm here scrolling through dating apps all day
These two are just perfect for each other lol 😝
Pure sexy chaos
Tricky was playing a dangerous game here. Trying to get revenge on someone who hasn’t experienced it yet for tormenting the one who has
Straightest female conversation
Straightest female vtuber conversation
It's funny cause both of em aren't even straight😂
If you listen to Numi in the beginning she actually lets slip that it wasn’t just a picture but a video…
Crazy cr pizza patrick. Eye 🐇 heathen noises.
Numi Tricky stop your causing a 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊, crud time to get the industrial dry wall fans and flood brooms, man I just waxed and polished the floors here.
*casuly mopping floor*
(Events unfold)
*drops mop*
I quit
War... war never changes.
Numi.exe has stopped working
Well, with all of those pics, shit gonna be messy if the day they hate each other came
Numi broke lol
I know it’ll never happen, but DAMN I wish we could see those pictures!
Is this how all humans are?
@@agun4080 ...
Ive never resonated with something so hard 2:40
Just gals bein pals
NNN = Normal Numi November
that was some solid stuttering at the end
Certified rat moment.
This was late November, huh?
What I'd give to see those pictures...
Damn, I legit want to see these pictures now.
Ahhh and back to Numi being bottom 😂
If men ever acted like that, they would just be together. Unless that’s how gymbros are with each others
wait, you never share schween pics with your homies?
I thought my chair needed WD40.
Good god is this how girls get with each other cause damn
Welp it looks like that Numi started toying with the wrong person.
Deserved it lehmaoooooooo
I hate the fact that I know the images in the thumbnail.
I am in hell
I think you have wrong numi in sources, it only has 14 followers
I think I fixed it, thanks!
I wanna see 🥺
Poker face to what I got into... woke up all the way.... turn off utube... but saved vid to watch later with poker face.
Conformed new couple
Numi.exe not working