A lot of Church choirs sing this one During resurrection services , but let me tell you "This Blood " has the power to save anytime anywhere .and anyone! He saved me by His blood over 40 years ago and I am still humbled by His sacrifice. Hallelujah for the blood of Christ
Amen ...I agree...Its Christmas time now in 2022 and the Blood of JESUS is still flowing fresh and speaking mercy and forgiveness over all that will believe and receive it.
I wish I had been there..... I would have been shouting praises to the mighty name of Jesus! I had never heard this song until I came across it by accident and now I cannot stop listening to it!
God Bless everyone and touch every heart in the whole world 🌎 so they can see the only Jesus Christ brings joys and peace and so much when you seek him with all your heart
Love love love this blessed song. It is His blood. Oh how we need to hear about his blood again 🙏🏻😢❤️ God Bless all of you who are proclaiming the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!!!! wonderful song...well done...what a blessing! There is applause because this song brings honor to the Lamb of God for sinners slain but He is the Coming King of Kings and Lord of lords!
I love this song and listening has blessed me so deeply, words cannot express. Thank God for choirs and people willing to share their talent and use it for the Glory of God!!!
Hello from Tyler Texas 😊 please pray for us here with fasting praise and thanksgiving for the coronavirus is here now in our humble city and county and we are praying for our world.💓💓💓😭😭😭
I sense the Awesome power and love of Jesus Presence in your rendition. my sister and group..Keeping singing with total dependence on the Annointing of The Holy Spirit....God Bless All of you..Amen in Jesus' Awesome Name...Evans Sooklal from Trinidad & Tobago.
His blood is represented by the wine in the Last Supper. When He made water into wine, there were six purifying stone jars filled with water by the servants. Jesus turned this water into wine. He purified us, the whole humankind these 6,000 years of Biblical history by His precious blood. Each water jar represents a thousand years! This was His first sign in Cana. He told Mary His time had not yet come, not until in the Book of Revelation at the Wedding of the Lamb, as it says: The time of the Wedding had come , Rev.19:7 Amen
I turn my radio up loud every time this song comes on. I listen to the Gospel Greats on Sunday. Not sure who sings it on there but you sure do an awesome job on this. I would like to find the accompaniment CD .
I was crucified the first time as Ishmael trying to set slave people free as Yahweh i got crucified again im Lord only worship God almighty. All praise to God
I'm Adam Das moglee Cain alladan Joseph Achilles Ishmael Moses Isaiah gidian Jesus of generations reborn February 24 1975 die 12 25 30 and all doctoring people that covet other people family die 8 25 31 Buddha born mian lord February 24 1975 I'm born again with u guys guys I'm going to heaven
I didn’t mean anything bad, but song had to make you want to raise your hand in praise. It’s because of the blood that we’re saved today. God bless you all
I heald blind people I helped women 100 pounds lift a car off her son I woke up people from hurricane I fought fire walking through fire with 20 people I asked warthog to attack people laughing wicked and Buffalo to break up fighting on Sioux reservation I obey my father God
His blood is the only thing that can wash away our sins and change our lives.
A lot of Church choirs sing this one
During resurrection services , but let me tell you "This Blood " has the power to save anytime anywhere .and anyone!
He saved me by His blood over 40 years ago and I am still humbled by His sacrifice. Hallelujah for the blood of Christ
I thank this is one of The greatest ever sang.
Baruch Hashem Adonai!!!!
Amen ...I agree...Its Christmas time now in 2022 and the Blood of JESUS is still flowing fresh and speaking mercy and forgiveness over all that will believe and receive it.
Wonderful singing. Glorifying the Savior of the world!
I wish I had been there..... I would have been shouting praises to the mighty name of Jesus! I had never heard this song until I came across it by accident and now I cannot stop listening to it!
God Bless everyone and touch every heart in the whole world 🌎 so they can see the only Jesus Christ brings joys and peace and so much when you seek him with all your heart
Amen & Amen! HE is coming back for me❤
Love love love this blessed song. It is His blood. Oh how we need to hear about his blood again 🙏🏻😢❤️ God Bless all of you who are proclaiming the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!!!! wonderful song...well done...what a blessing! There is applause because this song brings honor to the Lamb of God for sinners slain but He is the Coming King of Kings and Lord of lords!
hermosa voz....escucgarla es gratificante
Very beautiful.. Jesus be glorified
I love this song and listening has blessed me so deeply, words cannot express. Thank God for choirs and people willing to share their talent and use it for the Glory of God!!!
Awesome voice!! Singing in God’s Glory!
Hello from Tyler Texas 😊 please pray for us here with fasting praise and thanksgiving for the coronavirus is here now in our humble city and county and we are praying for our world.💓💓💓😭😭😭
praying for you all
Bless these people Lord.
Excellent song very good video , Only The Precious Blood Of Jesus can wash away your sins
Wow, great performance! Always make sure I’ve got tissue in the car before I listen to this one. Good stuff, Praise the Lord!
Thank God for Salvation
I love this song,wonderfully sang.
Excellent job!! I listen to Rachel Chapman's version often, but this is a great rendition, too! Thank you!!
Oh yes, Rachel Chapman's version - sooooooo good! But this, as you say, is a great rendition too!
Você tem outros vídeos delas, canta muito elas se envolve com a ALMA
Rachael Chapman cannot be outdone. Her version brings tears to my eyes.
Love this song and this group sang it beautifully.
Praise Jesus
What a great song, anointed, and sang so beautifully!
Amazing message and song!! Praise God!
AWESOME!! The soloist is anazing, and the choir is magnificent, too.
I sense the Awesome power and love of Jesus Presence in your rendition. my sister and group..Keeping singing with total dependence on the Annointing of The Holy Spirit....God Bless All of you..Amen in Jesus' Awesome Name...Evans Sooklal from Trinidad & Tobago.
Amen brother and sister
Powerful very powerful, praises Jesus!!!
Awesome God...
His blood is represented by the wine in the Last Supper. When He made water into wine, there were six purifying stone jars filled with water by the servants. Jesus turned this water into wine. He purified us, the whole humankind these 6,000 years of Biblical history by His precious blood. Each water jar represents a thousand years! This was His first sign in Cana. He told Mary His time had not yet come, not until in the Book of Revelation at the Wedding of the Lamb, as it says: The time of the Wedding had come , Rev.19:7 Amen
So powerful... Hallelujah !!!!!!
In 3 days!!! Hallelujah! !!
Beautifully sung..
Thank you for posting this. It's really a blessing. God bless you.
Glorias a Deus para conosco sempre amém .
Dynamic!.. power in the blood!..
awesome! brings me to my knees everytime i hear this song. Charity and Chosen did a fantastic job.
Brings us to our knees EVERY TIME. She did an awesome job really.
Lovely. I'm blessed by this wonderful song....
Bless your name Jesus!You sang this so beautiful, God bless all of you 😊
I love that song and y'all did an awesome job singing it!
Beautiful, Powerful song!!! Thank You Precious Lord Jesus💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful voices...sounds like an Angelic Choir!!
Colocar mas VÍDEO dela, canta MUITO
Muito lindo!!
Msm eu não entendendo nada da letra .
Alguém poderia por a letra.pf
1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Ephesians 1:7
beautiful! ♡♡
I turn my radio up loud every time this song comes on. I listen to the Gospel Greats on Sunday. Not sure who sings it on there but you sure do an awesome job on this. I would like to find the accompaniment CD .
February 24 1975 years I'm born again with u guys 12 25 30 God comes leaving mian Adam Simon Enoch Daniel Buddha 8 25 31 he's born your Jesus
Watch leona rupert with first baptist church dallas do this, very good.
Have you heard Rachel Chapman sing it? If not listen to it.
@@ada7790 i've heard Rachel Chapman sing this song.Powerful indeed.
Jesus’ blood is TheBlood
I was crucified the first time as Ishmael trying to set slave people free as Yahweh i got crucified again im Lord only worship God almighty. All praise to God
Beautiful! Proper credit should be given to song writer Rita Springer, not "The Chosen" as listed in your description.
I'm Adam Das moglee Cain alladan Joseph Achilles Ishmael Moses Isaiah gidian Jesus of generations reborn February 24 1975 die 12 25 30 and all doctoring people that covet other people family die 8 25 31 Buddha born mian lord February 24 1975 I'm born again with u guys guys I'm going to heaven
Easy i just say you are forgiven
Don't worry Enoch Daniel Simon Buddha will come all God's enemies die holy God
Beautiful, wish the choir was more spiritual. Maybe they’re just nervous
I didn’t mean anything bad, but song had to make you want to raise your hand in praise. It’s because of the blood that we’re saved today. God bless you all
I heald blind people I helped women 100 pounds lift a car off her son I woke up people from hurricane I fought fire walking through fire with 20 people I asked warthog to attack people laughing wicked and Buffalo to break up fighting on Sioux reservation I obey my father God
It’s ok but I didn’t like their version. Triumphant Quartet sings this way better
Her facial expressions makes it look like she’s trying to drop a big deuce on the commode. Lol
beautiful! ♡♡
February 24 1975 years I'm born again with u guys 12 25 30 God comes leaving mian Adam Simon Enoch Daniel Buddha 8 25 31 he's born your Jesus