A Lap of Los Santos in the Benefactor Krieger HUGE 30% Discount in GTA Online Weekly Update Offers

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @perengerin
    @perengerin  23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    So it turns out, I'm a massive idiot and I messed up the timing on the top speed. Despite what my video says, the Krieger did the 1 mile section in 29.99 seconds for a top speed of 120.04 mph. So I'm sorry if anyone got excited about it being able to do 163, it doesn't. Thanks to @JamesThomas-du7wf for pointing this out - Legend!

  • @ThatOneChick420
    @ThatOneChick420 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Tomato To mato! Love the car in Forza Horizon 4.. You make it look pretty tasty in GTA. Another enjoyable watch as always Pen! 1.52k Subs, Lets Go! 👍Happy Digby recommended I visit your channel, and even more happy I stuck around! Can't wait to see you both blow up, and maybe I'll be shortly behind! 😉

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thanks so much, I'm glad you joined, I enjoy the chats :) Digby really should blow up, his commentary is so dry and he has such a calming voice. I can sit and watch him play games I have no interest in playing myself, which is a real compliment.
      Hopefully it will happen for all three of us. You're only ever one video away from really striking a chord with people, and it always seems to happen with videos you weren't happy with. All of my most successful ones were videos where I wasn't 100% on the final edit, but didn't want to delay any longer, so I just keep going and keep listening to what people like.

  • @dataghost9925
    @dataghost9925 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I love Krieger, one of my favorites in the game. So glad it gets Imani tech. Now I can drive in public

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes, that's quite a good addition, I think they've added the lock on jammer to around 50 vehicles, which is great, but at $400k a pop, you'd need $20,000,000 to add it to everything. Scary numbers!

    • @dataghost9925
      @dataghost9925 23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@perengerinto be clear 100% agree with you about the interior and lack of customization. But performance, I love it

  • @DeadManDownunder
    @DeadManDownunder วันที่ผ่านมา

    I've recently started playing GTA 4 on the PC, I've been driving the Uranus a lot, looking forward to it being released into GTA Online.

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Can't wait to get that. I don't even care if it's good, it's a cossie and that's enough for me. Oddly, I have a GTA 4 play through on the go as well, it's a nice change of pace

    • @DeadManDownunder
      @DeadManDownunder วันที่ผ่านมา

      @perengerin it was only $8 on the Rockstar Luancher during Black Friday and with my recent (forced) pc upgrade, I finally had a pc powerful enough for the HD GTA games so I thought why not we're not getting it for ps4 or ps5.

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      From what I've read, 5 actually runs better than 4. I never bought 5 on PC as mine is borderline on the spec. But it can run GTA4, Elite, Manhunt, Fallout New Vegas and most importantly, Kerbal Space Program so I'm happy for now.

  • @DigbyCCeasar
    @DigbyCCeasar วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Zeees eeeees zoopercar, you vill love eeeet, nein? You gotta love that they captured the feeling of the ruthless German efficiency, but hate that they also captured the utter lack of emotion that goes into German engineering. The Italians are completely mad, the French do stuff that smokes a lot and wants to take you to bed, us Americans make ours all loud and fat and obnoxious, you Brits make cars that are plucky and have that "can do" Biggles spirit... and the Germans do absolute perfection with all the personality and joy of wallpaper paste. They are such an odd ball group as well, because occasionally they are ordered to be a bit mad and you get stuff like the AMG Black and the Hammer out of it, (to be fair even their fun is ruthlessly efficient lol), but when left alone they tend to settle for over-engineered, stainless steel icy cold Meh. I can only assume that the way the roof scoop looks like lady parts from a certain angle was a bit of humor from one single engineer that has since been fed to the dobermans that patrol the compound, but yeah... overall a very very good car if all you want from a car is "car." I had to actually think to try and remember if I even had one of these already or not, which is never a good sign. Especially since that lap ended with a Regina driving through shot and THAT made me smile lol.

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      You've hit the nail on the head there. Ruthlessly efficient but loveless design, agree on the hammer "people wish to have fun in the family car - Fun? Ah yes, the general employment of time in a profitless and non-practical way - therefore we shall fit a huge engine and spoiler."
      Though I think I'd more likely describe British cars as 'promising', eg:
      'This new British car was really promising, right up until the moment it broke down in a huge cloud of smoke'

    • @DigbyCCeasar
      @DigbyCCeasar วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@perengerin Well yeah, but I really wanted to invoke Biggles XD

  • @JamesThomas-du7wf
    @JamesThomas-du7wf วันที่ผ่านมา

    I think you might have stopped the clock on the top speed test a little early ... 😂

    • @perengerin
      @perengerin  23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Oh 'eck. I take a few days off and forget everything I've been doing! I forgot how to speak at one point! I'll check that, and pin a correction if it 's wrong. I thought it seemed fast, HSW territory, but I remember checking it, though I had to re-time the sections either side of the top speed to fit the VO, so I must have messed it up there somehow. At least I'm getting my mess ups out of the way before the Cossie video! Thanks 😎👍