There are no words to describe how fierce these kids are! Watching them weave in and out of trees in such close proximity is a super adventure! I’m at the edge of my seat every time! 😳😮💕
You do a great job; as a dad, a ski instructor, a film creator, and husband! I thoroughly enjoy your videos and look forward to watching each one. You have a wonderful and cherished family. Thank you.
Adia veut faire comme son frère, plus âgé🤪.....mais du haut de ses 3 ans, à un moment, elle lui dit:"je passe d'abord"😜!..... quelle volonté 😌! ..... elle a une RÉSISTANCE incroyable!☺ .... de si longues et pentues, descendes !!! .... bravo à Papa qui est toujours là, de suite!👏👍
Adia goes zippidee-do-dahing through those trees ! Luca is nailing his jumps so well ! It’s so nice seeing a family having fun together, as it should be for all. Best wishes to y’all.
So many memories these videos bring up! Singing through the trees. My daughter still loves going in the trees. She's 31 now. We did turns like these when she was three. For those who comment that they'd hit a tree, it's no big deal, look between them, not at them. I've only hit one tree in 45+ years of skiing. Just a little too close once, and glanced off an aspen with my shoulder. Didn't feel good of course, but no big deal. Have given myself a little extra room ever since😉
Dear Deb, I passed my PSIA Alpine level 2 teach today and am now a full fledged PSIA Alpine Level 2 Instructor. You have been instrumental to my success. I have learned a great deal about ski instruction and skiing from watching your videos. It is amazing how efficiently and graciously you are able to change your student's skiing. Last night when I was going over the written material for my child teach today it was just not keeping my attention. I closed the books, put away the notes, and watched a few of your kid videos. The videos relaxed me and put me in the frame of mind to just have and create fun in the exam. I loved "keep it Silly and Fun" and had many Deb Armstrong teach tools in my toolbox for today's exam. Thank you for all your contributions to the sport.
Another great video- props to you for all your hard work-carrying skis, filming, editing late at night, all while performing toddler negotiation at a moments notice. It all takes grit and perseverance, as a former toddler teacher who used to get 13 toddlers ready for snow play I can remember how much physical and emotional work it takes to make fun happen- it's always fun to watch you guys- especially since we are in a big warm spell here in VT- snow is coming Friday though...🤞Adia is so competitive, she will catch Luca pretty soon 🤗
She's so confident and intuitive with her pathing decisions through those trees. Great Job Adia. And wooo go Luca smashing those jumps with ease and showing us how its done! Loving the content keep it up mate! 👌⛷️
well i got motion sickness this time from all those turns in the forest. she is getting better and better for every video. and damn luca is also a fan of speed.
Living here on the Island of Guam, we definitely don't get any snow and sharing your content with my daughter's has been great! Thank you for sharing your adventures! 🙏 Stay Blessed.
Adia looks like she is parallel turning more and not relying on the diamond tip to slow down. Luca is a bullet on the slopes! Great progress with the kids!
DDoA, Luca is already such a good skier. He looks being a daredevill. Nice to see, he also keep an eye on Adia. Once my niece also put camera on her daughters helmet. Later when they watched the movie her daughter realized the camera had a microphone included. She was embarrassed cos everyone heard her singing while skiing. Aida goes through the kids track like a canon ball and she laves it for sure.
❤️ I’m watching your kids and just loving their approach. Found myself tearing up- the joy they have skiing is the joy we all need to have on the slopes! The simple and easy attitude they have are inspiration for me and my experiences on the slopes. These vids are not only adorable, but they teach us older people not to be so serious all the time. We need to let go and have a blast! ❤️ great job Mom and Dad!
I love the encouragement he give the little ones the little one is only 3hrs old and already skiing at this level. Dad makes the kids feel so safe knowing he is always right there for them at all times encouraging them to push themselves just enough and knowing their limits.
They’re so amazing! You’re such a good father teaching them to be confident and kind! I live in Georgia and it’s 85 degrees outside! But right now I’m in Montana on a vacation with my family! It’s freezing and I’m not used to this weather! You’re children are raised very well!!
When I used to go visit my grandparents in Germany I used to ski to but nothing like this these kids absolutely amaze me! This has to have been built in or they've been reincarnated these two children they were Steve Pros in their last Life too. I just can't get enough of these videos thank you again so much. And to be skiing in between all those trees I am so worried for these wee little ones. I understand they know what they're doing but there have been adults that had horrible accidents with trees and skis. Please be careful and stay safe out there God bless you and love you much from Pekin Illinois
Great close up face shots of Adia what a beautiful little one, sorry for your fall little angel. I vote for the pony cake because we know God created ponies.
I'm working as a skiing instructor in Germany and I wish more kids would be like that. 😍😍 It's so much fun when they get the hang of it and emjoy it. But how do you manage to go down there so easy peasy with long skies?😂😂😂
Your videos bring me so much joy. You have a beautiful family. I do believe you "designed" it to be so. A beautiful, fun, loving life for all, and it shows. Thanks for sharing the memories. Believe me when I say they mean as much to me to watch as they do to you to be living them. It's a beautiful thing to see such a loving family loving life. I got an extra giggle out of Adia saying I don't want my poles and passing them off to you. I use "poles" of a sort everyday. I don't want them either, hehe, and while watching I don't need them.
Soooo u were skiing with a camera in one hand and 2 dif sized kids skis in the other and how many poles where??? 😂🤣😂🤣 You're almost the master Eric! That was so impressive by all and I am still giggling!!😆😜🥰
It is so amazing to see adia growing and enhancing her ski skill. You must know how to nourish kids. such a fantastic dad. adia seems to get to know how to control herself for skiing and she wants to challenge herself for higher skiing skill. it is such a fun to see adia grow mentally and physically. and luca looks far better in skiing considering his age. always fun to watch such a brave and adventurous family. here seoul korea, it was cold for the last few days, hope it is getting warmer. be safe and love from seoul korea.
just wow and big probs! I starteded watching some videos few days ago and its just cute. your two little ones are so good and you daughter just rushes down the path only using fries nearly no pizza :P just such a big step also considering her age. They have a real great dad and teacher!
It's always a big joy watching you and your kids on the slopes. But I'm more scared for your little ball of happiness! 🥰😍 going faster and faster among all the trees!! 😨 and on the slopes too. Pay attention please! Bye to the next ❤👋
I really love your vlogs! When I’m down, I just watch the kids and now I’m feeling better 😩❤️ Such an amazing family. Love this!!!!! They both really are sooooo good at skiing now. Luca did really great with his jumpps, Adia, ohhh, dear Adia. You’re a litol rockstar 💯✨
These videos make me smile so much, thank you 😊 I hope Adia has an amazing bday, congrats on 4 it’s a big number, Luka you’re crazy dude, 1 legged jump I was like 🤯😱 it makes me want to get out and ski also You guys rock 🤙
I love your adventures with the kiddos, do they ever watch themselves back? I am a little green with envy as the only storms we get here in the U.K. are wet and windy ones! The conditions look great! Best wishes and high 5’s to you all xxxxx
Ania est lncroiabe je pense que Ania est née avec les skis au pieds. La princesse sera une star olympique. Son sourire est ravageur. Il faut que Luca fasse plus attention à sa petite sœur. Belle belle famille. 😅❤❤🎉
I love how confident and determined Adia is 😂 “Not tricky at all!” Love watching her ski.
There are no words to describe how fierce these kids are! Watching them weave in and out of trees in such close proximity is a super adventure! I’m at the edge of my seat every time! 😳😮💕
I just love that Adia starts to sing and hum along while skiing. And how she always greets her brother when she passes him :D
I love how even after all these vlogs , Adia isn't completely sure if she wants her mask up or down . Too cute !🥰
And poles, or no poles.😄💕
Ok it's official The algorithm recognized how much fun I have watching you guys, it suggests I watch reruns and I do gladly. 😆
Her giggles makes my heart melt😭😍❤️
Dude, your kids are basically 100% guaranteed to be pro mountain athletes as adults someday, if they choose to be. They are amazing.
Adia has the need for speed - love it!
You could not have done a better job with these lovely children , let's face it,she doesn't need poles,she is so resilient
You do a great job; as a dad, a ski instructor, a film creator, and husband! I thoroughly enjoy your videos and look forward to watching each one. You have a wonderful and cherished family. Thank you.
Adia veut faire comme son frère, plus âgé🤪.....mais du haut de ses 3 ans, à un moment, elle lui dit:"je passe d'abord"😜!..... quelle volonté 😌! ..... elle a une RÉSISTANCE incroyable!☺ .... de si longues et pentues, descendes !!! .... bravo à Papa qui est toujours là, de suite!👏👍
Adia goes zippidee-do-dahing through those trees ! Luca is nailing his jumps so well ! It’s so nice seeing a family having fun together, as it should be for all. Best wishes to y’all.
Amazing how Adia skis so well in that tree-filled obstacle course!
He just left her!!! Bless her, she's all about LUCA! babies in action - wow!!!
So many memories these videos bring up! Singing through the trees. My daughter still loves going in the trees. She's 31 now. We did turns like these when she was three. For those who comment that they'd hit a tree, it's no big deal, look between them, not at them. I've only hit one tree in 45+ years of skiing. Just a little too close once, and glanced off an aspen with my shoulder. Didn't feel good of course, but no big deal. Have given myself a little extra room ever since😉
Love how dad is ready for anything with these 2
Adia is the queen of positive self-talk!
I was crinching watching Auda skiing through the trees. She definitely skiing faster with confidence. The girl is fearless!
Luca " freezing, FREEZING" 😆😆 Kids are hilarious
I love how confident Luca and Adia are. When I watched this I just saw how many trees I would hit.
Dear Deb, I passed my PSIA Alpine level 2 teach today and am now a full fledged PSIA Alpine Level 2 Instructor. You have been instrumental to my success. I have learned a great deal about ski instruction and skiing from watching your videos. It is amazing how efficiently and graciously you are able to change your student's skiing. Last night when I was going over the written material for my child teach today it was just not keeping my attention. I closed the books, put away the notes, and watched a few of your kid videos. The videos relaxed me and put me in the frame of mind to just have and create fun in the exam. I loved "keep it Silly and Fun" and had many Deb Armstrong teach tools in my toolbox for today's exam. Thank you for all your contributions to the sport.
This channel makes me smile. Outdoor fun with the family is the best!
I laughed out loud listening to Adia and her small voices while trying to be on one ski
Another great video- props to you for all your hard work-carrying skis, filming, editing late at night, all while performing toddler negotiation at a moments notice. It all takes grit and perseverance, as a former toddler teacher who used to get 13 toddlers ready for snow play I can remember how much physical and emotional work it takes to make fun happen- it's always fun to watch you guys- especially since we are in a big warm spell here in VT- snow is coming Friday though...🤞Adia is so competitive, she will catch Luca pretty soon 🤗
She's so confident and intuitive with her pathing decisions through those trees. Great Job Adia. And wooo go Luca smashing those jumps with ease and showing us how its done! Loving the content keep it up mate! 👌⛷️
well i got motion sickness this time from all those turns in the forest. she is getting better and better for every video. and damn luca is also a fan of speed.
Living here on the Island of Guam, we definitely don't get any snow and sharing your content with my daughter's has been great! Thank you for sharing your adventures! 🙏 Stay Blessed.
“You’re welcome, too.” 😂😂 I see a merch opportunity with “Adia, slow down!” hoodies.
Adia looks like she is parallel turning more and not relying on the diamond tip to slow down.
Luca is a bullet on the slopes!
Great progress with the kids!
It want be long before Adia will be passing her brothers,she is doing so good.❤❤❤ love watching your three kids
So heartwarming 🥰 can see Adia as well as Luca’s progress here 💪🏼
I can't believe she could go so fast between all those trees!!
Fantastic! Stay safe ya'll. ❤🙏
DDoA, Luca is already such a good skier. He looks being a daredevill. Nice to see, he also keep an eye on Adia. Once my niece also put camera on her daughters helmet. Later when they watched the movie her daughter realized the camera had a microphone included. She was embarrassed cos everyone heard her singing while skiing. Aida goes through the kids track like a canon ball and she laves it for sure.
Couldn't hide at work today, had to wait until I got home to watch 🤭. The kids always bring a smile to my face 😁, great way to close out the day.
Adia is killin it! she's better than me!🙌🙌🙌🙌
❤️ I’m watching your kids and just loving their approach. Found myself tearing up- the joy they have skiing is the joy we all need to have on the slopes! The simple and easy attitude they have are inspiration for me and my experiences on the slopes. These vids are not only adorable, but they teach us older people not to be so serious all the time. We need to let go and have a blast! ❤️ great job Mom and Dad!
Thanks so much June. It's great to receive positive comments. 🙏
@@ThatMountainLife thank you guys for the simple joy!!!! We all need this! All the best to y’all!
"ADIA! SLOW DOWN!" As she zooms past people on her way to the trees!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love watching Adia problem solve. I also love the positive affirmations Dad gives when she does good thing or even then she is upset or falls
I love how when Adia fell, Luca stopped immediately and came up to see if she was okay.
0:45 'French Fries'!
Don’t know how Dad keeps from wrapping himself around a tree while trying to follow Adia AND video taping! Incredible’
Luca a ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM monster! There’s no catching him! I love how Adia goes her own way! They’re just too adorable! 🥰
귀요미 아디아 최곱니다 😆🥰👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Whenever I get discouraged with my skiing, I tune in to this channel.
I was exhausted watching!! Herding cats 😺😹😿😾. Great parenting!!!
I love the encouragement he give the little ones the little one is only 3hrs old and already skiing at this level. Dad makes the kids feel so safe knowing he is always right there for them at all times encouraging them to push themselves just enough and knowing their limits.
Beautiful family Adia is the sweetest ❤❤❤❤❤
I gave up poles at an early age as I never found any use for them.
IMO much easier to ski without poles.
The kids, almost too cute for words, so funny, so much personality. Sweet.
Don't ever stop streaming mate. Your kids are so awesome. You are the best on youtube JMHO.
They’re so amazing! You’re such a good father teaching them to be confident and kind! I live in Georgia and it’s 85 degrees outside! But right now I’m in Montana on a vacation with my family! It’s freezing and I’m not used to this weather! You’re children are raised very well!!
Ninja eyes 👀 Another great video - keep ‘em coming 👏👏
I get lost just watching them on those paths. Going so fast. They are so good! I would surely hit a tree! Lol
When I used to go visit my grandparents in Germany I used to ski to but nothing like this these kids absolutely amaze me! This has to have been built in or they've been reincarnated these two children they were Steve Pros in their last Life too. I just can't get enough of these videos thank you again so much. And to be skiing in between all those trees I am so worried for these wee little ones. I understand they know what they're doing but there have been adults that had horrible accidents with trees and skis. Please be careful and stay safe out there God bless you and love you much from Pekin Illinois
I wish it was ski season for the whole year for more awesome videos!
Great close up face shots of Adia what a beautiful little one, sorry for your fall little angel. I vote for the pony cake because we know God created ponies.
I hope you will get the pony cake for Adia. That was so cute 💕💕💕💕💕
This just makes my heart, Happy! I feel like I'm watching future Olympians 😍🦄
So great for coordination 🙌
Мне очень нравятся ваши ролики с детками! Я сам люблю кататься на лыжах👍👍👍
I wish I had 1/10th of your kid’s confidence skiing! Great job!
My 4yr old son and I love watching your videos up here in AK! Thank you!! It helps inspire us for our weekend skiing 🎿 ☺️
3:57 tight turn for tall dad 😅😂
Me encanta escuchar a Adia la risa de trabesura sigue jugando no me fije bien si es Luca o August saludos family
I'm working as a skiing instructor in Germany and I wish more kids would be like that. 😍😍 It's so much fun when they get the hang of it and emjoy it. But how do you manage to go down there so easy peasy with long skies?😂😂😂
Your videos bring me so much joy. You have a beautiful family. I do believe you "designed" it to be so. A beautiful, fun, loving life for all, and it shows. Thanks for sharing the memories. Believe me when I say they mean as much to me to watch as they do to you to be living them. It's a beautiful thing to see such a loving family loving life. I got an extra giggle out of Adia saying I don't want my poles and passing them off to you. I use "poles" of a sort everyday. I don't want them either, hehe, and while watching I don't need them.
Thanks Delena! Glad you enjoy the content.
Soooo u were skiing with a camera in one hand and 2 dif sized kids skis in the other and how many poles where??? 😂🤣😂🤣 You're almost the master Eric! That was so impressive by all and I am still giggling!!😆😜🥰
Sometimes there is lots to carry. #dadlife
You're the dad!! 😄😜❤️❤️ Great job dad!!
We had our girls our skiing when they were Adia’s age. Now they are in high school and we cherish our family ski days even now. Love your content ❤️🎿🏔
You do put that smile on my dial lil1 😍😍😍👍🏽good honest & fun commentary with coverage dad keep it up
She is so cute!!
I live of this channel. It’s so entertaining and fun to watch. Keep up the good work!!
I am Adia's number one fan!!! :)
Such a pleasant "chaos" at ski ! 😍😂
I love your kids , they are so cute ,🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
It is so amazing to see adia growing and enhancing her ski skill. You must know how to nourish kids. such a fantastic dad. adia seems to get to know how to control herself for skiing and she wants to challenge herself for higher skiing skill.
it is such a fun to see adia grow mentally and physically. and luca looks far better in skiing considering his age.
always fun to watch such a brave and adventurous family.
here seoul korea, it was cold for the last few days, hope it is getting warmer.
be safe and love from seoul korea.
this is wholesome family. Outdoor exercise, home schooling and respect for the land. I dont want to pry but im guessing a good healthy diet as well.
Eric vielen Dank für die immer tollen Videos.
Her turns are going well. Great video!
adia has improved SOO much this season!!!
Omg love your videos 😘🥰your kids are the best 😘😘😘😘😘kisses from virginia usa 🇺🇸😘😘😘😘😘😘
You are a great father !
Summer time hiking videos would be great so much to explore
You sure had your hands full today Dad 😊 great fun.
If being greffed another pair of arms would be possible, Erich would certainly used them.
Great video.
just wow and big probs! I starteded watching some videos few days ago and its just cute. your two little ones are so good and you daughter just rushes down the path only using fries nearly no pizza :P just such a big step also considering her age. They have a real great dad and teacher!
It's always a big joy watching you and your kids on the slopes. But I'm more scared for your little ball of happiness! 🥰😍 going faster and faster among all the trees!! 😨 and on the slopes too. Pay attention please! Bye to the next ❤👋
These videos are great ! 😆
I really love your vlogs! When I’m down, I just watch the kids and now I’m feeling better 😩❤️ Such an amazing family. Love this!!!!! They both really are sooooo good at skiing now. Luca did really great with his jumpps, Adia, ohhh, dear Adia. You’re a litol rockstar 💯✨
This skiing video was beautiful.
I just love this! Makes my day!😄
Amazing kids… ❤️💐
Wheee! ⛷️welp, I had fun! 🎿
These videos make me smile so much, thank you 😊 I hope Adia has an amazing bday, congrats on 4 it’s a big number, Luka you’re crazy dude, 1 legged jump I was like 🤯😱 it makes me want to get out and ski also
You guys rock 🤙
Always made my day! 💕💕💕
I love your videos and watch them all. Do your kids watch them? It would fun to see a reaction video of them watching one.
They are GREAT!
I love your adventures with the kiddos, do they ever watch themselves back? I am a little green with envy as the only storms we get here in the U.K. are wet and windy ones! The conditions look great! Best wishes and high 5’s to you all xxxxx
Love this! ❤️
Ania est lncroiabe je pense que Ania est née avec les skis au pieds. La princesse sera une star olympique. Son sourire est ravageur. Il faut que Luca fasse plus attention à sa petite sœur. Belle belle famille. 😅❤❤🎉