I wouldn't care for the HUD it's that the controls, the Flight Control System is now digital and we get link 16. Finally I can turn cold and know whatis behind me bc my squadron mates are contributing that and they are flying any plane that is also Linke 16 enabled. FINALLY!!!
I have been asking for tech that was introduced to the F16 in the block 50 mid refresh. And always got the same response. We can't get enough data to model newer tech. So I was shocked when I found out about the typhoon. Now we're getting an F35.
Personally for me, this Beyond video was the worst of the last years. Generic music, de abscence of Nick wishing new years, making a recap of the year, and even maybe explaining something about the "RAZBAM" situation without saying any names or classified info... The total abscence of the A1, A6, A7, G91, La7, F1M, etc; is not compensated by a AI draken, one second of hellcat and Corsair, and a second of a Tornado being smacked... The F100 looks amazing in joint with the Mig-29 and Eurofighter. The F15 is great news, and the F35 is an absolute "nada" for me. Don't really care about the real info or data about it, DCS is a sim that does not model radar signals pretty well to say the least, in what world you plan to add a stealth fighter?... I mean... As I said my personal opinion is this, everyone can differ and It will be correct too. The fulda map looks impressive tho.
I don't have a problem with ED making a guesstimated F-35A, it's going to sell and bring people. What i cannot understand is them leaving other modules to rot for so many years (can they just retexture the Su-25T)
The other half of the story is licensing, russian aircraft manufacturers aren't very cooperative with licensing and it's currently illegal to source and hold the documents necessary to make a FF module for dcs.
At this point, would rather ED buy out the RB F-15E, work on it/"finish" it, drop the F-35 since it doesn't seem to fit in with anything else in campaigns and get the dynamic stuff working while maybe letting some CurrentHill assets in by default if we actually need the extra content. Sure, F-15C sounds cool also, but a finished/updated E model would be much nicer to have in the meantime.
meh... not to those of us that don't own the 15E... I do find it hilarious to see all the owners throw a fit and blame ONLY ed while giving RB some good head though. If RB are willing to give up on their customers/fans then maybe they ain't the saints everyone thinks they are. Also, if ED are to blame, why is Razbam the only 3rd party dev that's affected, why haven't the others such as Heatblur done the same as Razbam and abandoned their fan base?
@@SA80TAGEwell yea obviously they're gonna blame ED. They are the ones that make final decisions. Ppl bought a 80$ plane and now it's abandoned. No matter whose truly at fault it is ED is at fault in some degree
It was super funny to me that Wags spend the entire evening telling people that F-22, Flanker and other are super unrealistic. BOOM F-35🤣I think that some folks felt bit weird after that. But also, yeah money.
because you don't understand they have military contracts, they can't just add whatever they want. F-22 is even more classified than the F-35 since it's never been exported outside the USAF like the F-35 has. And Russia does NOT like to play ball at all. That's why getting those planes in the game as official modules is unrealistic. If we're getting the F-35 now (as well as the Typhoon), it's because their military contracts ALLOW them to add it.
Keep in mind that IndiaFoxtEcho in making DCS modules now, and has F-35s for MSFS and FSX. Still not quite sure where it fits into DCS though. Especially the CTOL version. If it really is going to be based off of interpretation of the jet, then I'm skeptical. Maybe some contracts are happening behind the scenes somehow and they just can't say anything (if we're lucky).
you wouldn't be getting the F-35 at all if there wasn't behind the scenes contract stuff happening, they need permission to add pretty much anything in active service as per their military contracts.
@@SA80TAGE Maybe it´s the other way around and ED hopes to get military contracs from the smaler F35 nations if they see potential in the consumer version.
@ possible, I'm not sure how their contracts are laid out, if they're with specific countries or the manufacturers directly. At the very least they need copyright permission to use the actual manufacturer and model names.... this is why Ubisoft de-listed their H.A.W.X games, their copyrights for the airplanes ran out and they never renewed them.
read the FAQ. "How will you simulate the flight model given the lack of flight performance data? This would be derived from a combination of open-source performance charts, public F-35A pilot accounts of unique handling characteristics to test against, and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) studies." "Our F-35A will not be based on guesswork, watching air shows, Wikipedia or anything like that. Rather it is being designed in relation to credible data that we feel very confident will provide a good representation of what it is to operate this aircraft in the context of a study-level flight simulation game for the entertainment market."
I have the same concern with the Eurofighter as I do the F-35. There are far too many classified systems and capabilities and far too few publicly available documents to accurately model the sensors, ew and weapons systems Not to mention that all of the SAM systems are early 2000’s or older and the other aircrsrt are gen 4…so flying around in an invisible jet blowing up whatever I choose will be real fun for 30 seconds Money grab and ED is full of shit with this “we saw it at airshows so we know”
There can be a super hornet after the C is totally done. (of course subject to change) And yes on the forums ED says they are not giving away all their sources for the F-35 information. And there are actually two shots of the Tornado ;)
From business standpoint F-35 is a stroke of genius because it will attract more customers who are outside of the DCS ecosystem Those people do not care that flight performance is not accurate or some systems can not be modelled they just want the best version of the jet as it can be. Without a doubt this F-35 will be miles above what is offered anywhere else [commercially] and as much as it hurts me to say this, it will expand user base much more than any F14-D or A-6 ever could I will likely still buy it and enjoy it for what it is, knowing what it’s not
Our Tornado was not shown in the video. It’s the standart DCS model. Cheers from AviaStorm! Want to point another potential Easter egg out: The Leopard driving in front of the fence (inner German border) has a KFOR sign on it. The current Leopard skin does not have that afaik, in that case it was custom made. Could be a hint to a Balkan map as well. KFOR is the „Kosovo Force“, meaning detachment, that was stationed in Kosovo for and after the war there since the end of the 90s. No guarantee though.
To be honest, I don't care at all for the F35. It's not an aircraft I'm interested in what so ever, and I also don't think it'll bring anything new to DCS. It's not something I'd buy. It's also not that big a deal of me that they ARE developing it, as long as the development of it doesn't slow down developments for the core functionality like the dynamic campaign. That being said, I do hope that the development of the F35 leads to a better radar- and EW-modeling within DCS itself.
@@gamerspitt8089 That's simple, really. It's a formidable system and aircraft in general, don't get me wrong, but it's a technological wankfest of mindblowing proportions that has the pilot be more of a system operator than pilot. And that's not what I like when it comes to DCS. I prefer aircraft that are actively trying to kill me and that are actually HARD to fly well. Aircraft with quirks, like the Harrier and its abysmal TPOD-controls, the F-4E with all its archaic and analog systems, and the upcoming F-100. That's fun to me. The F35 just isn't, to me.
The F-35 is still mostly classified so this is ridiculous and underscores the thin excuse for not having more up to date Russian hardware, if it's a "best guess" you can make the SU-35 and the Mi-35.
I think the only (plausible) reason is because of the implications making something like the Su-35 has for the Russian side of ED since according to them Russia said no to ED doing a modernized Flanker. At least thats how my memory goes, I'm probably missing something but that's the general idea
Based off of statements made by ED, it's going to be more accurate than you'd think. The F-35 has more than plenty of sources and information when it comes to flight performance. The mystery mostly lies in it's EW capabilities, weapon systems and various other details when it comes to controlling the aircraft from the cockpit.
We are not even asking for Su 35 or Mig 35 Just an old Su 27 or early Su 30 Hell! Even a cold war Era Mig 27 or and someone to restart the Mig 23 since with showing the F 15C vid here and ED did say that was not on the pipeline and we now have that. I guess they are kinda slow walking the RAZBAM conclusion...I guess I'll be having to say goodbye to my all 4 RAZBAM modules, all that money to waste...😢
They already took out the 2B part in the FAQ for the F-35. The tornato shown in the video is the AI model. This comes from the devs of the actual module. They said "Ah, yes, it's not ours." About the F-14, it's not the D model, it's the F-14B(U), probably just a feature that you can select in the editor, although I'm not sure about this.
In my opinion, DCS is downgrading itself more towards to an "arcade" game rather than serious simulation game for making modules like the F-35. I was already sceptical about the Eurofighter, now i am even more sceptical the EF would be THAT accurate we are used to.
Public sources for the F-35 are numerous and it seriously won't be as bad as people are making it look like. A lot of countries have it and a lot of it has been built. There is simply a hell of lot of public information to work with.
"T" - great takes! I think we can all agree that ED is horrible at communicating with the community. How they didn't anticipate this community reaction to the F-35 is beyond comprehension. Management put the CMs into an impossible position of defending this new approach to developing modules. This situation was further exasperated by the CMs as they gaslighted us all day claiming there was nothing new, they didn't downgrade standards, this was their approach all along - then locking the thread. ED completely missed the opportunity to roll this out properly and avoid all this drama. A simple hype message before the 2025 video previewing a strategic change in how they select new airframes. Make it about the community - say they are doing this for us - to give us what we've been asking for for years. Tease it ... say something like "we think you'll be amazed at our announcement". Just imagine how the 36 hours after the video would have gone.
It’s kinda funny what you said about the red for aircraft being classified but it’s ok if they wanna wing an f-35 all they need to do is make it as close as possible to the really thing. I don’t think many people at this point would be disappointed or even care if the red for aircraft wasn’t 100% accurate as long as it was better than the flaming cliffs versions.
Go take a look at the Hind livery competition winners, there is a clear "political" bias within ED, there are several great Afghanistan "captured" Hind liveries available but none made the winners list, but a fictional US livery did. FACEPALM
Digital Combat Simulator turning into USA Combat Simulator. If they can "extrapolate" F-35's specs, they should be able to extrapolate Su-27S / Su-27P, right ? I can see the huge amount of pa$$sion ED want to generate.
you gonna pay their legal bills when the Russian military sues them for using copyrighted assets without their permission? You realise they have military contracts and need PERMISSION for every single thing that they add right?
@@SA80TAGE They are already using Su-27/33 and MiG-29 assets in FC3. So you are telling me they are paying bills to get permissions for FC3 level planes, right ? If they extrapolate, it means the "new" assets aren't real. How would you copyright something that is not real ? They would use the old assets, that they already paid, upgrade them to 2025 ingame standards, and add "new extrapolated" assets with different name from the real things. The actual problem is the "military secret" that Russia puts over their airplanes. But, once more, F-35A stealth specs and F-35A avionics are also under "military secret" seal... still, ED would be able to make a FF F-35A module ??? Who are we kidding with ?
WITH YOU ON THIS! And it'll be bringing in more of 'the scourge' :( This is ALL horrible. They are spitting on those who've worked the hardest to be a part of DCS culture. And then destroying DCS culture.
I think the F-14B(U) will be a different module from the standard F-14B, and that’s because there’s a lot of differences between the two, especially in the rear seat, also new HUD, software, and JDAM capabilities
I'm probably in a minority and probably will get flamed for it but meh I think the F-35 is a waste for DCS. I'd much rather have the EA-6B or EF-111 for jamming support, ESPECIALLY if we're getting a Fulda Gap map.
@CommandT yeah I thought of that too later. If it brings a boost of income from people buying it that allows ED to finish the rest of the Cold War planes and the world map I'll be fine with it
The video does NOT say it is a Full Fidelity module! It only says the F-15C will be FF. My guess is that it was requested for basic training. An officially supported module is much better than installing and maintaining the mods which are currently available, along with the installation issues which can be caused by the mods.
The F14 new cockpit is that of an F14B (U). meaning upgrade. It adds some nice stuff, a more modern HUD, with speed and altitude meters in it. GPS navigation , and with that the ability to use JDAMS. Togheter with some other minor stuff. Why not make the F14D you ask, well the F14D gets 2 MFD,s with sub systems, the plane is a bit heavier so other flightmodel would be needed and it has a better radar (the one from the F15E). SO all in all it would be a lot more work. Allready happy I can drop JDAMS now with my tomcat. Now I hope they add a better way to lock on to buildings with the tgp, as jester cant do that easily)
The funny thing is that their answers about the F35 are just ridiculously ridiculous. A highly politicized developer, and now it's clear, literal hypocrisy from all sides with the F-35. It is absurd and nonsense that such a plane is currently planned in the game. Of course it's cool, wow, yes, but what is it about? His entire model will literally be based on three booklets, two articles (which claim that the aircraft's radio visibility will probably be equal to one atom) and an airshow. The funny thing is that now all the arguments against War Thunder by people who said that the realistic model of airplane behavior in DCS has been destroyed, since in DCS there will literally be a paper airplane. Well, never mind, I'm waiting for F22 after that and, hopefully, B2 XD
@@LabischKnezevic Why can't we have things like su-35 or su-34 then? There's practically no difference, and certainly people like him aren't doing anything to change ED's thoughts. ED for years and years has said "Blah blah blah too classified it wont be accurate" Then they chose the most classified of classified.
@@LabischKnezevic Good things? Okay, then give it to me... good planes for the reds. What are the arguments against?) Not anymore. It used to be a simulation game, but now I see that it's just a blue game now. Your right, it's just funny.
@@karambiatos the difference is they got permission to add the F-35, as per their military contracts require them to. Russia won't give permission for their stuff. F-22 is arguably more classified than he F-35 btw, since the USAF never sold any to other countries.
You really can't make it up. F35 in a sim with no other similar jets for balance. No accurate data can be used which ED always stated they would not use inaccurate material when creating modules etc
My guess is the sensor capabilities will be modeled by having the HUD and HMCS display a symbology-ized version of the current in-game labels, which will be Easy Mode for Single Player and completely game-breaking for Multiplayer.
From what I saw of the video we saw very little in the way of modules that we didn't already know about and even many that we did being absent, rather it seems the focus is on improving gameplay which personally I think is a great thing. A dynamic campaign means I can spend more time in the cockpit and less in the mission editor, improving soldiers and AI is needed to give some the existing modules(particularly helicopters) more usefulness. Also hopefully more realistic AAA, rather than a few overly accurate gunners we get a large amount of AAA putting up a curtain of steel that we have to fly through. Personally not a modern combat guy so the F-35 and Typhoon really mean nothing to me just looking forward to having a game that is more enjoyable and immersive from the start up screen
AESA radar, EODAS, DAS, ASQ-239.. Yeah, I’d really like to see how ED plans to model these systems with any accuracy, considering the documentation is highly classified and even crew chiefs and branch engineers don’t have full access to (by their own account). Has DCS standards moved from modules being 70% accurate down to like 30%? What happened to ED's long stance of "we won't make a module if a lot of it is guesswork". But if it's in fact a dumbed down version of the F-35 (like a new category of modules that is between Full Fidelity and Flaming Cliffs), then they should be clear about it because that FAQ is not reassuring. And they absolutely cannot sell the notion that "we have enough information to model it", because they don't. Enough maybe to make it flyable and clickable, and shoot some AMRAAMS but nowhere close to the standards we see in 4th gen aircraft where even those have redacted systems.
lets be honest they are doing it for the money, an “accurate” model of an f-35 would bring in a shit ton of money, especially since they are still gonna sell it at the same price as the other FF modules.
What makes people think the existing aircraft are extremely accurate? I suspect the simulation accuracy of the DCS F-35 will be close to the accuracy of DCS F-16C and DCS F/A-18C. DCS simulates **less** than most people give it credit for.
players : add more red planes, blue side is overpowered ed : no we can't we don't have any data *1 day later* ed: we are making a guesstimated f-35a based on airshows
T, I love your videos. The last one was good, this one is gold. Flabbergasted you say? Yeah, for sure. My take on it is that it is a watershed moment for DCS. The announcement of the F-35 demolishes any excuse or argument ED had to not develop X or Y module since "we don't have any publicly available information". If we can have a "not-so" fulll fidelity, a module based on public information, pilot input, guesses and estimates, then what is holding back the development of more "full guessability", "mid-fi" modules? Nothing! The floodgates are open for the Su-27, SU-35, Ka-52 and any other module that you can think of. I believe ED is moving DCS to the M.A.C. direction. A more accessible, more open game. In the end in the future, I now see DCS as a Microsoft Flight Simulator environment. An open world, with people flying different fidelity level aircraft as they please. It is the end of DCS World as we know it. Is it the direction I want it to go? No, but it is what it is.
Really concerned that F35 is going to lead to a bunch of inaccurate modules. I get it from a sales perspective but it will come as a compromise to the sim.
To everyone who seems to think the F-35 is suddenly downgrading the fidelity standards given most of it will be made up, you're right, but also, if you actually do a deep dive on the hornet/viper systems modeling fidelity versus, say, the F-15E or F-4E, ED has always abstracted their systems modeling and "made stuff up," because its much easier to make screens show the player what they're supposed to in 90% of circumstances rather than model the systems accurately to real life so that the screens show people the correct stuff because its just modeled correctly. ED have always cut corners, but they've gone to a lot of effort to hide and obfuscate that. This is just the natural evolution of that strategy. To me, I think the overall idea of relaxing fidelity standards is, in a vacuum, exactly what the game needs, because it can be used to bring planes we couldn't otherwise get to the game. No, I'm not talking about more American MFD slop, i'm talking about REDFOR planes, like the flanker series, or the J-10 and J-20. Stuff they couldnt make otherwise so that REDFOR actually has planes to play with. But according to ED themselves from chizh just yesterday, they dont want to make those because they dont sell. So they're breaking their standards for fidelity only because it'll make them hella stacks, not to make DCS a better game. At this point, if you actually buy the F-35 and support this charade, screw you. You're the reason why the game will never actually get better.
I mean, I think the explanation that they got some kind of contract for an F-35 sim is really the only reasonable explanation as to how they’re putting it in the game
One thing people must keep in mind. DCS is a very old platform. It's still a single core platform that runs entirely on your system. This is why proformanc on a server is so much worse than a single campaign. The fact ED is able to do this with 1 core is amazing yet wasteful at the same time. We need to start pushing ED to get the engine upgrade done. You have multi core CPUs and memory doing absolutely nothing. Just upgrading to Direct X12 would give DCS 4x more resources on your PC.
@victoriacurie7526 lol. Yes, they can now use both threads of 1 core. All you need to do is look at your CPU usage in DCS. You will activate 2 cores. One is your gpu, and the other is DCS. Regardless of your core count, if you have 6 or 16 cores, DCS can only access 1 core. It's a Direct x 9 engine. All DX9 are limited to 1.
Lack of competitive REDFOR options just keeps growing. Cold War (Korea through Mid-80s) era has the most potential for some level of parity in scenarios and match ups (and avoids the “Russia” data issues), but they insist on loading up BLUEFOR 4th and now 5th gen. Seal clubbers apparently are the big spenders.
NineLine says it is possible for them to model a Super Hornet today (at least not the newest lots my guess), it was not possible back in a day almost 10 years ago when they initally started development of F/A-18, and even back then the key part was a radar documentation, and I suppose also some parts of CMS stuff.
DCS makes me feel like a test rabbit with stockholm syndrome. VULKAN cant arrive sooner. My then 1000$ 3080 is already fighting for its dear life and with the latest FOG/Lighting update my Quad Views DFR got messed up for my for my 1300$ Quest Pro. Multiplayer has been an unstable crashfest past 4 months or so. Being somewhat responsible with my money this game is about to lose me (and alot of others too it seems) unless the quality of the core game is adressed. I want to play so bad, yet i dont. ED needs to stop overpromising and underdelivering. Its gonna bite us all in the ass later. Good Video!
I think, as has been shown in the past, with the new announcements it shows that ED make up their own rules and choose when and how to apply them. There is no consistency.
3:40 ... From what I understood from the guy from Milviz, don't remember his name. He said government doesn't seem to like commercial/home versions of the military planes they make simulations for, B-1B iirc. They will probably like even less that the guys making a military sim for the F-35 make a commercial/home version.
I think, now as they announced F-35, saying that they will reconstruct the plane using some available info, it opens new opportunities of making fictional fighter planes, that just behave realistically. Why not? They know how the aircraft systems, avionics work. They know flight dynamics and can do CFD... I think they can create attractive planes that perform excellent and not being restricted by any party, by any factor 😁
I learned kung fu from watching a bruce lee movie one day. Why couldn’t they be able to simulate the physics of a super secret jet but seeing one at an airshow once.
Hmm. I think ED is showing who is the boss. The F-15C will be a bit popular. The Typhoon will be very popular, while the F-35 will be absolutely huge. It's a great move commercially. It will be the backbone for years to come.
I'm so keen for the 15 but I really think redfor should be getting more love before the f35 especially considering the razbam mig23 is dead in the water
Here’s the thing about the F-35. There’s going to be a lot of lonely F-35 pilots out there. I’ll bet most of the servers won’t allow them, at least until there’s a near-peer rival. And getting accurate REDFOR data for that, as you said, is impossible
I think before ED gives us an F-35, maybe they should get to work on finishing the Supercarrier module. Make is so the AirBoss station works in VR the right way, the barricade, red flares from the LSO, the hanger deck etc. Why in the world would I pay probably what is going to be 70/80 buck for the F-35 when I already paid for the other modules that aren't even completed. Don't get me wrong, I love the new aircraft and assets coming to DCS, but let's maybe finish up 1 or 2 before we introduce 5 more new ones.
I have no hate for the F-35 tbh. My biggest excitement is from the CA upgrades and dynamic campaign. I've already got my favorite jet in the game, the F-16 :)
My guess is ED got a contract making some training content for real F-35 pilots (as they already did it for the A-10C) but they are not allowed to talk about this agreement. Let‘s give us ED a chance and let‘s see what kind of F-35 they will give us!
F35? I think ED is hoping to tap into new very young customers that are only interested in latest and greatest tech. I think USAF would like to USE DCS as one of their recruitment tools by highlighting newer platforms. 😅
Maybe it was said in the video and I just didnt catch it, but any idea on when the ef2000 might release? early or late 2025 (if they dont have to delay it ofc)
If anything in this video makes it into the sim hopefully its dynamic campaign as that should help bring more people into the community. More modules are always nice however it doesn't help expand the community. Not sure how we are getting an F35 Before a Super hornet?
The Afghanistan map was supposed to be completed by Christmas. We are heading towards February and we don't even have an update let alone the 2nd part. Announcing a F15 and F35 to arrive in 2026 just makes me laugh. I'm remaining purchase free in 2025 unless things improve greatly. Wayyyyyy too many EA modules.
DCS doesn't need a Stealth Jet - that's just common sense... Blackhawk or Super Hornet would make more sense... and I need to know what is happening with my Mud Hen - at this point they should just give ppl their money back, I paid for something that will probably now never b fully realized... the FF F15C is a clear sign of that
Yeah let's just play chicken shoot with Redfor. Enigma put it best: The real potential for DCS is Cold War. "We CaNt GeT mOdErN rUsSiAn JeTs BeCaUsE tHeY aRe ClAsSiFiEd" - Meanwhile ED:
Helicopter guy so F-35B is the only mod I'd buy of the F-35. I don't see how you map in the value of the F-35A unless you change the game add networking and new sensors. It would be a big bite to chew. The closer you got to letting it do what it does the worse it would be in game. You would have to only play "Blue on Blue" and ban it from everything else.
We all know the ED "Beyond" means in the Future, i don't get hyped anymore with these videos, they look great, but that means nothing. Reminds me of the south park episode where the girls would photoshop their faces and bodies and then they would go to people saying "this is how i look like".
fans: ED can you do Mig23 ? pretty please? ED:nope, its highly classified and protected by motherland equipment, we can't do it we simply can't.. ED today: we makinga da f35.. next module is alien ship from omicron galaxy.. Full fidelity of course..lol
The RAZBAM loss is so much more than the F15E (granted, most popular), but damn, the poor Harrier, M2000...and the development toward the MiG-23...shame
If the F-15E is a dead project, then it’s likely I’ll never purchase another aircraft or terrain module again. I’ll stick with what I have. If all it takes is a squabble to brick a module then no new ones for me.
Most of the time recently the community says things are too "classified," not ED. I think their main reason for not doing the Superhornet is the still not completely finished legacy we have. It would be a strange choice. I'm a little concerned, but I do see a lot of folks talking with authority that have no idea on what's actually out there, and instead just repeat certain community talking points to feed the drama. I'll remain neutral until we start getting more info. At least the F35 program seems the most open compared to the others. Germany is by Ugra. I believe the new Tomcat is a BU. Heatblur also posted some pictures of the RIO seat. CubanAce is apparently working on a AI Felon with plans to submit it to ED officially. Obviously the F35 will be restricted to more creative scenarios.
I agree. I think "too classified" is a community myth. Command: Modern Operations has no trouble simulating electronic warfare, sensor networking, and stealth systems to a very satisfactory degree of realism, but everyone acts like flight simulators can't do it because it's super duper top secret magic.
Personally f35 is a weird choice but given a dynamic campaign system is in development the 35 makes sense for people who fly solo or coop in small groups. Also DCS radar simulation is already simplified it would be way too complex to even bother trying a full radar sim so for stealth and and the FCR in the 35 I am not bothered by that. There have been f35 Sims at airshows for years with full cockpit mockups and hotas set ups with systems modeling for years the basis is there and I wonder if that software used for those public simulations is now declassified and available for use
I think they need money
Yes. Actually they are selling the hype, and pushing features without considering fixing the product.
Ofc F-15E can’t bring more rn so…
Obvious cash grab.
That thumbnail though 😅
F-18E is worth millions in pre-order, and even not that difficult to produce.
F-35 before the Super Hornet is so baffling to me
One reason, money
be baffled we already have an 18 so sub models can wait everybody wants his or hers plane .
This is DCS, we have the hornet. Is it not the Super Hornet? Idk, I fly the F-15C
@Hazard-5-1 the hornet in the game is a legacy hornet, a super hornet is much newer and more advanced
@Hazard-5-1the hornet and super hornet are only the same in name (and general appearance lol)
9:30 F-14B with the Sparrow Hawk HUD
Legit that is what I am most excited for in this trailer.
I wouldn't care for the HUD it's that the controls, the Flight Control System is now digital and we get link 16. Finally I can turn cold and know whatis behind me bc my squadron mates are contributing that and they are flying any plane that is also Linke 16 enabled. FINALLY!!!
Most exciting part of the video 😅
@@MrSomethingdark no Link 16. WCS is still like in our older F-14B, so Link 4 only capable. But you get JDAMs and like 50 waypoints support
@@MrSomethingdark No, it's still the F-14B. It's just a panel upgrade.
You mention no new RedFor jets but there’s clearly a shot of a MiG-28!
No one's been this close before!
What? T34 not enough for you?
2 weeks ;)
I have been asking for tech that was introduced to the F16 in the block 50 mid refresh. And always got the same response. We can't get enough data to model newer tech. So I was shocked when I found out about the typhoon. Now we're getting an F35.
They're basically lying, the only question left is why.
yeah that's how desperate ED is
The gaslighting is real
It's probably an FC3 module. No where is it claimed to be an FF module....
@@MuffDiver71 "largely complete" implies FF
Personally for me, this Beyond video was the worst of the last years. Generic music, de abscence of Nick wishing new years, making a recap of the year, and even maybe explaining something about the "RAZBAM" situation without saying any names or classified info... The total abscence of the A1, A6, A7, G91, La7, F1M, etc; is not compensated by a AI draken, one second of hellcat and Corsair, and a second of a Tornado being smacked... The F100 looks amazing in joint with the Mig-29 and Eurofighter. The F15 is great news, and the F35 is an absolute "nada" for me. Don't really care about the real info or data about it, DCS is a sim that does not model radar signals pretty well to say the least, in what world you plan to add a stealth fighter?... I mean...
As I said my personal opinion is this, everyone can differ and It will be correct too. The fulda map looks impressive tho.
Agreed. I got no chills or hype out of this video. It was pretty sterile compared to past videos.
My only personal disappointments were a lack of F-104 and MiG-17. Otherwise I was happy with it
We can't fix the situation with RB so um......here is a FF F-15C and F35
F-15C opens the door to taking over the E development
Nowhere does it claim to be an FF F-35. It's probably an FC3 module.
@@MuffDiver71 It is, confirmed many times by ED reps on their discord
@@MuffDiver71 look at the costs question they say its in line with other FF modules so i guess its a FF
@@MuffDiver71 Tell you haven't read the FAQ without telling me you haven't read the FAQ
I don't have a problem with ED making a guesstimated F-35A, it's going to sell and bring people.
What i cannot understand is them leaving other modules to rot for so many years (can they just retexture the Su-25T)
The other half of the story is licensing, russian aircraft manufacturers aren't very cooperative with licensing and it's currently illegal to source and hold the documents necessary to make a FF module for dcs.
@@mrwolverinio Which is the same issue with the F35 there's no difference between russian jets documents and f35 documents
@@mrwolverinio Their licencing story is just fake
@@MrStrider28 Yea, I bet they dont have the money and they only got a loan for the F-35, not to improve the game overall.
We have bigger plans for the Su-25
At this point, would rather ED buy out the RB F-15E, work on it/"finish" it, drop the F-35 since it doesn't seem to fit in with anything else in campaigns and get the dynamic stuff working while maybe letting some CurrentHill assets in by default if we actually need the extra content. Sure, F-15C sounds cool also, but a finished/updated E model would be much nicer to have in the meantime.
meh... not to those of us that don't own the 15E... I do find it hilarious to see all the owners throw a fit and blame ONLY ed while giving RB some good head though. If RB are willing to give up on their customers/fans then maybe they ain't the saints everyone thinks they are. Also, if ED are to blame, why is Razbam the only 3rd party dev that's affected, why haven't the others such as Heatblur done the same as Razbam and abandoned their fan base?
@@SA80TAGEwell yea obviously they're gonna blame ED. They are the ones that make final decisions. Ppl bought a 80$ plane and now it's abandoned. No matter whose truly at fault it is ED is at fault in some degree
The F-35 doesn't fit with the assets in DCS... It's an unfortunate use of resources IMO
I wish they would bake in some tactical/strategic recon. RF-4C perhaps.
It was super funny to me that Wags spend the entire evening telling people that F-22, Flanker and other are super unrealistic. BOOM F-35🤣I think that some folks felt bit weird after that. But also, yeah money.
Wags = 🤡
because you don't understand they have military contracts, they can't just add whatever they want. F-22 is even more classified than the F-35 since it's never been exported outside the USAF like the F-35 has. And Russia does NOT like to play ball at all. That's why getting those planes in the game as official modules is unrealistic. If we're getting the F-35 now (as well as the Typhoon), it's because their military contracts ALLOW them to add it.
Keep in mind that IndiaFoxtEcho in making DCS modules now, and has F-35s for MSFS and FSX. Still not quite sure where it fits into DCS though. Especially the CTOL version. If it really is going to be based off of interpretation of the jet, then I'm skeptical. Maybe some contracts are happening behind the scenes somehow and they just can't say anything (if we're lucky).
That's what I'm thinking. The ONLY person who can make a really good F-35 simulation would be IndiaFoxTecho.
I asked about it in the forums, and they said that it is a ED only project. No Dino involved.
you wouldn't be getting the F-35 at all if there wasn't behind the scenes contract stuff happening, they need permission to add pretty much anything in active service as per their military contracts.
@@SA80TAGE Maybe it´s the other way around and ED hopes to get military contracs from the smaler F35 nations if they see potential in the consumer version.
@ possible, I'm not sure how their contracts are laid out, if they're with specific countries or the manufacturers directly. At the very least they need copyright permission to use the actual manufacturer and model names.... this is why Ubisoft de-listed their H.A.W.X games, their copyrights for the airplanes ran out and they never renewed them.
So the short ver: We think we know enough from observation that we kinda sorta can make a simi-accurate model of the F-35. But... dont hold us to it.
read the FAQ.
"How will you simulate the flight model given the lack of flight performance data?
This would be derived from a combination of open-source performance charts, public F-35A pilot accounts of unique handling characteristics to test against, and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) studies."
"Our F-35A will not be based on guesswork, watching air shows, Wikipedia or anything like that. Rather it is being designed in relation to credible data that we feel very confident will provide a good representation of what it is to operate this aircraft in the context of a study-level flight simulation game for the entertainment market."
I have the same concern with the Eurofighter as I do the F-35. There are far too many classified systems and capabilities and far too few publicly available documents to accurately model the sensors, ew and weapons systems
Not to mention that all of the SAM systems are early 2000’s or older and the other aircrsrt are gen 4…so flying around in an invisible jet blowing up whatever I choose will be real fun for 30 seconds
Money grab and ED is full of shit with this “we saw it at airshows so we know”
Don’t even think about buying the F-35 might be the first 100 dollar module or an overpriced FC3
There can be a super hornet after the C is totally done. (of course subject to change)
And yes on the forums ED says they are not giving away all their sources for the F-35 information.
And there are actually two shots of the Tornado ;)
From business standpoint F-35 is a stroke of genius because it will attract more customers who are outside of the DCS ecosystem
Those people do not care that flight performance is not accurate or some systems can not be modelled they just want the best version of the jet as it can be. Without a doubt this F-35 will be miles above what is offered anywhere else [commercially] and as much as it hurts me to say this, it will expand user base much more than any F14-D or A-6 ever could
I will likely still buy it and enjoy it for what it is, knowing what it’s not
Our Tornado was not shown in the video. It’s the standart DCS model. Cheers from AviaStorm!
Want to point another potential Easter egg out: The Leopard driving in front of the fence (inner German border) has a KFOR sign on it. The current Leopard skin does not have that afaik, in that case it was custom made. Could be a hint to a Balkan map as well. KFOR is the „Kosovo Force“, meaning detachment, that was stationed in Kosovo for and after the war there since the end of the 90s. No guarantee though.
yeah I wish we had a Su-24, Su-34, Su-22, J-10, Tu-22, or just anything to have more redfor stuff...
but they don´t have the data for those. They would have to be on shows and ....oh wait X-B
To be honest, I don't care at all for the F35. It's not an aircraft I'm interested in what so ever, and I also don't think it'll bring anything new to DCS. It's not something I'd buy. It's also not that big a deal of me that they ARE developing it, as long as the development of it doesn't slow down developments for the core functionality like the dynamic campaign.
That being said, I do hope that the development of the F35 leads to a better radar- and EW-modeling within DCS itself.
how can one not like the F-35 xDD
@@gamerspitt8089 That's simple, really.
It's a formidable system and aircraft in general, don't get me wrong, but it's a technological wankfest of mindblowing proportions that has the pilot be more of a system operator than pilot. And that's not what I like when it comes to DCS.
I prefer aircraft that are actively trying to kill me and that are actually HARD to fly well. Aircraft with quirks, like the Harrier and its abysmal TPOD-controls, the F-4E with all its archaic and analog systems, and the upcoming F-100. That's fun to me.
The F35 just isn't, to me.
@@Wrootplonkthe F-104 sounds right up your alley, can't wait to fly that.
@@2ksnakenoodles Oh, I DROOL at the thought of doing cold-war Starfighter-ops out of Bodø. The 104 is an instabuy.
@@gamerspitt8089 Its a ugly plane. Its called FAT AMY for a reason.
The F-35 is still mostly classified so this is ridiculous and underscores the thin excuse for not having more up to date Russian hardware, if it's a "best guess" you can make the SU-35 and the Mi-35.
Well russia is more tightfisted about their planes. The F-35 has 1000+ products made in many nations.
I think the only (plausible) reason is because of the implications making something like the Su-35 has for the Russian side of ED since according to them Russia said no to ED doing a modernized Flanker. At least thats how my memory goes, I'm probably missing something but that's the general idea
Based off of statements made by ED, it's going to be more accurate than you'd think. The F-35 has more than plenty of sources and information when it comes to flight performance. The mystery mostly lies in it's EW capabilities, weapon systems and various other details when it comes to controlling the aircraft from the cockpit.
@@LimePartician The systems are still classified.
We are not even asking for Su 35 or Mig 35
Just an old Su 27 or early Su 30
Hell! Even a cold war Era Mig 27 or and someone to restart the Mig 23 since with showing the F 15C vid here and ED did say that was not on the pipeline and we now have that. I guess they are kinda slow walking the RAZBAM conclusion...I guess I'll be having to say goodbye to my all 4 RAZBAM modules, all that money to waste...😢
I admit, I am looking forward to the F-35A. Also I am very excited to see the F-14 upgraded cockpit!
whats gonna be your favorite thing to do in the F35?
@@zq3yp Deep strikes.
RIOs are going to have a field day in that thing lol, I'm excited too 😊
@@Blade4952me too deep strikes...but I would like having the B61-12 in the F-35
very excited to play the a stealth fighter in a game that has no RCS modelling lmao
They already took out the 2B part in the FAQ for the F-35.
The tornato shown in the video is the AI model. This comes from the devs of the actual module. They said "Ah, yes, it's not ours."
About the F-14, it's not the D model, it's the F-14B(U), probably just a feature that you can select in the editor, although I'm not sure about this.
the papercraft era begins. welcome to War thunder fantasy rosters. ^)))
I hope that ED can have some official support for user mods, like Currenthill.
In my opinion, DCS is downgrading itself more towards to an "arcade" game rather than serious simulation game for making modules like the F-35. I was already sceptical about the Eurofighter, now i am even more sceptical the EF would be THAT accurate we are used to.
Public sources for the F-35 are numerous and it seriously won't be as bad as people are making it look like.
A lot of countries have it and a lot of it has been built.
There is simply a hell of lot of public information to work with.
Yep, that's the direction ED is going. To please the younger crowd. Not gonna be surprised if it is launched in Xbox any day now.
@@officer_millerexactly, it’s actually gonna be good. The JF-17 for example is mostly guested.
"T" - great takes! I think we can all agree that ED is horrible at communicating with the community. How they didn't anticipate this community reaction to the F-35 is beyond comprehension. Management put the CMs into an impossible position of defending this new approach to developing modules. This situation was further exasperated by the CMs as they gaslighted us all day claiming there was nothing new, they didn't downgrade standards, this was their approach all along - then locking the thread. ED completely missed the opportunity to roll this out properly and avoid all this drama. A simple hype message before the 2025 video previewing a strategic change in how they select new airframes. Make it about the community - say they are doing this for us - to give us what we've been asking for for years. Tease it ... say something like "we think you'll be amazed at our announcement". Just imagine how the 36 hours after the video would have gone.
It’s kinda funny what you said about the red for aircraft being classified but it’s ok if they wanna wing an f-35 all they need to do is make it as close as possible to the really thing. I don’t think many people at this point would be disappointed or even care if the red for aircraft wasn’t 100% accurate as long as it was better than the flaming cliffs versions.
Go take a look at the Hind livery competition winners, there is a clear "political" bias within ED, there are several great Afghanistan "captured" Hind liveries available but none made the winners list, but a fictional US livery did. FACEPALM
@ I will those videos never interested me so I never watch them but I don’t doubt it 🤦♂️
Digital Combat Simulator turning into USA Combat Simulator. If they can "extrapolate" F-35's specs, they should be able to extrapolate Su-27S / Su-27P, right ? I can see the huge amount of pa$$sion ED want to generate.
you gonna pay their legal bills when the Russian military sues them for using copyrighted assets without their permission? You realise they have military contracts and need PERMISSION for every single thing that they add right?
@@SA80TAGE They are already using Su-27/33 and MiG-29 assets in FC3. So you are telling me they are paying bills to get permissions for FC3 level planes, right ? If they extrapolate, it means the "new" assets aren't real. How would you copyright something that is not real ? They would use the old assets, that they already paid, upgrade them to 2025 ingame standards, and add "new extrapolated" assets with different name from the real things. The actual problem is the "military secret" that Russia puts over their airplanes. But, once more, F-35A stealth specs and F-35A avionics are also under "military secret" seal... still, ED would be able to make a FF F-35A module ??? Who are we kidding with ?
While I agree with your statement about Redfor, with what they’ve said about the F-35 they could model any aircraft ‘they’ wanted.
The F-35 is a slap in the face to the DCS community.
WITH YOU ON THIS! And it'll be bringing in more of 'the scourge' :( This is ALL horrible.
They are spitting on those who've worked the hardest to be a part of DCS culture. And then destroying DCS culture.
I think the F-14B(U) will be a different module from the standard F-14B, and that’s because there’s a lot of differences between the two, especially in the rear seat, also new HUD, software, and JDAM capabilities
What do I think? F35 was "announced" previously by everyones favourite devs: TWS. Draw your conclusions from there.
It is a hard no on the F-35. I would think a Super Hornet, F-15 Advance Eagle and Typhoon II could be better modeled over the F-35.
On the TOMCAST there is a video about the F-14D combat systems; maybe Heatblur can now develop the F-14D..
I'm probably in a minority and probably will get flamed for it but meh
I think the F-35 is a waste for DCS. I'd much rather have the EA-6B or EF-111 for jamming support, ESPECIALLY if we're getting a Fulda Gap map.
Many will agree but the F-35 will bring new players… gen Z
@CommandT yeah I thought of that too later. If it brings a boost of income from people buying it that allows ED to finish the rest of the Cold War planes and the world map I'll be fine with it
If you own the F15E you ought to get the C at a discount.
The video does NOT say it is a Full Fidelity module! It only says the F-15C will be FF.
My guess is that it was requested for basic training. An officially supported module is much better than installing and maintaining the mods which are currently available, along with the installation issues which can be caused by the mods.
The F14 new cockpit is that of an F14B (U). meaning upgrade. It adds some nice stuff, a more modern HUD, with speed and altitude meters in it. GPS navigation , and with that the ability to use JDAMS. Togheter with some other minor stuff.
Why not make the F14D you ask, well the F14D gets 2 MFD,s with sub systems, the plane is a bit heavier so other flightmodel would be needed and it has a better radar (the one from the F15E). SO all in all it would be a lot more work.
Allready happy I can drop JDAMS now with my tomcat. Now I hope they add a better way to lock on to buildings with the tgp, as jester cant do that easily)
The funny thing is that their answers about the F35 are just ridiculously ridiculous. A highly politicized developer, and now it's clear, literal hypocrisy from all sides with the F-35.
It is absurd and nonsense that such a plane is currently planned in the game.
Of course it's cool, wow, yes, but what is it about? His entire model will literally be based on three booklets, two articles (which claim that the aircraft's radio visibility will probably be equal to one atom) and an airshow.
The funny thing is that now all the arguments against War Thunder by people who said that the realistic model of airplane behavior in DCS has been destroyed, since in DCS there will literally be a paper airplane.
Well, never mind, I'm waiting for F22 after that and, hopefully, B2 XD
it's a game... people like you are why we can't have nice things
@@LabischKnezevic Why can't we have things like su-35 or su-34 then? There's practically no difference, and certainly people like him aren't doing anything to change ED's thoughts. ED for years and years has said "Blah blah blah too classified it wont be accurate" Then they chose the most classified of classified.
@@LabischKnezevic Good things? Okay, then give it to me... good planes for the reds. What are the arguments against?) Not anymore. It used to be a simulation game, but now I see that it's just a blue game now. Your right, it's just funny.
@@karambiatos who is to say they won't? quit crying, be patient and see what the future has to offer.
@@karambiatos the difference is they got permission to add the F-35, as per their military contracts require them to. Russia won't give permission for their stuff. F-22 is arguably more classified than he F-35 btw, since the USAF never sold any to other countries.
You really can't make it up. F35 in a sim with no other similar jets for balance. No accurate data can be used which ED always stated they would not use inaccurate material when creating modules etc
My guess is the sensor capabilities will be modeled by having the HUD and HMCS display a symbology-ized version of the current in-game labels, which will be Easy Mode for Single Player and completely game-breaking for Multiplayer.
From what I saw of the video we saw very little in the way of modules that we didn't already know about and even many that we did being absent, rather it seems the focus is on improving gameplay which personally I think is a great thing. A dynamic campaign means I can spend more time in the cockpit and less in the mission editor, improving soldiers and AI is needed to give some the existing modules(particularly helicopters) more usefulness. Also hopefully more realistic AAA, rather than a few overly accurate gunners we get a large amount of AAA putting up a curtain of steel that we have to fly through. Personally not a modern combat guy so the F-35 and Typhoon really mean nothing to me just looking forward to having a game that is more enjoyable and immersive from the start up screen
I think they are going to make shit up.
AESA radar, EODAS, DAS, ASQ-239.. Yeah, I’d really like to see how ED plans to model these systems with any accuracy, considering the documentation is highly classified and even crew chiefs and branch engineers don’t have full access to (by their own account). Has DCS standards moved from modules being 70% accurate down to like 30%? What happened to ED's long stance of "we won't make a module if a lot of it is guesswork". But if it's in fact a dumbed down version of the F-35 (like a new category of modules that is between Full Fidelity and Flaming Cliffs), then they should be clear about it because that FAQ is not reassuring. And they absolutely cannot sell the notion that "we have enough information to model it", because they don't. Enough maybe to make it flyable and clickable, and shoot some AMRAAMS but nowhere close to the standards we see in 4th gen aircraft where even those have redacted systems.
But they saw a video of it flying at an air show 😂
lets be honest they are doing it for the money, an “accurate” model of an f-35 would bring in a shit ton of money, especially since they are still gonna sell it at the same price as the other FF modules.
@@kittyhawkdcslol yes and from all those airshow brochures they collected
@ilyushka00 🤣
What makes people think the existing aircraft are extremely accurate? I suspect the simulation accuracy of the DCS F-35 will be close to the accuracy of DCS F-16C and DCS F/A-18C. DCS simulates **less** than most people give it credit for.
players : add more red planes, blue side is overpowered
ed : no we can't we don't have any data
*1 day later*
ed: we are making a guesstimated f-35a based on airshows
T, I love your videos. The last one was good, this one is gold. Flabbergasted you say? Yeah, for sure. My take on it is that it is a watershed moment for DCS. The announcement of the F-35 demolishes any excuse or argument ED had to not develop X or Y module since "we don't have any publicly available information". If we can have a "not-so" fulll fidelity, a module based on public information, pilot input, guesses and estimates, then what is holding back the development of more "full guessability", "mid-fi" modules? Nothing! The floodgates are open for the Su-27, SU-35, Ka-52 and any other module that you can think of. I believe ED is moving DCS to the M.A.C. direction. A more accessible, more open game. In the end in the future, I now see DCS as a Microsoft Flight Simulator environment. An open world, with people flying different fidelity level aircraft as they please. It is the end of DCS World as we know it. Is it the direction I want it to go? No, but it is what it is.
Really concerned that F35 is going to lead to a bunch of inaccurate modules. I get it from a sales perspective but it will come as a compromise to the sim.
To everyone who seems to think the F-35 is suddenly downgrading the fidelity standards given most of it will be made up, you're right, but also, if you actually do a deep dive on the hornet/viper systems modeling fidelity versus, say, the F-15E or F-4E, ED has always abstracted their systems modeling and "made stuff up," because its much easier to make screens show the player what they're supposed to in 90% of circumstances rather than model the systems accurately to real life so that the screens show people the correct stuff because its just modeled correctly. ED have always cut corners, but they've gone to a lot of effort to hide and obfuscate that. This is just the natural evolution of that strategy.
To me, I think the overall idea of relaxing fidelity standards is, in a vacuum, exactly what the game needs, because it can be used to bring planes we couldn't otherwise get to the game. No, I'm not talking about more American MFD slop, i'm talking about REDFOR planes, like the flanker series, or the J-10 and J-20. Stuff they couldnt make otherwise so that REDFOR actually has planes to play with. But according to ED themselves from chizh just yesterday, they dont want to make those because they dont sell.
So they're breaking their standards for fidelity only because it'll make them hella stacks, not to make DCS a better game. At this point, if you actually buy the F-35 and support this charade, screw you. You're the reason why the game will never actually get better.
I mean, I think the explanation that they got some kind of contract for an F-35 sim is really the only reasonable explanation as to how they’re putting it in the game
One thing people must keep in mind. DCS is a very old platform. It's still a single core platform that runs entirely on your system. This is why proformanc on a server is so much worse than a single campaign.
The fact ED is able to do this with 1 core is amazing yet wasteful at the same time.
We need to start pushing ED to get the engine upgrade done. You have multi core CPUs and memory doing absolutely nothing. Just upgrading to Direct X12 would give DCS 4x more resources on your PC.
DCS has been able to distribute the load on 32-bit processors for a year now.
@victoriacurie7526 lol. Yes, they can now use both threads of 1 core.
All you need to do is look at your CPU usage in DCS. You will activate 2 cores. One is your gpu, and the other is DCS. Regardless of your core count, if you have 6 or 16 cores, DCS can only access 1 core. It's a Direct x 9 engine. All DX9 are limited to 1.
@@jamesmcd71 What? DCS 2.9 is DX11... and it's capable of using multiple cores. Stop spreading misinformation.
You're talking nonsense.
@@jamesmcd71 DCS loads 32 threads quite evenly, providing excellent productivity with an emphasis on the GPU
Lack of competitive REDFOR options just keeps growing. Cold War (Korea through Mid-80s) era has the most potential for some level of parity in scenarios and match ups (and avoids the “Russia” data issues), but they insist on loading up BLUEFOR 4th and now 5th gen. Seal clubbers apparently are the big spenders.
NineLine says it is possible for them to model a Super Hornet today (at least not the newest lots my guess), it was not possible back in a day almost 10 years ago when they initally started development of F/A-18, and even back then the key part was a radar documentation, and I suppose also some parts of CMS stuff.
lmao the f-35 will just break the multiplayer if it's anything like the real jet.
This is the dumbest thing they've been working on in a LONG time.
There were a lot of aircraft on the pipeline, not even mentioned?? F104, Tornado, Mig17, Hellcat, etc What happened? Is that just shock and awe?
DCS makes me feel like a test rabbit with stockholm syndrome.
VULKAN cant arrive sooner. My then 1000$ 3080 is already fighting for its dear life and with the latest FOG/Lighting update my Quad Views DFR got messed up for my for my 1300$ Quest Pro. Multiplayer has been an unstable crashfest past 4 months or so.
Being somewhat responsible with my money this game is about to lose me (and alot of others too it seems) unless the quality of the core game is adressed.
I want to play so bad, yet i dont.
ED needs to stop overpromising and underdelivering. Its gonna bite us all in the ass later.
Good Video!
I think, as has been shown in the past, with the new announcements it shows that ED make up their own rules and choose when and how to apply them.
There is no consistency.
great video, looking forward for the eufi for a long time. like everyone else tbh
it's one thing to announce modules but it's another thing to follow through with them
3:40 ... From what I understood from the guy from Milviz, don't remember his name.
He said government doesn't seem to like commercial/home versions of the military planes they make simulations for, B-1B iirc. They will probably like even less that the guys making a military sim for the F-35 make a commercial/home version.
EF and F14 are what i care about, F35... not really bothered about another module based off "i think its like"
I am just happy to be getting the B(U) into the 14 , I would've loved to get a d model but this is good too.
I think, now as they announced F-35, saying that they will reconstruct the plane using some available info, it opens new opportunities of making fictional fighter planes, that just behave realistically. Why not? They know how the aircraft systems, avionics work. They know flight dynamics and can do CFD... I think they can create attractive planes that perform excellent and not being restricted by any party, by any factor 😁
I learned kung fu from watching a bruce lee movie one day. Why couldn’t they be able to simulate the physics of a super secret jet but seeing one at an airshow once.
lmao exactly
Hmm. I think ED is showing who is the boss. The F-15C will be a bit popular. The Typhoon will be very popular, while the F-35 will be absolutely huge. It's a great move commercially. It will be the backbone for years to come.
I'm so keen for the 15 but I really think redfor should be getting more love before the f35 especially considering the razbam mig23 is dead in the water
Yep. Agreed
And yet we still can't get a sand colored FARP for all the sand maps
If this ("beyond" video) had just been 4 minutes of MiG-29 footage, most people would have been very pleased. They keep missing open goals.
Here’s the thing about the F-35. There’s going to be a lot of lonely F-35 pilots out there. I’ll bet most of the servers won’t allow them, at least until there’s a near-peer rival. And getting accurate REDFOR data for that, as you said, is impossible
Alright, I’ll believe half of this when I see it! I hope they’re not bullcrapping us
I think before ED gives us an F-35, maybe they should get to work on finishing the Supercarrier module. Make is so the AirBoss station works in VR the right way, the barricade, red flares from the LSO, the hanger deck etc. Why in the world would I pay probably what is going to be 70/80 buck for the F-35 when I already paid for the other modules that aren't even completed. Don't get me wrong, I love the new aircraft and assets coming to DCS, but let's maybe finish up 1 or 2 before we introduce 5 more new ones.
I have no hate for the F-35 tbh. My biggest excitement is from the CA upgrades and dynamic campaign. I've already got my favorite jet in the game, the F-16 :)
glad you did this video : )
My guess is ED got a contract making some training content for real F-35 pilots (as they already did it for the A-10C) but they are not allowed to talk about this agreement. Let‘s give us ED a chance and let‘s see what kind of F-35 they will give us!
F35? I think ED is hoping to tap into new very young customers that are only interested in latest and greatest tech. I think USAF would like to USE DCS as one of their recruitment tools by highlighting newer platforms. 😅
Maybe it was said in the video and I just didnt catch it, but any idea on when the ef2000 might release? early or late 2025 (if they dont have to delay it ofc)
If anything in this video makes it into the sim hopefully its dynamic campaign as that should help bring more people into the community. More modules are always nice however it doesn't help expand the community. Not sure how we are getting an F35 Before a Super hornet?
Anymore I almost feel like ED is trolling us. 😁
9:35 F-14B(U) with new cockpit elements, link 16, and digital flcs.
No Link 16. WCS and AWG-9 is still here just like in our current F-14B. But you get new INS with JDAM support and 50 waypoints
@@The_Tau Ahhh, still sweet though.
We can get a Super Hornet. The problem is that the one we would get would be worse equipped than the current legacy. It's not worth doing right now.
The Afghanistan map was supposed to be completed by Christmas. We are heading towards February and we don't even have an update let alone the 2nd part. Announcing a F15 and F35 to arrive in 2026 just makes me laugh. I'm remaining purchase free in 2025 unless things improve greatly. Wayyyyyy too many EA modules.
DCS doesn't need a Stealth Jet - that's just common sense... Blackhawk or Super Hornet would make more sense... and I need to know what is happening with my Mud Hen - at this point they should just give ppl their money back, I paid for something that will probably now never b fully realized... the FF F15C is a clear sign of that
Lack of information was a good excuse for not develop the modern redfor scenario, but now with the f35 it seems they actually don't care that much
Also, most people missed seeing the Draken
Meanwhile on Red side time stoped in 1985
DCS seal clubbing simulator.
Yeah let's just play chicken shoot with Redfor. Enigma put it best: The real potential for DCS is Cold War.
"We CaNt GeT mOdErN rUsSiAn JeTs BeCaUsE tHeY aRe ClAsSiFiEd" - Meanwhile ED:
Helicopter guy so F-35B is the only mod I'd buy of the F-35. I don't see how you map in the value of the F-35A unless you change the game add networking and new sensors. It would be a big bite to chew. The closer you got to letting it do what it does the worse it would be in game. You would have to only play "Blue on Blue" and ban it from everything else.
It makes sense that Russia keeps old documents a secret, since they are still using ancient gear in Ukraine.
We all know the ED "Beyond" means in the Future, i don't get hyped anymore with these videos, they look great, but that means nothing. Reminds me of the south park episode where the girls would photoshop their faces and bodies and then they would go to people saying "this is how i look like".
fans: ED can you do Mig23 ? pretty please? ED:nope, its highly classified and protected by motherland equipment, we can't do it we simply can't.. ED today: we makinga da f35.. next module is alien ship from omicron galaxy.. Full fidelity of course..lol
The RAZBAM loss is so much more than the F15E (granted, most popular), but damn, the poor Harrier, M2000...and the development toward the MiG-23...shame
So like… what does Redfor get then? Not even a MiG-29SM2? Su-30 is still a mod and it’s an early version.
If the F-15E is a dead project, then it’s likely I’ll never purchase another aircraft or terrain module again. I’ll stick with what I have. If all it takes is a squabble to brick a module then no new ones for me.
DCS is becoming BLUEFOR Training simulator...
*Astronauts on moon meme* "Always has been."
the Panavia Tornado that you showed is actualy not the one from aviastorm
I think they are just trying to bring younger blood in the fandom.
Most of the time recently the community says things are too "classified," not ED. I think their main reason for not doing the Superhornet is the still not completely finished legacy we have. It would be a strange choice. I'm a little concerned, but I do see a lot of folks talking with authority that have no idea on what's actually out there, and instead just repeat certain community talking points to feed the drama. I'll remain neutral until we start getting more info. At least the F35 program seems the most open compared to the others.
Germany is by Ugra. I believe the new Tomcat is a BU. Heatblur also posted some pictures of the RIO seat.
CubanAce is apparently working on a AI Felon with plans to submit it to ED officially. Obviously the F35 will be restricted to more creative scenarios.
I agree. I think "too classified" is a community myth. Command: Modern Operations has no trouble simulating electronic warfare, sensor networking, and stealth systems to a very satisfactory degree of realism, but everyone acts like flight simulators can't do it because it's super duper top secret magic.
ED right now:
F-16 block 70 ❌
F/A-18E ❌
F-35A ✅
Does anybody know when the Eurofighter will be released?
Personally f35 is a weird choice but given a dynamic campaign system is in development the 35 makes sense for people who fly solo or coop in small groups.
Also DCS radar simulation is already simplified it would be way too complex to even bother trying a full radar sim so for stealth and and the FCR in the 35 I am not bothered by that. There have been f35 Sims at airshows for years with full cockpit mockups and hotas set ups with systems modeling for years the basis is there and I wonder if that software used for those public simulations is now declassified and available for use
They can already fly it in MSFS made by IndiaFoxTecho. It's my fav plane there.