Check This Out! This Had To Be Done To Keep Going. Off Grid Post And Beam Build.
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Today we made an access hole in the floor of Bert's lookout. This allows us an easier way of climbing up there to work, then we installed the two top wall plates and another window.
The lookout is coming along so nicely guys. Great work Heather and Cecil.
Wow so much safer going up middle .
Moving on and looking good. Ron PTL USA🙂
I was once rebuilding shed on back balconies in the city and I had to take out squirrel nest and I noticed plastic shopping bags in the middle of the nest and when they rebuilt and I tore it down the plastic plastic shopping bags in the middle of the mess. They had use it for insulation. The wind kept the wind, and it stopped the water and going up into the next. It was incredible to see the ingenuity
Looking very nice I had to look away I am not good with Heights went you look over the edge but I watch. All the the rest of the show I thought it was funny thank you for the video
Bert's lookout looking good! Looks like it'll be weathered in before the snow flies. Cheers!
You guys are always so entertaining. Heather was just hysterical with her timely comments. Thank you Cecil for being so concerned about her safety. 😊
Hi Heather & Cecil. That's a better way of getting into Burt's lookout. If you can get a roof on that before rain comes it would be ideal.
Good job guys looking good take care have a great weekend
That's high up 😊 be safe.
A big difference is right.. When I was 10 yrs old in 1958 in North Toronto it snowed 10inches on Halloween night.. I uses to play hockey on a outdoor skating rink with natural ice.
Getting there. God bless.
Hi C&H.......Great to see a new video.......Have a Great day....
Hello Dean. Thank you very much. You have a great day as well. Cheers!
Love and enjoy your videos. May the lord bless you and Heather and working on the pole and beam building and working on the homestead
Hello Brenda. Thank you. Cheers!
That looks great and good craftsmanship.
Thanks for the video. Another peace of the puzzle done.
Super Arbeit von euch beiden ihr seit einfach ein super Team macht weiter so 👏🏻😊🙂🤗👌😁
Hallo, vielen Dank. Es wird langsam gebaut. Du hast einen tollen Tag. Prost! Hopefully this is right :-) You have a great day.
Looking forward to seeing this in person!
You know I just have to say that window is upside down. In fact I think it is even inside out! LOL
🍂🍁🎃🐓🍁 greeting from vermont ....Its so awesome seeing what you both have built 😊 👍
Hello Andrew, thank you and Greetings from us as well. Thank you very much...we just keep building lol. Cheers!
a deck around Berts lookout would have made it easier and safer to do walls and roof. stay safe thats a long way down
Have you thought about using circular stairs.. I did that using 6 inch well casing and had the mennonites bend 1/8 thick sheet steel for the steps.. I know you can weld.. I only took one day to weld 16 steps around the post and another day to weld upright 2 inch pipe for the railings..
welcome back guys!!
Hello Larry, thank you. Cheers!
Good morning how are you folks doing today look like everything is coming together hi Heather how you doing looks like you're doing a good job just be careful Heather you know cuz you know scary up there sometimes all right guys have a good day and be careful out there see you soon you be careful too we all getting off for this stuff you know be careful buddy
I say that you make a winch powered elevator…they are easy to make from unistrut
Gotta stop cutting those boards with a bend in them Cecil.. lol
Sad to hear about four people dying in a house fire in Temiskaming Shores; "New Liskeard"..
Hi guys
This should be done long time ago
Sure..except we have other jobs to work at as well.
I wouldn;t call you beautiful Cecil but I am a guy.. You definitely have lots of atrtibutes; like growing a heck of a beard..At least a part of your head knows how to grow hair.. lol