I've seen Big Pete and the band a couple of times in the UK and heard him in the Lester Butler tribute band. This a great jam, real party going on between the three of them and the two guitar players. Great post, I'll be looking out for more of this. Thanks.
Nagyon köszönöm!!!!! Leírhatatlanul jó. Bárcsak ott lehettem volna.:(
MICSODA ZENE..A BETYÁRJÁT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Köszi,srácok!
I've seen Big Pete and the band a couple of times in the UK and heard him in the Lester Butler tribute band. This a great jam, real party going on between the three of them and the two guitar players. Great post, I'll be looking out for more of this. Thanks.
dejóóó!!! :)
kösz a megosztást, mert élóben lemaradtam róla!
Ez nagyon jóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóó! :)
Zseniális fickók, köszi az élményt !
Nagyon nagy......:) ♥
Ez igen. Soha nem lehet megúnni. Ülok es a lábam csak úgy ugrál. Baromi jó.
Szenzációs. Sajnálom, hogy nem voltam ott, pedig a Kobuciba szoktunk járni.
Ez óriási!!!!
Great stuff👏👏👏👏
ohohohohohohóóóóóó ez igen ******
Pete is a total bad ass. his own man. but influenced by lester's harp and Bill's vocals
Good shit!
Baromi jó !
Smoking Hot stuff out there in Blues City.........
Uhhh bazzz atom!!!!
Who's the guy with the biceps on the right?
Little G Weevil
kifra07 Is that not one of the guitar players?
But yes ... Which harmonica you ask?
@@Nickinthefrozennorth Mátyás Pribojszki
***** 5x