@@леденяжкаthey do, they have that brother like relationship so they pick on each other a lot, mostly on Kendall because he is the youngest in age but his clothing and Attitude say otherwise so they pick on him a lot, but again it’s like when your older sibling annoys you kinda thing.
I’ve truly never seen a boyband so much in sync ever, so down to earth and so charismatic. they truly are friends who actually love one another, I’m so happy that I raised up with them and to continue follow them❤️❤️❤️
1:03 HE DID IT HE DID THE DIAMOND! (Yes I'm calling the diamond because he's James Diamond.) Edit: 1:10 HE DID IT AGAIN! Edit 2: 1:12 DIAMOND TURKEY! Edit 3: 6:02 Kendall needs glasses 😂
It's so interesting when I was younger and watched the show, I had a huge crush on Logan and Carlos. Now that im older, James and Kendall seem more my type. They're all just so handsome and funny is it even possible to have a bias??
Nothing could've prepared me for that ending when they all started dancing lmao
Classic BTR 😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂😜🤪
Same! I was laughing
“I’m sorry what about this ☝️ reads two” killed me ngl 😂😂
funniest part (love them so much)
@@aviellejannsen6897 I KNOW 😂😂 that part and the end did a number on me
Best part 😂
It reminded me so much of their character dynamics in the show 😭 the nostalgia 😢😢
Literally lol’d 😂
seeing them acting like close friends just like they did in the show really warms my heart
I don't think they're acting
They are not acting at all, they are the same in All their interviews together
@@fernandalara7559 they dont mean acting as in doing something fate they mean like interacting with each other
@@brumiq._ yes exactly! i think maybe my choice of words wasnt the best😭
Love how naturally James just picked up Logan with no struggle at all😂
let's say, James used to picking them up a lot 😂
They have natural chemistry and you can tell they enjoy each other's company
They dont like kendall
@@леденяжка what do you mean
@@леденяжкаthey do, they have that brother like relationship so they pick on each other a lot, mostly on Kendall because he is the youngest in age but his clothing and Attitude say otherwise so they pick on him a lot, but again it’s like when your older sibling annoys you kinda thing.
Btr is so chaotic & i love every second of it. They give me old btr show vibes
They haven't changed a bit 😂
6:02 “I’m sorry, what about this reads two?!”
I about died at that🤣 James' sass was so strong!
been here since 2009 and seeing them act the same as back then just warms my heart
this is the best episode of this! they're having too much fun
They're so fun to watch 😍
This was too funny. James doing the face had me 🫠😏
James wasn't kidding when he said he didn't like cleaning in the other interview, his "brooming" is proof of that😂😂😂
Carlos Madez Carlos penavega
All of them have such charisma and natural chemistry with each other, I'm in love specially with Kendall
Aren't we all 🤩
Bruh I love this so much, their energy 😂😂😂😂 "WHAT ABOUT THIS READS TWO" and the dancing at the end 😂😂❤ I missed these guys so much.
“There’s a crystal ball emoji” 😭😭
their chemistry is unmatched!! even after all these years 🥹🫶🏽
When James held Logan upside down LOL
NO!! We weren't ready for that James!! Give them the face!! I'm so dead!
The way Kendall’s hip moved at 6:31😂😂
I’ve truly never seen a boyband so much in sync ever, so down to earth and so charismatic.
they truly are friends who actually love one another, I’m so happy that I raised up with them and to continue follow them❤️❤️❤️
I love how Carlos said CARLITOS 🤣💗
If I don't see them doing the broom on tour I'mma be mad
I can't stop laughing this is hilarious and you go Logan!!
Omg this was so great, James's "sweeping" was hilarious
the charisma and humour btr have is just off the charts, they're so funny LOL
Omg they’re just having so much fun with these interviews, love their vibe! Can’t Get Enough is on loop for me rn 😚
6:02 such James Diamond energy right there 🤣🤣
Big time rush are hilarious! This video was so funny!! 🤣🤣
reasons why they're my favorite band
They are sooooo happy when they're together! Love that! :)
I love the inside jokes they have. Also james' borat impression killed me XD
Their personalities feel so similar to their characters in the show, and I love it
1:03 James Maslow did the thing! the iconic james diamond swag!
I’ve rewatched it too many times HAHA
I love their chaotic cinnamon roll + sunshine energy hahaha 🌟
The way carlos teases james with his broom emoji acting HAHAHA
I love how they just naturally get along so well and have fun together ❤️
I like to be passive aggressive in person 😂😂
"what about this reads 2" 😂😂😂 6:03
The way I squealed each time James did the ✨️face✨️
So great to see them together again and enjoying themselves. Gotta love them 😍
BTR is just the funniest group of guys lmaoo
They are so talented actors, I love them😂❤
Haven’t laughed this heard in a while 😂
James lifting Logan like it’s nothing!
I dig James outfit
GO CARLOS 😍😍😍😍😍 I feel like when carlos went, the other guys kept talking while his timer was still going
omg the ending 🤣
I’ve missed them so much!! 😂
1:10 the freaking smolder ❤❤❤❤💎💎💎💎💎
James doing the smolder with the guitar ❤
AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH James never swept the house, that's why he doesn't know how to make the broom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I love their grown up selves so much more!!💖💖
1:03 HE DID IT HE DID THE DIAMOND! (Yes I'm calling the diamond because he's James Diamond.) Edit: 1:10 HE DID IT AGAIN! Edit 2: 1:12 DIAMOND TURKEY! Edit 3: 6:02 Kendall needs glasses 😂
The way James didn’t know how to use a broom😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
The thing I missed about them the most was seeing them having fun and acting like dorks together, and I’m so glad we have that back!!
I cant over “brooming” 💀💀💀😂
The fact that there all like there characters in real life 🫶🏼
Love their chemistry! 🤣 & Logan is still fine. 😘
It's so interesting when I was younger and watched the show, I had a huge crush on Logan and Carlos. Now that im older, James and Kendall seem more my type. They're all just so handsome and funny is it even possible to have a bias??
James's face and the thing with the hands is the equivalent of Joey's "How you doin'?" And no one can tell me otherwise. 🫠
I've never clicked on a video so fast
We love to hear it 👏
6:04. HAHAHAHA i died with James.
The more I watch these interviews the more I notice how naughty Logan is 😍
Carlos needs his helmet
The moment James whistles the Disney song "whistle while you work"🤣🤙❤️
They’ve gotta add James broom to their dances now lol
the guys making fun of james’ brooming🤣🤣🤣
A Big Time Rush interview is a Hard laugh 🤣 I love them so much!!
Yeah we need a new season of BIG TIME RUSH!
omg how I missed my funny and crazy boys love them so much 😍
I can't get enough of Logan😏😏
7:48 this part is so funny 🤣🤣🤣 this whole video is hilarious
James is so sassy, he just like me
When he said "two"... I lost it hahaha... Also, this just showed that James has never actually sweep hahaha
I love these four goofballs 😂
I love these guys so much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The Pinocchio nose killed me😂
This was so fun to watch!!! BTR is so amazing!!! Also, congrats James!!!😂😁💙💙💙
That was the hardest I’ve laughed at a TH-cam video in a long time 😂
Whose your favorite BTR member? 😍
Actually all of them
When they danced in the end 😭😭
I 💖 my dogs they are still hilarious 😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂😜🤪
These guys are so funny, they should get a show on Nickelodeon
They had a show long ago called big time rush on Nickelodeon is definitely a classic 💯💯
James is killing me 😂😂
That was just like watching their old tv show. So great and funny together.
They are so cool and they sing the best. Keep it up bro's y'all are the best.
They are so funny 😂
The broom dance. Lol
I love them omg
kendall really likes the jackal emoji
theyve been hjaving so much fun lately lmao i loving it
I love their chaotic side 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They're infinite fun 😆
And Logan is still my crush since ever💕
1:04 i'm dying