The screen shows that the consumption is 8 liters per 100 kilometers. Is this true? I am planning to buy one and I have not yet checked the fuel consumption. How much fuel does the car consume without charging the battery? Thank you in advance
Iskreno, 65-70 km može odraditi, s nekom normalnom vožnjom, bez ubijanja gasa baš jel... A što se tiče ovog svega, riječ je o testnom automobilu, tako da bi ove podatke trebao provjeriti (za cijene i to), što se tiče servisne mreže - KMAG Zg, pa u Puli, Kastav, Split servisna podrška...
what is the consumption on full tank of fuel and 100% charge? how far can I go? thanks
DO you know what the comsumption is at 90-110kmh with empty battery?
The screen shows that the consumption is 8 liters per 100 kilometers. Is this true? I am planning to buy one and I have not yet checked the fuel consumption. How much fuel does the car consume without charging the battery?
Thank you in advance
You can expect range about 300-350 km on highway at 130.140 km/h
On a full tank ? Sounds that the car consumes a lot
Not true,with full tank the range is up to 500 km@@carinik
Pozdrav, kolki mu je domet na struju, di ga servisiraš, kolko je cijena servisa i kak si zadovoljan sa njime?
Iskreno, 65-70 km može odraditi, s nekom normalnom vožnjom, bez ubijanja gasa baš jel...
A što se tiče ovog svega, riječ je o testnom automobilu, tako da bi ove podatke trebao provjeriti (za cijene i to), što se tiče servisne mreže - KMAG Zg, pa u Puli, Kastav, Split servisna podrška...
Koja je potrošnja na 140 km/h ako ide samo na benzin?
pozdrav Dalibore, meni je ovaj auto odličan... e sad, potrošnja na autoputu je jedini "problem", računaj na tim brzinama od 10 do 11 l