There's something mystical about you two... I can't quite describe it. Other than the funny viral videos, you really do have a loveliness and charisma when on camera. You're not trying too hard [as anyone can see from the first 30 seconds of this video - but it still works really well] - but the way you Let's Play is so earnest. How many hundreds of people have Let's Play'd Oblivion? You guys do it best! No over the top editing. No trying desperately to crack jokes. You just sort of capitalise on what the game has to offer.
The elf woman blooper happens after you finish a Thief's guild quest where they break into multiple buildings during one night. As for Traven he has green lips because he's totally addicted to Felldew, I bet he recites soliloqies when nobody's around. His dying speech will prolly end like this: "I can't breathe? This cannot be. You must retrieve the amulet of worms." *BLARUGHGH*
Nope, the first time I played that Mage's Guild quest and saw Fithraeger run into that trap, I still chuckled. It was never tragic, and I don't think it was meant to be.
cassandra5322 NOT ON MY WATCH!!!! your butt smuggling exploits are well known pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit!!!!
20:34 "I cannot stress how important it is to retrieve the Amulet of Kings" That's all I could think about with the voice, haha. Anything he says my brain immediately tried to find any possibleway to fit "Amulet of Kings" in the line.
I swear, the guards in this game with their bizarre dialogue never ceases to amaze. I was in an Oblivion gate near Chorrol, and I saw a guard fighting a flame atronach. Instinctively, I go to help, thinking that I need to save this guy for a quest or something like that. The atronach dies and the game immediately throws me into a conversation with this guy. His comments on the situation? "Stop criminal! You have violated the law" and so on. I decided the best course of action would be to lead him to lava and kill him in it. Right before he died he accepted my yield as well. What a strange encounter.
I don't know if this was mentioned in this episode or not, but I thought I heard you say before that your magic levels increasing makes your spells more powerful. When any magic skill (like destruction) levels up, it will only make the spells cost less to cast. It will not change how much damage a spell does, or how much it heals. If you want a more powerful spell, you will have to buy one. I thought I'd say that to try to help you guys through the game, I love the videos! Keep up the great work!
I think the VA who voiced the young male characters you mentioned in Skyrim and Haku from Spirited Away is Jason Marsden. You’ve probably been told that a million times. I’m lovin this Let’s Play series guys. Thank you for rekindling my love for this game.
best part of my weeks, i always watch your videos while working out and i love the energy you guys have! some youtubers are a chore to watch, but you two make jokes and get along easily and it's relaxing.
The necromancer's moon is literally mannimarco, he became a "god" during the dragon break when all eventualities happened at once; this also left a mortal mannimarco that failed to become a god on nirn, which is why he's a person in the game.
At 24:17 max does this subtle thing that made me laugh when he goes "no one is helpful in this game no one is..." And he looks at the camera at us as soon as he said that 😂😂
I slept right through the new year countdown, have had chronic fatigue problems lately for no reason, what better way to begin the new year with some oblivion tho am i right fellas
The trap keeps crushing Fithragaer's body since it's pressure-activated. If you manage to drag or push his body off it, it will stop occurring. I lived to tell the tale..
Hey before you guys stop playing Oblivion y'all should fuck around with some of the funny glitches. If you put your horses front (or maybe rear I forgot) legs on top of one of the "weyshrines" and then activate the shrine the horse gets a glitched buff that makes it run about 700 MPH. You can jet around the map like a race car and do ramps off of hills!
When I did the vampire hunter thing for Hassildor I managed to find the bug for this quest and had to kill the vampire hunters in the city and then pay a bounty for it. #feelsbadman
You know the age slider in character creation? According to the Construction Set (The modding tool), the youngest part of that is age 15. So technically you can have young men.
"Sorry about the interuption, that's never happened during a Let's Play before." There's a dirty joke in there somewhere, but I'm not sure what it could be.
You guys should make Chameleon armour, 5 grand soul gems and each one gives you like 25% and you're literally undetectable and can do infinite sneak attacks, should get this armour and kill mankoran camoran or w/e his name is
Hey, you guys should check out the side quest: a shadow over hackdirt. Which is a homage to one of H.P. lovecraft's works called: Shadow over innsmouth. Anyways great video as always :))
When I first played oblivion and did the quest where Fithraeger died, I wan't upset by it but I definitely wasn't expecting it and was very surprised. I remember I sat there in silence for a few moments before bursting out in astonished laughter
Hannibal been hitting that Felldew with his green lips.
There's something mystical about you two... I can't quite describe it. Other than the funny viral videos, you really do have a loveliness and charisma when on camera. You're not trying too hard [as anyone can see from the first 30 seconds of this video - but it still works really well] - but the way you Let's Play is so earnest. How many hundreds of people have Let's Play'd Oblivion? You guys do it best! No over the top editing. No trying desperately to crack jokes. You just sort of capitalise on what the game has to offer.
This is so well said I agree. The lafave bros are blessed by the nine
Nothing worse than watching someone try too hard.
The elf woman blooper happens after you finish a Thief's guild quest where they break into multiple buildings during one night.
As for Traven he has green lips because he's totally addicted to Felldew, I bet he recites soliloqies when nobody's around. His dying speech will prolly end like this: "I can't breathe? This cannot be. You must retrieve the amulet of worms." *BLARUGHGH*
THANK YOU i was wondering where that voice actor screwup was since ive never heard it before
Wingard0 What, no, my heart I... I *H R M P H F*
Can't... move.... must be. The....NECROMANCERS!
Nope, the first time I played that Mage's Guild quest and saw Fithraeger run into that trap, I still chuckled. It was never tragic, and I don't think it was meant to be.
Verroak Krasha lol
YOU! So this is what you've been doing gathering things on another planet.
Easily the best part of the week
You're a fit one, been doing some running?
You look like someone who's comfortable in heavy armor. If you know what I'm saying. :-)
I'm fondling my amulet of kings right now.
Ah yes, the Amulet of Kings, I have shoved it up my ass, for safe keeping.
cassandra5322 pray that you don't have to force the imperial guard to "rectify" the location of your stolen goods by declaring them forfeit.
Oh my yes.
I guess I'll have to "rectify" that by putting the Amulet of Kings in Shadowmere's "inventory."
^﹏^ ahhh yes, the amulet of kings, you must fondle it often so that you do not lose it
cassandra5322 NOT ON MY WATCH!!!! your butt smuggling exploits are well known pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit!!!!
20:34 "I cannot stress how important it is to retrieve the Amulet of Kings" That's all I could think about with the voice, haha. Anything he says my brain immediately tried to find any possibleway to fit "Amulet of Kings" in the line.
8:30 brothers in sync
JadedDarkness OMG yes! That's hillarious!!
Mac and Autism Cat are my heroes
A new upload?
Just got all 4 wisdom teeth taken out and you guys are helping with the pain so much.
Love yall.
I swear, the guards in this game with their bizarre dialogue never ceases to amaze. I was in an Oblivion gate near Chorrol, and I saw a guard fighting a flame atronach. Instinctively, I go to help, thinking that I need to save this guy for a quest or something like that. The atronach dies and the game immediately throws me into a conversation with this guy. His comments on the situation? "Stop criminal! You have violated the law" and so on. I decided the best course of action would be to lead him to lava and kill him in it. Right before he died he accepted my yield as well. What a strange encounter.
Propastypete *top 10 strange encounters*
BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA another LaFave Bros oblivion video
Rrrun away!
I saw a mudcrab the other day.....
12:07 He dabbed while he died
This channel is the reason WW3 hasn’t happened yet
Binja Ninja i thought you meant mw3 for a sec
@Blue honestly i think China started ww3 with the Corona virus
I don't know if this was mentioned in this episode or not, but I thought I heard you say before that your magic levels increasing makes your spells more powerful. When any magic skill (like destruction) levels up, it will only make the spells cost less to cast. It will not change how much damage a spell does, or how much it heals. If you want a more powerful spell, you will have to buy one. I thought I'd say that to try to help you guys through the game, I love the videos! Keep up the great work!
That trap going off over and over was hilarious
I've been binging these for a week and I'm only on 20. I can't wait to watch this one and finally catch up ❤
My Tuesday isn't complete until I've watched LaFave Bros' Oblivion LP.
There are clips online of Fithragaer going "Ahh!" before the impact like Emmett was saying which is hilarious.
I think the VA who voiced the young male characters you mentioned in Skyrim and Haku from Spirited Away is Jason Marsden. You’ve probably been told that a million times.
I’m lovin this Let’s Play series guys. Thank you for rekindling my love for this game.
best part of my weeks, i always watch your videos while working out and i love the energy you guys have! some youtubers are a chore to watch, but you two make jokes and get along easily and it's relaxing.
...poor guy.
The necromancer's moon is literally mannimarco, he became a "god" during the dragon break when all eventualities happened at once; this also left a mortal mannimarco that failed to become a god on nirn, which is why he's a person in the game.
19:42 Good god.. I'm not the only one that heard that right? I looked away for a second and it scared the shit out of me.
Lol yeah our crappy audio makes it sound haunted sometimes
@ 7:23 I'm pretty sure some ancient Brittanians used skulls as projectiles in slingshots, I'd imagine they'd hurt a lot
Your videos cheer me up even through the toughest and darkest of days. ❤️
At 24:17 max does this subtle thing that made me laugh when he goes "no one is helpful in this game no one is..." And he looks at the camera at us as soon as he said that 😂😂
i was so excited for the "the amulet of kings, this cannot be" jokes when you finally met traven and i was not disappointed
Happy Holidays everybody, I hope it all went wonderfully! Happy to be a part of this great community.
"Somehow, Mannimarco returned."
Hahahaha yeah legit
Sweet, thanks for being real dudes. Enjoying these immensly.
You know, I saw your fight against the Gray Prince. Nobody thought the orc could be beat, but you showed them all! Ha ha ha ha ha!
I love your content so much guys. You both are genuinely cool people. I really hope you guys do TH-cam for a long time.
Hey this is just a suggestion but a really fun side quest is "caught in the hunt"
That is one of my favourite quests
Yeah me too. I'd love to see them do it.
Agreed, "a shadow over hackdirt" is a good one too, i don't remember if they did it allready.
Mabra51 yeah that ones good. It's creepy too.
No, they haven't done Hackdirt.
Blasting frost from the staff: “It’s Christmus.”
I am D Y I N G
Will Oblivion ever get old? I don't think so.
Cassius Emmanual TH-cam Player I’ve heard others say the same.
had your video pop up and glad to see someone still playing and enjoying Oblivion. Now I am off to start from episode 1!
"How are you? :D" hahaha that elf lady xD Happy New Year Max and Emmett! :)
Have you guys ever played papers please? If not you should try it out I think you’d like it.
My boys! Hoping for more with Wilburger... possibly the Morrowind co-op mod?
Dango Briggs Now that would be *S P I C Y*
Never say never
I slept right through the new year countdown, have had chronic fatigue problems lately for no reason, what better way to begin the new year with some oblivion tho am i right fellas
"Showing your face was the last mistake you ever made!!"
12:06 I think he just death dabbed
The Dark Fissure is the name of a seedy tavern in Bravil. I believe the Lusty Argonian Maid works there.
You can’t hate these guys.... awesome video guys
The trap keeps crushing Fithragaer's body since it's pressure-activated. If you manage to drag or push his body off it, it will stop occurring. I lived to tell the tale..
Happy new year ly guys
I can see you guys in a western film with the same haircuts and facial hair and everything. The legendary deadly, LaFave brothas
Bummer I would have liked to see that Mac back flip stunt XD
By the nine divines another installment! This is amazing!
That was basically an Oblivion death right there...
> Laugh at someone's being impaled with spike traps and expect GAGHH
> Says "This is just cruel" after 10 seconds
Max wat lol
Hey before you guys stop playing Oblivion y'all should fuck around with some of the funny glitches. If you put your horses front (or maybe rear I forgot) legs on top of one of the "weyshrines" and then activate the shrine the horse gets a glitched buff that makes it run about 700 MPH. You can jet around the map like a race car and do ramps off of hills!
The Orrery is a Dwemer observatory similar in structure to the Elder Scroll storage room from Skyrim.
When I did the vampire hunter thing for Hassildor I managed to find the bug for this quest and had to kill the vampire hunters in the city and then pay a bounty for it. #feelsbadman
Bongong has some fine horses over at the gray mare.
First off, Happy New Year~ Hope you had a good one! 2nd great video, thanks for posting! :D
4:30 no, that's the high elf in the temple in the Imperial city
13:01 That Mac and his boundless respect for women, preach my brothers ✊😤
I work in an archive so all of Tar-Meena's crazy stress is so sadly relatable
Guys please do "The Yawhg" for private selection!!
If only Fithragaer said "I'm getting out of here" 😔 RIP
Fantastic video.
Think these have to be the only videos I like before watching
Oh my yes... another installment of Oblivion
Bothiel says the famous blooper when you click the rumours in her chat box
The "Let me do that one again" is from Tandilwe in the temple of the one.
By azura by azura by azura its the grandcampion cant believe its you standing here molesting me
I'm getting out of here!
Mac is shaping up to be a real Renaissance Man.
The adventures of Emmett and Brother Beard
Mac Is a true kleptomaniac, chords potions drinks none, Minor wounds?
You know the age slider in character creation? According to the Construction Set (The modding tool), the youngest part of that is age 15. So technically you can have young men.
I just did this quest today. Got finished with the Mages Guild literally five minutes ago.
Why do I always make a lenny face in my head when I hear "Raminus Polus"
15:56 "It's Christmas~" LOL
"Sorry about the interuption, that's never happened during a Let's Play before."
There's a dirty joke in there somewhere, but I'm not sure what it could be.
I think that NPC that has the blooper line in the game is in the Temple District. I think she’s a high elf at the temple, if I’m not mistaken.
Experiment: I would love to see a lore-through where you guys read the books aloud to us and such
CANT. MOVE. BODY. FROZEN. Must've .... been... the damn .... Fave Bros.
22:17 Welcome to my home I am Lord Dracula
The green on his lips is felldew
Man I love these
The Hannibal of Kings. It cannot be.
You guys should make Chameleon armour, 5 grand soul gems and each one gives you like 25% and you're literally undetectable and can do infinite sneak attacks, should get this armour and kill mankoran camoran or w/e his name is
Check out the Fighters Guild. soon!
Hey, you guys should check out the side quest: a shadow over hackdirt. Which is a homage to one of H.P. lovecraft's works called: Shadow over innsmouth. Anyways great video as always :))
the error voice line is found in asking rumors from the woman in the imperial city temple.
Dammit Hannibal, stop eating Feldew!
That poor man's body is just mush now.
To arms! To arms! 🙋♀️
You guys should do the side quest where you go inside a painting. I think that quest is in chorrol.
27:32 The Orc of Mormon.
May the year of Akatosh bring good will to ye and your kin! (Happy New Year)
I still love this guys
When I first played oblivion and did the quest where Fithraeger died, I wan't upset by it but I definitely wasn't expecting it and was very surprised. I remember I sat there in silence for a few moments before bursting out in astonished laughter