I used to be a loosing trader until I got a trading journal and started write down all the things that makes me loose in my trading. That's how I got profitable. Let's say you take 15 losing trades a month. If you can cancel 8 of that and you risk only 1% per trade. That's extra 8% at the end of the month
🔹 Get FREE access to the Duomo Trader Development Program: duomotrading.com/FreeDuomoTraining 🔹 Add us on Instagram: instagram.com/duomoinitiative/ 🔹 Our second channel for financial news and analysis: th-cam.com/users/MarketMoversFinancialNewsandAnalysis
There is nothing like losing all you have in the world for teaching you what not to do. And when you know what not to do in order not to lose money, you begin to learn what to do in order to win.” - Jesse Livermore
Always Invert. My mentor would always say, "Demo trading is not about winning, but it's about learning what NOT to do."
Good advice!
- Nicholas
Demo trading is essential. It is not only essential, it is a must in learning to write your rules for RISK MANAGEMENT.
this is the most important trading video I have seen so far, you deserve more subscribers mann
Thanks Mr Tech!
~ Nicholas
Thanks Bianca!
The most challenging skill in the world. It’s exciting
Thanks friend
Awesome, it will definitely be very helpful for beginners
Your videos are just pure gold. I am so thankful for you man.
Thanks for the kind gesture!
Always invert! Great video, great advice
I used to be a loosing trader until I got a trading journal and started write down all the things that makes me loose in my trading. That's how I got profitable. Let's say you take 15 losing trades a month. If you can cancel 8 of that and you risk only 1% per trade. That's extra 8% at the end of the month
These is true the less I backtest and journal the More I lose.
These year is about why I lose that trade;)
Always invert.
And challenge my psychology to become a better trader.
You deserve a million subs! Such quality content sharing to us for free.
I inverted my thinking, so i hated this video, totally mindf*** . Good content btw ! :)
Always invert. Thank you
🔹 Get FREE access to the Duomo Trader Development Program: duomotrading.com/FreeDuomoTraining
🔹 Add us on Instagram: instagram.com/duomoinitiative/
🔹 Our second channel for financial news and analysis: th-cam.com/users/MarketMoversFinancialNewsandAnalysis
The first 0:00 minute describes the way that FOLLOW YOUR GOD DAMN PLAN.
Top comment pls
Always invert! ❤
Always invert, good video
There is nothing like losing all you have in the world for teaching you what not to do. And when you know what not to do in order not to lose money, you begin to learn what to do in order to win.” - Jesse Livermore
Always invert.
Always invert. 💰💰
always invert!
Always invert 😃
I will always invert.
Always inverse :)❤
Always invert 💪🏼
Always Invert! 💪
Instead of seeking pleasure, seek to avoid pain
Always invert😘
always invert
good video
Invert always
I like what you did there Jay.
- Nicholas
@@Duomoinitiative thank you :)
Always Invert🕺
Never straighten :)
Always Invert!
💯💯 trevnI syawlA
Good but confusing. A second or even third listening will help...
Always Invert
Always Invert :)
Always Invert
Invert all the time.
Always invert.
Always invert
Always Invert
Always invert
Always Invert
Always invert
Always Invert
Always invert
Always invert
always invert
Always invert
Always invert
always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert
Always invert