Wow, what a cool fly. I’ve never tried anything with a composite loop. It seems a bit difficult to get the correct amounts of the various flash used to make the fly proportional, but what a great piece of art it turns into. Thanks
Nice , years ago I went to composite loops for intruders and baitfish patterns fresh water and salt the color options are endless . I’m surprised that more tiers don’t embrace this method, once you get the hang of it it’s simple plus they swim so good either stripping or swinging . Thanks for the video.
Thanks for the video. Great job explaining the steps. I agree with the slow water v.s heavy current, the dea of flies being tied or dressed to meet the type of water is very important. The presentation, profie and type of water should be apart of every tier. I would like to go out far west someday.
Wow, what a cool fly. I’ve never tried anything with a composite loop. It seems a bit difficult to get the correct amounts of the various flash used to make the fly proportional, but what a great piece of art it turns into. Thanks
Nice , years ago I went to composite loops for intruders and baitfish patterns fresh water and salt the color options are endless . I’m surprised that more tiers don’t embrace this method, once you get the hang of it it’s simple plus they swim so good either stripping or swinging . Thanks for the video.
I am brand new to fly tying and finding your tecniques fantastic help.
Awesome - I’m so glad it’s helpful! Thanks for watching!
Thanks for the video. Great job explaining the steps. I agree with the slow water v.s heavy current, the dea of flies being tied or dressed to meet the type of water is very important. The presentation, profie and type of water should be apart of every tier. I would like to go out far west someday.
You’re welcome - Thanks for watching! Check out my channel if you like!
That looks amazing!!!!
Thank you!
Thanks for watching!👍
Thanks Dustin
You’re welcome! Thanks for watching!