Foam Coating: Complete Foam Coat System
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Protect and beautify your foam. Start with our ultrasmooth, rock hard Foam Coat and add Boost to make it even stronger and weatherproof, or add Bounce to make a flexible coating. Try texturing with medium or coarse Grit. See more at hotwirefoamfact...
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Thank you for your quick response, I look forward to hearing from you again
Are there any videos that demonstrate how to you use the foam coat so it’ll produce a smooth finish once finalized/sanded? I see product displays/unboxing but no how to?
Yes, it can be painted at any time and with any kind of paint you choose.
@livelovelocs All Purpose Foam Coat plus Boost will be as hard as wood. Also, our new Exterior Foam Coat is as hard as wood without any fortifiers. Styroplast, also new, is stronger than wood, but has a super smooth finish.
yes Hot Wire, i have stucco on a lot of my house on the bottom with snow again st it all winter and it's doing well
It will need to be above 40F when applied and can't freeze for 2-5 days depending on humidity and how thick it is applied. We've sold literally tons of Exterior Foam Coat all over the country and Canada for nearly 10 years with no reports of it being affected by heat or cold, except for one person who said that the back of their foam sign was not sealed and water migrated behind the coating and froze.
@rzennrer Foam Coat can be used inside and is not only fire safe, but inhibits fires.
What would I use for a styrofoam water fountain?
Can the Foam Coating be re-painted after it's been applied, at a later time, if I decide I want to change the color some months afterwards? This is my main concern, thank you.
Which would I use to make foam hard as wood ??
we need cutter where can we get it urgent please
I want to use the foam as a wearable helmet, which foam, and coat do you suggest?
i am making simple foam pins, they r small, flat and really soft...but idk how to protect them, i want them to b durable, but not to stiff, someone recommended heat sealing. what would u recommend for this issue. its really flat, soft foam?
How durable would it be outside with wind and rain snow direct sun and wide temperature changes from +90 to -40
The Exterior Foam Coat will hold up in all weather conditions. I will have to check to see if Stryoplast will go that far below freezing, but it will hold up to even more heat and wind, rain, and snow.
Hi Me Again, I plan on using the Pink foam board 4x8 sheets and carving my own Stone Faux Pannels to future on the bottom of my porch and house, we have a lot of wind rain and snow and hot sun and sub zero temperature -40 at times, anyway which hardening agent should I use and what's the cost and how thick should it be applied and how many square feet will one container go. Thanks Steve
Hi Mercy, Exterior Foam Coat will easily withstand the hottest climate conditions, and although low temperatures will not damage Exterior Foam Coat a combination of moisture and freezing temperatures can. Our product is similar, though stronger and stays adhered to foam much better than stucco, but will react the same to extreme weather conditions. Here is an article that will give you some good parameters for your project:
Exterior Foam Coat is denser and less permeable than stucco, so should work somewhat better in moist freezing conditions than stucco does. Do any homes in your area have stucco finishes? Have you noticed a breakdown of the stucco where it is not sealed with paint?
hiiiiiii sir its amazing misnaries its great sir iam thermacol artist so... i wont this type of missnariees
Nooo, it's too heavy for RC airplanes. Try the new Styroplast for you airplane. It's stronger and lighter than epoxy, won't melt foam, and doesn't need fiberglass.These are concrete base products. Foam coated with this Foam Coat is relatively very light if you are making say a rock wall facad.
Order at, or call us M-F 9am-4pm PST at 805-735-9255. We are in California.
This stuff is crap. It does not sand. By the time you sand down the brush marks you are down to foam. Second coat does not adhere. Do not waste your time and money. Extremely frustrating to use.
I'm subscribing because this looks interesting but by golly, this is the worst vid I've seen in a loooong time trying to explain anything! How about showing how to use these products and what they can do in real life situations, doing real work, etc.!?
If you go to the various product pages on our website you'll find plenty of new videos of us and our customers using all of our coatings in real life situations. Scroll down an press the Videos buttons: