Both of them are good places and are along the Metro line. Between them, Castle Hill is better as it's closer to the city and is totally self sufficient. However, it would be very difficult to find a unit/apartment at $600K. Rousehill could be considered if you don't have any constraint (such as work/study/relatives) in your living circle. Likely apartments there would be relatively new.
Top high school zones: Top public school zones: U can compare them and see if any zone has overlapping to get your preference.
@@martinkwong690 Campsie/Hurstville/Epping/Burwood/Chatswood.... Your family can easily live without speaking English. Campsie and Hurstville likely have more Cantonese speakers. If they can speak some mandarin, you don't have to worry them at all.
請問riverwood 的屋如何?便利去悉尼市中心嗎?樓價如何?
@@HKAussie 好多謝你呀🙏🙏🙏
講解得好清晰啊 多謝你
Thanks 😊
有心理準備,任何區都會有爆格。 無乜邊區有例外,只差多與少。
Ed. Square 如何?好近火車站(5分鐘步行)。當然,由Edmondson park station 去Martin Place,差唔多一小時
@@HKAussie 我知道,我在香港每天中環上班,返新界家,每程都1小時15分,但轉幾次火車地鐵。Ed Square 好像也是一程火車 (或在Glenfield站轉快車),也是1小時多左右,去到Martin Place。
如果你用google map check 由 Martin Place 坐公共交通去 Ed. Square, 時間是1.5 hr. 平均20 至25分鐘一班車,再加上下車後的步行時間,每邊5至7分鐘,在這裡很少人會這樣做。在Ed.Square 住的人應該是在Liverpool 或 Cambelltown 返工。還有,這裡大部份人揸車,Sydney 非常塞車,所以你朋友會較少開這麼遠車來探你。所以選擇地方的先決考慮是你的生活圈子在那一處。
@@freddyfreddy3177 hello 唔介意嘅話我講下Edmondson Park...我同你一樣之前喺香港返中環住新界。Edmondson Park其實係買house抵過買apartment。Ed square發展商Frasers啲project都唔平, 呢個算平,口碑都ok...我之前睇好多apartment都有問題但agents唔講, 揾律師先check到。雖然Edmondson Park地點係相對遠, 但成個區好新,所以感覺良好。平嘅suburbs多數係好舊, 同埋好多新新地嘅apartments有cladding issues同漏水, 所以自己小心選擇。得新啲嘅區例如Rhodes, wentworth point先似香港嘅新樓, 但已經貴咗好多。自住的話Edmondson Park同Liverpool比較我會揀Edmondson Park...因為成區感覺全新同治安都好好多。啲人質素亦ok。同ㄧ質素apartment去到Parramatta CBD 2可能貴30%以上,自住ok但投資就太多盤驚好難甩手。Edmondson Park會喺將來CBD 3大概15分鐘車程又有Aerotropolis同新機場, 新westfield(Leppington station旁)同規劃中嘅world trade centre...食嘅話除咗Ed Square商場, 可以去Cabramatta都係17分鐘都買到大部份香港餸又有酒家。去Canley Vale都好多亞洲同廣東餐廳。Cabramatta附近仲有個新outlet叫fashion spree...其實由Edmondson Park至Campbelltown中間都起咗好多靚屋都好抵買但返Martin Place就真係太遠。Edmondson park後ㄧ個站Leppington都多咗香港人買/起house可留意下...叧有留意開Edmondson Park往City方向由 Glenfield到Wolli Creek 都已經冇乜平貨所以個人覺得Edmondson Park ok。主要因為新同靚同附近配套好成熟。最初四十萬冇入有點後悔, 而家升到ㄧ房五十幾。出租大約$500/week都ok吖。當然我覺得house比apartment抵買啲。但apartment係好方便, 理少好多嘢。反而有聴過朋友揸住Rhodes, wolli creek嘅apartment啲學生走晒要減租30%...以上純個人意見,喺呢邊買樓係唔簡單嘅事, 比香港多陷阱,希望幫到你啦。
@@michellelau4849 多謝您的寶貴意見🙏🏼🙏🏼
Rousehill, Castle Hill ?
Both of them are good places and are along the Metro line. Between them, Castle Hill is better as it's closer to the city and is totally self sufficient. However, it would be very difficult to find a unit/apartment at $600K. Rousehill could be considered if you don't have any constraint (such as work/study/relatives) in your living circle. Likely apartments there would be relatively new.
過程簡單,全部email 及 scanned signed copy 來搞掂。律師會幫你睇住地產經紀,所以相熟的律師好重要。
@@HKAussie 謝謝你的意見
可否講吓Rouse Hill vs Tallawong vs Kellyville 那个好如budget 只有1M,🙏
在49和50集詳細論述了這幾個地方 (49/50. Sydney Metro 悉尼西北新地鐵沿線物業分析)。
Tallawong 太遠,1M在Rouse Hill可以買到舊屋。Apartment 來說,我會揀Kellyville, 因爲近了一個車站,兼是大Suburb。
Wilson, 如果不用去Sydney 市中心返工,搬去Wollongong住,三房 house中位數約幾$?有好的小學校網嗎?
Wollongong 三房 house 中位數是84 萬,我不淸楚那邊學校情況。
Ryde,carlingford冇火車. 唔係咁方便
west ryde ? Carlingford ? ryde ? 👍?
價格反映一切,高低價的次序是:Ryde > West Ryde > Carlingford
Good analysis and well explanation , very useful. tks for sharing your thoughs with us, very much appreciated. 👍🏻
三樓咁多樓級而家ok就算1000 級樓梯 老咗就唔掂
這些較平的單位應該是初來到步的上車盤,隨著環境的改善便會轉型或添置另一單位,極少人會一直住到老。在澳洲,老人家居住又是一個特別題目,那時兒女已離巢,要考慮的是如何downsizing, 幾時downsizing…
揀大牌子,出事時他不會消失。另外在買樓前call for strata report.
Hi, 想請教一下,如想隔山買牛但又沒有親戚朋友在本地相助,疫情下如何是好 (例如 auction)? 第一步是先找個可靠的物業代理嗎? 謝謝。
理論上,你可找當地物業代理代你去bid. 他們有一套佣金計法,詳細我不清楚。另外再找一個當地律師幫你睇文件,盡量不要用地產代理介紹的,否則很難監察那代理。話雖如此,如果這代理與律師你之前並不熟悉,咁樣買樓似乎太勉強,有D危險。
唔好意思,未聽過及見過此brand. 可能有而是我不知而矣。
下次可介紹1.5 m 嘅house 嗎?
Noted this request.
@@HKAussie Same request please! 1.5-2m house
即是Ryde 最好, Carlingford 次之?
論地理環境,Ryde 近Macquarie ,旺D
不過Carlingford 過幾年後有light rail ,可能更加方便?
Top high school zones:
Top public school zones:
U can compare them and see if any zone has overlapping to get your preference.
如果Sydney 這麼昂貴, 你會不會提議買Brisbane 呢?
Sydney 貴,但過去10 物業平均升值率是5.1%;Brisbane 平,但過去10 物業平均升值率是1.7%。盡量不要碰Brisbane,除非是退休去自住,因為自從Queensland 的礦業凋零後,它便走下坡。
我去过Campsie 房子很便宜交通很方便 但是好像口碑不是很好
Have family members speak little English , would like to find a suburb has doctor speak cantonese. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@@martinkwong690 Campsie/Hurstville/Epping/Burwood/Chatswood.... Your family can easily live without speaking English. Campsie and Hurstville likely have more Cantonese speakers. If they can speak some mandarin, you don't have to worry them at all.
@@grant9000 Tks