08/09/2024 Know Your God

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Every Christian believes God. 每位基督徒 都相信上帝。
    Every Christian sl struggles to know God 每位基督徒 都挣扎认识上帝。
    The Christian faith is not just about believing in God our Saviour. 基督信仰不仅是相信上帝是我们的救主。
    Our faith involves our activities in the Kingdom and the domain of our God. 信仰包括在神国度及领域里的活动。
    Your knowledge of who God is determines the way you pray. 你对上帝的认识決定了祷告方式。
    Prayer is like a citizen making a petition before the government. 祷告犹如公民向政府请愿。
    Only your citizenship can guarantee your rights / entitlements. 唯有公民权才能保证权益|资格。
    To be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you need to be born of the Holy Spirit. 若要成为神国度的子民, 你需要在圣灵里重生。
    You need to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. 你需要接受耶稣基督成为你个人的主和救主。
    1) Prayers of Ignorance 无知的祷告 (Acts 17:22-23)
    2) Prayers of Presumptuousness 自以为是的祷告 (1 Kgs EE 18:26-29)
    3) Prayers of Physical Display 外在表现的祷告 (1 Kgs EL 18:26-29)
    4) Prayers of Self-affliction 自我损伤的祷告 (1 Kgs E_E 18:26-29)
    5) Prayers of Religiosity and Traditions 宗教与传统的菇告 (Jn约4:20)
    Matthew 马太福音 6:8-9 Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray, then, this way, "Our Father, who is in heaven. Hallowed be Your Name."
    你们不可像他们,因为在你们祈求以先, 你们的父已经知道 你们的需要了。所以你们要这样祈祷: "我们在天上的父, 愿你的名被尊为圣。
    God our Father is :
    我们的天父是 :
    the Source of ife. 生命的源头。
    the Sustainer and Provider of life. 生命的维持者和供应者。
    Your Source is not on earth, He is in heaven. God is the owner of the "seen" and the "unseen." 你的源头不在世上, 而在天上。 上帝是"看得见" 与"看不见" 的拥有者
    You are My Son Today l have begotten you Ask of me 1 will surely give you the narions as Your inheritance and the very ends of the earth as Your possession.
    你求我, 我就把列国赐给你作产业,把全部都归于你。

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