anyone notice than in their mural every diamond has a bunch of planets, but pink diamond only has one planet, which looks like earth to me. im guessing she was the newest diamond to be made, the least experienced... maybe thats why rose managed to shatter her.
You can also see the moon in the mural. It seems to be almost confirmed that Earth was Pink Diamond's first colony. I agree with you on her experience being what made her easier to shatter. It would also explain Yellow's very intense hatred of Earth. Pink was essentially her little sister. I can't even imagine what I'd wanna do to someone who hurt my little sis...
True, but even just being able to speculate extra depth is nice. I mean, we essentially have three main antagonists. It's my hope that they'll all have different motivations and such.
I agree, but Blue Diamond probably didn't do anything because Sapphire already predicted what will happen and she already had a plan. Although it would be easier to just fight them herself (The Crystal Gems and Blue Diamond)
Just isn't good, justice and morality are separate groups entirely in most cases. Doing what is correct, what must be done, is different from doing what is good. That is the separation between Rose and Steven. I can say for sure that she isn't evil because of her actions.
in the murals it clearly shows all the diamonds surrounded by the planets they control, and it seems to go in order of white>yellow>blue>pink, with how many planets each has. Pink diamond only having earth, so what does this say about the hierarchy among the diamonds themselves? Why do all of blue diamonds planets have no moons?... and is the one large glowing planet held by white diamond meant to be home world?
Sammy Matyas Exactly my thought! I believe the diamonds might all be "sisters", with White Diamond being the eldest and Pink the youngest... furthermore, we know by yesterday's episode [I'm using this as a SPOILER ALERT, so do not go on if you haven't seen "That Will Be All" yet] that Blue is _far_ more sensitive/emotional than Yellow, and I assume that White Diamond is even _more_ decise than her; and Pink Diamond possibly more sensitive of all, since she kept a zoo for humans to be safe and prosper. And it's Diamonds who create gems, so Rose's healing powers might have been originated by her compassionate side (this would raise the question of why she has been shattered in the first place, but maybe the rebels were planning on destroying ALL the diamonds and started with the one they knew/could access best?).. well, these are my thoughts! Have a great day :D
My personal theory is that when all 4 fused they could weave songs of destruction. Songs that could Shatter Gems. That's why pink diamond was killed. It crippled the diamonds ultimate weapon forever. Removing the ability to shatter other gems with ease. That's also why rose was able to survive the song of corruption: they couldn't shattered her sheild with one 3 in the Fusion. But with the song of corruption it is only strong enough to to shatter The Minds of Gems. I believe that all 4 were Royal Purple Diamond, the 3 fused were Black Diamond.
+Joanne Otineru I most certainly do! Thank you all for enjoying this. I had a dream about it which led me to this video. Also Drew a pic of what I thought all the diamonds looked like fused
I believe this was very early in the rebellion, before Pink Diamond was shattered. There's proof that Pink diamond wasn't shattered until the middle of the rebellion, as one of the Rubies said that Jasper shattered 80 crystal Gems. This was probably very much increased from the actual thing, but she most likely shattered a lot of them. As pink diamond was her original diamond, it's impossible she followed Pink Diamond's orders after she was shattered.
pink diamond was shattered at this point in the rebellion because they were on earth and its been stated that blue diamond took over for pink diamond after she was shattered
Command Frog on the wikipedia page they talked about it and it also explains why the moon base belongs to white diamond now since it was once pink diamonds and pink diamonds colonies consisted of only earth and the moon
When the diamonds fuse, I think they become the paragon diamond. 7 lions. 7 sided diamond with hints of pink, blue and yellow. The diamond is massive. There's got to be something there.
you do know that pink diamond was shattered to end the war which means she was alive during the war which we can infer that pink diamond wasn't shattered yet because Garnet still wasn't fused
Note: the diamonds don't only appear as statues or in the entrance but also they are seen floating above the arena with Pink Diamond being shattered. (3:12)
I do think they gained more power from fusing, although I doubt their only power was by fusing. It wouldn't be unacceptable on homeworld if the Diamonds were to fuse, since they are all the same type of gem, and as we've seen with the Rubies, as long as there's a purpose, it's seen as acceptable.
+chairmandrek82 even so, I feel like it would be acceptable, and if it's not they would make it acceptable because they're the Diamonds and they choose what's acceptable and what's not
Maybe the Diamonds had the ability to do something different, something that could've made them win the war, and without Pink Diamond, it ended up corrupting the gems instead of doing what it was supposed to.
My AU: the Diamonds were furious after Pink's shatter, so they all agreed to destroy earth so they all tempted to destroy earth once and for all. The Diamonds all put their hands as like this but their hands⬜️. 🟨🟦 Rose used her big shield to protect garnet and pearl and herself. Most gems got corrupted after the attack. After the attack Amethyst came out. (I think) So yeah that's my AU.
Good theory, but from what we know fusion COMBINES the powers of gems, so getting power exclusively from fusion as you theorise makes no sense. Also, if they were only powerful as a fusion, wouldn't they want to be 'the diamond' or 'clear diamond' or whatever their fusion is all the time?
+Stormy Clouds Also good but I think Peridots reason would make more sense cause on almost all the episodes at the barn yard peridot kept on complaining about garnet being fused for no reason, so knowing this and what she said On the Log Date 7 15 2 that usually Gems only fuse for a specific task so we can assume
+Stormy Clouds first off, the ability gained in fusion is BASED on the gems, such as the case of fusion weapons, and they would at least stay together so they can fuse if nessecary. From what we've seen, the diamonds are individual, and having different colonies cements the fact that they work alone, but as equals
You made an error, fusion isn't frowned upon as the ruby's do it often, every gem on homeworld already knows that fusion makes gems stronger. What they dislike however is when different gems do it, and in their eye's creates an ugly beast. So the reason the diamonds are worshiped is becuase when they fuse, out of every other gem they are the stongest. However you're theory still may hold truth as we do not know if different colored diamonds are allowed to fuse without being looked down upon. If that is true, they would likely create propaganda. Good video though.
Well, it seems that unless it's the exact same gem, like a few rubies, it's friends upon. We never saw, for example, two different gems that were both quartzes fuse pre garnet. I think the diamonds fusing would still be friends upon. Worst case senario, the gems revolt against the diamonds for fusing.
Well they are different types of diamond, so maybe it will be frowned upon, but it wouldn't matter, they are still the strongest, nothing people can do about it
Illya chan Clearly, he only mentions "fusion" and not "fusion of different types of Gems", which is different. Gem fusion of the same type is allowed and only seen as a tool for battle as shown by the various rubies that have been shown to fuse; Jasper on the hand wasn't a fan because Jasper only saw 'her'self as more than capable on her own and fusion was just a "cheap trick".
You have to look at the properties of a diamond first before making the assumption that the diamonds have no power unless they fuse. I found this and I thought it was interesting and I will point out why after you guys read it: In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its properties of protection. It is a symbol of wealth and manifesting abundance in one’s life, an amplifier of energies, goals and intent, and is highly effective in magnifying the vibrations of other crystals for healing. It is particularly beneficial set in gold and worn on the left arm Okay, when it said protection, I immediately thought of defense. Which can also link to why Rose Quartz only has a shield (Pink Diamond and Rose are the same in my opinion) maybe the diamonds have more defensive weapons that offensive. Which is why they flee or have no true involvement in the war besides that beam of light that happened. Which is also part of what I found on a website about diamonds. Another description: Perfect in structure, Diamond is referred to as the “king of gems,” unique in its powers of light reflection and dispersion, and the hardest natural substance known. Composed of pure carbon, the foundational element of life, it is the one and only “10” on the hardness scale, crystallized deep in the earth’s mantle under intense heat and pressure. Its name is derived from the Greek adamas, meaning “indomitable,” “unbreakable,” or “untamable,” and diaphanus, meaning “transparent. Light and reflection, also a clue to what the diamonds are able to do, just because we haven't see them directly do it, doesn't mean they can't do it. Unbreakable is also a word that stands out, that's what makes me question how could Rose crack a diamond? It's not possible unless she did use that weapon Bismuth gave her, which she stood completely against. The diamonds are strong and do have powers on their own I believe and I also believe Rose is Pink Diamond. Rose has too many secrets that are being revealed to us right now and this could be one of them.
i think yellow diamonds weapon is her helmet like jasper but instead yellow diamond keeps it on incase she is threatened to be shattered lkke pink diamond
Lol you're severely underestimating the Diamonds. They're freaking diamonds, the highest gem of all. There are plenty of Movies, Cartoons, anime etc that depict the leader as someone not doing the Grunt work of a foot soldier. It's ridiculous that you down play them so much. Why would the superior gems lift a finger for the job of Rubies and Quartz? They obviously have strong special abilities. Does Yellow Diamond look vulnerable to you? They all have their own powers. Just like Lapis, who isn't even a Diamond, has the power to take the Ocean away..
+kobi trace my theory is that Bismuth gave Rose 'the breaking point' during the battle and rose didn't know what is was. The breaking point is the ultimate weapon and only needs one jab to shatter ANYTHING... that what I think
With the amount of gems on Homeworld, they'd be outbumbered. Even if this theory is true, its highly unlikey that they'd just pop Homeworld right in the face.
my theory is that four diamond were able to fully destroy a planet , but when pink diamond got shattered they were only able to damage earth's gems which caused them to corrupt
That could be true! That could be why the Diamonds declared all out war on Rose because they lost someone not just important to them but essential to their power! :)
+RocketBot Just saying that the diamonds have to be careful around rebellious acts, because everything we have seen is after the great gem war. when pink diamond was shattered.
(1/2) Okay. I think this theory is sort of off. Because they don't think of a single paradot as a threat. Also when blue diamond ran that's normally what happens to Kings or Queens when they're under attack. And on the matter of gem fusion; same gem fusion is very common, as seen with the rubies, it's different gem fusions that are frowned upon (it is possible that it is frowned upon because of the Crystal Gems using different gem fusions and he Diamonds don't want anyone to be like them. So that's maybe why when Ruby and Sapphire fused there was a huge fit.) One last thing, on the subject of Rose shattering Pink Diamond... I don't think she did it, I think she poofed Pink Diamond and bubbled her (and to why Steven hasn't noticed/seen Pink Diamond's gem, he didn't notice/see Bismuth's gem in Lion's mane for a long time until he fell on it and accidentally popped the bubble. So either he just hasn't seen it, it's not by tree, or not in lions mane at all)
(2/2) then later on shattered something that looked like Pink Diamond's gem in front of a crowd of other gems(to trick them into believing that she shattered Pink Diamond). Now here's the reason why I think Rose didn't shatter Pink Diamond; every one always says how much Steven is like his mother, well that's because he is his mother, Steven would never shatter a fellow gem so that leads me to believe that Rose wouldn't either. Another thing is the only weapon we have seen that the Crystal Gems have (to our current knowledge) that can shatter gems is the one under Bismuth's armory and Rose refused to use it and to "Rose took it then returned it" she couldn't have Bismuth was bubbled and I'm sure that to get into a gem's room you have to be that gem, and even if Rose could get in I'm sure that Bismuth would have noticed that stuff had been moved. So with out the gem shattering weapon the only weapon that Rose has ever been seen to have is her sword, which can't shatter gems only cut -
Actually given the last 2 weeks it's becoming pretty solid that Steven is -quoting Bismuth - already better than her, meaning Steven takes decisions Rose wouldn't have as we're slowly learning Rose was actually quite a shady character and Steven doesn't seem to agree on her methods. Rose IS part of Steven but not the other way round, Steven is his own identity. His whole dilemma lately is that he ISN'T Rose Quartz, and at this point I think he doesn't even want to be [like] her.
if she did just bubble pink diamond, then maybe she kept it in one of her other lions? it was confirmed in the most recent episode that rose had seven other lions, not counting the one we already know. maybe those lions have the same ability to hide things inside themselves?
I have a theory! That fusion gems exist without fusion! Like you would find a smaller garnet walking around homeworld. How else would they know names of fusions? I also back this up as homeworld dislikes fusion, this adds another reason to that as it would get confusing
It's nice to watch this video after the end of the show. There are a lot of things that are still good theories but the diamonds are fucking powerful now
Personally, I believe the Diamonds hate fusion of two different types of gems BECAUSE they will (possible) form a fusion that is powerful than them all and throw their authority out of balance, so they make it seem as if it's a bad thing. And as for Pink Diamond, she (there's a slight possible) was much like Rose - cared about the humans and Earth (probably the reason why she keep humans at the zoo.) And Rose could've taken Pink Diamonds intentions like the other diamonds (to take over Earth) and possibly shattered her (though Diamonds cannot be shattered). But then, that's just my opinion :)
you're fusion idea was wrong if no one told you they don't frown on fusion of the same gem as the story originally says they allow all gems of same type to exist but if different gems fuse it's saw as wrong and i don't think the 4 combined corrupt since pink wasn't there and even more the creator of the steven universe has never shown gems with placement in same spot to ever fuse but i will admit the sound made is interesting in technical terms what happened would be known as sonic resonance which is the idea all things have a set frequency and with that is produced it can mess with the very make up of that thing tearing it apart at it's basic construction.
+kyuuibi rasagen Disproven? By who? Ruby? Garnet? In writing, there's a thing called a delayed climax (idr the original name) where a character arrives late to an event and sees a different outcome. For example: Person A tries to kill Person B. Person B takes the knife away from Person A. Person C comes in and sees Person B holding the knife, thinking they were trying to kill Person A.
You people don't know how an empire or kingdom works! When attacked the most important person is sent away for safety putting away the fact if he/she could defeat the attackers or not!
the best theory I heard so far this is the only theory where I was like omg keep talking the rest I'll just be like stfu already and change to a different video
I really like this theory. I have also wondered why the Diamonds don't just kill each other. Plus, in the real world, diamonds are hyped as the ultimate expression of love and rarity, when in fact, they're pretty worthless as rings.
That makes a lot of since, except one thing. Rather than fusing to currupt the gyms, I think their power is to transform and boost the gyms' power. They just can't controll it anymore without Pink Diamond (who would have likely been shattered before the curruption) so now all they get is chaos.
I don't think so. Because it seems that each diamond was created at different times. If they were created at the same time then pink diamond would have more colonies then she did. She seems to be recently made ( recent as in b4 the war) as by the image of her in the moon base she only has 2 colonies and one is earth or at least it was going to be hers.
Just because she has less colonies does not necessarily mean she was made more recently. It's entirely possible she didn't care to have colonies or served a slightly different function than other diamonds. But until actual proof is shown in the show, we can't be sure.
+Beni Hotoi the diamonds on the diamond authority symbol including pink diamond are relative to each of the diamonds gem placements. white Diamond on her head, both yellow and blue's are on their chests, and pink diamond had hers on her belly.
This actually makes a lot of sense. Though, I think that in order to found the Gem Empire, the Diamonds would need to be capable of more than just corrupting others, whether that was lost with Pink is up for debate. It's entirely possible that they are capable of doing more with just the three of them but it would still require them being in the same place and of the same mindset which would be easy during the Gem war since 'they just killed one of us, let's nuke them', and from what little we've seen Blue and Yellow are of differing temperaments in fact, given the position of her mural it seems that Pink might have been the most active of the Diamonds and thus the one who worked to keep the others together so they might not be able to fuse any more
My theory is: if they Fused, they could be black diamomd, as its on the gemstones table, and also the black lines that run through their symbol, as in the thumbnail. Could their be a black diamond, or even a fusion of all pearls to make a black Pearl? Guess we'll have to find out. Hopefully people like snowflake obsidian come back, or some of the rose quartzes are saved by the crystal gems. Who else finds that something to look forward to? If it is in there then, could jasper and other bad gems actually be brainwashed? Like they could join the crystal gems, or even peridot and steven gain more powers. Id love to see that.
What if, just stick with me what if Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond Are WHITE DIAMOND??, Just stick with me now, I theorized this because Do you ever see White Diamond, no? so Possibly just possibly Blue Diamond And Yellow Diamond fuse to become White diamond?
_Considering their colors they possibly wouldn't be able to make a white or clear diamond. They would make a green diamond. possibly due to yellow diamond's commanding relationship over blue diamond. There could possibly be a change in color. It seems highly unlikely though_
Just a note. Fusion isn't frowned upon in Gem Society, only when it's gems of different types that fuse together. We've seen groups of Rubies fuse together to make one giant Ruby, and that's fine with Gem Society.
"Fusion is a trick to make weak gems stronger." - Jasper "They'd never seen fusion of two different kinds of gems." - Garnet. You may be right about the diamonds being weak on their own. Though fusion of the same gem is not frowned upon.
One idea that i have is that if they were a fusion, or if it was just a combination of their powers, then it's possible that the intent of fhe song might not have been to corrupt the gems on Earth, it may just have been that if was unstable without Pink Diamond as part of it.
My theory - all four diamonds together could yield a weapon that would lead to total annihilation. But with only three of the four fusing, it lead to the unexpected deal of corrupting gems only.
The part about how Blue Diamond flees from the scene might not be because she couldn't do anything. For example, if a group of rebels attack a gathering where the King/Queen is present, the King/Queen wouldn't be the one doing the fighting even if they are capable of fighting.
This might not end up being a big deal, but if you pause at 3:27 and look at all the Diamond's Murals, the first thing i noticed was the orbs behind their heads. And if you look Pink Diamond clearly has the biggest by quite a lot, while White Diamond's, Blue Diamonds, and Yellow Diamond's orbs are smaller (in that order) and to me this would make more sense for the Diamond Hiarcy, than the positions of the Diamond's Gems, because Blue, and Yellow would be equals. And out of the 4 diamonds, Pink is the rarest and genuinely the most expensive. And out of the four poses the Diamonds are making in their murals, you can tell right away that White, Yellow, and Blue all look similar, while Pink Diamond's pose (in my opinion) is much more majestic or extravagant than the other 3.
You spoke what I thought exactly. That's why the Diamonds and other home world gems dislike like or show hatred for fusions the Diamonds told them that fusions were bad and disgusting because they know what a fusion could do a fusion could bring power to whoever used it and Rose knew this and used it there temple is seen a fusion and we see how malachite and garnet are a lot more power together than separated even Jasper tries to use fusion because she sees what it can do. The Diamonds lie about it because they know what it can do and to keep other gems from seeing this they say it's disgusting and basically out law it.
at 3:23 what if those are diamonds but we dont know about and blue,yellow,white,and pink(who is shattered) are the lasts diamonds because of a tragic war or Revolution
*Rose and Pearl* : We are the crystal gems!
*Blue Diamond* : Lol nope.
Me: *watches this two years in the future*
Also me: *remembers Yellow destabilizing Yellow Zircon* ArE yOu QuEsTiOnInG mY aUtHoRiTy?!
Garnet is not a fusion of power, she is a fusion of love.
yea and it's lovely
more like a fusion of gayness
+ssgssj3 goku
And stronger than you
+leotamer5 👌🏻
+leotamer5 gems don't have gender they just use female pronouns
"Are the Diamonds as powerful as we think?"
*Current Year -* Uhhh, YEAH!
I guess
Steven is a diamond too🙂
anyone else notice the dimond shapes above the platform at 3:12? Notice how the PINK one is broke?
Garnet doesn't fuse for power... she fuses for LOVE
And for stargazing
AAAAAAAND for being a mum
whats dat mena?
+Unsubscribe This Channel [Kitsuneton] no
Cause she is made o-o-o-o-of lo-o-o-o-ove oh oh oh oh oh and it's stronger than them!
anyone notice than in their mural every diamond has a bunch of planets, but pink diamond only has one planet, which looks like earth to me. im guessing she was the newest diamond to be made, the least experienced... maybe thats why rose managed to shatter her.
You can also see the moon in the mural. It seems to be almost confirmed that Earth was Pink Diamond's first colony. I agree with you on her experience being what made her easier to shatter. It would also explain Yellow's very intense hatred of Earth. Pink was essentially her little sister. I can't even imagine what I'd wanna do to someone who hurt my little sis...
totally, id kill or die for mine.
Gotta love how even the villains get reasonable motivation for their actions. 1 dimensional villains can get boring.
well thats just speculation at this point, but yeah...
True, but even just being able to speculate extra depth is nice. I mean, we essentially have three main antagonists. It's my hope that they'll all have different motivations and such.
Your videos are great. No annoying over doing of anything just crystal clear and to the point. Don't ever change :D
Thanks for the compliment! It's funny because I put this video up about a day ago with 500 subs and now I have like 900! :O!!!
Grats on the thousand!!
+The Boss of 935 Thanks dude!
1 day later almost 2k im so proud of you i wish i could grow that easily :"D
+Baccamaster299 V2 Thank you! :)
I agree, but Blue Diamond probably didn't do anything because Sapphire already predicted what will happen and she already had a plan. Although it would be easier to just fight them herself (The Crystal Gems and Blue Diamond)
I wish i could time travel and tell him everything
But yellow diamonds power is turning into an angry giraffe
Uh oh, her neck is flying towards you
She must have ate the giraffe giraffe fruit kek
She must have ate diamond giraffe crap
Rose definitely wouldn't have shattered a defenseless gem
She was evil
No, she was a warrior fighting for freedom.Read some Michael Walzer, she was fighting a just war.
i think they were saying the diamond was evil
+Julian Franswaa "no such thing as a good war, kiddo"
Just isn't good, justice and morality are separate groups entirely in most cases. Doing what is correct, what must be done, is different from doing what is good. That is the separation between Rose and Steven. I can say for sure that she isn't evil because of her actions.
Blue Diamond noped the fuck out after she heard Rose's voice
Best comment!
True as fuck
+Boomage Storm yass ur picture 😂😂👌🏻👌🏻
holy crap. this guy went up 7,500 subs in 10 days? thats 1500% increase! good on you man, keep up the good work!
Thank you! :)
I noticed that too!
Probably subject matter
JJ G he just bought subs
in the murals it clearly shows all the diamonds surrounded by the planets they control, and it seems to go in order of white>yellow>blue>pink, with how many planets each has. Pink diamond only having earth, so what does this say about the hierarchy among the diamonds themselves? Why do all of blue diamonds planets have no moons?... and is the one large glowing planet held by white diamond meant to be home world?
Sammy Matyas Exactly my thought! I believe the diamonds might all be "sisters", with White Diamond being the eldest and Pink the youngest... furthermore, we know by yesterday's episode [I'm using this as a SPOILER ALERT, so do not go on if you haven't seen "That Will Be All" yet] that Blue is _far_ more sensitive/emotional than Yellow, and I assume that White Diamond is even _more_ decise than her; and Pink Diamond possibly more sensitive of all, since she kept a zoo for humans to be safe and prosper. And it's Diamonds who create gems, so Rose's healing powers might have been originated by her compassionate side (this would raise the question of why she has been shattered in the first place, but maybe the rebels were planning on destroying ALL the diamonds and started with the one they knew/could access best?).. well, these are my thoughts!
Have a great day :D
Sammy Matyas Oh, and if you look closely you can see that Pink Diamond is holding Earth _and_ its satellite, the Moon :D
Sammy Matyas
My personal theory is that when all 4 fused they could weave songs of destruction. Songs that could Shatter Gems. That's why pink diamond was killed. It crippled the diamonds ultimate weapon forever. Removing the ability to shatter other gems with ease. That's also why rose was able to survive the song of corruption: they couldn't shattered her sheild with one 3 in the Fusion. But with the song of corruption it is only strong enough to to shatter The Minds of Gems. I believe that all 4 were Royal Purple Diamond, the 3 fused were Black Diamond.
No one? Anyone?
That's one awesome theory and I can totally see that being true.
by shatter the minds of the gem do you mean corrupt them
Good idea. I dig it.
+Joanne Otineru I most certainly do! Thank you all for enjoying this. I had a dream about it which led me to this video. Also Drew a pic of what I thought all the diamonds looked like fused
I figured that Blue Diamond ran because if Rose could shatter Pink Diamond, Blue Diamond could be shattered as well.
+Juan Martín Ferreira No, the rebellion started when Rose shattered pink diamond
I believe this was very early in the rebellion, before Pink Diamond was shattered. There's proof that Pink diamond wasn't shattered until the middle of the rebellion, as one of the Rubies said that Jasper shattered 80 crystal Gems. This was probably very much increased from the actual thing, but she most likely shattered a lot of them. As pink diamond was her original diamond, it's impossible she followed Pink Diamond's orders after she was shattered.
pink diamond was shattered at this point in the rebellion because they were on earth and its been stated that blue diamond took over for pink diamond after she was shattered
Command Frog on the wikipedia page they talked about it and it also explains why the moon base belongs to white diamond now since it was once pink diamonds and pink diamonds colonies consisted of only earth and the moon
This video wasn't even made a week ago, and you skyrocketed from 500 to 3,000!
+LapisLazuli Hii
Make that 4,000 XD
Ninja Poptart Holy fuck
That was a fast reply XD
3:02 aight it's 2019 who is gonna tell him
I love your profile picture.
I don't know what your talking about ( starcasm)
When the diamonds fuse, I think they become the paragon diamond. 7 lions. 7 sided diamond with hints of pink, blue and yellow. The diamond is massive. There's got to be something there.
Why is it called "the gem empire" and not "the gempire"? Same question for the temple.
Yes 😂
+Stormy Clouds It's not a pun. It's a portmanteau.
+Stormy Clouds Dude. That was a joke...
when you try your best and you don't succeed'
shet tats wut I was tinking
Its crazy how four days ago you had 500 subs and now you have 4,000 btw i subscribed
Yeah it's crazy! Thank you btw! :)
+RocketBot and an hour later 4,100 crazy!
+yoon yeah!
4,409 to be exact!
+RocketBot omg your gaining subs fast
Blue diamond May of fled because she was scared of getting shattered like a certain other diamond.
you do know that pink diamond was shattered to end the war which means she was alive during the war which we can infer that pink diamond wasn't shattered yet because Garnet still wasn't fused
but she is still on the diamonds symbol
+Aaron Baffour no, shattering pink diamond triggered the start of the war
+Emre Kaya Look at the new episode Garnet specifically said shattering pink diamond was the only way to end the war and save Earth
+Music Foxx pink diamond isn't on the symbol
Note: the diamonds don't only appear as statues or in the entrance but also they are seen floating above the arena with Pink Diamond being shattered. (3:12)
i love the "thanks for 500 subs" lol
your videos are amazing, keep up the good work
I do think they gained more power from fusing, although I doubt their only power was by fusing. It wouldn't be unacceptable on homeworld if the Diamonds were to fuse, since they are all the same type of gem, and as we've seen with the Rubies, as long as there's a purpose, it's seen as acceptable.
They aren't quite same type, more like same category. It's like how there is more than one type of quartz. They're similar, but not the same.
+chairmandrek82 even so, I feel like it would be acceptable, and if it's not they would make it acceptable because they're the Diamonds and they choose what's acceptable and what's not
so 5 days ago he had his 500 sub special, today 3,500 Damn.
4,500 already, I guess everybody's watching SU videos after summer of Steven
5,408 now.
6,392 now
6631 now
Me: *intro appears* we are th...
Redbot: WHAT'S UP GUYS!!!!!!
Maybe the Diamonds had the ability to do something different, something that could've made them win the war, and without Pink Diamond, it ended up corrupting the gems instead of doing what it was supposed to.
My AU: the Diamonds were furious after Pink's shatter, so they all agreed to destroy earth so they all tempted to destroy earth once and for all. The Diamonds all put their hands as like this but their hands⬜️.
Rose used her big shield to protect garnet and pearl and herself. Most gems got corrupted after the attack. After the attack Amethyst came out. (I think) So yeah that's my AU.
thats litterally what happened in the show
"Thinks about him saying pink d"oh god that sounds wrong
Blue Diamond was scared because she knew Rose shattered a Pink D
+St.Stephen Gaming Maybe they told her
Or maybe because sapphire told her what would happen in the future so she didn't interfere and flee instead
yeah the homeworld gems are suppose to protect blue diamond from being shattered Rose Quartz
She fled the fight because she's to important and was also following saffires vision
Hm thats a very good awnser.
THANK YOU. Finally someone understands. 😥
Good theory, but from what we know fusion COMBINES the powers of gems, so getting power exclusively from fusion as you theorise makes no sense. Also, if they were only powerful as a fusion, wouldn't they want to be 'the diamond' or 'clear diamond' or whatever their fusion is all the time?
+Stormy Clouds Also good but I think Peridots reason would make more sense cause on almost all the episodes at the barn yard peridot kept on complaining about garnet being fused for no reason, so knowing this and what she said On the Log Date 7 15 2 that usually Gems only fuse for a specific task so we can assume
we have no knowledge of how the Diamonds interact with each other though, they could be a hive mind for all we know
They are no hive mind. The way yellow and blue acted shows it.
+Stormy Clouds first off, the ability gained in fusion is BASED on the gems, such as the case of fusion weapons, and they would at least stay together so they can fuse if nessecary. From what we've seen, the diamonds are individual, and having different colonies cements the fact that they work alone, but as equals
Tio Bridge
Another 1,000 in *1* day! Holy crap, man! Congrats!
I love how you're celebrating 500 subscribers in this video yet at the time I'm commenting you have OVER 9000. xD Great job.
You made an error, fusion isn't frowned upon as the ruby's do it often, every gem on homeworld already knows that fusion makes gems stronger. What they dislike however is when different gems do it, and in their eye's creates an ugly beast. So the reason the diamonds are worshiped is becuase when they fuse, out of every other gem they are the stongest. However you're theory still may hold truth as we do not know if different colored diamonds are allowed to fuse without being looked down upon. If that is true, they would likely create propaganda. Good video though.
He meant fusion of difrent gem types
Well, it seems that unless it's the exact same gem, like a few rubies, it's friends upon. We never saw, for example, two different gems that were both quartzes fuse pre garnet. I think the diamonds fusing would still be friends upon. Worst case senario, the gems revolt against the diamonds for fusing.
Auto correct just turned frowned into friends.
Well they are different types of diamond, so maybe it will be frowned upon, but it wouldn't matter, they are still the strongest, nothing people can do about it
Illya chan
Clearly, he only mentions "fusion" and not "fusion of different types of Gems", which is different. Gem fusion of the same type is allowed and only seen as a tool for battle as shown by the various rubies that have been shown to fuse; Jasper on the hand wasn't a fan because Jasper only saw 'her'self as more than capable on her own and fusion was just a "cheap trick".
You have to look at the properties of a diamond first before making the assumption that the diamonds have no power unless they fuse.
I found this and I thought it was interesting and I will point out why after you guys read it:
In addition to its spiritual power, Diamond has an unconquerable hardness and has been known since antiquity as a “Stone of Invincibility,” bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its properties of protection. It is a symbol of wealth and manifesting abundance in one’s life, an amplifier of energies, goals and intent, and is highly effective in magnifying the vibrations of other crystals for healing. It is particularly beneficial set in gold and worn on the left arm
Okay, when it said protection, I immediately thought of defense. Which can also link to why Rose Quartz only has a shield (Pink Diamond and Rose are the same in my opinion) maybe the diamonds have more defensive weapons that offensive. Which is why they flee or have no true involvement in the war besides that beam of light that happened. Which is also part of what I found on a website about diamonds.
Another description: Perfect in structure, Diamond is referred to as the “king of gems,” unique in its powers of light reflection and dispersion, and the hardest natural substance known. Composed of pure carbon, the foundational element of life, it is the one and only “10” on the hardness scale, crystallized deep in the earth’s mantle under intense heat and pressure. Its name is derived from the Greek adamas, meaning “indomitable,” “unbreakable,” or “untamable,” and diaphanus, meaning “transparent.
Light and reflection, also a clue to what the diamonds are able to do, just because we haven't see them directly do it, doesn't mean they can't do it. Unbreakable is also a word that stands out, that's what makes me question how could Rose crack a diamond? It's not possible unless she did use that weapon Bismuth gave her, which she stood completely against.
The diamonds are strong and do have powers on their own I believe and I also believe Rose is Pink Diamond. Rose has too many secrets that are being revealed to us right now and this could be one of them.
I agree in the Bismuth part
rose isn't pink diamond, oh my fucking god. why can't you get it through your thick skulls?
I think it is more likely that Yellow Diamond shattered Pink Diamond, either intentional or unintentionally.
Were you paying attention to the new episodes? *ROSE QUARTZ SHATTERED PINK DIAMOND*
Sarah Neal Were you paying attention at all through the show?
i think yellow diamonds weapon is her helmet like jasper but instead yellow diamond keeps it on incase she is threatened to be shattered lkke pink diamond
mynameshabz and blue diamond's power is depression
mynameshabz nah I think she's just bald and doesn't wanna show anyone😂😂
Don’t think so i from future (2019) XD she got no helmet it her hair ;-; sorry.... I go now.....
Amazing points. Never thought.
Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond!!!Pearl revealed that secret to the crystal gems already....
Lol you're severely underestimating the Diamonds. They're freaking diamonds, the highest gem of all. There are plenty of Movies, Cartoons, anime etc that depict the leader as someone not doing the Grunt work of a foot soldier. It's ridiculous that you down play them so much. Why would the superior gems lift a finger for the job of Rubies and Quartz?
They obviously have strong special abilities. Does Yellow Diamond look vulnerable to you? They all have their own powers. Just like Lapis, who isn't even a Diamond, has the power to take the Ocean away..
But then if the diamonds are so strong how did Rose shatter pink diamond?
+kobi trace strategy?
Not only what Darnel said, but if the theory of this video is true, then Pink Diamond didn't have the other diamonds around to fuse with for power.
Diamonds can actually be shattered with a hammer
+kobi trace my theory is that Bismuth gave Rose 'the breaking point' during the battle and rose didn't know what is was. The breaking point is the ultimate weapon and only needs one jab to shatter ANYTHING... that what I think
If the diamonds have no power on their own, the crystal gems can just go to homeworld right now, pop them, then bubble 'em.
Case in point, PINK FREAKIN' DIAMOND!!! Rose herself was able to beat her singlehanded, so the gems can take on the diamonds one by one.
They'd be outnumbered.
With the amount of gems on Homeworld, they'd be outbumbered. Even if this theory is true, its highly unlikey that they'd just pop Homeworld right in the face.
My opinion, not yours. Sooooooooooooo back off.
+Nickle Guy Looks like you can't take facts :3
my theory is that four diamond were able to fully destroy a planet , but when pink diamond got shattered they were only able to damage earth's gems which caused them to corrupt
That could be true! That could be why the Diamonds declared all out war on Rose because they lost someone not just important to them but essential to their power! :)
+RocketBot Just saying that the diamonds have to be careful around rebellious acts, because everything we have seen is after the great gem war. when pink diamond was shattered.
I love that!
That fusion of the diamonds would be the *BOMB*
at the battle arena when it showed the staires look at the top left. The pink one is SHATTERED!
did anyone els notice the fore floating dimonds above the colaceam and the pink one was shatterd
no offence but its obvious
Okay. I think this theory is sort of off. Because they don't think of a single paradot as a threat. Also when blue diamond ran that's normally what happens to Kings or Queens when they're under attack. And on the matter of gem fusion; same gem fusion is very common, as seen with the rubies, it's different gem fusions that are frowned upon (it is possible that it is frowned upon because of the Crystal Gems using different gem fusions and he Diamonds don't want anyone to be like them. So that's maybe why when Ruby and Sapphire fused there was a huge fit.) One last thing, on the subject of Rose shattering Pink Diamond... I don't think she did it, I think she poofed Pink Diamond and bubbled her (and to why Steven hasn't noticed/seen Pink Diamond's gem, he didn't notice/see Bismuth's gem in Lion's mane for a long time until he fell on it and accidentally popped the bubble. So either he just hasn't seen it, it's not by tree, or not in lions mane at all)
then later on shattered something that looked like Pink Diamond's gem in front of a crowd of other gems(to trick them into believing that she shattered Pink Diamond). Now here's the reason why I think Rose didn't shatter Pink Diamond; every one always says how much Steven is like his mother, well that's because he is his mother, Steven would never shatter a fellow gem so that leads me to believe that Rose wouldn't either. Another thing is the only weapon we have seen that the Crystal Gems have (to our current knowledge) that can shatter gems is the one under Bismuth's armory and Rose refused to use it and to "Rose took it then returned it" she couldn't have Bismuth was bubbled and I'm sure that to get into a gem's room you have to be that gem, and even if Rose could get in I'm sure that Bismuth would have noticed that stuff had been moved. So with out the gem shattering weapon the only weapon that Rose has ever been seen to have is her sword, which can't shatter gems only cut -
Through physical forms.
Well... At least that's just my two cents.
Actually given the last 2 weeks it's becoming pretty solid that Steven is -quoting Bismuth - already better than her, meaning Steven takes decisions Rose wouldn't have as we're slowly learning Rose was actually quite a shady character and Steven doesn't seem to agree on her methods.
Rose IS part of Steven but not the other way round, Steven is his own identity. His whole dilemma lately is that he ISN'T Rose Quartz, and at this point I think he doesn't even want to be [like] her.
Let me get this out of the way rose is nothing like Steven i think Steven more kind and understanding then rose was so who knows What rose did.
if she did just bubble pink diamond, then maybe she kept it in one of her other lions? it was confirmed in the most recent episode that rose had seven other lions, not counting the one we already know. maybe those lions have the same ability to hide things inside themselves?
I have a theory! That fusion gems exist without fusion!
Like you would find a smaller garnet walking around homeworld. How else would they know names of fusions?
I also back this up as homeworld dislikes fusion, this adds another reason to that as it would get confusing
Smoky Quartz wasn't sure what her own name was.
"I think a Rose Quartz and an Amethyst make a...
*_sudden yoyo!_*
Smokey Quartz."
Jeffrey Stanley Well that's because they're both not from homeworld. so they would not of met a normal smokey quartz
Aiden Ocelot Rose Quartz came from Homeworld I believe.
Jeffrey Stanley Steven does not have rose's memories
Aiden Ocelot And? He has her gemstone.
steven said a song but what song??? 0:48
It's nice to watch this video after the end of the show.
There are a lot of things that are still good theories but the diamonds are fucking powerful now
Pink is rose CONFERMD i mest up on that las word
Personally, I believe the Diamonds hate fusion of two different types of gems BECAUSE they will (possible) form a fusion that is powerful than them all and throw their authority out of balance, so they make it seem as if it's a bad thing. And as for Pink Diamond, she (there's a slight possible) was much like Rose - cared about the humans and Earth (probably the reason why she keep humans at the zoo.) And Rose could've taken Pink Diamonds intentions like the other diamonds (to take over Earth) and possibly shattered her (though Diamonds cannot be shattered). But then, that's just my opinion :)
Credit for the thumbnail? That was fanart from a video I watched here on TH-cam.
Oh crud I forgot to, I'll go and fix it! Do you know the artist?
+RocketBot leoporeado kill
+Nyminx Chara leopereador kill
+Nyminx Chara Ok!
you're fusion idea was wrong if no one told you they don't frown on fusion of the same gem as the story originally says they allow all gems of same type to exist but if different gems fuse it's saw as wrong and i don't think the 4 combined corrupt since pink wasn't there and even more the creator of the steven universe has never shown gems with placement in same spot to ever fuse but i will admit the sound made is interesting in technical terms what happened would be known as sonic resonance which is the idea all things have a set frequency and with that is produced it can mess with the very make up of that thing tearing it apart at it's basic construction.
You know this really does make sense when you think about it.
Jesus, so in less than a month you went from 500 subs to 11k
I actually think Yellow Diamond shattered Pink Diamond. Then left the shards so Rose could take the blame.
no no no no no
That was my idea at first, but i believe that has been disproven
+kyuuibi rasagen Disproven? By who? Ruby? Garnet?
In writing, there's a thing called a delayed climax (idr the original name) where a character arrives late to an event and sees a different outcome.
For example:
Person A tries to kill Person B. Person B takes the knife away from Person A. Person C comes in and sees Person B holding the knife, thinking they were trying to kill Person A.
You mean like if YD was trying to kill Rose, plan backfires and somehow PD was killed YD blames Rose
You people don't know how an empire or kingdom works! When attacked the most important person is sent away for safety putting away the fact if he/she could defeat the attackers or not!
That's true, if Blue Dimond was that important(Which she was), then her followers would want to keep her safe and away from the fight
We've seen all of them now
i love your videos they intrest me alot keep it going😎😎
the best theory I heard so far this is the only theory where I was like omg keep talking the rest I'll just be like stfu already and change to a different video
RocketBot you just got a sub
i wonder if blue and yellow diamond fuse do they just go by the name green diamond
That would be amazing 😂😂😂😂
and green and pink diamond create brown diamond :3
and blue, yellow and white will make #AABC8E diamond =D
***** #BF8D95 =3
+Jibber Jabber pink diamond is dead
wait when was white diamond confirmed???
Mercury Black white diamond is real .3.
Mercury Black the name isn't though. It's never been said in the show. She might have a different name.
White, Yellow, Blue -and Pink.-
Here's a question why was white diamond at earth her planet was the farthest away from earth and white diamond has been proven to hate pink
I really like this theory. I have also wondered why the Diamonds don't just kill each other. Plus, in the real world, diamonds are hyped as the ultimate expression of love and rarity, when in fact, they're pretty worthless as rings.
That makes a lot of since, except one thing. Rather than fusing to currupt the gyms, I think their power is to transform and boost the gyms' power. They just can't controll it anymore without Pink Diamond (who would have likely been shattered before the curruption) so now all they get is chaos.
I don't think so. Because it seems that each diamond was created at different times. If they were created at the same time then pink diamond would have more colonies then she did. She seems to be recently made ( recent as in b4 the war) as by the image of her in the moon base she only has 2 colonies and one is earth or at least it was going to be hers.
I believe white diamond was made first that's why she is the leader of the diamonds, then yellow diamond then blue diamond soon after.
Just because she has less colonies does not necessarily mean she was made more recently. It's entirely possible she didn't care to have colonies or served a slightly different function than other diamonds. But until actual proof is shown in the show, we can't be sure.
Yeah, White Diamond had a ton and the one in her hands most likely homeworld.
maybe they are put by grade,white diamond being the leader and then like in army,the rest would have a different grade
+Beni Hotoi the diamonds on the diamond authority symbol including pink diamond are relative to each of the diamonds gem placements. white Diamond on her head, both yellow and blue's are on their chests, and pink diamond had hers on her belly.
We haveno idea what kind a weapon or power did the diamonds + i think the pink diomone is rose just look the the belly rose had it too pls reply me
Why would Rose shatter herself? And even if she did how would Steven be born, and how is his gemstone - which is a ROSE QUARTZ! - in one piece?
Looks like you were right a year before the big reveal :D
NeonRaeon Yep.
I thought this too before the big reveal .-.
@@deffdefying4803 well...looking at it now...shes right😂
1 day ago- 500 subs
Today- 1,000+ subs
(I guess it makes sense with good content)
Haha i know it's crazy! Thank you for watching and all that! :)
all you have to do is make decent videos on trending topics, lol
and today 3K+
Today 7K+
I like the idea that they aren't a bunch of big boss monsters.
This is a GREAT theory!!
Sorry this was debunked in the trial
If they fused they would be too big
Yusuf Khoja they would be so tall that theyre out of the atmosphere
Yusuf Khoja OMG
Dharma Fathahillah to the brink of the expanding universe
I was looking for this comment XD
Blue and yellow diamond gems are in the same place so they Can't fuse
I can tell in the future paradot is going to fuse with pearl and one will smash
1. they CAN fuse the placement just will be a little off
2. according to you, they cant fuse because the have the same gem placement .-.
Although their gems are in the same place, they still can fuse! the placing will just be different, and it's not paradot, it's PERIDOT!
Although their gems are in the same place, they still can fuse! the placing will just be different, and it's not paradot, it's PERIDOT!
There will be a big size or shape difference so one may be above the other or they will be side by side
This actually makes a lot of sense.
Though, I think that in order to found the Gem Empire, the Diamonds would need to be capable of more than just corrupting others, whether that was lost with Pink is up for debate.
It's entirely possible that they are capable of doing more with just the three of them but it would still require them being in the same place and of the same mindset which would be easy during the Gem war since 'they just killed one of us, let's nuke them', and from what little we've seen Blue and Yellow are of differing temperaments
in fact, given the position of her mural it seems that Pink might have been the most active of the Diamonds and thus the one who worked to keep the others together so they might not be able to fuse any more
My theory is: if they Fused, they could be black diamomd, as its on the gemstones table, and also the black lines that run through their symbol, as in the thumbnail. Could their be a black diamond, or even a fusion of all pearls to make a black Pearl? Guess we'll have to find out. Hopefully people like snowflake obsidian come back, or some of the rose quartzes are saved by the crystal gems. Who else finds that something to look forward to? If it is in there then, could jasper and other bad gems actually be brainwashed? Like they could join the crystal gems, or even peridot and steven gain more powers. Id love to see that.
get up to date blue is sadness and yellow is lightning
What if, just stick with me what if Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond Are WHITE DIAMOND??, Just stick with me now, I theorized this because Do you ever see White Diamond, no? so Possibly just possibly Blue Diamond And Yellow Diamond fuse to become White diamond?
Roblox Gamer while unlikely, it might be possible.
_Considering their colors they possibly wouldn't be able to make a white or clear diamond. They would make a green diamond. possibly due to yellow diamond's commanding relationship over blue diamond. There could possibly be a change in color. It seems highly unlikely though_
Blue and yellow colors combines
The new color becomes green
If Blue Diamond And Yellow Diamond fused the fusion's name would be green diamond
Roblox Gamer and the Diamond is in the wrong place yellow and blue is in the chest white is in the head
impossible in a flashback in jungle moon all 3 are shown
Yea that theory is pretty spot on it makes perfect sense
Your theory makes a lot of sense, however I think that individually the diamonds still have the power to corrupt gems, but on a much smaller scale.
Yellow diamond actually has a terrifying power in the newest episode. Blue diamond can actually be threatening and scary.
And they have Blaster's that shoot's a power blast out of their hand
1: add dank memes
2: have no animation errors
3: have great voice actors\ actress
That's all...
Diamonds are powerful but their valuable
Just a note. Fusion isn't frowned upon in Gem Society, only when it's gems of different types that fuse together. We've seen groups of Rubies fuse together to make one giant Ruby, and that's fine with Gem Society.
If you pause by the ruins, (or if you can see it fast enough), you can see that the pink gem by the top is destroyed.
Blue Diamond probably thought it was unnecessary to fight as Sapphire described that the rebellion will inevitably lose.
You got more than 10,000 subs in a MONTH
"Fusion is a trick to make weak gems stronger." - Jasper
"They'd never seen fusion of two different kinds of gems." - Garnet.
You may be right about the diamonds being weak on their own. Though fusion of the same gem is not frowned upon.
as above, so below ~ all power comes from within
One idea that i have is that if they were a fusion, or if it was just a combination of their powers, then it's possible that the intent of fhe song might not have been to corrupt the gems on Earth, it may just have been that if was unstable without Pink Diamond as part of it.
My theory - all four diamonds together could yield a weapon that would lead to total annihilation. But with only three of the four fusing, it lead to the unexpected deal of corrupting gems only.
White:mind control
This is the best theory I ever heard
The part about how Blue Diamond flees from the scene might not be because she couldn't do anything.
For example, if a group of rebels attack a gathering where the King/Queen is present, the King/Queen wouldn't be the one doing the fighting even if they are capable of fighting.
Plot Twist... All the diamond's fused together lets their neck stretch forever
I always figured the diamonds weren't actually powerful, and we're simply the ones who command homeworld.
I love the thumbnail
This might not end up being a big deal, but if you pause at 3:27 and look at all the Diamond's Murals, the first thing i noticed was the orbs behind their heads. And if you look Pink Diamond clearly has the biggest by quite a lot, while White Diamond's, Blue Diamonds, and Yellow Diamond's orbs are smaller (in that order) and to me this would make more sense for the Diamond Hiarcy, than the positions of the Diamond's Gems, because Blue, and Yellow would be equals. And out of the 4 diamonds, Pink is the rarest and genuinely the most expensive. And out of the four poses the Diamonds are making in their murals, you can tell right away that White, Yellow, and Blue all look similar, while Pink Diamond's pose (in my opinion) is much more majestic or extravagant than the other 3.
Ive actually also heard that if you look at Yellow Diamond, she is holding two Stars, does that mean she actually controls two whole Solar Systems?
You spoke what I thought exactly. That's why the Diamonds and other home world gems dislike like or show hatred for fusions the Diamonds told them that fusions were bad and disgusting because they know what a fusion could do a fusion could bring power to whoever used it and Rose knew this and used it there temple is seen a fusion and we see how malachite and garnet are a lot more power together than separated even Jasper tries to use fusion because she sees what it can do. The Diamonds lie about it because they know what it can do and to keep other gems from seeing this they say it's disgusting and basically out law it.
at 3:23 what if those are diamonds but we dont know about and blue,yellow,white,and pink(who is shattered) are the lasts diamonds because of a tragic war or Revolution