@@mrfrogkingg If people asked "Where were the signs?" we've got several videos throughout the years to present. We have it locked down. And I still say Angela needs to react to at least one old Shourtney compilation, judging from her tearful reaction to their audition story.
@@mrfrogkingg She really would! And it'd be interesting to see them read the years old comments. Seeing the shippers, non-shippers, and the "they're giving me sibling vibes"
I know they will probably never get together but the chemistry they have is undeniable and they are so cute together though I completely understand they probably get that a lot
Anyone else watched Courtney, Ian and Damien take Smosh quizzes? Courtney got Shayne 3 times in a row She took The Who’s your Smosh bf quiz and she god shayne
5:01 the most awkward moment for Courtney And also honestly I don’t want them to start dating or anything I think it would ruin their beautiful friendship.
Ha. HOLLLLYYYY SHIT DEFINITELY NOT! I think a better question would be who does not mf'in ship them. I feel like everyone except me ships them. I don't ship any of them idk why they cant just be friends without having their friendships ruined by people pressuring them to look at each other as anything but friends.
The person who made these must be feeling so validated right now
the way i didnt even see how old it was and just assumed someone had gone back and seen all the moments, aww
Courtney- *trys to kill Shane*
Fandom- aww so cute
Yeah it’s like shipping a guy with a his robber it make no sense
It’s like how 7th graders flirt
He got so flustered when she said babe 😂😂
Maya Altmann when?
Itzlucy x 5:00
Courtney said it so smooth too!
Boy, are you in for a shock 6 years later.....
lmaoo *shayne touches courtney*
Literally every shipper ever
But Shayne married
Llimade wait what?!!
Llimade no he's not he's single
I dont ship
When Courtney called Shayne babe OMG
Yeh ikr that was so cute
I read this when she said that
What video was that
When Courtney accidentally said “babe” to Shane, she looked so embarrassed and Shane was speechless
"No go ahead babe" 😂😂😂❤❤❤
erm4gundr please stop
@@miliardov5558 no u
What time
Miss Slappy 5:00
Time stamp!!
The tectonic plate joke legitimately made me laugh.
Septiceye! At the disco Same
Everyone who didn't get the joke: "Wow. What a fucking nerd."
"Did you wanna go first?" "No go 'head babe" "I- *head tilt*"
@@wonkersmonkers u'll find it if you watch the video
The way Courtney laughed after
@@wonkersmonkers 5:00
When the ship name has ‘shart’ in it, u know it’s a winner
i agree 😂😂🤣
I was drinking a sprite when I saw this and now I have sprite coming outta my nose
Finally someone who notices 😂
You know we are of to a good start
5:00 Fanfic writers are quaking
5:00 Shayne.exe has stopped working 😂😂
when Courtney said babe to Shane lol
8:50 so adorable that lazercorn and Shayne was so excited to have Courtney together in their group
I have a feeling that both Shayne and Courtney would feel uncomfortable watching this.
i don’t see why, it’s all things they’ve done and the video isn’t like “they’re so in love omg” it’s literally just clips of them doing things
Wouldn't you
Lol they already read a fanfiction about them in love (idk the name of video). XD
hahahaha who fricking cares
4:23 Sooooo Cute!!!
Awwwee Shayne got so flustered at 5:00 when Courtney said “babe”
okay when shayne “caught” courtney when she almost fell actually was adorable 😭😭 and when she called him babe he was blushing like sjskskksdk
I'm slowly accumulating a brain tumor from people like you
Same llimade
You can tell just from that they want to be more than friends or best friends XD
is that brendon urie I see?
Oh boy! Oh Boy!
My new past time is looking up years old Shourtney compilations and reading the comments.
4 months later, I'm still doing it!
If people asked "Where were the signs?" we've got several videos throughout the years to present. We have it locked down.
And I still say Angela needs to react to at least one old Shourtney compilation, judging from her tearful reaction to their audition story.
@@jocosesonata she is all of us, and I'd be delighted to see her melt at the comps
She really would!
And it'd be interesting to see them read the years old comments. Seeing the shippers, non-shippers, and the "they're giving me sibling vibes"
the internet is happy today❤
4:58 “Go head babe”
Here after their marriage announcement, so happy for them
They would make the best couple
SJ Shayne married lmao
SJ nah it’s definitely #Courtivia
@@miliardov5558 no he's not lmao
That1Boi Courtney explained that n smosh cast she has no real romantic feelings for olivia.
@@miliardov5558 stop spreading rumors
Now they're cute together, LEGALLY!! 🫶
No go ahead babe. Shane: ( ゚,_ゝ゚)
This aged beautifully, they're married
5:03 is my favourite moment ever
Sofia-Rose Gionomo your picture is very beautiful. Just thought I let you know.
1:10 to be honest, Nick looked *really* into that joke.
Just me?
Hana I feel like he was trying to make sure it made sense.
Here for the ship name haha.
I just realized that courtneys hair used to look like taylor swifts hair
Alanna Williams the big mouth challenge is a spitting image 😂
Anyone else here during Schrödinger’s Pit 2024?
"Go ahead babe"
*Nervous Laughter*
Shartney moments❤❤❤
*Courtney threatens Shayne with a knife.*
I know they will probably never get together but the chemistry they have is undeniable and they are so cute together though I completely understand they probably get that a lot
They are dating now
@@13matjimare they actually???
@@13matjim...is this true?
Anyone else watched Courtney, Ian and Damien take Smosh quizzes?
Courtney got Shayne 3 times in a row
She took The Who’s your Smosh bf quiz and she god shayne
Lmao it was destined
She called him BABE o fa live?!? its confirmed
It is
At 6:54 I thought something was going on with my phone
useless corner of internet Naomi? Maybe... nvm if you aren’t
The only real shartney moment is at 5:00 *purely* because of Shayne’s flustered reaction.
Also. Love this video ☺️♥️✨
5:00 "no go ahead babe"I DIED HAHAHAHSH
And now they're married for real❤😂😂😂
they’re such great friends!
Out of all the names shartney 😂 I love it so much
Smosh's two golden retrievers:)
5:00 my heart the way Shane’s face looked
5:01 the most awkward moment for Courtney
And also honestly I don’t want them to start dating or anything I think it would ruin their beautiful friendship.
@@emilymarie6500 dude if anything your making yourself look like a "stupid person" ,you're being super hypocritical by telling them to die
If they were to break up it would make things very awkward between them.
So abt that
Shayne: Hey Courtney, Guess What?
Courtney: What?
Shane: You're my favorite Pizza place!
In the end love wins…❤
Courtney: go ahead babe
Everyone watching the video: SHARTNEY CONFIRMED OMFG SKFJSKFKD 😂
5:00 “ no go ahead *babe* “
Shayne got so flustered 😂
OMG go ahead babe??.?
courtney: olivia are you there? *makes kissy face and starts to walk towards shayne*
olivia: yeah keep going to the left
even olivia ships it.
Oof I’m Bree wait where?
What has smosh gotten it self in to
Edit: 9:47 real shit
9:48 This part is literally me!!!
let the fan fiction begin
Glad to know any interaction between them at all is actually romantic
Definition of cute
4:24 Awww shane
What Courtney drunk at 0:54 I’m being serous ?
Brooklyn's Drawings no. She was nervous
I love their friendship so much!!!
Shartney has to be one of the most unfortunate ship names ever 😭😭😭
I ship it like if you agree
ItzMeAnaily YT I ship Courtney and Olivia tbh
When the tab went away, I swipped it away at the same time 😂
I thought I was the only one who shipped themmmm 😭😂❤️
Ha. HOLLLLYYYY SHIT DEFINITELY NOT! I think a better question would be who does not mf'in ship them. I feel like everyone except me ships them. I don't ship any of them idk why they cant just be friends without having their friendships ruined by people pressuring them to look at each other as anything but friends.
8:31 when Olivia runs away 😂😂😂
This is why I want them to date they are made for eachother and hilarious
I love u for this 😂
HELP this was the very first vid I watched of them in 2019 and now they're married
And now they're MARRIEDDDD
I like that the whole crew acts like siblings 😂
I normally don’t ship people, I mean I ship tv show characters and stuff, but they are an exception💕
Shaynes head looks photoshopped in this bit 🤣🤣🤣 2:22
Aw shayne guessed the
same clothes with courtney
"Go ahead babe"
Awee my heart
they are my otp. shourtney is endgame
I was waiting for aaa looonnggg time for someone to do this..thank you
Where is 5:07 from?
is a video from smosh games alliance, where Shayne and Courtney play Mario Kart 8.
Yesssssss this has been my ship for a long time and flitz and boze aswell My FRIKIN SHIP HAS SAILED
3:41 the cup made me wheeze
Can you do a compilation of Courtney puns on Smosh lab
The “go ahead babe” one had my soul leave me
well well well
wow i love this please make a part 3 xxx
The creator of this video: why is this getting more views now?
I loved it when Courtney called Shane Bebe 🥰😂
You cant spell Shartney without Shart.
Shane is hypnotized for 0.5 seconds at 2:40
I have discovered that you can take any two people from Smosh that happen to be in the same clip and turn it into a shipping compilation.
The ship has sailed
Omg we need a part 2 pls
Ok they are so cuteee
TH-cam is so wrong for recommending me this
My gosh. They look soooo lovely together