Cara bagi kesedaran penyampaian yang tinggi pada manusia,Dunia Masih ada harapan lagi Alhamdulillah.semoga 1 Dunia setiap negara menyedari Dan terima mesej Islam ke atas dirinya Ameen.we always sucsees
May allah SWT grant Ahmed deedat a place in Jannat al Firdous.. you have inspired me sooo much .. I thank allah SWT for everything he has ever given me or may no have
@@tabishiqbal4647 & proud to be Muslim OK but there is NO proud 2 B Arabic ( or English or Tamil or else etc) as every language/ culture is having its own specialities, neither superior nor inferior by worldly means and by prophet Hadeeths means):
@@AnasAnas-ei1qk nope not agree with the first sentence of yours, proud is the language of Pagen which they used to be "proud" of their forefathers' religion this fake "proud" prevented them from being guided, even at the times when the prophet was given dawah of islam.they can see the prophet with there eyes but still they were misguided, all because of this fake proud, we should be thankful to Allah s.w.t all the time ..
Ya Allah, bless & reward Allahyarham Syeikh Ahmed Deedat Jannah. Guide & protect us from mislead of the straight path. Isthiqomah in against Satan + crews. Aamiin Ya Rabb. 🇲🇾🤝💕
What a great personality in Islamic world was mr Ahmed Deedad All the Islamic universities of this world to gether will not produce a single Islamic preacher like Mr Ahmed Deedad nor DR ZAKIR NAEK ...ALLAHAS PEACE AND MERCY ON BOTH..AMEEN...
What a great explanation comparing these Bibles with a Qurran....The Qurran is a miracle of miracles QURRAN IS THE ONLY HOLY BOOK WHICH HAVE ITS CONTENTS IN.3 TENSES 1 .PASTENSE 2.PRESENTENSE AND 3..FUTURETENSE WE FIND NO OTHER BOOK LIKE QURRAN IN THIS REPRENTATION ..
Simple question: If you found a watch in the desert, would you assume it to be someone's property, or that it just magically appeared there? The idea that it just fell from the sky is crazy. How could a sophisticated object like a watch just appear to the desert. But nowadays when we talk about the whole universe, it's only sane to believe it came to existence by itself. How could this beautiful and complicated universe just come to existence by chance and no design? Who's crazy me or you?
All who deny, blaspheme, ridicule, scoff and mock islam, the time is coming when you will stand before the all living everlasting majestic Creator ALLAH. YOU will know the truth!!!!! But by then you're already doomed.
The World Has Seen Many Geniuses Who Had No Record Of Schooling Yet They Have Been Considered Great Because Of Their Work. Many Celebrated Poets Have No Record Of Their Schooling. Lalent And Gift Were The Attributes Which Made Them Geniuses Without Any Record Of Their Schooling. Examples Are Galore. Education Is Not A Requirment To Be Genius 😊👍
bible says Luke 19:27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'" Ezekiel 9:6 "Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women . . . " Isaiah 13:16 "Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." Deuteronomy 13:15 "Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly . . . "
Muhammad andAhmed deedat is now living in hell begging for helped that was my worst dream i'll ever had in my life...i'm a former muslim and thats the reason why i left islam when i saw ahmed deedat in hell ...
then the angel continued, "it was the reflection of your god over the mountain, do you think would human be able to stand his presence?".. if you assume for a moment that there is a creator of this endless universe, do you think would human brain be able persuade it as it is?" my logic says no..
Very nicely explained! I would like to know the true meaning of " kafir'. Different views are forwarded against this word. Please clarify it and obliged me.
تبارك الله احسن الخالقين جزاكم الله خيرا ًقل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد صدق الله العظيم اللهم اهدنا واهد بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين وان هذه امتكم امة واحدة وانا ربكم فاعبدون صدق الله العظيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضاء نفسه ومداد كلماته وزنة عرشه وعدد ما اثنيت على نفسك سبحانك لا شريك لك لا نحصي ثناءً عليك سبحانك لا شريك لك انت كما اثنيت على نفسك فانت الاول وانت الاخر وانت الظاهر وانت الباطن وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك العزيز الجبار المنتقم المتكبر المهيمن الذي ليس كمثله شيء وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك المنزه عن كل نقص وسوء وشر وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك على كل شيء قدير صدق الله العظيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم والحمد لله رب العالمين
@godwithin060988 , by the way, how about when a person does a sin while knowing that the thing he is doing is wrong? FYI, Allah is an avenger means He avenges what every people did no matter what kind of action they do, whether its good or bad. every single act they do, would be avenged as what they deserve to have referring on their choices of life.
@Udilz Notice that Jesus was quoting the first commandment from the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Jesus confirmed not only that this commandment is still valid, but also that it is the most important of all the commandments. If Jesus thought that he himself is God, why did not he say so? Instead, he stressed that God is one.
@godwithin060988 other comment looks like it needs a therapist not me Iam a pharmacist . :D though I agree with u at some point but can u tell me how can an illeterate enumerate & name 100 different names for god ? that is astonishing when someone don't know the meaning of the words yet he's still saying it. Is it haphazardly said? No, if he was a learned man or at least used to know how to say poem at has time it would've ,make sense. But he wan't so these names were revealed not made. :) cont
Whether or not a god exists is an intirely different argument from the issue on WHICH god (or religion) is the right one. Lets assume Science does find out that there is a God and that they are able to prove it to anyone, what makes you think that that God will be allah? What if that God does not reflect the god of religion in any way, ever thought about that?
@Udilz The man who questioned Jesus understood this, and what the man says next makes it clear that God is not Jesus, for he said to Jesus: “‘Well said, teacher,’ the man replied. ‘You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him.’” (Mark 12:32).
according to Islam, it is "human" who needs to worship, not the creator to be worshipped..if you just think calmly for a moment, some people even worship in cows, some statues, the sun and etc.. which shows us how the human nature is starving for a belief and cant really stay calm without it.. How a person can believe that he will not exist anymore after his death? But dont consider this as a reason that man has created the god..surely, god created his creation with this inherent need..
@mnm232010 (3rd reply) 5 names of allah that contradict each other. "Al-Muntaqim" "Al-Waliyy" "Al-Gafur" "Al-Hakam" "AL-Alim". Somebody hurts another person, what is allah going to do? Keep in mind that God does NOT act like a Human because god is not a human, othervise that would prove that jesus was god, god can not be loving today and judging tomorrow because that is a HUMAN act. God is all attributes at the SAME time, for example, he is all-seeing and all-hearing at the same time.
@mnm232010 About the "offer", i said i would only go to personal mail on TH-cam, not on facebook or Yahoo. And please enlighten me about love, lets see what the quran or you have to say about Love. (Look down for the other comment)
@godwithin060988 the son isnt only refferd to jesus pbuh in the bible many others have been called sons. you bieleve in a man-god. we say he is the messenger of God. there isnt any error or contradiction in the Quran infact it challenges yu to find it. the bible however is full of errors and dont question it. you said an attribute as to avenger was in the Quran wouldyou please give me reffrence. so i can check it myself.
@Udilz Al-Gafur = The Forgiver, Al-Muntaqim = The Avenger, As-Salam = The All-Peacefull, Al-Muhaymin = The Protector. 1st Contradiction, How can allah be "The Forgiver" while being "The Avenger"? 2nd, Muhammad ayah 36: "The life of this world is but play and pastime, but if you believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), and fear Allah, and avoid evil,...." How can one FEAR allah if allah is "the protector" and "the all-peacefull"? It is human nature to HATE that which we FEAR.
MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN "Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who created Mary? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian: Jesus Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who is his father? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God. Christian : Yes Muslim : Jesus died on the cross? Christian : Yes Muslim : Who resurrected him? Christian : God. Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger. Christian : Yes Muslim : Who sent him? Christian : God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth. Christian: Yes Muslim: Whom did he worship? Christian: God. Muslim : Who is God? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Did God have a beginning? Christian : No Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC? Christian : Jesus. Muslim : Is Jesus God. Christian : Yes Muslim : Where's God? Christian : In Heaven. Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven? Christian : Only one God. Muslim : Where's Jesus? Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father. Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven? Christian : Only one God. Muslim : Then how many seats? Christian : One Muslim : Where's Jesus? Christian: Seated next to God. Muslim : How are they seated on one chair? Christian : .........................? Allah clearly tells us in Qu'ran :- "O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." - Surah An-Nisa [4:171] Bible says :- “... God is not the author of confusion ...” (Corinthians 14:33 ). "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." (Numbers (23:19) King James Version." We do respect different Religions. We just want to share the truth....
@godwithin060988 22years, 5 months and 14 days? the challenge has been there for everybody like you for over 1400 years... not even a single copy.... i think you should give it a try, who knows, may be you can make history. And about Avenger, it means that God is avenger to those who are heedless. He is a forgiver to those who ask for forgiveness and is merciful to those asking for mercy.
@Udilz (2nd reply) OK, i have done the work FOR YOU, and here is the problem. When i sign out and go back to this page to look for my comments i can not see it because it has been removed or, when i go to "see all", it has been marked as SPAM. There was NOTHING wrong with my comment that somebody had to mark it as spam, but again, it just goes to show how afraid muslims are when confronted with FACTS. I will copy and paste it one more time for you, and i hope nobody marks it as spam again.
islam doesnt say that we cannot understand the god, it says only that we cannot understand the being(shape,metarial) of the god as we are not created capable to understand it..maybe you wouldnt accept this as a reference but just as an example it is given in the book, one of othe ld prophets were asked to show the god by his nation..when this prophet spoke to the god through one of the angels, the reply was like "look at the mountain near you" and the mountain was crushed suddenly..
@mnm232010 "it doesn't need LOVE to match ur expectations he's still most gracious most merciful" Being mercifull and gracious requires LOVE, if one doesn't have one oita of Love then one can not be gravious or mercifull. You don't seem to understand that the ROOT cause of ALL good attributes come from LOVE, love is the SOURCE (the "Source" being another name for God which is not in the quran). Names such as "the all seeing", the "avenger" and "the one" have allready been miss-used in movies
i respect the speaker very much ..but question comes tht ..what they want to prove with all these debates muslims as others..why so important to prove we are the right and others..not..i am very sure the world will never will be one way..cause this is not how God creat it.actually religion become a easy way to earn money and have good life we can see around us.
Do you think you can succeed in life without education in one form or other ? You cant you will be lost and similar you need a leader and guide and to show a right path . The thing is that by this debate one is right . The three have one thing in common the god , if we cast aside trinity . Jews saying ezra being son jesus being son you think that death will overcome any person and all those who used influence and wealth will rest in peace ?
No sir ,God said that it is a duty of all mankind to pass message of God to all of them so that they will not say Judgement day that "God I did not heard your message" but they this is not religions roofing them selves
Not what they want to prove but to deliver God's word so that they would not be blame in hereafter because God made an obligation for the muslim to deliver the message. Do some job. He has done his job by delivering the message to YOU..and it is up to you to make decision. If you are a logical and scientific person is much easier to understand and to accept tge truth but again God says some of them can see but they are actually BLIND!
please be honest or re-check your source before you share some data and dont try to confuse people by making your own meanings out of them..the verse you wrote is the following in original, "he saw the sun AS IF IT IS GOING DOWN INTO A v WATER..." and if you will read the previous verses, you will see it is referring to a
Give me 22 years, 5 month and 14 days, which is how long it took for the quran to be completed, and i give you OVER 100 names. And just another thing, one of gods names, according to the quran, is "avenger", another name is "the forgiver" and another is "the mercifull". Now let me ask you, isn't an avenger someone who does NOT forgive and one without mercy? Yeah, that is what i thought, you have been told NOT to worship two masters and yet you do.
@godwithin060988 But does that 4 year old child understand what these words mean? Can he explain them? Can he arrange them? I guess that u should've said "here goes my argument ' not mine yours brother. Anyway the offer is still opened for an opened chat through fb or yahoo. Beleive me it would've been better, :) and I'll explain it to u in morfe details this LOVE matter
People please do a reaserch.soes really the bible makes sence. Does aplyes ro or life in poaitev way.please won't be ignorant I know it doeant. If u were to read the holy book the QURAN SEND TO US DEON THE BLESSED LIPS OF MIHAMED S.A.W IF YOU APLY THAT TO YOUR LIFE I swear BY THE ONE THAT CREATED ME AND YOU AND EVERYTHING WE KNOW YOU WILL BE THE BEST OF PEOPLE IF YOU FALLOW QURAN. JUST READ READ READ MY ALLAH GUIDE US TO THE TRUTH AND BY ALLAH ULL FINDE THE TRUTH IN QURAN.MAY PEACE BE UPON YOU
@@AbiskarNiraula your quran is incomplete book ...if quran is completed why do you need hadiths ..sunnas and other commentator to encode quran...without hadiths quran is just another book that filled randomly arranged texts..
*REVELATION OF THE KORAN *Q. Did Allah reveal the Koran directly to prophet Muhammad? No, the Koran was revealed to prophet Muhammad by a spiritual being presumed to be angel Gabriel when he was in a cave on Mount Hira. *Q. Did anyone else see this Angel Gabriel? Any witnesses? No, no one else has seen the angel. (Testimony without witnesses is subject to doubt especially when there are reasons for the same.) *Q. What did the Angel say in the very first meeting? Ans. The Angel said, "Read!" but Muhammad didn't know to read or write. When he told the Angel that he couldn't read it came upon him heavily - physically! This happened two more times. Then the Angel commanded him to recite Koran 96: 1 to 5. *Q. What happened after this experience? Mohammad was terrified and perplexed. A great fear overcame him and he got high fever. He went home shivering so much that his wife Khadijah had to cover him with a blanket. When Mohammad told her what had happened she contacted her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal. 🔹Waraqah was a Christian. When he heard about what had happened to Mohammad he presumed that the angelic being was "The Angel Gabriel" he had read about in the Bible. So he advised Mohammad not to fear as he could be a prophet of God. 👉 However, if you examine the account of the encounter of Mary the mother of Jesus with the Angel Gabriel you will see the difference. 🔹Mary was a young woman at the time of her meeting with Angel Gabriel. She was not physically well built, strong, courageous & mature like Muhammad...yet she was not frightened, terrified or perplexed after the encounter with Angel Gabriel. Moreover, the Angel Gabriel introduced himself and didn't frighten her in any way. 🔹In Mohammad's case the angel didn't introduce himself, it used physical force on him thrice and commanded him to read something that Mohammad an unlettered person could not do.... the incident terrified him so much that he got a fever and started shivering that he had to be covered with a blanket. 👉 If the angel was from God do you think he ask someone who could not read "to read" ?? Surely he would have known that Mohammad couldn't read or write! 🔹This raises serious doubts about the very source of the revelation of the Qur'an that Mohammad received. 👉 In 2 Corinthians 11:14 the Bible says "Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light." This is a possibility because in the Qur'an which is the writing of what this angelic being told Muhammad - Jesus did not die on the cross. 🔹This is contradictory to the teaching of the Bible which teaches that the wages or consequences of sin is death ie eternal separation from God in hell. 👉 God loves us so much that He came to earth in the form of a human being(Jesus Christ) & taught us to lead a good life. He took the punishment for our sins on Himself by suffering and dying a cruel death on the cross in our place so that we may be free to enter heaven and enjoy eternal life with God. (Just like someone paying the fine on your behalf for a traffic violation you committed so that you can go free.) 👉 By denying that Jesus died on the cross the devil is deviating people from the way to salvation through what Jesus did on the cross. Jesus rose from the dead! He is alive!! ⚠️ In Galatians 1:8. The Bible gives a warning about those who will try to pervert the Gospel & say that Jesus did not die on the cross for our salvation - "Even if an angel or anyone, were to preach anything contrary to the Gospel, let there be a Curse on him." 🔸Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, No. 400. Ayesha the prophet's favourite wife said that Muhammad was "Bewitched" and would imagine things he did not do. If Muhammad was 'Bewitched" as Ayesha said, it only proves that the angel which revealed the Qur'an was not Gabriel but an evil spirit ! Q. Did prophet Muhammad write the Koran? No, during the 23 years of Mohammad's time as a prophet it was memorized and handed down. Later it was written on leather, cloth, palm leaves, parchment etc. The prophet died in 632AD. It was only around 650AD, long after his death, that it was complied in book form. 🔹The Koran is a randomly arranged text that is not compiled chronologically & this makes it difficult to comprehend. 🔹Very strangely Surah 10:94 of the Koran tells the readers to consult or refer to the Bible to clear their doubts !! 👉 A write-up by Obed Neo will explain - Some parts of The Quran seem to be copied material.. there's evidence of borrowed Information from Christian Forgeries, Jewish Fables, and a mistranslation. 🔹These false gospels were written decades, and some even centuries, after the four true canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written by Jesus' disciples and followers in the 1st century. 🔸Scholar Oddbjørn Leirvik states: "In the Qur'an and in the Hadiths, there is obvious influence from the non-canonical ('heretical') Christianity prevailing in the Arab peninsula and in Abyssinia." 🔹Not only does the evidence show that Muhammad used heretical Christian forgeries as sources for his teachings, he also used Jewish legends and mistranslations. 🔸He incorrectly implied that Christians believed the Trinity was composed of the Father, the Son, and Mary (Surah 5:116), but in reality the Trinity was composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as Jesus said in Matthew 28:19. 🔹He said that Jesus was not crucified but that it only appeared that way (Surah 4:157-158), but this historically false belief predates Islam, being found in the false gnostic gospels of The Apocalypse of Peter, a pseudepigraphal work from the 2nd century, & The Second Treatise of the Great Seth, which is dated around the 2nd-4th century. Both of these works were found in the Nag Hammadi documents in 1945.
@godwithin060988 the Jehovahs witnesses in thier "AWAKE"Magazine, dated 8 september,1957, carried this startling headline "50 000 ERRORS IN THE BIBLE?"
@Udilz Now if Jesus was God, he would have told the man so. Instead, he let the man refer to God as someone other than Jesus, and he even saw that the man had spoken wisely: “When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’” (Mark 12:34). If Jesus knew that God is a trinity, why did not he say so? Why did not he say that God is one in three, or three in one? Instead, he declared that God is one.
@hoshangkeswani I was referring to the 99 names of allah, which achmet deedat so arrogantly mentions. As for me trying to make history, i have no intention of creating another relgiion so that i can further enslave humanity. At last, you have forgotten that God is ALL-KNOWING, how can Godbecome an AVENGER when god knew ahead of time what was going to happen, doesn't common sense tell you that one would rather FORGIVE instead of Avenge? Jesus: "forgive them, for they know not what they do"
I never get bored listening to you deedat. May Allah grant you Jannatulferdous . #2019
Mohamad El-Behery same here. Ameen. May allah grant jannah to sheikh ahmed deedat
Mohamad El-Behery me too I love 💕 him rip
Ameen ya Allah Ameen
His voice.. his tone.. his prounonciation.. very clearly, although iam not an english speaker person, but still i can enjoy it
Cara bagi kesedaran penyampaian yang tinggi pada manusia,Dunia Masih ada harapan lagi Alhamdulillah.semoga 1 Dunia setiap negara menyedari Dan terima mesej Islam ke atas dirinya Ameen.we always sucsees
Maashaallah. i m proud to be i Muslim Allhmdulilah
Watch Christian Prince debate to know who is Muhammad
As Always a Magnificent Talk , may ALLAH grant you ALFARDOUS ALAA. LOVE YOU FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH.
If I hear always I'm crying Almighty Allah the beneficial Grand you Janetul frudaus
May allah SWT grant Ahmed deedat a place in Jannat al Firdous.. you have inspired me sooo much .. I thank allah SWT for everything he has ever given me or may no have
Sheikh Ahmad Dedaat was a God gifted person. Incredible, truthful & applied knowledge he had. May Allah SWT grant him Jannah. Ameen. Love you sir.
I feel so proud to be a Muslim and Arabic
Proud is wrong word u have done nothing to achieve this , instead you should be thankful to Allah , Allahamdulliah..
@@tabishiqbal4647 & proud to be Muslim OK but there is NO proud 2 B Arabic ( or English or Tamil or else etc) as every language/ culture is having its own specialities, neither superior nor inferior by worldly means and by prophet Hadeeths means):
@@AnasAnas-ei1qk nope not agree with the first sentence of yours, proud is the language of Pagen which they used to be "proud" of their forefathers' religion this fake "proud" prevented them from being guided, even at the times when the prophet was given dawah of islam.they can see the prophet with there eyes but still they were misguided, all because of this fake proud, we should be thankful to Allah s.w.t all the time ..
May Allah grant u jannah
Ameen ya Allah Ameen
Proud of me ....i & mr dedaat r the ummah of same prophet(saw)
Lion of Islam 👍👍👍❤
Ya Allah, bless & reward Allahyarham Syeikh Ahmed Deedat Jannah.
Guide & protect us from mislead of the straight path.
Isthiqomah in against Satan + crews.
Aamiin Ya Rabb. 🇲🇾🤝💕
What was a great man.
Allah Kareem bless him in jinnah..
Alhamdulillah...I am lucky to be a born Muslim
May Allah Subhan wa Taallah Grant Janat ul firdaus Inshallah for the late Islamic Scholar and great Daa ee, great uncle Shaikh Ahmad Deedat ❤ Aameen.
very beautiful lecture by sheik Ahmed deedat
Everybody knows that its a truly from God' but thy didn't want to accept it.
They remained dumb, blind and deaf. Egoism at its finest.
In his life he did the real prophetic job
Superb.very interesting and learned personality. May Allah grant him jannah
thank you sir. I must read the whole Tafsir of the holy-Quran , Insha....Allah. Allah bless you.
جزاك الله خير الجزاء
What a great personality in Islamic world was mr Ahmed Deedad All the Islamic universities of this world to gether will not produce a single Islamic preacher like Mr Ahmed Deedad nor DR ZAKIR NAEK ...ALLAHAS PEACE AND MERCY ON BOTH..AMEEN...
رحم الله الشيخ ديدات واسكنه الفردوس الأعلى
What a great explanation comparing these Bibles with a Qurran....The Qurran is a miracle of miracles QURRAN IS THE ONLY HOLY BOOK WHICH HAVE ITS CONTENTS IN.3 TENSES 1 .PASTENSE 2.PRESENTENSE AND 3..FUTURETENSE WE FIND NO OTHER BOOK LIKE QURRAN IN THIS REPRENTATION ..
Simple question: If you found a watch in the desert, would you assume it to be someone's property, or that it just magically appeared there? The idea that it just fell from the sky is crazy. How could a sophisticated object like a watch just appear to the desert. But nowadays when we talk about the whole universe, it's only sane to believe it came to existence by itself. How could this beautiful and complicated universe just come to existence by chance and no design? Who's crazy me or you?
Love you and your comment, brother....
All who deny, blaspheme, ridicule, scoff and mock islam, the time is coming when you will stand before the all living everlasting majestic Creator ALLAH. YOU will know the truth!!!!! But by then you're already doomed.
Masha'Allah Amazing
Truth 🕋❤
No doubt
The book from GOD(Allah)..perfection n Miracles...all in one for a perfect way of life to the whole 🌏...
Praised to Allah ..
Masha Allah
Subhanallah ... enjoy watching this in January 2022
Deedat was Encyclopedia of all the religions
Ahmed deedat jindabad❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The World Has Seen Many Geniuses Who Had No Record Of Schooling Yet They Have Been Considered Great Because Of Their Work. Many Celebrated Poets Have No Record Of Their Schooling. Lalent And Gift Were The Attributes Which Made Them Geniuses Without Any Record Of Their Schooling. Examples Are Galore. Education Is Not A Requirment To Be Genius 😊👍
May Allah make usa meet in Jannah amiin
May Allah grant sheekh Ahmad al Janaa
Ma Sha Allah ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Masha Allah Allaaya Arxama Raaximiin
Love you so much! رحمة الله وبركاته عليك يا شيخ
Subhanallah alhamdallilah Mahshallah Allah Akbar
How much clear words you want to understande the Quran.
Very good
May Allah gives him jannatul firdaus aala. Ameen
ty for posting this bro jazak Allah kair
May allah grant you Jannathul firdaws.lion of allah we miss you.
brother plz read quran
bible says
Luke 19:27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
Ezekiel 9:6 "Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women . . . "
Isaiah 13:16 "Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished."
Deuteronomy 13:15 "Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly . . . "
I'm proud to be i Muslim
referring to a trip of a man called Zul-qarnain..and it means when the sun rised down during his trip..
Good bless you mister Deadat
RIP sheihk Deedat
Muhammad andAhmed deedat is now living in hell begging for helped that was my worst dream i'll ever had in my life...i'm a former muslim and thats the reason why i left islam when i saw ahmed deedat in hell ...
@@fernanvillanueva3058 lmao leaving islam bcz of a dream what a poor “person”
well said
I love you d Allah reward you we can't
then the angel continued, "it was the reflection of your god over the mountain, do you think would human be able to stand his presence?".. if you assume for a moment that there is a creator of this endless universe, do you think would human brain be able persuade it as it is?" my logic says no..
رحمة الله عليك يا شيخنا
Very nicely explained! I would like to know the true meaning of " kafir'. Different views are forwarded against this word. Please clarify it and obliged me.
تبارك الله احسن الخالقين جزاكم الله خيرا ًقل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد صدق الله العظيم اللهم اهدنا واهد بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين وان هذه امتكم امة واحدة وانا ربكم فاعبدون صدق الله العظيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم والحمد لله رب العالمين عدد خلقه ورضاء نفسه ومداد كلماته وزنة عرشه وعدد ما اثنيت على نفسك سبحانك لا شريك لك لا نحصي ثناءً عليك سبحانك لا شريك لك انت كما اثنيت على نفسك فانت الاول وانت الاخر وانت الظاهر وانت الباطن وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك العزيز الجبار المنتقم المتكبر المهيمن الذي ليس كمثله شيء وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك المنزه عن كل نقص وسوء وشر وانت سبحانك لا شريك لك على كل شيء قدير صدق الله العظيم والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد واله وصحبه وسلم والحمد لله رب العالمين
29:44 very true
He was born for this
Translate to indonesian languange..thanks
@godwithin060988 , by the way, how about when a person does a sin while knowing that the thing he is doing is wrong? FYI, Allah is an avenger means He avenges what every people did no matter what kind of action they do, whether its good or bad. every single act they do, would be avenged as what they deserve to have referring on their choices of life.
Allah Akbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@godwithin060988 Why don;'t u give us another 100 names now?
Its from holyqur'an the website
@Udilz Notice that Jesus was quoting the first commandment from the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Jesus confirmed not only that this commandment is still valid, but also that it is the most important of all the commandments. If Jesus thought that he himself is God, why did not he say so? Instead, he stressed that God is one.
@godwithin060988 other comment looks like it needs a therapist not me Iam a pharmacist . :D
though I agree with u at some point
but can u tell me how can an illeterate enumerate & name 100 different names for god ?
that is astonishing when someone don't know the meaning of the words yet he's still saying it.
Is it haphazardly said?
No, if he was a learned man or at least used to know how to say poem at has time it would've ,make sense.
But he wan't so these names were revealed not made. :)
Whether or not a god exists is an intirely different argument from the issue on WHICH god (or religion) is the right one.
Lets assume Science does find out that there is a God and that they are able to prove it to anyone, what makes you think that that God will be allah?
What if that God does not reflect the god of religion in any way, ever thought about that?
@Udilz The man who questioned Jesus understood this, and what the man says next makes it clear that God is not Jesus, for he said to Jesus: “‘Well said, teacher,’ the man replied. ‘You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him.’” (Mark 12:32).
according to Islam, it is "human" who needs to worship, not the creator to be worshipped..if you just think calmly for a moment, some people even worship in cows, some statues, the sun and etc.. which shows us how the human nature is starving for a belief and cant really stay calm without it.. How a person can believe that he will not exist anymore after his death? But dont consider this as a reason that man has created the god..surely, god created his creation with this inherent need..
2019 / April's
(3rd reply)
5 names of allah that contradict each other.
"Al-Muntaqim" "Al-Waliyy" "Al-Gafur" "Al-Hakam" "AL-Alim".
Somebody hurts another person, what is allah going to do?
Keep in mind that God does NOT act like a Human because god is not a human, othervise that would prove that jesus was god, god can not be loving today and judging tomorrow because that is a HUMAN act.
God is all attributes at the SAME time, for example, he is all-seeing and all-hearing at the same time.
Pastor joseph of maroc should learn the miracle of miracle s of Alquraan revealed by Muhammad pbuh to compare with Issa pbuh
About the "offer", i said i would only go to personal mail on TH-cam, not on facebook or Yahoo.
And please enlighten me about love, lets see what the quran or you have to say about Love.
(Look down for the other comment)
@godwithin060988 the son isnt only refferd to jesus pbuh in the bible many others have been called sons. you bieleve in a man-god. we say he is the messenger of God. there isnt any error or contradiction in the Quran infact it challenges yu to find it. the bible however is full of errors and dont question it. you said an attribute as to avenger was in the Quran wouldyou please give me reffrence. so i can check it myself.
who was the prophet sent to Britain - what was his name ?????????
Prophet Muhammad pbuh was sent to All Humanity Including Britain.
Al-Gafur = The Forgiver, Al-Muntaqim = The Avenger, As-Salam = The All-Peacefull, Al-Muhaymin = The Protector.
1st Contradiction, How can allah be "The Forgiver" while being "The Avenger"?
2nd, Muhammad ayah 36: "The life of this world is but play and pastime, but if you believe (in the Oneness of Allah Islamic Monotheism), and fear Allah, and avoid evil,...."
How can one FEAR allah if allah is "the protector" and "the all-peacefull"?
It is human nature to HATE that which we FEAR.
"Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus
Muslim : Is Jesus the son of Mary.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who created Mary?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian: Jesus
Muslim : Jesus is the begotten son.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who is his father?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Jesus is a servant of God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Jesus died on the cross?
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who resurrected him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Is Jesus a messenger.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Who sent him?
Christian : God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim: Did Jesus worship while on earth.
Christian: Yes
Muslim: Whom did he worship?
Christian: God.
Muslim : Who is God?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Did God have a beginning?
Christian : No
Muslim: Then who was born on 25/DEC?
Christian : Jesus.
Muslim : Is Jesus God.
Christian : Yes
Muslim : Where's God?
Christian : In Heaven.
Muslim : How many Gods are there in heaven?
Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian : He is seated on the right hand of his father.
Muslim : Then how many are they in heaven?
Christian : Only one God.
Muslim : Then how many seats?
Christian : One
Muslim : Where's Jesus?
Christian: Seated next to God.
Muslim : How are they seated on one chair?
Christian : .........................?
Allah clearly tells us in Qu'ran :-
"O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." - Surah An-Nisa [4:171]
Bible says :-
“... God is not the author of confusion ...” (Corinthians 14:33 ).
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?." (Numbers (23:19) King James Version."
We do respect different Religions. We just want to share the truth....
samara yassien
MashaAllah this is absolutely 100% true may Allah gives more knowledge and grant you to the highest level in Jannah ameen
@@Revert2010 Ameen ya rabb alalameen. Jazzak ALLAH kheir.
@godwithin060988 22years, 5 months and 14 days? the challenge has been there for everybody like you for over 1400 years... not even a single copy.... i think you should give it a try, who knows, may be you can make history.
And about Avenger, it means that God is avenger to those who are heedless. He is a forgiver to those who ask for forgiveness and is merciful to those asking for mercy.
(2nd reply)
OK, i have done the work FOR YOU, and here is the problem.
When i sign out and go back to this page to look for my comments i can not see it because it has been removed or, when i go to "see all", it has been marked as SPAM.
There was NOTHING wrong with my comment that somebody had to mark it as spam, but again, it just goes to show how afraid muslims are when confronted with FACTS.
I will copy and paste it one more time for you, and i hope nobody marks it as spam again.
islam doesnt say that we cannot understand the god, it says only that we cannot understand the being(shape,metarial) of the god as we are not created capable to understand it..maybe you wouldnt accept this as a reference but just as an example it is given in the book, one of othe ld prophets were asked to show the god by his nation..when this prophet spoke to the god through one of the angels, the reply was like "look at the mountain near you" and the mountain was crushed suddenly..
"it doesn't need LOVE to match ur expectations he's still most gracious most merciful"
Being mercifull and gracious requires LOVE, if one doesn't have one oita of Love then one can not be gravious or mercifull.
You don't seem to understand that the ROOT cause of ALL good attributes come from LOVE, love is the SOURCE (the "Source" being another name for God which is not in the quran).
Names such as "the all seeing", the "avenger" and "the one" have allready been miss-used in movies
i respect the speaker very much ..but question comes tht ..what they want to prove with all these debates muslims as others..why so important to prove we are the right and others..not..i am very sure the world will never will be one way..cause this is not how God creat it.actually religion become a easy way to earn money and have good life we can see around us.
Do you think you can succeed in life without education in one form or other ? You cant you will be lost and similar you need a leader and guide and to show a right path . The thing is that by this debate one is right . The three have one thing in common the god , if we cast aside trinity . Jews saying ezra being son jesus being son you think that death will overcome any person and all those who used influence and wealth will rest in peace ?
No sir ,God said that it is a duty of all mankind to pass message of God to all of them so that they will not say Judgement day that "God I did not heard your message" but they this is not religions roofing them selves
Not what they want to prove but to deliver God's word so that they would not be blame in hereafter because God made an obligation for the muslim to deliver the message. Do some job. He has done his job by delivering the message to YOU..and it is up to you to make decision. If you are a logical and scientific person is much easier to understand and to accept tge truth but again God says some of them can see but they are actually BLIND!
please be honest or re-check your source before you share some data and dont try to confuse people by making your own meanings out of them..the verse you wrote is the following in original, "he saw the sun AS IF IT IS GOING DOWN INTO A v WATER..." and if you will read the previous verses, you will see it is referring to a
It does not say as if
Will some one show me the miracle of the Koran????
the quran itself not changed and no contradictions
@@abdikadirali7599 : If I show you that the koran has been change and has many contradictions would you leave Islam? YES or NO Ex Muslim...
@@incomedaily2350 yes , but firstly are you an Arab? I am an Arab
Give me 22 years, 5 month and 14 days, which is how long it took for the quran to be completed, and i give you OVER 100 names.
And just another thing, one of gods names, according to the quran, is "avenger", another name is "the forgiver" and another is "the mercifull".
Now let me ask you, isn't an avenger someone who does NOT forgive and one without mercy?
Yeah, that is what i thought, you have been told NOT to worship two masters and yet you do.
@godwithin060988 But does that 4 year old child understand what these words mean? Can he explain them? Can he arrange them? I guess that u should've said "here goes my argument ' not mine yours brother.
Anyway the offer is still opened for an opened chat through fb or yahoo. Beleive me it would've been better, :)
and I'll explain it to u in morfe details this LOVE matter
People please do a reaserch.soes really the bible makes sence. Does aplyes ro or life in poaitev way.please won't be ignorant I know it doeant.
If u were to read the holy book the QURAN SEND TO US DEON THE BLESSED LIPS OF MIHAMED S.A.W
I am not sure where you got that information from, but all sources show that USA is not the highest in that field.
It is always some african nation.
The Holy Quran
Read it please
@@AbiskarNiraula your quran is incomplete book ...if quran is completed why do you need hadiths ..sunnas and other commentator to encode quran...without hadiths quran is just another book that filled randomly arranged texts..
@@fernanvillanueva3058 the quran is complet the hadiths is
just to understand quran
*Q. Did Allah reveal the Koran directly to prophet Muhammad?
No, the Koran was revealed to prophet Muhammad by a spiritual being presumed to be angel Gabriel when he was in a cave on Mount Hira.
*Q. Did anyone else see this Angel Gabriel? Any witnesses?
No, no one else has seen the angel. (Testimony without witnesses is subject to doubt especially when there are reasons for the same.)
*Q. What did the Angel say in the very first meeting?
Ans. The Angel said, "Read!" but Muhammad didn't know to read or write. When he told the Angel that he couldn't read it came upon him heavily - physically! This happened two more times. Then the Angel commanded him to recite Koran 96: 1 to 5.
*Q. What happened after this experience?
Mohammad was terrified and perplexed. A great fear overcame him and he got high fever. He went home shivering so much that his wife Khadijah had to cover him with a blanket.
When Mohammad told her what had happened she contacted her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal.
🔹Waraqah was a Christian. When he heard about what had happened to Mohammad he presumed that the angelic being was "The Angel Gabriel" he had read about in the Bible. So he advised Mohammad not to fear as he could be a prophet of God.
👉 However, if you examine the account of the encounter of Mary the mother of Jesus with the Angel Gabriel you will see the difference.
🔹Mary was a young woman at the time of her meeting with Angel Gabriel. She was not physically well built, strong, courageous & mature like Muhammad...yet she was not frightened, terrified or perplexed after the encounter with Angel Gabriel. Moreover, the Angel Gabriel introduced himself and didn't frighten her in any way.
🔹In Mohammad's case the angel didn't introduce himself, it used physical force on him thrice and commanded him to read something that Mohammad an unlettered person could not do.... the incident terrified him so much that he got a fever and started shivering that he had to be covered with a blanket.
👉 If the angel was from God do you think he ask someone who could not read "to read" ?? Surely he would have known that Mohammad couldn't read or write!
🔹This raises serious doubts about the very source of the revelation of the Qur'an that Mohammad received.
👉 In 2 Corinthians 11:14 the Bible says "Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light." This is a possibility because in the Qur'an which is the writing of what this angelic being told Muhammad - Jesus did not die on the cross.
🔹This is contradictory to the teaching of the Bible which teaches that the wages or consequences of sin is death ie eternal separation from God in hell.
👉 God loves us so much that He came to earth in the form of a human being(Jesus Christ) & taught us to lead a good life. He took the punishment for our sins on Himself by suffering and dying a cruel death on the cross in our place so that we may be free to enter heaven and enjoy eternal life with God. (Just like someone paying the fine on your behalf for a traffic violation you committed so that you can go free.)
👉 By denying that Jesus died on the cross the devil is deviating people from the way to salvation through what Jesus did on the cross. Jesus rose from the dead! He is alive!!
⚠️ In Galatians 1:8. The Bible gives a warning about those who will try to pervert the Gospel & say that Jesus did not die on the cross for our salvation - "Even if an angel or anyone, were to preach anything contrary to the Gospel, let there be a Curse on him."
🔸Bukhari Volume 4, Book 53, No. 400. Ayesha the prophet's favourite wife said that Muhammad was "Bewitched" and would imagine things he did not do. If Muhammad was 'Bewitched" as Ayesha said, it only proves that the angel which revealed the Qur'an was not Gabriel but an evil spirit !
Q. Did prophet Muhammad write the Koran?
No, during the 23 years of Mohammad's time as a prophet it was memorized and handed down. Later it was written on leather, cloth, palm leaves, parchment etc. The prophet died in 632AD. It was only around 650AD, long after his death, that it was complied in book form.
🔹The Koran is a randomly arranged text that is not compiled chronologically & this makes it difficult to comprehend.
🔹Very strangely Surah 10:94 of the Koran tells the readers to consult or refer to the Bible to clear their doubts !!
👉 A write-up by Obed Neo will explain - Some parts of The Quran seem to be copied material.. there's evidence of borrowed Information from Christian Forgeries, Jewish Fables, and a mistranslation.
🔹These false gospels were written decades, and some even centuries, after the four true canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written by Jesus' disciples and followers in the 1st century.
🔸Scholar Oddbjørn Leirvik states: "In the Qur'an and in the Hadiths, there is obvious influence from the non-canonical ('heretical') Christianity prevailing in the Arab peninsula and in Abyssinia."
🔹Not only does the evidence show that Muhammad used heretical Christian forgeries as sources for his teachings, he also used Jewish legends and mistranslations.
🔸He incorrectly implied that Christians believed the Trinity was composed of the Father, the Son, and Mary (Surah 5:116), but in reality the Trinity was composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as Jesus said in Matthew 28:19.
🔹He said that Jesus was not crucified but that it only appeared that way (Surah 4:157-158), but this historically false belief predates Islam, being found in the false gnostic gospels of The Apocalypse of Peter, a pseudepigraphal work from the 2nd century, & The Second Treatise of the Great Seth, which is dated around the 2nd-4th century. Both of these works were found in the Nag Hammadi documents in 1945.
So much about your logic.
@godwithin060988 the Jehovahs witnesses in thier "AWAKE"Magazine, dated 8 september,1957, carried this startling headline "50 000 ERRORS IN THE BIBLE?"
So sad I didn't know this man until after he died
@Udilz Now if Jesus was God, he would have told the man so. Instead, he let the man refer to God as someone other than Jesus, and he even saw that the man had spoken wisely: “When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’” (Mark 12:34). If Jesus knew that God is a trinity, why did not he say so? Why did not he say that God is one in three, or three in one? Instead, he declared that God is one.
I was referring to the 99 names of allah, which achmet deedat so arrogantly mentions.
As for me trying to make history, i have no intention of creating another relgiion so that i can further enslave humanity.
At last, you have forgotten that God is ALL-KNOWING, how can Godbecome an AVENGER when god knew ahead of time what was going to happen, doesn't common sense tell you that one would rather FORGIVE instead of Avenge?
"forgive them, for they know not what they do"