Geometric, twirling, in every direction and in all ways simultaneously , and connected from one end to the other, and symmetrical in between, magnificent
Dr. Barbour... this could be the finishing moment for me, after watching the channel from when it happened on YT around 2 years ago with a few subscribers. With anticipation, I was looking for someone who will rock me off my socks. And today Closer To Truth actually went right into the doorway. Not trying to be nostalgic, but this combination of academic and real-life knowledge is something that excites me my whole life.
I started writing down my thoughts on this topic and my "gut feeling" suggested our perception of memories and time play an integral part in our reality.
For anyone reading this - you're not alone. If I'm thinking this might be true, that I am the only one. Than if you read this and think the same thing than you are not alone. We might be split - we might be all the same - but you are a part or you are everything. It is reality no matter what. I am experiencing a reality - you are not alone.
@@weirdorwhat7294 I think it's dangerous - that we can believe we are the only person 'truly alive'. It's a loneliness that harbors at the tail end of Science, Psychology and Culture; when we analyze to such a degree we forget to love. Spirituality at the extremes harbors this danger as well.
@@datsdababie9640 Those are true words spoken. I've felt alone many times in a room full of people and thought my God I feel like I'm the only one alive and all these people are just npc's.
The Monad as mentioned in gnosticism who is beyond creation is the ultimate reality. It's unfathomable because it's beyond the mind. Curiously the same Monad is mentioned in the Vedanta as the Purusha beyond which there's nothing.
unfortunately, 99.999% of the other people in the world haven't read them, so they don't believe it . atheists believe in materialism despite already proven to be FALSE
@@dare-er7sw I believe that too (I think), but without the duality between subjective and objective, which is the unfathomable part mentioned by the OP.
@@Raydensheraj ok here goes my rude friend. Reality is what you wake up and experience every day until you die. You've been born into a world of evolution by natural selection as all serious scientists agree because there is a ton of evidence to back it up.
Can anyone recommend any further reading on this topic? I’m looking for a book that delves into the topics of quantum physics, consciousness, universal consciousness etc.
I believe the internal world is an interactive experience of the external world and the external world is interacting with our internal world based on individual conscious awareness, perception and choice. Thomas Mottawa Wilson.
The 2 great thinker scientists appear short of spelling out this: As consciousness exists in atoms electrons & fundamental particles or simply put mass and energy, consciousness should be built in every equation or law. The paradox is consciousness is formless and is itself a “function” but is beyond words of description by the human mind. You can’t even define consciousness by limiting its “properties”. In the end, ultimate reality is undescribable. It can only be here and now or simply isness of existence .
Ultimate reality must involve variation/variety. The ancient Taoists understood this. They called it Yin and Yang. All perceived reality is the oscillation between these two poles of the oneness.
I find this idea to be sad. I am not saying it is wrong. I have even experienced it on psychedelics. I saw the thing he says we all see from different perspectives. And I know many people find this idea very spiritual and inspiring. But I fell in love with the physical world when I was young. I love to think about the water and the rocks. I love to imagine what my house is to itself when nobody is home. To me it is so entrancing to think of a world that has no need of my perception.
Welcome then to Mars and Uranus ... and the rest of the universe. As for that 'perception' and other worlds, there's no shortage of folks who will take you there (for a fee, of course).
@@robertjsmith There's a lot of wisdom in these apparently trite sayings - one of the reasons a lot of the Zen quotes hold such huge appeal; they can resonate on different levels.
It seems to me that the movement of time created evolution that brought conciousness. When conciousness awakens it has to explore and discover every aspect of creation and after filtering finds truth and reality bit by bit. The ultimate must be an unimaginably inmense source of truth, love, experience and integration. If evolution is a journey there must be a destination.
So far brains development not shows how picuret reality though conscieness. Because reality are unpredicted and conscieness evolution Not show up how picuret reality.
(0:15) *JB: **_"I would start at one property that it must have and that is variety."_* ... This is the basis for my book. For any reference point to exist, there must be a minimum of one additional reference point that is either oppositional or complimentary to offer conceivability for both (existence-nonexistence, hadron-antihadron, matter-antimatter, black-white, animate-inanimate, positive-negative, life-death, good-evil, theism-atheism, etc.). The ultimate reality for *Existence* is that *Nonexistence* must be conceivable ... _and it isn't._ ... Therein lies the struggle!
There is an ultimate reality and we experience it from our perspective. He laid it out beautifully. Carl Sagan once said we are the universe’s consciousness and it makes more sense than anything out there.
I think I agree. If 'reality' were totally obvious & clear, even more people would completely convince themselves that their 'truth' is the only truth. Thank goodness 'reality' is elusive!
The Universe is a finite ISOLATED Thermodynamic System with increasing entropy. All thermodynamic Systems ... originate from ... the SURROUNDING Systems(s) which must provide the matter, energy, space, time & Laws of Nature for the thermodynamic System. We have always known the true origin of the Universe & Life .. but have free will ... to think, believe say & do whatever we want ... with the Laws of Thermodynamics and the fact that only an intelligence like Man makes, maintains, fixes, improves & FINE TUNES abstract & physical FUNCTIONS. There is only the Natural System .... within ... an Unnatural System. The is only the Physical existence ... and .. a non-physical existence with the INTELLIGENCE that made the matter, energy, space, time & Laws of Nature.
@@LibsRockU lol WTF are you waffling on about? So isolated thermodynamic Systems with increasing entropy . do not originate from the surrounding system(s)? Bhahahhahaha.
I still think that consciousness could be found from say the result of being able to program in say an extra dimension than just 1’s and 0’s. Like a third dimensional logic gate that hasn’t been found yet. Is something like that possible?
What do you suppose consciousness to be or how you define "consciousness"? Whose consciousness and consciousness of what? What is the point of discussing something of which you have no clear idea - namely consciousness? Those consciousness? - Do you suppose that there can be consciousness without the consciousness of someone specific? It turns out that your idea of "consciousness" is merely some vague generalisation is it not? Moreover it turns out that when you try to examine what exactly obtained within that vague generalisation you simply cannot. When you refer to "consciousness" I trying to "consciousness" in general, or something specific and what specific "something" do you have in mind? Turns out you cannot discover that not
My goal has been to find things that seem to be true. If later I find I was wrong about something, I abandon my previous conclusions. That happens a lot in my case. I don't seek "The Truth". Others have found plenty of "Truths" but I don't have time to dig into them. I don't feel that I necessarily have access to all the information I'd need, the time, the intellect or the inclination evaluate all the Truth claims. The world isn't simple. If you think there is some simple, accessible Truth waiting for you go discover... you need get over yourself. Learn what you can and accept that like All before us, we will all die ignorant of many things. WE aren't that special. Seek "true", and be ready to admit you're wrong.
If you really do have such a goal or aim, then you are a most unusual creature amongst your fellow creatures. By what criteria would you be able to discover whether or not something "seems" to be what you call "true"?
@@robertjsmith In your remarks which consist almost entirely of what I call "Blaubs" (whichI will happily define to you if you asked me to do so) you refer to "thought" which apparently speaks or says, and you also referred to what you call "reality". As and when you can define - or set out what you seek to convey when you use, either "thought" or "reality", I will address your remarks seriatim, but will not hold my breath because hell will have frozen over before you can do either. Moreover you refer to something that you call "innate peace and freedom", which I take to be some sort of vague reference to some dreams or fantasies much favoured by dreamers. I have some little experience of those that speak rather dreamily of either "peace" or "freedom", and they seem to be the specialites to La Maison of such dreamers to whom such dreams are meat and drink, and they have all the clarity, definition and focus of any dream or fantasy What can you possibly experience of what others experience, or more precisely what can you possibly know/experience of my what you call (but do not define )"thought"? When you can depart from me woolly generalisations and can be a little specific and define your terms by all means get back to me.
"There was a faith-healer from Deal, Said "I know that pain isn't real- -yet when I sit on a pin, And it punctures my skin, I dislike what I fancy I feel." Who hasn't at one stage or another thought that Reality isn't real? But we get over it (otherwise go buy some pins and a chair).
In the ultimate dimension or realm, mind is inseparable from matter. As mind is a projection or operation of consciousness, to understand ultimate reality one must go back to its source. Just like movie playing on a screen. There is no universe existing outside. It’s in your mind. You are the universe. Or as Sai Baba or Ramana Maharshi said: I am God. You are God. We are all ONE.
What is the ultimate reality? Let’s analyze, meaning, let’s take it apart. First the structure. We began with 2 parts: (i) infinite nothingness and (ii) an infinitesimal dot called the singularity that became the universe. Infinite nothingness can only be imagined as continuous space. So, when the cosmologists claim that the first thing out of the singularity was space, it had to be discrete space that is referenced with rational numbers that are denumerable, hence is filled with gaps. The gaps were then filled with the infinite nothingness to form a third part of reality that I call pneuma. Now for the functions of each part: Because everything that is possible resides in the infinite nothingness it instantiates possibilities into the pneuma to become noumena (laws of mathematics, Plato’s ideals, Aristotle’s potentia) ). Noumena are then actualized as objective reality by a creator; then when the mind appeared, it also realized concepts and percepts which then were actualized as subjective, rational and transcendental reality. Hence ultimate reality consists of 2 modalities of space, continuous and discrete; a 3-realm structure of realms: possibility, potentiality, actuality; 3 functions: instantiation, realization, actualization; and 4-experiental levels: objective, subjective, rational, and transcendental. Incidentally, panpsychism is the result of the presence of pneuma; consciousness is a manifestation.
Without perception, you cannot perceive a reality but can reality exist independent of perception? I would postulate that we are reality perceiving itself.
@@danielalexander799 i understand your argument, what i am saying is that conciuosness would be as fundamental as space time, it is not a hostage within space time, therefore, conciousness is in the past, in the present and the furure all at once. Knowledge of it all
@@robertjsmith I think of ultimate reality by Kant's phrase The-Thing- In- Itself. All space-relationship, all time-process as one being. 'Reality' I see as tripartite in usage; 1) our expectations of the world, 2) any negative experience that frustrates our expectations, and 3) I forget.
@@robertjsmith The Thing-In-Itself is non-duality; that is why it is singular, but we only experience as contrast, as relative, as duality, eg figure/ground.
Here’s a theory - some day in the future we finally get to ‘read’ consciousness, organise it digitally and with the management of a Super Artificial Intelligence which is able to upload our consciousness into simulated realities it creates ( a vastly upgraded version of the Metaverse as an example) …. Heaven , hell and others. So now we have achieved eternal life. We are able to upload and download our physical brain data/storage at will, even download back into this physical and biological world . There may be rules eg: past memories suppressed etc. How close is our technology or have we already achieved this feat - perhaps some other species has done so thousands or millions of years ago and has spread throughout the cosmos conquering as it goes.
What makes you imagine that you - yes you titch, because "we" means you, can do anything of the sort? I wonder if you fully understand that the word "we" means or indicates the user of the term - that's you titch and his immediate interlocutor, which in these circumstances can only possibly be imaginary. You use words ever stopping to wonder what lies behind the veil of words or even that they fail veil something but you cannot discover what
That quantum mechanics takes into account everything that is in the universe, is an overstretched statement a bit. There are things beyond the range of quantum mechanics. Besides that, every other thing he says sounds correct to me.
What is ultimate reality? Philosophers and theologians have tried to answer that question without any evidence but only what is in their minds and as evidence is gathered it contradicts every one of them, not just making them look stupid but laughably absurd. It should be understood that it is entirely possible that it is beyond understanding of the human species to find out. One fact that points in that direction is that every time new observations are made that haven't been seen before they invariably raise more questions than they answer. Are there real dimensions we cannot sense because they are beyond the physical limitations of our ability to observe? Can we infer their existence by hypothesizing their existence by using them to explain things we do observe that we can't explain? How does an electron seem to disappear from our universe at one energy level and reappear at another without passing through the paths that we can detect? This alone raises questions we've had no answer for for many decades. What is the ultimate reality? Because we believe that the consistencies of the way matter and nature behave the same at all time and in all spaces, the ultimate reality while manifesting itself in a seemingly infinite variety of ways must at its ultimate core be simple. One mistake I think many physicists make is compartmentalization of knowledge. The universe doesn't have to remember all of the consistencies we call laws, relativity, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, etc. They are all the result of the same ultimate reality. The fact that quantum mechanics cannot be reconciled with relativity or that you can't know both the position and velocity of a photon at the same time is our problem, not the universe's. The gravity that slingshots the voyager spacecraft around Jupiter to head to saturn is the same gravity that we see in quantum mechanics. Gravity is gravity on any scale. Don't tell me electromagnetic energy is both particles and waves, that is irrational and is proof it isn't understood. As a student of electrical engineering I had to memorize, use, and reproduce on an exam about 250 equations related to electromagnetic fields. Those equations told me what would happen but not how or why. To this day physicists cannot tell me why like electric charged particles repel and opposite charges attract or why there are two charges and not three or five. They're pretty glib about sticking a name on things pretending that they understand them in their arcane terminology. Physicists whether they like it or not are at the beginning of their journey of understanding, not near the end and if they keep going they will encounter a lot of surprises that will endlessly challenge what they think they know with new conundrums their prior theories can't explain.
totally quite the opposite. science has never proven anything using evidence , just subjective interpretations of observations in light of materialism. The ultimate truth dwells in the realm of the immaterial as discussed in the video . Materialism has already been disproven in science (quantum physics , Superposition, entanglement, collapse of the wave function, the measurement problem, etc)
@@dongshengdi773 Science has proven some theories are just plain wrong. Science offers no absolute truths which distinguishes it from religion and philosophy. The predecessor to science if you can call it that was called natural philosophy such as the notion that everything was made up of earth, water, fire, and air. The conclusions of natural philosophy seem pathetic and silly now but we've yet to extend that conclusion to other areas of philosophy. Why is that? For me it's a red line I'm only too happy to cross. Come up with any notion you like and there's a philosopher or theologian who will agree with you and happily take your money. Blind faith in them is how these parasites earn their living. Science makes observations and tries to produce the best possible explanation called a theory to explain them. So there are only two kinds of theories, those proven wrong and those not proven wrong yet. If you are talking about determinism and superdeterminism, the notion that we cannot pin down quantum mechanics is our problem, not the universe's. We don't know enough yet to solve that problem. In a rational universe there is no such thing as random. It's strictly a useful human abstraction that has no basis in reality. The hypothesis that there are more than three physical dimension we can sense has a lot of observations that could be explained by that notion even though we have no evidence and may never have evidence that they exist. Much of what we think we know comes from inference based on observation that we have no other explanation for. For example there is no way to prove electricity exists. None of our five senses can detect it. All we can say is that the conclusion that it does exist is inferred by observing the effects our theory says it produces.
@@kalapitrivedi6966 Planck may have been a great scientist and mathematician but as a philosopher he stinks. We keep learning more about ourselves all of the time and put that knowledge to use. Will we ever fully understand what we are? Nobody knows and certainly Planck didn't know. It is rather arrogant to make a blanket statement about what we can and can't ultimately know. This is the difference between the unknown and the unknowable. Where is the line between them? We don't know and to presume we do makes no rational sense. We've only been systematically trying to understand existence for the last few hundred years of our species 100,000 years of existence. We're at the beginning so we don't know how large the ocean is or how far we can get across it. People once thought if you went far enough you'd fall off the edge.
How can a rigorous and serious thinker can postulate that there are “atoms and fotons despite our experience of them”? How can we have certainty that there’s anything out of our experience? Isn’t that just an assumption with no base on experience ? Isn’t that a belief ? Is science made of belief ?
AG, yes pretty much you are correct. My Physics Professor in University gave a course, that you could say was about the Philosophy of Science. In that course, he kept repeating that "A scientist assumes that there exists an external world, that its existence is independent of Humans". That one sentence, you see is the Postulate of all the Sciences, so Postulate == Assumption and I guess Assumption == Belief. So if you follow my logic, I think that confirms your statement that "Science is made of Beliefs".
And in other areas of Physics, like in Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and even Newtonian Mechanics, there are Postulates, or in your terminology there are "Beliefs". In Newtonian mechanics, Newton says there is a Gravitational Force, it exists. Newton can describe the effects of Force Mathematically, but he himself said that he does not know where it comes from, and then he Postulates it is probably from God. So the story with Newton and his theory of Force, went something like this. I am just paraphrasing the story, not being too precise mind you. BUT I think you get the idea that I am trying to tell you.
What is real is anything that occupies space and time , including what we think is abstract. What is ultimately real, or what kicked this whole thing off- Is that which possess the least Inhibitions
He's wrong about Berkeley, who didn't hold that external reality was nonexistent point blank, but that the external world was real because it is perceived (!). The scientific evidence are more internally constructed than received points directly at this.
If science aknowledge that Mr Sidharta Gotama, known widely as Buddha, was a scientist, there is a chance the answer to that question was already found ..
the way they interpret speed in equations, the way they look to the two sides of equations as if they finished their job, they way they interpret constants, .... indicate that they do not understand the basics (the deep meaning of each variable, constant,...), take a look how they calculate thrust for instance, then take a look how they interpret velocity ! they do not connect speed to mass and energy the right way, they think if the equations do work then they do understand ! mass, energy, constants, speed, wave length, ......... in equations are strongly related, they must rethink about that (how they interact). here E=MC^2 they do not understand the main rule of speed squared, hf=1/4mc^2 , c = 2πfr for proton and so on, apply that to the rest. probably the first step is better understanding of speed and constants and how they effect mass, energy, space.... from they way they think of mass, energy, space, speed, .... as if they are really complete independent variables, it is very clear that they have no deep understanding.
What is ultimate reality? It's the sound of one hand clapping. If the human mind cannot fathom quantum mechanics, then the human mind cannot fathom ultimate reality. Some things in science are indeed unfathomable.
Consciousness? A dog is conscious. An elephant, dolphin, iguana is conscious. Who knows, perhaps anything 'conscious' may be capable of other perceptions too. But can we separate the mind from the vehicle? A 'wave function that affects everything in the universe at once' would have to travel through that universe at speeds infinitely greater than light itself. I don't know enough to say that such is impossible-hell, I'm still getting around to accepting that when I look up at a clear night sky I'm seeing something that isn't there.
You mean the machine will eventually cease to FUNCTION? Any an intelligence makes, maintains, fixes, improves & fine tunes ... abstract & physical Functions. Everything in the Universe ... is a Function .. processes inputs into outputs ... has set purpose, form, & design. Science(function) relies completely on the fixed Laws of Nature( functions) for Man( Function) to explain natural phenomena (Functions). Man has always known the UNNATURAL origin of the Universe by an intelligence .. but has free will ... to think, believe, say & do whatever he wants with facts & truths about the Universe.
Sorry let me start off by apologizing because I am not as intelligent as the guests or the host on this show and all these shows. I don't know much about science at all. but I have a question. We are conscious right! we as humans have evolved , well let's just say we have for this argument. We have evolved and now in the 21st century we are here. take a look around the world and see what WE HUMANS have created.. amazing right? yes.. so.. now.. If we are conscious the universe is conscious right? and surely a conscious universe is smarter than an educated human!? so would it be safe to say, the universe created us? and this universe created us all knowing what its creating and is consciously creating all the time?
they hallucinate no doubt, connecting both scales is essential to understand so-called quantum mechanics, consciousness is other story "still too early for that"
Good thing that you guys are finally getting closer to what the Rishies of India had revealed unequivocally many thousand years ago that consciousness is the ultimate reality. And consciousness is all that there is. Welcome to Upanishads !
@@AlexLifeson1985 other religions call him by other names. but in philosophy , they also call him by many names, Creator , designer, programmer, first cause , prime mover, UNmoved mover, etc.
@@dongshengdi773 There is no need to invoke a creator. The laws of reality allow for what we think of life to exist independently and without a god. Where did vishnu come from???
...Please allow some additional thoughts. Time/Space is a Turbulent Flow with Eddie's & Vortices. Both of you as well as everyone else have varied Gifts & Talents, a thirst for knowledge & understanding. The whole Earth is Special, it is GOD'S Garden. Pre Big Bang there was no Past, Present, or Future, Eternal. GOD & every mankind together, as we grow in knowledge & understanding. Adapting to the results of Turbulent Flow, respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
Start with the ignorant thing asking the question. Ask if ignorance is a curse or a blessing. Ask if ultimate reality is inimical and can only be approached through ignorance. Ask if ultimate reality is beneficial and if ignorance keeps us from being benefitted from it.
We're all trying to figure out the mystery of reality. Science is just scratching the surface... It is therefore a spiritual world too. We are one in variety.
There are 2 realities: 1. Objective reality. Things happened outside of you, with or without you. 2. Subjective reality: your personal experienced of reality and how you respond to it. Our wise ancestors all over the world already written several books on this. One of the most popular book on this topic is the Tao Te Ching Tao is the objective way the universe operate. The author admit the universe is way more comex and mysterious than we know. The ultimate reality/ the ultimate Tao is beyond human comprehension, beyond human reach. He can only describe the objective reality, the macro level things like planet and galaxies as the Big Tao. The Te is the subjective reality, the personal reality. The small Tao. Ching means book. Translation: the book of Tao and Te.
@@maxwellsimoes238 LOL you want a simplified version? - Tao: The cycle of life is from simple to complex then back to simple. The universe is endless, life is cyclical. - Te: nature is good, respect nature, mimic nature. It is the earliest book on How the universe operates. The book does not mention the Why. I found this book to be the earliest book on nature conservation, how to live with nature, how to leave the world as you found it. Of course, the book is not user friendly. It is difficult to understand, it forces the reader to think critically.
The animals that didn't take their experiences seriously didn't last too long. If you don't take the experience of the cliff or the predator seriously you can easily die. Taking our experiences of the external world seriously is a selected trait. It is an instinct.
"What is the deepest nature of things? " When you ask yourself what does that actually mean, it turns out to be no more than a few words including the ultimate and most mysterious of all "things" The creatures that come up with these fanciful, artificial and contrived pseudo-questions about what they call "reality", never seem to ask any intelligent questions of themselves first, such as what do I mean by "reality" and what are these famous "things" Any fool can come up with these completely vacuous questions, and when they tried to clarify them, all they have is-a fog, because they confuse themselves with words the meaning of which they have not the first idea because they are content was words and do not seek to go behind the veil words or aim to investigate the phenomenon of the veil of words, because it is plain that words I disguise or veil something
Principle = Reality = That which is. Attribute = all-inclusive, interrelated Whole that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents = Continuum of Being = Absolute. The facets of a Diamond are 'both' distinct from each other 'and' the Diamond itself. We are all It (Creative Intelligence), to an unknowable/inexhaustible extent.
And it seems that they have no personal clear idea of what they mean by "consciousness" than you do, because men (human beings) like to speak about "consciousness but when you ask them exactly what they mean by consciousness they never have the slightest idea. Whose consciousness and consciousness of what? Can there be consciousness (whatever you mean by consciousness) without it being the consciousness of someone in particular? - That is a very simple question, now address it, and the answers are yes or no, so which is it? - Can there be "consciousness" without it being the consciousness of some one in particular or someone identifiable, or his "consciousness" just some vague woolly generalisation? You tell me, and I am almost certain that you are about to tell me that you have no idea whatsoever what you mean by "consciousness" because the word is accompanied by particular - that experience in your case - that is true is it not?
@@vhawk1951kl Awareness is the best I can do. It’s (consciousness) the basis of our reality or at least the fundamental experience of our reality. No one has ever or could ever experience anything outside of consciousness/awareness. Whether we can describe this technically or scientifically is irrelevant it’s our most basic experience of reality.
@@barryb.3947 Huge grin - Lord I loathe those ghastly infantile asinine little yellow things, you know what you have done, don't you? Psychological algebra is the answer; X=Y=X, where neither X nor Y have any definition meaning or value assigned to them, and you are going round in circles, you have come up with a circular definition; consciousness is awareness awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness, so what is awareness? You surely did not suppose that I would let you get away with that? - Another huge grin. Now address the question: can there be consciousness without it being the consciousness of someone identifiable or in particular, yes or no? Is it not exactly the case that when you and the rest of your fellow creatures, speak of "consciousness" it is no more than a vague generalisation that floats in limbo somewhere? If you look at the words of which the word "consciousness is compounded, you run across those three little letters sci which appear in all sorts of words, most notably science conscience and consciousness. It turns out - and it exactly the case that all words in English with the little letters sci in them, such as conscience science and conscious, all come from one Latin infinitive, specifically "sciere", which is the Latin word for to know, and there is also the first person singular of that word Scio, I know, so it follows as the night the day from that that all of those words science conscience conscious and any English word with sci in it, has at its roots the idea of knowledge, and you and I are in no better position to define knowledge or know and we are in a position to define conscious or. Consciousness. I make the proposition which you can accept or reject as you please, that words act as veils - in effect they obscure whatever is behind them which let us imagine are something equally vague and nebulous, namely concepts or ideas, which are a little like either Quicksilver or your shadow that that latter is more apt because as you approach your shadow it moves away from you. There are a number of words the like allBlaubs (a mixture between blah blah blah blurb - hence blaub) and I define a blaub as being directly analogous to a species of photograph that is unfocused and simply can never be focused, clarified or have any definition or clarity attached to it because it is out of focus and is always been out of focus, and the resultant that is that it is impossible to detect of what it is a photograph, and "consciousness" is a blaub, because when you go to examine it or try to see what ideas lie behind this word consciousness" all you discover is an unfocused photograph or more simply a blur and simply cannot detect of what it is a photograph - it looks ladylike this that or the other, but it turns out that it could be anything and it is simply not possible to detect of what it is a photograph, so back we go to consciousness is awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness, and we can dance and that particular little handbag forever can we not? So it is so vague and generalised an unfocused as to convey very little, but the solution to that is to go to the etymology and the route of the word consciousness which contains those three magic little letters sci which tells us what? Absolutely splendid try, but sadly no cigar; all you have done is replaced one unknown one undefined with another unknown or undefined is it not? So if we are going to look at the word consciousness we are going to have to look at a bunch of other words as well because it is a compound word is it not? The simplest and most straightforward thing to do with any what is question, such as what is time or what is intelligence or what is consciousness or what is knowledge - or them vague generalised blurred out of focus words/ideas or Blaubs is to seek out some very definite corresponding experience, or ask myself how do I experience time or intelligence or knowledge or knowing or consciousness, and ask myself is a definite clear focused well-defined identifiable experience attached to that word all that can be attached to that word. Thank you very much for getting back to me on that because you can help me because we can work together on this and keep trying to focus or sharpen whatever it is that lies behind the veil of that word - and in my respectful submission, words tend to veil or obscure or hide what lies behind them, so the next question is how to go about going behind that veil or seeing through that veil, and all your suggestions are welcome if we are going to see if we can discover this together, so thank you very much for getting back to me. If you will forgive me, I would strongly urge you to avoid that weasel word "we" because it can only mean you and your immediate interlocutor, in this case myself, so try to avoid vague generalised term such as "we which can only mean you, and you will get a great deal further if you used "I", instead of that weasel word "we", behind which some like to hide, because they are either nervous or reluctant to use the perpendicular pronoun, or "I". The next time that someone witters on onto you about "we", ask them to tell you when "we" has a headache, and that is because people do indeed hide behind the veil "we" - I can know nothing of other people's experiences - and am extremely grateful for that, because if I could experience what they experience, their headache would be my headache and it isn't, so I cannot, so let us dispense with this weasel word fantasy "we" unless we (groan)are referring to you and myself specifically- -Agreed? So what we got so far? One: consciousness is got something do with knowledge, and you and I (or the dreadful "we") can discover that because words with those three little magic letters sci in them come from that Latin word or two Latin words: sciere - to know, and Scio - I know so all words with sci in them have something or other to do with knowledge but then knowledge is also a blaub, is it not? So ask yourself what corresponding exact and precise experience can I attach to that word "consciousness - does that word veil a very exact and precise experience or just a vague unfocused generalisation? You can only discover that by trying to examine very closely and carefully what sort of associations revolve around that word rather like planets revolve around a Sun, and when you have had a bash at that, I would be extremely interested to learn what you have discovered and whether or not all it is is a number of unfocused photographs, in which you can make out nothing very clear particular or well-defined. It is true is it not that words do act rather like veils they obscure rather than reveal; what is your opinion of that? Small aside: because I am very old and my eyesight is failing it is far easier for me to use a dictation program and sometimes they are not very good at exactly reproducing the words that one speaks, so please forgive any oddities or solecisms in the above. 70 years I have been trying to investigate this business all of which hangs or depends on one fundamental basic question: "what - not who (only means one of a number of possible candidates) Am I? If I ask that question, and when I asked that question all I get is a bunch of words, all I have done is to kill a very beautiful and alive question with words, we do not give me any understanding whatsoever, and that leads me straight into the other blaub - understand; what does is it mean to understand what *Is* understanding? The only way to approach that question is to ask how do I experience understanding - if I ever experience understanding? Sorry about the prolixity - old men tend to be garrulous
At an early age we are taught to believe in Santa Claus , the tooth fairy , the Easter bunny and of course GOD ….. since time began humans have had the need to have a high being to make excuses for our faults ….. sadly too many humans follow modern mythology …. One could say that we created god to have an excuse and ability to judge others and have a clear conscience .
I know one thing that is real, PAIN!!! I am in real pain most of the time. Now I will take Ibuprofen softgels and just keep my mouth shut and listen to people much smarter than myself.
Variety? Well, that's what religion needs: good and evil spirits, only those that consciously choose to be guided by the first are selected for the next level.
@@grijzekijker That seems unlikely! Good and evil doesn't even exist until you have self-aware beings, so didn't exist before say 10 million years ago.
You have Free Will. You know you have Free Will. You make the effort to make decisions. If everything was predetermined, then there could be no change. If everything was random, then there would not be any rules followed. Things would fall up, or sideways. Things would even break up. If everything was purely externally determined, then that would require the external agent to have the power to determine. Who would determine what the external agent was going to determine? It would again be one of these. So, let us exclude this possibility. If you have Free Will, everything has Free Will. If everything has Free Will, everything has Consciousness. Just like there is a Collective Consciousness of our bodies, there is a Collective Consciousness of the Universe. All the Universes are connected somehow. They are somewhere. Everything that is beyond this Universe is connected to this Universe, as it is somewhere. It will also have Free Will. It will also have Consciousness. There is a Collective Consciousness of the Cosmos, and, ultimately, there is One Whole. That is the Real God. That is the Ultimate Reality. Illusion is when you're not seeing something as it truly is. When you're not seeing the Oneness, then it is an illusion. When you are seeing the Oneness, then it is Ultimate Reality. Science is about simplicity. The Simplest Thing would have existed Originally. No variety. Just One Uniform Being. This Being has created the Universe, and all the Universes. We are part of it.
The Eternal Life, is the Ultimate Reality, and It is Your Self. No one have seen Life, You have Never seen Your Self. Life can't be seen, Only Known. So, You can not see Your Self, and can't deny your own Existence. (so Close, and so 'Far')
GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ is reality and eternity.. We as human beings have a finite existence on this earth.. in other words we will die or be changed.. according to the Holy Bible.. so since GOD is Eternal and so is the Lord Jesus Christ is also Eternal therefore it is right to believe that there is life after death.. since we temporal..
Ultimate Reality will have to be self explanatory, without contradictions. Gödel's incompleteness theorems shows that even mathematics is not perfect and can contain contradictions.
This consciousness of the ultimate reality should be determined as nothing else but God. But for some reason this physicist dpesn't dare to call things what they really are.
@@abelincoln8885 my friend, our ego like humans it is not powerful like God, the life it is like a dream when you believe in a live when you make things by love, but really love, without having any condition, because if you want to probe it, you will see, always that life change when you have not pure intention. Only you need to start to think in the feeling of love, inside you, and to believe if you can love, everything and everyone, it is a question super hard to make for himself, because if you have your senses open , without any limitations form your mind, if you can make possible to stop your mind like you stop to do things with your muscles, you will see that start to have some tensions inside you, then if you start to feel uncomfortable, try to talk to God directly, asking for help about whatever feeling that you don't understand, or don't like it, or simply you can not support it. You will see
When this man asks a question, it is the most articulated question, period.
Idk I feel like a lot of this channel is just self aggrandizement, hours and hours of nothing being said at all 🤷♂️
Unfortunately he doesn't have any answer.
Period after saying period
@@weirdorwhat7294 u, apparently, don’t understand neither grammar nor punctuation.
@@shadothman3322 Calm down their Ken it's not real life buddy.
"One is groping towards it".
So what is making it dark or foggy?
It is bloody words is it not? - They obscure more than they reveal, do they not?
Geometric, twirling, in every direction and in all ways simultaneously , and connected from one end to the other, and symmetrical in between, magnificent
Do you have the mathematical formula for this?
Dr. Barbour... this could be the finishing moment for me, after watching the channel from when it happened on YT around 2 years ago with a few subscribers. With anticipation, I was looking for someone who will rock me off my socks. And today Closer To Truth actually went right into the doorway. Not trying to be nostalgic, but this combination of academic and real-life knowledge is something that excites me my whole life.
Julian Barbour is a unique maverick in the science✨I’m reading his latest book👍
Good for YOU. However in his interwier his concept concern External World are baseless speculations. Big liar.
I started writing down my thoughts on this topic and my "gut feeling" suggested our perception of memories and time play an integral part in our reality.
For anyone reading this - you're not alone.
If I'm thinking this might be true, that I am the only one. Than if you read this and think the same thing than you are not alone.
We might be split - we might be all the same - but you are a part or you are everything.
It is reality no matter what.
I am experiencing a reality - you are not alone.
Nice one 👍
Got me on that one.
@@weirdorwhat7294 I think it's dangerous - that we can believe we are the only person 'truly alive'. It's a loneliness that harbors at the tail end of Science, Psychology and Culture; when we analyze to such a degree we forget to love.
Spirituality at the extremes harbors this danger as well.
@@datsdababie9640 Those are true words spoken. I've felt alone many times in a room full of people and thought my God I feel like I'm the only one alive and all these people are just npc's.
the "I am " is only a thought,
What is ultimate reality but Self and what is the purpose of Self but Love. - Wald Wassermann
hearing intellectuals talk simply puts a smile on my face...
if only they knew something
Mark pagen: Is that grinning 😀.
Tell the truth
The Monad as mentioned in gnosticism who is beyond creation is the ultimate reality. It's unfathomable because it's beyond the mind. Curiously the same Monad is mentioned in the Vedanta as the Purusha beyond which there's nothing.
unfortunately, 99.999% of the other people in the world haven't read them, so they don't believe it .
atheists believe in materialism despite already proven to be FALSE
It's you yourself.
@@dare-er7sw I believe that too (I think), but without the duality between subjective and objective, which is the unfathomable part mentioned by the OP.
the En Sof in Kabbalah
There cannot be Nothing without there being a Something. Like darkness is absence of Light. All relative
How to make something straight forward and simple muddled and complicated by overthinking it
So tell us your great answer...with your Trump University PhD in Evolutionary stupidiology the answer will enlighten future generations, I presume...
@@Raydensheraj ok here goes my rude friend. Reality is what you wake up and experience every day until you die. You've been born into a world of evolution by natural selection as all serious scientists agree because there is a ton of evidence to back it up.
Those were Hard Questions, that were given quite HONEST answers. !
Thank You, great video.
Guys Not show up consistence picture reality though conscieness because he concept are so only baseless speculations.
I like your explanation
Can anyone recommend any further reading on this topic? I’m looking for a book that delves into the topics of quantum physics, consciousness, universal consciousness etc.
lol, youtube will give you "the span"
Please watch Hamza Yusuf
Or Dr Abdul Hakim Murad
Essence of Hinduism by RV Bhasin
I believe the internal world is an interactive experience of the external world and the external world is interacting with our internal world based on individual conscious awareness, perception and choice.
Thomas Mottawa Wilson.
The 2 great thinker scientists appear short of spelling out this:
As consciousness exists in atoms electrons & fundamental particles
or simply put mass and energy, consciousness should be built in
every equation or law. The paradox is consciousness is formless
and is itself a “function” but is beyond words of description by
the human mind. You can’t even define consciousness by
limiting its “properties”. In the end, ultimate reality is
undescribable. It can only be here and now or simply
isness of existence .
Consciousness is a concept not an inherently real thing
Ultimate reality must involve variation/variety. The ancient Taoists understood this. They called it Yin and Yang. All perceived reality is the oscillation between these two poles of the oneness.
Great video
I find this idea to be sad.
I am not saying it is wrong. I have even experienced it on psychedelics. I saw the thing he says we all see from different perspectives. And I know many people find this idea very spiritual and inspiring.
But I fell in love with the physical world when I was young. I love to think about the water and the rocks. I love to imagine what my house is to itself when nobody is home. To me it is so entrancing to think of a world that has no need of my perception.
Paganism is making a comeback
Welcome then to Mars and Uranus ... and the rest of the universe. As for that 'perception' and other worlds, there's no shortage of folks who will take you there (for a fee, of course).
@@johnhough7738 The Buddha said
2,500 years ago the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon
@@robertjsmith There's a lot of wisdom in these apparently trite sayings - one of the reasons a lot of the Zen quotes hold such huge appeal; they can resonate on different levels.
@@johnhough7738 zen points to non-duality
It seems to me that the movement of time created evolution that brought conciousness. When conciousness awakens it has to explore and discover every aspect of creation and after filtering finds truth and reality bit by bit. The ultimate must be an unimaginably inmense source of truth, love, experience and integration. If evolution is a journey there must be a destination.
So far brains development not shows how picuret reality though conscieness. Because reality are unpredicted and conscieness evolution Not show up how picuret reality.
You are truth right now
@Mariano Martinez Brilliant, beautiful statement.
There is only Consciousness/awareness/experience they are the same
Everyone is already aware of everything there is no destination
Consciousness is fundamental.
This reality exists for me you all exist because I came into being and you all share my experience
(0:15) *JB: **_"I would start at one property that it must have and that is variety."_* ... This is the basis for my book. For any reference point to exist, there must be a minimum of one additional reference point that is either oppositional or complimentary to offer conceivability for both (existence-nonexistence, hadron-antihadron, matter-antimatter, black-white, animate-inanimate, positive-negative, life-death, good-evil, theism-atheism, etc.).
The ultimate reality for *Existence* is that *Nonexistence* must be conceivable ... _and it isn't._ ... Therein lies the struggle!
There is an ultimate reality and we experience it from our perspective. He laid it out beautifully. Carl Sagan once said we are the universe’s consciousness and it makes more sense than anything out there.
I think I agree. If 'reality' were totally obvious & clear, even more people would completely convince themselves that their 'truth' is the only truth. Thank goodness 'reality' is elusive!
The Universe is a finite ISOLATED Thermodynamic System with increasing entropy.
All thermodynamic Systems ... originate from ... the SURROUNDING Systems(s) which must provide the matter, energy, space, time & Laws of Nature for the thermodynamic System.
We have always known the true origin of the Universe & Life .. but have free will ... to think, believe say & do whatever we want ... with the Laws of Thermodynamics and the fact that only an intelligence like Man makes, maintains, fixes, improves & FINE TUNES abstract & physical FUNCTIONS.
There is only the Natural System .... within ... an Unnatural System.
The is only the Physical existence ... and .. a non-physical existence with the INTELLIGENCE that made the matter, energy, space, time & Laws of Nature.
J.D. "Abe Lincoln" blocked me. Sounds like he 'knows' all the answers. Sorry Abe, don't buy it & nobody should accept ultimatums like yours.
@@LibsRockU lol WTF are you waffling on about?
So isolated thermodynamic Systems with increasing entropy . do not originate from the surrounding system(s)? Bhahahhahaha.
@@abelincoln8885 I've melted butter & tasty syrup on you & I've eaten you. The absence of any empathetic effort reveals plenty about ya, Abe.
Opposites is variety, day creates night hot cold etc. The great illusion. The Tusth has no differences at all.
I still think that consciousness could be found from say the result of being able to program in say an extra dimension than just 1’s and 0’s. Like a third dimensional logic gate that hasn’t been found yet. Is something like that possible?
What do you suppose consciousness to be or how you define "consciousness"?
Whose consciousness and consciousness of what?
What is the point of discussing something of which you have no clear idea - namely consciousness?
Those consciousness? - Do you suppose that there can be consciousness without the consciousness of someone specific?
It turns out that your idea of "consciousness" is merely some vague generalisation is it not? Moreover it turns out that when you try to examine what exactly obtained within that vague generalisation you simply cannot.
When you refer to "consciousness" I trying to "consciousness" in general, or something specific and what specific "something" do you have in mind?
Turns out you cannot discover that not
My goal has been to find things that seem to be true. If later I find I was wrong about something, I abandon my previous conclusions. That happens a lot in my case.
I don't seek "The Truth". Others have found plenty of "Truths" but I don't have time to dig into them. I don't feel that I necessarily have access to all the information I'd need, the time, the intellect or the inclination evaluate all the Truth claims.
The world isn't simple. If you think there is some simple, accessible Truth waiting for you go discover... you need get over yourself. Learn what you can and accept that like All before us, we will all die ignorant of many things.
WE aren't that special. Seek "true", and be ready to admit you're wrong.
Duality= You are aware OF reality
Non= duality You are aware AS reality
If you really do have such a goal or aim, then you are a most unusual creature amongst your fellow creatures. By what criteria would you be able to discover whether or not something "seems" to be what you call "true"?
@@robertjsmith In your remarks which consist almost entirely of what I call "Blaubs" (whichI will happily define to you if you asked me to do so) you refer to "thought" which apparently speaks or says, and you also referred to what you call "reality".
As and when you can define - or set out what you seek to convey when you use, either "thought" or "reality", I will address your remarks seriatim, but will not hold my breath because hell will have frozen over before you can do either.
Moreover you refer to something that you call "innate peace and freedom", which I take to be some sort of vague reference to some dreams or fantasies much favoured by dreamers.
I have some little experience of those that speak rather dreamily of either "peace" or "freedom", and they seem to be the specialites to La Maison of such dreamers to whom such dreams are meat and drink, and they have all the clarity, definition and focus of any dream or fantasy
What can you possibly experience of what others experience, or more precisely what can you possibly know/experience of my what you call (but do not define )"thought"?
When you can depart from me woolly generalisations and can be a little specific and define your terms by all means get back to me.
WE are not special? Dude, we are the only things in nature that can invent language about and communicate to each other on Nature
"There was a faith-healer from Deal,
Said "I know that pain isn't real-
-yet when I sit on a pin,
And it punctures my skin,
I dislike what I fancy I feel."
Who hasn't at one stage or another thought that Reality isn't real? But we get over it (otherwise go buy some pins and a chair).
In the ultimate dimension or realm, mind is inseparable from matter.
As mind is a projection or operation of consciousness, to understand
ultimate reality one must go back to its source. Just like movie playing
on a screen. There is no universe existing outside. It’s in your mind.
You are the universe. Or as Sai Baba or Ramana Maharshi said:
I am God. You are God. We are all ONE.
What is the ultimate reality? Let’s analyze, meaning, let’s take it apart.
First the structure. We began with 2 parts: (i) infinite nothingness and (ii) an infinitesimal dot called the singularity that became the universe. Infinite nothingness can only be imagined as continuous space. So, when the cosmologists claim that the first thing out of the singularity was space, it had to be discrete space that is referenced with rational numbers that are denumerable, hence is filled with gaps. The gaps were then filled with the infinite nothingness to form a third part of reality that I call pneuma.
Now for the functions of each part: Because everything that is possible resides in the infinite nothingness it instantiates possibilities into the pneuma to become noumena (laws of mathematics, Plato’s ideals, Aristotle’s potentia) ). Noumena are then actualized as objective reality by a creator; then when the mind appeared, it also realized concepts and percepts which then were actualized as subjective, rational and transcendental reality.
Hence ultimate reality consists of 2 modalities of space, continuous and discrete; a 3-realm structure of realms: possibility, potentiality, actuality; 3 functions: instantiation, realization, actualization; and 4-experiental levels: objective, subjective, rational, and transcendental.
Incidentally, panpsychism is the result of the presence of pneuma; consciousness is a manifestation.
Without perception, you cannot perceive a reality but can reality exist independent of perception? I would postulate that we are reality perceiving itself.
Variety and variation is the sense of freedom.
i believe Ultimate reality is consciousness and all the possibilities that come out of it, something our physical brains cannot even comprehend yet.
Not possible. The universe existed for billions of years before biological consciousness came into existence.
@@danielalexander799 i understand your argument, what i am saying is that conciuosness would be as fundamental as space time, it is not a hostage within space time, therefore, conciousness is in the past, in the present and the furure all at once. Knowledge of it all
@@danielalexander799 Not very philosophical, are you Dan?
What is the difference between 'What is the ultimate reality?' and 'What is reality?' ?
ultimate reality is non conceptual
@@robertjsmith I think of ultimate reality by Kant's phrase The-Thing- In- Itself. All space-relationship, all time-process as one being. 'Reality' I see as tripartite in usage; 1) our expectations of the world, 2) any negative experience that frustrates our expectations, and 3) I forget.
@@arthurwieczorek4894 in a word Non-duality
@@robertjsmith The Thing-In-Itself is non-duality; that is why it is singular, but we only experience as contrast, as relative, as duality, eg figure/ground.
Here’s a theory - some day in the future we finally get to ‘read’ consciousness, organise it digitally and with the management of a Super Artificial Intelligence which is able to upload our consciousness into simulated realities it creates ( a vastly upgraded version of the Metaverse as an example) …. Heaven , hell and others. So now we have achieved eternal life. We are able to upload and download our physical brain data/storage at will, even download back into this physical and biological world . There may be rules eg: past memories suppressed etc. How close is our technology or have we already achieved this feat - perhaps some other species has done so thousands or millions of years ago and has spread throughout the cosmos conquering as it goes.
What makes you imagine that you - yes you titch, because "we" means you, can do anything of the sort?
I wonder if you fully understand that the word "we" means or indicates the user of the term - that's you titch and his immediate interlocutor, which in these circumstances can only possibly be imaginary. You use words ever stopping to wonder what lies behind the veil of words or even that they fail veil something but you cannot discover what
@@vhawk1951kl I can only share my theories … that is all they are !
Only your Maker can perfectly cover for you Himself and remake you again from the inside out by the power of His true word as no one else can.
There is no maker. Grow up.
Check near death experiences. There's no maker as you and the light are one. I have not dismissed NDEs yet.
@@AlexLifeson1985 that's just so dumb considering everything That science knows is contingent
@@dongshengdi773 An infinite regress of contingent physical things breaks the laws of thermodynamics and is therefore nonsensical.
@@dare-er7sw To deny your Maker is to deny the reality of your existence.
That quantum mechanics takes into account everything that is in the universe, is an overstretched statement a bit. There are things beyond the range of quantum mechanics. Besides that, every other thing he says sounds correct to me.
What is ultimate reality? Philosophers and theologians have tried to answer that question without any evidence but only what is in their minds and as evidence is gathered it contradicts every one of them, not just making them look stupid but laughably absurd.
It should be understood that it is entirely possible that it is beyond understanding of the human species to find out. One fact that points in that direction is that every time new observations are made that haven't been seen before they invariably raise more questions than they answer. Are there real dimensions we cannot sense because they are beyond the physical limitations of our ability to observe? Can we infer their existence by hypothesizing their existence by using them to explain things we do observe that we can't explain? How does an electron seem to disappear from our universe at one energy level and reappear at another without passing through the paths that we can detect? This alone raises questions we've had no answer for for many decades. What is the ultimate reality? Because we believe that the consistencies of the way matter and nature behave the same at all time and in all spaces, the ultimate reality while manifesting itself in a seemingly infinite variety of ways must at its ultimate core be simple.
One mistake I think many physicists make is compartmentalization of knowledge. The universe doesn't have to remember all of the consistencies we call laws, relativity, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, etc. They are all the result of the same ultimate reality. The fact that quantum mechanics cannot be reconciled with relativity or that you can't know both the position and velocity of a photon at the same time is our problem, not the universe's. The gravity that slingshots the voyager spacecraft around Jupiter to head to saturn is the same gravity that we see in quantum mechanics. Gravity is gravity on any scale. Don't tell me electromagnetic energy is both particles and waves, that is irrational and is proof it isn't understood. As a student of electrical engineering I had to memorize, use, and reproduce on an exam about 250 equations related to electromagnetic fields. Those equations told me what would happen but not how or why. To this day physicists cannot tell me why like electric charged particles repel and opposite charges attract or why there are two charges and not three or five. They're pretty glib about sticking a name on things pretending that they understand them in their arcane terminology.
Physicists whether they like it or not are at the beginning of their journey of understanding, not near the end and if they keep going they will encounter a lot of surprises that will endlessly challenge what they think they know with new conundrums their prior theories can't explain.
We will, never in our life time, be able to show
evidence based reality...
totally quite the opposite.
science has never proven anything using evidence , just subjective interpretations of observations in light of materialism.
The ultimate truth dwells in the realm of the immaterial as discussed in the video .
Materialism has already been disproven in science (quantum physics , Superposition, entanglement, collapse of the wave function, the measurement problem, etc)
@@dongshengdi773 right..!! As Max Planck has said " the ultimate reality can't be found, as we are the part of it"
@@dongshengdi773 Science has proven some theories are just plain wrong. Science offers no absolute truths which distinguishes it from religion and philosophy. The predecessor to science if you can call it that was called natural philosophy such as the notion that everything was made up of earth, water, fire, and air. The conclusions of natural philosophy seem pathetic and silly now but we've yet to extend that conclusion to other areas of philosophy. Why is that? For me it's a red line I'm only too happy to cross. Come up with any notion you like and there's a philosopher or theologian who will agree with you and happily take your money. Blind faith in them is how these parasites earn their living.
Science makes observations and tries to produce the best possible explanation called a theory to explain them. So there are only two kinds of theories, those proven wrong and those not proven wrong yet.
If you are talking about determinism and superdeterminism, the notion that we cannot pin down quantum mechanics is our problem, not the universe's. We don't know enough yet to solve that problem. In a rational universe there is no such thing as random. It's strictly a useful human abstraction that has no basis in reality. The hypothesis that there are more than three physical dimension we can sense has a lot of observations that could be explained by that notion even though we have no evidence and may never have evidence that they exist. Much of what we think we know comes from inference based on observation that we have no other explanation for. For example there is no way to prove electricity exists. None of our five senses can detect it. All we can say is that the conclusion that it does exist is inferred by observing the effects our theory says it produces.
@@kalapitrivedi6966 Planck may have been a great scientist and mathematician but as a philosopher he stinks. We keep learning more about ourselves all of the time and put that knowledge to use. Will we ever fully understand what we are? Nobody knows and certainly Planck didn't know. It is rather arrogant to make a blanket statement about what we can and can't ultimately know. This is the difference between the unknown and the unknowable. Where is the line between them? We don't know and to presume we do makes no rational sense. We've only been systematically trying to understand existence for the last few hundred years of our species 100,000 years of existence. We're at the beginning so we don't know how large the ocean is or how far we can get across it. People once thought if you went far enough you'd fall off the edge.
How can a rigorous and serious thinker can postulate that there are “atoms and fotons despite our experience of them”? How can we have certainty that there’s anything out of our experience? Isn’t that just an assumption with no base on experience ? Isn’t that a belief ? Is science made of belief ?
AG, yes pretty much you are correct. My Physics Professor in University gave a course, that you could say was about the Philosophy of Science. In that course, he kept repeating that "A scientist assumes that there exists an external world, that its existence is independent of Humans". That one sentence, you see is the Postulate of all the Sciences, so Postulate == Assumption and I guess Assumption == Belief. So if you follow my logic, I think that confirms your statement that "Science is made of Beliefs".
And in other areas of Physics, like in Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and even Newtonian Mechanics, there are Postulates, or in your terminology there are "Beliefs". In Newtonian mechanics, Newton says there is a Gravitational Force, it exists. Newton can describe the effects of Force Mathematically, but he himself said that he does not know where it comes from, and then he Postulates it is probably from God. So the story with Newton and his theory of Force, went something like this. I am just paraphrasing the story, not being too precise mind you. BUT I think you get the idea that I am trying to tell you.
Clinging to consciousness's illusion of the self and it's insecure, primal insistance of immortality.
where and when will you find a hermatist :( you would understand alot more after
we knew reality. now we know ultimate reality. soon we will have to seek out the penultimate reality.
What is real is anything that occupies space and time , including what we think is abstract. What is ultimately real, or what kicked this whole thing off- Is that which possess the least Inhibitions
Universe' s own self aware event's unison in different parameters on reality made it chaotic...
Consciousness is the source of all. Know thyself.
So - what happened before consciousness evolved? Did quantum mechanics come later?
Seems a bit solipsistic to me.
He's wrong about Berkeley, who didn't hold that external reality was nonexistent point blank, but that the external world was real because it is perceived (!).
The scientific evidence are more internally constructed than received points directly at this.
If science aknowledge that Mr Sidharta Gotama, known widely as Buddha, was a scientist, there is a chance the answer to that question was already found ..
the way they interpret speed in equations, the way they look to the two sides of equations as if they finished their job, they way they interpret constants, .... indicate that they do not understand the basics (the deep meaning of each variable, constant,...), take a look how they calculate thrust for instance, then take a look how they interpret velocity !
they do not connect speed to mass and energy the right way, they think if the equations do work then they do understand !
mass, energy, constants, speed, wave length, ......... in equations are strongly related, they must rethink about that (how they interact).
here E=MC^2 they do not understand the main rule of speed squared, hf=1/4mc^2 , c = 2πfr for proton and so on, apply that to the rest.
probably the first step is better understanding of speed and constants and how they effect mass, energy, space....
from they way they think of mass, energy, space, speed, .... as if they are really complete independent variables, it is very clear that they have no deep understanding.
What is ultimate reality? It's the sound of one hand clapping. If the human mind cannot fathom quantum mechanics, then the human mind cannot fathom ultimate reality. Some things in science are indeed unfathomable.
It's hard to accept that a rock and a building made of such rocks share similar complexity...
It’s more mind blowing that everything is made of atoms
@@robertjsmith even more so if you think it's all energy :)
Consciousness? A dog is conscious. An elephant, dolphin, iguana is conscious. Who knows, perhaps anything 'conscious' may be capable of other perceptions too. But can we separate the mind from the vehicle?
A 'wave function that affects everything in the universe at once' would have to travel through that universe at speeds infinitely greater than light itself. I don't know enough to say that such is impossible-hell, I'm still getting around to accepting that when I look up at a clear night sky I'm seeing something that isn't there.
Far out man!
We are all dead in the end and that is the ultimate reality.
You mean the machine will eventually cease to FUNCTION?
Any an intelligence makes, maintains, fixes, improves & fine tunes ... abstract & physical Functions.
Everything in the Universe ... is a Function .. processes inputs into outputs ... has set purpose, form, & design.
Science(function) relies completely on the fixed Laws of Nature( functions) for Man( Function) to explain natural phenomena (Functions).
Man has always known the UNNATURAL origin of the Universe by an intelligence .. but has free will ... to think, believe, say & do whatever he wants with facts & truths about the Universe.
Sorry let me start off by apologizing because I am not as intelligent as the guests or the host on this show and all these shows.
I don't know much about science at all.
but I have a question.
We are conscious right! we as humans have evolved , well let's just say we have for this argument. We have evolved and now in the 21st century we are here.
take a look around the world and see what WE HUMANS have created.. amazing right? yes..
so.. now.. If we are conscious the universe is conscious right? and surely a conscious universe is smarter than an educated human!?
so would it be safe to say, the universe created us? and this universe created us all knowing what its creating and is consciously creating all the time?
So he is talking about Qbism in the end right? He didn't say it, but that sure sounds like the idea.
they hallucinate no doubt, connecting both scales is essential to understand so-called quantum mechanics, consciousness is other story "still too early for that"
@@ROForeverMan because many people like him can't wrap around their heads That nothing outside of materialism exists
Good thing that you guys are finally getting closer to what the Rishies of India had revealed unequivocally many thousand years ago that consciousness is the ultimate reality. And consciousness is all that there is. Welcome to Upanishads !
MaterialISM ~ Matter >>>>>> mind
IdealISM ~ Mind >>>>>>> matter
DualISM ~ Mind | Matter
NonDual PanpsychISM ~ MindMatter
Christian deQuincy 🙏
It seems he is talking about universal consciousness. Consciousness is the fundamental reality
Veda says that the supreme reality is Lord Vishnu who is absolute concious Being.
@@AlexLifeson1985 what's so funny?
@@AlexLifeson1985 other religions call him by other names. but in philosophy , they also call him by many names,
Creator , designer, programmer, first cause , prime mover, UNmoved mover, etc.
@@dongshengdi773 There is no need to invoke a creator. The laws of reality allow for what we think of life to exist independently and without a god. Where did vishnu come from???
@@AlexLifeson1985 At first you clarify what is life ?
If you can imagine it, it’s not Ultimate Reality.
Seems obvious that at the ground level of reality there is only one thing
The nature of consciousness is innately “something out of nothing”.
it is called immaterial
I agree, consciousness is a continual process of nothing becoming something. A process, which just like any other process, can only occur in time.
...Please allow some additional thoughts. Time/Space is a Turbulent Flow with Eddie's & Vortices. Both of you as well as everyone else have varied Gifts & Talents, a thirst for knowledge & understanding. The whole Earth is Special, it is GOD'S Garden. Pre Big Bang there was no Past, Present, or Future, Eternal. GOD & every mankind together, as we grow in knowledge & understanding. Adapting to the results of Turbulent Flow, respectfully, Chuck...captivus tube...Blessings...
The "one thing" is consciousness.
Trinity-Jesus ; Participatory Universe Wheeler - quantum measurement ; Spinoza's God /Nature - mind & matter attributes of God / Nature
Start with the ignorant thing asking the question. Ask if ignorance is a curse or a blessing. Ask if ultimate reality is inimical and can only be approached through ignorance. Ask if ultimate reality is beneficial and if ignorance keeps us from being benefitted from it.
I'm a conscious observer of photons and wavelike functions and events outside of normal percievable means HELP ME
Also esp
"One OR the Other"???? (Min 4:00)
Classic DualISM
We're all trying to figure out the mystery of reality. Science is just scratching the surface... It is therefore a spiritual world too.
We are one in variety.
God's Love
There are 2 realities:
1. Objective reality. Things happened outside of you, with or without you.
2. Subjective reality: your personal experienced of reality and how you respond to it.
Our wise ancestors all over the world already written several books on this.
One of the most popular book on this topic is the Tao Te Ching
Tao is the objective way the universe operate. The author admit the universe is way more comex and mysterious than we know. The ultimate reality/ the ultimate Tao is beyond human comprehension, beyond human reach.
He can only describe the objective reality, the macro level things like planet and galaxies as the Big Tao.
The Te is the subjective reality, the personal reality. The small Tao.
Ching means book.
Translation: the book of Tao and Te.
Transcript it though phichs equation please. NOW this speculation are gibberish speculation.
@@maxwellsimoes238 LOL you want a simplified version?
- Tao: The cycle of life is from simple to complex then back to simple. The universe is endless, life is cyclical.
- Te: nature is good, respect nature, mimic nature.
It is the earliest book on How the universe operates. The book does not mention the Why.
I found this book to be the earliest book on nature conservation, how to live with nature, how to leave the world as you found it.
Of course, the book is not user friendly. It is difficult to understand, it forces the reader to think critically.
da.poslusam..znanstveniki ne razumejo vsega kar sem jim povedala o alienih in motijo se..nihce skoraj ne razumemprav o kvantni mehaniki..
LSD man!
The Human Thermodynamic thing
The two of you can take abstraction to a new level, but the fundamental question is "chicken and egg".
The animals that didn't take their experiences seriously didn't last too long. If you don't take the experience of the cliff or the predator seriously you can easily die. Taking our experiences of the external world seriously is a selected trait. It is an instinct.
"What is the deepest nature of things? "
When you ask yourself what does that actually mean, it turns out to be no more than a few words including the ultimate and most mysterious of all "things"
The creatures that come up with these fanciful, artificial and contrived pseudo-questions about what they call "reality", never seem to ask any intelligent questions of themselves first, such as what do I mean by "reality" and what are these famous "things"
Any fool can come up with these completely vacuous questions, and when they tried to clarify them, all they have is-a fog, because they confuse themselves with words the meaning of which they have not the first idea because they are content was words and do not seek to go behind the veil words or aim to investigate the phenomenon of the veil of words, because it is plain that words I disguise or veil something
another thought story
@@robertjsmith Only you had some idea what you are trying to say but you don't
Principle = Reality = That which is.
Attribute = all-inclusive, interrelated Whole that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents = Continuum of Being = Absolute.
The facets of a Diamond are 'both' distinct from each other 'and' the Diamond itself. We are all It (Creative Intelligence), to an unknowable/inexhaustible extent.
Seems like some serious scientists are beginning to acknowledge consciousness as fundamental.
And it seems that they have no personal clear idea of what they mean by "consciousness" than you do, because men (human beings) like to speak about "consciousness but when you ask them exactly what they mean by consciousness they never have the slightest idea.
Whose consciousness and consciousness of what?
Can there be consciousness (whatever you mean by consciousness) without it being the consciousness of someone in particular? - That is a very simple question, now address it, and the answers are yes or no, so which is it? - Can there be "consciousness" without it being the consciousness of some one in particular or someone identifiable, or his "consciousness" just some vague woolly generalisation?
You tell me, and I am almost certain that you are about to tell me that you have no idea whatsoever what you mean by "consciousness" because the word is accompanied by particular - that experience in your case - that is true is it not?
@@vhawk1951kl Awareness is the best I can do. It’s (consciousness) the basis of our reality or at least the fundamental experience of our reality.
No one has ever or could ever experience anything outside of consciousness/awareness. Whether we can describe this technically or scientifically is irrelevant it’s our most basic experience of reality.
@@barryb.3947 Huge grin - Lord I loathe those ghastly infantile asinine little yellow things, you know what you have done, don't you?
Psychological algebra is the answer; X=Y=X, where neither X nor Y have any definition meaning or value assigned to them, and you are going round in circles, you have come up with a circular definition; consciousness is awareness awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness, so what is awareness?
You surely did not suppose that I would let you get away with that? - Another huge grin.
Now address the question: can there be consciousness without it being the consciousness of someone identifiable or in particular, yes or no?
Is it not exactly the case that when you and the rest of your fellow creatures, speak of "consciousness" it is no more than a vague generalisation that floats in limbo somewhere?
If you look at the words of which the word "consciousness is compounded, you run across those three little letters sci which appear in all sorts of words, most notably science conscience and consciousness.
It turns out - and it exactly the case that all words in English with the little letters sci in them, such as conscience science and conscious, all come from one Latin infinitive, specifically "sciere", which is the Latin word for to know, and there is also the first person singular of that word Scio, I know, so it follows as the night the day from that that all of those words science conscience conscious and any English word with sci in it, has at its roots the idea of knowledge, and you and I are in no better position to define knowledge or know and we are in a position to define conscious or. Consciousness.
I make the proposition which you can accept or reject as you please, that words act as veils - in effect they obscure whatever is behind them which let us imagine are something equally vague and nebulous, namely concepts or ideas, which are a little like either Quicksilver or your shadow that that latter is more apt because as you approach your shadow it moves away from you.
There are a number of words the like allBlaubs (a mixture between blah blah blah blurb - hence blaub) and I define a blaub as being directly analogous to a species of photograph that is unfocused and simply can never be focused, clarified or have any definition or clarity attached to it because it is out of focus and is always been out of focus, and the resultant that is that it is impossible to detect of what it is a photograph, and "consciousness" is a blaub, because when you go to examine it or try to see what ideas lie behind this word consciousness" all you discover is an unfocused photograph or more simply a blur and simply cannot detect of what it is a photograph - it looks ladylike this that or the other, but it turns out that it could be anything and it is simply not possible to detect of what it is a photograph, so back we go to consciousness is awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness is awareness is consciousness, and we can dance and that particular little handbag forever can we not?
So it is so vague and generalised an unfocused as to convey very little, but the solution to that is to go to the etymology and the route of the word consciousness which contains those three magic little letters sci which tells us what?
Absolutely splendid try, but sadly no cigar; all you have done is replaced one unknown one undefined with another unknown or undefined is it not?
So if we are going to look at the word consciousness we are going to have to look at a bunch of other words as well because it is a compound word is it not?
The simplest and most straightforward thing to do with any what is question, such as what is time or what is intelligence or what is consciousness or what is knowledge - or them vague generalised blurred out of focus words/ideas or Blaubs is to seek out some very definite corresponding experience, or ask myself how do I experience time or intelligence or knowledge or knowing or consciousness, and ask myself is a definite clear focused well-defined identifiable experience attached to that word all that can be attached to that word.
Thank you very much for getting back to me on that because you can help me because we can work together on this and keep trying to focus or sharpen whatever it is that lies behind the veil of that word - and in my respectful submission, words tend to veil or obscure or hide what lies behind them, so the next question is how to go about going behind that veil or seeing through that veil, and all your suggestions are welcome if we are going to see if we can discover this together, so thank you very much for getting back to me.
If you will forgive me, I would strongly urge you to avoid that weasel word "we" because it can only mean you and your immediate interlocutor, in this case myself, so try to avoid vague generalised term such as "we which can only mean you, and you will get a great deal further if you used "I", instead of that weasel word "we", behind which some like to hide, because they are either nervous or reluctant to use the perpendicular pronoun, or "I".
The next time that someone witters on onto you about "we", ask them to tell you when "we" has a headache, and that is because people do indeed hide behind the veil "we" - I can know nothing of other people's experiences - and am extremely grateful for that, because if I could experience what they experience, their headache would be my headache and it isn't, so I cannot, so let us dispense with this weasel word fantasy "we" unless we (groan)are referring to you and myself specifically- -Agreed?
So what we got so far?
One: consciousness is got something do with knowledge, and you and I (or the dreadful "we") can discover that because words with those three little magic letters sci in them come from that Latin word or two Latin words: sciere - to know, and Scio - I know so all words with sci in them have something or other to do with knowledge but then knowledge is also a blaub, is it not?
So ask yourself what corresponding exact and precise experience can I attach to that word "consciousness - does that word veil a very exact and precise experience or just a vague unfocused generalisation? You can only discover that by trying to examine very closely and carefully what sort of associations revolve around that word rather like planets revolve around a Sun, and when you have had a bash at that, I would be extremely interested to learn what you have discovered and whether or not all it is is a number of unfocused photographs, in which you can make out nothing very clear particular or well-defined.
It is true is it not that words do act rather like veils they obscure rather than reveal; what is your opinion of that?
Small aside: because I am very old and my eyesight is failing it is far easier for me to use a dictation program and sometimes they are not very good at exactly reproducing the words that one speaks, so please forgive any oddities or solecisms in the above.
70 years I have been trying to investigate this business all of which hangs or depends on one fundamental basic question: "what - not who (only means one of a number of possible candidates) Am I?
If I ask that question, and when I asked that question all I get is a bunch of words, all I have done is to kill a very beautiful and alive question with words, we do not give me any understanding whatsoever, and that leads me straight into the other blaub - understand; what does is it mean to understand what *Is* understanding?
The only way to approach that question is to ask how do I experience understanding - if I ever experience understanding?
Sorry about the prolixity - old men tend to be garrulous
At an early age we are taught to believe in Santa Claus , the tooth fairy , the Easter bunny and of course GOD ….. since time began humans have had the need to have a high being to make excuses for our faults ….. sadly too many humans follow modern mythology …. One could say that we created god to have an excuse and ability to judge others and have a clear conscience .
God! The only thing that exists necessarily
A Person. A Trinitarian Person.
Please explore Madhyamika or the Middle way to know about Buddhist's approach to ultimate reality
Stop using the word “ultimate”. You just need reality. There is no ultimate reality. There is just what is. Reality. “Ultimate reality” is redundant.
I know one thing that is real, PAIN!!! I am in real pain most of the time.
Now I will take Ibuprofen softgels and just keep my mouth shut and listen to people much smarter than myself.
Variety? Well, that's what evolution needs - random variation, mostly harmful, sometimes helpful mutation, and natural selection
Variety? Well, that's what religion needs: good and evil spirits, only those that consciously choose to be guided by the first are selected for the next level.
@@grijzekijker That seems unlikely! Good and evil doesn't even exist until you have self-aware beings, so didn't exist before say 10 million years ago.
You have Free Will. You know you have Free Will. You make the effort to make decisions. If everything was predetermined, then there could be no change. If everything was random, then there would not be any rules followed. Things would fall up, or sideways. Things would even break up. If everything was purely externally determined, then that would require the external agent to have the power to determine. Who would determine what the external agent was going to determine? It would again be one of these. So, let us exclude this possibility. If you have Free Will, everything has Free Will. If everything has Free Will, everything has Consciousness. Just like there is a Collective Consciousness of our bodies, there is a Collective Consciousness of the Universe. All the Universes are connected somehow. They are somewhere. Everything that is beyond this Universe is connected to this Universe, as it is somewhere. It will also have Free Will. It will also have Consciousness. There is a Collective Consciousness of the Cosmos, and, ultimately, there is One Whole. That is the Real God. That is the Ultimate Reality. Illusion is when you're not seeing something as it truly is. When you're not seeing the Oneness, then it is an illusion. When you are seeing the Oneness, then it is Ultimate Reality. Science is about simplicity. The Simplest Thing would have existed Originally. No variety. Just One Uniform Being. This Being has created the Universe, and all the Universes. We are part of it.
Idealism was first articulated by an Englishman in the 1700s, says English professor, and philosophy in Asia never existed.
The Eternal Life,
is the Ultimate Reality,
and It is Your Self.
No one have seen Life, You have Never seen Your Self.
Life can't be seen, Only Known.
So, You can not see Your Self, and can't deny your own Existence.
(so Close, and so 'Far')
Truth (love) is real. Vampires (greed) are ignorant (dead).
AnthroPoCentric 'limited'
GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ is reality and eternity.. We as human beings have a finite existence on this earth.. in other words we will die or be changed.. according to the Holy Bible.. so since GOD is Eternal and so is the Lord Jesus Christ is also Eternal therefore it is right to believe that there is life after death.. since we temporal..
Every person you meet in life farts regularly.
I'm going to start calling them "blunders".
what makes a so called observer anyhow and how is that independent of what is observed- are human senses privileged
Ultimate Reality will have to be self explanatory, without contradictions. Gödel's incompleteness theorems shows that even mathematics is not perfect and can contain contradictions.
This consciousness of the ultimate reality should be determined as nothing else but God. But for some reason this physicist dpesn't dare to call things what they really are.
God exist, you can find the demonstration when you will give true love
Everything makes sense .. once you fully understand ... the origin, purpose & need to enforce rules & Laws.
@@abelincoln8885 my friend, our ego like humans it is not powerful like God, the life it is like a dream when you believe in a live when you make things by love, but really love, without having any condition, because if you want to probe it, you will see, always that life change when you have not pure intention. Only you need to start to think in the feeling of love, inside you, and to believe if you can love, everything and everyone, it is a question super hard to make for himself, because if you have your senses open , without any limitations form your mind, if you can make possible to stop your mind like you stop to do things with your muscles, you will see that start to have some tensions inside you, then if you start to feel uncomfortable, try to talk to God directly, asking for help about whatever feeling that you don't understand, or don't like it, or simply you can not support it. You will see
NonDual . . .
Maybe, consciousness is a field.