Joy of Horses is a heartwarming film that explores themes of loss, family, and personal growth. The movie follows a young teenage girl as she copes with the loss of her mom and finds solace in her grandfather's farm. The film features stunning cinematography, a talented cast, including Max Eric Lemberger, Toussaint Morrison, Luke LeBrun, and Amanda Day, and a beautiful soundtrack. The movie's family-oriented values and uplifting message make it a must-watch for young adults and families alike. With its crystal-clear visuals and engaging storyline, Joy of Horses is a cinematic gem that deserves recognition and accolades. I highly recommend it for its inspirational and entertaining value. 10 *
great job on the video! the cinematography really captured the beauty of the horses. that said, i feel like the romantic subplot could've been developed a bit more. it seemed to overshadow the main story about the bond between humans and horses, which is honestly what i was most excited to see. what do you guys think?
Love seeing the nane kai ❤❤❤❤❤❤hmm love to get that hug from kai i been waiting for for years, ugh i member being rejected to a hug after being hospitolized n was scared n that wen jesse took over ugh big mistake
Drew Gooden! Great news, you have a new movie to review! What is the business model on these movies? I can’t imagine they generate any significant revenue. Are they made for free by film students and then sold direct to consumer at homeschool conventions? Can someone please explain the business model.
this is a really amazing movie😍😍😍😍😍
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very beautiful movie Ava wow .job weldone. keep it up. wow. am really amazed
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Wow! Horses are so amazing and such awesome animals and God coolest creatures ❤
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Love this! Such an amazing family friendly movie!
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Love it❤
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Joy of Horses is a heartwarming film that explores themes of loss, family, and personal growth. The movie follows a young teenage girl as she copes with the loss of her mom and finds solace in her grandfather's farm. The film features stunning cinematography, a talented cast, including Max Eric Lemberger, Toussaint Morrison, Luke LeBrun, and Amanda Day, and a beautiful soundtrack. The movie's family-oriented values and uplifting message make it a must-watch for young adults and families alike. With its crystal-clear visuals and engaging storyline, Joy of Horses is a cinematic gem that deserves recognition and accolades. I highly recommend it for its inspirational and entertaining value.
10 *
We're so glad you enjoyed this film so much. Thank you for watching and for all of your positive feedback!
@ Thank you for an amazing unforgettable movie that should be shown to all the teens and etc.
beautiful, I think she chose the right person for her.
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Love this movie
So glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching and subscribing! ❤️
great job on the video! the cinematography really captured the beauty of the horses. that said, i feel like the romantic subplot could've been developed a bit more. it seemed to overshadow the main story about the bond between humans and horses, which is honestly what i was most excited to see. what do you guys think?
Hope you enjoyed the film! Thanks for subscribing to EncourageTV!
Love seeing the nane kai ❤❤❤❤❤❤hmm love to get that hug from kai i been waiting for for years, ugh i member being rejected to a hug after being hospitolized n was scared n that wen jesse took over ugh big mistake
Drew Gooden! Great news, you have a new movie to review! What is the business model on these movies? I can’t imagine they generate any significant revenue. Are they made for free by film students and then sold direct to consumer at homeschool conventions? Can someone please explain the business model.
The movie was good but it was dragging i was flailing a sleep.😵
Thank you for watching! ❤️ Glad you thought it was good.
Hi Michelle, have😂a good day
Hope you enjoyed the film!