Found these wild duck eggs around 5/7/22 (Part 5, Ducks' tales end sadly) 5/19/22 -Please read more.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ducks' tales end sadly
    A Journal Mallard Duck started from 05/07/2022 and ending 05/17/2022, but Life is still going on, and Hope is still alive.
    On 05/07/2022, I went to back yard, found 10 Mallard Duck eggs in my deck flower bed around 6pm, I don’t have any experience with egg hatching process, so I was anxious to see where the duck was, around 8:26pm, Mallard Duck momma appeared and start sitting on them.
    I installed two security cameras; hope I can know more about how the egg hatching process. I was surprised to see how much time duck momma was spent on caring these eggs, consistently turning these eggs and caring the nests day and night, none stop cares these eggs ad nets, up to 5/14, everything is good, she was always there, so I put water, cutting small pieces of lettuce leaves and tomatoes, I don’t know the duck drank the water, but I did see tomatoes were gone.
    duck momma defended when Rabbit and bird showed up. Around 5/16 afternoon I were charging the two security camaras battery until the next morning. On 5/17, I got up and went out to check the momma duck and her eggs, momma was not there which is never happened before, and also noticed 6 eggs crack open on the grass only 3 meters away from the nests, and 4 eggs are still in the nest, I WAS HEART BROKEN, wondering what happened.....hoping for Momma back soon....around 10am duck momma showed up, took her few minutes longer to sitting on the rest of 4 eggs.
    At this point, I google searched, lots of people recommended don’t know touch the eggs and let natural take itself, and some suggested to put fence or put eggs inside to hatch by human, but I decided to let nature be. In my mind, I kept asking myself who the animal ate these 6 eggs.
    5/17, around 8:04pm , duck momma flight away, and around 10:06pm, an animal I think was big raccoon came ate the rest of 4 eggs and 5/18 morning 5:49am, momma duck back, stayed around 5:57 am then flight away……Next two days, Momma duck went back mourning the loss of her eggs…….
    Duck momma hatch journal ended, but I am really hoping her life will still going on with good future lay ahead of her.

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