I have the great fortune of having met this precious meditation master and study his books for over 16 years. Thank you Gueshe'la from the the depth of my heart
I first met Geshe Kelsang in 1986. Due to the understated nature of his personality I didn't appreciate how lucky I was to have met him, but I did appreciate the books he had written which made me think he knew a lot. Gradually, over the years I have come to appreciate how everything comes from his personal experience of following the teachings of his root Guru, Trijang Rinpoche. Geshe-la lives every word he teaches.
This man knows how to make Buddhist knowledge into actual happiness and how to make meditation into the actual attainment of clearer consciousness. Nothing he does is for any other purpose - he is truly dedicated. I will be happy till my last breath and die with inner peace because of what I have learned from him.
It's not what Buddha taught. What this fake is teaching to ignorant white people is made up by him . He dresses up like a monk, uses Buddhist terminology but had no real understanding of them and pretends to be a monk. He is not. O can shave my head and talk about Nirvana, does that make me a monk?
@@Karen-wu8is I know Geshe Kelsang better than a BBC reporter does, thank you. I can confidently say from personal experience that the websites against him do not represent the pleasant, gentle and peaceful nature of New Kadampa Buddhists. Unless you, like me, are friendly with many of them you cannot know what you are talking about from a distance. I hope you are not already biased, or there's no point me saying this.
@@MaxwellF95 Notice that Shakur presents no argument or facts, and that Karen doesn't refer to any personal experience but just to a website. They're just trolls. Geshe Kelsang is a normal Buddhist teacher. His only problem is that he doesn't accept the Dalai Lama's authority and that's why there is so much trolling. Check his website kadampa.org or pick up one of his books and you'll see nothing but Buddhism. I speak from long personal experience, there's nothing else to see here.
Thank you for creating this wonderful video! Thank you Geshe-la for spreading the dharma as quickly and as purely as you do. Many people criticise the NKT and Geshe-la, however they fail to question why it is the fastest growing Buddhist tradition in the world! Most people who meet with Kadam dharma through Geshe-la stay. All centres are run by people who have found great benefit from the teachings and wish for others to benefit also. All money raised by the NKT goes directly into creating more centres for the sole purpose of spreading the transformative teachings! Money isn’t stolen, it is freely given by people who have found benefit and want to give in order for others to receive benefit. Every dharma centre struggles financially, they are not rich and don’t want to be. As for Geshe-la, he owns nothing and has no wish to. He just wants people to be happy. A small minority of people will find fault with Geshe-la and the NKT, but that’s a small minority amongst a huge amount of people who’s lives have been transformed. People are people, and people naturally find fault with things. I was warned about the NKT and Geshe-la by a Buddhist friend but I had to find out for myself and I am so happy I followed my intuition because my life has been completely transformed. Please do not judge from the outside, things aren’t always what they seem. Be kind, always xxx
@@buddhatobe1 The first person to inform then, is H.H. The Dalai Lama, who in a foreword to Kelsang Gyatso's 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition' (1984) refers to him as 'Geshe Kelsang Gyatso'.
@@buddhatobe1 Geshe Kelsang: 'My real situation is that in Tibet I studied Geshe Training for many years in my local monastery called Jampa Ling and at Tashi Lhunpo University and passed two exams. One exam was memorization and the other was the actual examination. Soon after that people would publicly call me 'Geshe'. Later in Tibet I was part of Sera Je monastery and further studied Geshe training. When I lived in Dalhousie I received a letter from Sera Je monastery. The letter encouraged me to go to Sera for an exam. I had heard that a new system of examination had been created and I did not accept this new system. However, in 1973 I attended my Geshe ceremony in Sera Je monastery, making numerous offerings to thousands of monks and I received a traditional white scarf or 'khatag' to indicate that I am a Geshe'.
I searched for a qualified teacher and a spiritual group of friends that were valid and real.16 years ago when i had about lost hope i found a local Sangha in my neighborhood and the books of Geshela. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without these Dharma teachings. All my questions about "Why are we here? What can i do about my anger ?Why DO "bad" things happen to nice people ? What happens when we die? How can I become Enlightened?" All Buddhas answers translated in ENGLISH.
@@ArkansasGamer the questions can easily be answered, But your better off having nothing to do with this NKT. Watch an "Unholy Row" BBC Documentary about the NKT.
Your journey is awe inspiring!!! I have been using Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Mediation book for over a decade which I never tire of - it's like holding a compass.
I am slowly getting in to this beautiful path. I am thankful to Geshe-Lá that found the street of happiness and he shares his enlightenment with all of us. I am still working hard to find answers and to stop worrying about all the questions of my life. I am so happy to hear you did find your new life, and thank you to sharing it with us.
People please watch: " 'An unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998", still valid today, on many sites across the web- about these people, and please read the comments.
Gracias querido Gueshe-la por haberme enseñado como cultivar virtud en mi corazón. Hace 1 año, cuando leía palabras ofensivas ofensivas hacia tus enseñanzas me enojaba mucho. Ahora puedo elegir generar compasión en mi continuo mental. Cuan afortunado soy! Cuan afortunados somos los que podemos percibirte como guía espiritual!
@@Martin-fi8nn Thank you... :-) Because if one sincerely follows him will attain, even in these times of so much trouble and distraction, the unsurpassed state of inner peace that is the goal of a spiritual person
Martin he is just full of hate they are criticizing the dalaï lama as fake even they are criticizing shugden masters how can a master have so much hate ? All he’s followers will do anything what he says blindly, they is only one and only truth for them is what this geshe says they have the arrogance to say that the dalaï lama is fake just unbelievable anyway he’s death now since more than 3 years now and it’s now matter of time before the world knows they can’t hide for ever
@@shantidewa Please Watch: "An Unholy Row" BBC Dopcumentary 1998 about this Conman Godman, Moneyman, Actor, Cult leader & the NKT. also Please Search: *NKT Cult.*
Investigate thoroughly, this is the (New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
There is a really Great Book out now about the New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT, International Kadampa Buddhist Union, IKBU. With ( Many Survivors Testimonies ) & all about Dolgyal worship & Kelsang Gyatso with Much More ) Called: *Polluting Buddhism.* The politics, envy, and greed of Kelsang Gyatso and NKT (Lies have consequences) By Thomas N. Tiedt ( Search )
Please Search; "Recovery from the New Kadampa Tradition, a Resource Center" Also "Dr Michelle Haslam, Psychological Report, on the NKT" Also on here series; "Recovery from the New Kadampa Tradition" also Nkt Survivors, hope this helps someone.
I tear when I watch this. My first tear rejoices that Guru has lead countless mother living beings to enlightenment. My second tear is motivation to reach my ultimate supreme goal of enlightenment so that I can lead countless beings to liberation. May we all reach our ultimate supreme goals in this lifetime and lead every mother being to lasting peace & happiness. _()_ Om Mani Padme Hum
@@moletown4581 pretty sure the Buddha lived before your dear cult leader. And they taught very different teachings. For example the pratimoksha. The buddha specifically told the desciples to never change the pratimoksha. Kelsang gyatso did calling it "modernizing". Where in the three baskets does it say one gets to "modernize" or change the vows?
@@buddhatobe1 For me, Geshe Kelsang is a Buddha. That is just simply an aspect of my faith. I believe that his teachings guide his followers through the same spiritual journey as Prince Siddartha demonstrated two thousand five hundred years ago. Geshe Kelsang went to see his guru Trijang Dorjechang before re-presenting the New Kadam Dharma teachings in a way that he had devised and felt suitable for, largely, Westerners. He visited his guru in order to show him his new presentation, receive advice and blessing to go forward and establish 'The New Kadampa Tradition'. Trijang Dorjechang said to Geshe Kelsang: 'My students are Tibetans, yours are Westerners - so you should present the teachings of The Buddha in a way that is suitable for your Westerners' lives.' Centuries ago, when the Indian Buddhist Master Atisha presented The Buddha's spiritual path to the Tibetans, he developed a body of instruction and practise that was suitable for them, different from the Indian way. Years later, Je Tsongkhapa re-presented Atisha's Dharma for his and future generations. Trijang Dorjechang, Geshe Kelsang, Je Tsongkhapa, Atisha and others have respectively presented Buddhism for their eras, in every case the absolute priority is that the spiritual meaning remains intact, regardless of appearance.
@@moletown4581 do buddhas steal centers through blackmail? Do they lie about their credentials? Do they break samayas? Do Buddhas change the unchangeable aspects of the Dharma (monastic vows)? Hes a charlatan. And youre in a cult. Youve been brainwashed and refuse to see the obvious. I realize its hard to admit, but one day you will have to face the truth. The sooner you do, the faster the healing will come. The NKT has been rejected by ALL the buddhist schools in the world.
I feel compelled to write a comment here with everything I read. I understand the point of view of all those who think they have the truth here, but you seem to rely only on appearances. Whatever attachment to your ideas, do not create schisms between Dharma practitioners. In these degenerate times, the Buddhadharma does not need this anymore. An element of controversy comes from the practice of Dorje Shugden, which I recall, is only a Buddhist practice and does not define whether a person is like this or like that, because this are only imputations of the mind. We perceive this world under the influence of mental delusions and therefore we do not see the world, the people and all phenomenon for what they really are. Moreover, it has been claimed that the practitioners of Dorje Shugden will be reborn in the three lower realms, and yet Lama Hita Osel is the confirmed reincarnation by him of Lama Thubten Yeshe (FPMT) who practiced the rituals of Dorje Shugden, as confirmed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche who also practices them, but secretly still today, I assure you. Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang (Pabongkhapa) and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Dhapu Bamcho Rinpoche (Root Guru of H.H. Pabongka Dorje Chang) and also Tsem Rinpoche (who was ordained by the Dalai Lama himself) practiced Dorje Shugden too. And they have all attained true and great spiritual achievements. His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is also reincarnated as a spiritual guide and not in the three lower realms. This also means that if you disrespect some of these practitioners then you are denying a huge part of the Gelugpa and Kadampa tradition and therefore of the Dalai Lama himself whose root guru and tutor was HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. That being said, let’s not judge a book by its cover. Everyone has the right to practice whatever they want, no matter what. Let each one check for himself what suits him or not. I have studied many texts of the Dharma, of all traditions, received many initiations and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso of the NKT tradition is a true master of the Dharma, an accomplished meditator and has the achievements and qualifications to teach and explain the Dharma in an exemplary manner. He was ordained at the age of 8 at Chamdo Jampa Ling with other people who today are great lamas and there everyone practiced the protector Dorje Shugden as at the monasteries of Gaden, Sera, Drepung and Tashi Lhunpo. Gesha Kelsang Gyatso's books and the practices taught, including those of the mahamudra or the secret mantra, are no different from those of other gurus of other lineages. His root guru His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was extremely qualified and there is no doubt about the authentic spiritual lineage and provenance of these teachings. Again, distance yourself from what you are taught and feed yourself by verifying for yourself through practice the effectiveness of a teaching. Speaking also of the vows of ordination, it is stipulated for the NKT: "Throughout my life I will abandon killing, stealing, lying or cheating, sexual activity, taking intoxicants and engaging in meaningless activities. I will practice contentment, reduce my desire for worldly pleasures, maintain the commitments of refuge, and practice the three trainings of moral discipline, concentration and wisdom. " This is entirely in accordance with the 253 vows that one usually takes as an ordained monk. And that’s true, with all due respect to some, many of these rules are simply no longer applicable today: "Do not light or ignite fires. Do not wash more than twice a month, if the body is not dirty. Do not manufacture or use beds or chairs that are over 65 centimetres in height. Do not put your hand in your mouth, or even a finger. Do not teach dhamma to someone who wears shoes (unless they are sick)." And so on. In the Buddhist world, there is what is said and done in front (appearances) and real practice (the Three Jewels) by llamas or others and I assure you that they are two different worlds. The beings who do this know this and participate in the expansion of the dharma and at the same time allow a true authenticity in the transmission of the Buddha teachings that are actually kept in the heart of each practitioner and not in books, temples or monastic communities. Remember that Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche was never ordained and was a married yogi and yet this in no way tarnished the immensity of his knowledge and achievements as a living Buddha. I'm not here to defend or accuse anyone but please let everyone do what they want to do. Everyone has to see for themselves what gives inner peace or not. Even if you think it's good or not. Respect each other because in this life you'll need certain spiritual practices and in another life you may be in another lineage or another spirituality. Be mindful of your intentions, words and actions. May you all be blessed, peaceful and happy.
Jesus needs him, geshe kelsang is beyond dogmatic teaching. Buddhist equivalent of salvation called Nirvana, and he is quite near to nirvana according to the evidence we have found.
tsongkhapa lama yes he is beyond dogma but criticize the dalaï lama accusing him being a fake one when millions and millions people around the world have so much respect to him and not only that he even criticize shugden masters telling them they are also fake, you can have your idea but don’t judge others believe, geshe is not flowing Buddha’s teaching but he’s own dogma and you are one of those persons who have non idea about he’s true face
Special friend and protector of the world. Super kind special spiritual guide and helper of every one, loving every one and because of your compassion you hook us in and rescue us from the ocean of suffering. You give me and countless living beings everything. Our freedom, wisdom, realizations, inner peace in a world of so much conflict, a sense of hope, a purpose, a sense of humour, humility, insight. You help me to realize my real potential, that I do have a precious human life and what the real inner enemies are, and how to get rid of them. You teach me how to use every situation to create happiness, even my own suffering and how to help others, to give them precious things. Real things that go beyond the material world. May you live for a very long time and continue to bless us forever.
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care 🙏
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union' BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
Investigate thoroughly, this is the (New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
Dorje Shugden: dressed in a monk's robes, he represents moral discpline, his round yellow hat represents the view of Nagarjuna, his flaming sword represents wisdom, his hand-held heart respresents compassion, his snow lion represents fearlessness in spreading Buddha's teachings. HE IS NO DEMON.
The 'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT aka International Kadampa Buddhist Union, IKBU' Be Warned - A Very Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT & please read the comments.
Geshe Kelsang said that he did a long retreat in Nepal in a place near the Tibetan border called Bangthog Damthang, sponsored by his sister Dekyi, then many long retreats in the Dalhousie Mountains near Dharamsala. While staying in Buxa he fell ill with recurrent chest infections that were 'not serious'. He said that in Mussourie, every winter for several months he did retreat. The chest infections continued to occur but he was never admitted to a hospital for them. Because of his relatives insistence he was examined by three different doctors. Two doctors said he had no disease but should just build-up his bodily strength and one doctor said it was possibly Tubercolosis. In England, he went with two Western assistants to London for three weeks and was examined by two specialists, who took X-rays and did tests. They finally told him he did not have a disease but just lung weakness, for which they suggested fresh air, sunshine and exercise to build up strength.
Investigate thoroughly, this is the (New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
I think this really highlights the massive achievement of Geshe-La. If it were not for an NKT Dharma centre in my City, I can say with 99% confidence that as a 15 year old boy living in the City that I would not have found Dharma and may have been closed off to the peace and compassion and wisdom that Geshe-La is teaching to the masses. I am truly grateful. Well done for creating such a good video :)
Shane Chandler so this is how your master geshe Kelsang is teaching you ? Insulting others ? Criticizing masters like dalaï lama who is loved not only by thousand but by millions who are inspired by him by millions and millions peoples around the world
Shane Chandler yes love and compassion hate can only destroy your peace we can have different views but we should respect others geshe should not criticize other shugden masters
Kelsang Gyatso does NOT have a Geshe qualification. This has been confirmed by the monastery that he studied at, Sera Je, which has expelled Kelsang Gyatso
@@porkwilliam From the foreword to Kelsang Gyatso's first book, 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition': 'I am, therefore, happy that Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has attempted to present the basic teachings of Lord Buddha in a manner that people can relate to and put into practice in their daily lives.' H.H. The Dalai Lama
Don't get yourself into serious debt because of the NKT Cult. Whether Monetary, Savings, Loans, Credit Cards, Finance or Underwriting. You're being deliberately taken advantage of and scammed.
Who ordained him? I think we should be told. According to the Sera monastery, from whence he was expelled as an apostate possessed by a demonic spirit, he received Kalachakra initiation from none other that the Dalai Lama. It also was through the Dalai Lama's kindness that he was able to make a life for himself in India and then the west. This foul ingrate has broken samaya with his guru, the Dalai Lama, by spreading malicious slander and lies about him all over the world. He has sold his soul to the devil Shugden, who has given him worldly wealth and power in return, and when he's on his deathbed Shugden will be there, waiting to carry him back to the hell realms from whence both of them came.
+Wangden Kelsang oh yes he did. Kelsang Gyatso is a liar. Back in 1997 he stated that it was inappropriate for NKT to be involved in the Shugden issue as it is an issue of "tibetan politics" and he said NKT would therefore stop any involvement in the issue. He LIED - obviously. info-buddhism.com/geshe_kelsang_gyatso.html
Geshe Kelsang has said that he had stopped his affiliation with Sera-Je monastery - with no intention of renewing it - years before Sera-Je's letter saying he was expelled was published in magazines.
@@moletown4581 Is Kelsang Gyatso still alive? No-one has seen or heard from him in public for 8 years now. Last I heard he was on a "writing retreat" and more recently that he was feeling quite energised after having his second Co-Vid jab. Hilarious! But not energized enough, obviously, even to make so much as video or voice recording, let alone a public appearance to please all the gullible saps like you who believe all the lies peddled to you by him and his henchmen. Hope you wake up soon!
From tibetologist T. Dodin: "The NKT can be described typologically as a cult on the basis of its organisational form, its excessive group pressure and blind obedience to its founder. The organisation’s extreme fanaticism and aggressive missionary drive are typical cult features too."
have you ever attended an nkt event or dharma center? they have a few pictures of him and many of his books but the main goal is universal happiness, not praising or being obedient to geshe k. geshe wouldnt even want fame or glory. have you read his words?
I live in a Dharma house with people from NKT, I work as any ordinary person, sometimes I attend some drop in classes. I have never been forced to anything, I feel very supported here and also free. I am not encouraged to worship him, I am encouraged to hear his message, which is basically love and compassion. I do believe as everything else in life turns to be political, specially in his case and NKT cases that reaches very far, it is normal that will suffer some kind of retaliation from somewhere. I recommend everyone to come around and try NKT, before make your mind up. I can assure you it is nothing like this label 🏷 wants to imprint in people’s mind.
He has more than earned it. His teachings have gone world wide, and many people are practising Buddhas teachings sincerely because of him. He remains humble (no Guchi shoes on show here). He never boasts and makes everyone welcome in his centres world wide, unlike some who restrict certain religions. He never gets angry, even when insulted or challenged, unlike some. His books (essence of Vajrayana) are even used by prof Bob Thurman, as they are so special and authoritative. Such a special holy being who lives and walks the talk. He never contradicts Buddhas teachings in his actions. Pure and wholesome, a practitioner of outstanding quality. We are so fortunate to have him as a living example of Je Tsongkhapa's and Buddha Shakyamuni's deeds. Just as well he is a fully realized being, considering some of the maligning that goes on at times. One who has realised emptiness directly is not involved with samsara and its projections, but instead shows great compassion for those trapped in the ocean of suffering. I wish I were just like him. So very special to be this happy and creating happiness in every action of body speech and mind.
@@vajrayogini37 yes but it's very expensive, I had to stop going, I simply couldn't afford to enrol or attend any of the advanced courses, this is in the UK, maybe its different in other countries
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care 🙏
The cost to me here in Australia is twenty two dollars and fifty cents to attend as many classes as I wish, this paltry sum allows me to watch five or six classes a week , some Lama's charge thousands for one class !
@@BillSikes. It’s the same around the world, NKT courses are ridiculously expensive. And if you drop-out of a course and stop paying the NKT money, they will tell you that you will end up in a hell realm. NKT, creepy, money-grabbing cult
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is King of the Dharma! May he appear in this world for a long time and continue to turn the pure wheel of Kadam Dharma for the benefit of all!
Kelsang Gyatso does NOT have a Geshe qualification. This has been confirmed by the monastery that he studied at, Sera Je, which has expelled Kelsang Gyatso
@@porkwilliam Geshe Kelsang himself stopped his affiliation with Sera Je monastery some years before their letter saying he had been expelled was published.
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union' BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
FABIO POZA hello you are wrong dorge shugden is a manifestation of Buddha manjushri but this geshe kelsang is a evil and a trouble maker he don’t represent shugden practitioner
can somebody here please explain to me what the problem is with this Shugden guy ? .. surely he can't be as bad as Shuge Knight. also why are you saying he's evil how could any Buddhism be evil..? I can tell he's a generous and kind and gentle soul and also an Angelic presence so how could he be evil ..? ..how is that even possible ?
1) Expelled from his own monastery, Sera Je 2) Does not have a Geshe qualification, as confirmed by Sera Je monastery FAKE GESHE, KELSANG GYATSO; STOP LYING!
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union' BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
1: He himself had stopped his affiliation with Sera Je years before their letter appeared in magazines, saying they had expelled him. 2: He is referred to as 'Geshe Kelsang Gyatso' by H.H. The Dalai Lama in a foreword to 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition' (1984).
Investigate thoroughly, this is the (New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union' BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
Kelsang Gyatso did not complete his Geshe training and is therefore is NOT a Geshe; he has also been expelled from the Sera Je monastery for lying about his fake Geshe qualification
@@suzannecogan6220 Kelsang Gyatso’s old monastery say on their website that Gyatso is NOT a Geshe, does NOT have Geshe training and was expelled from Sera Je monastery (check their website). The chief monk had said that Gyatso will have to suffer 10,000 rebirths because of his lies. All documented and verifiable, but the NKT do NOT want people, under any circumstances, to know the truth about con-artist, fake Geshe Gyatso
In his foreword to Geshe Kelsang's book 'Meaningful To Behold', Venerable Trijang Dorjechang - the Junior Tutor of H.H. The Dalai Lama - says: 'The excellent expounder, the great Spiritual Master Kelsang Gyatso, who studied myriad Buddhist scriptures at the famous Je college of the great monastic university of Sera, Tegchen Ling, practised the meaning of the teachings he recieved, and became a wise, serious and realized Teacher.'
Libia Marques i am not the one that is confuse and don’t know the whole thing is you, you need to make more research, the NKT is criticizing one of the most venerable shugden master the young Trijang rimpoche saying that he is not the reincarnation of the previews trijang saying that he’s fake such things we cannot tolerate and it’s a shame anyway now geshe is pass away so now we don’t care anymore
Libia Marques and forgot to say non one is forbidden to practice shugden in Tibet shugden practice is free everywhere there is lots of monastery and sams in India everywhere you can practice shugden i am my self a shugden practitioner and I am completely free to do so non one came to me and told me is not allowed or so its ab to you, yes he suggested not to practice but that’s he’s choice and ofcause there is few extremists behaving violently but that’s in both case anyway I wish you the best and pray you wake up one time
@@libiamarques4700 You are a liar. Dalia Lama has only SUGGESTED that people not follow Shugden. Dalia Lama does not have the spiritual authority to TELL people not to follow Shugden. You are an NKT liar
@@fabianneyrou2450 Geshe Kelsang visited his root guru Trijang Dorjechang when seeking advice and his blessing upon the founding of a presentation of New Kadam Dharma for Westerners, which has become the NKT. It was the last time Geshe Kelsang was with Trijang before Trijang died. During this time, as I understand it, Geshe Kelsang felt that Trijang gave some indication that he would not reincarnate.
. . .you taliban old man says practicing dorjee shugden helps to attains enlightenment very quickily,if thats so you are practicing this demon for so long and why you stll not enlighted???
You need to tell the complete story of his takeover of Manjushri Institute which he visited and taught at by invitation of Lama Yeshe and FPMT. It's an ugly story and really shocked Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa in that such behavior was outside of their experience and expectations. As Gelek Rinpoche has said about him, it's difficult to understand how he can be so correct in his teachings but so contradictory in his behavior. This was said after the Shugden contriversey began. Personally I read his teachings but found the center I'm familiar with to be very narrow minded with very uncomfortable vibration for me. It's filled with zealots and not conducive to practice for me.
I know nothing about this man, save for the information in the video, but the absolute adulation demonstrated by some of these comments make me feel rather uncomfortable and therefore to look elsewhere. I do not believe the Dalai Lama would encourage such devotion to himself.
We have to use our intelligent discrimination when seeking spirituality. Geshe Chekhawa said: 'Always rely upon a happy mind alone'. The devoted comments probably arise from happy minds.
When I am on my knees, screaming in silence "Help!" that's when the reliability shines through. Geshela is the real deal. We take our daily vows and offer all our accomplishments in dedication.
You forgot to mention that he lied about his geshe exam and the fact that he was thrown out of his monestary, stole the center in England from Lama Yeshe, and broke his tantric precept with HH Dalai Lama.
People please watch: "An unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998, still valid today- On many sites across the web about these people, and please read the comments.
Geshe Kelsang, to my knowledge did not take the Geshe exam because he did not agree with some change or changes that had been made to it. He ended his affiliation with his monastery years before their letter saying they expelled him appeared in magazines. Although when young, he attended some of the The Dalai Lama's public talks, he says that for a variety of reasons he was unable to attend Dalai Lama events such as 'The Lamrim Jampel Shal-lung', 'The Kalachakra Initiation' and a teaching on Je Tsongkhapa's 'Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path'. I doubt very much he has any kind of tantric precept with H.H..
@@moletown4581 kelsang gyatso is a liar, a thief, and has broken samaya. Everyone except people in his cult know that. He attended the kalachakra and other empowerments given by HH Dalai Lama in the 60s and 70s. He stole the center from Lama Yeshe through blackmail. He claims to be a geshe but is not. And you, having been brainwashed, are making excuses fir this charlatan. I feel sorry for you. FYI, your cult leader is dead. The cult doesnt want to admit it so they pretend hes in a writing retreat. Just so you know. But your cognitive dissonance will not allow you to believe the truth of my words. Not yet at least.
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care.
I think these other commenters do not have the karma to see. I hope you do, but only you can answer that question for yourself by observing his teaching and example. Either way, may you be blessed snd HAPPPPPPPPY!!!!!
Geshe Kalsang's teaching might be good and helpful to those who like it. But be careful when he talks about Shugden. No Lamas including previous Trijang Rinpoche past away peacefully in a meditative posture. They all were finally killed by Shugden himself and body smell like completely rotten. Trijiang's dead body had to move secretly to the cremation ground. He did not died like previous Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Chogye Tripoche, Khenpo Sangay Tenzin and so on who left all the wonderful signs of pure enlightenment. This Geshe Kalsang will also die in the same manner, the way his master Trijang rinpoche but not like Ling Rinpoche.
Naropa Ananda you need to explain exactly what you mean and tell your story so people here on YOU TUBE can really UNDERSTAND what you're talking about and maybe therefore you would HELP MANY PEOPLE FROM SUFFERING.
@@gardensofthegods the posters here show love joy peace gratitude. don't see the suffering you refer to, except in a few who's posts indicate some mental health issues. I'm sorry for individual's bad experiences - thats bound to happen in a group of humans. Slandering an entire Buddhist tradition and a great master however will hurt you more than it does those you're slandering. Karma is real and it's power increases. 🙏❤
I have the great fortune of having met this precious meditation master and study his books for over 16 years. Thank you Gueshe'la from the the depth of my heart
Neither a geshe..
Nor a good buddhist
I first met Geshe Kelsang in 1986. Due to the understated nature of his personality I didn't appreciate how lucky I was to have met him, but I did appreciate the books he had written which made me think he knew a lot. Gradually, over the years I have come to appreciate how everything comes from his personal experience of following the teachings of his root Guru, Trijang Rinpoche. Geshe-la lives every word he teaches.
He is nierher a geshe...nor a good buddhist
Whether geshey or not
He passed away
This man knows how to make Buddhist knowledge into actual happiness and how to make meditation into the actual attainment of clearer consciousness. Nothing he does is for any other purpose - he is truly dedicated. I will be happy till my last breath and die with inner peace because of what I have learned from him.
Actually he doesn't. What he teaches isn't real Buddhism.
shakur 4illa why?
It's not what Buddha taught. What this fake is teaching to ignorant white people is made up by him . He dresses up like a monk, uses Buddhist terminology but had no real understanding of them and pretends to be a monk. He is not. O can shave my head and talk about Nirvana, does that make me a monk?
@@Karen-wu8is I know Geshe Kelsang better than a BBC reporter does, thank you. I can confidently say from personal experience that the websites against him do not represent the pleasant, gentle and peaceful nature of New Kadampa Buddhists. Unless you, like me, are friendly with many of them you cannot know what you are talking about from a distance. I hope you are not already biased, or there's no point me saying this.
@@MaxwellF95 Notice that Shakur presents no argument or facts, and that Karen doesn't refer to any personal experience but just to a website. They're just trolls. Geshe Kelsang is a normal Buddhist teacher. His only problem is that he doesn't accept the Dalai Lama's authority and that's why there is so much trolling. Check his website kadampa.org or pick up one of his books and you'll see nothing but Buddhism. I speak from long personal experience, there's nothing else to see here.
Thank you for creating this wonderful video!
Thank you Geshe-la for spreading the dharma as quickly and as purely as you do.
Many people criticise the NKT and Geshe-la, however they fail to question why it is the fastest growing Buddhist tradition in the world! Most people who meet with Kadam dharma through Geshe-la stay. All centres are run by people who have found great benefit from the teachings and wish for others to benefit also. All money raised by the NKT goes directly into creating more centres for the sole purpose of spreading the transformative teachings! Money isn’t stolen, it is freely given by people who have found benefit and want to give in order for others to receive benefit.
Every dharma centre struggles financially, they are not rich and don’t want to be. As for Geshe-la, he owns nothing and has no wish to. He just wants people to be happy. A small minority of people will find fault with Geshe-la and the NKT, but that’s a small minority amongst a huge amount of people who’s lives have been transformed.
People are people, and people naturally find fault with things. I was warned about the NKT and Geshe-la by a Buddhist friend but I had to find out for myself and I am so happy I followed my intuition because my life has been completely transformed.
Please do not judge from the outside, things aren’t always what they seem. Be kind, always xxx
Hes not a geshe. Youve been lied to.
@@buddhatobe1 The first person to inform then, is H.H. The Dalai Lama, who in a foreword to Kelsang Gyatso's 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition' (1984) refers to him as 'Geshe Kelsang Gyatso'.
@@moletown4581 this statement was retracted when the Truth came out. You wouldn't know that though.
@@buddhatobe1 Geshe Kelsang: 'My real situation is that in Tibet I studied Geshe Training for many years in my local monastery called Jampa Ling and at Tashi Lhunpo University and passed two exams. One exam was memorization and the other was the actual examination. Soon after that people would publicly call me 'Geshe'.
Later in Tibet I was part of Sera Je monastery and further studied Geshe training.
When I lived in Dalhousie I received a letter from Sera Je monastery. The letter encouraged me to go to Sera for an exam. I had heard that a new system of examination had been created and I did not accept this new system.
However, in 1973 I attended my Geshe ceremony in Sera Je monastery, making numerous offerings to thousands of monks and I received a traditional white scarf or 'khatag' to indicate that I am a Geshe'.
I am so very fortunate to have found the NKT tradition after searching my entire life for a spiritual path. Thank you, Geshe-la. See you soon.
I searched for a qualified teacher and a spiritual group of friends that were valid and real.16 years ago when i had about lost hope i found a local Sangha in my neighborhood and the books of Geshela. I can't even imagine what my life would be like without these Dharma teachings. All my questions about "Why are we here? What can i do about my anger ?Why DO "bad" things happen to nice people ? What happens when we die? How can I become Enlightened?" All Buddhas answers translated in ENGLISH.
How can I do the same?
@@ArkansasGamer the questions can easily be answered, But your better off having nothing to do with this NKT.
Watch an "Unholy Row" BBC Documentary about the NKT.
Your journey is awe inspiring!!! I have been using Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Mediation book for over a decade which I never tire of - it's like holding a compass.
I am slowly getting in to this beautiful path. I am thankful to Geshe-Lá that found the street of happiness and he shares his enlightenment with all of us. I am still working hard to find answers and to stop worrying about all the questions of my life.
I am so happy to hear you did find your new life, and thank you to sharing it with us.
Thank you Geshe-la for turning the wheel of dharma, I feel so fortunate to have met you.
People please watch: " 'An unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998", still valid today, on many sites across the web- about these people, and please read the comments.
@@Karen-wu8is I agree - watch, read and learn everything you can about both sides, then decide.
It is a creepy cult for idiots. “Oh Geshe-la bla bla bla” 😂
Gracias querido Gueshe-la por haberme enseñado como cultivar virtud en mi corazón. Hace 1 año, cuando leía palabras ofensivas ofensivas hacia tus enseñanzas me enojaba mucho. Ahora puedo elegir generar compasión en mi continuo mental. Cuan afortunado soy! Cuan afortunados somos los que podemos percibirte como guía espiritual!
Watch: "An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary, about the NKT Cult.
*Search; NKT Cult.*
Unsurpassed Spiritual Guide
@@Martin-fi8nn Thank you... :-) Because if one sincerely follows him will attain, even in these times of so much trouble and distraction, the unsurpassed state of inner peace that is the goal of a spiritual person
Martin he is just full of hate they are criticizing the dalaï lama as fake even they are criticizing shugden masters how can a master have so much hate ? All he’s followers will do anything what he says blindly, they is only one and only truth for them is what this geshe says they have the arrogance to say that the dalaï lama is fake just unbelievable anyway he’s death now since more than 3 years now and it’s now matter of time before the world knows they can’t hide for ever
Please Watch: "An Unholy Row" BBC Dopcumentary 1998 about this Conman Godman, Moneyman, Actor, Cult leader & the NKT. also Please Search: *NKT Cult.*
Investigate thoroughly, this is the
(New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
OMG...he is ghost..communist chinese money monk.....I am tibetan
There is a really Great Book out now about the New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT, International Kadampa Buddhist Union, IKBU. With
( Many Survivors Testimonies ) & all about Dolgyal worship & Kelsang Gyatso with Much More ) Called:
*Polluting Buddhism.*
The politics, envy, and greed of Kelsang Gyatso and NKT
(Lies have consequences)
By Thomas N. Tiedt
( Search )
Please Search; "Recovery from the New Kadampa Tradition, a Resource Center"
Also "Dr Michelle Haslam, Psychological Report, on the NKT"
Also on here series; "Recovery from the New Kadampa Tradition"
also Nkt Survivors, hope this helps someone.
So happy that my children and I get to fall asleep listening to mantras we learned from you. Thank you Geshela. Many prayers for your long life. xo
I tear when I watch this. My first tear rejoices that Guru has lead countless mother living beings to enlightenment. My second tear is motivation to reach my ultimate supreme goal of enlightenment so that I can lead countless beings to liberation. May we all reach our ultimate supreme goals in this lifetime and lead every mother being to lasting peace & happiness. _()_ Om Mani Padme Hum
Name one person that attained enlightenment through kelsang gyatso's teachings... one.
@@buddhatobe1 The Buddha.
@@moletown4581 pretty sure the Buddha lived before your dear cult leader. And they taught very different teachings. For example the pratimoksha. The buddha specifically told the desciples to never change the pratimoksha. Kelsang gyatso did calling it "modernizing". Where in the three baskets does it say one gets to "modernize" or change the vows?
@@buddhatobe1 For me, Geshe Kelsang is a Buddha. That is just simply an aspect of my faith. I believe that his teachings guide his followers through the same spiritual journey as Prince Siddartha demonstrated two thousand five hundred years ago.
Geshe Kelsang went to see his guru Trijang Dorjechang before re-presenting the New Kadam Dharma teachings in a way that he had devised and felt suitable for, largely, Westerners. He visited his guru in order to show him his new presentation, receive advice and blessing to go forward and establish 'The New Kadampa Tradition'.
Trijang Dorjechang said to Geshe Kelsang: 'My students are Tibetans, yours are Westerners - so you should present the teachings of The Buddha in a way that is suitable for your Westerners' lives.'
Centuries ago, when the Indian Buddhist Master Atisha presented The Buddha's spiritual path to the Tibetans, he developed a body of instruction and practise that was suitable for them, different from the Indian way. Years later, Je Tsongkhapa re-presented Atisha's Dharma for his and future generations.
Trijang Dorjechang, Geshe Kelsang, Je Tsongkhapa, Atisha and others have respectively presented Buddhism for their eras, in every case the absolute priority is that the spiritual meaning remains intact, regardless of appearance.
@@moletown4581 do buddhas steal centers through blackmail? Do they lie about their credentials? Do they break samayas? Do Buddhas change the unchangeable aspects of the Dharma (monastic vows)? Hes a charlatan. And youre in a cult. Youve been brainwashed and refuse to see the obvious. I realize its hard to admit, but one day you will have to face the truth. The sooner you do, the faster the healing will come. The NKT has been rejected by ALL the buddhist schools in the world.
I feel compelled to write a comment here with everything I read. I understand the point of view of all those who think they have the truth here, but you seem to rely only on appearances. Whatever attachment to your ideas, do not create schisms between Dharma practitioners. In these degenerate times, the Buddhadharma does not need this anymore.
An element of controversy comes from the practice of Dorje Shugden, which I recall, is only a Buddhist practice and does not define whether a person is like this or like that, because this are only imputations of the mind. We perceive this world under the influence of mental delusions and therefore we do not see the world, the people and all phenomenon for what they really are.
Moreover, it has been claimed that the practitioners of Dorje Shugden will be reborn in the three lower realms, and yet Lama Hita Osel is the confirmed reincarnation by him of Lama Thubten Yeshe (FPMT) who practiced the rituals of Dorje Shugden, as confirmed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche who also practices them, but secretly still today, I assure you. Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang (Pabongkhapa) and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, His Holiness Kyabje Dhapu Bamcho Rinpoche (Root Guru of H.H. Pabongka Dorje Chang) and also Tsem Rinpoche (who was ordained by the Dalai Lama himself) practiced Dorje Shugden too. And they have all attained true and great spiritual achievements. His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is also reincarnated as a spiritual guide and not in the three lower realms.
This also means that if you disrespect some of these practitioners then you are denying a huge part of the Gelugpa and Kadampa tradition and therefore of the Dalai Lama himself whose root guru and tutor was HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.
That being said, let’s not judge a book by its cover. Everyone has the right to practice whatever they want, no matter what. Let each one check for himself what suits him or not. I have studied many texts of the Dharma, of all traditions, received many initiations and Geshe Kelsang Gyatso of the NKT tradition is a true master of the Dharma, an accomplished meditator and has the achievements and qualifications to teach and explain the Dharma in an exemplary manner. He was ordained at the age of 8 at Chamdo Jampa Ling with other people who today are great lamas and there everyone practiced the protector Dorje Shugden as at the monasteries of Gaden, Sera, Drepung and Tashi Lhunpo. Gesha Kelsang Gyatso's books and the practices taught, including those of the mahamudra or the secret mantra, are no different from those of other gurus of other lineages. His root guru His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche was extremely qualified and there is no doubt about the authentic spiritual lineage and provenance of these teachings.
Again, distance yourself from what you are taught and feed yourself by verifying for yourself through practice the effectiveness of a teaching.
Speaking also of the vows of ordination, it is stipulated for the NKT:
"Throughout my life I will abandon killing, stealing, lying or cheating, sexual activity, taking intoxicants and engaging in meaningless activities.
I will practice contentment, reduce my desire for worldly pleasures, maintain the commitments of refuge, and practice the three trainings of moral discipline, concentration and wisdom. "
This is entirely in accordance with the 253 vows that one usually takes as an ordained monk. And that’s true, with all due respect to some, many of these rules are simply no longer applicable today:
"Do not light or ignite fires.
Do not wash more than twice a month, if the body is not dirty.
Do not manufacture or use beds or chairs that are over 65 centimetres in height.
Do not put your hand in your mouth, or even a finger.
Do not teach dhamma to someone who wears shoes (unless they are sick)." And so on.
In the Buddhist world, there is what is said and done in front (appearances) and real practice (the Three Jewels) by llamas or others and I assure you that they are two different worlds. The beings who do this know this and participate in the expansion of the dharma and at the same time allow a true authenticity in the transmission of the Buddha teachings that are actually kept in the heart of each practitioner and not in books, temples or monastic communities. Remember that Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche was never ordained and was a married yogi and yet this in no way tarnished the immensity of his knowledge and achievements as a living Buddha.
I'm not here to defend or accuse anyone but please let everyone do what they want to do.
Everyone has to see for themselves what gives inner peace or not. Even if you think it's good or not.
Respect each other because in this life you'll need certain spiritual practices and in another life you may be in another lineage or another spirituality. Be mindful of your intentions, words and actions. May you all be blessed, peaceful and happy.
Enemy of Tibet
Enemy is within yourself
Friend of the world 😝
Absolutely beautiful…Geshe-la is the most genuine and profound teachers I’ve ever seen!!!❤
Fake Geshe, expelled from Sera Je monastery
This Geshe is lost himself. He needs Jesus Christ for his Salvation ☝🏾
Grow up
Awakened sky even JEsus can’t do anything for him he’s ego is much to big
Jesus needs him, geshe kelsang is beyond dogmatic teaching. Buddhist equivalent of salvation called Nirvana, and he is quite near to nirvana according to the evidence we have found.
tsongkhapa lama yes he is beyond dogma but criticize the dalaï lama accusing him being a fake one when millions and millions people around the world have so much respect to him and not only that he even criticize shugden masters telling them they are also fake, you can have your idea but don’t judge others believe, geshe is not flowing Buddha’s teaching but he’s own dogma and you are one of those persons who have non idea about he’s true face
Geshe Kelsang admires Christianity and points out that in some ways it is similar to Buddhism.
Special friend and protector of the world. Super kind special spiritual guide and helper of every one, loving every one and because of your compassion you hook us in and rescue us from the ocean of suffering. You give me and countless living beings everything. Our freedom, wisdom, realizations, inner peace in a world of so much conflict, a sense of hope, a purpose, a sense of humour, humility, insight. You help me to realize my real potential, that I do have a precious human life and what the real inner enemies are, and how to get rid of them. You teach me how to use every situation to create happiness, even my own suffering and how to help others, to give them precious things. Real things that go beyond the material world. May you live for a very long time and continue to bless us forever.
I feel a sense of happiness when contemplating Geshe La and the teachings. x
That's cuz you're in a cult.
People please watch: " 'An unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998", on many sites across the web about these people, and please read the comments.
@@Karen-wu8is Watch, read and learn about BOTH sides, then decide.
Please see: 'Geshe Kelsang's Open Letter to The Dalai Lama'.
Don't Go To The NKT Cult.
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care 🙏
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union'
BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
Learn about both sides. Then decide.
Investigate thoroughly, this is the
(New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
*Don't Go To This Creepy NKT Cult.*
Dorje Shugden: dressed in a monk's robes, he represents moral discpline, his round yellow hat represents the view of Nagarjuna, his flaming sword represents wisdom, his hand-held heart respresents compassion, his snow lion represents fearlessness in spreading Buddha's teachings. HE IS NO DEMON.
The 'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT aka International Kadampa Buddhist Union, IKBU' Be Warned - A Very Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT & please read the comments.
Don't Go To This NKT Cult.
@@Ed-qt6mj said "Ed" 😂oh, Ed. Move on.
Cult Leader and ConMan.
May he remain for a very long time to benefit countless living beings. And may we learn from his pure example.
Meu Maravilhoso Guru! Quão afortunados somos por tê-lo encontrado! Om Ah Guru Vajradhara kalpabhadra Samudra Shribhadra Sarwa Siddhi Hum Hum
I wish him well, I wish him love I wish him everlasting peace thank you Geshe thank you💚
He was isolated for some period of years due to Tuberculosis...now he calls that a retreat🤣
Geshe Kelsang said that he did a long retreat in Nepal in a place near the Tibetan border called Bangthog Damthang, sponsored by his sister Dekyi, then many long retreats in the Dalhousie Mountains near Dharamsala. While staying in Buxa he fell ill with recurrent chest infections that were 'not serious'. He said that in Mussourie, every winter for several months he did retreat. The chest infections continued to occur but he was never admitted to a hospital for them.
Because of his relatives insistence he was examined by three different doctors. Two doctors said he had no disease but should just build-up his bodily strength and one doctor said it was possibly Tubercolosis.
In England, he went with two Western assistants to London for three weeks and was examined by two specialists, who took X-rays and did tests. They finally told him he did not have a disease but just lung weakness, for which they suggested fresh air, sunshine and exercise to build up strength.
Without this man I simply would not have a clue
Investigate thoroughly, this is the
(New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
*Don't Go To This Creepy NKT Cult.*
You still don't have a Clue.
❤❤❤Thank you so much to show us the way to enlightenment, I won’t come back to samsara ❤❤❤
I think this really highlights the massive achievement of Geshe-La. If it were not for an NKT Dharma centre in my City, I can say with 99% confidence that as a 15 year old boy living in the City that I would not have found Dharma and may have been closed off to the peace and compassion and wisdom that Geshe-La is teaching to the masses. I am truly grateful. Well done for creating such a good video :)
His Heart is deeply powerful, therefore many people has been keeping their eyes on him.
long live dalai lama rimpotché!!!!
He's a nasty lama
Shane Chandler so this is how your master geshe Kelsang is teaching you ? Insulting others ? Criticizing masters like dalaï lama who is loved not only by thousand but by millions who are inspired by him by millions and millions peoples around the world
Do you want me to feel something
Shane Chandler yes love and compassion hate can only destroy your peace we can have different views but we should respect others geshe should not criticize other shugden masters
@@shantidewa is the sky not blue
It’s missing something. Who ordained Kelsang Gyatso? Anyone know?
Kelsang Gyatso does NOT have a Geshe qualification. This has been confirmed by the monastery that he studied at, Sera Je, which has expelled Kelsang Gyatso
@@porkwilliam From the foreword to Kelsang Gyatso's first book, 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition':
'I am, therefore, happy that Geshe Kelsang Gyatso has attempted to present the basic teachings of Lord Buddha in a manner that people can relate to and put into practice in their daily lives.'
H.H. The Dalai Lama
*Geshela Dead, Died 17 September 2022 Cremated 27 September 2022.*
My Gurus' heart is my destination
Don't get yourself into serious debt because of the NKT Cult. Whether Monetary, Savings, Loans, Credit Cards, Finance or Underwriting. You're being deliberately taken advantage of and scammed.
Absolutely true, NKT money-grabbing cult
Our evil cult, rest in peace Chairman Mao.
Grow up
Who ordained him? I think we should be told. According to the Sera monastery, from whence he was expelled as an apostate possessed by a demonic spirit, he received Kalachakra initiation from none other that the Dalai Lama. It also was through the Dalai Lama's kindness that he was able to make a life for himself in India and then the west. This foul ingrate has broken samaya with his guru, the Dalai Lama, by spreading malicious slander and lies about him all over the world. He has sold his soul to the devil Shugden, who has given him worldly wealth and power in return, and when he's on his deathbed Shugden will be there, waiting to carry him back to the hell realms from whence both of them came.
Geshe Kelsang never received Kalachakra initiation from the DL. The DL is not his guru.
+Wangden Kelsang oh yes he did. Kelsang Gyatso is a liar. Back in 1997 he stated that it was inappropriate for NKT to be involved in the Shugden issue as it is an issue of "tibetan politics" and he said NKT would therefore stop any involvement in the issue. He LIED - obviously.
Geshe Kelsang has said that he had stopped his affiliation with Sera-Je monastery - with no intention of renewing it - years before Sera-Je's letter saying he was expelled was published in magazines.
@@moletown4581 Is Kelsang Gyatso still alive? No-one has seen or heard from him in public for 8 years now. Last I heard he was on a "writing retreat" and more recently that he was feeling quite energised after having his second Co-Vid jab. Hilarious! But not energized enough, obviously, even to make so much as video or voice recording, let alone a public appearance to please all the gullible saps like you who believe all the lies peddled to you by him and his henchmen. Hope you wake up soon!
Gueshela changed my life for the better and will keep on changing millions of lives for ever 💗
From tibetologist T. Dodin: "The NKT can be described typologically as a cult on the basis of its organisational form, its excessive group pressure and blind obedience to its founder. The organisation’s extreme fanaticism and aggressive missionary drive are typical cult features too."
have you ever attended an nkt event or dharma center? they have a few pictures of him and many of his books but the main goal is universal happiness, not praising or being obedient to geshe k. geshe wouldnt even want fame or glory. have you read his words?
Fake news
Simply untrue. I have been attending teachings sporadically for over five years and have never felt pressured to return or to obey anything!
Example , Dali Lama
I live in a Dharma house with people from NKT, I work as any ordinary person, sometimes I attend some drop in classes. I have never been forced to anything, I feel very supported here and also free. I am not encouraged to worship him, I am encouraged to hear his message, which is basically love and compassion. I do believe as everything else in life turns to be political, specially in his case and NKT cases that reaches very far, it is normal that will suffer some kind of retaliation from somewhere. I recommend everyone to come around and try NKT, before make your mind up. I can assure you it is nothing like this label 🏷 wants to imprint in people’s mind.
Please, who gave him the Geshe title?
Geshe is a title to be earned. And Kelsang Gyatso has not.
He has more than earned it. His teachings have gone world wide, and many people are practising Buddhas teachings sincerely because of him. He remains humble (no Guchi shoes on show here). He never boasts and makes everyone welcome in his centres world wide, unlike some who restrict certain religions. He never gets angry, even when insulted or challenged, unlike some. His books (essence of Vajrayana) are even used by prof Bob Thurman, as they are so special and authoritative. Such a special holy being who lives and walks the talk. He never contradicts Buddhas teachings in his actions. Pure and wholesome, a practitioner of outstanding quality. We are so fortunate to have him as a living example of Je Tsongkhapa's and Buddha Shakyamuni's deeds. Just as well he is a fully realized being, considering some of the maligning that goes on at times. One who has realised emptiness directly is not involved with samsara and its projections, but instead shows great compassion for those trapped in the ocean of suffering. I wish I were just like him. So very special to be this happy and creating happiness in every action of body speech and mind.
@@vajrayogini37 yes but it's very expensive, I had to stop going, I simply couldn't afford to enrol or attend any of the advanced courses, this is in the UK, maybe its different in other countries
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care 🙏
The cost to me here in Australia is twenty two dollars and fifty cents to attend as many classes as I wish, this paltry sum allows me to watch five or six classes a week , some Lama's charge thousands for one class !
@@BillSikes. It’s the same around the world, NKT courses are ridiculously expensive. And if you drop-out of a course and stop paying the NKT money, they will tell you that you will end up in a hell realm.
NKT, creepy, money-grabbing cult
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is King of the Dharma! May he appear in this world for a long time and continue to turn the pure wheel of Kadam Dharma for the benefit of all!
Creepy personality cult for idiots.
Ok, so who ordained him?
Not you
Kelsang Gyatso does NOT have a Geshe qualification. This has been confirmed by the monastery that he studied at, Sera Je, which has expelled Kelsang Gyatso
@@porkwilliam I know. But who gave him ordination? No one seems to know.
@@porkwilliam Geshe Kelsang himself stopped his affiliation with Sera Je monastery some years before their letter saying he had been expelled was published.
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union'
BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
We Love You, thank you so much...❤️❤️❤️
Bow to His Holiness Geshe Kelsang Gyatso >>> A Living Enlightened Being ... 🙇♂️🙇♀️♥️🌷🕯
Why ? He is a prick.
Thank you very much for making this :)
Thanks you so mutch Gueshe La 🙏🙏🙏
Mi amado maestro !🙏🙌
I am so thankful , that you are in Zürich, and Make Meditations Whit you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This geshe is SHUKTEN
That is true for me because I regard Shugden and Tsongkhapa as being of the same mental continuum and this Geshe also.
Om Vajra Wiki WItrana Soha. I agree 💜🙏 But I don't like your spelling, It's SHUGDEN. DORGE SHUGDEN. (😂bond. James Bond) ✌
Fake Geshe, expelled from his own monastery, Sera Je
*Please Read newest comment's on here first.*
Dolgyal is a evil spirit and gueshe Kelsang Gyatso, unfortunately is wrong
I'm happy that Dolgyal is an evil spirit and that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha.
Dolgyal and Shugden it's the same....so....Shugden is a demoniac spirit!
FABIO POZA hello you are wrong dorge shugden is a manifestation of Buddha manjushri but this geshe kelsang is a evil and a trouble maker he don’t represent shugden practitioner
can somebody here please explain to me what the problem is with this Shugden guy ? .. surely he can't be as bad as Shuge Knight.
also why are you saying he's evil how could any Buddhism be evil..?
I can tell he's a generous and kind and gentle soul and also an Angelic presence so how could he be evil ..? ..how is that even possible ?
such a beautiful teacher. so much knowledge and wisdom. thank you Teacher.
Fake Geshe, expelled from his monastery, Sera Je
Siempre en mi corazón. Gracias♡♡♡
1) Expelled from his own monastery, Sera Je
2) Does not have a Geshe qualification, as confirmed by Sera Je monastery
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union'
BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
1: He himself had stopped his affiliation with Sera Je years before their letter appeared in magazines, saying they had expelled him.
2: He is referred to as 'Geshe Kelsang Gyatso' by H.H. The Dalai Lama in a foreword to 'Buddhism In The Tibetan Tradition' (1984).
Geshe Chekhawa: 'Always rely upon a happy mind alone'.
Investigate thoroughly, this is the
(New Kadampa Tradition aka NKT) a Cult that has damaged & ruined many peoples lives. There is also a *SURVIVORS Facebook* group called *'Exposing The New Kadampa Tradition'* Use your critical thinking skills with this NKT Cult'. Then make your own mind up. Take Care.
@@lin5463 NKT; a creepy, money-grabbing cult
Fake Geshe who does NOT hold a Geshe qualification
NKT cult….
'New Kadampa Tradition - NKT / aka IKBU, International Kadampa Buddhist Union'
BE WARNED - A Seriously Dangerious Cult. Please watch: *"An Unholy Row" BBC Documentary* about this Cult leader & the NKT also please read all the comments.
Kelsang Gyatso did not complete his Geshe training and is therefore is NOT a Geshe; he has also been expelled from the Sera Je monastery for lying about his fake Geshe qualification
What proof do you have?
@@suzannecogan6220 Kelsang Gyatso’s old monastery say on their website that Gyatso is NOT a Geshe, does NOT have Geshe training and was expelled from Sera Je monastery (check their website). The chief monk had said that Gyatso will have to suffer 10,000 rebirths because of his lies. All documented and verifiable, but the NKT do NOT want people, under any circumstances, to know the truth about con-artist, fake Geshe Gyatso
@@suzannecogan6220 It's well known.
In his foreword to Geshe Kelsang's book 'Meaningful To Behold', Venerable Trijang Dorjechang - the Junior Tutor of H.H. The Dalai Lama - says:
'The excellent expounder, the great Spiritual Master Kelsang Gyatso, who studied myriad Buddhist scriptures at the famous Je college of the great monastic university of Sera, Tegchen Ling, practised the meaning of the teachings he recieved, and became a wise, serious and realized Teacher.'
@@moletown4581 So what day, date, and year, did Kelsang Gyatso receive his Geshe Degree? Tell me who granted it?
I have nothing against nkt until they started criticizing some shugden masters that’s really sad 😞 we should all respect others believe
I'm sorry you are confused. The Dalai Lama is the one that says the Shugdena is a evil spirit and prohibited people to pray for him not NKT.
Libia Marques i am not the one that is confuse and don’t know the whole thing is you, you need to make more research, the NKT is criticizing one of the most venerable shugden master the young Trijang rimpoche saying that he is not the reincarnation of the previews trijang saying that he’s fake such things we cannot tolerate and it’s a shame anyway now geshe is pass away so now we don’t care anymore
Libia Marques and forgot to say non one is forbidden to practice shugden in Tibet shugden practice is free everywhere there is lots of monastery and sams in India everywhere you can practice shugden i am my self a shugden practitioner and I am completely free to do so non one came to me and told me is not allowed or so its ab to you, yes he suggested not to practice but that’s he’s choice and ofcause there is few extremists behaving violently but that’s in both case anyway I wish you the best and pray you wake up one time
@@libiamarques4700 You are a liar. Dalia Lama has only SUGGESTED that people not follow Shugden. Dalia Lama does not have the spiritual authority to TELL people not to follow Shugden.
You are an NKT liar
@@fabianneyrou2450 Geshe Kelsang visited his root guru Trijang Dorjechang when seeking advice and his blessing upon the founding of a presentation of New Kadam Dharma for Westerners, which has become the NKT. It was the last time Geshe Kelsang was with Trijang before Trijang died.
During this time, as I understand it, Geshe Kelsang felt that Trijang gave some indication that he would not reincarnate.
. . .you taliban old man says practicing dorjee shugden helps to attains enlightenment very quickily,if thats so you are practicing this demon for so long and why you stll not enlighted???
Gracias venerable Gueshela
You need to tell the complete story of his takeover of Manjushri Institute which he visited and taught at by invitation of Lama Yeshe and FPMT. It's an ugly story and really shocked Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa in that such behavior was outside of their experience and expectations. As Gelek Rinpoche has said about him, it's difficult to understand how he can be so correct in his teachings but so contradictory in his behavior. This was said after the Shugden contriversey began. Personally I read his teachings but found the center I'm familiar with to be very narrow minded with very uncomfortable vibration for me. It's filled with zealots and not conducive to practice for me.
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche...Completely Perfect Buddha _()_
Lovely to see this, most of it I didn't know, including what Geshe la's lay name had been.
Typo at 2:54!
puro amor!!!!!!!!!!! y compasion!!!!!
geshe-la, thank you!
I know nothing about this man, save for the information in the video, but the absolute adulation demonstrated by some of these comments make me feel rather uncomfortable and therefore to look elsewhere. I do not believe the Dalai Lama would encourage such devotion to himself.
We have to use our intelligent discrimination when seeking spirituality. Geshe Chekhawa said: 'Always rely upon a happy mind alone'. The devoted comments probably arise from happy minds.
Read his books then come back. Ignorant comment
What an idiot you are. Creepy cult run by a freak.
Very inspiring
Hi, I would like to add subtitles in portuguese, so that people from Brazil can benefit from your video... is it possible?
Hi, I got locked out of this account a long time ago. I also don't have the original video anymore. Sorry.
*Don't Go To The NKT Cult.*
When I am on my knees, screaming in silence "Help!" that's when the reliability shines through. Geshela is the real deal. We take our daily vows and offer all our accomplishments in dedication.
You forgot to mention that he lied about his geshe exam and the fact that he was thrown out of his monestary, stole the center in England from Lama Yeshe, and broke his tantric precept with HH Dalai Lama.
People please watch: "An unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998, still valid today- On many sites across the web about these people, and please read the comments.
As soon as you place another person above another you have slavery
Geshe Kelsang, to my knowledge did not take the Geshe exam because he did not agree with some change or changes that had been made to it.
He ended his affiliation with his monastery years before their letter saying they expelled him appeared in magazines.
Although when young, he attended some of the The Dalai Lama's public talks, he says that for a variety of reasons he was unable to attend Dalai Lama events such as 'The Lamrim Jampel Shal-lung', 'The Kalachakra Initiation' and a teaching on Je Tsongkhapa's 'Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path'. I doubt very much he has any kind of tantric precept with H.H..
@@moletown4581 kelsang gyatso is a liar, a thief, and has broken samaya. Everyone except people in his cult know that. He attended the kalachakra and other empowerments given by HH Dalai Lama in the 60s and 70s. He stole the center from Lama Yeshe through blackmail. He claims to be a geshe but is not. And you, having been brainwashed, are making excuses fir this charlatan. I feel sorry for you. FYI, your cult leader is dead. The cult doesnt want to admit it so they pretend hes in a writing retreat. Just so you know. But your cognitive dissonance will not allow you to believe the truth of my words. Not yet at least.
@@Karen-wu8is Watch and read everything from BOTH sides.
Geshe-la !
Thank you so much my dear Buddha, we Love you
Lovely biography.
Gracias, Geshela💗
It saddens one to know that NKT do not support the secular practisioners when in need.......
What is the song name ?
According to Shazam, the song is “Adiemus”, by an artist also called Adiemus
It's an enya song but I do not know its name.
It's called Adiamus by the Welsh composer Carl Jenkins.
thanks so much
Prostrations in mind
Love you Geshe La, from the bottom of my Heart!
Fake Geshe, expelled from Sera Je monastery
Okay never heard
Is he enlightened ?
NO not at all, just an Crooked Conman, Godman, Moneyman, Actor, Cult leader, That's it.
Please Watch: " 'An Unholy Row' BBC Documentary 1998" but still valid today- about this person & these people, on many sites across the web & please read the comments. Take Care.
This is not return of the Jedi
Sorry empire
I think these other commenters do not have the karma to see. I hope you do, but only you can answer that question for yourself by observing his teaching and example. Either way, may you be blessed snd HAPPPPPPPPY!!!!!
Geshe Kalsang's teaching might be good and helpful to those who like it. But be careful when he talks about Shugden. No Lamas including previous Trijang Rinpoche past away peacefully in a meditative posture. They all were finally killed by Shugden himself and body smell like completely rotten. Trijiang's dead body had to move secretly to the cremation ground. He did not died like previous Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Chogye Tripoche, Khenpo Sangay Tenzin and so on who left all the wonderful signs of pure enlightenment. This Geshe Kalsang will also die in the same manner, the way his master Trijang rinpoche but not like Ling Rinpoche.
Raju...your stupidity will kill you ...be careful.
May he remain for a very long time to benefit countless living beings. And may we learn from his pure example.
It saddens one to know that NKT do not support the secular practisioners when in need.......
Naropa Ananda
you need to explain exactly what you mean and tell your story so people here on YOU TUBE can really UNDERSTAND what you're talking about and maybe therefore you would HELP MANY PEOPLE FROM SUFFERING.
@@gardensofthegods the posters here show love joy peace gratitude. don't see the suffering you refer to, except in a few who's posts indicate some mental health issues. I'm sorry for individual's bad experiences - thats bound to happen in a group of humans. Slandering an entire Buddhist tradition and a great master however will hurt you more than it does those you're slandering. Karma is real and it's power increases. 🙏❤