Kostumi roz ishte fantastik dhe pardesyja gri eshte e bukur por mos perdor rrip tek pardesyja sepse rripi te tregon me e shkurt se je dhe blusa e kuqe me zemra duket shume bukur dhe te shkon shume.je shume e mire
Je super e mir edhe un Mär Tek shein kete radh qe Mora e mua 1pal kepuc qe Mora 37 me rrin te medha Po sdi Si ti kthej a me ndihmon Si Mund TI kthej te lutem 😍
Hey! I don’t usually give suggestions but I really enjoy your videos tbh and I have to say this. Can you please not include the huge red text in your videos to draw attention, I know it’s a way to for YT marketing somehow but at first sight it looks like a scam video. Trust me, your loyal followers will see your videos even if you don’t write that type of text because they want to see you and drawing that type of attention it’s fair for me or other people whom are already compliant to your channel. (This comment it’s only for good intention, maybe there are other people who will agree or disagree. I’m just expressing whatever concerns me when I watch the videos).
O zemer po' trego per moshat mbi 50 de gjynaf dhe ne ha ❤️
haul-et me energjin pozitive te uenxhit dhe shqipen e stefanit jane me te mirat 🤩💕
Te parat zyze nuk te shikojne ka te drejte 💯 Stefani paldesyja te shkon shum 🥰
Je shume. E Mir .. UENXHI ❤️
Kostumi i roze shume i bukur dhe te rrin shume mire😍
O zml ate bluzan portokalli vishr Mr strece trecerekshe esht super ...je shum r mir 🥰🥰❤️
Uenxhi ti gezosh rrobat shum te bukura te gjitha, trupin e ke super ndaj te rri bukur cdo gje 💥💥💖💖
Je shume e mire!
Dua perseri nje video me Rezin.
Kostumi roz esht super 🌟 e Ty cdo gje te shkon ❤️se. Ke Trup te bukur?
Je shum e mir
Bluza me te kuqe te shkon shum bukur 🌟💖🌹10
E paraaaaa💗
Me pelqejne shume vidjot me rroba
Kostumi roz ishte fantastik dhe pardesyja gri eshte e bukur por mos perdor rrip tek pardesyja sepse rripi te tregon me e shkurt se je dhe blusa e kuqe me zemra duket shume bukur dhe te shkon shume.je shume e mire
Fashion nova cmime te lira edhe materiale te mira, edhe gjithmon kan ulje cmimesh
E paraa❤️
Kostumi jeshil 💣💥
Ke shtuar. Palester urgjent❤️
mrapsht me mire dukej
uenxhi a mund tma dergosh linkun e pardisys nese mundet edhe linket tjera love u❤️❤️💗💕
Waw kostumi i 1 pink 💗
Shqiptar esht i dashuri?
zgjedhjet e tua jan super 💥 por edhe mendimet e stefanit duhet te merren parasysh ( ne backstage😅) suksese 🌹❤
Ti gēzosh #Uenxhiii
Uenxhi te lutem mund ta nisesh linkun e pardesyse
Uenxhi kur te vish ne Luxembourg mund edhe te takohemi per nje kafe 😊
Per syzat ka te drejt stefani , shum mire te rrin te tretat
Syzet waw
Je super e mir edhe un Mär Tek shein kete radh qe Mora e mua 1pal kepuc qe Mora 37 me rrin te medha Po sdi Si ti kthej a me ndihmon Si Mund TI kthej te lutem 😍
Kustumi Rozë te shkone
Funde te ekzagjeruara sh te shkurtra duken te parehatshme
Sa perdredhuce dukesh
oj uenxhi si porosit rrobat te shein edhe sa te vonojn un nuk po muj me porosit beje ni vido si porosit telutem
Hey! I don’t usually give suggestions but I really enjoy your videos tbh and I have to say this. Can you please not include the huge red text in your videos to draw attention, I know it’s a way to for YT marketing somehow but at first sight it looks like a scam video. Trust me, your loyal followers will see your videos even if you don’t write that type of text because they want to see you and drawing that type of attention it’s fair for me or other people whom are already compliant to your channel. (This comment it’s only for good intention, maybe there are other people who will agree or disagree. I’m just expressing whatever concerns me when I watch the videos).
Fustanit jeshil mund ti shtosh diqka si pupla te varura do vjen shum mire