From the Mountain Lion Foundation, regarding attacks of humans: "There have been 29 cases (not all confirmed) of fatal mountain lion attacks on humans in North America since 1868, for an average of about 0.18 attacks per year." Attacks are possible, but extremely rare. I live in MIssoula, Montana and have dealt with about 10 bears while riding this year. Always have my beware spray, but haven't had to use it.
So are people not worried about mountain lions on these trails?
From the Mountain Lion Foundation, regarding attacks of humans: "There have been 29 cases (not all confirmed) of fatal mountain lion attacks on humans in North America since 1868, for an average of about 0.18 attacks per year." Attacks are possible, but extremely rare. I live in MIssoula, Montana and have dealt with about 10 bears while riding this year. Always have my beware spray, but haven't had to use it.
Did u get my permission to use CHIEF? They gave me my 1% back!