5 Misconceptions About Stage 4 Cancer with Stephanie Seban

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @jamiealbertson8381
    @jamiealbertson8381 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thanks for doing the video. I have been living with MBC for 2+ years, diagnosed at 45 after beating stage 1 at age 39. I have always believed that I will beat this new MBC diagnosis. One of the difficult things I deal with is when treatment side effects slam me down and my family decides I am dying. I can see it on their faces. It's the treatments NOT the cancer pushing me down. I am sensitive to medications so the side effects can be dramatic depending on the medication. I HATE that people around me often do not mirror my attitude of HOPE at all times, and my attitude to THRIVE and SURVIVE because of their own FEAR and IGNORANCE. I get tired of explaining MBC to people. I have decided NOT to talk about MBC with people in general any longer unless I absolutely have to do so. I want to take the energy away from the dis-ease and focus on my LIFE instead, and let energy flow into that!

    • @My-Channel_forever
      @My-Channel_forever 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Great attitude! Despite best intentions, other people can be exhausting! I hope you are doing well.

  • @sweetjeann
    @sweetjeann 6 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Been following you for years, since before your show. You were juicing grass that you grew yourself. Anyhow, i'm a stage 4 mbc thriver for 2 years now and let me tell you the first year was the scariest and the "terminal" diagnosis was/is daunting. My chemo regime was rough too, lost 80lbs. I'm on a new chemo and the symptoms are easier to handle and my hair is growing back so naturally everyone thinks I've "beat it". Sometimes I want to shave my head so everybody knows I'm still going through it and will anyways be going through it as it's lifelong treatment. I have it in my lymphnodes, chest, neck, liver, lung and bones. Had spinal surgery to avoid permanent paralysis as well. But I have more better days than bad and I'm living life to the fullest and I try not to sweat the small stuff.
    Loved this video. :)

  • @ElizabethNK24
    @ElizabethNK24 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    What drove me crazy was when I had a misdiagnosis of cancer but before I knew it was a misdiagnosis and told friends and some family all of a sudden it was like the air was sucked out of my world and I was alone. Some people avoided me like the plague had hit. I do not compare myself to anyone but what I went through is nothing compared to you two and others that struggle with MBC or any type of cancer at any stage. I just want people to not ignore their friends or family member. Cancer is not contagious and I get it scares people and they don’t know how to act but I’ve always tried to be there for those with cancer so when even some of those friends backed off me I felt so alone. I hope you read this and talk about this because the worst thing in the world is to ignore someone especially if that someone has cancer. I love you two & what you do! No I do not have cancer but I still learn!❤️♥️❤️😘😘

  • @WeAreGoingSomewhere
    @WeAreGoingSomewhere 6 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Hi Nalie & Stephanie! Thanks for this video.

    • @jackiejamieson7884
      @jackiejamieson7884 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm stage 4 small cell lung cancer found out 3 months ago and can't work if I wanted to I feel the same way. I got approved for social security I'll get it in 3 months but it will less than a third of what I made working to pay my bills. Saying I'm terrified is an understatement. We should not have to be worried about money while fighting for our lives.

  • @brendanels
    @brendanels 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It is certainly a new normal with all the doctor visits and treatments that we go to. I was diagnosed with Stage IV in 2016 and had to have surgery on my spine. While in recovery, I also suffered a stroke. It's been a long recovery with 8 months therapy for the stroke along with radiation, chemo and losing my hair. All this has definitely given me an appreciation for every day I am here with my family and friends!

  • @ChristinaLovesSushi
    @ChristinaLovesSushi 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This video has me in tears. I am 33 and was diagnosed with MBC in May 2018. I am hopeful:) Thank you ladies for sharing your journey.

  • @paulaamadeo4725
    @paulaamadeo4725 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ladies, you are so inspirational! I love that you say to "live your life," and that is exactly the way I feel as well. I have also been diagnosed with both early stage and MBC and they are definitely different journeys. I am now out 6 months from my last chemo and just danced the night away as a prom chaperone. It was a personal triumph for me. But still, I get treatment every 3 weeks, and my friends don't really get it - they just see the outward appearance and think I am all better. They all want this to be a finite journey - They cling to news that I am NEAD and think that means it's all over. They don't understand that it is never over. I get so many "likes" on social media for NEAD news -which is news that I am grateful for. But if I post anything about MBC or anything about trying to fund research for MBC, I can get zero "likes", which is disappointing. I am a 19-year cancer survivor and an almost 1-year MBC thriver! If nothing else, this journey has helped me to refocus my priorities on what matters most in my life. I work full-time still as a teacher, and I am determined to be here for my husband, my children, and my students. Thank you for sharing your journeys and bringing awareness to others about MBC - I can relate so much to what you say! If you are ever in the DC area, I'd love to meet you in person. Your joy for life is so evident. All the best to both of you! HUGS!

  • @jackiejamieson7884
    @jackiejamieson7884 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have stage 4 small cell lung cancer I'm 35 and I'm scared thank you for your optimism it makes me feel hopeful. I was diagnosed 3 months ago and given a year and my poor ten year old boy is terrified too.

  • @marieaimee9821
    @marieaimee9821 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Every single point resonates with me (heard every sentence you mentioned... when at my lowest with chemo, immune therapies and fifth surgery someone said "well, at least you still have your hair" and even doctors said "it is very unusual to have stage 4 melanoma at your age" which is not even true...). Diagnosed with melanoma at 28, came back when 32 turning into stage 4 melanoma. I just turned 36 (which I am so grateful for) and the time after heavy treatments and surgeries stopped was and is actually the hardest because I do not feel understood since "I am fine now"... but I am only to a certain degree (so so tired all the time) and have to learn living with the new normal. Thank you girls for spreading the word!

  • @jenntaub
    @jenntaub 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You both are so inspirational! I was diagnosed with MBC Sept. 2016. I do everything; conventional and alternative. It is such a roller coaster but hearing other stories of survival gives a great sense of hope. I to feel good and that I will be here for a longtime. Currently my scans were not to good and I will be changing treatment but I am also just going to hit it a bit harder with the alternative therapies as well. We must continue to thrive and support one another. Thank you both.

  • @lisacsanders6039
    @lisacsanders6039 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Stephanie and Nalie for being very candid about the mental and physical effects of dealing with stage 4 cancer. This video has helped me to understand that the feelings I'm having about my own stage 4 metastatic ovarian cancer battle are completely normal. As always, you deliver content that is helpful and empowering.

  • @ericabrown5749
    @ericabrown5749 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi Natalie, I have been following you for about two years now since I was diagnosed with Stage IV MBC September 2016. At that moment I didn't know what to do other than keep fighting but my oncologist then wasn't as helpful and I felt isolated because everyone saw death while I was still alive. Anywho, you have been an inspiration to me to start bringing awareness & research to MBC. Thank you for doing all that you do. Love you very much.

  • @balletmeli
    @balletmeli 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ❤️🎥. As a stage 2A Breast Cancer I can relate to one of the misconceptions: you do not look sick. Yes I was told of this even while in chemotherapy (yes I lost my hair), and I still get this told to me 🙄. It was great seeing you and Stephanie in the same room; this speaks to the power of social media that I try to explain to people, but it’s like talking to a wall. It also reminded me of a Picnic that I attended on Saturday where I meant many fellow young breast cancer survivors that we connected on a local close Facebook group. I agree with Stephanie more advertisement on young cancer survivors. Whenever I receive a magazine from the hospital we are left out like we do not exist. We are not 🦄 As I was telling someone at the picnic we either find the information ourselves or create it ourselves. Great video as always. I cannot wait for whenever the Montreal live show is uploaded to TH-cam and the weekly videos. Always look forward to them.

  • @DeeDoherty
    @DeeDoherty 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love how you guys “manifest” ... and make it happen by believing!! It’s actually such a comforting way to think about it!

  • @TammyGrosso
    @TammyGrosso 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I absolutely feel very similar to the two of you. And I am 43 and was diagnosed with Stage 3B breast cancer at 36, but then last year I was diagnosed with a rare form of metastatic mediastinal melanoma. and because the type of melanoma I have, l has no skin involvement at all. and believe it or not there were only 4 to 6 cases that they are aware of, ever! So because of the fact that I never had any tumors, or moles removed from my skin, I don't really relate with the metastatic melanoma patients. And because I have metastatic melanoma but not metastatic breast cancer, I don't quite feel like I connect right now with my old breast friends. I also agree with the two of you when it comes to the comments like, you look so great I guess your cancer is gone. or when they see me with hair they think that I'm done with treatment, or because they see me out with my kids with some makeup on, they think I feel great and no longer in treatment. When the fact is that I how to make therapy for the first three months of this diagnosis, but it didn't work. and there are no chemotherapy that work for this type of cancer. so because of this, I still get treatment every other week. but I get treated with immunotherapies that's our giving me the same way chemotherapy is, and takes the majority of the day in the infusion room. They also affect my blood levels and make me sick, in pain, achy joints, and a lot of other things. how many people on immunotherapy don't have as extreme of side effects like with chemotherapy. And because of that they expect that I don't have side effects like them.. However that is not the case. I get sick every other week because I get treatment every other week. And when I'm not feeling well, I'm at home sleeping because I'm so tired and not feeling well. I am still a single mother of three and I have to take care of my kids no matter what. so they don't see me looking sick when I am out and about, it's not because I'm not on treatment or my treatment doesn't make me sick, it's because I don't go out on the days that I expect myself to be sick. and I do what I can to plan things around my treatment and my sickness. Also, I have lost a lot of weight because of my cancer. a year ago I was given 3 to 6 months to live so I wasn't feeling well at all . but Wednesday and I can't seem to turn around is the weight loss. and when I end up in the ER with a doctor or nurse who isn't familiar with me, they automatically see how thin I am and say things like, "Do you realize how thin you are?". "maybe you should try eating more." I was in a car accident last week and the ER doctor said those exact words. And then went on to say that his daughter is just like me, naturally skinny but not the healthy looking skinny.". thanks, what a compliment! I just looked at him and smiled. because I knew he must have not looked at my file yet. Then, he went to check my lymph nodes when noticed I had a port. he asked why. I told him how I am on treatment for metastatic melanoma. and then I think the light bulb went off in his head. I think he felt bad for what he said to me at that moment. But he's just like everyone else who doesn't know. sometimes they say things before they think. one more thing that I don't think you guys mentioned. because I get blood work so much they automatically think that it's easy for me. but I still get nauseous when they flush my torque with either saline or heparin. I don't know why they think we get used to it just cuz we've been on it for a year-and-a-half. anyway thank you guys for finally telling the truth about metastatic cancer. when you started to answer I was so scared that you were going to sugar-coat things. I was so happy to hear you say that you are so tired. not that I want you to be tired, but that you admitted it, and it made me feel that I wasn't alone. I also saw your other video about your story and I want you to know that I also had my lungs collapse because of the fluid in my lungs. and I also had fluid around my heart but I think most of that was due to the size of my tumor in my mediastinum putting pressure on my veins that went to my heart. but when you described what you went through with your lungs, it felt like you were telling my story. I'm so amazed and happy that you are doing so much better and so many years later. thank you gals for keeping it real. and Natalie, if come to the Philadelphia area, I would love to meet you sometime. you are such an inspiration

    • @lisacsanders6039
      @lisacsanders6039 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Tammy, my heart goes out to you. Do you realize you are amazing? It takes true super powers to be so sick AND take care of children. Hugs and best wishes.

    • @DeeDoherty
      @DeeDoherty 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Tammy Grosso and you are an inspiration too! That’s an amazing story - you must be exhausted but you are thriving 🙌💜

    • @TammyGrosso
      @TammyGrosso 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you Dee. I thing we are all inspirations! I just watched one of your videos a few days ago. I will follow you and pray for you!

    • @nysitay7396
      @nysitay7396 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please let people in to help it really is worth it with a home provider....quality of life and strength to fight it. It usually never the people who should care and notice that do. State will pay with doctor referral

  • @kaimanalang8665
    @kaimanalang8665 6 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Love you ladies, you both inspire me! I have been thriving with metastatic breast cancer for over six years! Never stop believing! ❤️😘🙏🏻

  • @cancer-howaudreydealswithi1966
    @cancer-howaudreydealswithi1966 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the way you combat your cancer Nalie , very inspiring and i also want to commend you on your fine work. Im newly diagnosed stage 1 Ductal carcinoma ER+PR positive with metaplastic areas. Learned a lot from you, mostly how to embrace and not give up!!!!!! Thank you!!!

  • @nesssolovely9649
    @nesssolovely9649 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Y'all already conquering this, I don't even know you both and I'm so proud. Strong woman ❤❤❤

  • @AP-pw7ml
    @AP-pw7ml 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m so glad you two found each other. You are both so beautiful and so strong 💪🏼 thank you so much for sharing and providing clarity about your cancer. My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 HER2 BC and I have been researching just to know as much as I can about how I can give hope to her as she starts her chemo treatments. ❤️ 🙏

  • @thriveroflife13
    @thriveroflife13 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You both are so amazing!! I am now MBC as of Apr 14. I hope one day I can talk to you both and we can all Thrive together. Thank you for being my inspiration!!! From Ontario Canada

  • @kellyzimmerman2225
    @kellyzimmerman2225 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Loved the show!!! Loved your honesty! Love your positivity! There's so much joy in this life and you're soaking it up... love it! (Although I must say, there's lots of joy in the afterlife too)!

  • @lauraperez3275
    @lauraperez3275 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love you ladies! I have MBC for 2 years now. Both of you give me hope. 💕

  • @kjohnson134
    @kjohnson134 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very honest show. So helpful.

  • @NirGuzinskiComedy
    @NirGuzinskiComedy 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Another amazing video Nalie!! So inspiring to share both your journeys and your fight! You are both incredible people. Thank you both for sharing your story!

  • @artsysolanki
    @artsysolanki 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey Nalie, please do a video on the complementary treatments. You are amazing.. The positivity you both spread is just overwhelming.. Love you..

  • @MaryleaMemaw
    @MaryleaMemaw 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So glad you two found each other!! :-)

  • @pjhogue1987
    @pjhogue1987 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Hey nalie! I have stage 4 MBC. I feel alone. Ive tried to reach out to you before but I understand you’re busy. Steph and I have chatted a few times though. I absolutely LOVE her!!!! ❤️

    • @sweetjeann
      @sweetjeann 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Pamela Hogue I think I know how you feel. Thinking of you. If you need to talk you can message me on instagram at jeanno929
      I've been diagnosed for 2 years now. Metastatic at first diagnosis. This terminal diagnosis is scary and depressing and so unfair.

    • @ericabrown5749
      @ericabrown5749 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pamela Hogue don't feel alone you have a sisterhood that's strong enough to carry you through this crazy journey.

  • @lovesgreaterthancancerbaby931
    @lovesgreaterthancancerbaby931 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    so glade u came in to my life i hade stage 4 lung thay said i was gion to die but iam hear cancer free u made me have a smile on my face too thank u sooooo much

  • @nicolouna
    @nicolouna 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I needed this today. Thank you ❤️

  • @Megs2111
    @Megs2111 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Two beautiful inspirational women ❤️

  • @rosiejase
    @rosiejase 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience....learned a ton. I'm a little older than you ladies, but definitely none the wiser! I wish you guys great health in 2018 and beyond!!!

  • @mayamariechavez8718
    @mayamariechavez8718 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow you Beautiful ladies Are So Strong! I am praying for you both! I have strong faith that both of you will live a Long and Healthy life! Thank you Jesus 💖

  • @papimuhut
    @papimuhut 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm se o glad to hear this video my faith it's in God and pray and apply all the I learn my prayers for all

  • @rustamp7361
    @rustamp7361 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    U both are strong and beautiful lady

  • @claudiasanchez718
    @claudiasanchez718 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you sooooo much for this video!

  • @lizlakhawaja4835
    @lizlakhawaja4835 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nailie u r the bravest and beautiful girl really love u sweetheart may God bless u with health

  • @NoemiVS30
    @NoemiVS30 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Well said 👏 Love you gals! 💕 #Thrivegang

  • @badazz1981bb
    @badazz1981bb 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Nalie, my name is Cece and I’ve been following you since 2016 when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. A lot of your videos got me through you have no idea. I just recently in Oct 2018 was told that I have MBC and I just couldn’t believe it. I feel good and I have received radiation treatment since finding out with no chemotherapy. But now I think I will need chemotherapy and other treatment options. I live in Las Vegas and I will be going to UCLA to learn more about their treatment options they may have for me. I’m not scared I’m more so just wanting to treat whatever it is that is growing. I would love to talk to you about it more if you can. That would be amazing.

  • @nysitay7396
    @nysitay7396 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would love a talk on affording cancer

  • @mrspurpleskullcandy
    @mrspurpleskullcandy 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have metastatic Breast Cancer to was wondering if u are having a lot of pain? And how u are coping with it..

  • @nysitay7396
    @nysitay7396 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Every breast cancer is different remember mutation of cells in nuclei is individually manifested. Everyone depending on genetics age etc is going to have a different experience...be tolerant patient encouraging especially if it is not you!

  • @wishupondreams
    @wishupondreams 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where is the link to stefanis store?

    • @nalieagustin
      @nalieagustin  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      wishupondreams www.thrivegang.co

  • @mazedurrahamanshohag9443
    @mazedurrahamanshohag9443 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sujanshikder4691
    @sujanshikder4691 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @glendakay9895
    @glendakay9895 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    That is what everyone says that I look great.

  • @infodoctor7707
    @infodoctor7707 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me too :) You remind me that I still look Good. ;) Yol are Gorjuuuuus

  • @giannirocky747
    @giannirocky747 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    you look beautifulllllllllllllllllllllll jesus is with you

  • @hsiaofonglinkane
    @hsiaofonglinkane 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel encourage thanks!!