This is exactly how a discourse should be Facts laid out Agendas Discussed No personal attacks Criticism with constructive feedback Ideas over ideologies . Excellent 🔥🔥🔥
It's nice to hear a well educated Chidambaram Sir, our Ex FM speaking with clarity and conviction. No one interrupted, no shouting No Chairman asking to cut short. All eagerly and attentively heard him. Because, he spoke the truth with facts and figures. Thank you sir, you spoke for India.
Appreciate the people who voted for such an intellectual and noble person and sent him to parliament. Just imagine a parliament full of men and women who debated over matters before the house with such clarity, eloquence and, above all, decency.
He may be from opposition party, but his points, the manner in which he puts forth, the tone& dignity are worth appreciating, further his knowledge and experience is more than the current FM.
@@jatin7 Yeah it is but the direction of intellect here in North India is towards what our beloved PM shows, Machli, mutton, tonti and bainsh. I too wish that someone from South India govern us. I want that Dravidian Politics expands in India.
The way ,chidambaram speech in parliament is most important and interesting. The entire sabha kept silence. Thanks to Mr. Chidambaram. And to the sabha.
*P. Chidambaram is a highly Intellectual politican with regards to any subjects and implementation of Economic and welfare policies in India. He is a great treasury to our National security. India has achieved double digit (10.08) of real Economic growth per annum when P. Chidambaram was Union Finance Minister of Bharat. Afterward, India hasn't seen such growth in Real terms..*
The great Gabbar Singh and scamster of Indian politics. What is the use of a diamond if it has no shape, no texture, no refractive index etc... it is as good as a waste stone..
It would appear that you just love the old crooks that looted the country with Sonia. Do you know that Sonia was in the payroll earning illegal pay as if she was a cabinet politician under this thief Chiddu chor. This is the reason why Congress keeps on losing the election. The voters have at last woken up to these thieves. If it hadn't been for the alliance, Congress would never have been in Parliament. 99 votes to Congress confirmed that.
An excellent deliberation put forth by the elegant leader of congress. He placed the voice kerala also. How eloquently did he elicit the position and how keenly the Chairman and the ministers lent their ears. He was very careful in kerping his dignity and slso the same to the whole in the opposition without disparaging the even through a single gesture. That's why he is termed as a gentleman politician.
@@EnMilgre88 nope. I understand Jay Shah rose to where he is thanks to his dad. Only time will tell if he is committing financial fraud. He shouldn't be determining the fate of our hard working cricketers. But Pazhani chamy and company is (10^4 times) at a different level. So are his counter parts in DMK and ADMK.
Thanks.everybody listened to his speech . Political appointments which is always biased, tarnish the image of constitutional bodies . A balanced approach required for the selection of candidates having undisputed integrity is the need of the hour
Great constructive criticism from Chidambaram, this is how issues, challenges and policies needs to be discussed in a democracy. Most voters will not understand macroeconomics but to the those few who does, it makes sense to take good ideas even from across the aisle. Hats off to Chidambaram for providing his constructive input!
Hundreds may be opposing. But thousands are supporting. You are seeing HINDUSTAN TIMES. But when you go through other media you can see thousands of comments favouring her.
If nothing else , let's hope Mrs Sithararaman learns how to be be less arrogant while also adding punch to her speeches and answers through hard facts and erudition
Brilliant analysis by an extremely competent finance man who has handled the economy well. This kind of stuff is unheard of in the present dispensation. They don't care nor do they understand and are not serious at all.
Perfect gentleman, modi should learn ethicates and politeness from these Congress MPs, highly educated great orator and ace advocate He is this person talks to the point Great speech sir
@@nagiandy1092 modi who the hell is he Wo to gaya,indian public had rejected his jommlabazi,, a great tight slap indian people have given him, for his fake image Iss bar 400 par🤣🤣🤣 End result 240 It's a handicap government with wheel chair, one side is TDP and the other side is JDU Rahul Gandhi and his party is blood stream of India, again it revived,, and tight kar lijiye apna seat belt kiyu ki mausam kavi bhi bigar sakta hai
For once, I appreciate Chidambaram's remarks. He did leave out the indexation and LTCG issue which is an abomination in this budget. Also, the Agniveer programme is not bad. It's just that our government (any of our governments for that matter) go with half-cocked guns and do not see the end result or plans and settle for future issues and continuity. Ask any thinking serviceman.
Removal of indexation will bring just some additional complication but if planned well, it will not have any impact to seller. Only those who are uninformed , pay LTCG on sale of immovable property. You sell a house and buy a new one from capital gain. No taxes paid. The only change that would happen for next 5 years is that initial non taxable portion will be less but it's effect will be same as earlier after 5 years. Also the property rate is going to increase exponentially because there will be more amount subject to capital gain, hence people will buy more expensive house to save tax, which will have a ripple effect. Because of incorrect adjusted basis calculation, there are thousand of case in courts. Removing indexation would make the calculation more transparent. Remember, indexation on equities was removed 5-6 years back and currently the sensex is at all time high and made tens of thousands richer. It's more hassle free to calculate the tax impact. So indexation was never an actual issue. But the unfavorable tax on salary income is going to haunt back BJP.
Agniveer is not a bad scheme. But the way it has been formulated is very biased with bad intentions to create a Wagner Army type Adani Army. Therefore the scheme has to be overhauled
Agniveer is not a bad scheme. But the way it has been formulated is very biased with bad intentions to create a Wagner Army type Adani Army. Therefore the scheme has to be overhauled with guaranteed admissions to medical colleges through added NEET scores or top educational institutions or government jobs
This Guy allotted a mere 500Cr. For OROP,, and now that Guy RG is so much worried about Soldiers,, at least this Government gave some thing,, Congress was always anti soldiers and gave a damn to the services,,, these type of persons should not enter the Parliament
Wise words from P. Chidambaram, indeed proud of him, and as demanded federal structure should be restored not only in will buy in practice also, NTA should be scrapped totally
Chidambaram, when he was Finance minister, had said we are doing everything but I do not know why things are not turning around... The facts and KPIs from the current govt bely the oppositions allegations... Yes, this time the Modi govts actions have been a bit political, but then look at States where Congress is ruling, except Telangana, all states are not good.. Scams galore, especially Karnataka. Now they do not seem to have money to continue the schemes per their manifesto. However, being in the opposition, Now Mr. Chidambaram has given a very good analysis...True
India needs more people like him, Raghav Chadha, if people are serious about the progress of the country. The other politicians need to learn and grow out of finger pointing, mocking but seriously talk about issues in the country, keep differences aside, and work together for the good of the country and it's people.
Even though I am a BJP supporter, Chidambaram brought out excellent data points and presented them in a very courteous manner. There is a need for such opposition leaders to question the Govt on Finance policy and help them take the right decisions.
Salute to this man. The whole rajya sabha had pin drop silence when he spoke, this shows that people are eager to listen to him. Also this man used to present finance budget without even looking at any notes, this shows his thoroughness in finance
The belief that a government job alone is the employment should be corrected first. Unemployment cannot be just becuse of few years budgets or plans. It is because of poor vision in the governance over long duration, poor education methods, over population, lack of required skills and definitely freebies. Reforms are needed at root level. A quality education with values should a freebie.
If she is adopting Congress manifesto you must be happy. Because they are implementing Congress policy Chidambaram.If you are criticising them means you are criticising your own manifesto.
It's worth appreciating if PC would compare his own performance as an FM, when he was, his budget out come vs Ms NS. PC must repaint & must apologize about his disgusting comments on "how street vendors would use QR code as payment media" underestimating the capabilities of the country men? You studied from Harvard or so, you guys have some superiority complex....
Chidambaram, your confidence will come gradually. Don't get nervous. Modi is there with his team and most importantly with people of india. Pls don't be hypothetical. It leads to dialogueism m, furthermore leads to corruption. Come on, remain in reality. You can feel everything gradually.
Great speech by Chidambaram ji. The govt should listen 👂. It seems from FM to PM ...everyone is under an impression that they are super natural beings. Inflation and unemployment are two major crisis. Govt must acknowledge facts.
@@sbsbsbsbbs8683 how did he handle during his tenure as the FM? Was the inflation under control? Were there plenty of jobs but no candidates? People have the weakness to be forgetful and utterly biased. Why did he have to introduce the oil bond? Who had to pay now after 10 years? So long as the public is prejudiced and rooting for the corrupts for whatever reason they have, the country will be under the threat of scamsters and crooks as Ministers to loot and scoot.
This is exactly how a discourse should be
Facts laid out
Agendas Discussed
No personal attacks
Criticism with constructive feedback
Ideas over ideologies
Excellent 🔥🔥🔥
Excellent! This is the kind of analysis we need from the MPs.
Though I detest Cong, appreciate PC for his speech. Hope RaGa, Cong MPs, even BJP members analyse numbers & speak, rather than rant & do drama
It's nice to hear a well educated Chidambaram Sir, our Ex FM speaking with clarity and conviction. No one interrupted, no shouting
No Chairman asking to cut short. All eagerly and attentively heard him. Because, he spoke the truth with facts and figures. Thank you sir, you spoke for India.
Appreciate the people who voted for such an intellectual and noble person and sent him to parliament. Just imagine a parliament full of men and women who debated over matters before the house with such clarity, eloquence and, above all, decency.
BJP cannot have that kind of literate MPs when the PM itself is 5 th fail.
I too appreciate PC for his analysis. But why did he & his son loot during UPA? He & Karti are shameless!!
do not trust whether bjp or congress they are snake of same backyard😢😢
@@John-fh7nnSo what atleast he is Chauthi Pass 😅
He may be from opposition party, but his points, the manner in which he puts forth, the tone& dignity are worth appreciating, further his knowledge and experience is more than the current FM.
Rahul gandhi ji needs to learn to talk like this and do this kind of research.
We need both the approach. Soft like PC , aggressive like RG. Decency doesn’t work with the ruling party
He didn't mock anything he just pointed out to the mockery the bill was.
@@Orthoindian he says it is their manifesto.
@@ad8943good one😂
Good analysis
Hon FM wouldn't understand. She would now give sarcastic reply
The calm demeanour with which he placed his points is remarkable 😊
South India has the most intellectual politicians they should govern the country once , then only can we see Substantial transformation .
Intellectual is universal property...😅
@@jatin7 Yeah it is but the direction of intellect here in North India is towards what our beloved PM shows, Machli, mutton, tonti and bainsh. I too wish that someone from South India govern us. I want that Dravidian Politics expands in India.
True, north Indians are not very intelligent people.
@@amandubey3636just look at the heights that corruption reached in times of jaylalitha and karunanidhi
Yes but Nirmala Sitharaman and Hema Malini seem to be the exceptions😂
Excellent, superb speech by Mr .Chidambaram
master of stealing money from the aam aadmi of bharat. go look at the assets he and his son amassed during his regime.
Modi will not understand even a single words from Mr. Chidambaram. Thank you for the great insights
Economic experts, planners and professionals are available in Congress party and INDIA alliance only! ❤
Our finance minister doesn’t understand what he spoke about and most of the terms she may be hearing for the first time. 😂
bhai vo bhi economist hi hai, samajh mein sab aata hai baaki neeyat hoti hai
This is how parliament should work… this is how people of this country expect the members of parliament they elected as representatives should behave…
Excellent speech.
Beautiful presentation from a stalwart whose services the country is missing.
Very good speech. An asset to Manipur and India as a whole. May Almighty give him good health and long life.
When this man speaks there is silence from BJP benches too.
The way ,chidambaram speech in parliament is most important and interesting.
The entire sabha kept silence.
Thanks to Mr. Chidambaram.
And to the sabha.
That’s the decency the opposition has, that’s the kind of diplomacy they maintain
Because they can’t comprehend what he is talking about! 😂😂
*P. Chidambaram is a highly Intellectual politican with regards to any subjects and implementation of Economic and welfare policies in India. He is a great treasury to our National security. India has achieved double digit (10.08) of real Economic growth per annum when P. Chidambaram was Union Finance Minister of Bharat. Afterward, India hasn't seen such growth in Real terms..*
boss dont make me laugh
@@sps6 boss nobody has asked you to laugh.... Why..
The great Gabbar Singh and scamster of Indian politics. What is the use of a diamond if it has no shape, no texture, no refractive index etc... it is as good as a waste stone..
How can you say not to laugh when it is a 100% joke!
Kongis and gang ,with family playing politics ...chiddu and his son,khargi and his son...italy family ...stali family,lal family etc...what a shame
Ppl r talking shit abt him but Pls check his policies when he was FM, u will see why he was appreciated by many officers
This is an example of proper educated man's analysis. Thanks PC sir.
Educated corrupt scammer
Very intellectual person Proudly supporting ❤
J P Nadda understands this 😂😂😂…we miss man mohan singh, raghuram Rajan, Pronab Mukerjee and PC in finance ministry…
We need finance minister like Chidambaram.Nirmala S is an utter failure
It would appear that you just love the old crooks that looted the country with Sonia. Do you know that Sonia was in the payroll earning illegal pay as if she was a cabinet politician under this thief Chiddu chor.
This is the reason why Congress keeps on losing the election. The voters have at last woken up to these thieves. If it hadn't been for the alliance, Congress would never have been in Parliament. 99 votes to Congress confirmed that.
U mean corrupt like him and his son karthi
If he corrupted ,take action against him. Why the current government do not take any actions against him. @saurabhshinde3540
This is a person who knows finance. Subramanian swamy would have been a much better finance minister than the pathetic present fm
That would hurt Modi's ego. We only entertain yes masters.
Modi likes only yes men around him. Independent thinking is not allowed. I'm just glad Gadkari is somehow being allowed to continue.
Super dose... good analysis....❤
An excellent deliberation put forth by the elegant leader of congress. He placed the voice kerala also. How eloquently did he elicit the position and how keenly the Chairman and the ministers lent their ears. He was very careful in kerping his dignity and slso the same to the whole in the opposition without disparaging the even through a single gesture. That's why he is termed as a gentleman politician.
The ball is out of the park
Two months back I bought one bottle of juice by Rs 40 today its Rs 60 i was literally shocked.
which juice sir? can you name it
@@Unknown_SupAK Ocean Juice
@@Unknown_SupAK Sir, did you try to reduce the tax?
@@KoushikTK-h4o all juices sir. mango juice, lussy, sapota juice. people are adjusting pricing for inflation
Is it because of tax? Do you know how tax system works? GST council decides the tax
Soon they the PM,FM will be sent to the Tihar Jail along with HM
master of stealing money from the aam aadmi of bharat. go look at the assets he and his son amassed during his regime.
@@vsdktbkm5012I think you're talking about nepo boy Jay Shah (HM son).
@@EnMilgre88 nope. I understand Jay Shah rose to where he is thanks to his dad. Only time will tell if he is committing financial fraud. He shouldn't be determining the fate of our hard working cricketers. But Pazhani chamy and company is (10^4 times) at a different level. So are his counter parts in DMK and ADMK.
Even jaishankar enjoyed the mock by ex Fm....good job chidambaram sir❤❤
Thanks.everybody listened to his speech . Political appointments which is always biased, tarnish the image of constitutional bodies . A balanced approach required for the selection of candidates having undisputed integrity is the need of the hour
Well said👍🏿
Gud speech by Mr Chidambaram
Very very pertinent presentation or the analysis of FM Nimmi’s Budget.Chidambaram Sir has Actualy taught Nimi good lesson….!
Our FM minister might be hearing many terms of economy first time in her life in this speech .She is so innocent
Legend sir country needs your advice super❤
Great constructive criticism from Chidambaram, this is how issues, challenges and policies needs to be discussed in a democracy. Most voters will not understand macroeconomics but to the those few who does, it makes sense to take good ideas even from across the aisle. Hats off to Chidambaram for providing his constructive input!
Symple speech from c.baram sir apreciated v. Much.thanks you sir.
Our country needs such kind of knowledgeable persons in the ministry..
Masterly speech !! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Well said Mr. Chidambaram
Awesome 👍😎
Finance minister failed to observe social media how hundreds of common people , commenting on, inordinate delay in income tax refund this year.
Hundreds may be opposing. But thousands are supporting. You are seeing HINDUSTAN TIMES. But when you go through other media you can see thousands of comments favouring her.
@@vinayachandranoc5550 That is BJP bots in comments. That is what happened in the elections too. LOL!
If nothing else , let's hope Mrs Sithararaman learns how to be be less arrogant while also adding punch to her speeches and answers through hard facts and erudition
Bahot Khoob Chidambaram Ji
Congratulations to Dr. Chitambaram Sir, for teaching SitaRamanji, the significant aspects of financial Science! Thank you so much.
Hear him out on jobs situation
How many MPs understood what he said
Well said 👏👏👏
Well said sir🙏
Fabulous speech by Mr Chidambaram!
Wonderful analysis!!
Wow! Mr. Chidambaram has done a great honor and justice to the vast majority poor Indians
Well said! FM should reply point wise - I hope she does!!
Oraters like sibil , singvi, and chidambaram are worth listening the fascist will foolishly never allow anything to go on record
It is really very soothing to listen to Sashi tharoor, chidambaram, Raghav chadda sir.
He isn't the same guy who said digitalisation like UPI never works in India and artice 370 removal is a foolish decision...such a visioned minister 😂
Brilliant analysis by an extremely competent finance man who has handled the economy well. This kind of stuff is unheard of in the present dispensation. They don't care nor do they understand and are not serious at all.
Well said from a legend
Perfect gentleman, modi should learn ethicates and politeness from these Congress MPs, highly educated great orator and ace advocate
He is this person talks to the point
Great speech sir
Hope Modi doesn’t learn the scams and attitude of Shehzada the khangress 😮
Yes ; without unnecessary histrionics and drama
@@nagiandy1092 modi who the hell is he
Wo to gaya,indian public had rejected his jommlabazi,, a great tight slap indian people have given him, for his fake image
Iss bar 400 par🤣🤣🤣
End result 240
It's a handicap government with wheel chair, one side is TDP and the other side is JDU
Rahul Gandhi and his party is blood stream of India, again it revived,, and tight kar lijiye apna seat belt kiyu ki mausam kavi bhi bigar sakta hai
Nirmala Sitaraman doesn't know how to grow Gamle me Gobi and claim Income Tax Refund. Chidambaram is expert in that having studied in Harvard.
master of stealing money from the aam aadmi of bharat. go look at the assets he and his son amassed during his regime.
He is the best example of the fact that being studied in abroad will never give you common sense ..He was main opposer of UPI and article 370 removal.
Just awesome
Well spoken!
You are real economic master in india. As a mp.
I think it all should happen before commensement of buffet preparation.
For once, I appreciate Chidambaram's remarks.
He did leave out the indexation and LTCG issue which is an abomination in this budget.
Also, the Agniveer programme is not bad. It's just that our government (any of our governments for that matter) go with half-cocked guns and do not see the end result or plans and settle for future issues and continuity. Ask any thinking serviceman.
Removal of indexation will bring just some additional complication but if planned well, it will not have any impact to seller. Only those who are uninformed , pay LTCG on sale of immovable property.
You sell a house and buy a new one from capital gain. No taxes paid. The only change that would happen for next 5 years is that initial non taxable portion will be less but it's effect will be same as earlier after 5 years. Also the property rate is going to increase exponentially because there will be more amount subject to capital gain, hence people will buy more expensive house to save tax, which will have a ripple effect.
Because of incorrect adjusted basis calculation, there are thousand of case in courts. Removing indexation would make the calculation more transparent.
Remember, indexation on equities was removed 5-6 years back and currently the sensex is at all time high and made tens of thousands richer. It's more hassle free to calculate the tax impact.
So indexation was never an actual issue.
But the unfavorable tax on salary income is going to haunt back BJP.
Agniveer is not a bad scheme. But the way it has been formulated is very biased with bad intentions to create a Wagner Army type Adani Army. Therefore the scheme has to be overhauled
Agniveer is not a bad scheme. But the way it has been formulated is very biased with bad intentions to create a Wagner Army type Adani Army. Therefore the scheme has to be overhauled with guaranteed admissions to medical colleges through added NEET scores or top educational institutions or government jobs
What a distinguished speaker! 🎉❤
We miss him and educated experts in the government
Yeah we miss the way they looted us systematically
Worst FM in history of India during most corrupt Congress time. Shameless man.
Well said
This Guy allotted a mere 500Cr. For OROP,, and now that Guy RG is so much worried about Soldiers,, at least this Government gave some thing,, Congress was always anti soldiers and gave a damn to the services,,, these type of persons should not enter the Parliament
Some of the points were fair and valid enough
Excellent sir our country needs you
For what? To ruin again 😂
What a fine orator.
Wise words from P. Chidambaram, indeed proud of him, and as demanded federal structure should be restored not only in will buy in practice also, NTA should be scrapped totally
Good ragging and Teaching of FM
Chidambaram, when he was Finance minister, had said we are doing everything but I do not know why things are not turning around... The facts and KPIs from the current govt bely the oppositions allegations... Yes, this time the Modi govts actions have been a bit political, but then look at States where Congress is ruling, except Telangana, all states are not good.. Scams galore, especially Karnataka. Now they do not seem to have money to continue the schemes per their manifesto. However, being in the opposition, Now Mr. Chidambaram has given a very good analysis...True
There is need of such Union Ministers whether from any Party
Finañce miñisiter VS Finance minister...❤🎉 super doze...
He was a real leader in india to speak the truth for the suffer of the people and for we the poor.
India needs more people like him, Raghav Chadha, if people are serious about the progress of the country. The other politicians need to learn and grow out of finger pointing, mocking but seriously talk about issues in the country, keep differences aside, and work together for the good of the country and it's people.
Even though I am a BJP supporter, Chidambaram brought out excellent data points and presented them in a very courteous manner. There is a need for such opposition leaders to question the Govt on Finance policy and help them take the right decisions.
The need of the hour is that such talented people form the govt and not illiterate leaders like Modi 😊
Salute to this man. The whole rajya sabha had pin drop silence when he spoke, this shows that people are eager to listen to him.
Also this man used to present finance budget without even looking at any notes, this shows his thoroughness in finance
Chidambaram 👍
The belief that a government job alone is the employment should be corrected first. Unemployment cannot be just becuse of few years budgets or plans. It is because of poor vision in the governance over long duration, poor education methods, over population, lack of required skills and definitely freebies. Reforms are needed at root level. A quality education with values should a freebie.
A very good deliberations from Shri Chidambarsm. He rightly elebobately discuss the pathtivc magnitude of unemployments of India.
This speech is made before the budget
I Salute you Sir
I am a Muslim. But Have to accept the fact. South indians are blessed with high intelligence. It is a God Given chatacteristic.
If she is adopting Congress manifesto you must be happy. Because they are implementing Congress policy Chidambaram.If you are criticising them means you are criticising your own manifesto.
Smooth talk, hope he looks at the speaker while speaking as per the house rules
Appreciate the way Mr Chidambaram calculated the exact census . ❤
It's worth appreciating if PC would compare his own performance as an FM, when he was, his budget out come vs Ms NS. PC must repaint & must apologize about his disgusting comments on "how street vendors would use QR code as payment media" underestimating the capabilities of the country men? You studied from Harvard or so, you guys have some superiority complex....
Very true
Chidambaram, your confidence will come gradually. Don't get nervous. Modi is there with his team and most importantly with people of india. Pls don't be hypothetical. It leads to dialogueism m, furthermore leads to corruption. Come on, remain in reality. You can feel everything gradually.
Super sur
Our next Finance minister should be Sir P Chidambaram. @Hindustantimes
Elecelant speach
Good speaker
Wish such talented stalwarts are not corrupt also. We need this man, minus that, will augur well for our nation
Shame on BJP that 10 years were not enough to put this man behind bars inspite of so many proven cases against him .
Great speech by Chidambaram ji. The govt should listen 👂. It seems from FM to PM ...everyone is under an impression that they are super natural beings. Inflation and unemployment are two major crisis. Govt must acknowledge facts.
@@sbsbsbsbbs8683 how did he handle during his tenure as the FM? Was the inflation under control? Were there plenty of jobs but no candidates? People have the weakness to be forgetful and utterly biased. Why did he have to introduce the oil bond? Who had to pay now after 10 years? So long as the public is prejudiced and rooting for the corrupts for whatever reason they have, the country will be under the threat of scamsters and crooks as Ministers to loot and scoot.
Budget 2024 has to be recalled for review in order to make it benefits the entire nation