When he cries near the end when he talks about the ruling classes and their use of violence, that is what I do every day. When I was young I thought you could change the world, but most people don't want to wake up to the reality of what the ruling classes do so things will never change. Like him I have always felt I was from another planet and I keep waiting for someone to come and take me back there.
c'est une façon très solitaire, le bùt sera qd même de devenir heureux ensemble. L humain n est pas fait pour la solitude éternelle - cet échange nous donne une éxpérience vitalisante.
I understand your feeling because it is similar to mine, but I understood that it is all a Cosmic Game where Light and Shadow play eternal games. Once the Light wins and once the Shadow wins 🌟 on this planet Earth the Shadow has been victorious for millennia, but then the outcome of the Game will change here too and the Light will win 💖
A very intelligent man. This is the future. When you live moment to moment and work with nature you are not depressed. This is the key to a happy life.
since when social distancing leads to happiness? Even the majority of animals live and thrive in groups. Social interaction keeps the mind healthy, loneliness is not sth humans are made for. Except if there are mental issues anyhow
A practicing Buddhist. Sadhu sadhu sadhu ❤❤❤ the suffering of the world brings him to tears. Such a soft hearted and compassionate man. Love this clip. ❤❤❤
Thank you... I live in Germany in a forest and said goodbye to society, too, because I couldn't stand the pain of cruelty any longer. I bless this world every day. Let's work on it - on peace, peace, peace and love ❤
I thank you all who sent me Thoughts of Love and Solidarity ♥️ You are all special people and I wish you all the best and lots of happiness!!! 🌈🌟🤩💖🌸🦋 Wladimir ♥️
Thank you from my heart, Wladimir for speaking the truth about this world and for showing us your sadness and your sensitivity for the nature and the love for all human beings & creatures! I am female, born 1972 living in Germany and feeling the same about that we are slaves in this life on this planet, most of us unknown! I was in the mountains with my dog and i can't describe how magic and happy I felt in this pure nature without any luxury and only hard work but much of positive spirit, freedom and silence. I just found your channel right now (there are no coincidences in life). You are such an inspiration! Thank you for reminding me about the fact, that we are spiritual beings only being here on a visit on planet earth (which I was feeling since I was a child already). We are growing in this world and bringing peace & love into this sky. THANK YOU! Brigitte
Hi Brigitte, thank you for your kind words 💖🌈🤩🙏🏻 I think that people like Us are the positive Future for this suffering Humanity 💖 I love you and if the Universe wants it, one day we will meet, here or on a another planet 🌟 Wladimir 🌈
I once had a remote finca in Spain, high up in the mountain, with just rainwater catchment and solar. I cannot even begin to describe the tranquility I found in that solitude. I could walk from the nearest village by following hidden paths that were forgotten by most people long ago. The moment I stepped onto that hidden trail, I left the outside World and I felt an immediate sense of calm.
I also live in the spanish mountains. I will stay & die there in peace it's the best end one can find. 😉 In society I can't find that peace to go home 😊
Thank you Wladimir for speaking the truth. So many people have lost their way in this crazy world, but allowing ourselves to connect with the natural world grounds us and provides healing for the soul. The only thing of true value we bring to this dance through light and dark that we call life is love and the only thing we can take of value from it is wisdom. May you be blessed on your path my friend. All the very best from the UK
All my energy goes to you. More and more people are following you and many others. We have to go back to where we started. People need to realize how important it is to respect this planet, the animals and flora, and the relationship between us.
I I love this man and how he followed the very deep essence within him and within all of us. Obviously not an easy way to live for he lives in this world, not the way of the herd. Thank you so very very much Dear Soul.
I wish more people would be so intuitive and follow their own unique path, with universal guidance. I totally see myself living like this in my 50s, but perhaps in a bit more accessible and warmer place. Still need to uncover myself and heal.
When i walk through nature ,i am so happy and i can’t stop smiling.I love to do this alone,my favorite companions in this cruel world are the animals, they are so honest and uncomplicated.I work in sales and have a lot to do with people, that's why I love being alone, most people are so unfriendly and cold.Your live seems very calm to me.But it doesn't work without money, as I see it, unfortunately...i wish you all the best and good luck for your live❤
Prosim, vzkazte tomu muzi, ze jsem se divala na toto video a spatrila trpyt hvezd v jeho ocich a srdci. Dekuji , ze jsou takovi lidé. Mavam na jeho misto!!!❤😊 Šárka from Czech.
visit to Nepal, we have many places like this, and our land is spiritually charged coz of different cave medation in mountains by different types of hindusium, buddism, and tibetan, it is more easy to connect and land is pure. For sensitive person like you, its divine. Lots of love from NEPAL.
>>>Europa/Gran Canaria/Gui Gui ... das ist mein Ort für die nächsten 1 1/2 Monate, 4-5 Stunden Fußmarsch bis zur nächsten Ortschaft, 2-3 Stunden bis zur Straße, 3/4 stunde Motorboot übers meer (in der nächstgelegenen ortschaft gibt es für 50 euro ein inoffiziellen shuttle-service (durchfragen) den man bei notfällen anrufen könnte). Vor ort handyempfang nur auf den bergen, nicht im Tal, süßwasserquelle vorhanden. bitte müllsack mitnehmen und auch eventuell herumliegende Abfälle anderer Menschen mitnehmen...platz im rucksack miteinberechnen, danke sehr:) Meine Hoffnung vor Ort: 30 Tage heilfasten auf basis von wasser+giftbindender stoffe wie Lehm, heilerde, Holzkohle. anschliessenden Wiederaufbau mit probiotika und rohkostWoche. neuprogrammierung meiner Gewohnheiten: schlafphasen, yoga, ausdauer- und kraft-sport, meditieren, sonne tanken,...um anschließend fokussiert in die Umsetzung meiner Projekte in deutschland starten zu können #selbstverwirklichung:) Flüge Suche ich bei "skyscanner .de"...aktuell günstigste Variante in meinem Zeitrahmen 169 Euro beide Richtungen (die langen zwischenstopps nehme ich gerne in Kauf, schlafen auf Flughäfen für mich kein Problem mit entsprechender ultraleich aufblasbaren isomatte und gutem wasserfilter (sawyerFilter+kohlefilteradapter um leitungswasser trinkbar zu machen) im gepäck*.... "kleines handgepäck" ist als einziges kostenlos und muss unter(!)den sitz passen...nicht zu verwechseln mit "handgepäck" das über dem sitz in die ablage verstaut wird und mittlerweile 40 Euro pro Flugsicherung kostet. Also lieber leicht reisen und vor Ort das nötige dazukaufen. Ich richte diesen Kommentar an alle die verzweifelt nach veränderung suchen aber denen die erfahrung im reisen fehlt. Liebe Grüße:)
>>>Europe/Gran Canaria/Gui Gui... this is my place for the next 1 1/2 months, 4-5 hours walk to the next town, 2-3 hours to the road, 3/4 hour motorboat across the sea (in the next town there is an unofficial shuttle service for 50 euros (ask) that you can call in an emergency). Cellphone reception only in the mountains, not in the valley, freshwater source available. Please take a garbage bag with you and also take any other people's rubbish lying around... allow space in your backpack, thank you very much:) My hope for the place: 30 days of fasting based on water + toxin-binding substances such as clay, healing earth, charcoal. Subsequent rebuilding with probiotics and a week of raw food. reprogramming my habits: sleep phases, yoga, endurance and strength training, meditating, soaking up the sun,...so that I can then focus on implementing my projects in Germany #self-realization:) I'm looking for flights on "skyscanner.de"...currently the cheapest option in my time frame is 169 euros both ways (I'm happy to accept the long stopovers, sleeping at airports is no problem for me with an appropriate ultra-light inflatable sleeping mat and a good water filter (sawyer filter + carbon filter adapter to make tap water drinkable) in my luggage*.... "small hand luggage" is the only one that's free and has to fit under(!) the seat...not to be confused with "hand luggage" that's stowed in the shelf above the seat and now costs 40 euros per air traffic control. So it's better to travel light and buy what you need on site. I'm addressing this comment to everyone who's desperately looking for change but lacks experience in traveling. Best wishes:)
i am also here the first time. when i met another traveller i asked if this person is the right one, in this moment there was a falling star. ❤ Thank you Gaia, peace, love and harmony.
My sister lives on top a mountain, no power, no running water, etc. She loves it. Grows most of her own food, gets water from a stream. Great video. Here is to a happy 2025!! ☺
of course because he is a bhodisatva and his doing his mission to help, it aint easy and we are so far from true worldy collective happiness as a human family
I once lived for three months in a tent on the beach, on the Northwest part of Vancouver Island. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I now live semi-naturally on an island off of South Vancouver Island, i lost my connection to nature and self for a while and slowly it returns, and ever feel the pull back into a more permanent natural way of live
As soon as we realize again that we are love, it becomes loving around us again. Just like a candle lit in the dark immediately lights up the whole room. The darkness cannot eclipse the light of the candle. Only our own spirit can do that. Once our spirit has understood this, there is no longer any need to wish ourselves somewhere else.
I live in a cabin nestled in the woods, just a five-minute walk from the village. It’s a small retreat, isolated enough to offer peace and quiet but not so remote as to cut me off from the world. Here, I feel good, surrounded by greenery and the songs of birds, enjoying the luxury of silence that modern life rarely allows. Still, this isn’t my limit. When I feel the call of true solitude, I prefer to take my tent and head to the mountain above my home, spending a night under the stars. There, in the heart of untouched nature, there’s no isolation-only discovery. It’s where I can truly listen to myself. Because living entirely in isolation doesn’t foster growth. My cabin is the meeting point between retreat and the possibility of returning to the world. It’s a balance between the silence that restores me and the understanding that only interaction and constant movement can truly help us grow.
You are my hero. I also want to set off on a journey and as soon as possible. To the mountains. I love mountains, forests and winter. What is primitive teaches us to be strong and healthy. My destiny threw me to Holland but I feel very bad here. Negative energy. Poisoned air. I want to live without the internet. No cell phone. Stay blessed .
I spent years in my youth and some beyond living in caves in the superstitions mountains in Arizona. I went months without seeing another human. Please share some more of all this!
Greetings, alien! I was glad to receive a telepathic message from you this morning. Although I live in the countryside, I always wanted to settle in the mountains like you, to be creative. In the coming days, I intend to go in search of my mountain to live in, for me it is a good sign to meet you now. I want to add that despite everything, you are doing everything right, living in nature, vegetarianism. The goal of a real artist is to bring beauty to the world and create different images in life for people. Good!
Cest ci vrai ce qu'il dit 🙏🏻🙏🏻,jai eu une expérience de mort imminente. Et tout ce qu'il dit est juste. Quand il pleur, je pleure aussi,car sa me rappelle que moi aussi je n'arrive pas a comprendre parfois le comportement des gens. J'ai jamais était heureuse dans une ville 😢. A 60 ans de ma part c'est difficile de reprendre une vie différent. Mais c'est faisable. Je ne jamais était materialiste, plus tôt minimaliste. Le jour de ma mort je ne veux pas laisser grand chose derrière moi. Après tout a ma naissance je ne suis pas venu avec un bagage 😅. Je prie pour le monde qu'ils puissent s'éveiller et voir la Vie terrestre autrement. Soyons en paix et en Amour.😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Merci infiniment pour votre vidéo ... qui je l'espère réveillera une majorité de conscience , pour retrouver les vraies valeurs de la Vie, l'Amour , le respect envers le Vivant 🙏💫 Bon chemin Je vous souhaite le meilleur 🌟
cet homme a réussi à se purifier totalment, en se connectant à la nature immense , et à sa vraie nature profonde humaine ! l'immensité de l'Univers est absolument le reflet de chacune des cellules qui nous composent, et qui composent toute la réalité crée! il m'a faitm e connecter à mon être profond! merci à lui! au delà des mots!
Man cannot deny that he was once as happy as the deer in the woods, and after countless years we still harbor within us the nostalgia of those primordial days, when everyone walked the Earth like a god, before I don't know what tamed man, and not walls or dry wood, but the very soul of the world, the sacred omnipresent air, surrounded Him.
Mein lieber Mensch! Es gibt immer mehr Keimlinge, die zu Gruppen heranwachsen. Ich war auch verzweifelt, doch dann öffnete ich meine Augen und habe die verlorenen gesehen oder Sie sahen mich. Daraus entwickeln sich dann Gruppen, die frei im Geiste sind und erkannt haben, um was es geht. Freiheit und maximale Unabhängigkeit, sowie Liebe und Verbundenheit. Dein Video ist sehr inspirierend und Du hast einen schönen Ort gefunden. Wie Du sagst, es gibt viele Orte, doch wichtiger sind die richtigen Menschen oder Wesen an Deinem Ort. ❤
Merci infiniment pour cette vidéo, j'ai été très touché. Grazie mille Wladimir, è una gioia sentirti, sentirti parlare inglese con il tuo accento italiano, Italia paese dove sono nato. Ci offri una magnifica finestra sul cielo, esempio di sensibilità fiorita, ricca e felice. La tua gentilezza è pari solo alla tua pazienza, alla tua generosità, al tuo coraggio. Guarderò la tua presenza nei nostri sogni con il piacere di salutarti.
As a thank you 🙏 I put one of my poems underneath. Many thanks 🙏 and many blessings 👍😊🍀💕 "Towards destiny" My soul is trying to find its own path inside forest’s sounds Following the energy of our Mother, she treads quietly through the forest rune Morning dew is washing tired feet of my mind And the trees are bowing as if they were offering me their helping hand I am flying on the wings of the wind, I am hovering over the sands of the wasteland I can only hear the silence that rubs lightly against the grains of sand From time to time some tiny animal slips out of its own den Or shrub makes some sound when passionately blown by the wind Immersed in the deep abyss of the salty ocean’s depth I am greeting his currents as if they were part of my body He lifts me lightly on his waves as if he would hold me in his hands Surrounded by my brothers and sisters, I smile like a child Sharpness of the air at this altitude stimulates my lungs to life On the roof of the world above all, I listen to my Creator's voice The view extends before me to the planes of this world And the clouds beneath me like pillows invite me to dream In the morning fog above the meadow my thoughts and dreams are suspended My mind is empty and waiting for directions of destiny Like colourful butterflies, they hover around me gently Only those selected by brushing my intuition, showing me the path
Wladimir merci pour ce beau temoinage rempli d humanité ca fait du bien à entendre❤️ Pour ce qui est de la coupe d arbres ,j ai fait deux experiences, une inconsciente et l autre bien consciente. Les avertir d avance que tu vas les couper ils perdent leurs feuilles et sèches Ils quittent la vie. Jacline ❤
C , merveilleux beaucoup de souvenirs et de bonheur ! Félicitations et prends courage ! La solitude n'est pas évident ! Mais qu'elle paix incroyable ! Apprécié la nature ! Chaque jour ! Beaucoup de bonnes choses pour toi ! ❤
Nőként ugyanígy gondolkozom és szeretnék így élni, tisztelem és szeretem a természetet, az állatok szenvedését nem bírom elviselni.Köszönöm ezt a videót
I d'on,t know your name,but many Thanks to you for your vídeo and your words,to share your feelings.For me It was like i was talking myself.Good lífe!!!☀️🌙✨✨💨💚
Amazing video,, Really can inspire anyone BUT as he said the reality of this hard working kind of life is different than to just watch from distance...I am same unconventional person like him,,, My future life will be same like him,,
I found myself in that man, I also struggle and I am blessed enough to move soon with my love of my life and I cannot wait and also it scares me at the same time... But I know its gonna be so healing for our soul. Bless him!
When he cries near the end when he talks about the ruling classes and their use of violence, that is what I do every day. When I was young I thought you could change the world, but most people don't want to wake up to the reality of what the ruling classes do so things will never change. Like him I have always felt I was from another planet and I keep waiting for someone to come and take me back there.
Ghandi a dit "soit le monde que tu souhaites"!
c'est une façon très solitaire, le bùt sera qd même de devenir heureux ensemble. L humain n est pas fait pour la solitude éternelle - cet échange nous donne une éxpérience vitalisante.
I understand your feeling because it is similar to mine, but I understood that it is all a Cosmic Game where Light and Shadow play eternal games.
Once the Light wins and once the Shadow wins 🌟 on this planet Earth the Shadow has been victorious for millennia, but then the outcome of the Game will change here too and the Light will win 💖
@@khandro5685 Ghandi was affiliated with Freemasonry 😎
A very intelligent man. This is the future. When you live moment to moment and work with nature you are not depressed. This is the key to a happy life.
True true
Yes, I think the same 💖🤩✨🌈🙏
since when social distancing leads to happiness? Even the majority of animals live and thrive in groups. Social interaction keeps the mind healthy, loneliness is not sth humans are made for. Except if there are mental issues anyhow
exactly. i lived for 10 years like this and understood many many things about true life. it miss me now
@@saturnskull1242 You have mental issues if you have to compare yourself to animals to figure out how you should live.
Decided to move off grid after watching this video, found a place, packing up my life and moving end of Feb.
Congrats man.
Many want it. Few dare it. I wish you a wonderful life ❤
Salutes to you brother
Great decision 🎉
go go man. moved out 8 years ago... since then living in a tent .
good fortune brother
A practicing Buddhist. Sadhu sadhu sadhu ❤❤❤ the suffering of the world brings him to tears. Such a soft hearted and compassionate man. Love this clip. ❤❤❤
Thank you for your kind words 💖🤩🌟🙏🌈🦋🌸
Ich bin auch so und der einzige Weg ist, sich dieser gesellschaft zu entziehen. Leider
@seelenfeder exactly,that's what I'm doing in 2 months.I feel for this man,we have alot in common..❤much love to beautiful souls.❤
The suffering of the world brings me the same tears and I never thought about it with a practicing Buddhist...
Thank you... I live in Germany in a forest and said goodbye to society, too, because I couldn't stand the pain of cruelty any longer. I bless this world every day. Let's work on it - on peace, peace, peace and love ❤
Hey ich bin auch Deutsch, würde gerne connecten. In welchem Bundesland bist du?
Lose the phone and then your journey truly begins
you didn't say goodbye to the society..proof : you are still using internet. like everyone who blame the society but cannot live without internet.
Grünen wollen Enteignung,
bald holen sie sich auch dein Haus ;-D
Sometimes I cry for the same things he cries. Thank you for sharing it.
Wladimir 🌟
I thank you all who sent me Thoughts of Love and Solidarity ♥️
You are all special people and I wish you all the best and lots of happiness!!! 🌈🌟🤩💖🌸🦋
Wladimir ♥️
and I personally would like to thank you...
Sei una vera ispirazione. Grazie per aver condiviso la tua storia Wladimir 🙏
hey whats up with the swastika neckless that are you wearing on instagram?
I thought about you all day
I want to write you a letter
I hear you
Thank you
Thank you from my heart, Wladimir for speaking the truth about this world and for showing us your sadness and your sensitivity for the nature and the love for all human beings & creatures! I am female, born 1972 living in Germany and feeling the same about that we are slaves in this life on this planet, most of us unknown! I was in the mountains with my dog and i can't describe how magic and happy I felt in this pure nature without any luxury and only hard work but much of positive spirit, freedom and silence. I just found your channel right now (there are no coincidences in life). You are such an inspiration! Thank you for reminding me about the fact, that we are spiritual beings only being here on a visit on planet earth (which I was feeling since I was a child already). We are growing in this world and bringing peace & love into this sky. THANK YOU! Brigitte
I totally agree with you BRIGİHTTE
Hi Brigitte, thank you for your kind words 💖🌈🤩🙏🏻 I think that people like Us are the positive Future for this suffering Humanity 💖 I love you and if the Universe wants it, one day we will meet, here or on a another planet 🌟
Wladimir 🌈
@@WLADIMIRVINCIGUERRA truly an inspiration during these backwards times...thank u for being here ❤
Wonderful words Brigitte. I’m with you!
I once had a remote finca in Spain, high up in the mountain, with just rainwater catchment and solar. I cannot even begin to describe the tranquility I found in that solitude. I could walk from the nearest village by following hidden paths that were forgotten by most people long ago. The moment I stepped onto that hidden trail, I left the outside World and I felt an immediate sense of calm.
You had to give it up?
I understand you very well! 🤩🌈🌟💖 We are on the same Energy Wave ✨🌟
Wladimir ✨
I also live in the spanish mountains.
I will stay & die there in peace it's the best end one can find. 😉
In society I can't find that peace to go home 😊
Why did you leave?
I love this guys vision.
...ITS only a Vision....😂
I have also always felt that I am not from this world. I know a place of deep love and peace, where nature is everything. I am happiest in nature too.
What was the answer?!
Maybe We come from the same Planet or Star System 💖🌟🌈🤩
Wladimir 🌟
Well, but you *are* here, aren't you? So, in a spiritual sense, you have a task here, something to learn.
Thank you Wladimir for speaking the truth. So many people have lost their way in this crazy world, but allowing ourselves to connect with the natural world grounds us and provides healing for the soul. The only thing of true value we bring to this dance through light and dark that we call life is love and the only thing we can take of value from it is wisdom. May you be blessed on your path my friend. All the very best from the UK
animals more kind than humans is a understatement i have to agree with this gentlemen 100 per cent
This was the greater thing I’ve seen in years
Have you tried living as a mouse in a world of cats and owls. Then tell me about kindness of animals.
Until you see a dolphin trying to rape a eoman
All my energy goes to you. More and more people are following you and many others. We have to go back to where we started. People need to realize how important it is to respect this planet, the animals and flora, and the relationship between us.
A man after my heart, I’m a star seed, nature is our church and Animals and the planet needs our help.❤️
I I love this man and how he followed the very deep essence within him and within all of us.
Obviously not an easy way to live for he lives in this world, not the way of the herd. Thank you so very very much Dear Soul.
I wish more people would be so intuitive and follow their own unique path, with universal guidance. I totally see myself living like this in my 50s, but perhaps in a bit more accessible and warmer place. Still need to uncover myself and heal.
oui! le "confort" social est tout à fait conventionnel!
Sou brasileira,vegetariana,amo os animais e a natureza,super me identifiquei com este cara,e com este lugar.Amo, os animais e a natureza !😍🌳🍁🌿
When i walk through nature ,i am so happy and i can’t stop smiling.I love to do this alone,my favorite companions in this cruel world are the animals, they are so honest and uncomplicated.I work in sales and have a lot to do with people, that's why I love being alone, most people are so unfriendly and cold.Your live seems very calm to me.But it doesn't work without money, as I see it, unfortunately...i wish you all the best and good luck for your live❤
Thank you 💖🙏🏻🌈✨🤩🌟
Love and Light to you ✨
Wladimir 🌟
Prosim, vzkazte tomu muzi, ze jsem se divala na toto video a spatrila trpyt hvezd v jeho ocich a srdci. Dekuji , ze jsou takovi lidé. Mavam na jeho misto!!!❤😊 Šárka from Czech.
thank you 💖🌈🌟🤩🙏🏻 I feel your energy of Light and Love.
Wladimir 🌟
visit to Nepal, we have many places like this, and our land is spiritually charged coz of different cave medation in mountains by different types of hindusium, buddism, and tibetan, it is more easy to connect and land is pure. For sensitive person like you, its divine. Lots of love from NEPAL.
>>>Europa/Gran Canaria/Gui Gui ... das ist mein Ort für die nächsten 1 1/2 Monate, 4-5 Stunden Fußmarsch bis zur nächsten Ortschaft, 2-3 Stunden bis zur Straße, 3/4 stunde Motorboot übers meer (in der nächstgelegenen ortschaft gibt es für 50 euro ein inoffiziellen shuttle-service (durchfragen) den man bei notfällen anrufen könnte). Vor ort handyempfang nur auf den bergen, nicht im Tal, süßwasserquelle vorhanden. bitte müllsack mitnehmen und auch eventuell herumliegende Abfälle anderer Menschen mitnehmen...platz im rucksack miteinberechnen, danke sehr:) Meine Hoffnung vor Ort: 30 Tage heilfasten auf basis von wasser+giftbindender stoffe wie Lehm, heilerde, Holzkohle. anschliessenden Wiederaufbau mit probiotika und rohkostWoche. neuprogrammierung meiner Gewohnheiten: schlafphasen, yoga, ausdauer- und kraft-sport, meditieren, sonne tanken,...um anschließend fokussiert in die Umsetzung meiner Projekte in deutschland starten zu können #selbstverwirklichung:) Flüge Suche ich bei "skyscanner .de"...aktuell günstigste Variante in meinem Zeitrahmen 169 Euro beide Richtungen (die langen zwischenstopps nehme ich gerne in Kauf, schlafen auf Flughäfen für mich kein Problem mit entsprechender ultraleich aufblasbaren isomatte und gutem wasserfilter (sawyerFilter+kohlefilteradapter um leitungswasser trinkbar zu machen) im gepäck*.... "kleines handgepäck" ist als einziges kostenlos und muss unter(!)den sitz passen...nicht zu verwechseln mit "handgepäck" das über dem sitz in die ablage verstaut wird und mittlerweile 40 Euro pro Flugsicherung kostet. Also lieber leicht reisen und vor Ort das nötige dazukaufen. Ich richte diesen Kommentar an alle die verzweifelt nach veränderung suchen aber denen die erfahrung im reisen fehlt. Liebe Grüße:)
>>>Europe/Gran Canaria/Gui Gui... this is my place for the next 1 1/2 months, 4-5 hours walk to the next town, 2-3 hours to the road, 3/4 hour motorboat across the sea (in the next town there is an unofficial shuttle service for 50 euros (ask) that you can call in an emergency). Cellphone reception only in the mountains, not in the valley, freshwater source available. Please take a garbage bag with you and also take any other people's rubbish lying around... allow space in your backpack, thank you very much:) My hope for the place: 30 days of fasting based on water + toxin-binding substances such as clay, healing earth, charcoal. Subsequent rebuilding with probiotics and a week of raw food. reprogramming my habits: sleep phases, yoga, endurance and strength training, meditating, soaking up the sun,...so that I can then focus on implementing my projects in Germany #self-realization:) I'm looking for flights on "skyscanner.de"...currently the cheapest option in my time frame is 169 euros both ways (I'm happy to accept the long stopovers, sleeping at airports is no problem for me with an appropriate ultra-light inflatable sleeping mat and a good water filter (sawyer filter + carbon filter adapter to make tap water drinkable) in my luggage*.... "small hand luggage" is the only one that's free and has to fit under(!) the seat...not to be confused with "hand luggage" that's stowed in the shelf above the seat and now costs 40 euros per air traffic control. So it's better to travel light and buy what you need on site. I'm addressing this comment to everyone who's desperately looking for change but lacks experience in traveling. Best wishes:)
I agree , i come back Nepal in few weeks ...namaste!
@@doussotchristophe9411 come soon lets hav coffee ☕️ together.
it is exactly what I feel and get from the lightbeeings. So beautiful to see out there are more of us. Love to you❤
Exactly, and it's really a great wish to have a town where we live together
i am also here the first time. when i met another traveller i asked if this person is the right one, in this moment there was a falling star. ❤ Thank you Gaia, peace, love and harmony.
Light and Love to you 🙏🏻💖🌟🌈🤩
Wladimir 🌟
Ohhh, such a beautiful soul!
Thank you for this video!
Thank you 💖🌈🤩🙏🏻
Wladimir ✨
You are a strong compassionate and creative man. I wish you all the best. Keep on your good spirit and work. Thank you for showing your life. ❤
I thank you for the kind words 💖🌈🙏🏻✨🤩
Wladimir 🌟
Thank you 🙏 you're spiritual man, greetings from Poland
Thank you 🙏🏻🌈💖🤩
Wladimir 🌟
My sister lives on top a mountain, no power, no running water, etc. She loves it. Grows most of her own food, gets water from a stream.
Great video. Here is to a happy 2025!! ☺
He speaks very wisely - but in his eyes I see his hunger for love, togetherness, humanity.
of course because he is a bhodisatva and his doing his mission to help, it aint easy and we are so far from true worldy collective happiness as a human family
Yes. Genesis 2:18....
I once lived for three months in a tent on the beach, on the Northwest part of Vancouver Island. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I now live semi-naturally on an island off of South Vancouver Island, i lost my connection to nature and self for a while and slowly it returns, and ever feel the pull back into a more permanent natural way of live
As soon as we realize again that we are love, it becomes loving around us again. Just like a candle lit in the dark immediately lights up the whole room. The darkness cannot eclipse the light of the candle. Only our own spirit can do that. Once our spirit has understood this, there is no longer any need to wish ourselves somewhere else.
Thank you for allowing others like my self a glimpse into your simple Living and High Thinking Life style.
....wonderful person, wonderful place, great life story to think about…. Thank you for this video....
Réfléchir et ensuite agir 😉🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is all I was thinking those last years, in one video. Big respect.
I live in a cabin nestled in the woods, just a five-minute walk from the village. It’s a small retreat, isolated enough to offer peace and quiet but not so remote as to cut me off from the world. Here, I feel good, surrounded by greenery and the songs of birds, enjoying the luxury of silence that modern life rarely allows.
Still, this isn’t my limit. When I feel the call of true solitude, I prefer to take my tent and head to the mountain above my home, spending a night under the stars. There, in the heart of untouched nature, there’s no isolation-only discovery. It’s where I can truly listen to myself.
Because living entirely in isolation doesn’t foster growth. My cabin is the meeting point between retreat and the possibility of returning to the world. It’s a balance between the silence that restores me and the understanding that only interaction and constant movement can truly help us grow.
You are my hero. I also want to set off on a journey and as soon as possible. To the mountains. I love mountains, forests and winter. What is primitive teaches us to be strong and healthy. My destiny threw me to Holland but I feel very bad here. Negative energy. Poisoned air. I want to live without the internet. No cell phone. Stay blessed .
I spent years in my youth and some beyond living in caves in the superstitions mountains in Arizona. I went months without seeing another human. Please share some more of all this!
Such a beautifull soul ! thank you for this video. I fell so good to hear you
😊 que maravillosa la paz del lugar,poder leer,huertiar, caminar, sin música estridentes de vesinos.
Inspirational and courageous. Thank you for bringing this into the awareness of the world.
I am with you, living a similar lifestyle,everyday an adventure wouldn't have it any other way!Thanks for sharing your story with the world Pete✌️
Beautiful cat, what a gentle soul you are loving animals and nature. Trees are beings too. 💚
Krásné 🍀🌸🕊️💚pozdrav z Česká Republika 🌿🌈 🕊️ ❤️
Greetings, alien!
I was glad to receive a telepathic message from you this morning.
Although I live in the countryside, I always wanted to settle in the mountains like you, to be creative.
In the coming days, I intend to go in search of my mountain to live in, for me it is a good sign to meet you now.
I want to add that despite everything, you are doing everything right, living in nature, vegetarianism. The goal of a real artist is to bring beauty to the world and create different images in life for people.
Ha ha ha ha. Twit
Cest ci vrai ce qu'il dit 🙏🏻🙏🏻,jai eu une expérience de mort imminente. Et tout ce qu'il dit est juste. Quand il pleur, je pleure aussi,car sa me rappelle que moi aussi je n'arrive pas a comprendre parfois le comportement des gens. J'ai jamais était heureuse dans une ville 😢. A 60 ans de ma part c'est difficile de reprendre une vie différent. Mais c'est faisable. Je ne jamais était materialiste, plus tôt minimaliste. Le jour de ma mort je ne veux pas laisser grand chose derrière moi. Après tout a ma naissance je ne suis pas venu avec un bagage 😅. Je prie pour le monde qu'ils puissent s'éveiller et voir la Vie terrestre autrement. Soyons en paix et en Amour.😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Merci pour tes gentil mots 🙏🏻🌈💖🤩🌟
Wladimir 🌟
❤the nature makes you calm and telephatic. I hope to find a place like this for living.
Merci Vladimir pour ce merveilleux message !! Vie dans la nature quelque part en Auvergne. Solidarité !
Merci infiniment pour votre vidéo ... qui je l'espère réveillera une majorité de conscience , pour retrouver les vraies valeurs de la Vie, l'Amour , le respect envers le Vivant 🙏💫 Bon chemin Je vous souhaite le meilleur 🌟
Merci à toi, ma sœur 🌈💕🙏🏻💖🌟🤗
Wladimir 🌟
cet homme a réussi à se purifier totalment, en se connectant à la nature immense , et à sa vraie nature profonde humaine !
l'immensité de l'Univers est absolument le reflet de chacune des cellules qui nous composent, et qui composent toute la réalité crée!
il m'a faitm e connecter à mon être profond! merci à lui! au delà des mots!
I love you and your vision; I'm with my animals on the way in realization to. take care and thank you so much!
Very spiritual man it's great light worker love and light sent to you in all you do, love your cat
Ein sehr schönes und berührendes Gespräch. Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass er ein Starseeds ist.
Yes I an 🌟✨🤩🌈💖🙏🏻
Wladimir 🌟
Viel Gefühl für die Natur, Menschen alles was ist hat dieser Mann. Danke
Man cannot deny that he was once as happy as the deer in the woods, and after countless years we still harbor within us the nostalgia of those primordial days, when everyone walked the Earth like a god, before I don't know what tamed man, and not walls or dry wood, but the very soul of the world, the sacred omnipresent air, surrounded Him.
Mein lieber Mensch! Es gibt immer mehr Keimlinge, die zu Gruppen heranwachsen. Ich war auch verzweifelt, doch dann öffnete ich meine Augen und habe die verlorenen gesehen oder Sie sahen mich. Daraus entwickeln sich dann Gruppen, die frei im Geiste sind und erkannt haben, um was es geht. Freiheit und maximale Unabhängigkeit, sowie Liebe und Verbundenheit. Dein Video ist sehr inspirierend und Du hast einen schönen Ort gefunden. Wie Du sagst, es gibt viele Orte, doch wichtiger sind die richtigen Menschen oder Wesen an Deinem Ort. ❤
What a beautiful empath Wladimir is. He is the most wealthy man...he is no slave to the system. He lives in peace and harmony.
Merci infiniment pour cette vidéo, j'ai été très touché.
Grazie mille Wladimir, è una gioia sentirti, sentirti parlare inglese con il tuo accento italiano, Italia paese dove sono nato. Ci offri una magnifica finestra sul cielo, esempio di sensibilità fiorita, ricca e felice. La tua gentilezza è pari solo alla tua pazienza, alla tua generosità, al tuo coraggio. Guarderò la tua presenza nei nostri sogni con il piacere di salutarti.
Such a beautiful soul ❣️ much love to you. From New Zealand
Desde un bosque de México.
Sincronia. Similitud total.
Thank you for sharing your sacred space with us. Sending love from Montreal, Canada!
As a thank you 🙏 I put one of my poems underneath. Many thanks 🙏 and many blessings 👍😊🍀💕
"Towards destiny"
My soul is trying to find its own path inside forest’s sounds
Following the energy of our Mother, she treads quietly through the forest rune
Morning dew is washing tired feet of my mind
And the trees are bowing as if they were offering me their helping hand
I am flying on the wings of the wind, I am hovering over the sands of the wasteland
I can only hear the silence that rubs lightly against the grains of sand
From time to time some tiny animal slips out of its own den
Or shrub makes some sound when passionately blown by the wind
Immersed in the deep abyss of the salty ocean’s depth
I am greeting his currents as if they were part of my body
He lifts me lightly on his waves as if he would hold me in his hands
Surrounded by my brothers and sisters, I smile like a child
Sharpness of the air at this altitude stimulates my lungs to life
On the roof of the world above all, I listen to my Creator's voice
The view extends before me to the planes of this world
And the clouds beneath me like pillows invite me to dream
In the morning fog above the meadow my thoughts and dreams are suspended
My mind is empty and waiting for directions of destiny
Like colourful butterflies, they hover around me gently
Only those selected by brushing my intuition, showing me the path
@Europia - why no link to the man's project? Would be greatly appreciated. Peace
What a great human being ❤
Oh my god, he is so beautiful 😍. His eyes shine with pure love.
Big Love brother. Thanks for showing us your vulnerability.
Thank you for sharing!
Wladimir merci pour ce beau temoinage rempli d humanité ca fait du bien à entendre❤️
Pour ce qui est de la coupe d arbres ,j ai fait deux experiences, une inconsciente et l autre bien consciente.
Les avertir d avance que tu vas les couper ils perdent leurs feuilles et sèches
Ils quittent la vie.
Jacline ❤
Merci à toi ma sœur 🙏🏻🌈💖🤩🌟
Wladimir 🌟
Same feelings, big inspire for us. Love from Turkiye ❤
i love this man! 🤍 wish you all the best my friend 🍀
Health , Harmony , Freedom ..... INSPIRATIONAL.... peace brother
Magnifique témoignage, merci Wladimir!
Prenez soin de vous 🙏🏻
C , merveilleux beaucoup de souvenirs et de bonheur ! Félicitations et prends courage ! La solitude n'est pas évident ! Mais qu'elle paix incroyable ! Apprécié la nature ! Chaque jour ! Beaucoup de bonnes choses pour toi ! ❤
Nőként ugyanígy gondolkozom és szeretnék így élni, tisztelem és szeretem a természetet, az állatok szenvedését nem bírom elviselni.Köszönöm ezt a videót
I love the stories with Don Juan, Genaro and the women...❤❤❤
I d'on,t know your name,but many Thanks to you for your vídeo and your words,to share your feelings.For me It was like i was talking myself.Good lífe!!!☀️🌙✨✨💨💚
Very inspiring man and way to live, in many ways, for me would be too cold and lonely there but very cool to see people Living like that ❤
Amazing video,, Really can inspire anyone BUT as he said the reality of this hard working kind of life is different than to just watch from distance...I am same unconventional person like him,,, My future life will be same like him,,
Thank you ---- love peace light joy trust fly freeeeee.......😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Thank you thank you thank you.
I was living like this before and its my dream but I had lost it. U helped me remember ❤🙏
I love every word he spoke...
So inspiring! Every best to Wladimir!
Danke für deine Botschaft 👍
Liebe ist das wichtigste für jeden Menschen
Liebe ist alles💝💝💖💖
fascinating video! Thank you for sharing!
what a sweet guy! Much respect for what he does.
Loved the video... Sending love back...
Great man, great way of life, great vision.
😮❤😮❤😮 danke für die Info und Botschaft wow möge das Licht und die Liebe an alle raus gehen 🙏🏽 Amen Gottes Segen 💗😊
Wladimir 🌟
Bless you wise man! Thank you for sharing ❤
yes sir, i exactly know how you feel... blessings
Thank you very much!
I feel exactly like you...
I found myself in that man, I also struggle and I am blessed enough to move soon with my love of my life and I cannot wait and also it scares me at the same time... But I know its gonna be so healing for our soul. Bless him!
Bravo mister respect for being strong and generous to nature....👏👏👏👏👏
All my love❤❤❤❤ for this man❤❤❤❤
I think you are Amazing ive only just found you on my feed & love hearing about your lifexx❤❤❤
Gary Oldmen with hair. Thank you for your sharing.
🙏🤩..such a Marvellous, True Life you Life in the Mountains,in contact with nature …❤🍀..Buona Vita.👍🍀😁
sending you love and lights beautiful brother
Ich liebe die Natur über alles und lebe auch mit der Natur! 👍🏡🌳🌲🍀
I wish I could find friends with such high levels of spirituality as you. How does one find good people in a world surrounded by ego?
fuis la ville, la cité, le stress, la pauvreté intellectuelle, la violence, la laideur, le bruit, la polution!
That's why he's alone.
Sveikatos jums!