Amazon Jungle | Amazon Rainforest | Amazon Forest Mystery

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024
  • Amazon Jungle | Amazon Rainforest | Amazon Forest Unsolved Mystery
    Occupying much of Brazil and Peru, and also parts of Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Suriname, French Guiana, and Venezuela, the Amazon River Basin is the world’s largest drainage system. The Amazon Basin supports the world’s largest rainforest, which accounts for more than half the total volume of rainforests in the world.
    Anacondas are large snakes found in the Amazon Rainforest.
    They can grow up to 30 feet long and weigh 250 kilograms.
    Scientists have discovered the biggest variety - the green anaconda - is actually split into two different species. A species is a type of living thing - for example, a pigeon is a species of bird.
    Although they look extremely similar, the difference in the two species can help scientists learn how these giant snakes can be protected and conserved in the wild.
    Green anacondas were known as the largest type of giant snake. These creatures are found in the Amazon Rainforest, slinking along marshes and in rivers.
    Now, scientists have discovered there are actually two types of green anaconda.
    Researchers worked with indigenous Waorani people in Ecuadorian Amazon to uncover the species. They had previously reported huge anacondas in the area, weighing up to 500kg
    There are always exceptions to the rule, and this boiling Amazonian river is undoubtedly an exception to our current understanding of the Amazon Rainforest. Andrés Ruzo, a PhD candidate in geophysics at SMU, has spent the last several years studying a very peculiar phenomenon in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru, a boiling river. From a childhood legend shrouded in myth and skepticism to the topic of his dissertation, this river has carved a path through Andrés’ life and the geophysical community.
    Boiling or near boiling rivers do exist throughout the Earth, however they have always been associated with nearby volcanoes. We see fumaroles in Yellowstone emit water as hot as 280°F from meteoric water deep inside Earth’s crust coming into contact with heated rocks. However, the nearest active volcano to the aforementioned boiling river of the Amazon is more than 400 miles away. This presents a question to geoscientists as to how a vast amount of water can be heated with no nearby apparent heat source, i.e. an active volcano.
    The Maricoxi were a tribe which was allegedly encountered in the Amazon by explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett. Although he described them as being "hairy as a dog," they also lived in villages and used tools. According to Fawcett, they lived to the northeast of the Maxubi tribe.
    I whistled, and an enormous creature, hairy as a dog, leapt to his feet in the nearest shelter, fitted an arrow to his bow in a flash, and came up dancing from one leg to the other till he was only four yards away. Emitting grunts that sounded like 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!' he remained there dancing, and suddenly the whole forest around us was alive with these hideous ape-men, all grunting 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh!' and dancing from leg to leg in the same way as they strung arrows to their bows. It looked like a very delicate situation for us, and I wondered if it was the end. I made friendly overtures in Maxubi, but they paid no attention. It was as though human speech were beyond their powers of comprehension.
    The creature in front of me ceased his dance, stood for a moment perfectly still, and then drew his bowstring back till it was level with his ear, at the same time raising the barbed point of the six-foot arrow to the height of my chest. I looked straight into the pig-like eyes half hidden under the overhanging brows, and knew that he was not going to loose that arrow yet. As deliberately as he had raised it, he now lowered the bow, and commenced once more the slow dance, and the 'Eugh! Eugh! Eugh

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