My grandmother was 75% Native American.. She told me, "When I was young, we would mix milkweed 'juice' and when crushed berries to make a chewing gum.. After mixing we would set in the sun it would become thick chewy 'gum'.'"
Caution- where to plant. Dedicated bed is best. Common Milkweed spreads by rhizomes and can take over a flower bed. In a not-so-prepared area that might not be a problem.
Some great info here!
hope you enjoy! more great videos coming soon!
My grandmother was 75% Native American.. She told me, "When I was young, we would mix milkweed 'juice' and when crushed berries to make a chewing gum.. After mixing we would set in the sun it would become thick chewy 'gum'.'"
I wonder what plant you will cover next
Caution- where to plant. Dedicated bed is best. Common Milkweed spreads by rhizomes and can take over a flower bed.
In a not-so-prepared area that might not be a problem.