Thank you Jesus for saving me😭😭 Dear Saint if God has delivered you from the lies and deceptions of the Devil and has filled you with His Holy Spirit because His Son has washed you with his Blood then you are blessed beyond measure! I know that you’re longing to go home but hold on a little longer because Jesus is coming back very soon! But Gods Mercy is giving sinners a little more time to repent so they won’t have to go to a Devil’s hell! Let us take the little time that we have left to seek the Holy Spirit to convict them while they have a chance to repent before it’s too late.
The lord jesus christ is amazing savior of the world we must tell everyone about turn to jesus christ yeshua messiah and today is the day of salvation not wait tomorrow can be to late.
There has never been a sermon in these days like this . The truth brings conviction & ppl don't want to hear the truth.We need to walk & live by what the Bible says .But ppl don't want to hear it , it brings conviction & they run from it because it convicts them . Bro. Wilkerson was telling it for our own good if we want to make it to heaven. Thank you for bringing this strong teaching to our ears we need it . To much sweetness in our churches now day's . Be blessed & take it to heart everyone out there . Where do you want to spend eternity?
I get a lot of stick from a lot of ‘Christians’ for pursuing holiness and purity cos they think it’s a self righteous holier than thou thing. They call me a pharisee yet they themselves continue to live in bondage and excuse themselves by saying that God is love and His grace saves them and will bring them to Heaven. That God forgives always. And who am I to judge or dispute that ? Alas, we ignore the part that God is all consuming fire and His grace is not to be trampled on.
@@dantelum Well, don't let it get you down brother, because I have been called a Jesus freak Christian & holier then thou, but remember when ppl start calling you name's you know your on the right path, because Jesus said they hated Me B.4.they hated you & because you fallow Me they will call you all kinds of name's . Just pray for them that call you name's, that's what I do it's just a demon that speaks because he wants to bring you down don't let him , you stand strong as I have. Jesus is looking down from heaven & saying that's my boy , He will give you the strength to keep on going. Jesus lift's you up☝️ , Satan wants to bring you down 👇So be blessed & fight the good of faith. The Holy Spirit is always there to give you a word in how to respond. 🙋😇
@@yolandacastillo6810 well thanks i appreciate the encouragement, but i sometimes wonder how do i pray for those who 'persecute' me....a lot of them are popular and well-known 'christians' and they tell me to sit down in my place and learn humility and learn to listen to others, and most times, i dont even engage in any debate/argument with them...i just try to live my life according to the Scriptures quietly, by His power and grace, and still i get called all sorts...yet they are no better than me, because oftentimes the stick they use to beat me down, they dont use on themselves or their friends....double standards...they dont practise what they preach what do i even pray for them then ? becos i often question my own discernment..."am i better than them ? am i wrong ? are they right ? maybe i need to humble myself and learn ?" ...when there's 10 in a room, and 9 says ur wrong...u do tend to doubt ur own discernment and question is this the right way to live/walk ? becos sooner or later, the loneliness and isolation will hit u hard..and that's what the enemy wants sometimes, being in a community of 'christians' can be the most challenging and stressful time ever...which also terrifies me - because what if i'm the one with the problem ?? hardly anyone wants to talk about holiness, purity, repentance, judgement, hell...anymore...and those who do, get called out for being self-righteous and judgemental....kinda like what Isaiah said ages ago Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. (Isaiah 59:15)
@@dantelum I'm sorry to hear that , that would hurt anyone who is trying hard to not resent ppl because there living by their own standards not really realizing that their hurting you when they say thing's to you . Maybe those are not the crowd you should be around, maybe your putting them first & you want to have friends but who doesn't? 😩 It hurts & maybe you might need to ask God to send you new friends . Ask for new friends if He sends them fine if not that's fine too . I don't have to many Christian friends & that's ok . Jesus is my friend & that's all that matters.Gives you time to spend time in prayer, studying the word & praying & I'm fine with that . Your friends should see that when they gang up on you & say things to you is wrong. Ask God to bring conviction on them . Always be a step ahead pray when your around them ?Jesus is by your side. Stand strong because greater is He who is in you , then he who is in the world. 😇
This is really convicting me. I’m struggling with sexual sin and forgiveness. I really need this. Please change me God. I repent of my sins. Teach me to be holy and forgive the wrong that been hurt in me. Oh , God help me. Please let me proclaim the gospel and be right before you.
David wilkerson was a member of the body of Christ remember that the important thing is that all the semons any preacher preached was all inspired the Holy Spirit Himself in Jesus name!
Dear God, please don't let anyone who listened this message to fall out of Your Grace, let us keep going with You till the end. I ask and please You in our Lord's Jesus Name.
Thank you for posting this sermon of Beloved Pastor David Wilkerson, it’s very inspiring we as a believers of our Lord God Yeshua Jesus Christ to repent for our sins and prepare to meet Him..Lord God Almighty have mercy upon us and forgive our sins..
A brother in Christ Johnathon and I are starting a 3 day fast regarding this. Any brothers and sisters willing and able to join are more than welcome to. Let’s pray feverishly for God’s hand to be moved on the behalf of the Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.💪🏼💪🏼👏🏼✝️✝️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙋🏻♀️
I miss this Man that Truly Obayed Our LORD Jesus Christ! Can't Wait for Our LORD Jesus Christ to Rescue Us before the Seven Years Tribulation which is the Seven Years of God's Judgements and Wrath Unleashed on this Earth!
Ephesians 5:15-21 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord: 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Holy Father God I am a sinner but I have came to for repentance and to be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ who died not only for my transgressions against you but for all sinners. All the glory belongs to you. Throughout my life you have blessed me in everyway possible and I thank you for those blessings. I came to you as a reborn child seeking your love and guidance and you have done so. I begged for mercy and you given me mercy. Now I walk with you and I am growing stronger in my faith with you and I am so blessed to be able to do so. I pray that all come to you seeking you and the love and blessings you freely give to us. My dearest Father God I love you and praise you for all you have and continue to do. In sweet Jesus name I pray. Amen 🙏
Father God, in the name of Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for rescuing me and my family from this evil, thank you for not giving up on us! Help us Lord to stay on the road to righteousness! Hallelujah, as I heard this sermon, listening to the evil as David described, made me sick to my stomach! Anyone who dares to listen to this fantastic convicting sermon, may God Bless you all and those who recieved this message, who've been rescued by Jesus, let us all pray for the unredeemed! In Christ Thank you for posting!
Cheers Ahava, thanks so very, very much. The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make His face to shine upon you, And be gracious unto you, The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Lizzy from Aus. 🪔🕯🎺📣🦘🐨⏰🧡👍🙏
There Going to be Two Judgements, the Judgment Seat of Christ, this is for Us True Believers and the Great White Throne Judgment! For All those whole did not Excepted Him as there Lord and Savior!
I am really needing prayer . I love God and I thought I overcame my sin but the evil and filthy thought are becoming more frequent and more severe. Even the temptation is more severe and frequent
I wrote you a long reply just for you and this evil ai erased it but I won't give up put on full armor of GOD everyday Never EVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT YOUR SOUL IS WORTH IT I WILL PRAY FOR YOU MUCH LOVE &SALVATION TO YOU 🙏🙌🤍🕊️🥰😍😘
Draw near to Christ in prayer (with a broken and contrite heart)and in fasting (deny yourself) and he will strengthen you against the temptation! God bless you and keep you. 🙏🏼
Lord have mercy. Y’all pray for me I’ve been dabbing in this world and I hate it. Pray I completely die to self and things in this world 🙏 and focus on him
Hold on to Jesus, Carmen. Study the book of Revelation. Pray and fast immediately to be delivered. Do not put yourself in situations or places where you fall. Amen
This is the Day You can Escape from by Summiting Your Self to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! By Excepting Him as Your Lord and Savior! Because He is the only way to Your Salvation!
We have to obey God's ten commandments, and keep the Sabbath Day Holy not Sunday day but Sabbath Day on Saturday it's on the seventh day of the week amen amen and amen ❤. ❤
🙈🙉🙊🙏 Praise The Lord, Excellent Teaching, Sure Can See Where They Say In The Last Days They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine, But Only Have Their Ears Tickled, You Don't Hear Preaching Like This Anymore, and They Don't Mention The Word Hell. I Have Always Loved David Wilkinson Since My First Days of Salvation In The Late 1970s. Great Man of God, Gone Too Soon.
As head as it is to forgive those who tried to Destroy me I hate to because I have to ask for forgives to. And I have to love my enemy’s to. Forgive those who hurt you. After all it for your benefit.
Ava Jerusalem thank you so much for your valuable videos, I love listening to David wilkerson. God be Praised for his merciful grace, he gives us to watch and listen to his Servents, preaching The Holy Gospel of the Lord God Almighty made man 🤗🌺🌸🌼🌻🌸🌸🌻❤️💓
This was a very powerful sermon .... I am pleased very pleased to say that the Son of Sam David Berkowitz truly repented and gave his heart to the Lord and has been a born-again Christian now I believe for over 15 years and ministers in the prisons and also they allow him to minister to the youth online concerning devil worship and cults...he explains that's what led him to darkness n how the LORD JESUS TRULY SAVED...CLEANSED N FORGAVE HIM...U CAN see his testimony on line at you tube...LETS US PRAY FOR EVEN THE MOST TAKKEN OVER SOUL...IF JESUS DID IT FOR DAVID ....he can reach anyone...GOD BLESS
Mr. Sharples, May God continue to bless you immensely. Yes, this is indeed Pastor David's voice giving one of his wonderful sermons. But I believe that it might be the recording. Probably is playing at a slower speed. I hope this clears your doubt.
Why is it that those who have done good go to resurrection and those who did evil to damnation? Isn't salvation not dependent on works? What does it mean, done good against done evil?
Yes, it is, it appears the recording device was recording too quickly, or the playback device too slow, seeing this was recorded on analog tape back in the day. Thus his voice sounds deeper.
@@sion1677 I think to me, it sounds like the taping has been slowed down, that's a shame, because this is a really important message... not that any of his others aren't.
@@pln8503 yes it might be the quality of the recording, however if you are familiar with the teachings of Reverend David, you will realize this is a very old sermon, in some of his newer sermons he spoke of his regret of teaching law so harsh in his younger days. So I believe that many people are caught off guard by his old teachings.
@@sion1677 shalom Sion Would you let me know what older sermons they are that he spoke of the Torah of Mosheh, which our Master Yahuwshua kept, and also commanded us to keep; or did he speak of the man- made takanot and ma'asim?
There is nothing in this sermon that contradicts scripture, as others seem to think. Scripture clearly says that every word, thought or deed that we have done will be mentioned at judgement,however if we are under the bl00d atonement of JESUS/YESHUA, we are cleansed of all sin and unrighteousness. In regards to Graham, no one can judge but the KING OF KINGS as to whether he is under that atonement. He could have repented at the moment of death for his unrighteous associations, and I hope he did. Many people have been deceived by wolves in pulpits, and many of those wolves might have repented before death, we just don't know. I have heard it said that we might be very surprised when we get to the judgement seat of CHRIST. To see who is condemned, and who is not. All I know is that to he MOST HIGH GOD is perfect in everything, including justice. So my faith is in HIM, and YESHUA/JESUS. Because HE states clearly that it is not HIS will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So, I trust HIS perfection.
We from heaven don't judge, we decide who's welcome in heaven. As King Herodes and Pontius Pilate couldn't make up their minds what to do with Jesus, they let the people to decide. The second coming (31.7 years) is the Day of Decision. The world (Jesus came over it) judged a robber and murderer, a thief, and the Son of Man into death by crucifixion. God on the cross, decided to take the thief with him in heaven, and left the murderer out of it, without to judge him.
I'll forever be ashamed that I used to listen to the rolling stones. I KNEW when I saw the Bridges to Babylon cd it was satanic. The song titles like Always Suffering and Thief in the Night. I KNEW BECAUSE I'VE ALWAYS KNOWN GOD IS REAL. I lied to myself in saying but I like the love songs they sing of even tho I knew the deception I OWE JESUS CHRIST MY LIFE. MY SOUL. I DESERVE TO HAVE DIED AND WOKEN UP IN HELL DECADES AGO. I would not listen to any ungodly music now if EVEN IF I WERE ON THE STREETS, STARVING. I MEAN THAT DEEP IN MY HEART
People might wonder what is the point of all this preaching why are people always bothering us about the bible and what Jesus said. It is because 100,000s of thousands of people die everyday and most of them are probably not going to Heaven. Jesus said there is a narrow way and FEW people find it. When Jesus spoke to his people he said "little flock" because most people have not really taken the time to explore the bible to see what it takes for Jesus to take us into Heaven when we leave this earth. It is a very sad reality but Jesus is a fierce judge when we actually look at the bible. Like the bible says "Our God is a consuming fire". The bible says for everyone to work out their salvation and spend their time sojourning on earth in fear and trembling. The bible says be afflicted and mourn let you laughing be turned into morning and your joy to heaviness. Those who laugh now will mourn later because we will be humbled in this life or the next. The bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due time. Like John Macarthur a great preacher says God gave an impossible message to unremarkable people. It's like Jesus said I have to hate my life, and give up all my desires to follow him or I will be punished for eternity? Thats pretty harsh. But it is because he is such a Holy God and no sin in life will go unpunished he payed for our sin but we have to received the gift of salvation to go to Heaven. How do we get this? That is a very complicated thing but the bible lays it out for us. And we can find the way to Jesus when he seek the truth and let the word cleanse our heart. Which is why Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. I am the door and if anyone comes in any other way he is a thief and a robber. 0And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. In this verse the bible is speaking about those who received not the love of the truth. Those who wanted to live their own way. The bible always says the gospel message is foolish to those who are perishing. In the article below it talks about the importance of repentance. We must repent of sin and turn to God. We must repent from taking our own path and turn to God or our direction will not be good. Those who don't know Jesus will go to the same place as the worst of the worst. The father of Satanism on his dead bed was saying before he died what have I done what have I done something is very wrong something is very wrong. John Hagee speaks of visiting someone on his death bed who said preacher PRAY PRAY PRAY I can feel the flames of hell PRAY as he died. This is a very serious thing. The alternative is eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Whaling and knashing of teeth. The Holy Ghost will be our prosecutor and render us guilty as charged. Because the intent of Jesus was for us to live a live in submission to him and his word. Have you given much thought to your eternal destiny? Have you searched out the bible to really see what it is telling you. Do you give this as much of your attention as other things? There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” This quote is saying no matter who you are unless you repent and turn from your way you will perish Luke 10:13-15 Woe to you, Chorazin! woe to you, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades. Luke 11:32 The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. Jonah 3:5, 7-9: The people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them . . . The king made proclamation . . . "Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands." Luke 16:29-31 After his death the unrepentant rich man is in torment. He asks Abraham to send someone to warn his brothers, so they don't perish in this place of torment. But . . . Abraham said, "They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them." And he said, "No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent." He said to him, "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead." I conclude that repentance involves believing God (Jonah 3:5) rather than the Satan's claim that more joy can be found in sin than in obedience. It is a "being persuaded" about the danger of impenitence (Luke 16:31) and the way of escape through repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47). It involves grief over past sins and present sinful tendencies. This is the significance of the sackcloth and ashes (Luke 10:13; Jonah 3:5). And it involves turning from evil ways (Jonah 3:8).
Who is doing this preaching I do not believe it is David Wilkerson as I have listened to him for years. It’s not bad preaching he just does not appear to be David Wilkerson
It is Wilkerson, it appears the recording device was recording too quickly, or the playback device too slow, seeing this was recorded on analog tape back in the day. Thus his voice sounds deeper
No. Billy Graham will NOT be in heaven as Wilkerson states unless he repented right before he died. Nor will Franklin. I honestly question if Wilkerson knew those other 'pastors' he supports were WOLVES, or if he was honestly ignorant about them. It's difficult to believe that he was completely unaware but only God Almighty knows THE TRUTH about what Wilkerson truly believed. I've always liked David's hard style of preaching, bringing conviction and hopefully repentance to many but the truth is, if the majority of his company that he kept were wolves, he was likely one too, just better at hiding it. I will not be watching any more of his teaching when he starts supporting wolves in his sermons as though they were sheep. That is VERY wrong and twisted. JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!!
Iam not perfect but it sounds like there are things you maybe doing in your life you may not want to turn away from but the Bible talks about false teachers just like the pastor just recently hid alot of money in the walls of a church sometimes you will be around wolves this is a way you reach the lost
@@beloved96940 Wolves are people who pretend to love Jesus, but really don't and mislead MULTITUDES of people who do not know The Truth / The Word, as good as they should, or perhaps by their own greed, are mislead by these false teachers who also serve money, not God Almighty. It's very sad beloved, but they are EVERYWHERE. Most talk a pretty good game but they are really in it for themselves, not for God. They say some Truth, but they omit certain TRUTHS, and or TWIST The Truth so that it sounds good, but is not really good. The Lord tells us very clearly NOT TO PUT OUR TRUST IN MAN, and this is why. Because if you look up Scripture, The Bible WARNS that the heart of man is wicked. Jesus is the ONLY one who can change a man's heart but they are still men, only God Almighty is God, and until we are completely transformed into HIS IMAGE AS ONE WITH HIM, we are reaching for that in our walk with God. Jesus changes us. From the inside, out. Our desires, our wants, our pursuits, our PATH. THE NARROW PATH. SEEKING JESUS ONLY. FOLLOWING JESUS ONLY. KEEPING OUR EYES, MINDS, AND HEARTS GROWING UP IN JESUS. BEING TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF OUR 👉 MINDS, THAT WE MAY 👉👉👉👉👉PROVE, WHAT IS THAT GOOD, ACCEPTABLE, PERFECT WILL OF GOD ALMIGHTY. According to Scripture. I don't claim to know everything, I only know what God Almighty has shown me, and I know that it is The TRUTH because it lines up WITH SCRIPTURE. SCRIPTURE is to be guiding our path. SCRIPTURE is THE WORD OF GOD. Jesus Christ IS THE WORD OF GOD, AND IS GOD. All these cotton candy 🍭🍬 preachers like osteen, meyers, graham, hillsong, copeland, duplantis, macarthur, white, chan, and a TON MORE are not leading people on the narrow path. Only Jesus Christ can do that. We MUST be able to exercise DISCERNMENT TO KNOW when someone says something that is 👉 'not quite right' or making claims that 👉do not line up with SCRIPTURE. One example is there is one guy claiming that we are going to ride the wave of God's glory in these coming times. This is not SCRIPTURAL. GOD'S JUDGEMENT IS COMING QUICKLY TO JUDGE THE 🌍 WORLD AND IT IS GOING TO BE PAINFUL AND WORSE THAN ANY TIME IN HISTORY EVER HAS BEEN, OR EVER WILL BE ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Don't be quick to believe sunshine and roses. People love that because it tickles the ears. Yes, God Almighty IS LOVE. BUT HE IS ALSO JUDGE OF THOSE WHO DO NOT FOLLOW HIM AND BELONG TO HIM, and that is what they DON'T PREACH. THE GOSPEL. REPENTANCE. BEING SORRY FOR OUR SINS AGAINST GOD ALMIGHTY. TURNING AWAY FROM 👉ALL SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PREACHING THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE AS WE ARE INSTRUCTED. FOLLOWING JESUS ONLY. KNOWING THE TRUTH, so that you KNOW when someone is off, even if it is just a little. A LITTLE IS WAY TO MUCH for us to follow that. Understand? Know the difference between THE TRUTH and 👉👉👉ALMOST the truth. That is the anti-christ that subtle twists the truth. Remember the garden. Subtle, sly, clever, slithering, LIAR. 👿 is misleading multitudes. If someone points to false teachers as wilkerson does here, I must question his TRUE intentions no matter how good he seems to sound. Only Jesus Christ can be trusted to lead us. It's ALL ABOUT JESUS. THAT'S IT. JESUS IS LORD.
@@mikesharples8066 Wolves don't go to heaven, simple as that. As I stated, 👉👉👉👉👉UNLESS HE REPENTED BEFORE HE DIED........ So I DIDN'T state that I KNEW, 👉 but The Bible says that THE HEART OF MAN IS WICKED so when people say 'only God knows their/my heart' it kind of tells me that they don't know The Word of God very well since they act like the heart is a 'good' thing. Jesus told us ONLY GOD IS GOOD. Do you believe Him or do you follow your own version of The Truth? JESUS IS LORD.
Dearest David, you are contradicting yourself. This is the first sermon I am gonna have to reject. What you are describing in your term "evacuation" is rapture plain and simple. You also are thinking to human, in all of God's glory and power you honestly believe we will be just transported to another planet? No transition to a different dimension? You also said we will have new bodies, with no liver or tear glands. How do you know this? I always feel the spirit when you preach truth, it washes over me and moves me to tears of joy. All I felt was a confused man trying to preach about something he doesn't understand. R.I.P David Wilkerson.
You might not like the message, therefore you are rejecting it. In this sermon he clearly stated that it is option based. He said a great multitude of times 'I'm of the opinion'. 1. Capture/Rapture/Evacuation- same thing and again he stated opinion there. No of those words are stated in the Bible. 2. As for the body his opinion is based of scripture, there will be no more tears (tear glands), there will be no more sickness (liver). If you read the book of Revelation you will find it. Perhaps listen to the sermon again. Not much I would disagree with in this sermon, most of His opinion is based of scripture.
Thank you Jesus for saving me😭😭 Dear Saint if God has delivered you from the lies and deceptions of the Devil and has filled you with His Holy Spirit because His Son has washed you with his Blood then you are blessed beyond measure! I know that you’re longing to go home but hold on a little longer because Jesus is coming back very soon! But Gods Mercy is giving sinners a little more time to repent so they won’t have to go to a Devil’s hell! Let us take the little time that we have left to seek the Holy Spirit to convict them while they have a chance to repent before it’s too late.
The lord jesus christ is amazing savior of the world we must tell everyone about turn to jesus christ yeshua messiah and today is the day of salvation not wait tomorrow can be to late.
Amen! But we seek God, not the Holy Spirit.
Amen 2nd peter 3:9
There has never been a sermon in these days like this . The truth brings conviction & ppl don't want to hear the truth.We need to walk & live by what the Bible says .But ppl don't want to hear it , it brings conviction & they run from it because it convicts them . Bro. Wilkerson was telling it for our own good if we want to make it to heaven. Thank you for bringing this strong teaching to our ears we need it . To much sweetness in our churches now day's . Be blessed & take it to heart everyone out there . Where do you want to spend eternity?
Check out Voddie Baucham he preaches like this.
I get a lot of stick from a lot of ‘Christians’ for pursuing holiness and purity cos they think it’s a self righteous holier than thou thing. They call me a pharisee yet they themselves continue to live in bondage and excuse themselves by saying that God is love and His grace saves them and will bring them to Heaven. That God forgives always. And who am I to judge or dispute that ? Alas, we ignore the part that God is all consuming fire and His grace is not to be trampled on.
@@dantelum Well, don't let it get you down brother, because I have been called a Jesus freak Christian & holier then thou, but remember when ppl start calling you name's you know your on the right path, because Jesus said they hated Me B.4.they hated you & because you fallow Me they will call you all kinds of name's . Just pray for them that call you name's, that's what I do it's just a demon that speaks because he wants to bring you down don't let him , you stand strong as I have. Jesus is looking down from heaven & saying that's my boy , He will give you the strength to keep on going. Jesus lift's you up☝️ , Satan wants to bring you down 👇So be blessed & fight the good of faith. The Holy Spirit is always there to give you a word in how to respond. 🙋😇
@@yolandacastillo6810 well thanks i appreciate the encouragement, but i sometimes wonder how do i pray for those who 'persecute' me....a lot of them are popular and well-known 'christians' and they tell me to sit down in my place and learn humility and learn to listen to others, and most times, i dont even engage in any debate/argument with them...i just try to live my life according to the Scriptures quietly, by His power and grace, and still i get called all sorts...yet they are no better than me, because oftentimes the stick they use to beat me down, they dont use on themselves or their friends....double standards...they dont practise what they preach what do i even pray for them then ? becos i often question my own discernment..."am i better than them ? am i wrong ? are they right ? maybe i need to humble myself and learn ?" ...when there's 10 in a room, and 9 says ur wrong...u do tend to doubt ur own discernment and question is this the right way to live/walk ? becos sooner or later, the loneliness and isolation will hit u hard..and that's what the enemy wants sometimes, being in a community of 'christians' can be the most challenging and stressful time ever...which also terrifies me - because what if i'm the one with the problem ??
hardly anyone wants to talk about holiness, purity, repentance, judgement, hell...anymore...and those who do, get called out for being self-righteous and judgemental....kinda like what Isaiah said ages ago
Yes, truth is gone,
and anyone who renounces evil is attacked. (Isaiah 59:15)
@@dantelum I'm sorry to hear that , that would hurt anyone who is trying hard to not resent ppl because there living by their own standards not really realizing that their hurting you when they say thing's to you . Maybe those are not the crowd you should be around, maybe your putting them first & you want to have friends but who doesn't? 😩 It hurts & maybe you might need to ask God to send you new friends . Ask for new friends if He sends them fine if not that's fine too . I don't have to many Christian friends & that's ok . Jesus is my friend & that's all that matters.Gives you time to spend time in prayer, studying the word & praying & I'm fine with that . Your friends should see that when they gang up on you & say things to you is wrong. Ask God to bring conviction on them . Always be a step ahead pray when your around them ?Jesus is by your side. Stand strong because greater is He who is in you , then he who is in the world. 😇
This is really convicting me. I’m struggling with sexual sin and forgiveness. I really need this. Please change me God. I repent of my sins. Teach me to be holy and forgive the wrong that been hurt in me. Oh , God help me. Please let me proclaim the gospel and be right before you.
Thank You Lord Jesus for forgiving me. Keep me from falling again.
Protect your church oh Lord, forever always.
Yes Yes!
Good morning. David Wilkerson was taken too soon from us. We need more like him in these days.
David wilkerson was a member of the body of Christ remember that the important thing is that all the semons any preacher preached was all inspired the Holy Spirit Himself in Jesus name!
You’re a seed sower I see what you are doing.
I did not know he had passed. When did he die???
@@sherrydykes395 since 2012
I agree. Seems like those who were Gods voice are gone. Now all we have is false.
Dear God, please don't let anyone who listened this message to fall out of Your Grace, let us keep going with You till the end. I ask and please You in our Lord's Jesus Name.
Amen, all i want
Amen, thank You Jesus.
Jesus say Faithful is he that called us able to keep us from falling. That's Jesus promise to his children.
Thank you for posting these sermons. I am greatly enjoying them.
It feels better when you watch them live
@@jasonwijaya7313 Qqqqq
Thank you for this message.
Lord, Lord do not let me be deceived in the days to come. Keep close and not let go of me in Jesus name. AMEN
Thank you for posting this sermon of Beloved Pastor David Wilkerson, it’s very inspiring we as a believers of our Lord God Yeshua Jesus Christ to repent for our sins and prepare to meet Him..Lord God Almighty have mercy upon us and forgive our sins..
Sir i love this pastor even thou he is gone but word still lives on on also I thank u for true preaching n truth God bless
A brother in Christ Johnathon and I are starting a 3 day fast regarding this. Any brothers and sisters willing and able to join are more than welcome to. Let’s pray feverishly for God’s hand to be moved on the behalf of the Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.💪🏼💪🏼👏🏼✝️✝️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🙋🏻♀️
Such a blessing to hear new sermons in your channel every Sunday ❤️😇. The second coming of Christ is nearer than ever before. Jesus Bless 🙏
I miss this Man that Truly Obayed Our LORD Jesus Christ! Can't Wait for Our LORD Jesus Christ to Rescue Us before the Seven Years Tribulation which is the Seven Years of God's Judgements and Wrath Unleashed on this Earth!
Ephesians 5:15-21
15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord:
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
God help us to hold on 🙏🏽
Holy Father God I am a sinner but I have came to for repentance and to be washed by the blood of Jesus Christ who died not only for my transgressions against you but for all sinners. All the glory belongs to you. Throughout my life you have blessed me in everyway possible and I thank you for those blessings. I came to you as a reborn child seeking your love and guidance and you have done so. I begged for mercy and you given me mercy. Now I walk with you and I am growing stronger in my faith with you and I am so blessed to be able to do so. I pray that all come to you seeking you and the love and blessings you freely give to us. My dearest Father God I love you and praise you for all you have and continue to do. In sweet Jesus name I pray. Amen 🙏
Father God, in the name of Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for rescuing me and my family from this evil, thank you for not giving up on us! Help us Lord to stay on the road to righteousness! Hallelujah, as I heard this sermon, listening to the evil as David described, made me sick to my stomach! Anyone who dares to listen to this fantastic convicting sermon, may God Bless you all and those who recieved this message, who've been rescued by Jesus, let us all pray for the unredeemed! In Christ
Thank you for posting!
Cheers Ahava, thanks so very, very much.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you,
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Lizzy from Aus.
There Going to be Two Judgements, the Judgment Seat of Christ, this is for Us True Believers and the Great White Throne Judgment! For All those whole did not Excepted Him as there Lord and Savior!
I am really needing prayer . I love God and I thought I overcame my sin but the evil and filthy thought are becoming more frequent and more severe. Even the temptation is more severe and frequent
I wrote you a long reply just for you and this evil ai erased it but I won't give up put on full armor of GOD everyday Never EVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT YOUR SOUL IS WORTH IT I WILL PRAY FOR YOU MUCH LOVE &SALVATION TO YOU 🙏🙌🤍🕊️🥰😍😘
Just stay and prayer and His Word
The Word of God changing you through the Holy Spirit
Heyy the enemy is coming heavier, ask God for strength don't give an inch to the devil.
@@nicolehutchinson5453 p
Draw near to Christ in prayer (with a broken and contrite heart)and in fasting (deny yourself) and he will strengthen you against the temptation! God bless you and keep you. 🙏🏼
Thank you JESUS!! ❤
Lord have mercy. Y’all pray for me I’ve been dabbing in this world and I hate it. Pray I completely die to self and things in this world 🙏 and focus on him
Prayers for the church
Hold on to Jesus, Carmen. Study the book of Revelation. Pray and fast immediately to be delivered. Do not put yourself in situations or places where you fall. Amen
Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings !!! Glory Hallelujah Amen ❤️ !!!
Every person on the planet needs to hear this!
This is the Day You can Escape from by Summiting Your Self to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! By Excepting Him as Your Lord and Savior! Because He is the only way to Your Salvation!
Amen, glory to Jesus
Are you speaking the truth--the whole truth and nothing but the truth? God bless you as you walk in truth about God's Word.
Lord I want to live clean and Holy please guide my every step I need you every second of my life I pray this in Jesus name Amen
What a blessing he is
Thank You Lord, for saving me from the lies of buddhism. Praise God. He alone is worthy ❤
Thank you 🙏 my lord Jesus Christ ✝️
for saving me 🧎♀️
I’m praying 🙏 lord for you to save my children and grandchildren have mercy my God I pray 🧎♀️
I so appreciate and value these wonderful teaching from Pastor David Wilkerson, thank you for them.
What a solid meesage
You don’t hear that kind of preaching Much anymore It is very much needed Amen
We have to obey God's ten commandments, and keep the Sabbath Day Holy not Sunday day but Sabbath Day on Saturday it's on the seventh day of the week amen amen and amen ❤. ❤
ABBA Father I love and need you always Amen
David Wilkerson was a true, modern-day Prophet who was led by the Holy Ghost.
🙈🙉🙊🙏 Praise The Lord, Excellent Teaching, Sure Can See Where They Say In The Last Days They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine, But Only Have Their Ears Tickled, You Don't Hear Preaching
Like This Anymore, and They Don't Mention The Word Hell.
I Have Always Loved David Wilkinson Since My First Days of Salvation In The Late 1970s.
Great Man of God, Gone Too Soon.
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! ❤️
As head as it is to forgive those who tried to
Destroy me I hate to because I have to ask for forgives to. And I have to love my enemy’s to. Forgive those who hurt you. After all it for your benefit.
Ava Jerusalem thank you so much for your valuable videos, I love listening to David wilkerson. God be Praised for his merciful grace, he gives us to watch and listen to his Servents, preaching The Holy Gospel of the Lord God Almighty made man 🤗🌺🌸🌼🌻🌸🌸🌻❤️💓
Thank you so much for this message. God bless you!!
Great Teaching of the Word of God.
Thank you Jesus Christ God bless
Thank you Lord Jesus
Please pray for me, i want to be strong spiritually, and i don't want to ever fall again
Prayer request posted at community section. He is able to keep you from falling.Jude 24-25
@@ahavajerusalem wow this is the bestest thing
@@ahavajerusalem so i can just have hundreds of people pray for me in here this is so amazing
@@jasonwijaya7313 You have a family in Christ who love and care about you.
Jason; I am praying for you.
Esto mensaje me gustaria que fue traducido en español
Here I am Lord
This was a very powerful sermon .... I am pleased very pleased to say that the Son of Sam David Berkowitz truly repented and gave his heart to the Lord and has been a born-again Christian now I believe for over 15 years and ministers in the prisons and also they allow him to minister to the youth online concerning devil worship and cults...he explains that's what led him to darkness n how the LORD JESUS TRULY SAVED...CLEANSED N FORGAVE HIM...U CAN see his testimony on line at you tube...LETS US PRAY FOR EVEN THE MOST TAKKEN OVER SOUL...IF JESUS DID IT FOR DAVID ....he can reach anyone...GOD BLESS
Thank you 🙏🙌🏻🇿🇦
Thank you sir.
David's voice sounds distorted...but I love the message
Yes ty me too
Is this the voice of David Wilkinson? It doesn't sound like him. Roughly when was this sermon recorded?
Mr. Sharples,
May God continue to
bless you immensely.
Yes, this is indeed Pastor David's voice giving one of his wonderful sermons.
But I believe that it might be the recording.
Probably is playing at a slower speed. I hope this clears your doubt.
Pasa a macedonia y ayudanos
Amen ❤️🙏🏿
Excellent sermon.
Brother Dave's voice seems a little deep though.
Hi! When and where was this sermon given? It must be 50 years ago, but seems like our world today.🌺
Is this David Wilkerson speaking?? I’ve only ever listened to his preaching when he was an older man, higher voice, etc?!?!
Why is it that those who have done good go to resurrection and those who did evil to damnation? Isn't salvation not dependent on works? What does it mean, done good against done evil?
Seems to be at a slower speed
Can someone answer if it is counted to everyone that we will die, then how does the rapture happen? Do we just die when he comes?
Hell,Fire,Brimstone..You don't hear preaching like this any more...
Sulfur and Brimstone Burns Blue! That How Hot it's Burns! This is in the Lake of Fire,
Is this David Wilkerson?
Yes, it is, it appears the recording device was recording too quickly, or the playback device too slow, seeing this was recorded on analog tape back in the day. Thus his voice sounds deeper.
What has happened to his voice.... What have you done with the recording?
This ones are slightly older, it’s the way it was recorded.
Also I think He was at a younger age. People might also not be familiar with this type of teaching from him, his teachings changed over the years.
I think to me, it sounds like the taping has been slowed down, that's a shame, because this is a really important message... not that any of his others aren't.
@@pln8503 yes it might be the quality of the recording, however if you are familiar with the teachings of Reverend David, you will realize this is a very old sermon, in some of his newer sermons he spoke of his regret of teaching law so harsh in his younger days. So I believe that many people are caught off guard by his old teachings.
@@sion1677 shalom Sion
Would you let me know what older sermons they are that he spoke of the Torah of Mosheh, which our Master Yahuwshua kept, and also commanded us to keep; or did he speak of the man- made takanot and ma'asim?
There is nothing in this sermon that contradicts scripture, as others seem to think. Scripture clearly says that every word, thought or deed that we have done will be mentioned at judgement,however if we are under the bl00d atonement of JESUS/YESHUA, we are cleansed of all sin and unrighteousness. In regards to Graham, no one can judge but the KING OF KINGS as to whether he is under that atonement. He could have repented at the moment of death for his unrighteous associations, and I hope he did. Many people have been deceived by wolves in pulpits, and many of those wolves might have repented before death, we just don't know. I have heard it said that we might be very surprised when we get to the judgement seat of CHRIST. To see who is condemned, and who is not. All I know is that to he MOST HIGH GOD is perfect in everything, including justice. So my faith is in HIM, and YESHUA/JESUS. Because HE states clearly that it is not HIS will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So, I trust HIS perfection.
We from heaven don't judge, we decide who's welcome in heaven. As King Herodes and Pontius Pilate couldn't make up their minds what to do with Jesus, they let the people to decide. The second coming (31.7 years) is the Day of Decision. The world (Jesus came over it) judged a robber and murderer, a thief, and the Son of Man into death by crucifixion. God on the cross, decided to take the thief with him in heaven, and left the murderer out of it, without to judge him.
Who is preaching? This is NOT David Wilkinson
I'll forever be ashamed that I used to listen to the rolling stones. I KNEW when I saw the Bridges to Babylon cd it was satanic. The song titles like Always Suffering and Thief in the Night. I KNEW BECAUSE I'VE ALWAYS KNOWN GOD IS REAL. I lied to myself in saying but I like the love songs they sing of even tho I knew the deception
We do acid too… even the beast came to life. Lord have mercy!
People might wonder what is the point of all this preaching why are people always bothering us about the bible and what Jesus said. It is because 100,000s of thousands of people die everyday and most of them are probably not going to Heaven. Jesus said there is a narrow way and FEW people find it. When Jesus spoke to his people he said "little flock" because most people have not really taken the time to explore the bible to see what it takes for Jesus to take us into Heaven when we leave this earth. It is a very sad reality but Jesus is a fierce judge when we actually look at the bible. Like the bible says "Our God is a consuming fire". The bible says for everyone to work out their salvation and spend their time sojourning on earth in fear and trembling. The bible says be afflicted and mourn let you laughing be turned into morning and your joy to heaviness. Those who laugh now will mourn later because we will be humbled in this life or the next. The bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due time. Like John Macarthur a great preacher says God gave an impossible message to unremarkable people. It's like Jesus said I have to hate my life, and give up all my desires to follow him or I will be punished for eternity? Thats pretty harsh. But it is because he is such a Holy God and no sin in life will go unpunished he payed for our sin but we have to received the gift of salvation to go to Heaven. How do we get this? That is a very complicated thing but the bible lays it out for us. And we can find the way to Jesus when he seek the truth and let the word cleanse our heart. Which is why Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. I am the door and if anyone comes in any other way he is a thief and a robber. 0And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
In this verse the bible is speaking about those who received not the love of the truth. Those who wanted to live their own way. The bible always says the gospel message is foolish to those who are perishing. In the article below it talks about the importance of repentance. We must repent of sin and turn to God. We must repent from taking our own path and turn to God or our direction will not be good. Those who don't know Jesus will go to the same place as the worst of the worst. The father of Satanism on his dead bed was saying before he died what have I done what have I done something is very wrong something is very wrong. John Hagee speaks of visiting someone on his death bed who said preacher PRAY PRAY PRAY I can feel the flames of hell PRAY as he died. This is a very serious thing. The alternative is eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Whaling and knashing of teeth. The Holy Ghost will be our prosecutor and render us guilty as charged. Because the intent of Jesus was for us to live a live in submission to him and his word.
Have you given much thought to your eternal destiny? Have you searched out the bible to really see what it is telling you. Do you give this as much of your attention as other things?
There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” This quote is saying no matter who you are unless you repent and turn from your way you will perish
Luke 10:13-15
Woe to you, Chorazin! woe to you, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades.
Luke 11:32
The men of Nineveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
Jonah 3:5, 7-9:
The people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them . . . The king made proclamation . . . "Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands."
Luke 16:29-31
After his death the unrepentant rich man is in torment. He asks Abraham to send someone to warn his brothers, so they don't perish in this place of torment. But . . .
Abraham said, "They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them." And he said, "No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent." He said to him, "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead."
I conclude that repentance involves believing God (Jonah 3:5) rather than the Satan's claim that more joy can be found in sin than in obedience. It is a "being persuaded" about the danger of impenitence (Luke 16:31) and the way of escape through repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47). It involves grief over past sins and present sinful tendencies. This is the significance of the sackcloth and ashes (Luke 10:13; Jonah 3:5). And it involves turning from evil ways (Jonah 3:8).
Who is doing this preaching I do not believe it is David Wilkerson as I have listened to him for years. It’s not bad preaching he just does not appear to be David Wilkerson
It is Wilkerson, it appears the recording device was recording too quickly, or the playback device too slow, seeing this was recorded on analog tape back in the day. Thus his voice sounds deeper
No. Billy Graham will NOT be in heaven as Wilkerson states unless he repented right before he died. Nor will Franklin.
I honestly question if Wilkerson knew those other 'pastors' he supports were WOLVES, or if he was honestly ignorant about them. It's difficult to believe that he was completely unaware but only God Almighty knows THE TRUTH about what Wilkerson truly believed.
I've always liked David's hard style of preaching, bringing conviction and hopefully repentance to many but the truth is, if the majority of his company that he kept were wolves, he was likely one too, just better at hiding it.
I will not be watching any more of his teaching when he starts supporting wolves in his sermons as though they were sheep.
That is VERY wrong and twisted.
Why were they wolves?
Iam not perfect but it sounds like there are things you maybe doing in your life you may not want to turn away from but the Bible talks about false teachers just like the pastor just recently hid alot of money in the walls of a church sometimes you will be around wolves this is a way you reach the lost
Wolves are people who pretend to love Jesus, but really don't and mislead MULTITUDES of people who do not know The Truth / The Word, as good as they should, or perhaps by their own greed, are mislead by these false teachers who also serve money, not God Almighty.
It's very sad beloved, but they are EVERYWHERE.
Most talk a pretty good game but they are really in it for themselves, not for God.
They say some Truth, but they omit certain TRUTHS, and or TWIST The Truth so that it sounds good, but is not really good.
The Lord tells us very clearly NOT TO PUT OUR TRUST IN MAN, and this is why. Because if you look up Scripture, The Bible WARNS that the heart of man is wicked.
Jesus is the ONLY one who can change a man's heart but they are still men, only God Almighty is God, and until we are completely transformed into HIS IMAGE AS ONE WITH HIM, we are reaching for that in our walk with God.
Jesus changes us. From the inside, out. Our desires, our wants, our pursuits, our PATH.
I don't claim to know everything, I only know what God Almighty has shown me, and I know that it is The TRUTH because it lines up WITH SCRIPTURE.
SCRIPTURE is to be guiding our path. SCRIPTURE is THE WORD OF GOD. Jesus Christ IS THE WORD OF GOD, AND IS GOD.
All these cotton candy 🍭🍬 preachers like osteen, meyers, graham, hillsong, copeland, duplantis, macarthur, white, chan, and a TON MORE are not leading people on the narrow path.
Only Jesus Christ can do that.
We MUST be able to exercise DISCERNMENT TO KNOW when someone says something that is
👉 'not quite right' or making
claims that
👉do not line up with SCRIPTURE.
One example is there is one guy claiming that we are going to ride the wave of God's glory in these coming times.
This is not SCRIPTURAL.
in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
Don't be quick to believe sunshine and roses. People love that because it tickles the ears.
Yes, God Almighty IS LOVE.
👉ALL SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KNOWING THE TRUTH, so that you KNOW when someone is off, even if it is just a little.
A LITTLE IS WAY TO MUCH for us to follow that. Understand?
Know the difference between THE TRUTH and
👉👉👉ALMOST the truth.
That is the anti-christ that subtle twists the truth.
Remember the garden.
Subtle, sly, clever, slithering,
LIAR. 👿 is misleading multitudes.
If someone points to false teachers as wilkerson does here, I must question his TRUE intentions no matter how good he seems to sound.
Only Jesus Christ can be trusted to lead us.
How do you know that Billy Graham will not be in heaven? Only God knows what is in the hearts of people, even right to the end of their lives.
Wolves don't go to heaven, simple as that. As I stated,
So I DIDN'T state that I KNEW,
👉 but The Bible says that THE HEART OF MAN IS WICKED so when people say 'only God knows their/my heart' it kind of tells me that they don't know The Word of God very well since they act like the heart is a 'good' thing.
Jesus told us
Do you believe Him or do you follow your own version of The Truth?
please pray for me my sexual freedom
I also have important female friend
I want be great guy for Her
What's your name?
Sex is a natural evolved instinct... and evolved to be fun!!
Do it!!
Evolved... riiiight. So before it "evolved to be fun", it wasn't fun?
@@Nigel.123 Can you be more ignorant...?..!
@@kennethbrown8437 Wrong - as gods were created not that long ago .... as long as Homo species!!
@@kennethbrown8437 marriage was made up to control people - esp the women... as the fathers never knew who the 'real' fathers were...
Dearest David, you are contradicting yourself. This is the first sermon I am gonna have to reject. What you are describing in your term "evacuation" is rapture plain and simple. You also are thinking to human, in all of God's glory and power you honestly believe we will be just transported to another planet? No transition to a different dimension? You also said we will have new bodies, with no liver or tear glands. How do you know this? I always feel the spirit when you preach truth, it washes over me and moves me to tears of joy. All I felt was a confused man trying to preach about something he doesn't understand. R.I.P David Wilkerson.
You might not like the message, therefore you are rejecting it.
In this sermon he clearly stated that it is option based. He said a great multitude of times 'I'm of the opinion'.
1. Capture/Rapture/Evacuation- same thing and again he stated opinion there. No of those words are stated in the Bible.
2. As for the body his opinion is based of scripture, there will be no more tears (tear glands), there will be no more sickness (liver). If you read the book of Revelation you will find it.
Perhaps listen to the sermon again.
Not much I would disagree with in this sermon, most of His opinion is based of scripture.
there is no god but ( ALLAH ) and Muhammad is his messenger