Legendary Pokemon Challenge Zoroark: Druid bottom route Moltres: Wizard middle route Pokemon Center: Banana farm bottom route(At max 4) Regice: Ice monkey top route Because they are legendary Pokemon, you can only use one tower except the Banana farm which has its own limitations of a max of 4. Good luck! PS: No Benjamin or supply drops, that's cheating
The movie reference challenge: The Knight (Batman) Boomerang with glaives (Krull) Dart monkey crossbow/Quincy (Robinhood) Monkey buccaneer (Pirates of the Caribbean)
THE JEROME CHALLENGE Jerome- THE NIGHT The Libbinator- Glue gunner (steve eats glue) Dropsy- THE HOOKS Blade- the morning (only tier 3) Matt- Patt Vale- Sniper (cause he blastin)
Try to use the supermonky like this: One friend goes the top path, an other friend goes the middle path, you go the bottom path, an other frind goes on the farms, Quincy as the Hero and go to round 200.
The Lost Lives challenge: Use towers that activates abilities when losing lives. 1. Sniper monkey: Bottom path. 2. Bomb Tower: bottom path. 3. Super monkey: bottom path. Farms are allowed to be used, but not support, such as villages. Like so Jerome does this challenge.
It’s a stormy day today in Bloons. Also about Benjamin’s skimming. It does not double or triple the amount of money per bloon. It just gives 1 extra dollar per bloon spawned. So with a single Benjamin the only bloon worth double the base amount would be a red bloon (or blue with once skimming is worth two dollars each bloon spawned).
Meme challenge Drops: pat fusty because she is angry in town of Salem Libbbaaaaayyyyy: glue gunner self explanatory Jerome: The knight and beanjamen Vale: sniper captain blastem
I have an idea for a challenge, it's called the 4 player Super Glue Challenge The goal: See how far you can last with only 4 super glue towers! (No corrosive either!) To start off: Either use another tower to pop.things until you get a super glue, or use supply drops to get up to it right away, your choice! The idea came from a special trait of the Super Glue tower that is not specifically stated in the game! The Super Glue CAN pop balloons WITHOUT CORROSIVE GLUE!!! It's crazy! It's acts similarly to the ice tower, where they're stuck and place and dealt damage, except it does slow damage over time and will become fast again after a layer is popped.
The Nuclear challenge You can use: Alchemist (middle route) Mortar (top route) Glue gunner (top route) Submarine(top route)/Banana farm Monkey ace (Middle route) Super monkey (middle route) Aka THE AFTERNOON All of these towers have a connection to Nuclear elements or leave off a radiation of such nuclear elements. With selected towers at least get to round 100 or 150 (You may need to extend even further to get Tier 5's of selected towers) Also if you can for the challenge use the Sewer Map.
Honestly, my favorite challenge video yet. Not because of the challenge itself, but because it was done on Impoppable and that made it an actual challenge instead of doing it on easy and having it handed to them.
Challenge name: Minecraft Dart monkey is steve (both are the "first" one) Alchemists is the brewingstand ( they both make potions) Quincy is a skeleton (they both shot arrows) Wizard monkey is a with.(They both throw potions).
Supervillains Challenge, Heros, Bane: Pat Fusty (classic skin) Mysterio: Ezili (classic skin) Deadshot: Quincy (classic skin) Brainiac: Striker Jones (any skin) Towers, Green Goblin: Alchemist (Middle Route) Poison Ivy: Druid (Middle route) Ultron: Super Monkey (Middle Route) Hela: Wizard Monkey (Bottom Path) 1 Of each tower (except for the alchemist and the middle route you can place 5 more alchemists to transform) also, use the monkey village 3 to the middle because only 2 of them can always hit the purple bloons (also you all can use banana farms :D)
overwatch 2 challenge winston-engineer monkey (middle route) hanzo-quincy mei-ice monkey (choice of route) moira-monkey apprentice (top route) free use of banks and villages love the vids keep up good work!
Characters that can drop things. Wizard with wall of fire Ninja with the shuriken Alchemist Plane with pineapple Spike factory Banana farm engineer with turrets
The endgame challenge: Pat fusty - hulk Druid, bottom route - black panther Glue Gunner - spider man Super monkey, middle route - iron Man You are allowed to use villages and monkey farms if you want to. Good luck Jerome 😁
I had a good idea Legendary Pokemon challenge Zoroark: Druid bottom path Thundurus : Druid superstorm Regiice : Ice top path Pokemon central : Central Market Moltres : Wizar Lord Phoenix U get each cash drop
Halo 2 defense of Earth challenge/"Where are you going" "To give the Covenant back they're bomb, sir":Bottom and middle Path Heli,Middle route Ace(to represent the bomb),Bloon crunch(blooncrush),mid-path Super Monkey(to represent Master Chief),top path Druid,and Sub (all routes to represent the massive UNSC fleet at Earth),and Engineer Top and middle path,also Farms(you need to get at least 4th tier for all middle and top route farms,because its futuristic)
OG tower challenge you can only use towers that where in btd 1 -bomb tower -dart monkey -super monkey - -banana farms (I know banana farms weren't in btd 1 but THE NIGHT)
🎶The Can't Stop Won't Stop Challenge🎶: Only towers that apply constant damage across the entire map continuously; Druid- Spirit of the Forest Sniper Monkey- any route Wizard Monkey- Phoenix Lord Helicopter- any route with pursuit perk Airplane- any route Buccaneer Ship- air craft carrier Gatling Gun- any route On Medium Mode, no banana farms, Benjamin is allowed (only if Blade publicly apologizes for not getting hot spikes). You must make it to round 130
BLACK MAGIC CHALLENGE! : use towers paths that make use of dark "forbidden" magic. Towers: Ezili, NecroWizard, Wrath Druid(mainly to pop purples) and Total Transformation for the alchemist. (one monkey each if thats not a given) (super monkey and Adora are allowed ONLY if used to make the dark evil forms. Good luck
for those of you who don't know why the monkey ace is popping the moabs around 14:46 its because the fighter plane shoots anti-moab missiles as well as the darts which do insane damage to the moabs
Pls do this challenge, Sharp tip only. Tackshooters,=Tack zone, Dart Monkey,=Tri darts and Crossbow masters, Spike factory= Spike storm, and Engineer monkey+Sentry, and YES banana farms are allowed. 1 cash DROP each
I think they should do the Libby challenge (Steve). This challenge involves glue gunners each person goes a different route. -first person gets top route glue -second person gets middle route glue -third person gets bottom route glue -fourth person (Steve) gets bananna farms and all glue routes -You are allowed as many glue gunners as you want you aren't limited to just one per person. -Everyone is also allowed a village for camos. -Benjamin is allowed The next part is an additional challenge. (This is for Jerome) And on round 100 (or before) you have to get the 5th teir Legend of the Night (if you try this part of the challenge everyone is allowed farms)
Military only challenge. Normal mode, firing range, military monkeys only. -Ground towers (Mortar, Sniper) -Air towers (Monkey Ace, Heli Pilot) -Water towers (Monkey Sub, Monkey Buccaneer) -Churchill Use hot tubs if you need. Edit: No one can bring benjamin. It's possible, because it's a mode in BTD 6 normally.
Minecraft challenge Skeleton: Quincy = Dropsy Tree:banana farm = Captain blastem Enderman: legend of the night = Jerome Enderdragon: Flying Fortress = Blade Challenge ends when you beat round 120 benjamin allowed as a admin
I have 2 challenges :D How about the Star Wars Challenge: Monkey Ace = X-Wings Robo-Monkey (Supermonkey) = Darth Vader Ice Monkey = Force User (Force can freeze a person in place) Archmage (Monkey Apprentice) = Stormtrooper (White outfit, blasts, etc) Try it maybe? How about the Scrap Mechanic Challenge? Each player starts with a monkey engineer, a tack factory, or a mortar tower (big booms) From there you level up however you want, then you can proceed to build out more towers adjacent to the ones you own, each tower made has to be reasonable to some extent in Scrap Mechanic Terms, like tack shooters and other buildings. (You could extend to the point where you can build banks and farms :D)
New Challenge: Play BTD6 kinda like Bloon Battles. Between 4 of you, you guys can only build 1 type of tower. 3 people can pick a tower of their choice, and the 4th person gets a randomly selected tower.
New bt6: the matter state challenge. Solid- vine route Druid Liquid- glue gunner top route (Bloons liquifier) Gas- heli bloon shove route Plasma-THE NIGHT
you can place every hero but only in one player and this how to do it select any hero you want and place it then click the home button after that,go to the heroes and select a new hero then click the continue button and you can place the new hero you picked lastly,do it over and over again until you place all the heroes
The jeromeasf crew challenge Steve- glue gunner (eats glue) Jerome- the night (duh, the night) Blade- pat fusty (cranky) Vale- prince of darkness (units) Matt- Engineer (scrap mechanic god) Dropsy- gwendolin (hot tea) Also have access to banana farms and Benjamin
Jerome, do the sniper only melee only challenge: Everyone can use the hero pat and they get 1 tier 5 sniper monkey each. You may use farms, but to make it harder, Blade has to be the banker. :) Have fun!
The 3 mortartiers(its a pun for the 3 musketeers) Use only 3 mortar towers and their tier 5s and farms are allowed but no farmer you can use the village only the call to arms route, do this challenge until you get to round 100,you can use 3 mortars per person(except vale), and only use the routes of your mortar tower. Jerome: Pop and awe Steve: blooncineration Vale: Banana farms Dropsy: The biggest one Number one rule: No the Knight,Morning or Afternoon.
The One Damage Tower Challenge. Jerome, you're the only one who can put 1, and I mean 1 tack shooter down, and you HAVE to go down the bottom path for the tack zone. The other three can only use banana farms. BUT!! To make this challenge doable, You may use an Alchemist, but it must go down the permanent brew route, and the Engineer monkey, but it can only go down the Ultraboost route. You can also put down a Monkey Village or Multiple and get Homeland Defense and get multiple Call To Arms as well. This Challenge was done on BiffleWiffle's Channel, so you can get to level 100. Have Fun! I have another as well. Heroes VS Villains Challenge. 2 People are only allowed to use towers that are heroes or provide aid like the Heli Pilot down the middle path, and 2 people can only use towers that are villainous. You can use Banana Farms but you can only supply hook your partner that uses the towers you are assigned, like the Hero Towers, you can only supply hook that person if you both are the heroes. So Good Luck!
The Florida challenge Basically BURN IT ALL 1:Fire route wizard monkey 2:Fire tack shooter 3: mortar the bottom route 4:Laser blasts super monkey (no plasma) These are just my opinions you could also use 5:Spike factory top route 6:And if you want the boomerang bottom tier because he’s FLORIDA MAN 7:And super storm Druid because Florida’s crazy weather! And because Fire is life you can use banana farms!
Do the fly or die challenge for btd 5 Phoenix = Phoenix (wizard middle route) or Gwendolyn or ring of fire (tac shooter top route) Grim reaper = necromancer( wizard bottom route) Swamp monster = spirit of the forest (druid middle route) Yeti = fusty the snowman ( pat pat pat)
The over reaction challenge You can use any tower, u must be on a map where people can place anywhere The challenge is that if the bloons get half way through the map. You must restart or give up. This way, when Jerome freaks out about the bloons get a quarter of the way through, he actually has a reason to freak out
Just a random challenge. The monkey city challenge; Engineer monkey - cant have a city without builders Monkey village - have to have a town hall Banana farm - you need a source of income somehow Dart monkey - what’s a city without its people Benjamin is allowed
You can do the golden ice monkey fan club which is the ice monkey, the dart monkey fan club, the alchemist monkey, the monkey village, and the banana farm on impopable mode
I have an interesting idea. It's called the "Little Monkeys in the Big City" challenge. You can use only the primary monkey faction, but you need to use at least one of each Tier 5 of the Monkey Village, hence the challenge name. I thought of that, because of the synergy with Monkey Villages and the Primary towers.And yes, you can use Banana Farms and Benjamin, and you can set how many rounds you want to go.
Moab Stopper Challenge: Super Monkey: Bottom Route Heli Pilot: Bottom Route Glue Gunner: Bottom Route Sniper Monkey: Top Route You can also use Benjamin and Banana Farms! Good Luck!
Do the 5 military braches challenge: heli pilot to comanche defense and comanche commander. Sniper monkey to full automatic rifle and elite defender. Sticker Jones and monkey buckunear to aircraft carrier and carrier flagship.
I'M A MILLION AIR Challenge! Rules: you can only use towers that have a tier 5 that's more than 50k THE NIGHT MUST be the first tier 5 Must use banana farms and Bejaman There must be bottom route boomerang monkey
do the smart brains challenge 1 : engineer must have sentry gun 2: alchemist must have brewmaster 3: super monkey must have robo upgrade 4:monkey village must have call to arms
Sticky challenge STEVE:Glue gunner(steve eats sticky glue) JEROME:THE KNIGHT (it has stuck to be Jerome's favorite line) MATT:Engineer (trap sticks to ground) BLADE: Master Bomber (bombs stick to moabs) All farms are allowed
Rain Storm Challenge Glue Gunner get to the "Glue storm" Mortar Monkey get to "Pop and awe" Ice Monkey get to a "Absolutely zero" Quincy get to lvl 10 for "Storm of Arrows" Gwendolin get to lvl 10 for "Firestorm Captain Churchill get to lvl 10 for "MOAB barrage" Or anything you can add but abilities that can affects whole map
Villain Challenge 1: Prince of Darkness=Hella from Thor 2:Tech Terror=Ultron 3:The Knight=Black Panthers Villain (forgot name) 4:Glue Strike=Doc Oc from Spiderman Banana Farms allowed, you can get as many of the towers as long as in these paths, substitute Ice Monkey for any1=Frost Giants from Thor fo Steve
Jordan (Captainsparklez) said he wants to play Btd6 in a week and a half on stream.(can't plays as much because of jury duty) He said he wants to play because he has seen your vids. Plz try to invite him and Nick and teach them the way
new friends challenge:
everyones mute and make it to round 100
optional:record all prespectives
let the rage begin
Scuba Tyler I think you meant no friends
@@twinlaser9060 if its no friends they wont be playing together
I already said this before
Would this be called the no communication challenge?
Id wouldve called it the no intel challenge meh just me i guess
Legendary Pokemon Challenge
Zoroark: Druid bottom route
Moltres: Wizard middle route
Pokemon Center: Banana farm bottom route(At max 4)
Regice: Ice monkey top route
Because they are legendary Pokemon, you can only use one tower except the Banana farm which has its own limitations of a max of 4. Good luck!
PS: No Benjamin or supply drops, that's cheating
Thats similar to wat i suggested
@@buffedaxolotl7904 how long ago was this suggestion of yours? Just curious
‘’No cheating’’ ahem Steve ahem
You should have yveltal as the night and replace garantina
What a great challenge
The movie reference challenge:
The Knight (Batman)
Boomerang with glaives (Krull)
Dart monkey crossbow/Quincy (Robinhood)
Monkey buccaneer (Pirates of the Caribbean)
monkey ace (red tails)
Ninja monkey - Kungfu panda
i am surprised that no one said wizard - harry potter but ill take it i guess
Pat futsy:hulk
The Mighty Mech Challenge:
The Anti-bloon (Super Monkey)
Perma Charge (Boomerang monkey)
Sentry Paragon (Engineer Monkey)
Banana Central (Banana Farm)
Captain Churchill
You could also put the master bomber in there because he looks like mech
Should have gone with master bomber
Changed it up, added heroes.
Thanks for the suggestions
Quincy with the cyborg skin instead of Benjamin or both probably
The Libbinator- Glue gunner (steve eats glue)
Blade- the morning (only tier 3)
Matt- Patt
Vale- Sniper (cause he blastin)
Heh mattpatt
@@alkemi9946 stfu
Mattpatt lol
@@potassium8702 stfu
Try to use the supermonky like this:
One friend goes the top path,
an other friend goes the middle path,
you go the bottom path,
an other frind goes on the farms,
Quincy as the Hero
and go to round 200.
do dis bois
Kantorax G. It’s not possible
@@user-jw2mu6vb3l it is,just gonna take awhile and several MIBs
Jerome as THE KNIGHT obviously
@@LiamArmstrong2 duh
The Lost Lives challenge: Use towers that activates abilities when losing lives.
1. Sniper monkey: Bottom path.
2. Bomb Tower: bottom path.
3. Super monkey: bottom path.
Farms are allowed to be used, but not support, such as villages.
Like so Jerome does this challenge.
maybey Add Ezili to activate these abilities?
not sure if that would work. just got the game yesterday but just found out cat hero exists
KA-BOOM-EN, you can’t, Ezili can’t active abilitys. The abilitys I listed are abilitys that active only when they lose lives.
Random Vids What about the fourth person?
Gavin Mikes, right, 4th person using farms, sorry!
Camron Williams, He does, the Black hole portal
Anyone gonna acknowledge the fact that Jerome has a crapload of monkey money?
I saw that. That's like 1000$ worth
Trainer Pikachu I was going to say that
He had 99 mil like how you suppose to spend that much or have that much
Adair Jimenez Jerome uses a lot of crates
Jerome started to play impopable so Matt couldn’t accidentally leave after round 40 anymore
Checks out
Mr swim 21 that is most likely true
How about normal or just hard mode
@@wearyd5200 they mostly like to go to round 100
Jerome:sell and re-buy
Steve:ok ...................’re-buys’
Bloons:’already gone’
It’s a stormy day today in Bloons.
Also about Benjamin’s skimming. It does not double or triple the amount of money per bloon. It just gives 1 extra dollar per bloon spawned. So with a single Benjamin the only bloon worth double the base amount would be a red bloon (or blue with once skimming is worth two dollars each bloon spawned).
Thank you mean every time a balloon spawns it gives you money depending on the level
I was actually going to say that thanks for doing it for me!
Avengers challenge
Anti-Ballon: Iron Man
Super Storm: Thor
Pat: Hulk
ArchMage : Dr.Strange
THE NIGHT: Black Panther
kabir zzs already happend
The night is Batman
@@John-kr6zg or black panther.
Try not to crash challenge:
Druids only for everyone
Banana farms allowed
Meme challenge
Drops: pat fusty because she is angry in town of Salem
Libbbaaaaayyyyy: glue gunner self explanatory
Jerome: The knight and beanjamen
Vale: sniper captain blastem
Also give Jerome Benjamin
I have an idea for a challenge, it's called the 4 player Super Glue Challenge
The goal:
See how far you can last with only 4 super glue towers! (No corrosive either!)
To start off:
Either use another tower to pop.things until you get a super glue, or use supply drops to get up to it right away, your choice!
The idea came from a special trait of the Super Glue tower that is not specifically stated in the game! The Super Glue CAN pop balloons WITHOUT CORROSIVE GLUE!!! It's crazy! It's acts similarly to the ice tower, where they're stuck and place and dealt damage, except it does slow damage over time and will become fast again after a layer is popped.
Challenge: Camo Removal:
Middle path engineer:
Top path sub,
Middle path ninja,
Bottom path wizard
Middle path village
Bottom path mortar
Banana farms and crosspaths okay.
You should do the rouge challange
The ninja (any path)
The crossbow master
The tripple darts monkey
And the boomerang monkey (any path)
The Nuclear challenge
You can use:
Alchemist (middle route)
Mortar (top route)
Glue gunner (top route)
Submarine(top route)/Banana farm
Monkey ace (Middle route)
Super monkey (middle route) Aka THE AFTERNOON
All of these towers have a connection to Nuclear elements or leave off a radiation of such nuclear elements.
With selected towers at least get to round 100 or 150 (You may need to extend even further to get Tier 5's of selected towers)
Also if you can for the challenge use the Sewer Map.
If they did sewer they would make it to round 2.
Did anyone else notice how much monkey money Jerome has 8:20
Might be a hacked account
Lmao I went to the comments to see if anyone had seen it or not😂
@@TravvyPatty2004 hahaha me too
Honestly, my favorite challenge video yet. Not because of the challenge itself, but because it was done on Impoppable and that made it an actual challenge instead of doing it on easy and having it handed to them.
pat fusty = chewie
Prince of Darkness = Palpatine
Monkey Ace = Y Wing
Legend of the Night = Darth Vader
This actually sounds fun!
This is grate
It is the x-wing not y-wing
LionBeast King it can actually be both
Sorry, I forgot that the y wing was a thing
you can only go the middle route
any tower you want
you are allowed monkey farms but only banks
round 100 :)
I was going to say that 😩
Did anyone notice the absurd amount of money Jerome had when he died
I was about to comment about it haha
Searles Will yeah he either spent a lot of irl money or somehow had ninjakiwi give him monkey money
Hole cow
Challenge name: Minecraft
Dart monkey is steve (both are the "first" one)
Alchemists is the brewingstand ( they both make potions)
Quincy is a skeleton (they both shot arrows)
Wizard monkey is a with.(They both throw potions).
Supervillains Challenge,
Bane: Pat Fusty (classic skin)
Mysterio: Ezili (classic skin)
Deadshot: Quincy (classic skin)
Brainiac: Striker Jones (any skin)
Green Goblin: Alchemist (Middle Route)
Poison Ivy: Druid (Middle route)
Ultron: Super Monkey (Middle Route)
Hela: Wizard Monkey (Bottom Path)
1 Of each tower (except for the alchemist and the middle route you can place 5 more alchemists to transform)
also, use the monkey village 3 to the middle because only 2 of them can always hit the purple bloons (also you all can use banana farms :D)
overwatch 2 challenge
winston-engineer monkey (middle route)
mei-ice monkey (choice of route)
moira-monkey apprentice (top route)
free use of banks and villages
love the vids keep up good work!
Can we just acknowledge how good his insta tower that he got is
Radioactive challenge
Glue gunner-bloons solver
Ace-Tsar bomba
Morter-the biggest one
U can all use farm
Characters that can drop things.
Wizard with wall of fire
Ninja with the shuriken
Plane with pineapple
Spike factory
Banana farm
engineer with turrets
The ninja has caltrops
The endgame challenge:
Pat fusty - hulk
Druid, bottom route - black panther
Glue Gunner - spider man
Super monkey, middle route - iron Man
You are allowed to use villages and monkey farms if you want to.
Good luck Jerome 😁
"It's the Druid! It's always the Druid!"
Meanwhile: ODS shoots many darts everywhere.
Me: Uh-hu... Sure...
yep me too me too
And all the spikes from spike factory
Group challenge:
Druid: poplust route
Dart monkey: super monkey fan club route
Ninja: shinobi tactics route
Alchemist: transforming tonic route
Buccaneer: merchant route
the Limited Resource Challenge:
Everyone chooses 2 towers to use the whole game and
you can only use each tower 3 times
Jeromeasf you should do a chalenge where you may only use one tower of each category
I had a good idea Legendary Pokemon challenge
Zoroark: Druid bottom path
Thundurus : Druid superstorm
Regiice : Ice top path
Pokemon central : Central Market
Moltres : Wizar Lord Phoenix
U get each cash drop
Zorowark isn’t a legendary
Halo 2 defense of Earth challenge/"Where are you going" "To give the Covenant back they're bomb, sir":Bottom and middle Path Heli,Middle route Ace(to represent the bomb),Bloon crunch(blooncrush),mid-path Super Monkey(to represent Master Chief),top path Druid,and Sub (all routes to represent the massive UNSC fleet at Earth),and Engineer Top and middle path,also Farms(you need to get at least 4th tier for all middle and top route farms,because its futuristic)
OG tower challenge you can only use towers that where in btd 1
-bomb tower
-dart monkey
-super monkey -
-banana farms
(I know banana farms weren't in btd 1 but THE NIGHT)
they did it before
The A B C D challenge d= Druid a= alchemist b= banana farms c= churchil
Make bloons fly challenge
Druid: Top route
Ninja: Distraction then any route
Helicopter: Middle route
Then one person uses banana farms
🎶The Can't Stop Won't Stop Challenge🎶:
Only towers that apply constant damage across the entire map continuously;
Druid- Spirit of the Forest
Sniper Monkey- any route
Wizard Monkey- Phoenix Lord
Helicopter- any route with pursuit perk
Airplane- any route
Buccaneer Ship- air craft carrier
Gatling Gun- any route
On Medium Mode, no banana farms, Benjamin is allowed (only if Blade publicly apologizes for not getting hot spikes). You must make it to round 130
Sonic challenge: monkey ace (dr. Egg man)
Druid superstorm(sonic) monkey pilot(tales) pat fusty(knuckles)
You can use boonana farms
The green challenge:
Glue gunner
Sniper monkey
Monkey ace
Helicopter pilot
Banana farm
Goal: wave 130
This would be fun to see
14:25 so are we just gonna act like Jerome thought the operation dart storm killed MOABS and not Benjamin’s ability
John Butler That was definitely Bloon Trojan from Benjamin because nothing came out of the MOAB
No upgrade challenge, but you can only upgrade village for camp sight, and banana farms are allowed, no insta towers make it to at least round 50
8:19 Jerome how much monkey money is that
99 million
I love your vids your awesome!
BLACK MAGIC CHALLENGE! : use towers paths that make use of dark "forbidden" magic. Towers: Ezili, NecroWizard, Wrath Druid(mainly to pop purples) and Total Transformation for the alchemist.
(one monkey each if thats not a given) (super monkey and Adora are allowed ONLY if used to make the dark evil forms.
Good luck
fighter plane shoots out missiles that allowed it to easily pop a MOAB, also, try wingmonkey targeting for the ace
for those of you who don't know why the monkey ace is popping the moabs around 14:46 its because the fighter plane shoots anti-moab missiles as well as the darts which do insane damage to the moabs
Pls do this challenge, Sharp tip only. Tackshooters,=Tack zone, Dart Monkey,=Tri darts and Crossbow masters, Spike factory= Spike storm, and Engineer monkey+Sentry, and YES banana farms are allowed. 1 cash DROP each
I like how they are ignored in the beginning that the fighter plane has a anti Moab missle that instantly pops the moabs
I love how they went fo another moab spikes rather then going for fighter plane
I think they should do the Libby challenge (Steve).
This challenge involves glue gunners each person goes a different route.
-first person gets top route glue
-second person gets middle route glue
-third person gets bottom route glue
-fourth person (Steve) gets bananna farms and all glue routes
-You are allowed as many glue gunners as you want you aren't limited to just one per person.
-Everyone is also allowed a village for camos.
-Benjamin is allowed
The next part is an additional challenge.
(This is for Jerome)
And on round 100 (or before) you have to get the 5th teir Legend of the Night (if you try this part of the challenge everyone is allowed farms)
me: "I'm more of a lover than a fighter, only if my lover didn't put up a fight"
if somebody gets this reference I will be damn well impressed
You will not be impressed then.
No the tier 3 upgrade (fighter pilot) launches 2 missiles about every 4 to 5 seconds at a moab
Industrial Challenge:
Banana Farm: Top route
Monkey Engineer:Any route
Super Monkey: Middle route
Spike Factory: Any route
Shadows of the Night challenge-
Ninja monkey(Middle route)
Legend of the Night
Wizard(Bottom route)
Monkey banks(The shadiest of them all)
they already had a darkness challenge
Military only challenge.
Normal mode, firing range, military monkeys only.
-Ground towers (Mortar, Sniper)
-Air towers (Monkey Ace, Heli Pilot)
-Water towers (Monkey Sub, Monkey Buccaneer)
Use hot tubs if you need.
Edit: No one can bring benjamin. It's possible, because it's a mode in BTD 6 normally.
Do a challenge where you can only use towers that hit everywhere
-sniper monkey
-motar monkey
-submarine 2 to the up
Minecraft challenge
Skeleton: Quincy = Dropsy
Tree:banana farm = Captain blastem
Enderman: legend of the night = Jerome
Enderdragon: Flying Fortress = Blade
Challenge ends when you beat round 120
benjamin allowed as a admin
I have 2 challenges :D
How about the Star Wars Challenge:
Monkey Ace = X-Wings
Robo-Monkey (Supermonkey) = Darth Vader
Ice Monkey = Force User (Force can freeze a person in place)
Archmage (Monkey Apprentice) = Stormtrooper (White outfit, blasts, etc)
Try it maybe?
How about the Scrap Mechanic Challenge? Each player starts with a monkey engineer, a tack factory, or a mortar tower (big booms) From there you level up however you want, then you can proceed to build out more towers adjacent to the ones you own, each tower made has to be reasonable to some extent in Scrap Mechanic Terms, like tack shooters and other buildings. (You could extend to the point where you can build banks and farms :D)
New Challenge:
Play BTD6 kinda like Bloon Battles. Between 4 of you, you guys can only build 1 type of tower. 3 people can pick a tower of their choice, and the 4th person gets a randomly selected tower.
New bt6: the matter state challenge.
Solid- vine route Druid
Liquid- glue gunner top route (Bloons liquifier)
Gas- heli bloon shove route
you can place every hero but only in one player and this how to do it
select any hero you want and place it
then click the home button
after that,go to the heroes and select a new hero
then click the continue button and you can place the new hero you picked
lastly,do it over and over again until you place all the heroes
The Vale Challenge
You can only use support towers cause he’s so supportive
One tower per player
New easy challange.
Do whatever u guys want. Like. True sun god? What i am meaning is that u Can place whatever You want.
Like so Jerome can see!
The jeromeasf crew challenge
Steve- glue gunner (eats glue)
Jerome- the night (duh, the night)
Blade- pat fusty (cranky)
Vale- prince of darkness (units)
Matt- Engineer (scrap mechanic god)
Dropsy- gwendolin (hot tea)
Also have access to banana farms and Benjamin
Jerome, do the sniper only melee only challenge:
Everyone can use the hero pat and they get 1 tier 5 sniper monkey each. You may use farms, but to make it harder, Blade has to be the banker. :)
Have fun!
The 3 mortartiers(its a pun for the 3 musketeers)
Use only 3 mortar towers and their tier 5s and farms are allowed but no farmer you can use the village only the call to arms route, do this challenge until you get to round 100,you can use 3 mortars per person(except vale), and only use the routes of your mortar tower.
Jerome: Pop and awe
Steve: blooncineration
Vale: Banana farms
Dropsy: The biggest one
Number one rule: No the Knight,Morning or Afternoon.
World Of Warcraft Challenge
Super Monkey - Bottom Route (Death Knight)
Wizard Monkey - Middle Route (Fire Mage)
Dart Monkey - Bottom Route (Hunter)
Adora - --- (Cleric)
All Get Farms And Villages
The One Damage Tower Challenge.
Jerome, you're the only one who can put 1, and I mean 1 tack shooter down, and you HAVE to go down the bottom path for the tack zone. The other three can only use banana farms. BUT!! To make this challenge doable, You may use an Alchemist, but it must go down the permanent brew route, and the Engineer monkey, but it can only go down the Ultraboost route. You can also put down a Monkey Village or Multiple and get Homeland Defense and get multiple Call To Arms as well. This Challenge was done on BiffleWiffle's Channel, so you can get to level 100. Have Fun!
I have another as well. Heroes VS Villains Challenge.
2 People are only allowed to use towers that are heroes or provide aid like the Heli Pilot down the middle path, and 2 people can only use towers that are villainous. You can use Banana Farms but you can only supply hook your partner that uses the towers you are assigned, like the Hero Towers, you can only supply hook that person if you both are the heroes. So Good Luck!
The Florida challenge
Basically BURN IT ALL
1:Fire route wizard monkey
2:Fire tack shooter
3: mortar the bottom route
4:Laser blasts super monkey (no plasma)
These are just my opinions you could also use
5:Spike factory top route
6:And if you want the boomerang bottom tier because he’s FLORIDA MAN
7:And super storm Druid because Florida’s crazy weather!
And because Fire is life you can use banana farms!
Do the fly or die challenge for btd 5
Phoenix = Phoenix (wizard middle route) or Gwendolyn or ring of fire (tac shooter top route)
Grim reaper = necromancer( wizard bottom route)
Swamp monster = spirit of the forest (druid middle route)
Yeti = fusty the snowman ( pat pat pat)
And monkey farms
The over reaction challenge
You can use any tower,
u must be on a map where people can place anywhere
The challenge is that if the bloons get half way through the map. You must restart or give up.
This way, when Jerome freaks out about the bloons get a quarter of the way through, he actually has a reason to freak out
Dakota Ziells thats an excellent challenge
Do a challenge and pick 3 towers each and only us them but you can’t tell anyone else play until you put it down.
Vale/mat:tech terrier
Steve:sun god
Dropsy:banana farm
Just a random challenge.
The monkey city challenge;
Engineer monkey - cant have a city without builders
Monkey village - have to have a town hall
Banana farm - you need a source of income somehow
Dart monkey - what’s a city without its people
Benjamin is allowed
You can do the golden ice monkey fan club which is the ice monkey, the dart monkey fan club, the alchemist monkey, the monkey village, and the banana farm on impopable mode
I have an interesting idea. It's called the "Little Monkeys in the Big City" challenge. You can use only the primary monkey faction, but you need to use at least one of each Tier 5 of the Monkey Village, hence the challenge name. I thought of that, because of the synergy with Monkey Villages and the Primary towers.And yes, you can use Banana Farms and Benjamin, and you can set how many rounds you want to go.
The fighter plane upgrade allows him to pop moabs
Best Heroes Forever Challenge:
Jerome:Striker Jones
Blade: Benjamin
Steve:Captain Churchill
Challenge: boom boom challenge
Rules: only use towers that go boom banana farms allowed as well
the Fighter Plane got buffed so it's anti-MOAB missiles are actually effective. It's kinda become my favorite tower for limited space maps.
How about a really difficult challenge, level 400, no cash drops, energy totem, etc.
Any tower allowed except the god of vengeance
And u can ajust it a bit to make it easier but i recommend put it on the medium difficulty
Impoppable ninja challenge:
3 people on every route of the ninja,
1 person on banana farms,
And of course on impoppable mode.
Moab Stopper Challenge:
Super Monkey: Bottom Route
Heli Pilot: Bottom Route
Glue Gunner: Bottom Route
Sniper Monkey: Top Route
You can also use Benjamin and Banana Farms! Good Luck!
Master challenge
Grandmaster ninja
Master bomber
2 Crossbow master
Bloon master alchemist
Banana farms available
Can also get tier 4s
challenge:you and your friends should use the 4 free heroes
banana farm is allowed
Do the 5 military braches challenge: heli pilot to comanche defense and comanche commander.
Sniper monkey to full automatic rifle and elite defender.
Sticker Jones and monkey buckunear to aircraft carrier and carrier flagship.
I'M A MILLION AIR Challenge!
you can only use towers that have a tier 5 that's more than 50k
THE NIGHT MUST be the first tier 5
Must use banana farms and Bejaman
There must be bottom route boomerang monkey
do the smart brains challenge
1 : engineer must have sentry gun
2: alchemist must have brewmaster
3: super monkey must have robo upgrade
4:monkey village must have call to arms
Sticky challenge
STEVE:Glue gunner(steve eats sticky glue)
JEROME:THE KNIGHT (it has stuck to be Jerome's favorite line)
MATT:Engineer (trap sticks to ground)
BLADE: Master Bomber (bombs stick to moabs)
All farms are allowed
Ummm.... there are no words just listen to this at 10:15
Rain Storm Challenge
Glue Gunner get to the "Glue storm"
Mortar Monkey get to "Pop and awe"
Ice Monkey get to a "Absolutely zero"
Quincy get to lvl 10 for "Storm of Arrows"
Gwendolin get to lvl 10 for "Firestorm
Captain Churchill get to lvl 10 for "MOAB barrage"
Or anything you can add but abilities that can affects whole map
The masters challenge
1. Crossbow master
2. Grandmaster ninja
3. Bloon master alchamist
4. Economics master (farms)
Village is allowed if needed
Villain Challenge
1: Prince of Darkness=Hella from Thor
2:Tech Terror=Ultron
3:The Knight=Black Panthers Villain (forgot name)
4:Glue Strike=Doc Oc from Spiderman
Banana Farms allowed, you can get as many of the towers as long as in these paths, substitute Ice Monkey for any1=Frost Giants from Thor fo Steve
hay Jerome i have an idea
you should do the WW3 challenge
helli pad
the sub
farms allowed
any upgrade related to war
Jordan (Captainsparklez) said he wants to play Btd6 in a week and a half on stream.(can't plays as much because of jury duty) He said he wants to play because he has seen your vids. Plz try to invite him and Nick and teach them the way