Pro tip, if you have anything glow in the dark and you want to enjoy that feature, just get a small blacklight flashlight. Shine it across there for a couple seconds and it will glow brighter than if you sat it in the Sun all day. And you can just keep recharging the glow with the light whenever you want and its easy and fast.
Pro tip, if you have anything glow in the dark and you want to enjoy that feature, just get a small blacklight flashlight. Shine it across there for a couple seconds and it will glow brighter than if you sat it in the Sun all day. And you can just keep recharging the glow with the light whenever you want and its easy and fast.
That’s Really Dope
Thank You So Much I Appreciate It 🙏🏽
What did you use to shave the nose opening?
The AWL and File On A Multitool Plier
I Just Poked A Hole On Both Sides And Made A Hole As Best As I Could
Did you have to use paypal for these guys?
Yes I Did Because Of Some Technical Errors
I Was Suspicious About It Too At First
@@XVIINFINITE I see. Ive been trying to buy one of their NeoWolf masks and their paypal option just keeps giving me an error.